Page 1: NXT Ballbot Model Based Design

NXT Ballbot Model-Based Design - Control of self-balancing robot on a ball,

built with LEGO Mindstorms NXT -

Page 2: NXT Ballbot Model Based Design
Page 3: NXT Ballbot Model Based Design

Author (First Edition) Yorihisa Yamamoto

[email protected]

Application Engineer

Advanced Support Group 1 Engineering Department

Applied Systems First Division


Revision History

Revision Date Description Author / Editor

1.0 Apr 14, 2009 First edition Yorihisa Yamamoto

[email protected]

The contents and URL described in this document can be changed with no previous notice.

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NXT Ballbot is a LEGO Mindstorms NXT version of Ballbot that is developed by Ralph Hollis at Carnegie

Mellon University. The Ballbot is designed to balance itself on its single spherical wheel while traveling about.

Please refer the following URL to know more detailed information about Ballbot.

This document presents Model-Based Design about balance and drive control of NXT Ballbot by using

MATALB / Simulink. The main contents are the following.

Mathematical Modeling

Controller Design

Model Illustration

Simulation and Experimental Results


To build NXT Ballbot, read NXT Ballbot Building Instructions.

You need to download Embedded Coder Robot NXT from the following URL because it is used as

Model-Based Design Environment in this document.

Read Embedded Coder Robot NXT Instruction Manual (Embedded Coder Robot NXT Instruction

En.pdf) and test sample models / programs preliminarily. The software versions used in this document are as


Software Version

Embedded Coder Robot NXT 3.14

nxtOSEK (previous name is LEJOS OSEK) 2.03

Cygwin 1.5.24

GNU ARM 4.0.2

- i -

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Required MATLAB Products

Product Version Release

MATLAB® 7.5.0 R2007b

Control System Toolbox 8.0.1 R2007b

Simulink® 7.0 R2007b

Real-Time Workshop® 7.0 R2007b

Real-Time Workshop® Embedded Coder 5.0 R2007b

Virtual Reality Toolbox (N1) 4.6 R2007b

You can simulate NXT Ballbot models and generate code from it without the products (N1). Virtual Reality Toolbox

is required to run 3D visualization (nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl).

File List

File Description

iswall.m M-function for detecting wall in map

mywritevrtrack.m M-function for generating map file

nxt_ballbot.mdl NXT Ballbot model (It does not require Virtual Reality Toolbox)

nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl NXT Ballbot controller model (single precision floating-point)

nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl NXT Ballbot model (It requires Virtual Reality Toolbox)

param_controller.m M-script for controller parameters

param_nxt_ballbot.m M-script for NXT Ballbot parameters (It calls param_***.m)

param_plant.m M-script for plant parameters

param_sim.m M-script for simulation parameters

post_sdo_codegen.m M-script for post-process of code generation with Simulink Data Object

pre_sdo_codegen.m M-script for pre-process of code generation with Simulink Data Object

vr_nxt_ballbot.wrl map & NXT Ballbot VRML file

vr_nxt_ballbot_track.bmp map image file

vr_nxt_ballbot_track.wrl map VRML file

- ii -

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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... i Preparation................................................................................................................................................................ i Required MATLAB Products ................................................................................................................................. ii File List ..................................................................................................................................................................... ii 1 Model-Based Design ...................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 What is Model-Based Design?.............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 V-Process ................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Merits of MBD .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 NXT Ballbot System........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Structure ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Sensors and Actuators ........................................................................................................................... 5

3 NXT Ballbot Modeling..................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Model.................................................................................... 6 3.2 Motion Equations of Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum ........................................................... 8 3.3 State Equations of Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum .............................................................. 9

4 NXT Ballbot Controller Design .................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Control System ...................................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Controller Design .................................................................................................................................. 12

5 NXT Ballbot Model ........................................................................................................................................ 15 5.1 Model Summary .................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 Parameter Files ..................................................................................................................................... 19

6 Plant Model .................................................................................................................................................... 20 6.1 Model Summary .................................................................................................................................... 20 6.2 Actuators ................................................................................................................................................ 21 6.3 Plant ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 6.4 Sensors................................................................................................................................................... 23

7 Controller Model ............................................................................................................................................ 24 7.1 Control Program Summary .................................................................................................................. 24 7.2 Model Summary .................................................................................................................................... 26 7.3 Initialization Task : task_init ................................................................................................................. 30 7.4 4ms Task : task_ts1 .............................................................................................................................. 30 7.5 20ms Task : task_ts2 ............................................................................................................................ 37 7.6 100ms Task : task_ts3 .......................................................................................................................... 37 7.7 Tuning Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 38

8 Simulation....................................................................................................................................................... 39 8.1 How to Run Simulation......................................................................................................................... 39 8.2 Simulation Results ................................................................................................................................ 40 8.3 3D Viewer ............................................................................................................................................... 42

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9 Code Generation and Implementation ....................................................................................................... 43 9.1 Target Hardware & Software ............................................................................................................... 43 9.2 How to Generate Code and Download .............................................................................................. 44 9.3 Experimental Results............................................................................................................................ 45

10 Challenges for Readers ........................................................................................................................... 47 Appendix A Modern Control Theory ................................................................................................................ 48

A.1 Stability ..................................................................................................................................................... 48 A.2 State Feedback Control.......................................................................................................................... 48 A.3 Servo Control ........................................................................................................................................... 50

Appendix B Virtual Reality Space .................................................................................................................... 52 B.1 Coordinate System ................................................................................................................................. 52 B.2 Making Map File ...................................................................................................................................... 54 B.3 Distance Calculation and Wall Hit Detection....................................................................................... 55

Appendix C Generated Code ........................................................................................................................... 57 References............................................................................................................................................................. 61

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1 Model-Based Design

This chapter outlines Model-Based Design briefly.

1.1 What is Model-Based Design?

Model-Based Design is a software development technique that uses simulation models. Generally, it is

abbreviated as MBD. For control systems, a designer models a plant and a controller or a part of them, and tests

the controller algorithm based on a PC simulation or real-time simulation. The real-time simulation enables us to

verify and validate the algorithm in real-time, by using code generated from the model. It is Rapid Prototyping

(RP) that a controller is replaced by a real-time simulator, and Hardware In the Loop Simulation (HILS) is a plant

version of Rapid Prototyping.

Furthermore, auto code generation products like RTW-EC enables us to generate C/C++ code for embedded

controllers (microprocessor, DSP, etc.) from the controller model. Figure 1-1 shows the MBD concept for control

systems based on MATLAB product family.

Simulink Stateflow Simulink Control Design Simulink Response OptimizationSimulink Parameter EstimationSimMechanics SimPowerSystems SimDriveline SimHydraulics Signal Processing Blockset Simulink Fixed Point

Control SystemDesign & Analysis SimulationEngineering


Mathematical Modeling

Code Generation





Data basedModeling

Prototyping Code (RTW)

Embedded Code (RTW-EC)


Data Acquisition Instrument Control OPC

Control System System Identification Fuzzy Logic Robust Control Model Predictive Control Neural Network Optimization Signal Processing Fixed-Point

Real-Time Workshop Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder Stateflow Coder xPC Target

MATLAB Products (Toolbox) Simulink Products

Figure 1-1 MBD for control systems based on MATLAB product family

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1.2 V-Process

The V-process shown in Figure 1-2 describes the MBD development process for control systems. The V-process

consists of the Design, Coding, and Test stage. Each test stages correspond to the appropriate Design stages. A

developer makes plant / controller models in the left side of the V-process for early improvement of controller

algorithm, and reuses them in the right side for improvement of code verification and validation.

