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I am very thankful to Almighty Allah the most merciful and beneficent who

makes me able to complete my report successfully.

I am also grateful to the Department of Management Sciences who gave me

an opportunity to enhance my capabilities. This report helped me to analyze

and to recall what I have done through out my job career.

I am grateful to my Tutor Khalid H. Farooqi who guided me to complete

my report on Ufone GSM Limited.


Page 2: non- verbal communication


We all are well aware that practical training plays an important role in developing the educational skills of a student. Especially when you are a student of Business Administration, then one must posses practical know how so as to survive in the outer world. The topic which is giving me is one of an interesting theme for me. Its one of a major part of business communication mostly we discuss some of core issues of subjects and ignore some of appealing topic which is very near to this core matter. Non verbal communication is one of a part of our daily life even when I am typing this abstract I am also in a practice of nonverbal communication. It’s a very attractive and informatics topic which is not only help me in my professional life but its effect my personal life also. I try to develop some research material through my this assignment but I know it is not enough there is still some practical scientific, theoretical or artistic gap but I try my best to learn from this assignment and also try to uncover some of its hidden parts. I got help from couple of communication book and also involve some cyber material in it. My university book gives me lots of ideas and clears my matter which is belonging to my topic. I analyze both books and preserve some constructive material. I personally visit an organization and interview 5 employees which are really cooperative and facilitate me to understand the nonverbal communication. This visit not only obvious my topic dissimilar angle but also give a nice impetration of professional approach. In the end of my assignment I learn lot of about nonverbal communication and understandable the topic scientific and theoretical values. The conclusion I got in the end the positive nonverbal communication is very helpful at professional level it turn a lots of thing in your support which you are not able to move in your favor with verbal communication. If we looking the other side of picture the negative nonverbal communication is very treacherous in professional level. It can badly damage your careers. Non verbal communication is our life part if we turn it in positive way it is very beneficial for us.


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Introduction……………………………………………………....... 4

INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC……………………………………………............5

IMPORTANT SUB-TOPICS …………………………………………………………6

PRACTICAL STUDY…………………………………………………… 12


DATA COLLECTION METHOD………………………………………………….......20

SOWAT ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………….





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Definition and importance

What, exactly, is nonverbal communication? It is any message. You give other than the literal interpretation of your words—the. Way you move, speak, appear. Our words make up only a portion of what we communicate, and what we don’t say is some times more important than what we do say. A noted anthropologist with the unforgettable name of Ray Bird whistell estimates that the nonverbal element accounts for 65percent of what gets communicated when you speak.’ Another expert, Albert Mehrbian, estimates the nonverbal share at as high as 93 percent 2 Using such precise percentages to describe something as Imprecise as communication may seem a bit ridiculous, but nonetheless, most people today are aware of—and know the importance of—nonverbal communication in fact, for a concept so important, it’s bard to believe that the idea of nonverbal communication is so new the word nonverbal first appeared in a book title as recently as 1956, the term body language was invented in 1970.

Nonverbal communication is so important because most people believe “how you say it” more than ”what you say ‘ if you say, ‘ Yeah, that’s a great idea” in a sarcastic tone of voice, the person to whom you’re talking will probably believe your tone, not the meaning of your words As another example, here is an anecdote often told about Franklin Delano Roosevelt. To fight oft the boredom of standing in a long reception line, he is. reported to have entertained himself with a little experiment As each guest asked, “How arc you?” h said with a warm, pleasant smile, “I Just murdered my motIerin.1aw “ No one in the lane reacted to the remark, the) reacted only to his nonverbal communication.

Numerous articles and books have been written on the importance of non- verbal messages some studies-suggest that from 60 to 90 percent of a


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message effect comes from nonverbal cues. Now we briefly overview non- verbal communication.

Appearance Body language

Silence, time, and space

HOW Appearance Communicates

Appearance conveys nonverbal impressions that affect receiver’s attitudes toward the verbal message even before they read or hear them.

