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  • 7/30/2019 nmbmnbm


    February 2013 (Spring drive)

    Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Semester 5

    BC0053 VB . Net & XML 4 Credits

    (Book ID: B0975)

    (40 + 20 Marks) Marks)

    Answer all questions.

    Theoretical Questions [8 x 5 = 40 Marks]

    1. Design a form based applications using labels, text boxes, and buttons to

    perform basic arithmetic operations on integers. [2+2+2+2 Marks]

    2. Describe the concept of Exceptions in .Net environment [8 Marks]

    3. Write a simple XML file for student details (sname, sno, sbranch, saddr). [2+2+2+2 Marks]

    4. What is meant by DTD? What are the building blocks of DTD? [4+4 Marks]

    5. Write a program that uses the nodeValue property to change the text node of the first

    element in "college.xml. [8 Marks]

    Practical Questions. [2 x 10 Marks]

    6. Design a form to perform calculator functions using [10 marks]

    7. Write a XML with database with book details (BOOK ID, Title, Author, subject, publishedYear, language, vendor, price) [10 marks]