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Fidelio Suite 7

Night Audit ManualFront Office—Version 7.11

Creation Date: February 1999

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© Copyright Micros Systems Inc.February 1999

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents......................................................................................................... 1

Getting Started............................................................................................................. 3The Process of Running Night Audit .................................................... 3Logging In to Night Audit........................................................................ 4Symbols in Night Audit ............................................................................ 5

Preparing the System for Night Audit ................................................................... 7Overview of the Preparations ................................................................ 7

Running the Preparation and Validation............................................ 8Dialog Box Options in Night Audit......................................................14Skipping Preparations for Night Audit .............................................17

Running Night Audit ................................................................................................19Night Audit Status...................................................................................19Running a Night Audit Less than 24 Hours After Previous Audit19

More Preparation and Validation .......................................................20Interruptions in Night Audit ................................................................20Restarting Night Audit after an Interruption..................................20Working During the Night Audit .........................................................22

Online Backup............................................................................................................23Running Suite 7 Backup ........................................................................23Recommended Backup Plan .................................................................24

Reorganization...........................................................................................................25Running the reorganization program ................................................25How Often to Reorganize Files.............................................................29Reorganization of Certain Categories................................................29What Is Being Indexed?..........................................................................30

Index .............................................................................................................................37

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Getting Started

The purpose of Fidelio Night Audit is to finish the internal processing at the end ofeach day. This includes completing the accounting totals, validating data, purgingfiles, and updating the internal databases. During Night Audit, the last necessarypostings of the day are automatically controlled and generated, the daily statistics arecalculated and printed, old data is deleted and the date is changed.

As Fidelio has its own system date, it is not automatically changed at midnight butafter finishing the night audit. Therefore, it is possible to run the night audit the nextmorning. In this case however, it must be considered that all revenues and paymentswhich are posted before the night audit statistically belong to the old date. Also, fixedcharges have not yet been posted. If there are check-outs before the night audit,advance folios must be printed.

The Process of Running Night AuditPerforming a night audit consists of the following steps:

1. Logging into Night Audit. (See “Logging In to Night Audit,” page 4.)

2. Preparing the system for the Night Audit. (See “Preparing the System for NightAudit,” page 9.

Note: If the options Night Audit Backup and Night Reindex have notbeen included in your night audit configuration then it is recommendedthat you run a system backup (“Online Backup,” page 25) andreorganization (“Reorganization,” page 27) before running the NightAudit.

3. Automatic running of Night Audit, including Limiting Access, More Validation,Main Section, End of Limited Access, Background Processing and Finishing NightAudit.

The steps outlined above must be performed in the order shown in order to complete aNight Audit. This manual outlines each of the steps and tells you the purpose of eachstep.

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Logging In to Night AuditTo use the Fidelio Front Office system you must log into the system first. You musthave a valid User ID and Password.

Logging into the system:

1. From the menu bar, click the Night Audit icon.

The Login Screen appears.

2. Enter your User ID in the User ID box.

3. Tab to the Password box.

4. Enter your secret password in the Password Box.

5. Click Login.

The Night Audit main screen appears.

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Getting Started

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You are now logged into the system.

Symbols in Night AuditEach of the procedures in the Night Audit shows a symbol which designates the statusof that particular procedure.

Table 1: Night Audit Symbols

Symbol Description

A red cross denotes critical outstanding items. A yellow cross denotes thatthere are non-critical outstanding items.

No outstanding records

Start of a new section.

Procedural item.

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Symbol Description

Limiting access.

End of limited access.

Report Definitions.

Item will be printed to file or printer.

Denotes an information option.

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Preparing the System for Night Audit

Before running a Night Audit, several procedures must be performed. For example,cashiers cannot be in the middle of processing folios while the Night Audit is beingperformed. This chapter goes through all of the procedures to prepare the system forNight Audit.

The preparation and validation section is completely optional and therefore depends onthe night audit setup as to whether some or all of the options appear.

If you want to skip the preparations, you will not have the options to change the reportdefinitions or to warn other users before they are logged out of the system. To skip thepreparations, see “Skipping Preparations for Night Audit,” page 17.

