Page 1: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Letter Writing

Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence of e-mail and text messages, lettersare one of the most important and popular means of communication. Commerce, trade,official correspondence, public representation, complaints and other .dealings, transactionsand communication with people are still conducted through letters.

Main Parts of LettersHeadingAccording to the latest/modern/box-type format, the heading is written at the lefthand corner. The sender's name is never written in the heading; only the address isincluded.e.g.,

2334/31 Mangal Pandey NagarEkta ParkMeerut- 250002

This portion includes the sender's full address. While writing the address, one mustnot use 'comma' at the end of each line.Writing 'Examination Hall' as the address must be avoided under all circumstances.If the address is not provided in the question, then you may create a fictitiousaddress.

DateIt appears directly below the sender's address, after leaving some space. Always writeout the full datee.g., 12th December, 20XX

SalutationThis consists of the words of greeting and is written on the left-hand side of the paper.against the margin below the line of the date.It is never followed by a comma and no other word is written on that line.


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Typewritten text
Nurture Education
Page 2: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Chapterwise ICSE: Solved papers t:ngmm ~uu~~ A)

The form of greeting depends upon your relation to the person to whom the letter isbeing written, e.q.,

To Near Relatives MyDear Dad, Dear Mummy,Dear Uncle,Dear Aunt, DearGrandma, Dear Swati

To Friends Dear Manoj, Dear PreetiTo Acquaintances Dear Mr Sen, Dear Miss SmithTo Unknown Persons (Formal letters ) Dear Sir/Madam, RespectedSir/Madam

We never write 'Dear friend' but we use names, e.q., Dear Manoj. It is also advisablenot to write ABC, XYZ, etc in place of the name.

The BodyThis is the main part of the letter. This is written in response to the topic given, insimple and direct language. Imagine that you are writing to a real person on a realsubject, even if it is a classroom exercise. The style should be lucid and natural. Thebody should be divided into paragraphs (about 120-150 words) which includeintroduction, information and conclusion.The body includes three main parts

1. Introductory Paragraph/Sentence2. Information Paragraph/Paragraphs

States the purpose of writing.Gives details of the problem,

3. Concluding Paragraph/Sentencecause, effect, possible, solution etc.States your hope, comment,request etc.

Complimentary CloseIt is a courteous way of ending the letter. The expression used must match thesalutation.For example(a) For Friends, write

m Yours affectionately I yours ever/yours (For close friends you can use 'Love ')(b) For Family Members, write

m Yours affectionately I lovinglyM Your affectionate daughter/ sonl brother/ sister

(c) For Relatives, writem Yours sincerelyII Yours affectionatelym Your affectionate uncle! cousin/ aunt

(d) For Business Partners /Customers/ Acquaintances, writem Yours sincerely /faithful~y I truly

Name/ SignatureIt is written just below 'complimentary close' and includes the sender's name,signature or both.


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Page 3: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Letter Writing

Types of LettersLetters are categorised into two types

(a) Formal Letters (Official/business letters to officials, business partners, customers,colleagues, acquaintances, letters. to Editor, municipality, etc).

( b) Informal Letters (Personal letters to friends, relatives, acquaintances).

Formal LettersThese letters are written to post holding persons/ a person who holds a designationlike Postmaster, Health Inspector, Police Superintendent, Newspaper Editor, StationMaster, School Principal, Municipal Corporation Chairman etc.These letters are written in a crisp and clear pattern and a matter of fact style. Theseletters can be written to an individual/firm. The language is formal, straightforwardand to the point.

Different Kinds of Formal Letters.. Business Letters These include letters of enquiry / asking for information,

replying to letters received, placing orders and sending acknowledgement,cancelling orders.

.. Official Letters These include letters of complaint, making enquiries, makingrequests / appeals.

.. Letter to the Editor To give suggestions on a public interest issue.• Letter of Job Application This is written to apply for job. A bio-data is

enclosed focusing on qualifications and skills. ... Letter to the Principal This is written to request for permission, leave, to make

a complaint etc.

Purpose of Writing Formal LettersThe main purposes of writing a formal letter are

1. to voice your opinion in case of Letter to the Editor.2. to get your problems addressed.3. to inform.4. to complain about or against someone. Many complaints are validated by recording

the facts in Jetters.5. to place an order, seek information, enquire, send reply, sell products etc.

An individual should keep thefollowing points in his/her mind while writingformalletters/official letters.

