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Nourish the Planet: Enabling People to

Teach the World to Feed Itself!Dr. Wayne Dorband

Center for Ecolonomic Excellence and Development (CEED) text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Relax, Sit Back, Listen and Get Inspired!

Don’t worry about taking detailed notes.

I want to stimulate you to think , react and maybe even get excited about doing something!

You’re going to feel like you are getting fed through a fire hose.

I’m told I talk at around 120 mph with gusts up to 200 mph. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Get Ready for a Wild Ride


I will send you all my slides and the audio from my presentation.

Just Text your email address to 303-872-4338

Do It Now! text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Several Titles I Thought About for This Talk

Why Should I Care About Teaching People to Feed Themselves? And, if It is Important, What Can I Do about It?

We Already Know How to Feed Ourselves – Right?

If You Give a Man a Fish You Feed Him for a Day, if You Teach Him to Fish You Feed Him for a Lifetime! text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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So Who Am I and Why Should you Listen to Me?

Sixty-One Years Old

Creation of God

Follower of Jesus

Husband of almost 32 Years to the Amazing Deb text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Father of four adult children and four awesome grandkids

Lover of the Planet

Passionate Educator text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Over Competitive and Over-Achieving Jock

Anal Career Scientist

Serial Entrepreneur

Farmer and Renaissance Man text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Growing Up in the High Desert North of Los Angeles text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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High School Switch – move to the Beach text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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College – Probably way too many years, but I liked it! text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Teaching and Professorship text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Entrepreneurship – Selling Lemonade to the Kids with Lemonade Stands. Deb says “He’s chronically unemployable.” text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Farmer/rancher, Lover of all things God has made! text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Competitor/jock/coach – Tennis, Cycling, Basketball, Climbing, Dogs, Running, Climbing, Pickleball (yes, it’s a sport), etc. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Today – Our Passion to Make the Planet Better!

Mountain Sky Group succeeded by Dorband & Associates (D&A)

Environmental Consulting – Eliminating risk on contaminated properties

Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) –Paradigm shifting new way to build an environmental team

Balanced Life Team (BLT) – Membership network for anyone interested in living a more balanced life based on the principals of a four-legged stool involving physical, mental, emotional/spiritual and financial factors text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Today – Our Passion to Make the Planet Better! The Institute of Ecolonomics (IOE)

The synergy between Ecology and Economy

501C3 Non-profit founded by the late actor/environmentalist Dennis Weaver

Our 20th anniversary this year text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Today – Our Passion to Make the Planet Better!

As Dennis used to say, in his cowboy sort of way –

“We’ve spent billions of dollars and thousands of years screwing the planet up, now we need to show people how they can make a little money making it better.” text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Today – Our Passion to Make the Planet Better!

Dennis was focused on alternative energy and transportation: text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Today – Our Passion to Make the Planet Better!

Our focus because of my life-passion is sustainable living and specifically sustainable agriculture. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Today – Our Passion to Make the Planet Better!

Nourish the Planet, L3C (NTP) and the Center for Ecolonomic Excellence and Development (CEED) text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Enabling People to Teach Others to Feed Themselves

Mission of NTP and CEED

“To Enable One Million Ecopreneurs by 2016 to Teach the World to Feed Itself text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Enabling People to Teach Others to Feed Themselves

How are we reaching this ambitious goal?


We are primarily Researchers and Doer/Teachers

What is a Doer/Teacher?

Not your typical High School or College Teacher who has never done what they are teaching

We believe strongly you cannot teach something you have never successfully done.

So because we are working with many new or “infant” technologies, we need to first work with them (“do” them) before we can teach about them text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Enabling People to Teach Others to Feed Themselves

Most of what we are wanting to teach involves farming (in the soil or in the water – terrestrial or aquatic) so we believe we need to be successfully using these farming methods and technologies ourselves.

If what we are teaching involves home production and personal use then we strongly feel we need to have successfully implemented the technology ourselves.

If what we are teaching involves commercial production then we believe we should PROFITABLY and sustainably have operated the program ourselves. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED currently includes two Global Locations on three campuses:

Two Northern Colorado Campuses

Warehouse/Greenhouse indoor agriculture Center – “the Warehouse” text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED currently includes two Global Locations on three campuses:

Two Northern Colorado Campuses

Small acreage foothills farm – Mountain Sky Ranch text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED (cont.)

Tropical Region Farm – Yasica Mountain Center, the Dominican Republic text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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NTP and CEED Initiatives Best of the Best

A “Business Accelerator” focusing on sustainable agriculture development technologies.

Resident program for exceptional ecopreneurs to jump-start their businesses.

We provide funding, R&D space and equipment, training, and mentoring

We get a ownership position in the company text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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NTP and CEED Initiatives

Hope for the Hopeless

The “teach a man to fish” model with elements copied from Teach for America and Enlace. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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NTP and CEED Initiatives

Hope for the Hopeless – Camp Huapaca, Madera Mexico text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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NTP and CEED Initiatives

Green Hackerspace – the Warehouse, Northern Colorado

“A place to hangout with people you like and build things you want to build” text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Super-intensive recirculating aquaculture – salt water, marine shrimp in CO text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Aquaponics – Ft. MacMurray, Alberta Canada “Food in a Box” text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Sustainable Indoor Agriculture – Akron Indoor Sustainable Agriculture, CO text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Urban Farming – Berthoud Urban Farm at Grace Place text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Endangered Aquatic Species Banking – coral, CO text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Small Acreage Sustainable Farming – Mountain Sky Ranch, Agriburbia text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Sustainable Livestock Nutrition – Microgreens (Fodder) text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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CEED Research, Development and Prototype Projects

Automation and Robotics text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Why Should You Learn How to Feed Yourself?

By 2030 world population will be over 9 billion and it is projected that food will be a critical resource even in wealthy areas of the world, like the US.

Traditional industrial agriculture is rapidly depleting limiting resources like Phosphorous, which as they say “God ain’t makin any more”.

The average distance food comes from today in the US is 1500 miles.

Food quality has become so poor that many significant health issues can be directly related to processed and modified foods you eat. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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Why Should You Learn How to Feed Yourself?

Most Americans are over-weight, due in a large part to the poor quality of their diets.

Many Americans under 30 do not even know where their food comes from.

Working with living things has been closely tied to improved quality of life, greater happiness, and a better ability to favorably interact with those around you.

“getting your hands dirty” on a regular basis is being closely linked to improved immune system performance, thus more disease resistance. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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What are we doing that you can learn from or do with us?

Come and take a tour of one of our two Northern Colorado campuses. We charge a nominal fee of $5 per adult (kids are free) to help offset our time.

Go to or call 303-495-3705 to book text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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What are we doing that you can learn from or do with us?

We have ongoing volunteer and intern opportunities

Call 303-495-3705 or email [email protected] text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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What are we doing that you can learn from or do with us?

Become a member of one of our virtual (internet based) sustainable living and/or environmental learning opportunities.

Again, Text your email address to 303-872-4338 to get information. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio

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What are we doing that you can learn from or do with us?

Enroll in one of our specialized live hands-on educational programs where you can gain practical knowledge and skills regarding sustainable agricultural production.

We will be teaching a 5 day sustainable indoor agriculture Class in January, 2014 Call 303-495-3705 or email [email protected] for more info. text your email to 303-872-4338 for slides and audio