System Design

Module Design

Unit Design


Unit Test

Module Test

System Test

Product Test

Plant Modeling

Controller Algorithm Design

Code Generation for Embedded Systems

Verification Static Analysis Coding Rule Check

Early Improvement of Controller Algorithm

Improvement of CodeVerification & Validation

Product Design


Figure 1-2 V-process for control systems

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1.3 Merits of MBD

MBD has the following merits.

Detection about specification errors in early stages of development

Hardware prototype reduction and fail-safe verification with real-time simulation

Efficient test by model verification

Effective communication by model usage

Coding time and error reduction by auto code generation

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2 NXT Ballbot System

This chapter describes the structure and the sensors / actuators of NXT Ballbot.

2.1 Structure

Figure 2-1 shows the structure of NXT Ballbot. Hitechnic gyro sensors are used to calculate body pitch angle.

Ultrasonic Sensor

HiTechnic Gyro Sensor

DC Motor Rotary Encoder

Plastic Ball

Figure 2-1 NXT Ballbot

The plastic ball is kept and held by the three wheels and the LEGO parts attached diagonally. The wheels

include two rubber tires attached to DC motors and one freely-spinning wheel. NXT Ballbot can move by

rotating DC motors.

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2.2 Sensors and Actuators

Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 show sensor and actuator properties.

(N1) : The heuristic maximum sample rate for measuring accurate distance.

The reference [1] illustrates many properties about DC motors. Generally speaking, sensors and actuators are

different individually. Especially, you should note that gyro offset and gyro drift have big impact on balance

control. Gyro offset is an output when a gyro sensor does not rotate, and gyro drift is time variation of gyro


Sensor Output Unit Data Type Maximum Sample [1/sec]

Rotary Encoder angle deg int32 1000

Ultrasonic Sensor distance cm int32 50 (N1)

Gyro Sensor angular velocity deg/sec uint16 300

Table 2-1 Sensor properties

Table 2-2 Actuator properties

Actuator Input Unit Data Type Maximum Sample [1/sec]

DC Motor PWM % int8 500

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3 NXT Ballbot Modeling

This chapter describes mathematical model and motion equations of NXT Ballbot.

3.1 Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Model

We assume that the motion in XZ plane and YZ plane are decoupled and that the equations of motion in these

two planes are identical. Under this assumption, NXT Ballbot can be considered as two separate and identical

spherical wheeled inverted pendulum model shown in Figure 3-1 for each planes.

Figure 3-2 shows the coordinate system of spherical wheeled inverted pendulum.

ψ : body pitch angle θ : spherical wheel angle sθ : spherical wheel angle driven by DC motor

Figure 3-1 Spherical wheeled inverted pendulum

Figure 3-2 Coordinate system of spherical wheeled inverted pendulum






ψJMb ,

ss JM ,




sx X

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The DC motors can drive the spherical wheel through the rubber tires. Figure 3-3 shows this mechanism.


mθ : DC motor angle

We assume there is no slip between the wheels.

ssmw RR θθ =

Spherical Wheel (Ball)

Rubber tires attached to DC motor



Physical parameters of NXT Ballbot are the following.

: Gravity acceleration 81.9=g ]sec/[ 2m

: Spherical wheel weight 013.0=sM ][kg

: Spherical wheel radius 026.0=sR ][m

32 2sss RMJ = : Spherical wheel inertia moment ][ 2kgm

: Motor wheel (rubber tire) weight 015.0=wM ][kg

: Motor wheel (rubber tire) radius 021.0=wR ][m

: Motor wheel (rubber tire) height 022.0=wL ][m

22www LMJ = : Motor wheel (rubber tire) inertia moment ][ 2kgm

: Body weight 682.0=bM ][kg

: Body width 135.0=W ][m

: Body depth 135.0=D ][m

: Distance between body center and spherical wheel center 17.0=L ][m 32LMJ b=ψ : Body pitch inertia moment ][ 2kgm

: DC motor inertia moment 5101 −×=mJ ][ 2kgm

: DC motor resistance 69.6=mR ][Ω

468.0=bK ]sec[ radV : DC motor back EMF constant

317.0=tK ][ ANm : DC motor torque constant

0022.0=mf : Friction coefficient between body and DC motor

0=sf : Friction coefficient between spherical wheel and floor.

We use the values described in reference [2] for . tbm KKR ,,

We use the values that seem to be appropriate for , because it is difficult to measure. smm ffJ ,,


ssww JM ,JM ,


Figure 3-3 Spherical wheel and DC motor

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3.2 Motion Equations of Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum

We can derive motion equations of spherical wheeled inverted pendulum by the Lagrangian method based on

the coordinate system in Figure 3-2. If 0=θ at 0=t , each coordinates are given as the following.

( ) ( bsss zRzx ,, )θ= (3.1)

( ) ( )0,, θ&&& sss Rzx = (3.2)

( ) ( )ψψ cos,sin, LzLxzx bb ++= (3.3)

( ) ( )ψψψψθ sin,cos, &&&&& LLRzx sbb −+= (3.4)

The translational kinetic energy , the rotational kinetic energy , the potential energy are 1T 2T U

( ) ( 22221 2


bbbsss zxMzxMT &&&& +++= ) (3.5)

( ) ( )22























JJJJT (3.6)

bbss gzMgzMU += (3.7)

The Lagrangian L has the following expression.

UTTL −+= 21 (3.8)

We use θ and ψ as the generalized coordinates. Lagrange equations are the following.














We derive the following equations by evaluating Eqs. (3.9) - (3.10).

( ) ( )[ ] ( )[ ] θψψψψθ FLRMJJkLRMJJkJRMM sbwmsbwmsssb =−+−+++++ sincos 2222 &&&&& (3.11)

( )[ ] ( )[ ] ψψ ψψθψ FgLMJJkJLMJJkLRM bwmbwmsb =−+++++− sincos 222 &&&& (3.12)

where ws RRk = .

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In consideration of DC motor torque and viscous friction, the generalized forces are given as the following.


smmt ffiKF −−= (3.13)

mmt fiKF θψ&+−= (3.14)

where is the DC motor current and is the DC motor angular velocity. i )( ψθθ &&& −= km

We cannot use the DC motor current directly in order to control it because it is based on PWM (voltage)

control. Therefore, we evaluate the relation between current and voltage using DC motor equation. If the

friction inside the motor is negligible, the motor equation is generally as follows.

i v

(3.15) iRKviL mmbm −−= θ&&

Here we consider that the motor inductance is negligible and is approximated as zero. Therefore the current is




i)( ψθ && −−

= (3.16)

From Eq. (3.16), the generalized force can be expressed using the motor voltage.