• Be polite and formal.• It should start by introducing yourself and describing the purpose of writing.• Briefly describe about what you want to convey through the letter, give complete

information along with necessary details like date, reference number, etc.• Conclude with a hope/appeal/warningl suggestion, as required.• If you are writing to an authority about a.problem in your area, briefly give its details

and seek or suggest asolution.• In Letters to the Editor, do not ask the Editor to solve your problem. He/she can

only give voice to your opinion, 'views, suggestions etc.• Word limit of 120-150 words should be kept in mind.


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Page 4: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Chapterwise ICSE Salved Papers English (Class X)

Letter writer's addressSender's address iswritten here. Neverput your name hereDateThe date appears directlybelow the address afterleaving a line.

...,__--+--- Receiver's name/rankand his/her address

Subject Female Foeticide: Undoing of Humanity -+-------+-- Theme of formal letterSir/Madam Indicate the Theme/

Subject hereThrough the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to Salutationshare my concern about the killing of the girlJoetus before birth. It is a customary greeting,Undouotedly, in the Post-Independence era} Indian woman has with which the sender

opens the letter.altered her image of being vulnerable and illiterate. Still the malechauvinism which is rampant in our society is indulging infemale foeticide} leading to alarming decrease in the number offemales.The surveys being conducted in recent years have clearly shownthat sex determination tests .are widely practiced. Theyslaughter the girl before it is born.ius: because they want a son.In states like Haryana and Rajasthan the situation is reallydismal. One can gauge the seriousness of the situation by the factthat brides are being 'bought' from other states for marriageshere} leading to human trafficking.if this unnatural trend continues} the day is not far when thesituation will change from bad to worse. It's time to takestringent measures to check this vehement killing of the girlfoetus.I hope you will publish my views in your esteemed newspaper sothat the society wakes upfrom its deep slumber.

Format of a Formal LetterB-121Indraprastha Apartmentsn Paschim ViharNew Delhi-110063

20th March 20XX

The Editor ~---------------,The Indian ExpressNew Delhi

Yours sincerely .._. +___'


Body of the letterAlways changethe para whilemaking a new point.

Subscriptionand SignatureName and designation,if applicableNur





Page 5: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Previous Years' •Examination Questions

1. You are the President of the Nature Club in your school which is hosting the Earth Daycelebrations. Write a letter to the Principal of a neighbouring school inviting the school toparticipate in the event. State when, why and how you plan to celebrate Earth Day.


Vivekanand Memorial SchoolG.T. Kamal Road Delhi

10th March 20XX

The PrincipalQueensland ConventAzadpurDelhiSubject Invitation for Participation in the Earth Day Celebration


As the President of the Nature Club of Vivekanand .Memorial School, I extend aninvitation to a team of teachers and students of your school to participate in the EarthDay celebration being hosted by our school.The celebration will take place in our school ground. The chief guest and the judge for theevent is the eminent environmentalist and scientist Mrs S Lakshmi Subhramanyam. Shewill enlighten the students on the importance of preserving our planet earth. There willbe an exhibition poster making competition and slogan writing. The best ones will besent to an All India Level and prizes will be given.A documentary will also be shown to the students focussing on environmental issues.Then there will be an interactive session followed by lunch.It is hoped that the students of your school will actively participate in the event. Thisactivity hopes to bring an awareness among the students about the problems, dangersfaced by the planet earth and the measures that need to be taken to preserve the ailingplanet.Lookingforward to a positive reply.Yours sincerelySakshi Saini(President, Nature Club)


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Page 6: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Chapterwise leSE Salved Papers Engllsn (ClaSS X)

2. The children in your neighbourhood are forced to play on the street for want of a properplay area. Write a letter to the Editor of a popular newspaper, pointing out the need for aplayground in your neighbourhood. Give reasons why you think a play area is necessaryand point out how it would benefit everyone who lives in that area. [2013]

Flat No. C-72} Aakash Towers}Rohini} New Delhi

31st july} 20XX

The EditorThe Times of India} Daryagan; Delhi

Subject Need for a Playground in Neighbourhood

SirThrough the columns of your esteemed newspaper} I want to draw the attention of theconcerned authorities towards the problem of lack of a proper playground in ourneighbourhood.As you know children are our hope for a bright future. So it is our duty to provide themwith all the basic facilities of life.However lack of playground consequently forces them toplay on the busy streets} which proves to be hazardous for their lives. Moreover they havebecome obese and malnourished due to lack of outdoor activities and physical fitness.It is essential that every neighbourhood should have some open area} playground orparks} where children can go and refresh relax and revitalise for their all rounddevelopment. They can interact better with each other while playing developing healthysportsmanship. It is a well known saying that "Sound mind rests in sound cody". Parkcan provide pure air which is necessary for good health.Even the adults are motivated to come out and get some fresh air. They can interact withtheir neighbours and become friends. They can overcome their sedentary life style bywalking} running} doing yoga and relaxing.Hence, I strongly suggest the concerned authorities to provide a play area immediately.Yours sincerelyOeepakshi Taneja