Overview of the PreparationsWhen you open the Night Audit screen, the menu for Preparation and Validation ishighlighted. You can select the options individually, or you can allow the automatedNight Audit procedure to walk you through each of the items. The list of Night Auditoperations you actually see may vary depending on your system configuration.

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If the options Night Audit Backup and Night Reindex have not been included in yournight audit configuration then it is recommended that you run a system backup(“Online Backup,” page 25) and reorganization (“Reorganization,” page 27) beforerunning the Night Audit.

Running the Preparation and ValidationAs you run the Night Audit preparation and validation, the right pane of the mainscreen displays all the actions you have taken. At any time, you can stop the procedureby clicking STOP or ABORT.

Note that the list of Night Audit operations you actually see may vary depending onyour system configuration.

To run the Preparations for Night Audit:

1. From the Night Audit main screen, click START.

The preparation process begins and the Arrivals Not Checked In dialog boxappears.

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Preparing the System for Night Audit

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You can edit, check-in or cancel any of the guest reservations.

2. When you have made the necessary changes on the Arrivals Not Checked Indialog box, click CONTINUE.

The Departures Not Checked Out dialog box appears. This shows a list of allguests with a departure date equal to or prior to the date of the night audit.During the night audit, these guests will not be extended and the fixed chargesfor these guests will not be posted.

You can edit or check-out any of the guests.

Note: To check out a guest you must login as a cashier, that is, youmust have cashier rights.

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3. When you have made the necessary changes on the Departures Not Checked Outdialog box, click CONTINUE.

The Canceled Reservations dialog box appears.

4. Click CONTINUE.

The Messages Not Received dialog box appears.

You can delete, print or receive any of the messages.

5. When you have made the necessary changes on the Messages Not Received dialogbox, click CONTINUE.

The In House Guests with Country Code Missing dialog box appears.

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You can select the country code from the drop-down dialog box, or view the profileor reservation of the guests with the missing code.

6. When you have made the necessary changes on the In House Guests with CountryCode Missing dialog box, click CONTINUE.

The Today’s Weather, Notes and Night Auditor dialog box appears.

You can type in any notes you would like in the free text area.

7. When you have made the necessary changes on the Today’s Weather, Notes andNight Auditor dialog box, click CONTINUE.

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A prompt asks you if you would like to change the report definitions. If you do not,click NO and skip to step 10, page 13. If you would like to change the reportdefinitions click YES.

The Report Definitions Dialog Box appears.

The Report Definitions dialog box allows you to determine which reports aregenerated during the Night Audit procedure.

Note: You must save to file the Predefined Reports (Title Page, CashierReport, Trial Balance, CC Authorization, Manager Report and GuestLedger Trial Balance) Therefore, you cannot remove the save to fileicon for these reports.

8. Double-click in the Printer column to send reports to the printer or double-click inthe File column to send reports to the file.

9. Click OK when you have finished updating the Report Definitions.

The system asks if you want to post interface charges.

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10. On the post interface charges prompt, click YES to post interface charges or NO toskip posting interface charges.

The system asks if you want to post Room and Tax.

11. Click YES to post room and tax or NO to skip posting room and tax charges.

The system asks if you want to print backup reports.

12. Click YES to print backup reports or NO to skip printing backup reports.

If you select to print backup reports, the system processes your request and printsthe reports on the default printer. This may take a few minutes.

The system asks if you want to check users in the system and warn them that theNight Audit is being run.

13. Click YES to check the users in the system or NO to skip checking the users in thesystem.

If you click NO, you have completed the preparation stage for Night Audit. If youclick YES, continue to the next step.

14. Click SEND MESSAGE to ask the users to exit the system.

Users cannot remain logged in during Night Audit. User actions during NightAudit are limited as discussed in “Working During the Night Audit,” page 24.

Note: In Oracle, additional options appear as shown in the followingfigure.

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15. Click CLOSE to complete the preparations for Night audit.

