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A possible gateway for global disaster relief support

The AOTRAUMA network

Nikolaus RennerChair AOTrauma International Board

2nd Disaster Surgery Workshop

Davos, December 6th, 2013

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Who are we?Home to Trauma &


The biggest Clinical Division

of the AO Foundation

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The AO Foundation Mission =

Our mission is to foster and expand our network of health care professionals in education, research, development and clinical investigation to achieve more effective patient care worldwide.


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Value statements

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Global structureFive AO regions

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AOTraumaInternationalBoard (AOTIB)

5 Regional Chairpersons+ 3 Global Commission Chairs

(Research, Community Development and Education)

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1960 First AO Course in Davos


Strong emphasis on education from the beginning of AO

66% of total funds

AOTraumaPriority #1

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2. Competency-driven curricula development

3. Outcomes measurement driven planning


Three underlaying basic concepts

1. Backwards-planned educational activities

Competency- Knowledge- Skills- Attitude

Curriculum – defines all learning activities & outcomes- Faculty development- Resources (learning material)

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Foster & expand the


Community Development

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How to attract an active member community and maintain it?

Expand skills and knowledge base;

build expertise

Circulate ideas at the national, regional and

international level

Foster knowledge exchange and share

best practices (face-to-face and digital)

Communicate the AOTrauma portfolio and

create awareness within the trauma and orthopedic community

Motivate members for active involvement

To improve patient care through access

to a range of knowledge services

To improve patient care through access

to a range of knowledge services

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Global AOTrauma NetworkOver 7,800


* end of November 2013

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Closing Remarks

Who we are and what we have

What makes us exceptional

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Who we are and what we have

• A network of surgeons, researchers and operating room personnel dedicated to improving patient care in musculoskeletal trauma and orthopedics

• A voluntary, independent community of medical officers, faculty and committed surgeon members

• Thinking globally - acting locally through regional boards and country councils

• Well established process in developing competency driven educational modules tailored to the needs of our community

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What makes us exceptional

• Passionate faculty and healthcare professional members

• Efficient across all cultures by acting on local knowledge and needs with demonstrable experience in emerging markets, especially Asia Pacific and Latin America

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What we will have

• A database of prequalified, austere-environment disaster responders enabling us to more quickly connect AOTrauma members with the respective government, military, or nongovernmental organizations that ask AO for assistance

• Getting underway in Asia Pacific in 2014 (AOTAP), other regions to follow

• Competency driven curriculum for disaster surgery

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Home to Trauma & OrthopedicsTrauma & Orthopedics

Driving excellence in trauma surgery
