Page 1: NTU Telephone policy · business or accessing university services. • Act as an enabler for future unified communications. 3.0 Telephone Access and Usage NTU telephones may be used

Telephone Policy

Version 1.1 Page 1 of 15

NTU Telephony Policy

Purpose of this Document

This document details the policies for providing a landline telephone services.Should this include soft phones, etc now that they are in more general use?

This document will be reviewed every 12 months

Author: Thomas Farrand

Version: 1.0

Date: 20 May 2017

Page 2: NTU Telephone policy · business or accessing university services. • Act as an enabler for future unified communications. 3.0 Telephone Access and Usage NTU telephones may be used

Telephone Policy

Version 1.1 Page 2 of 15

Review/Approval History for this Document:

Organisation Action Date

Information Systems Senior

Management Team (ISMT)

Provide overall direction for



Effective date The effective date of this policy is 1st May 2016

Document Control:

Version Author Date Version

details Reviewer Date

1.0 Thomas

Farrand 06/05/2016 Internal draft




1.0 Thomas

Farrand 20/05/2017 No changes


Review/Approval History for this Document: ........................................................... 2

Effective date ........................................................................................................................ 2

Document Control: ............................................................................................................. 2

Contents .................................................................................................................................. 2

1.0 Policy Statement ....................................................................................................... 4

2.0 Aims ............................................................................................................................... 4

3.0 Telephone Access and Usage .............................................................................. 5

3.1 Standard Telephone offer .................................................................................. 5

3.2 Private Telephone Calls ...................................................................................... 6

3.3 Monitoring of Telephone Bills ........................................................................... 7

3.4 Premium Rate Numbers ..................................................................................... 7

3.5 International Dialling ........................................................................................... 7

3.6 Meeting Room and Common Area Phones ................................................. 8

3.7 Voicemail .................................................................................................................. 8

4.0 Mobile Telephony ...................................................................................................... 8

4.1 Standard Mobile Offer ......................................................................................... 8

4.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................... 9

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4.3 Use of Personal Devices ................................................................................... 10

5.0 Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 10

5.1 Landline Telephony Responsibilities ............................................................ 10

5.1.1 Information Systems ..................................................................................... 10

5.1.2 Telecoms Provider ............................................................................................. 10

5.1.3 Colleges and Professional Services ............................................................ 11

5.1.4 Individual Telephone Users ........................................................................... 11

5.2 Mobile Telephony Responsibilities ................................................................ 11

5.2.1 Individual Mobile Users ................................................................................. 11

5.2.2 Colleges, Schools and Professional Services ........................................ 13

5.2.3 Information Systems ..................................................................................... 13

5.2.4 Mobile Supplier / Network Provider ......................................................... 14

5.3 Equality and Diversity Assessment ................................................................ 14

5.4 Policy Implementation and Review ................................................................ 14

6.0 Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 14

Process Owner .................................................................................................................... 15

Process Manager ................................................................................................................ 15

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Telephone Policy

Version 1.1 Page 4 of 15

1.0 Policy Statement

A large proportion of business is conducted by telephone and it is important, therefore,

to ensure that the telephone is used appropriately and that call charges are kept to a

minimum. The telephone is often the first point of contact that people have with the

University and first impressions can be lasting. NTU is keen to ensure that telephone

contact between staff and students, other organisations or members of the public is

conducted in a professional and efficient manner. For this reason it has laid down

procedures for using the telephone and its security. All staff should be made aware of

the standards expected of them when using the phone and of any additional

departmental arrangements. These standards should be followed whenever the

telephone is used: they apply equally to internal and external calls.

A breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the

University’s disciplinary procedure.

Mobile devices have become a common possession, and are increasingly complex and

sophisticated. Many people view them as an essential part of modern life. The University

recognises that to ensure the most effective running of services, communications and

business activities, it will be necessary for some staff to have access to a mobile device.

This policy and related procedures should be applied consistently to ensure the correct

use of University funds in relation to the procurement, maintenance and payment for

this facility.

2.0 Aims

In particular, this policy aims to:

• Regulate the use of telephone communication within Nottingham Trent University.

• Ensure the effective, efficient and accountable utilisation of telephone

communication tools belonging to the University.

• To provide, encourage and maintain within NTU an environment which is healthy,

safe and respectful of collective and individual rights.

• To ensure that individual and group behaviour is consistent with the Universities

expectations and with the requirements of any applicable legislation and


• Provide mobile devices that support University business, and facilitate a flexible

working environment, allowing people to access essential services whilst away

from their desk. E.g. Email, Calendar, Instant Messaging, Documents, and

Business Apps, etc.