The preparation stage is complete. The system asks whether you would like to proceedwith the Night Audit for the current date.

To continue, proceed to “Running Night Audit,” page 21.

Dialog Box Options in Night Audit

Table 3: Dialog Boxes in Night Audit Preparation and Validation

Dialog Box Description Options

Arrivals not yet Checked in Guests who madereservations but have notyet arrived.

Edit: Allows editing ofreservation throughReservation screen.

Check-In: Checks the guestinto the hotel.

Cancel: Cancels thereservation.

Departures not Checked-Out

Guests who were due tocheck-out but have not.

Edit: Allows editing ofreservation throughReservation screen.

Check-Out: Checks theguest out of the hotel.You must have a validcashier number to checka guest out of the hotel.

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Dialog Box Description Options

Canceled Reservations Reservations for that daywhich were canceled.

View: Shows thereservation details.

Undelivered Messages Messages which did not getdelivered to guests.

Delete: Deletes thehighlighted message.

Print: Prints the highlightedmessage.

Receive: Mark selectedmessage as received.

Receive All: Mark allmessages as received.

Missing Country Codes Shows all current guestswho do not have countrycodes in their profiles.

Country column: Allows youto fill in the country of theguest in the drop-downlist.

Profile: Opens guest Profilefor editing.

Reserv: Opens reservationfor editing.

Weather and Notes Free text box. Free text box for text whichwill appear on Night Auditreport title page.

Report Definitions Tab bars containing lists ofall system reports.

Double click in relevantcolumn indicates to createor cancel report generation.Icons indicate if the report isgenerated as a file or sentto printer.

Posting Interface Changes Determines whetherinterface changes areposted immediately andduring the main processingof the Night Audit.

Post Room and Tax Determines whether roomand tax accounts areposted immediately andduring the main processingof the Night Audit.

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Dialog Box Description Options

Print Backup Reports Sends backup reports toprinter.

Show Users List in System Shows users who arecurrently logged in.

Send Message: Sendsusers message youchoose.

Session Control (Oracleonly)

Shows users who arecurrently logged in.

Send Message: Sendsusers the message youselect or type.

Locks: Displays by stationthe tables being used(locked).

All Locks: Displays a listingof all tables being used(locked).

Kill: Terminates thesessions to release thetables being locked—notrecommended .

Session Control Shows users who arecurrently logged in.

Computer: Terminal wherethe user is logged in.

User: User name. Unknownif an application isopened without a userlogged in.

Login: Time and date theuser logged in.

Last Signal: The number ofseconds since theapplication signaled thatthe system is alive.

Program: Program beingused.

State: Current status of theuser. May be Work (workin progress), Stop(program is suspendedtemporarily),

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Preparing the System for Night Audit

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Dialog Box Description Options

Session Control Shows users who arecurrently logged in.

Computer: Terminal wherethe user is logged in.

User: User name. Unknownif an application isopened without a userlogged in.

Login: Time and date theuser logged in.

Last Signal: The number ofseconds since theapplication signaled thatthe system is alive.

Program: Program beingused.

State: Current status of theuser. May be Work (workin progress), Stop(program is suspendedtemporarily), Other (forOracle stations only)

Skipping Preparations for Night AuditYou can skip the preparations for Night Audit if you are sure that you do not want tochange any of the Night Audit processes.

If you have skipped the preparations for Night Audit, you will still be given the optionsto make changes to Arrivals Not Checked In, Departures Not Checked Out, MissingCountry Codes, and Cashiers checked in.

To Skip Preparations for Night Audit:

1. Highlight LIMITING ACCESS in the left pane of the Night Audit main screen.

2. Click START.

3. See “Running Night Audit,” page 21 for instructions regarding warnings anddialog boxes which may appear.

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Running Night Audit

The Night Audit runs automatically. The order in which the Night Audit runs is set inthe configuration program. For information on how to set the Night Audit procedures,see the Suite 7 Configuration Manual.