3~ Many areas near your school have been affected by floods. You are president of yourschool Social Service Club. Write a letter to the mayor of your town/city telling him/herwhat you plan to do for the relief of the victims. Suggest ways in which you can combinewith other organisations to bring about better distribution of relief items. [2012]

Srinivas Public SchoolGanjam, District Orissa

6th July, 20XX

The Mayo" District officeGanjam, Orissa

Subjea Relief Plan for Flood Victims

SirWith due regard I would like to draw your kind attention towards complications andmiseries of various areas and people .. The condition of flood victims of our district ispathetic and relief measures by the government are falling short.Many areas near our school have been declared as one of the worst affected and themost dangerous. The social service club of our school would like to focus our efforts to


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Letter Writing

lend a helping hand in this aspect. Our aim is to mobilise people to provide immediaterelief to the flood victims. With the cooperation oj local NGO's we can successJully raisefunds by. personally, visiting several educational institutions in the city} through socialmedia and through wordoj mouth. Our dedicated team of volunteers would request thepublic to contribute whatever they could. They would also helpin conducting the relieJoperations more efficiently.A chamber oj traders and industrialists are also with us to support and supervise the aidprogrammes. Teams of NSA and Scouts were also preparing their cooperation for thiscause. A team of veterinary doctors is also with us to avoid the calamities oj animals,birds and cattles.I hope you will give our social service club a chance to put into practice what we havedreamt of and through ourjoint efforts carry out the relieJ work.Thankingyou

Yours sincerelyAbhishek Awasthi(President Social Service Club)

4. Write a letter to the Local Municipal Corporation Complaining about ..the malariaepidemic in your city. State the causes and suggest ways to deal with the problem.


70} Model Town Roopnagar

16th July} 20XX

The ChairmanMunicipal Corporation Roopnagar

Subject Malaria Epidemic in the City

SirAs a responsible citizen I would like to bring to your notice about the breaking out ofmalaria in our city. Many already have been sufferingJrom malaria and the situation isturningfor worse.Roads are uncleaned Jor days together by the scavengers resulting in the accumulationof garbage here and there Jrom which bad odour is emitting always which is engulfingthe entire area. Moreover the drains in our locality are not covered and they remainwaterlogged. Hence they have become ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. It has thusresulted in malaria which have sprung in epidemic Jorm in the area.Most painfUlly thave to mention here that our repeated request to the local civicauthorities has Jailed to evoke any response Jrom them for redressal of the patheticsituation. It is astonishing how such a pathetic attitude is meted out by them when it is agigantic state oj affair.To improve the situation the drains need to be cleared regularly. People should be madeaware about the necessary precautions against the disease and the measures theyshould take. Freehealth camps should also be set up so that the epidemic does not breakout into more quarters.I would also request you to make it convenient to pay a personal visit to this area to takestock of the grim insanitary condition prevailing here and take immediate steps toprevent the outbreak of malaria without further loss of time.Thanking you

Yours sincerelyRaviShankar


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Page 8: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

58 Chapterwise ICSE Salved Papers English (Class X)

,-5. Write a letter to the Director of a television channel complaining about the quality .of theprogrammes telecast. Suggest ways to improve the programmes. . [2010]

Flat No. 704, A-wingNexus ApartmentsTardev, Mumbai

13th November 20XX

The DirectorColours Entertainment ChannelMumbai

Subject Deteriorating Quality of Your Television Shows

SirI wish to bring to your kind notice the deteriorating quality of programmes that are beingtelecast on your channel. It is surprising to note that the channei'Coiors' that was oncefamous for being thoroughly entertaining and educativehas now deteriorated to thelevel of only family serials where often the women are portrayed as the villains. Theseserials are undoubtedly having an adverse effect on human relationships within thehousehold.In my opinion the morals values and ethics depicted through such serials are veryinappropriate .. The spouses are unfaithful to their partners. Often there are illicitrelationships and children born of such relationships resurfaces somewhere during theserial. These children when grow up take revenge and the plot moves forward. All this isdone to provide a new and exciting twist to the story line.The vamp of the story has a powerful role and youngsters are inspired to use filthylanguage, scheming and plotting against. their own family members. Besides thisdegradation of values, too much of wealth and opulence teaches youngsters to acquirequick wealth through fair or foul means.Big Boss aired on your channel may be the highest TRPgainer but we encounter most ofthe participants using excessively foul language and verbal abuse.It would be much appreciated if you would take note of the above mentioned complaintand change the outlook of the programmes that are being telecast. I would suggestadding on some variety in the programmes by introducing some Quiz/G.K programme,comedies, cookery shows, interviews and some educative programmes to make thechannel more interesting.I am sure that this letter will not go unheeded. We sincerely look forward to better airedprogrammes in future.Thanking you

Yours sincerelyShraddha Nigam


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Page 9: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Letter Writing

6~ :You are the President of the school Nature Club. Write a letter to a well-known socialworker or Environmentalist inviting him/her to be the Chief Guest at the AnnualFunction of the club. Give some details about your club and the Annual Function.