( ) ψβθβαθ && ++−= sfvF (3.17)

ψβθβαψ && −+−= vF (3.18)



⎛+== m




t fR



βα , (3.19)

3.3 State Equations of Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum

We can derive state equations based on modern control theory by linearizing the motion equations at a balance point of NXT Ballbot. It means that we consider the limit 0→ψ ( ψψ →sin , 1cos →ψ ) and neglect the

second order term like . The motion equations (3.11) - (3.12) are approximated as the following. 2ψ&

( )[ ] ( ) θψθ FJkLRMJkJRMM msbmsssb =−++++ &&&& 222 (3.20)

( ) ( ) ψψ ψψθ FgLMJkJLMJkLRM bmbmsb =−+++− &&&& 222 (3.21)

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These equations can be expressed in the form

HvGFE =⎥⎦












&& (3.22)

( )
































Here we consider as state, and as input. indicates transpose of . x u Tx x

(3.23) [ ] vT

== ux ,,,, ψθψθ &&

Consequently, we can derive state equations of spherical wheeled inverted pendulum from Eq. (3.22) .

uxx BA +=& (3.24)















A (3.25)

( )[ ]( )[ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ]






















The unit of angle is [rad] in Eq.(3.24). We can convert it to [deg] by multiplying α by π180( πα 180×= mt RK ). Please note the unit of angle is [deg] in a plant model and a controller model in consideration of the unit of output from a rotary encoder.

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4 NXT Ballbot Controller Design

This chapter describes the controller design of NXT Ballbot (spherical wheeled inverted pendulum) based on

modern control theory.

4.1 Control System

The characteristics as control system are as follows.

Inputs and Outputs

The input to an actuator is PWM duty of the DC motor even though input in Eq. (3.24) is voltage. The outputs from sensors are the DC motor angle


mθ and the body pitch angular velocity ψ& .

DC Motor PWM

DC Motor Angle

Body Pitch Angular Velocity

Figure 4-1 Inputs and Outputs

There are two methods to evaluate ψ by using ψ& .

1. Derive ψ by integrating the angular velocity numerically.

2. Estimate ψ by using an observer based on modern control theory.

We use method 1 in the following controller design.


It is easy to understand NXT Ballbot balancing position is not stable. We have to move NXT Ballbot in the

same direction of body pitch angle to keep balancing. Modern control theory gives many techniques to stabilize

an unstable system. (See Appendix A)

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4.2 Controller Design

Eq. (3.22) is a similar equation as mass-spring-damper system. Figure 4-2 shows an equivalent system of

spherical wheeled inverted pendulum interpreted as mass-spring-damper system.




Figure 4-2 Equivalent mass-spring-damper system

We find out that we can make the spherical wheeled inverted pendulum stable by adjusting spring constants and

damper friction constants in Figure 4-2. It is possible to think that the control techniques described in Appendix

A provides theoretical method to calculate those constants.

We use a servo controller described in Appendix A.3 as NXT Ballbot controller and select the spherical wheel

angle θ as a reference of servo control. It is important that we cannot use variables other than θ as the

reference because the system goes to be uncontrollable. Figure 4-3 shows the block diagram of NXT Ballbot

servo controller.



+ θ∫


θCrefx refθ

NXT Ballbot


ik θCx

xfromderivetomatrixoutputanisC θθ

Figure 4-3 NXT Ballbot servo controller block diagram

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We calculate feedback gain and integral gain by linear quadratic regulator method. We choose the following weight matrix and by experimental trial and error. Q R














)2,2(Q is a weight for body pitch angle, and is a weight for time integration of difference between

measured angle and referenced one.


param_controller.m calculates linear quadratic regulator and defines other parameters. The gain calculation

part of it is extracted as the following.

param_controller.m % Controller Parameters % Servo Gain Calculation using Optimal Regulator A_BAR = [A, zeros(4, 1); C(1, :), 0]; B_BAR = [B; 0]; Q = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 6e5, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 1e3 ]; R = 6e3 * (180 / pi)^2; % R = 6e3 if the unit of angles is [rad]. K = lqr(A_BAR, B_BAR, Q, R); k_f = K(1:4); % feedback gain k_i = K(5); % integral gain

The result is the following.


]0.2325- 0.027,- 1.5698,- -0.015,[






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We use same controller algorithm for the motion in XZ plane and YZ plane under the assumption described in

3.1 Spherical Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Model. Consequently, we derive NXT Ballbot controller shown in Figure 4-4. Here is a tuning parameter.


NXT Ballbot


Speed Reference

PWM Reference Generator


Servo Controller

Friction Compensator



( )refYX θθ && ,

( )YX xx ,

Figure 4-4 NXT Ballbot controller block diagram

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5 NXT Ballbot Model

This chapter describes summary of NXT Ballbot model and parameter files.

5.1 Model Summary

The nxt_ballbot.mdl and nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl are models of NXT Ballbot control system. Both models are

identical but different in point of including 3D viewer provided by Virtual Reality Toolbox.

Main parts of nxt_ballbot.mdl and nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl are as follows.

Environment subsystem

This subsystem defines environmental parameters. For example, system timer, map data, gyro offset value, and

so on.

Figure 5-1 nxt_ballbot.mdl

Figure 5-2 Environment subsystem

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Reference Generator subsystem

This subsystem is a reference signal generator for NXT Ballbot. We can change the speed reference in the

direction of X-axis and Y-axis by using Signal Builder block. The output signal is a 32 byte data which has

dummy data to satisfy the NXT GamePad utility specification.

Figure 5-3 Reference Generator subsystem

Figure 5-4 shows a relation between speed reference value and PC game pad analog sticks.

Forward Run (- GP_MAX)

Backward Run (+ GP_MAX)

Leftward Run (- GP_MAX)

Rightward Run(+ GP_MAX)

GP_MAX is a maximum input from PC game pad.

(We set GP_MAX = 100)

Figure 5-4 Inputs from PC game pad analog sticks

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This block is NXT Ballbot digital controller and references nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl with Model block. Read

7 Controller Model for more details.

Figure 5-5 Controller block (nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl)

The Controller block runs in discrete-time (base sample time = 1 [ms]) and the plant (NXT Ballbot subsystem)

runs in continuous-time (sample time = 0 [s]). Therefore it is necessary to convert continuous-time to

discrete-time and vice versa by inserting Rate Transition blocks between them properly.

Discrete-Time (1 [ms])

Sampling (Cont Disc)

Hold (Disc Cont)

Figure 5-6 Rate conversions between the controller and the plant

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NXT Ballbot subsystem

This subsystem is the mathematical model of NXT Ballbot. It consists of sensors, actuators, and linear plant

model. Read 6 Plant Model for more details.

Figure 5-7 NXT Ballbot subsystem

Viewer subsystem

This subsystem includes simulation viewers. nxt_ballbot.mdl includes a position viewer with XY Graph block,

and nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl does 3D viewer provided by Virtual Reality Toolbox.