When you have finished the preparations for the Night Audit (“Preparing the Systemfor Night Audit,” page 7), the system prompts you to begin the Night Audit. SessionControl checks to make sure no users are currently logged in, and secures files. Ifconfigured, Night Audit Backup (“Online Backup,” page 25) and Night Reindex(“Reorganization,” page 27) run before the actual Night Audit procedures start.

At several stages of the night audit you may be prompted for information or givenwarnings. This chapter reviews the possible warnings you may get and how to handleeach one of them.

Night Audit StatusAs you run the Night Audit procedure, the system highlights each procedure as it isbeing performed. In the right pane of the Night Audit main screen, the system lists thestatus of each procedure it performs.

Running a Night Audit Less than 24 Hours After Previous AuditIf you enter the Night Audit program twice in a 24-hour period, the system warns you.Note that the system date is updated whenever you run a Night Audit. Therefore, youshould never run Night Audit more than once each day.

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More Preparation and ValidationArrivals Not Checked In, Departures Not Checked Out, Missing Country Codes(optional) and Close Cashiers are the same screens as those shown in preparing forNight Audit, with the same options. For an explanation of these screens, see Table n 3,page 14.

Interruptions in Night AuditIf the night audit is interrupted by an error, you can check on the screen how much ofthe night audit was performed before the interruption occurred. Therefore you can besure that when you restart the night audit, it will start from the point where it wasinterrupted. The system automatically runs procedures which were missed or did notcomplete successfully.

If the Night Audit crashes between Limiting Access and End Of Limited Access, thenthe Night Audit will restart again from the beginning, Thereafter it will start from theprocedure it stopped on.

If Night Audit crashes on the Save Statistic procedure, Suite 7 will replace the statisticfiles with backup copies from the directory copystat and restart saving statistics allover again.

If the Night Audit exits spontaneously without completing the Night Audit, you mustlog back into the Night Audit program to complete the Night Audit procedure.

Restarting Night Audit after an InterruptionAfter a spontaneous interruption in Night Audit, you have the option of viewing the logfile when you re-enter the Night Audit. This is recommended if you want to see whatthe cause was of the crash.

To restart Night Audit:

1. Log in to Night Audit as usual (see “Logging In to Night Audit,” page 4).

The system prompts to ask if you would like to read the daily log file.

The log file contains error messages which may give you insight regarding thereason for the interruption.

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Running Night Audit

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2. Click YES to read the log.

Note: If you do not want to view the log file and search for errors, clickNO and skip to step 6, page 21.

The log file appears.

3. To print the log file, click PRINT.

You can use the printed file to show or fax to your support office in order to tracethe source of problems.

4. Click OK to continue.

The system asks if you found an error.

5. Click YES or NO accordingly.

Note: If you click NO, you may be prompted to view theFIDNIGHT.LOG file.

The system asks if you would like to continue with the Night Audit.

6. Click YES.

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Note: If you click No, the system does not complete the Night Audit. Ifyou do not want to continue Night Audit because of the errors received,contact your support office to receive assistance in how to proceed.

The system continues with the Night Audit.

Working During the Night AuditAll users must be logged out of the system in order to start Night Audit. If users arenot logged out the session control screen is displayed listing the workstation name anduser still logged in to the system. While Night Audit is running, users may enter theFidelio main program. The users will be warned that their rights are limited becauseof Night Audit.

Users can use all the function keys, leave a message, check availability, printconfirmation letters for guests and perform various other functions which do notchange the financial or reservation databases. Users cannot perform any functionswhich change reservations, billing, or financial statistics on the system.

Once the background processing of Night Audit begins, all users can use all functionsof the Suite 7 system. The new date will change on all terminals except for theterminal where Night Audit is running, and full user rights will be restored.

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Online Backup

Suite 7 offers a backup facility which will help protect you from data loss. If there is ahardware failure or other malfunction, Suite 7 allows the administrator to restore allor parts of the database from the backup files.

It is recommended to backup on a regular schedule. The schedule can be set in thesystem configuration module. At the minimum, one backup should be performednightly prior to running the Night Audit. Many hotels backup more than once a day:after Night Audit and on a regular basis throughout the day. The online backup can berun while users are still on the system, however the Night Audit backup should be runafter all users have been logged out of the system, The files to be backed up thefrequency and destination of the backup are determined in the system configurationmodule.