The Nature Club, ST Xavier's SchoolMall Road Bangalore

7th July, 20XX

Ms. Anita Sinha,The DirectorSocial Welfare AssociationBangalore

Subject Invitation for Annual Function as the Chief Guest

MamOur club will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on the 31st of July and we will also behaving our Annual Function on the same day. You are hereby requested to kindly acceptbeing the Chief Guest on this occasion.We are a ten year old club and are very active in the field of social services andenvironmentaiawareness. We have also been awarded for the most active participationin the 'Green Drive Project' organised by Environment Association of India. Very often weorganise camps on conservation of nature. Our Annual Function will feature culturaldances, plays based on the environment and speeches aiming to create environmentalawareness among the masses.We are aware of your time constraints and will not take up much of your precious time.We would indeed be honored if you could kindly grace the occasion with your presenceand shower your blessings upon us.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours sincerelySikander Rajput(President)

7. Trafficjams in your city/town are getting worse day after day. Write a letter to the DeputyCommissioner of Police (Traffic) complaining about the problem and offeringsuggestions for improvement. [2008]

H.No. A-41Phase-tv, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi

22nd November, 20XX

The Deputy Commissioner of PolicePolice HeadquartersNew Delhi

Subject Chaotic Traffic Jams

SirI am pained to bring to your notice the chaotic condition of the city on account of severetraffic· jams which have become too frequent these days causing unimaginableharassment to the people in general and daily commuters in particular. We know thatthe number of vehicles on the roads is on rise and that there is no proportional increasein the number of roads. So, traffic jams are bound to happen.


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Page 10: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Chapterwise leSE Solved Papers English (Class X)

However it stretches one's tolerance to the ultimate limit when a difjicult"situation· isaggravated due to the irresponsible behaviour of a few rogue drivers. The buses andautos show an appalling disregard for any kind of traffic law. Buses stopping here andthere, autos, coming and going through and into every corner and side of the trafficimaginable, drivers getting into an ugly argument on the middle of the road etc, causehavoc for the daily commuters.Frequent processions, demonstrations by employees and workers and nagar kirtans addto the already chaotic conditions. Then there are encroachments and vendors all alongthe road. The marriage season makes the situation even worse.

'The solution lies in being responsible. Traffic rules must be dealt with promptly andstrictly. More of public transport should be used car pools should be encouraged. Duringpeak hours, efforts should be made by avoiding travelling. Teenagers should not beissued driving licence. The authorities should be strict in removing encroachments andvendors.I do hope you will be kind enough to take necessary and stringent remedial steps toarrest the chaotic traffic jams in the city before long.

Yours sincerelyAashutosh Sharma

8. A company has been marketing spurious medicines behind claims that its product couldbe effective in preventing the avian flu or other forms of influenza. Write a letter to theDrug Controller General of the Directorate of Health Services, examining the claim ofthe company and explaining the harm these kind of claims could cause. [2007]

24/7 Pharmacy StoresAndheri WestMumbai

2nd December, 20XX

The Drug Controller GeneralDirectorate of Health ServicesMumbai

Subject Marketing of Spurious Medicines

SirI wish to draw your attention towards the marketing of a spurious medicine -'Cxeprazole capsules and injections' by Collective Pharmaceuticals India Ltd. It claimthat these medicines are effective in preventing the avian flU and also otherforms ofinfluenza. Such huge claims have attracted the doctors who are readily prescribing thesemedicines to their patients.Many patients of the avian ftu have used these medicines and their condition has furtherdeteriorated. Many have even been on the brink of losing their lives.I, therefore, request you to thoroughly examine the claims of this company and preventany more such medicines from flooding the markets so that innocent lives may bespared. Your immediate action in this regard would be highly appreciated.Thanking youYours sincerelyDeepa Mehta


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Page 11: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Letter Writing

9. Your cousin ismissing from home. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of yourlocality, requesting him to trace your cousin. Give all relevant details that may help thepolice department. [2006]