Figure 5-8 Viewer subsystem (nxt_ballbot.mdl)

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5.2 Parameter Files

Table 5-1 shows parameter files for simulation and code generation.

Figure 5-9 Viewer subsystem (nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl)

Table 5-1 Parameter files

File Name Description

param_controller.m M-script for controller parameters

param_nxt_ballbot.m M-script for NXT Ballbot parameters (It calls param_***.m)

param_plant.m M-script for plant parameters

param_sim.m M-script for simulation parameters

param_nxt_ballbot.m calls param_***.m (*** indicates controller, plant, sim) and creates all parameters in base

workspace. Model callback function is used to run param_nxt_ballbot.m automatically when the model is


To display model callback function, choose [Model Properties] from the Simulink [File] menu.

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6 Plant Model

This chapter describes NXT Ballbot subsystem in nxt_ballbot.mdl / nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl.

6.1 Model Summary

The NXT Ballbot subsystem consists of sensors, actuators, and linear plant model. It converts the data type of

input signals to double, calculates plant dynamics based on double precision floating-point arithmetic, and

outputs the results after quantization.

Double Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic

Integer Value

Physical Value


Physical Value

Figure 6-1 NXT Ballbot subsystem

Some signals are vectorized for the same calculation in X-direction and Y-direction.

Signal Vectorization (Same calculation to each PWM)

Figure 6-2 Signal vectorization

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6.2 Actuators

Actuators subsystem calculates DC motor voltage by using PWM duty derived from the controller.

Considering the coulomb and viscous friction in the driveline, we model it as a dead zone before calculating


Dead zone of the coulomb and viscous friction

Maximum voltage calculationwith battery voltage

Figure 6-3 Actuators subsystem

DC motor maximum voltage is necessary to derive the voltage. In the Cal vol_max subsystem, we use the following experimental equation which is a conversion rule between the battery voltage and the maximum

DC motor voltage . BV


(6.1) 625.0001089.0max −×= BVV

We have derived Eq. (6.1) as the following. Generally speaking, DC motor voltage and rotation speed are

proportional to battery voltage. Figure 6-4 shows an experimental result of battery voltage and motor rotation

speed at PWM = 100% with no load.

Figure 6-4 Experimental result between battery voltage and motor rotation speed at PWM = 100%

Eq. (6.1) is derived by relating Figure 6-4 and the data described in the reference [1].

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6.3 Plant

Plant subsystem is a model of the state equation derived in 3.3 State Equations of Spherical Wheeled

Inverted Pendulum. Considering the calibration of gyro offset, it is modeled so as to run calculation after gyro

calibration. Read 7.1 Control Program Summary for more details about the gyro calibration.

State equation in X-direction

State equation in Y-direction

Modeling to start the Enabled Subsystem after gyro calibration

Figure 6-5 Plant subsystem

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6.4 Sensors

Sensors subsystem converts the values calculated in plant subsystem to sensor outputs. Because the

computation cost of distance (an output of ultrasonic sensor) calculation and wall hit detection are heavy, we cut

the computation steps by inserting Rate Transition blocks. Read Appendix B.3 for more details about the

distance calculation and wall hit detection.

Figure 6-6 Sensors subsystem

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7 Controller Model

This chapter describes control program, task configuration, and model contents of nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl.

7.1 Control Program Summary

State Machine Diagram

Figure 7-1 is a state machine diagram of NXT Ballbot controller. There are two drive modes. One is

autonomous drive mode and the other is remote control drive mode by analog sticks of PC game pad with NXT

GamePad utility. DC motors stop automatically when NXT Ballbot is out of control because of falling or other


Balance and Drive Control

Calibration Time Over

Gyro Offset Calibration


Rightward Run


No Obstacle


Start Time Over

Autonomous Drive

Remote Control

Backward Run

Obstacle No Obstacle

Remote Control Drive


DC Motors Stop

Out of Control

Figure 7-1 State machine diagram of NXT Ballbot controller

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Task Configuration

NXT Ballbot controller has four tasks described in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 NXT Ballbot controller tasks

Task Period Works

task_init Initialization only Initial value setting

task_ts1 4 [ms]

Gyro offset calibration

Balance and drive control

Data logging

DC motors stop when out of control

task_ts2 20 [ms] Obstacle check

task_ts3 100 [ms]

Time check

Out of control check

Battery voltage averaging

We use 4 [ms] period for the balance and drive control task considering max sample numbers of gyro sensor a

second. As same reason, we use 20 [ms] period for the obstacle check task using ultrasonic sensor. The

controller described in 4.2 Controller Design used for the balance and drive control.

Data Type

We use single precision floating-point data for the balance and drive control to reduce the computation error.

There are no FPU (Floating Point number processing Unit) in ARM7 processor embedded in NXT Intelligent

Brick, but we can perform software single precision floating-point arithmetic by using floating-point arithmetic

library provided by GCC.

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7.2 Model Summary

nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl is based on Embedded Coder Robot NXT framework.

4ms 20ms 100ms

Device Input Device Output

SchedulerTask Subsystem


Shared Data

Figure 7-2 nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl

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Device Interface

We can make device interfaces using the sensor and actuator blocks provided by Embedded Coder Robot NXT


Motor Input (rotation angle)

Motor Output (PWM)

Figure 7-3 DC motor interface

Scheduler & Tasks

The ExpFcnCalls Scheduler block has task configuration such as task name, task period, platform, and stack

size. We can make task subsystems by connecting function-call signals from the scheduler to function-call


4ms 20ms 100ms Initialization

Figure 7-4 Scheduler and tasks

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We have to set priority of the device blocks and ExpFcnCalls Scheduler block at root level to sort them in the

order 1. device inputs 2. tasks → 3. device outputs. The low number indicates high priority and negative

numbers are allowed.

To display priority, right click the block and choose [Block Properties].

Computation Order

Priority = -1

Priority = 0

Priority = 1

Figure 7-5 Priority setting

Shared Data

We use Data Store Memory blocks as shared data between tasks.

Figure 7-6 Shared data

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Signal Vectorization

In the balance and drive control subsystem shown in Figure 7-7, some signals including outputs from DC

motor sensors and gyro sensors are vectorized in order to apply same control algorithm in X-direction and

Y-direction. The controller calculates matrix operations by setting block parameters.

Signal Vectorization

Select Vector Element

Block Parameter Setting for Matrix Multiplication

Figure 7-7 Signal vectorization and matrix operations

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7.3 Initialization Task : task_init

This task sets the initial values. We can switch the drive mode. (autonomous drive mode or remote control

drive mode)

Mode Switch

Figure 7-8 task_init subsystem

7.4 4ms Task : task_ts1

This is a task for gyro offset calibration, balance and drive control, data logging, and DC motors stop when out

of control. The balance and drive control starts after the gyro calibration. The operating_state

corresponds to the operation state shown in Figure 7-1.

Gyro Offset Calibration

Balance and Drive Control

DC Motors Stop when Out of Control

Figure 7-9 task_ts1 subsystem

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Gyro_Calibration subsystem

This subsystem calculates the initial value of gyro offset using a low path filter. The gyro offset calibration

time is defined as time_start in param_controller.m.