Fidelio recommends that:

1. The backup destination should be on another computer that has access to theserver. The reason is very simple. If the server goes down the data is safe onanother hard drive.

2. The backup should be run every 4 to 5 hours. Optimum (space dependant) is tocreate a new backup file every time the backup is run. This ensures the integrityof the data in each backup file.

Running Suite 7 BackupTo run a backup, simply select the Suite 7 backup icon or include the procedure NightAudit Backup in the night audit sequence.The Backup runs automatically, showing asummary of the actions it performs.

When the backup completes, the system shows when the next backup will be run.(Backup can be set to be run minimized.)

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Recommended Backup PlanThe online backup is designed to backup to a hard disk, however it is recommendedthat a third party software be used to copy the on-line backup information to an offlinemedia (streaming tape, DAT tape or optical disk), Regardless of the software used forbacking up, you must follow a backup plan. Fidelio recommends the following scheme:

¾ 6 Daily tapes for Monday to Saturday

¾ 4 Weekly tapes for Sunday

Monday to Saturday daily backup on tapes should be named by the day overwritteneach week. Every day the data on those volumes containing user data (USER, in somecases Fidelio and USER) is copied to the backup medium (the whole set each day).

On Sundays a complete system backup is done. All available volumes, users, andtrustees are saved on tape. Supply four sets of tapes for the system backup. Namethem Sunday I to Sunday IV. On the first Sunday use set I. On the next set II. In thethird week set III is used. In the fourth week you use Sunday IV. After that, recyclethe backup medium every four weeks. This way you can always restore your wholesystem.

The hotel should use a logbook for the backup dates, by whom and what tape has beenused. All tapes must be labeled carefully. They should be kept in a separate, secureplace known to and accessible by each front office clerk. System backups should also bestored off-site in a bank safe on a regular basis. If there is no system manager, Fidelioor the dealer will provide telephone support in case of a loss of data.

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The reorganization (Wfindex) program in Suite 7 reindexes and compresses the Fideliodatabases. The reorganization speeds system performance by physically removingrecords which have been marked for deletion in the database. Another purpose of thereorganization program is to recover from power failures or hardware failures, whichmay have corrupted the index files. Furthermore, after modifying a database using adatabase reader, such as DBX or fBase you must run the Fidelio reorganizationprogram.

Running the reorganization programAll users must be logged out of the system before you run the reorganization program.If users are not logged out, you are given a warning message giving the identities ofthe users who are logged in.

Caution! Never run a reorganization while the night audit is stillrunning! Not even during background printing!

To reorganize the database:

1. Click the Fidelio Reorganization program on the start menu.

The main Reorganization Utility screen appears.

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The utility shows the list of all the database categories which may be reorganizedand the total amount of time the reorganization process will take.

2. To include or remove any categories to be reorganized, click the checkbox to theleft of the name of the file. See Table 5, page 27 for the reorganization options.

3. To change the type of reorganization performed, highlight the category and clickon the Methods radio button which indicates the type of reorganization you wishto perform.

4. Click ADVANCED to change other options for running the reorganization utility.See Table 6, page 27 for more information.

5. Click START to begin the reorganization process.

The reorganization begins. A dialog box shows the reorganization as it progresses.

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Note: Depending on your system configuration, you may see up to eighttabs in this screen.

6. You can click the errors button to get a summary of any errors which occurredduring the reorganization process.

When the reorganization is complete, the Actions Summary tab shows the status—FINISHED—.

7. If you wish, you can scroll through the messages to view the actions that wereperformed in the process.

8. Click CLOSE to exit the reorganization utility.

Table 5: Methods of reorganization

Click this button To do this

Normal Packs all selected files, deletes records by filter, createsnew indices for the files and flags them as shareableread/write. Allows the selection of specific files for reindex ineach section. Normal reorganization must be run at leastonce a week. Never use this option immediately afterrunning a Special reorganization.