• Give Colleges, Schools and departments clear choices of mobile device according

to business and individual needs.

• Radically simplify administration, whilst including clear value added services, via

online ordering and point billing.

• Deliver mobile internet and email to those that require it, and to provide options

for call time and texts appropriate to varying business needs (e.g. low call user,

high call user and international user).

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• Be responsive to changing needs and technical advances, including a clear

upgrade option after 2 years (on contract renewal).

• Allow limited personal use, provided contractual limits/costs are not exceeded

(Staff should be aware that itemised bills can be obtained by the University which

do list what numbers have been dialled).

• Set expectation as to recovery of personal-use costs, if contract limits are


• Create a clear, simple framework for use of personal mobiles whilst on university

business or accessing university services.

• Act as an enabler for future unified communications.

3.0 Telephone Access and Usage

NTU telephones may be used for:

• Official university business

• Emergency calls.

• Personal calls deemed to be “in the best interests of NTU” as detailed in section

3.1 “Private Telephone Calls”.

Any questions about the facilities available from the telephone system should be

directed to the IS Service Desk.

All telephony equipment and software provided by NTU remains the property of

Nottingham Trent University and must not be removed from its installed

position or in the case of mobile equipment be re-assigned to other individuals

without the prior knowledge of Information Systems.

All telephony installations must be ordered through the IS Service Desk, under no

circumstance should Departments order new direct lines or telecoms services from

outside suppliers.

3.1 Standard Telephone offer

Every member of staff that requires a landline telephone to carry out their work will be

provided with the following:

• A basic IP telephone handset or PC based softphone with USB headset/handset.

As default people will have the following dialling permissions*:

o Internal

o Local

o National – (Includes mobile numbers)

*International dialling is not included in the standard offer

• A unique extension number/direct line

• Voicemail

• Caller ID

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Telephone handsets with the following enhanced features are available at an additional

cost if the job role/function requires it:

• Speakerphone

• Headset capability

• BLF speed dials

• Additional DDI lines

• Larger displays

• Conference functionality

• Mobile handset

3.2 Private Telephone Calls

A personal telephone call is defined as one having no direct or indirect bearing upon the

business of Nottingham Trent University.

The University recognises that there may be some occasions normally due to unforeseen

circumstances or an emergency where it is necessary for members of staff to make

private telephone calls. Staff should be aware, however, that the making of / or

receiving private telephone calls is by local arrangement only and is, therefore a

privilege and not an automatic right. This privilege can be temporarily suspended or

completely withdrawn on an individual or collective basis if circumstances indicate that

this is appropriate.

However, as part of NTU’s commitment to improving the working lives of staff, a call

may be considered as authorised, that is “in the best interests of the NTU”, if it meets all

the following criteria:

• It does not adversely affect the performance of official duties by staff

• It is both reasonable in duration (up to a maximum of five minutes) and


• It could not reasonably have been made during non-work hours

Examples of circumstances that fall under the guidelines include, but are not limited to,

the following:

• A member of staff is required to work longer than planned, without advance

notice and calls to advise his/her family of the schedule change or to make

alternative transport or carer arrangements.

• A member of staff makes essential brief local call to speak to their partner, child,

parent or someone for whom they are primary carer or those responsible for

them, e.g. school or day care centre, nursing home.

• A member of staff makes a brief local call to organisations that can only be

reached during working hours, such as local government agency or their GP.

• A member of staff makes a brief local call to arrange for emergency repairs to

his/her home or car.

When making private telephone calls staff should take account of the following points:

• The making of private telephone calls should be kept to a minimum and be of

short duration wherever possible to ensure minimum disruption both to the work

of the individual and to the workload of colleagues.

• Staff should ensure that the nature and content of any private telephone calls is

appropriate to the business/work environment in which they are received.

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• It is not acceptable for staff to conduct regular, private business or administration

using the universities telephone network.

• Staff should also note that they are expected to ensure that incoming private

telephone calls are also kept to a minimum and are of a short duration.

Any questions about the appropriateness or regularity of private telephone

calls should be directed to your departmental manager.

3.3 Monitoring of Telephone Bills

Telephone bills are issued on a monthly basis by the Unified Communications team. The

telephone bills show a record of all calls made from a particular telephone/user and the

number called. This is in order that usage may be monitored and correctly billed.

All staff should be made aware that landline telephone usage will be monitored on a

regular basis. The record of the numbers called will be monitored, not the actual

telephone conversation.

A manager may wish to discuss a telephone bill with an individual member of

staff if there are any concerns or queries, for example an unusual pattern of

calls or noticeably excessive personal usage.

