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  • No, Mr. Netanyahu you do not speak for

    American Jews Every poll indicates that a majority of American Jews (and most non-Jews) support President Obamas

    attempt to negotiate a settlement that would prohibit Iranian development of nuclear weapons rather than the Netanyahu approach of undermining those negotiations.

    Every poll indicates that a majority of American Jews oppose the expansion of West Bank settlements that Netanyahu favors, and support the creation of an independent Palestinian state living in peace with Israel.

    And The American People

    Do Not Want a War with Iran


    Info on organizations sponsoring this ad:

    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahus attempt to shape American foreign policy toward Iran is unwelcome. A poll in February showed 62% of Americans opposed the way that the Re-publican leadership had invited Netanyahu to speak. Choosing to make his American visit a few days ahead of Israeli elections lead some to suspect that his visit is a tactic to help build support for his political party. Misleadingly, much of the media quotes American Jewish leaders who support Netanyahubut those leaders are not elected by American Jews and the media should be quoting leaders who represent the majority sentiments of American Jews who have long been committed to peace and to reconciliation with the Palestinian people. While many of us hope to see the people of Iran nonviolently overthrow the tyranni-cal rule of human-rights-violating mullahs, we know that war with Iran will only strengthen the hold of the Islamic fundamentalists and decrease the security of Americans and of Jews around the world. So we oppose the efforts of some in Congress and the Netanyahu faction in Israel who together seek to derail negotiations with Iran.

    We who sign this ad (the full list can be read are American Jews and our non-Jewish allies who oppose any attempt to drag the American people into anoth-er war. We remember the way that the Bush Administration lied us into a war with Iraq by providing false information about a non-existent threat of Iraqi nuclear weapons. We do not need a repeat of that scenario as militarists in Israel and the U.S. once again use the fear of non-existent nuclear weapons to manipulate us into another war! It is not in the interests of the U.S., Israel or the people of the world!

    The U.S. spent over a trillion dollars on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The outcome was to produce the Islamic State armed with weapons brought to the region by the U.aS. The Strategy of Domination used by the U.S. and Israel as the path to homeland security has not worked, and in fact, using force, violence, wars, bombings, torture, and coercion has been tried for the past five thousand years and it has not produced a world of peace or security. It is time to switch to a Strategy of Generosity. That same trillion dollars could have been used to create a Global Marshall Plan that could have wiped out global poverty, home-lessness, hunger, inadequate education and inadequate health carethereby demonstrating to the world a U.S. caring for the well-being of others.

    The fundamentalists and haters would have a much harder time recruiting to struggles against the West if we were known to the world (and Israel were known to the Palestinian people) through our generosity rather than through our military and economic power to dominate and advance the interests of our own corporations at the expense of everyone else. The realists scoff at such thinkingyet their strategies have continually failed for thousands of years. Its time to give generosity and caring for others a chance, not only be-cause it is in our self-interest, but also because overcoming the capitalist ethos of material-ism, selfishness, looking out for number one, and winning through intimidation has created distortions in our own society that are as destructive to us and our families as is the global-ization of these values destructive to the lives of people around the world. It is time for what Jews call tikkunhealing and transformationnot for more wars and domination.

    q Yes, Ill donate to have the message in this ad appear in Israeli and American me-dia and other efforts to reach the decision makers. I too want to stop the attempt to push us into war with Iran.

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