Figure 7-10 Gyro_Calibration subsystem

Stop subsystem

DC motors stop when NXT Ballbot is out of control. The task of out of control check runs in task_ts3


Figure 7-11 Stop subsystem

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Balance_and_Drive_Control subsystem

This subsystem is a controller described in 4.2 Controller Design.

Reference Command Digital Controller

(single precision)

Reference Calculation

State Calculation

PWM Calculation

Data Logging

Figure 7-12 Balance_and_Drive_Control subsystem

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Cal_Command subsystem

This subsystem calculates the reference command depending on the drive mode and the result of obstacle


Remote Control Drive Mode

Autonomous Drive Mode

Figure 7-13 Cal_Command subsystem

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Discrete Derivative and Discrete Integrator

Discrete Derivative block computes a time derivative by backward difference method, and Discrete Integrator

block does a time integral by forward euler method.

Figure 7-14 Discrete Derivative and Discrete Integrator

Reference subsystem

This subsystem calculates the reference using a low path filter to reduce an overshoot induced by a rapid

change of speed reference.

Figure 7-15 Reference subsystem

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State subsystem

This subsystem calculates the state using outputs from the sensors. We use a long-time average of gyro output

as gyro offset to remove gyro drift effect, and a low path filter to remove noise in the velocity signal.

Gyro Offset Update

Figure 7-16 State subsystem

PWM subsystem

This subsystem calculates the PWM duty based on the block diagram shown in Figure 4-4 and maximum

motor voltage by using Eq. (6.1).

Friction Compensator

Figure 7-17 PWM subsystem

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Data_Logging subsystem

The NXT GamePad ADC Data Logger block is placed in this subsystem for logging the sensor outputs and

calculated results. To change the logging period, change log_count defined in param_controller.m.

The NXT GamePad ADC Data Logger block can log sensor outputs and 8-bit, 16-bit signed integer data. It is

necessary for logging floating-point data to quantize it by dividing appropriate value, because it does not

support floating-point data directly. The denominator of the dividing operation is called Slope or LSB, it

corresponds a value per 1-bit. We can derive an original value by multiplying the logged data and Slope (LSB).

Figure 7-18 Data Logging subsystem

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7.5 20ms Task : task_ts2

This is a task to check an obstacle with ultrasonic sensor. NXT Ballbot runs rightward in autonomous drive

mode and does backward in remote control drive mode when finding an obstacle.

Figure 7-19 task_ts2 subsystem

7.6 100ms Task : task_ts3

This is a task to check the transition of operation state and average battery voltage. NXT Ballbot sounds during

sound_dur [ms] when the gyro calibration is finished.

Average Battery Voltage

Gyro Calibration Time Check

Autonomous Start Time Check

Out of Control Time Check

Figure 7-20 task_ts3 subsystem

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Timer_Stop subsystem

This subsystem calculates the duration time of out of control. We define out of control as the state that a

difference between reference and measured value on wheel angle or body pitch angle is greater than a threshold

(theta_diff_thr or psi_diff_thr).

Figure 7-21 Timer_Stop subsystem

7.7 Tuning Parameters

All parameters used in nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl are defined in param_controller.m. Table 7-2 shows the

tuning parameters for balance and drive control. You might have to tune these parameters because the parts,

blocks, sensors, and actuators are different individually.

Table 7-2 Tuning parameters

Parameter Description

k_f Servo control feedback gain

k_i Servo control integral gain

k_thetadot Speed reference gain

a_b Low path filter coefficient for averaging battery voltage

a_d Low path filter coefficient for removing velocity noise

a_r Low path filter coefficient for removing overshoot

a_gc Low path filter coefficient for gyro calibration

a_gd Low path filter coefficient for removing gyro drift effect

pwm_gain Friction compensator gain

pwm_offset Friction compensator offset

dst_thr Obstacle avoidance threshold (distance)

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8 Simulation

This chapter describes simulation of NXT Ballbot model, its result, and 3D viewer in nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl.

8.1 How to Run Simulation

It is same way as usual models to run simulation. We can change the speed reference by using Signal Builder

block in Reference Generator subsystem.

Figure 8-1 Reference Generator subsystem

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8.2 Simulation Results

Stationary Balancing

Figure 8-2 shows a simulation result of stationary balancing at initial value of body pitch angle equals to 4

[deg]. The body pitch angle goes to be 0 [deg] quickly. NXT Ballbot does not run until 1 [s] passes because of

gyro calibration.

Forward and Backward Run

Figure 8-3 shows a simulation result of forward and backward run in X-direction. NXT Ballbot fluctuates at

the time it runs or stops, but it goes to be stable gradually.

Figure 8-2 Position and body pitch angle of stationary balancing (X-direction)

Figure 8-3 Position and body pitch angle of forward and backward run (X-direction)

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You can watch the movie of NXT Ballbot simulation at the following URL.

Figure 8-4 Movie of NXT Ballbot simulation

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8.3 3D Viewer

Using nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl, we can watch 3D simulation with the viewer provided by Virtual Reality Toolbox.

We can change the viewpoint by switching the view mode in Virtual Reality window. nxt_ballbot_vr.mdl has

five view modes.

Top View : Overhead viewpoint

Vista View : Fixed viewpoint

Chaser View 1 : Tracking viewpoint (left side)

Chaser View 2 : Tracking viewpoint (front side)

Robot View : Viewpoint on the ultrasonic sensor

Top View Vista View

Chaser View 1 Chaser View 2

Figure 8-5 View modes

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9 Code Generation and Implementation

This chapter describes how to generate code from nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl and download it into NXT

Intelligent Brick, and the experimental results are shown.

9.1 Target Hardware & Software

Table 9-1 shows the target hardware specification of LEGO Mindstorms NXT and the software used in

Embedded Coder Robot NXT.

Table 9-1 LEGO Mindstorms NXT & Embedded Coder Robot NXT specification

Processor ATMEL 32-bit ARM 7 (AT91SAM7S256) 48MHz

Flash Memory 256 Kbytes (10000 time writing guarantee) Hardware

SRAM 64 Kbytes

Actuator DC motor

Sensor Ultrasonic sensor, Touch sensor, Light sensor, Sound sensor

Third party sensor (gyro sensor etc.)

Display 100 * 64 pixel LCD


Communication Bluetooth


Compiler GCC Software

Library GCC library

You can not download a program when the program size is greater than SRAM or flash memory size (you will

encounter a download error).

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9.2 How to Generate Code and Download

You can generate code from the model, build it, and download the program into NXT by clicking the

annotations in nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl shown in Figure 9-1. The procedure is the following.

1. Set Simulink Data Object usage by clicking [SDO Usage]. Simulink Data Object enables us to assign user

variable attributes such as variable name, storage class, modifiers etc. Refer the reference [3] for more

details about Simulink Data Object.

2. Generate code and build it by clicking [Generate code and build the generated code].

3. Connect NXT and PC via USB. Download the program into NXT by clicking [Download (NXT enhanced

firmware)] or [Download (SRAM)] in accordance with the NXT boot mode (enhanced firmware or

SRAM boot).