3.4 Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate services are a form of micro-payment for paid for content, data services

and value added services that are subsequently charged to your telephone bill. They

tend to cost more than a normal phone call or text message. They usually operate on

numbers beginning 09, 118, 0871/2/3 or five or six digit mobile text short codes.

Users should not contact premium rate sales numbers, chat lines, Astrology services,

Sports results services, or the Speaking Clock using the NTU telephone system at any

time unless for legitimate university business that has been authorised by your line

manager. These calls will be identified and recharged to the department and disciplinary

action may be taken.

3.5 International Dialling

Staff wishing to make International calls should only do so from a phone that they are

logged into with their own extension. It is not permitted to make international calls

under the following circumstances:

• From a phone logged in by someone that is unaware you are using it to make an

international call.

• The switchboard should not be used to connect calls to international numbers.

International dialling privileges are only granted on request and are not automatically

applied to any member of staff or phone. The Unified Communications team will maintain

a register of staff authorised to have international dialling rights and will grant/revoke

permissions as required.

International dialling can be granted on a short-term basis for up to 1 month, for staff

that need to make calls infrequently or as part of a short piece of work.

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If a member of staff requires international dialling on a long-term basis because their job

role requires it. International dialling will be granted for a maximum of 12 months, after

this period the request will need to be re-authorised.

International dialling will only be granted after receiving authorisation from a colleges

FPM (Finance & Planning Manager) or professional services area CFPM (Corporate

Finance & Planning Manager) or their nominated representative. If approval hasn’t been

sourced before the request is made, the Unified Communications team will need to seek

authorisation on your behalf before granting the elevated privileges (This may incur

extended lead times).

Each year during the month of January people with long-term access will have their

access reviewed and at this point approval will need to be given by the FPM/CFPM’s for

access to continue. If approval is not given the service will be revoked.

3.6 Meeting Room and Common Area Phones

Telephones and conference phones in meeting rooms and open areas will be limited to

internal and emergency dialling only. People wishing to use these phones to dial

numbers outside the University and receive incoming external calls will need to login to

the phone with their own personal extension. Once a user has logged into a phone they

will receive the same dialling privileges they have when logged into their desk phone.

Staff should also note that they should logout of the phone when they have finished

using it to prevent anyone else making unsolicited calls from their extension once they

have left and also log back into their own desk phone when they return to their office. To

prevent people leaving meeting room and common area phones logged in by mistake

these phones will be configured to automatically log out after 1 hour, or when the user

logs into a different phone.

3.7 Voicemail

Voicemail gives callers the opportunity to leave a message when you are not available to

answer your phone.

You should personalise your voicemail and provide the following information in your

voicemail message:

• Your name

• An idea of how long you are unavailable for

• Where possible an alternative contact number, mobile number or email.

It is recommended that you change your greeting if you will be out of the office or on


4.0 Mobile Telephony

4.1 Standard Mobile Offer

• The University’s standard mobile offer (subject to procurement and detailed

contract provision) is:

o A choice of data plans.

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o Handsets that are Wi-Fi enabled to help reduce network data costs.

o Choice of monthly inclusive minutes and texts appropriate to individual

business needs.

o Choice of handsets appropriate to individual needs (e.g. ‘best for battery life’,

‘best for email’, overcoming equality and diversity issues, etc.).

o Clear costs to help Colleges, Schools and professional services departments

plan their budgets accordingly.

o Handset upgrade available every 2 years on contract renewal.

o Direct college/school/department billing.

o Online ordering.

o Mobile replacement service.

4.2 Eligibility Mobile services allocation may be considered for staff with requirements or roles that fall

into one or more of the categories listed below. In all cases, the job description for the

role concerned should be consulted if there is doubt regarding the requirements of the

role. Note that staff in any of the categories listed below are not automatically entitled to

mobile services and that there may be compelling reasons for the provision of mobile

services for staff outside these categories. In all cases, the final decision will rest with

the member of staffs Head of Department.

• Staff who are not desk based and work across the campus

• Staff in ‘lone worker’ positions, either within or outside normal office hours

• Staff who work in confined spaces and may require communication for safety


• Staff who are field based or away from their regular office for more than 40% of

working time

Reasons for mobility requirement should include:

• Staff who need to be contacted when travelling or away from their regular office

• Staff in vulnerable positions where communication is required for safety

• Staff who need e‐mail communication or other mobile applications in order to

carry out their roles

• Staff whose roles require them to work flexibly

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4.3 Use of Personal Devices The University allows the use of personal mobile devices for University business on the

following conditions:

• Apart from in exceptional circumstances and at line manager’s discretion, the use

of personal mobiles is a personal choice for personal convenience and the

University will not reimburse any fees or charges relating to business use.

