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A Quarterly Publication of Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego

O C T O B E R N O V E M B E R D E C E M B E R FALL I S S U E 2 0 1 4

Taiwanese American Community Center (TACC)


Vol. 16 No. 3

Publisher: TAFSDEditor-in-Chief: Carol Ou Lin Executive Editor: Jing-Ping Shih English Editor: Sharon WuContributing Writers: Edward Lin, Yuan Kang Lee, Ching-Chih Chen

For free subscription, please contact TACC: 7838 Wilkerson Court, San Diego, CA 92111Tel: 858-560-8884Fax: 858-560-9276 Website: www.taiwancenter.comE-mail: [email protected]

US Congressman Scott Peters visited Taiwan Center on 9/3/2014

Dr. Jennifer Chiang talked about “Periodontitis and Osteoporosis Prevention” in 7/26/14 Health Seminar

Luke Hsiao, Jing-Ping Shih and Tang Wang (from Left) talked about their jury duty experience on

7/19/14 Life-Experience Seminar

San Diego Taiwanese American Foundation858-560-8884

President Justina Wu Vice President Luke HsiaoExecutive Director Carol Ou LinTreasurer Nancy WenSecretary Shu-Ching Lai

San Diego Taiwanese American Community Center

Director Carol Ou LinAssistant Director Jing-Ping Shih

Dr. Ted Fan presented “Cancer Immunology” in 9/6/14 Understanding Sciences Lecture Series

Hung Lu Music Group from Hsin Chu per-formed Hakka and Taiwanese music on 9/20/14

Mid-autumn moon festival celebration at TACC outdoor deck on 9/8/14

Professor Jang-yu Hsu talked about “My Last 12 Years of Taiwan Experience in Academia and Beyond” in

8/23/14 Understanding Sciences Lecture Series

SDTCA/Cenzone Tech Inc. Scholarship recipi-ents at mid-autumn moon festival on 9/13/14

CA52 congressional candidate Carl DeMaio visited Taiwan Center on 8/20/2014

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San Diego Taiwanese Americans’ Effort at Righting the Country Name of Taiwan

For a long time, China has arguably done her very best to damage/shrink Taiwan’s international space. Chinese Beijing would not even spare the “sister city” relations that promote friendship between cities.

Taiwan and the United States are democratic countries wherein freedom and democracy are held as universal values. Consequently, many cities in the two countries have easily established sister-city ties. Unexpectedly or expectedly, in recent years, after Chinese influences have penetrated the United States, the Chinese have inter-fered in the decision-making of many sister-city organizations in the U.S. For example, in 2006, yielding to the undue pressure from Shanghai Xuhui city officials, Irvin compelled Taoyuan City (Taiwan) to sign an agreement wherein Taoyuan was relegated to a non-state/stateless city. And in 2002, the sister-city signs in Los Angeles showed Taipei as “Taipei City, Taiwan, China.” Taiwan is not part of China! Ultimately, due to protests from Taiwanese Americans in southern California, Irvin and Los Angeles did right the wrongs to Taiwan.

Recently, the city of San Diego replaced a sign showing 15 sister cities but Taichung City read as “Taichung, Chinese Taipei”. The name of the country where Taichung is located is Taiwan not “Chinese Taipei”! Taiwanese American Community Center and Taiwanese American Foundation in San Diego immediately reasoned and ne-gotiated with San Diego city’s agencies involved. Five days later, on August 21, the improper sign was removed and replaced with a new and proper sign. The sign now appropriately reads “Taichung, Taiwan”. Taiwan is an independent, sovereign nation. This is a fact that cannot and should not be altered by anyone, city or county.

“Taichung, Taiwan” NOT “Taichung, Chinese Taipei”In 2014, a new sister-city sign was installed at the Civic Center Plaza, north of the

San Diego City Council Building. Among the 15 sister-cities, Taiwan’s Taichung City read as “Taichung, Chinese Taipei”. As soon as the improper labeling was discovered, Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego and Taiwan Center jointly prepared a petition letter demanding a correction ready to send to Mayor’s office. At the same time they entrusted Mr. Walter Chung, a Director and a volunteer legal counsel of the Foundation to arrange a meeting with San Diego mayor. Mr. Chung is a second-generation Taiwanese American and is currently serving as a deputy prosecutor of the San Diego City.