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Click this button To do this

Fix Fix Wfindex is same as Normal except that you cannotselect files to index: you must select all files. It isrecommended to run Fix periodically to identify and repairerrors in the database before they cause a problem.

Smart The Smart Wfindex reindex files but does not pack anddoes not delete records by filter. Therefore, you must run aNormal or Fix Wfindex at least once a week.

Check (Advanced) Checks the integrity of the database and indices, withoutcreating the indices.

Special (Advanced) Special Wfindex does not remove deleted records nor doesit check the structure. Special is actually same as Smartexcept that it also performs special maintenance actions todatabase files. This form of reorganization should only beused in rare cases when neither Wfindex Normal nor Fixsuccessfully indexes your files.

Full Availability Update(Advanced)

Rebuild the availability file (gforb.dbf) completely. If notchecked then only new or changed data is updated.

Table 6: Reorganization Utility Options

Click this button To do this

Normal all Set reorganization method for all items to Normal. Thebutton name changes depending on what method has beenselected.

Check/Uncheck All Set reorganization to run or not run on all files.

Advanced View advanced options.

Full Run a complete Normal reorganization on all files. This isthe same as running Normal with all files checked.

Quick Reorganizes all files except guest addresses and history.As these two files usually require the most processing time,Wfindex Quick is faster then Full.

Auto Run a Quick reindex every day except Friday, when itperforms a Full reindex. It is recommended to use thisoption.

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Click this button To do this

Table Reorganize the files defined in the Index Table of theconfiguration program. This allows automation of thereindexing function, including frequency of the reindexingand the method use. Using the table, you can create adifferent indexing format for each day of the week, and aindexing format to be run once a month, if desired. If youuse the table method, the reindexing runs without userintervention

File list Show a list of the files included in this section for indexing.When you exclude files from the list, the word “partial” isdisplayed next to the category.

Start Begin database reorganization.

Close Exit reorganization utility.

How Often to Reorganize FilesYou do not need to reorganize all files every day, in fact that is why the Index Tablewas designed. You should include the Night Audit Reindex procedure in your nightaudit sequence, this procedure will then call the Index Table.

The modular approach to reorganization makes the whole process more flexible andmuch faster. Some databases, like Reservations, Availability and Postings should bereindexed daily, while others, like Guests, do not need daily reindexing.

If problems occur during the day in certain areas of the program, you may have to runthe reorganization, but only for specific categories. It is very important that nobodyworks in the Fidelio system when the reorganization is running. This means that notonly all users must exit the front office, but that users also have to exit configurationand night audit.

Reorganization of Certain CategoriesGuest. You should reorganize this file at least once a week. The guest database tends

to be the largest of all Front Office databases, and a complete reorganizationcould require some time.. To keep the time down to a minimum, you shouldregularly run the purge guests program.

Availability. This category causes Fidelio to rebuild the availability table if the optionFull Availability Update is checked, otherwise if not checked then only new orchanged data is updated.. In order to ensure accuracy of this data you mustrebuild this table after hardware or network failures.

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Reservations. If you have any problems with locating reservations or finding guestsin the hotel, select this category.

Postings. If Fidelio is unable to find entire folios, select this option.

All Other Categories. There are rarely any problems with the remaining files, but ifyou know the name of a certain database which you need to reorganize, youshould mark it for reindexing.

It is possible to define a special reorganization setup for every day in Fconfig underIndex Table (see the Suite 7 Configuration Manual).

What Is Being Indexed?Following is a list of all the databases that are indexed with each option.

Table 7: Databases indexed

Category File Description

Guests ALTSRC Aids in the search for Double Bytecharacters and non-Latin languages.

GAESTEST Profile address file.

GSTAT Daily statistics file.

PGSTAT Daily statistics file for use withDUAL/EURO parameter.

PR_SUP Guest program cards.

History GAUF Guest history.

GAUF_RV Guest revenue history.

Countries CNTRYST Country statistics.

GCH Nationality statistics.

GCHCODE Nationality codes.

POL_BOOK Police interface file.

POL_IFC Police interface file.