H.No 2n Shakti NagarAmritsa" Punjab

15th Septembe" 20>0(

The Superintendent of PolicePolice Station No.5/vnntsar, Punjab

Subject Complaint Regarding Missing Boy

SirThis is to lodge a complaint regarding my missing cousin Mayank Talwar, twenty oneyears of age} studying in Punjab Technical college}Amritsar.He went to his college yesterday morning. He was informed by one of his friends that thefinal year result was out and it was displayed on the college notice board. It was like anyother day for his mother who had never dreamed of his uncanny disappearance.We also inquired about his resultfrom the college staff. He scored the third position in theentire college. So we were sure that the result could not have been anyway responsible forhis sudden disappearance. All the family members were shocked to hear the suddendisappearance of their family member.Inspite of all our endeavours} we have been unable to resolve the mystery of my missingcousin. Some witnesses have informed us that he had a plan of accompanying some ofhis friends to Shimla. In case we come to know of any new development related to thecase} we would surely inform you. .I would be very grateful if you could kindly pursue the matter with the utmost urgency.My family and I would be only too glad to provide whatever help might be necessary.Thanking you

Yours sincerelyShivam Arora


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Page 12: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Chapterwise leSE Salved Papers English (Class X)

10. Write a letter to the Director of the Archaeological Survey of India complaining about thedamage caused to a historical monument in your city due to negligence. Suggest stepsthat the civic authorities should take to preserve the monument. [2005]

H.No. 78/Bn Civil Street Kolkata

7th August 20XX

The DirectorArchaeological Survey of IndiaCGO ComplexSalt Lake City, Kolkata

Subject .Complaint about the Damage Caused to Victoria Memorial

SirThis letter intends to bring to your notice that the grand edifice, Victoria Memorial isthreatened by the impish acts of certain uncivilised individuals.It has been stained by a generous dose of betel juice and burnt out ends of cigarettes. As ifthese were not enough Ifound to no small mortification that some brutes have evenetched their names on the walls. This is nothing but extreme cultural sacrilege.I hereby make a sincere appeal to you to give the concerned authorities a rousing shakeso that the rogues who indulge in such mutilation of cultural treasures are taken to task.It is expected that the rules prohibiting the visitors, the management and the staff fromusing any kind of tobacco - related products or betel leaf within the memorial or itsgardens would be strictly enforced. Similarly, anyone found daring enough to carvepersonal identification marks on those walls should also be severely penalised.I hope you shall look upon these humble suggestions in the right spirit.Thanking you in anticipation.Yours faithfullyAananya Roy


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Page 13: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Informal/Personal LettersInformal letters have their own distinct style. Actually it is up to the person who iswriting the letter to decide how friendly or pleasant he/she is to be while expressinghis/her feelings. It also depends upon the bond he/she shares with the person towhom the letter is sent.

Purpose of Writing Informal tetterThe main purpose of writing an informal letterare

• to express feelings and emotions.• to stay in contact with family and

friends.• to send invitations, replies, thanksgiving

etc.• to make personal complaints.• to communicate by expressing sympathy,

feeling sorry, congratulating someoneetc.

Format of an Informal Letter

An individual should keep the followingpoints in his/her mind while writinginformal letters/ personal letters.

• An informal letter should be politeand creative.

• It should be written in .such a waythat the person who is reading theletter should feel that you aretalking to him/her.

• Casual or everyday expressioncan be used.

• Rules of spelling, punctuation andgrammar must be adhered to.

St Thomas -+---------------+__ Sender' address isShimla written here

Never put your name here.

DateThe date appears directlybelow the address afterleaving a line.

20th October, 20XX ...c-------'----------t-.

Dearest Mother .._....-----------,Ijust received your letter. Thank you so much! I was reallyrrussmgvou.Iamfine here, but Ifeel really homesick. It seems ages sinceI last saw you and Dad. How I miss that home-cookedfood!I really hate being a boarder. After the gruelling schoolhours, I have to face the ragging of the older boys. I havebeen put up with another boy of my class in a small room.I don't get along with him. He is always playing pranks onme. The warden comes to check everything but the boysare just too smartfor him. He nevergets to know anything.Thefood isjustaboutokay.I have made a few friends who share my hobbies andinterests. But I really like myoId school. Please ask Dad to Closing expressionput me into the day school again. I would be much It should link with thehappier there. s...alutation. You can use

Yours everlYours~ithlove~~--~----------~~ a~c~na~~a~aYour lovingson Subscription andKaran Signature

Here the sender signs orwrites his/her name.

SalutationIt is a customary greetingwith which the senderopens the letter.

Body of the letterAlways change the parawhile making a new point.


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Page 14: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Previous Years'Examination Questions

1. Your uncle has promised to give you a giftof~ 1000. Write a letter thanking himfortheoffer, tell him how you plan to spend the money, and why you wish to spend. it in this way.


