
Nursing Leadership

Critical Reflection

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Conflict is inevitable in any organization owing to the diverse backgrounds of employees and

personal interest. At times the conflict is perceived as a good critique for new ideas and

method generation, but is negative effects has been reported largely. Any productive process

gets disturbed due to conflicts and the situation becomes worse if the setting is a health care

service provider (Huber, 2013). Since, I aspire to take leadership as my career conflict

management and grievance management are two issues that demands immediate attention.

Leadership in nursing is a challenging task since it involves a multitude of tasks that requires

extreme patience, knowledge, and skills to lead successfully (Rick, 2014). Conflict resolution

and grievance management are two major aspects of nursing leadership. Conflict resolution is

not only solving, conflict whenever it occurs, rather establishing a culture of constructive

conflict resolution strategy and empower each member with such abilities (Brown, et al.,

2011). Similarly grievance management is another area that needs immediate attention, if not

attended in time it can lead to employee resistance. Employee dissatisfaction and resistance

adversely affects the continuum of care, thus raises questions of leadership and management.

The current piece of the article deals with leadership skills/management skills required to

address such issues at the workplace with a critical analysis of the same. The main objective

of this essay is to provide novice nurses a conceptual pathway towards a career as a nurse