POLICE Police information (Italy).

REGIONST Region statistics.

REGISTRO Additional guest/statistic information.

STATECOD State codes.

XSTAT Cross reference statistics file

ZIP_TOWN Zip codes.

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Category File Description

Reservations GRES2 Reservations file.

HINT Hint file.

ROUTINST Routing instructions.

WAITLIST Waiting list file.

Miscellaneous BERICHTE Reports.

BOF_CIT Delphi interface.

BOF_REV Delphi interface.

BOF_STA Delphi interface.

BS_CPLAN Business on the books: C-plan file.

BS_INP Business on the books.

BUSBOOK Information for the business on thebooks.

CHANSTAT Channel statistics.

CL_BAL Night audit.

CRS_ACT CRS export filters.

CRS_CONV CRS Interface.

EVENTS Events.

FOFIELDS Date dictionary: fields.

FOLIOTAX Amount of tax per folio.

FOORDERS Data dictionary: orders.

FOTABLES Data dictionary: tables.

FPRINTER Printer assignments.

GASTPIC Ability to scan a guest’s picture.

GBELG Forecast activity.

GBELGHIS Monthly statistics and forecastinformation.

GINFO Concierge information.

GMESSAGE Electronic mail.

GRP_STAT Group statistics file.

GTEXT Standard text file.

HELPLINK Link to context sensitive help.

I_DM Daily meal plan.

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Category File Description

LOGBOOK Communication between users andshifts.

MAILING Storage for nightly mailing run.

MKT_PICK Market segmentcomparison/forecast.

MKT_PLAN Market segmentcomparison/forecast.

MKT_SEG Market segmentcomparison/forecast.

MKT_TEMP Market segmentcomparison/forecast.

NOTICE Messages and traces file.

O_CL_BAL Night audit city ledger balance.

OCC_DEV Occupancy development.

OCC_PLAN Occupancy planned development.

PROGCTRL Information to support accesscontrol.

PSPCKDET Reservation pickup.

RATE_LNK Rate linkage.

REGRETS Turnaways with reasons.

ROOMMAIN Room maintenance requests.

ROOMPNTS Room attendant points.

SM_BKRAT Delphi interface.

SM_BKRDF Delphi interface.

SPCLSTAT Special statistics report.

STATION Workstation location file.

TELEBOOK Telephone book file.

TELECAT Telephone book category file.

THREEMON Three month statistical forecast.

TRACES Block traces.

TURNAWAY Turnaway statistics.

UDEFPICK User definable pickboxes.

USERLOG Activity logfile.

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Category File Description

WINTEXT Printed forms.

Department Codes FPERIOD Fiscal period definitions.

GARTICLE Articles.

GLEIS Department codes.

GLMON Monthly department code revenue.

GLTAG Daily department code total.

GPOS Point of sale codes.

GPOSM Point of sale codes/month.

LEI_BASE Leisure activity base file.

LEI_BOOK Leisure bookings file.

LEI_EVNT Leisure events file.

LEI_HIST Leisure history file.

LEI_LINK Leisure links file.

LEI_NOTE Leisure notes file.

LEI_PRC Leisure price table file.

LEI_SRV Leisure service definitions.

LEI_USER Leisure user rights.

MANBUD Fiscal period managers budget file.

MARKDEPT Market and revenue cross referencestatistics.

REMABUD Fiscal period revenue budget file.

REVSTAT Revenue statistics.

SOURCEOB Source of business statistics.

STATEST State statistics

TREND Booking analysis statistics.

Rooms GZIM Rooms file.

FLO_LIST Floor plan list.

FLO_PLAN Floor plan diagrams.

ROOMSTAT Out of order/service file.

VN_ASSGN Virtual numbers.

VN_POOL Virtual numbers.

VN_SETUP Virtual numbers.

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Category File Description

Room Types GKAT Room types.

RATE_AVL Rate availability table.

RATE_DET Rate code details.

KATTAG Room type statistics.

Room Rates HURDLE Hurdle rate file.

KATOVERB Overbooking room category file.