• Whilst using a personal mobile for business use, colleagues comply with the

personal responsibilities outlined below with regard to safety and security.

5.0 Responsibilities

5.1 Landline Telephony Responsibilities

5.1.1 Information Systems

Information Systems are responsible for:

• Establishing a contract with an appropriate supplier in conjunction with

Procurement. The contract will be mindful of the supplier’s credibility in the

following areas:

o Working ethically and sustainably.

o Referenced performance against agreed service levels and commitment to

year-on-year cost/price reduction.

o Ability to demonstrate continuing Value for Money throughout the life of the


• Working with the supplier to establish the required online services and service


• Monitoring contract performance (in conjunction with Procurement) and

managing the supplier and service relationship.

• Collecting faculty, professional service and individual user feedback and

addressing issues and problems arising.

5.1.2 Telecoms Provider

• The telecoms provider (The telecoms service can be provisioned from multiple

organisations) is responsible for delivering the required services according to the

terms and conditions outlined in the current contract.

• The telecoms provider is responsible for providing clear billing information.

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5.1.3 Colleges and Professional Services Faculties and professional services are responsible for:

• Determining and periodically reviewing the need for telephone extensions, setting

aside sufficient budget provision.

• Authorising and placing requests for new extensions with the IS Service Desk

against a college/department budget.

• Paying bills in line with contractual obligations.

• Notifying the IS Service Desk when a telephone line is no longer required and can

be cancelled.

5.1.4 Individual Telephone Users Individual telephone users are responsible for the following:

• Ensuring that telephones used on University business are used safely by:

o Having due regard for the device manufacturers health and safety advice

and information.

• Ensuring that IS Service Desk are made aware of any special requirements.

• You should take due care of the phone at all times so that it is kept in good

working condition. Any damage or theft/loss of the phone should be reported

immediately to your line manager.

5.2 Mobile Telephony Responsibilities

5.2.1 Individual Mobile Users

Individual mobile users are responsible for the following:

• Ensuring that mobiles and tablet devices used on University business are used

safely by:

o Having due regard for the device manufacturers health and safety

advice and information which is supplied with the device packaging.

o Portable touch screen tablet devices, smartphones and other mobile

work devices are provided as assistive technology only and are not

designed to replace or take the place of the standard workstation. Staff

are advised to follow the manufacturers health and safety guidelines,

NTU polices and advice from Information Systems in the use of such

equipment. In all cases if staff experience discomfort in the hands,

arms, shoulders, neck or other parts of the body they should stop use

and refer to their line manager at once.

o Nottingham Trent University is committed to reducing the risks which

our staff face and create when driving or riding for work. We ask all

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our staff to play their part, whether they use a company vehicle, their

own or a hire vehicle. Staff should not use mobile phones or hands free

units to make or receive calls, send or read texts, emails or otherwise

use a mobile phone whilst driving on university business. Persistent

failure to do so will be regarded as a serious matter (the University

does not need, expect or encourage users to operate a mobile whilst


• Ensuring security of the mobile and its data by:

o Using the mobile lock mechanism (i.e. using the password, PIN,

pattern or similar log-on) when the mobile is not in use.

o Ensuring that a remote tracking and data deletion service is installed

and operative, where available for the device type (The University

reserves the right to remote wipe all data and settings including

contact information in the event of a security breach or loss of the


o Complying with the University’s Computer Use Regulations, in

particular notifying the loss of any mobile device used for University

business or loss of related data to the Information Systems Security


o Never accessing NTU resources with a mobile device (personal or

University owned) that is known to have been: hacked, chipped,

rooted, jailbreaked or undergone any other such modification not

authorised or supported by the manufacturer that could undermine the

security or integrity of the device. If a user has rooted/jailbrocken a

university provided device this will be regarded as misconduct and

disciplinary procedures may follow.

• Ensure Mobile Phones are used in a Courteous manner:

o Mobile phones should be switched off during meetings, lectures,

seminars, training courses etc. except in very exceptional

circumstances where it is vital to make or receive an urgent business

call. In such circumstances you should adjust the phone to ‘silent’

mode and alert colleagues to the fact an urgent call needs to be made

or is expected.

• You should take due care of the phone at all times so that it is kept in good

working condition. Any damage or theft/loss of the phone must be reported

immediately to your line manager, the mobile provider and the Information

Systems Security Manager.

• Identifying and paying for any personal usage beyond contractual limits

relating to call minutes, texts, data, applications or other mobile services.

• Device Wi-Fi should be used, when available to avoid them exceeding data


• Surrendering the handset on change of mobile contract, ceasing to be

employed by the University or as otherwise required by the University.