Step.1 Set Simulink Data Object Usage

Step.2 Code Generation & Build

Step.3a Program Download (NXT enhanced firmware)

Step.3b Program Download (NXT SRAM)

Figure 9-1 Annotations for code generation / build / download

A part of the generated code is described in Appendix C.

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9.3 Experimental Results

The experimental results are shown as follows. We have derived similar results as the simulation results.

Stationary Balancing

Figure 9-2 shows an experimental result of stationary balancing. The initial body pitch angle is not zero but

NXT Ballbot is stable over time.

Figure 9-2 Position and body pitch angle of stationary balancing (X-direction)

Forward and Backward Run

Figure 9-3 shows an experimental result of forward and backward run in X-direction.

Figure 9-3 Position and body pitch angle of forward and backward run (X-direction)

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You can watch the movie of NXT Ballbot control experiment at the following URL.

Figure 9-4 Movie of NXT Ballbot control experiment

A plastic ball is very slippy and NXT Ballbot cannot balance on polished floor. You had better choose non-slippy floor like felt or carpet.

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10 Challenges for Readers

We provide the following problems as challenges for readers. Try them if you are interested in.

Controller performance improvement (gain tuning, robust control technique, etc.)

Filter improvement for removing gyro drift completely (high path filter etc.)

Proportional sound to the distance between NXT Ballbot and obstacle.

NXT Ballbot hardware mechanism refinement

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Appendix A Modern Control Theory

This appendix describes modern control theory used in controller design of NXT Ballbot briefly. Refer

textbooks about modern control theory for more details.

A.1 Stability

We define a system is asymptotically stable when the state goes to zero independent of its initial value if the

input equals to zero. u

(A.1) 0)(lim =∞→



A state equation is given as the following

(A.2) )()()( tBtAt uxx +=&

It is necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotically stable that the real part of all eigenvalues of system

matrix A is negative. The system is unstable when it has some eigenvalues with positive real part.

A.2 State Feedback Control

State feedback control is a control technique that multiplies feedback gain K and the difference between reference state value and measured value , and feedbacks it to the system. It is similar to PD control in

classical control theory. Figure A-1 shows block diagram of state feedback control. refx x

The input and state equation of the system shown in Figure A-1 are given as the following

( )reftKt xxu −−= )()( (A.3)

(A.4) ( ) refBKtBKAt xxx +−= )()(&

We can make the system stable by calibrating feed back gain K because we can change the eigenvalues of the

system matrix BKA− .

uxx BA +=&u xrefx +


Figure A-1 Block diagram of state feedback control

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It is necessary to use state feedback control that the system is controllability. It is necessary and sufficient condition that a controllability matrix is full rank. (cM nMrank c =)( , is order of ) n x


c1,, −= L (A.5)

Control System Toolbox provides ctrb function for evaluating a controllability matrix.


Is the following system controllable? A = [0, 1; -2, -3], B = [0; 1] --> controllable

There are two methods to evaluate feedback gain K .

1. Direct Pole Placement

This method calculates feedback gain K so as to assign the poles (eigenvalues) of system matrix

BKA− at the desired positions. The tuning parameters are the poles and you need to decide appropriate

gain value by trial and error. Control System Toolbox provides place function for direct pole placement.


Calculate feedback gain for the system A = [0, 1; -2, -3], B = [0; 1] so as to assign the poles at [-5, -6].

>> A = [0, 1; -2, -3]; B = [0; 1]; >> Mc = ctrb(A, B); >> rank(Mc) ans = 2

>> A = [0, 1; -2, -3]; B = [0; 1]; >> poles = [-5, -6]; >> K = place(A, B, poles) K = 28.0000 8.0000

2. Linear Quadratic Regulator

This method calculates feedback gain K so as to minimize the cost function given as the following

The tuning parameters are weight matrix for state and for input . You need to decide appropriate

gain value by trial and error. Control System Toolbox provides lqr function for linear quadratic regulator.


( )∫∞


)()()()( dttRttQtJ TT uuxx


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Calculate feedback gain for the system A = [0, 1; -2, -3], B = [0; 1] by using Q = [100, 0; 0, 1], R = 1.

A.3 Servo Control

Servo control is a control technique so that an output of a system tracks an expected behavior. PID control and

I-PD control in classical control theory are a kind of servo control. It is necessary to add an integrator in the

closed loop if you want the output tracks step shaped reference. Figure A-2 shows block diagram of servo

control (PID type).


We can calculate servo control gains in the same way as feedback control by considering an expansion system.

It has new state that is the difference between the output and referenced value. The servo control gains are

derived as the following.

The state equation and output function are given as the following.

(A.6) )()(





We use a difference ( )reftCt xxe −= )()( , an integral of the difference , states of the expansion system )(tz

Tttt )](),([)( zxx = , and the orders of and are n , . The state equation of the expansion system is the


x u m

uxx BA +=&u x+

+iK C


refx refy


>> A = [0, 1; -2, -3]; B = [0; 1]; >> Q = [100, 0; 0, 1]; R = 1; >> K = lqr(A, B, Q, R) K = 8.1980 2.1377

Figure A-2 Block diagram of servo control (PID type)

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(A.7) ref




mn CI




















× 0)(






Eq. (A.7) converges to Eq. (A.8) if the expansion system is assumed to be stable.

(A.8) ref




mn CI



















× 0)(






The state equation (A.9) is derived by considering the subtraction between Eq. (A.7) and Eq. (A.8).













e uxxuzx













& (A.9)

where , )()( ∞−= xxx te )()( ∞−= zzz te , )()( ∞−= uuu te . We can use feedback control to make the

expansion system stable. The input is

)()()()( tKtKtKt eiefee zxxu −−=−= (A.10)

If it is possible that , , refxx →∞)( 0)( →∞z 0)( →∞u are assumed, we derive the following input . )(tu

(A.11) ( dttCKtKt refireff ∫ −−−−= xxxxu )())(()( )

Modern control theory textbooks usually describe I-PD type expression ( in the first term of Eq. (A.11) equals to zero) as servo control input. However we use PID type expression Eq. (A.11) because of improving the tracking performance.


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Appendix B Virtual Reality Space

This appendix describes the virtual reality space used in NXT Ballbot model. For example, coordinate system,

map file, distance calculation, and wall hit detection.

B.1 Coordinate System

We use Virtual Reality Toolbox for 3D visualization of NXT Ballbot. Virtual Reality Toolbox visualizes an

object based on VRML language. The VRML coordinate system is defined as shown in Figure B-1.








Figure B-1 MATLAB and VRML coordinate system

Figure B-2 shows the coordinate system defined by vr_nxt_ballbot_track.wrl, a map file written in VRML.

z [cm]

x [cm]

0 100 200




Figure B-2 The coordinate system defined by vr_nxt_ballbot_track.wrl

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The VRML position of NXT Ballbot is calculated in NXT Ballbot / Sensors / Position subsystem.