25/247, .Bagla KunjKhandariAgra

72th December, 20XX

Dear UncleI wish to thank you for the gift of ( 7000, that you have promised to give me if Iscoreabove 80%, in my final exams. It is really very thoughtful of you. I am thrilled that I wouldbe able to spend the money as I like. Moreover this incentive is pushing me to study veryhard and give my hundred per cent.There is a book The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho which I have been wanting to buy for along time. Everybody has been praising this book. One of my friends has read it and shefound it truly inspiring. It cost about 450 rupees. So I will still be left with S50 rupees tospend on other things.The other day when Iwent shopping with my mom, Ifound a beautiful set of paintingcolours. You know how fond I am of painting. My art teacher has always praised mysense of colour and wants meto ioinher workshop forfive.days in the winter vacation.Although the workshop isfree of cost but Ineed painting material. So I will use the rest ofthe moneyfor paints and brushes which I saw in the supermarket.Once again thanksforyour kind gesture andthe thoughtfulness behind it. I hope you willbe happy to hear the way I plan to spend the money.I am looking forward toyour visit.Yours lovinglyShruti

2. You will soon have to make a decision about the subjects that you wish to study in classesXI and XII. Write a letter to your Grandfather telling him about the subjects that youplan to take up. Be sure to explain the reason for your choice and how you think thesesubjects would help you in the future. [2013]

808, Galleria ApartmentsDLF Phase-IVGurgaon, Haryana

30th March, 20XX

Dear GrandpaAs you know my final examinations have got over, I was thinking about the stream ofsubjects which I would have to pursue in classes XI and XII. I am still very confusedregarding the same. Although the subjects in Science and Humanities stream are moreor less same but the difficulty graph would definitely increase manifold times. On theother hand commerce stream offers a new range of subjects about which I have no idea.As Idid not know which stream will suit me the best so Idecided to opt for ~ne week trialclasses. After attending them I thought I should go for Commerce with Maths stream.


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Page 15: Nurture Education - simplebooklet: market Vihar New Delhi-110063 20th March 20XX The Editor ~-----, The Indian

Letter Writing

Although the subjects are new but they are quite interesting and offers a practicalapproach. It is quitefun to solve accountancy questions, draw balance sheet etc. There isso much to explore in Business Studies and Economics as well.I feel that I have taken the correct decision because it will enhance my interest andaptitude towards becoming an industrialist infuture. Moreover you and dad are alwaysthere to guide and assist me in my future endeavours.I am sure with a lot of diligence and motivation from both of you, I will do very well andwill realise my ambition soon. This stream would greatly benefit me in the future.Hope to see you soon.

Yours affectionatelyArmaan

3. You were taken by your school to visit a place of historical interest Write a letter to yourclassmate who wasunable to go on the trip telling him/her aboutthe trip, why it wasimportant and what you gained from the experience. [2012]

H.No. 18/5New Rajender Nagar} New Delhi

18th December, 20XX

Dear Parth

You might be curious to know about our trip and lam alsocraving to tell you all about it. Imustsay that it·was really fun andfull of excitement which you unfortunately missed.We enjoyed very much with all the teachers. We had a funJilled experience which was veryenlightening too.We left early morning at around 7 amfrom the school and reached India Gate. It was immenselybeautifulas the fog was slowly disappearing, uncovering the view for us. After paying our respectand honour to the martyrs of Indian Army, we left for the Redfort.. We were mesmerised by thebeauty of the monument. Here we clicked some pictures and discussed about its history. Our nextdestination was Qutub Minar. Here we all sat in its beautiful gardens, and enjoyed our snacks. Wealsospenttime in noticing itsfine carvings. From here we went to Humayun's Tomb, and then toPurana Quila, where we enjoyed boating and also had mouth watering gol-gappas.Some of the students also entered into gol-gappa competition and gulped as many as 60-70 ofthem.The scene left all of us in peels of laughter.At last we reached jama Masjid. The beauty was unimaginable. We were awestruck by itsmesmerising view.if you would have been with us you also would have enjoyed it.Yours lovinglyShantanu

4. You have just acquired an unusual pet Write a letterto yourfriend tellinghimlher aboutit. Give details about the care you have to take in looking after and feeding the pet.


n Bhawara ViharM.G. Road, Agra

3rd April, 20XX

Dear ParulIt's after ages that I'm writing you again. I am quite eager to tell you about my newly acquired pet.You can't even think what it is. It's neither a dog nor a bird in a cage. It's a baby monkey which Igot

from my uncle who rescued it from the jungles of Assam.