After having contacted the appropriate city official, Mr. Chung learned that it was the sister-city organization that asked for the moniker of “Chinese Taipei”. San Diego Foreign Affairs Office indicated that the mayor does not play political favoritism and would change the sign immediately as long as the sister-city organization would agree. Mr. Chung subsequently met with Mr. Edict who was in charge of the sister city organization. He explained that since the original sister-city agreement was signed between the San Diego city government and “Taichung, Tai-wan” , by law the this name of “Taichung, Taiwan” cannot be arbitrarily changed. Mr. Edict accepted Mr. Chung’s explanation and readily agreed to the request to restore the name of “Taichung, Taiwan.” (It is apparent that the use of “Chinese Taipei” had come as a result of pressure from outside of the sister-city organization.)

Five days after Mr. Chung’s contacting San Diego city officials and Mr. Edict of sister-city organization, the sign with the improper moniker for Taichung City was taken down on August 21. In its place is a new sign with “Taic-hung, Taiwan” together with 14 other sister cities of San Diego that proudly stands on San Diego Civic Center Plaza.

Throughout various regions of the world, China has done its best to damage Taiwan’s international space. San Di-ego Taiwanese Americans originally thought that it would not be easy to resolve this improper labeling of Taichung at San Diego Civic Center Plaza. Taiwan Center and Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego were prepared for the worst. If after a written petition and face-to-face negotiation no acceptable agreement is reached, we were prepared for a peaceful protest of the kind did by Taiwanese Americans in southern California in the past (Continued)

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3YAM Quarterly 2014 Fall

Date: 10/04/2014 Saturday 9AMPlace: Volcan Mountain at Julian (need car pool)Gathering place: Dudley’s Famous Bakery (30218 Highway 78 Santa Ysabel, CA 92070)

Date: 10/18/2014 Saturday 9AMPlace: Miramar Lake Gathering place: Miramar Lake Parking LotDate: 11/01/2014 Saturday 9AMPlace: Elfin Forest Recreation ReserveGathering place: Trail head parking lot

Date: 11/15/2014 Saturday 9AMPlace: Rancho Carrillo Trail (Carlsbad)Gathering place: Carrillo Elementary School parking lot drive Ysabel, CA 92070Date: 12/06/2014 Saturday 9AMPlace: Iron MountainGathering place: Parking lot at the intersection of Poway Road and highway 67 Date: 12/20/2014 Saturday 9AMPlace: Mule Hill Historic Trail (Lake Hodges)Gathering place: Sunset Dr. Parking Lot at Escondido

Hiking Club

L Understanding Sciences Lecture Series (XXIV)Time: December 06, 2014, Saturday, 2:00PMTopic: The F1D Indoor Model AirplaneSpeaker: Dr. Yuan Kang Lee

The F1D indoor model airplane is internationally recognized by the Federation Aeronatique Internationale (FAI), and a world championship is held every two years. The F1D model weighs 1.2 g and flies with 0.6 g of rubber. The rubber is wound up to 2000 turns and turns a large, slow turning propeller. In a tall building, the F1D model can fly more than 40 minutes. Their slow flying manners make them almost magical as they ap-pear to literally float in the air. They are judged by how much time they remain aloft; that is, the competition is for duration.

The other charm of the F1D model is that they fly “freely” and are not remotely controlled. They are called “free flight” model airplanes. The model is set up by the human flier so that it does not climb too high, yet high enough to stay aloft for the longest duration. They must turn inside the building to avoid the walls, yet do so in an efficient way.

F1D models are flown in interesting venues. The 2014 F1D World Championship was held in an under-ground Salt Mine in Slanic Romania. In the U.S., F1D’s are flown in Lakehurst, New Jersey, site of the crash of the Hindenburg. F1D models are also flown in less exotic places like a school gym.