Figure B-3 Position subsystem

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B.2 Making Map File

You can make vr_nxt_ballbot_track.wrl from vr_nxt_ballbot_track.bmp by using mywritevrtrack.m. Enter the

following command to make vr_nxt_ballbot_track.wrl.

mywritevrtrack.m makes wrl file using the following conversion rules.

1 pixel 1 * 1 [cm2] →

white pixel (RGB = [255, 255, 255]) floor →

gray pixel (RGB = [128, 128, 128]) wall (default height is 20 [cm]) →

black pixel (RGB = [0, 0, 0]) black line →

vr_nxt_ballbot_track.bmp vr_nxt_ballbot_track.wrl

>> mywritevrtrack('vr_nxt_ballbot_track.bmp')

Figure B-4 Making a map file

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B.3 Distance Calculation and Wall Hit Detection

The distance between NXT Ballbot and wall, and wall hit detection are calculated with Embedded MATLAB

Function blocks in Sensors subsystem.

Distance Calculation Wall Hit Detection

Figure B-5 Embedded MATLAB Function blocks for the distance calculation and wall hit detection

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An error dialog displays when NXT Ballbot hits the wall.

Figure B-6 Wall hit

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Appendix C Generated Code

This appendix describes the main code generated from nxt_ballbot_controller.mdl using Simulink Data Object.

The comments are omitted for compactness.

ballbot_app.c #include "ballbot_app.h" #include "ballbot_app_private.h" void task_init(void) { battery = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_battery_voltage(); gyro_offset[0] = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_gyro_sensor(NXT_PORT_S1); gyro_offset[1] = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_gyro_sensor(NXT_PORT_S2); start_time = ecrobot_get_systick_ms(); flag_mode = 1U; } void task_ts1(void) { real32_T rtb_Sum1; real32_T rtb_DataStoreRead4; real32_T rtb_MatrixConcatenate[8]; real32_T rtb_Sum2_b[8]; real32_T rtb_Saturation[2]; int16_T rtb_DataTypeConversion2_o[2]; int8_T rtb_Switch2_e; uint8_T rtb_Sum_d; boolean_T rtb_Switch3; { int32_T tmp; int8_T rtb_MatrixConcatenate_g_idx; real32_T rtb_UnitDelay_idx; real32_T rtb_UnitDelay_idx_0; real32_T rtb_Divide_fh_idx; real32_T rtb_Divide_fh_idx_0; real32_T rtb_Sum_idx; real32_T rtb_Sum_idx_0; real32_T rtb_UnitDelay_d_idx; real32_T rtb_UnitDelay_d_idx_0; real32_T rtb_theta_idx; real32_T rtb_theta_idx_0; real32_T rtb_Sum_a_idx; real32_T rtb_Sum_a_idx_0; real32_T rtb_UnitDelay_p_idx; real32_T rtb_UnitDelay_p_idx_0; real32_T rtb_Sum2_j_idx; real32_T rtb_Sum2_j_idx_0; real32_T rtb_Sum3_h_idx; real32_T rtb_Sum3_h_idx_0; switch (operating_state) { case 1: rtb_Sum1 = 1.0F - a_gc; gyro_offset[0] = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_gyro_sensor(NXT_PORT_S1) * rtb_Sum1 + a_gc * gyro_offset[0]; gyro_offset[1] = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_gyro_sensor(NXT_PORT_S2) * rtb_Sum1 + a_gc * gyro_offset[1]; ecrobot_set_motor_mode_speed(NXT_PORT_B, 1, 0); ecrobot_set_motor_mode_speed(NXT_PORT_C, 1, 0); break;

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case 2: ecrobot_read_bt_packet(&(bluetooth_rx[0]), 32); rtb_DataStoreRead4 = battery; rtb_UnitDelay_idx = ud_int_thetadot_ref[0]; rtb_UnitDelay_idx_0 = ud_int_thetadot_ref[1]; rtb_Divide_fh_idx = ts1 * ud_int_thetadot_ref[0] / 1000.0F; rtb_Divide_fh_idx_0 = ts1 * ud_int_thetadot_ref[1] / 1000.0F; if (flag_mode) { rtb_MatrixConcatenate_g_idx = (int8_T)bluetooth_rx[1]; if (flag_avoid) { rtb_Switch2_e = gp_max; } else { rtb_Switch2_e = (int8_T)bluetooth_rx[0]; } rtb_Switch2_e = (int8_T)(-rtb_Switch2_e); } else { if (flag_auto) { if (flag_avoid) { rtb_MatrixConcatenate_g_idx = 0; rtb_Switch2_e = gp_max; } else { rtb_MatrixConcatenate_g_idx = gp_max; rtb_Switch2_e = 0; } } else { rtb_Switch2_e = 0; rtb_MatrixConcatenate_g_idx = 0; } } rtb_Saturation[0] = (real32_T)rtb_Switch2_e; rtb_Saturation[1] = (real32_T)rtb_MatrixConcatenate_g_idx; rtb_Sum1 = 1.0F - a_r; rtb_Sum_idx = rtb_Saturation[0] / (real32_T)gp_max * k_thetadot * rtb_Sum1 + ud_lpf_thetadot_ref[0] * a_r; rtb_Sum_idx_0 = rtb_Saturation[1] / (real32_T)gp_max * k_thetadot * rtb_Sum1 + ud_lpf_thetadot_ref[1] * a_r; rtb_Sum2_b[0] = rtb_Divide_fh_idx; rtb_Sum2_b[4] = rtb_Divide_fh_idx_0; rtb_Sum2_b[1] = 0.0F; rtb_Sum2_b[5] = 0.0F; rtb_Sum2_b[2] = rtb_Sum_idx; rtb_Sum2_b[6] = rtb_Sum_idx_0; rtb_Sum2_b[3] = 0.0F; rtb_Sum2_b[7] = 0.0F; rtb_Sum1 = Rw / Rs; rtb_UnitDelay_d_idx = ud_int_psidot[0]; rtb_UnitDelay_d_idx_0 = ud_int_psidot[1]; rtb_Saturation[0] = ts1 * ud_int_psidot[0] / 1000.0F; rtb_Saturation[1] = ts1 * ud_int_psidot[1] / 1000.0F; rtb_theta_idx = rtb_Sum1 * (real32_T)ecrobot_get_motor_rev(NXT_PORT_B) + rtb_Saturation[0]; rtb_theta_idx_0 = rtb_Sum1 * (real32_T)ecrobot_get_motor_rev(NXT_PORT_C) + rtb_Saturation[1]; rtb_Sum1 = 1.0F - a_d; rtb_Sum_a_idx = rtb_theta_idx * rtb_Sum1 + ud_lpf_theta[0] * a_d; rtb_Sum_a_idx_0 = rtb_theta_idx_0 * rtb_Sum1 + ud_lpf_theta[1] * a_d; rtb_Sum2_j_idx = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_gyro_sensor(NXT_PORT_S1); rtb_Sum2_j_idx_0 = (real32_T)ecrobot_get_gyro_sensor(NXT_PORT_S2); rtb_Sum1 = 1.0F - a_gd; rtb_Sum3_h_idx = rtb_Sum2_j_idx * rtb_Sum1 + a_gd * gyro_offset[0]; rtb_Sum3_h_idx_0 = rtb_Sum2_j_idx_0 * rtb_Sum1 + a_gd * gyro_offset[1]; rtb_Sum2_j_idx -= rtb_Sum3_h_idx; rtb_Sum2_j_idx_0 -= rtb_Sum3_h_idx_0; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[0] = rtb_theta_idx; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[4] = rtb_theta_idx_0; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[1] = rtb_Saturation[0]; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[5] = rtb_Saturation[1];