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It was just a month old baby when Igot it. It was too young then to have its normal diet offruitsand breads. It survived on milk. We had to jeed him through a jeeding bottle. Sometimeswe alsogave him cerelac. My sister found him quitefunny and named him 'Bunny'. After afew days withus Bunny took a special liking towards me and we soon became best of pals.Bunny is more like afamily member now. Buthe is still only 6 months old. 50 we don't allow him toeat anythingfrom outside. My mother cooks for him. He eats boiled rice and vegetables mashedinto a paste. Everyday after his meals} he needs a banana. He is more pleased if it's provided by me.I have also cut a portion of a discarded mattress and made a soft bed for him too.Come soon to my place and visit Bunny. You willfind him very lovable and he is quitefriendly too.Yours lovinglySara

5. Your class was taken to Old Age Home where you spent half a day with theresidents. Write a letter to a friend telling himlher what you saw, how you felt and in whatway you have changed since the visit. [2010]

6/66} Chandni ChowkDelhi

22nd December} 20XX

Dear AasthaI wrote a letter to youjust two weeks ago and you may wonder why Iam writing anotherletter without waitingfor an answer. Well! The reason is simple! Yesterdavourciass wastaken to visit an old age home where we spent half a day with the residents as a part ofthe social work project of our school.During our visit we were merely expected to chat with the senior citizens for some timeand serve some snacks to them. The cultural team of our class was supposed to performfor them. But we were deeply moved when some of the caretakers told us about the cruelmanner in which these parents and grandparents had been treated by members of theirown family.Some of them live under the perpetual illusion that someday their sons and daughtersshall come back and give them some space in the house. Even our teacher was choked totears when she heard their experiences. Such things are not new for us but witnessingsomeones misfortune right before your own eyes is different.I have decided to stay in touch with these wonderful and lively senior citizens for the restof my life. Now I will not look at them with impatience and irritation but in a moreunderstanding and mature manner. This experience left a deep impact on me and mademe realise the true worth of our parents whom we often take for granted and expectthem to perform miracles for us.I hope this letter has left a positive impression on you too.Yours affectionatelyNatasha


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Letter Writing

6. You have recently read a book which has greatly impressed you. Write a letter to yourcousin telling him/her why you were impressed. Advise him/her to read the book.




H.No. 2/355} Mall Road Manali

2nd March 20XX

Dear EshaReceived your letter yesterday and was glad to know that all is well at your end. Ijust can'twait to share with you the fantastic experience I had of reading the book} :Art of living'.Thebook is so mesmerising that once you start reading it you'll reallyfind it impossible to put itdown. The book is spell bindingform the veryfirst page. It has taught me quite afew veryimportant points on how to live my life effectively. It has also helped me improvise onvarious domains I have been trying to. Thisfabulous insight into living a worthy life is veryeasy to accept and highly appreciated.I would not like to go into details but would definitely likeyou toread the book. I assureyou} you will not be disappointed. , bet you willfeel a drastic change in your life afterreading it. Do let me know how the book appealed to you if and when you do read it.Yours lovinglyAahaana

7. Write a letter to a friend who was absent from school on a day when a really comicalincident took place. Describe the incident, say what was so funny about it and what youlearnt from it. [2008]

Flat No. 7n Mayur ApartmentsMayur Vihar} New Delhi

5th May} 20XX

Dear PallaviSchool days arefull offun and comedy. Today was also such a wonderful day whenareally comical incident took place but alas! You were absent!Today we had a double period of mathematics coupled with an extra class. 'twas ahorribly boring period and 'all.of us dreaded it. But thanks to the circumstances} weenjoyed it a lot.As our math Sir stepped into the class} he found us sitting with downcast faces. But themoment we looked at him our boredom was swept away and a smile went up on everyface. We looked at Sir and then at each other and couldn't stop our laughter. Noticingthis} Sir asked us what the matter was but nobody would tell him anything. He smiledand tried to laugh with us to avoid his depression. But that made us laugh even more. Atlast} he started teaching us. There was a question on that which involved somecalculation on the number of teeth. On reading it we again couldn't stop ourselves andlaughed loudly. What a scene it was!You would be wondering now what was the reason behind our laugh. Wen Sir had

forgotten to wear his artificial upper jaw and as a result} his mouth looked really funnywithout the boundary of one set of teeth. , know it was bad of us but we couldn't help.But Sir was in jovial mood and told us that it seemed as if we had inhaled laughinggas.So} he stopped teaching and left us free to get over our fits of madness! Coincidentally}that was all we wanted and we enjoyed a lot!I hope you will come to school soon otherwise you might miss out on another dose oflaughter.

