Page 1: Nov 16 22 2008 Prayer Guide

Weekly Prayer Guide #1, November 2-8, 2008

Roy & Pug Bentz Barbara Biamont Don & Clara Bletscher Rochelle Bonnell Beulah Boyd

Hayley Bentz Coy Bier Tom & Diana, Brianna Bliquez

Guy Booth Tina Boyd

Lane Berry Jessica Bighem Jim & Ruth Boen Debbie, Kahner Bowen Larry & Joan Brakefield

Dena, Andrew Beymer Bob & Robin, Sam, Joshua, Molly Black

Jim & Joni, Jameson, Jordyn, Joseph, Jacoby Bolton

Jeanette Bowman Vicki Brandow

Supplication: Oh Strong One—the Mighty God! We ask that You would work in our lives as a church and community to be Your hands and feet to them. With your grace, refine our finances. With Your love, ignite us to serve. With Your power, fill us to be poured out for Your Kingdom. May this city and community know that we are Yours.

Thanksgiving:God I am grateful for the ways that I’ve seen You at work this week. Thanks for how you have ordered my steps to cross paths with those who need You. Thank You for Your continued blessing and renewing work that is Your specialty! I desire to live my life this week as a thank offering unto You.

Confession: Recognizing our continuing need to repent for sin and seek God’s forgiveness and cleansing. 1 John 1:9 Jesus, thank you for your cleansing forgiveness that you offer me today for my sins. I humbly ask You to forgive me of the ways that I have fallen short—both with You and with others. Please remove shame and guilt and replace it with your grace and strength to live victorious and purified for You only. I ask that you would lead me in the way everlasting.

Adoration: Praise for Who God Is by focusing on one of the names or descriptions of God in the Bible. Matt. 6:9 Jehovah El Elyon God is the Strongest Strong One or The Most High God see Gen 14:20, Dan. 4:32. Today, God, we acknowledge that You are the Greatest and most high God. You rule in our lives and despite what happens in our world, You are stronger and greater than anything or anyone. All praise and honor and devotion is due You.

Prayer Guide for Nov.16-22, 2008 with Prayer Prompts from Pastor Erin

Weekly Prayer Guide #3, November 16-23, 2008