PACK_MON Package profit and loss statistics.

PACKAGE Packages.

RATE_CAT Rate categories

RATE_CON Rate availability control report.

RATE_HDR Rate header codes.

RATE_MON Rate code statistics.

RATE_SEA Rate season table .

RCALEND Rate calendar by day.

RTRM_CON Rate availability room type control.

STRATEGY Rate strategies file.

Cashier BILLHIST Bill history



EXCHANGE History of exchange rates.

FOLIOARC Folio history.

USERS Users file.

City Ledger CC_COURT Courtesy cards.

CC_SETTL Credit card interface settlements .

GZAHL City ledger.

Accounts Receivable GDEB Debits/journal

FA_ACTIV Activity log.

FA_AGE Detailed reminder cycles.

FA_COD A/R codes.

FA_CUST A/R customers.

FA_MAIL A/R mailing system.

FA_TRACE A/R traces.

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Category File Description

Postings ALLHIST Allotment history by month.

ALLHISTD Allotment history by day.

GKONTO Hotel accounts.

GLGAST Posting journal.

PACKITEM Package items.

Allotments GALLOTT Allotments.

BLOCK Block header.

Interfaces CALLHIST Telephone calls history.

CONV_FLD Control file for data conversion.

CONVXLAT Contains translations from externalS&C interface to Fidelio.

FO_ACT Commands from interface to FrontOffice.

GUESTCHK Micros guest check.

GWAKE Wake up call for the concierge

IFC_ACT Interface action file.

IFC_HIST Interface history file.

IFC_LINE Virtual numbers pool.

IFC_POST Interface posting file.

IFC_ROOM Interface room file.

IFC_WAKE Wake up call file.

LINEPOOL DID line number pool

SM_BKBLK Contains import data for block detailsbefore import into Fidelio.

SM_BKHEA Booking header.

SM_DEFBD Describes the record layout of theBD export file.

SM_DEFGC Describes the record layout of theGC export file.

SM_DEFPH Describes the record layout of thePH export file.

SM_DEFPR Describes the record layout of thePR export file.

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Category File Description

SM_DEFTB Describes the record layout of the TBexport file.

SM_MAIN Contains a definition for each exportfile.

WAKEUP Telephone wakeup file.

Travel AgencyProcessing

TACCT Account information.

TAP_EXP Formula description.


TARRUNIN R&R runtime files.

TAXFER Agents with outstanding commission.

TCHECK Printed checks.

TCHKCODE The code used to build the checkformat.

TCOMMCODE Commission codes.

TCOMXFER Outstanding commissions.

TCURR Currencies.

THISTORY Paid/resolved commissions.

TUSERLOG Userlog file.

Frequent Flyer Module FFF_EXP Frequent flyer export definition.

FFF_FRQ Definitions and calculations forfrequent guest and frequent flyerprograms.

FFF_GST Frequent flyer guests.

FFF_UDEF Export file types and descriptions.

FFF_UTIL User definable pickbox data.

Availability GFORB Availability file.

GFORBHST Availability history.

The above list contains every file which might possibly be indexed. Please note,however, that depending on your parameter settings, some files might not be indexed.

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Arrivals Not Checked In dialog box, 8

Backup Online, 23

Recommendations, 23, 24

Running, 23

Departures Not Checked Out dialog box,9

In House Guests with Country CodeMissing dialog box, 10

Messages Not Received dialog box, 10

Night Audit

Dialog Box Options, 14

Failures during, 20

Interruptions, 20

Overview of preparations, 7

Preparing the system, 7

Restarting, 20

Running, 19

Running preparation and validation, 8

Running twice in one day, 19

Skipping preparations, 17

Status, 19

Working during, 22

Online Backup, 23

Recommendations, 23, 24

Running, 23

Reorganization program, 25

Frequency, 29

Methods of reorganization, 27

Running, 25

Selecting certain categories, 29

Utility options, 28

Reorganization Utility screen, 25

Report Definitions Dialog Box, 12

Today’s Weather, Notes and NightAuditor dialog box, 11