Effect on Written Messages

An envelope s appearance—Size color weight postage—may impress the re eerier as important routine or junk mail Telegrams mailgrams Express Mail and private courier mail also have distinctive envelopes that signal urgency and importance Next the letter report or title page communicates nonverbally before its contents are read by the kind of paper used its length format and neatness Finally the language itself aside from its content communicates something about the sender Is it carefully worded and generally correct in mechanics such as spelling grammar and punctuation?

One company ding or rejection letter consists of a postcard with various categories listed on the back, such as “insufficient experience, “ “inferior credentials and wouldn’t be a good fit in the company Checks are placed before each relevant category the postcard is then mailed to the recipient. What does this rejection format suggest about this company?

Effect on Oral Messages


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Whether you are speaking to one person face to face or to a group in a meeting. Personal appearance and the appearance of your surroundings convey nonverbal stimuli that affect attitudes toward your spoken words. Chapters 14 and 15 discuss nonverbal stimuli in more detail.

Personal Appearance

Clothing hairstyles neatness jewelry cosmetics posture stature are part of personal appearance They convey impressions regarding Occupation, age, nationality, social arid economic level, job status, and good or poor judgment, depending on circumstances.

Appearance of Surroundings

How do you arrange the objects in your environment - the desks, chairs, tables, and bookcases? The design of your office, according to researchers, can greatly affect the communications within it. Some managers divide their offices into personal and impersonal areas. This can improve the communication process if the areas are used for the purposes intended. Your pecking-order in the organization is frequently determined by such things as the size of your desk, square feet in your office, number of windows in the office, quality of the carpet, and type of paintings (originals or copies) on the wall. It is obvious that your personal space and environment affect the level of your comfort and your status and facilitate or hinder the communication process.

Body language

Included under body language are facial expressions gestures, posture and movement smell and touch, and voice and sounds.

Facial Expressions Facial expressions usually communicate emotions. The expressions tell the attitudes of the communicator. Researchers have discovered that certain facial areas reveal our emotional state better than others. For example, the


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eyes tend to reveal happiness or sadness, and even surprise. The lower face also can reveal happiness or surprise; the smile, for example, can communicate friendliness and cooperation. The lower face, brows, and forehead can also reveal anger. Mehrabian believes verbal cues provide 7 percent of the meaning of the message; vocal cues, 38 percent; and facial expressions, 55 percent. This means that, as the receiver of a message, you can rely heavily on the facial expressions of the sender because his expressions are a better indicator of the meaning behind the message than his words.


Your posture the way you stand or sit is the first major influence on the initial impression you make. Although you may not be aware of it, your posture indicates your confidence, your openness, and your attitude. Many people who write about nonverbal communication emphasize the center as an important aspect of posture. The center that point where a line between your armpits intersects another line your mid chest from front to back. For example, if you shuffle up front of the room and slump in front of your audience, you have hidden, your center: You may communicate a lack of interest or lack of enthusiasm you really ’do not feel. Or, if you suddenly cross your arms and turn away from someone sitting in your office, you have. closed your center. you might imply you are disagreeing with him or her, even if that’s not what you mean. How can you improve your posture for effective nonverbal business communication? Whether you are standing or sitting, do so ma relaxed, professional manner’—that is comfortably upright, squarely facing your audience, with your weight distributed evenly. If you are sitting, avoid an overly formal, ramrod-straight. back, an overly informal slouch in your air, an overly submissive leaning too far away, or an overly aggressive leaning too close. If you are standing, avoid an overly. formal “Attention!” ‘posture, an overly informal slouch to one side or onto the lectern, an overly submissive stance with your feet too close together, and an overly aggressive stance with your feet too wide apart (the “cowpoke straddle”). When you. Stand, your feet should be about as far apart as your shoulders.



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A second aspect of body language is movement and gestures. All people unconsciously use gestures to back up what they are saying. Watch people talking—at a party, during a meeting, during class in the halfway. They all use their hands. For example, people might use certain gestures, called emblems, that have a direct verbal translation our culture, such as ‘A—OK” or “Shame on you.’ They might also use gestures to illustrate what they are saying. such as using their hands to describe an object or a motion, or enumerating a list of main points. Gestures not only reinforce what people say, they also reveal.

