Page 1: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network

Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide

Presenter: Ivan Neville

Branch Manager

Labour Market Research and Analysis Branch

Page 2: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 2: The Northern Adelaide jobs market is tough…

Unemployment rate of 8.5%

₋ 32% of jobless are long-term unemployed

₋ Youth 16.9%

Structural change

₋ Jobs in Manufacturing down by 24% in 10 years

Competition for jobs increasing

Sources: ABS, Labour Force, September 2015 and August quarter 2015, annual averages

Page 3: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 3: …and it is highly competitive

Source: Department of Employment, Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experiences, All regions surveyed 12 months to June 2015

Page 4: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 4: Many are having trouble transitioning into work

17,600 unemployed in Northern Adelaide

Some groups are more vulnerable:

Youth Those returning to work Retrenched workers Mature aged job seekers

Source: ABS, Labour Force, September 2015, annual average, Northern Adelaide

Page 5: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 5: Many industries will require more workers

Source: Department of Employment, Industry Employment Projections to November 2019

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Improving the odds

Slide 6: Qualifications are important

Source: ABS, Census of Population and Housing, 2011, Australia, 25-34 years

Page 7: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 7: An investment in education pays high returns

Source: ABS, Census of Population and Housing, 2011

Page 8: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 8: University graduate outcomes are falling…

Source: GCA, GradStats, various issues

Page 9: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 9: …but apprentice and trainee outcomes are steady

Source: NCVER, Student Outcomes, various issues

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Slide 10: Looking forward, the ageing population will slow labour supply growth

Source: ABS population projections, Australia

Page 11: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 11: Ensure job seekers expectations are realistic

Source: Department of Employment, Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experiences, 2014

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Slide 12: Employers’ advice to young job seekers

Source: Department of Employment, Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experiences, 2014

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Slide 13: Getting into the jobs market can be the hardest step

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Slide 14: Develop and demonstrate soft skills

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Slide 15: Tap into the informal jobs market

Source: Department of Employment, Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experiences, All regions surveyed to June 2015

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Slide 16: Consider jobs outside Northern Adelaide

Source: Department of Employment calculations, September 2015

Page 17: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 17: Every application is a learning experience

Source: Department of Employment, Survey of Employers’ Recruitment Experiences, All regions surveyed

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Slide 18: Spend time on the application

Talk to, and research, the organisation

Ask questions to understand the role

Match the application to the job

Cover the key job requirements

Make sure it looks professional

Check the spelling and grammar

Source: Department of Employment, ‘Improving the employment prospects of young Australians’, selected regions surveyed between October 2013 and April 2014

Page 19: Northern Adelaide Career Advisors Network€¦ · Web viewNorthern Adelaide Career Advisors Network Transitioning into work in Northern Adelaide Presenter: Ivan Neville Branch Manager

Slide 19: Conclusion The jobs market in Northern Adelaide is tough

₋ High unemployment

₋ Structural change

Still many opportunities

₋ Strong growth in some industries

₋ Opportunities created through turnover

Job seekers can improve their odds

₋ Education critical

₋ Soft skills always essential

₋ Look broadly at opportunities

₋ Explore different job search methods

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