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5.2.2 Colleges, Schools and Professional Services

Colleges, Schools and professional services are responsible for:

• Determining and periodically reviewing the need for mobile devices, setting

aside sufficient budget provision.

• Authorising and ordering from the online service against

College/School/service budget.

• Paying bills in line with contractual obligations.

• Recovering personal usage costs from individual mobile users where mobile

contract limits are exceeded.

• Reporting supplier poor performance.

• Ordering only from the University’s preferred and contracted supplier, unless

there are exceptional circumstances and in agreement with Information


• Ensure that all staff is made aware of and adhere to the Users responsibilities

outlined in this document.

5.2.3 Information Systems

Information Systems are responsible for:

• Establishing a contract with an appropriate supplier in conjunction with

Purchasing. The contract will be mindful of the supplier’s credibility in the

following areas:

o Working ethically and sustainably.

o Mobile coverage in the UK and with international roaming partners.

o Range of inclusive enhanced and value added services, which should

aim to encompass a strategic partnership approach leading to

opportunities for research, internships, mutual help and advice, etc.

o Referenced performance against agreed service levels and

commitment to year-on-year cost/price reduction.

o Ability to demonstrate continuing Value for Money throughout the life

of the contract.

• Working with the supplier to establish the required online services and service


• Monitoring contract performance (in conjunction with Purchasing) and

managing the supplier and service relationship.

• Collecting college, school, professional service and individual user feedback

and addressing issues and problems arising.

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• In exceptional circumstances, and where there is a clear business case,

agreeing procurement of mobiles outside of the University’s preferred and

contracted supplier.

• Providing user and connectivity guides.

5.2.4 Mobile Supplier / Network Provider

• The mobile supplier and network provider (mobiles and network service can

be provisioned by a single organisation) is responsible for delivering the

required services according to contract.

• The network provider is responsible for providing clear billing information.

5.3 Equality and Diversity Assessment

This policy has been assessed against equality and diversity criteria and provides

positive benefits in terms of:

• Handset choice to match personal circumstances.

• Delivering a service, which promotes flexible working.

• Accommodating reasonable adjustments.

5.4 Policy Implementation and Review The policy will be reviewed regularly based on user feedback, but in any event six

months before the expiry of the incumbent supplier’s contract.

6.0 Glossary

This glossary is intended to provide you with an easy to understand explanation of

common terms used in this document. Note that this glossary does not provide legal




The Extension Mobility feature allows users to configure any Cisco

IP Phone as their own, on a temporary basis, by logging in to that

phone. Once a user logs in, the phone adopts the user individual

user default device profile information, including line numbers,

speed dials and other user-specific properties of a phone.

Caller ID Caller ID (caller identification) is a telephone service that transmits a

caller's number to the called party's telephone. Where available, caller ID

can also provide a name associated with the calling telephone number.

DDI Direct dial-in (DDI) is a telephone number that people outside the

University can contact you on directly. E.g. 0115 848 8xxxx

Mobile Device The term mobile device (also known as a handheld device,

handheld computer or simply handheld) is not limited to mobile

phones. It refers to a small, hand-held computing device, typically

having a display screen with touch input and/or a miniature

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keyboard. Smartphones, PDA’s and tablet computers are all

regarded as mobile devices.

hand-held device A hand-held device is something that 'is or must be held at some

point during the course of making or receiving a call or performing

any other interactive communication function'. Examples of

interactive communication functions are sending and receiving

spoken or written messages, sending or receiving still or moving

images and providing access to the internet.

hands-free device A hands free device is an apparatus used in conjunction with a

mobile phone that permits the user to talk on the phone without

holding it

Data Plan Data plans cover the service that enables you to send and receive

data on your smartphone, or other mobile device. A mobile data

plan from your network provider, for example, allows you to

access the 2G, 3G or 4G data network to send and receive emails,

surf the Internet, use IM, and so on from your mobile device.

Mobile broadband devices such as mobile hotspots and USB

mobile broadband modems also require a data plan.

IS Acceptable Use


Root/Jailbreak a


Jailbreaking/Rooting, is a device hack that provides users with

unrestricted access to the entire file system of their mobile device.

o Jailbreaking/Rooting can seriously damage the device and

you may be more vulnerable to malicious apps and stability


o You may potentially be violating your license agreement

with your network carrier and/or device manufacturer.

Process Owner The Head of Infrastructure and Operations is responsible for the development, compliance

monitoring and review of this Policy and any related procedures.

Process Manager The Unified communications Team Leader is responsible for the dissemination and

implementation of this policy throughout the University.