Side-to-Side Movements

If you take a lot of space while talking by moving your arms about, you are a good informer and good listener. You are best suited for an organization seeking a better sense of direction. Lamb believes there is a relationship between positioning of the body and movements of the limbs and facial expressions. He has observed harmony between the two. On the other hand, if certain gestures are rehearsed, such as those made to impress others, there is a tendency to separate the posture and the movements. The harmony disappears. Studies by Lamb also indicate that communication comes about through our degree of body flexibility. If you begin a movement with considerable force and then decelerate, you are considered a "gentle-touch." By contrast, if you are a "pressurize," you are firm from beginning to end. The accuracy of Lamb's analyses is not fully known. However, it is important that corporation executives are becoming so sensitive to the importance of non-verbal messages that they are hiring consultants, such as Lamb, to analyze non-verbal communications in their organizations.

Smell and Touch

Various odors and fragrances sometimes convey the emotions of the sender and sometimes affect the reactions of the receivers especially if the receiver is sensitive -to scents. Also, touching people can communicate friendship, love, approval, hatred, anger, or other feelings. A kiss on the cheek, pat on -the shoulder, or slap on the back is prompted by various emotions .On the other hand, touching in a crowded Japanese train or being pushed at the Tsimshatsui MTR (mass transit railway) in which passengers are squeezed together may be’ offensive to many ‘North Americans.


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Voice and sound

Even those of us who are sensitive to the implications of body language do hot always realize the importance of what the scholars call paralanguage of the voice Consider, for example, the four ways you might say this sentence.

Where have you been?

Or consider the difference between “Enough! ‘and “Enough?” Voice can tell you a great deal about the sneaker’s emotional start Even when the speaker’s worth are muffled so listeners can follow on the pitch, rate, and volume, the listeners can still ascertain the speaker emotions. The most important aspect of voice seems to be inflection variations in volume, rate, and pitch that make you sound more expressive. One study showed that good inflection increases your comprehension The subjects listened to the same material, present either with “good intonation” or with “monopitch “ Multiple-choice t revealed that the monopitch decreased comprehension by more than.Another researcher developed a persuasive speech and l recorded by actors in two different styles one “dispassionate,” with consistent rate and pitch, and few changes in volume or inflection, the “mare emotional,” with more pauses and variations an the voice though listeners judged the two as equally competent, the more mo speaker ranked higher in terms of trust, dynamism, honesty, and people orientation.

Silence, Time and Space

Silence can be a positive or negative influence in the communications process. It can provide a link between messages or sever relationships. It can create tension and uneasiness or create a peaceful situation. Silence can also be judgmental by indicating favor or disfavor - agreement or disagreement. For example, suppose a manager finds a couple of his staff members resting. If he believes these staff members are basically lazy, the idleness conveys to him that they are "goofing off" and should be given additional assignments.


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If he believes these staff members are self-motivated and good workers, the idleness conveys to him that they are taking a well-deserved "break." If he is personally insecure, the idleness conveys to him that they are threatening his authority. Time can be an indicator of status. How long will you give the staff member who wishes to speak to you? How long will you make him wait to see you? Do you maintain a schedule? Is your schedule such that your subordinates must arrange their schedules to suit yours? In a healthy organization, the manager and his subordinates use time to communicate their mutual respect to each other.

nonverbal communication also includes the ways you communicate or the space around you As a first aspect of distance, thank about what you communicate with space when you are standing We have all felt intimate, uncomfortable, accepted, or snubbed because of the distance between us I the people with whom we were talking Edward Hall, perhaps the t influential thinker on this subject, has identified four zones of space determined by the distance between people (1) public space (over twelve feet), typical of standing in a lobby, (2) social space (four to twelve feet), typical of conversing with a stranger, (3) personal space (eighteen inches to four feet), typical of conversing with friends, and (4) intimate space (zero to eighteen inches), typical of comforting. An awareness of these zones provides entertainment for both elevator- and party-watchers In elevators, people intrude into our intimate zone—normally reserved for people who have a right to be there itch people back up against the walls and keep their eyes fixed on the light numbers over the door. At parties or in other social situations watch people stand near one another You can almost guess how long they’ve known one another by whether they stand in the social or the and you can watch people fidget or back up once someone enters their intimate zone.