Yours affectionatelyPriyanka


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8. One of your grandparents has completed one hundred years of age. Write a lettercongratulating him/her, expressing gratitude, praise and admiration for the way he/shehas lived his/her life. [2007]

H.No. C-24, Komia NagarNear Vikas MarketAgra

14th February, 20XX

Dear GrandpaHeartiest congratulations on scoring a wonderful century today! What a lovely bliss forall of us. Today, you have travelled far enough and completed a span of one hundredyears giving us all reasons to enjoy and celebrate.' am really disappointed as , could notjoin your 'Centurion Birthday Bash' but' am always with you-even at the moment.You must have thrown a lavish birthday party to your 'younger'jriends on the lawn ofyourvilla with my parents too. Your active life has taught mea lot- "Bea fighter against allodds: Never give up and you'll win". Your life is itself a brilliant example of hard work,patience andfirm determination. You stand like a hero in every season-quitejeanessanddetermined. , really admire you and wish to follow the same virtues of life.You have been my ideal since my childhood. Whenever' had a problem' always looked atyou tofind out how you would have handled the situation. Even a blow of shocking pain ora touch of defeat couid not deter mefrom the path of struggle because of your inspirationand glamour for tireless work. 't is simply astonishing to notice the way you havemaintained your health and balance of mind. You have achieved so much in your life that, am willing to admit the same as an impossible venture for me. The countless trophies inyour drawing room are the best testimony to present your way of successful life and theyalso inspire me a lot.Once again' congratulate you on this grand occasion and pray to Almighty to keep youfit and fine in the years to come.Your granddaughterDivya

9. Recently you went to a restaurant for dinner and there you saw your favourite. sports star.You opportunity of spending some moments with him or her. In a letter to yourfriend give a brief account of your memorable meeting with the sports star. [2006]

H.No.221/ALajpat Nagar, Phase-t),New Delhi

16th August 20XX

Dear AmritaThe Lady-luck smiled on me like a dream fairy when' had a sweet encounter with myvery special hero. I bet you can't guess for' met none other than Virat Kohli, the supercute cricketer of our Indian cricket team. , know you won't believe me because' alsocouldn't believe my eyes that it was really Virat Kohli with me in the restaurant., was dining at Radisson with my friend Anjali just for fun when he popped up. He waswearing a pair of blue denim and a white T-shirt. He looked cool and looked around jor a

free table. Both of us Jumped out ofjoy 'because no table was free and here was an openchance for me. I rushed and invited him almost dragging him to my table.He smiled and allowed some minutes to lapse till our breathing returned to normal.Then he began chatting amicably. Slowly we lost our shyness and began laughing,


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Letter Writing

cracking jokes and chatting with a hearty meal. He asked our name and hobbies andbecame very happy when he came to know that he was my favourite super-star.He freely told us about various interesting episodes oj the cricket team. He said thatHarbhajan is the most naughty one in the team. He can't sit quiet for a moment andalways teases everybody in the dressing room. Sachin is very sensitive about his battingand really enjoys hitting bowlers out of the field. The three of us rolled with laughterclutching our sides. It was really a great day!

Yours affectionatelySuhaani

10. Your pen-friend fromJapan plans to visit your school and attend classes and activities forthe duration of a month. Write a letter briefing him/her on your school routine. Give anyother information that you think your friend may need. [2005]

H.No. 72/4-BChitranjan Park, New Delhi

25th june, 20XX

Dear AkiraFirst let me giv~ you the good news. The matter of your joining us has been cleared by theBoard of Management of our school. Now you'll be my classmate for the whole ofAugust! From what I know of you, I don't think you'll have much of a problem adjustingto our school. Your outgoing nature and your fluency in English will help you makefriends very fast.Like yours, our school begins at 8 am and we finish classes at 2 pm. In this duration wehave 8 periods comprising of 40 minutes each devoted to subject teaching. Recess is onlyfor 40 minutes after the fourth period. We have two terms in a year, and you'll actuallybe joining us in the latter part of our first term. Saturdays are usually most exciting daysand we look forward to them as it is a half day and most of the activities take place onthis day. It is usually a day for students to compete against each other in house activities.This helps to bring out the hidden talent of the students.I know your favourite sport is baseball. Unfortunately we don't play the game here.Although· Football is as popular here as I've heard it is in japan. And then there is TableTennis, Cricket and Badminton.I must tell you that on 15th August, we celebrate our Independence day. So, much of thefirst half of the month goes into preparing for it and other co-curricular activities arepushed to the background. But .I think the preparations themselves will be quite anexperience for you.As for studies, I know japan has a very high standard and it will be interesting to see howyou feel about the standard of academics here.Wen Akira, I can't wait to meet you!

Yours faithfullySamaira


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