Page 1: November 2020 Term Autumn 2020 - Holy Family Worksop

Newsletter Week Ending 27th November 2020 Term Autumn 2020



Nursery have been learning about how to balance on different pieces of apparatus in the hall. Why not get them to show you at home!

CLASS 3 Class 3 have started their new non-fiction topic in English – writing reports for their own newspapers.


Foundation have been learning one poem a week. To see the children perform ‘Leaves are Falling’ please see our Facebook page and give them a like.


Year 4 have been using their knowledge of Jean-Michel Basquiat to create their own artwork in his style.

CLASS 1 This week class one have been making wooden bird houses in design and technology. They used nails and a hammer to assemble the wooden structure.


Y5 have started to identify and sort materials based on their properties. Why not test them out on items around your house.

CLASS 2 This week in Outdoor Education class 2 investigated a wasp nest. They talked about the different sections and how it would be used by the wasps.

CLASS 6 Year 6 have written some beautiful and emotive poems about D-Day. They then performed their poems to their class.

Foundation 2 100% Attendance whilst shielding

During these difficult times we want to let you

know that if your child has to Isolate for 14 days

this will not affect their attendance. A special code

has been created that allows the absence to go

down as approved. If you have any questions please

contact the office.

If your child’s absence is unauthorised we are

required to continue to enforce attendance as

outlined in our attendance policy.

Class 1 91.1%

Class 2 100%

Class 3 97.9%

Class 4 99.3%

Class 5 97.3%

Class 6 95.9%

School total 97.1%

Page 2: November 2020 Term Autumn 2020 - Holy Family Worksop


PE kit and Jewellery We will begin using consequences as part of our behaviour policy at the start of December if children continue to come to school incorrect PE uniform. Many informal requests have been made but we are still seeing children in a range of sports attire and a rainbow of colours. PE uniform consists of a red polo shirt/t-shirt. For outdoor PE and in the winter months a black tracksuit should be worn. No jewellery in school! This is particularly important as part of our COVID safe school guidelines.

Pick Up Arrangements We would like to invite you to a virtual meeting on Tuesday 1st December at 1pm Join on your computer or mobile app!

Click here to join the meeting

Learn More | Meeting options This is to provide an opportunity for you to be involved in future plans for pick up whilst still ensuring we keep you, your children and our school staff safe.

Advent The children have been busy in the classrooms preparing the advent wreaths ready for our virtual Advent Assembly on Monday Morning. The first Sunday of Advent is this Sunday 29th November, we invite you to support us by recognising it as a quiet, reflective time set aside in preparation for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It can be difficult with the distractions around us. Let us remember the importance of peace, hope, joy and love at this very special and significant time of advent.

Christmas Cards Through these difficult times we are trying to keep our traditional Christmas celebrations as normal as possible. This year our Christmas card delivery will still go ahead but rather than sending to other classes in school, children should only bring cards in for the children in their own class bubble. Thank you again for your support in helping to keep the school and community safe.

PTA Virtual Market As Christmas is fast approaching and the shops are still shut , Holy Family PTA have set up a Virtual Christmas Market to help you get started with your Christmas shopping and it is great for stoking fillers. The PTA is a charitable organisation that raises extra funds for things to enhance your child’s experience at school. We have not been able to run our normal events so we really appreciate your support.


30/11/20 Monday Advent Wreath Assembly – the beginning of our teaching about Advent

4/12/20 Friday Christmas Bubble Tree Decorating

10/12/20 Thursday Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper Day. Donations to Aid to the Church in Need

11/12/20 18/12/20 Christmas Bubble Discos – PTA (More details sent soon.)

17/12/20 Thursday Publication of our Nativity and Christmas Worship

17/12/20 Thursday

6pm Virtual Christingle – make your Christingles as usual this year and share online on our Facebook page – Hamper Prize for the best photograph of your family and your Christingle celebration.

18/12/20 Friday School Closes for the Christmas holiday and reopens on 4th January 2021.