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Practical Study

Practical study

For practical study I choose one of a famous cellular company of Pakistan Ufone.

Company Profile

Ufone establish in January 29, 2001 in Islamabad under the shelter of PTML which is wholly owned subsidiary of PTCL. After that PTCL privatized 26% shares which were acquired by Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat). In 2005 and 2006 Ufone is the most successful cellular company of Pakistan.

Since its inception, Ufone has focused on the people of Pakistan, empowering them with the most relevant communication modes and


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services that enable them to do a lot more than just talk, at a price that suits them the most. Along with the claim of lowest call rates, clear sound and best network, Ufone offers its customers simplified tariffs with no hidden charges. With a strong and uniquely humorous communication direction that has now become Ufone signature across all advertising media, Ufone gives its customers many reasons to smile.

This customer focus and best offering has allowed Ufone to build a subscriber base of over 20 million in less than a decade. Ufone has network coverage in 10,000 locations and across all major highways of Pakistan. Ufone currently caters for International Roaming to more than 260 live operators in more than 150 countries. Ufone also offers Pakistan’s largest GPRS & Blackberry Roaming coverage available with more than 150 Live Operators across 105 countries. More recently, Ufone has become a focused and intensive leader in VAS, constantly introducing innovative services, which have been the first of their kind in the Pakistani cellular industry.

Nonverbal activates in Organization

I visit Ufone customer care center Rawalpindi at saddar bank road. I observe many nonverbal cues in customer center. According to my primary data there are the following non verbal activates in organization.

1 Appearance

There are following appearances.

1.1 Effect on written massages

The organization follow the written massages appearance quite effectively there for they use rich full printing in there broachers and posters which attracts the customer. There post paid customers are receiving bills in which they use fine quality stationery to give some good imprecation.

1.2 Effect on oral massages

Oral massage contain two of basic appearance one Personal and second is Surrounding.

1.2.1 Personal Appearance


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The organization is very keen about the personal appearance of there employees and I observe that the staff of customer care center are very dedicated about there dressing, hairstyle, even there cosmetic. The personal appearances of staff convey the customers about the organization.

1.2.2 Appearance of surrounding

The customer care center surrounding is also complete this aspect of nonverbal communication. The location of customer care center is very essential it is the one of important commercial area of city. Then the customer care center building face is quite attractive the interior is very beautiful like furnisher, lights, wall decoration, and floor. The token machine in customer care center is also giving a good imprecation to customer that they follow the standard.

2 Body language

Body language contain following Categories.

2.1 Facial Expression

Facial expression are one of a basic theme of body language you can get the quick imprecation from opponent face that is he welcome you or not. The organization staff reasonably knows about how to use face expression for the customer that thing really help to create a good environment in work place. The staff welcome every person with smile there eyes and face given nice imprecation and also obvious the customer that how much they are confident.

2.2 Gesture, Posture, & Movement

Gesture, posture and movement are also important object of body language. If we started from gesture it is the backup of your word which you are using in verbal communication. Hands movement is telling the story what they say and that’s creating positive value. Posture is about your standing or sitting way which is in initial expiration it’s told how much you are confident and also indicate the professional level. In Ufone customer care center the staff in which some of are standing in main entrance and some are entertain you


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on there seats are in positive posture they sitting or standing in alert position which is showing there energy and confidence.

2.3 Voice & Sound

The staff is very careful and devoted about the environment of office there fore there verbal communication is in very soft. There paralanguage is very yielding and they use low voice for genteel impetration which admire customers.

3 Silence, Time & Space

In nonverbal communication silence, time, and space are very significant when desk operation are delay to answer or solving the problem it affect badly. The space is also very essential between two communicators the organization provide standard space between worker and customer. Customer care center is about customer help and the person who visit attract with staff which is locate behind the counters so it is important that the space between customer and staff member are suite able. They communicate easily.