
the participants:

Tim Lambert: Tim Lambert has a job and lives in a flat and would

really like you to buy his book Dead Penguins. But if you want

something for free instead, visit

Francesca Baker: likes to dabble. She is most at home when

making a mess, be that with words, pictures, sights or sounds.

Curious about the world and creative in her approach to it. A

close friend once said she was like a dragonfly. Follow this

dragonfly @andsoshethinks

Chris Kerr: Chris Kerr is reviews editor at Dead Ink. He likes

nature but thinks it's overrated.

Bruno Stead: Bruno Stead was raised by escaped llamas on the

slopes of Mount Paloma in Patagonia. After a briefly spectacular

but ultimately abortive career in the space-aeronautics industry,

he now runs a corner shop in Lytham-St-Annes, and spends his

spare time breeding prize-winning spiders.

Ruth Jenkins: the first time I met Ruth, she gave me a tiny zine

about making your own computer games. I hope she doesn’t

mind being represented by a beautiful moth.

Sarah Dawson: is to blame for this whole collaborative zine

enterprise. Read her poetry at

LucyFurLeaps: Lexical selector, syllable sipper, regular pollination

contributor for Carrot, Onion and Fruit Tree publications.

Hovering a speciality, over found texts and glue. Experienced

migrator; route collaboration work with the Red Admiral. Visit