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rtb_MatrixConcatenate[2] = (rtb_Sum_a_idx - ud_drv_theta[0]) * 1000.0F / ts1; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[6] = (rtb_Sum_a_idx_0 - ud_drv_theta[1]) * 1000.0F / ts1; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[3] = rtb_Sum2_j_idx; rtb_MatrixConcatenate[7] = rtb_Sum2_j_idx_0; for (tmp = 0; tmp < 8; tmp++) { rtb_Sum2_b[tmp] -= rtb_MatrixConcatenate[tmp]; } psi_diff[0] = rtb_Sum2_b[1]; psi_diff[1] = rtb_Sum2_b[5]; gyro_offset[0] = rtb_Sum3_h_idx; gyro_offset[1] = rtb_Sum3_h_idx_0; theta_diff[0] = rtb_Sum2_b[0]; theta_diff[1] = rtb_Sum2_b[4]; rtb_UnitDelay_p_idx = ud_int_theta_diff[0]; rtb_UnitDelay_p_idx_0 = ud_int_theta_diff[1]; rtb_Sum3_h_idx = ts1 * ud_int_theta_diff[0] / 1000.0F * k_i; rtb_Sum3_h_idx_0 = ts1 * ud_int_theta_diff[1] / 1000.0F * k_i; { static const int_T dims[3] = { 1, 4, 2 }; rt_MatMultRR_Sgl((real32_T *)rtb_Saturation, (real32_T *)&(k_f[0]), (real32_T *)rtb_Sum2_b, &dims[0]); } rtb_Sum1 = 1.089000027E-003F * rtb_DataStoreRead4 - 0.625F; rtb_Saturation[0] = (rtb_Sum3_h_idx + rtb_Saturation[0]) / rtb_Sum1 * 100.0F; rtb_Saturation[1] = (rtb_Sum3_h_idx_0 + rtb_Saturation[1]) / rtb_Sum1 * 100.0F; rtb_Saturation[0] = pwm_offset * rt_FSGN(rtb_Saturation[0]) + pwm_gain * rtb_Saturation[0]; rtb_Saturation[1] = pwm_offset * rt_FSGN(rtb_Saturation[1]) + pwm_gain * rtb_Saturation[1]; rtb_Saturation[0] = rt_SATURATE(rtb_Saturation[0], -100.0F, 100.0F); rtb_Saturation[1] = rt_SATURATE(rtb_Saturation[1], -100.0F, 100.0F); ecrobot_set_motor_mode_speed(NXT_PORT_B, 1, (int8_T)rtb_Saturation[0]); ecrobot_set_motor_mode_speed(NXT_PORT_C, 1, (int8_T)rtb_Saturation[1]); rtb_Sum_d = ud_flag_log; if (ud_flag_log != 0U) { rtb_Switch3 = 0U; } else { rtb_Switch3 = 1U; } if (rtb_Switch3) { rtb_DataTypeConversion2_o[0] = (int16_T)floor((real_T) (rtb_MatrixConcatenate[1] / lsb) + 0.5); rtb_DataTypeConversion2_o[1] = (int16_T)floor((real_T) (rtb_MatrixConcatenate[5] / lsb) + 0.5); ecrobot_bt_adc_data_logger(0, 0, rtb_DataTypeConversion2_o[0], rtb_DataTypeConversion2_o[1], 0, 0); } rtb_Sum_d = (uint8_T)(1U + (uint32_T)rtb_Sum_d); if (log_count == rtb_Sum_d) { rtb_Sum_d = 0U; } ud_int_thetadot_ref[0] = rtb_Sum_idx + rtb_UnitDelay_idx; ud_int_thetadot_ref[1] = rtb_Sum_idx_0 + rtb_UnitDelay_idx_0; ud_lpf_thetadot_ref[0] = rtb_Sum_idx; ud_lpf_thetadot_ref[1] = rtb_Sum_idx_0; ud_int_psidot[0] = rtb_Sum2_j_idx + rtb_UnitDelay_d_idx; ud_int_psidot[1] = rtb_Sum2_j_idx_0 + rtb_UnitDelay_d_idx_0;

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ud_lpf_theta[0] = rtb_Sum_a_idx; ud_lpf_theta[1] = rtb_Sum_a_idx_0; ud_drv_theta[0] = rtb_Sum_a_idx; ud_drv_theta[1] = rtb_Sum_a_idx_0; ud_int_theta_diff[0] = (rtb_Divide_fh_idx - rtb_theta_idx) + rtb_UnitDelay_p_idx; ud_int_theta_diff[1] = (rtb_Divide_fh_idx_0 - rtb_theta_idx_0) + rtb_UnitDelay_p_idx_0; ud_flag_log = rtb_Sum_d; break; default: ecrobot_set_motor_mode_speed(NXT_PORT_B, 1, 0); ecrobot_set_motor_mode_speed(NXT_PORT_C, 1, 0); break; } } } void task_ts2(void) { flag_avoid = (ecrobot_get_sonar_sensor(NXT_PORT_S3) <= dst_thr); } void task_ts3(void) { uint32_T rtb_Sum1_d; int8_T rtb_Switch2_n; boolean_T rtb_RelationalOperator_i; battery = (1.0F - a_b) * (real32_T)ecrobot_get_battery_voltage() + a_b * battery; rtb_Sum1_d = (uint32_T)((int32_T)ecrobot_get_systick_ms() - (int32_T) start_time); flag_auto = (rtb_Sum1_d >= time_auto); rtb_RelationalOperator_i = (rtb_Sum1_d >= time_start); if ((fabsf(theta_diff[0]) < theta_diff_thr) && (fabsf(theta_diff[1]) < theta_diff_thr) && ((fabsf(psi_diff[0]) < psi_diff_thr) && (fabsf (psi_diff[1]) < psi_diff_thr))) { timer_stop0 = rtb_Sum1_d; } if ((uint32_T)((int32_T)rtb_Sum1_d - (int32_T)timer_stop0) < time_stop) { if (rtb_RelationalOperator_i) { rtb_Switch2_n = control; } else { rtb_Switch2_n = calib; } } else { rtb_Switch2_n = stop; } operating_state = rtb_Switch2_n; if (rtb_RelationalOperator_i > ud_detect_increse) { ecrobot_sound_tone(sound_frq, sound_dur, 70); } ud_detect_increse = rtb_RelationalOperator_i; } void ballbot_app_initialize(void) { operating_state = calib; }

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[1] Philo’s Home Page LEGO Mindstorms NXT

[2] Ryo’s Holiday LEGO Mindstorms NXT

[3] Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder document