This talk will discuss how the F1D model flies, especially how to make them fly for a very long time. No technical background is required to understand and enjoy this talk. A demonstration of the F1D model in flight will be made.

Yuan Kang Lee is the 2014 F1D World Champion. He began flying indoor model airplanes in 2010 after coaching his daughter in the Wright Stuff event of the Science Olympic competition. He is multiple-time national champion and record holder in the “EZB” indoor model. He started F1D in 2012, and the 2014 F1D World Championship was his first international competition.

Kang was born in Taipei and moved to the U.S. when he was 10 years old. He has lived in Ohio, New York, Texas, and California. He has two daughters. One is a sophomore at Rice University, and the other is a junior at Canyon Crest Academy.

Kang received his MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and his undergraduate degree from Cornell University. He has more than 20 years of experience in digital communications and has worked at Texas Instruments, SNR Labs, and Seven Networks.

(Continued) in Los Angeles and Irvin where sister-city organizations were unfriendly to Taiwan. However, on account of the fact that with the help of a second-generation Taiwanese American legal expert, who utilized his professional knowledge and skills, we were able to successfully resolve the issue within a week. Thank you, Walter!

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Time: October 19, 2014, Sunday, 2:00PMTopic: Introduction to Social Democracy in Western Europe Speaker: Edward Lin

Ideologies of Modern socialists are originated from 19 century Marxism. Marxism can be outlined in vulgar simple propositions: 1. The capitalism wage system is not a fair relation between workers and employers; in other words, workers are exploited. 2. Based on Marx historical materialism, humanity has went through primitive communist society, slave society, feudal society, capitalist society. No systems are eternal, capitalist is a transient historical phenomenon. 3. All workers are united to improve their conditions of life under capitalism; to struggle against the existing social order; to bring about a new stage of history --- communist society. The public ownership of means of production ensures the credits of public efforts and contributions are shared by members of society in the communist society.

In 70s-80s of 19 century, Western Europe went through severe economic crises. But capitalism developed a structure capable of self-regulation. It not only reverted the crises, it became more prosperous. The pau-perization of working class had been mitigated, there was a growth of intermediate social group rather than polarization of society. And universal manhood suffrage started to get prevailed in France, Britain, Germany and other Western Europe countries in late 19th century. Bernstein indicated the development of parliamen-tary democracy would enable the working class to struggle against bourgeoisie legally and equally; power could be achieved peacefully within a state. This is the so called revisionism/reformism to separate from orthodox Marxism.After WWI, Bolsheviks under Lenin overthrew Czar regime and established the first proletariate regime in the history of mankind in Russia. It caused the radicals to separate from the socialist parties to establish communist parties in Europe. But the parliamentary socialist continued to expand their electorate successes in Western Europe. Between the wars, besides Sweden, social democracy did not develop smoothly. Most Western Europe countries were enmeshed in power struggles between capitalist and working classes. Wei-mar Republic of Germany delineated the precarious balances between powers led to the advances of the Nazi party.After WWII, most of western European countries had been ruined by the war, the political atmospheres had been changed drastically. Nationalization of industries was common in UK, Austria, France. 1950 - 1973 was the golden age of capitalism, social democracy parties in Western Europe also made good progresses. Socialists achieved in full employment, wage regulation and arbitration, housing, unemployment insurance, education,..., social welfare areas under capitalism. After 1973, the growth rate of production had been receded. In the awkward predicament of unemployment and inflation, politicians chose to fight inflation. The unemployment rate in Western Europe maintained around 10%. Decline in trade union strength and the deterioration of worker’s rights damaged the credits and reputations of socialist parties. The vicissitudes of Italy communist party explained political strategies, economic environments, sporadic events influenced the destiny of a political party.New left ideology: After 50s, western arts, music, philosophy,..., advanced into new era. Politically, human right movements, college students participating in campus councils and occupying campuses, anti war movements, etc. were peaked at 1968 French Student revolution. After May events, the progressive ideologies did not dissipate, they disseminated into woman liberation, gay liberation, environment protection groups. They continued to influence students on campuses, workers in factories, and politicians in political parties.

TACC Book Club Series
