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Title: Falling for youAuthor: ElyshaKateOriginal Imagine Link: Imagine being Mycrofts assistantWarnings: light swearing, accident ending in injuryWord Count:1.664(A/N: First time writing Sherlock fics, any feedback would be fantastic! Please and Thank you lovelies)Your arms cradled the bunch of orchids as you climbed the stairs of the restaurant, moving easily through the different segmented rooms and between tables of happily dining couples until you reached the terrace. Keeping your expression neutral, you scanned the occupied tables for your employer. As a personal assistant to an upper government official, you were constantly on call and were expected to complete all requests diligently no matter how outlandish or odd, at any time he called on you. This assignment did seem quite strange though, even for the infamous Mycroft Holmes.You had been roused from a power nap by your beeper, telling you to pick up the most beautiful bouquet from the florist by your apartment and find him at this restaurant by 8pm. Somewhere in the back of your mind you silently wished this was his way of asking you to dinner, your heart fluttering at the thought of you both together. The possibility was made more real once you had checked his schedule, finding no appointments or meetings with foreign correspondents in the book. The long hours and close contact with him had left you enamoured, from the sharp grey of his eyes to the delightful lilt of his British accent.The only reason you hadnt considered your feelings properly was because you loved your job too much to risk them not being reciprocated. Despite the endless hours, the pay was phenomenal and you were treated well. Your student loans were a distant memory, your fridge always well stocked as was your closet. Above all, you were a natural; discrete, professional and meticulous. No detail was overlooked, no request too difficult. You rose above and beyond the job description so that you were indispensable.All logic indicated that you were merely running an errand for him, but the small voice in the back of your mind was hoping for so much more. It was the same voice which had compelled you to wear the black pencil skirt and loboutin heels, teamed with the silk of the navy blouse he had bought you for your last birthday. You knew you looked over dressed for an afterhours assignment, but you felt that he deserved the very best from you for all his generosity. Your daydreams had run wild and rampant whilst you had gotten presentable, all of the endless possibilities centring on him finally confessing his undying love.You scolded yourself as you finally laid eyes on him, sitting away from the general populous as was to be expected. He saw you a second later, raising a hand in greeting as your eyes met. The smile that shaped your lips was unwelcome, but you couldnt fight it as you strolled over. It was a rare occasion to see him in such a state of undress, his suit jacket draped across the back of his chair whilst his shirt sleeves beneath the charcoal vest were pushed up above his elbows. He stubbed his cigarette in the ashtray, letting the last of the smoke spill over his lips. You couldnt remember him being this comfortable before, the usual stress which occupied his shoulders all but forgotten as he lounged in his chair.Ah, spot on time as always. Ta He noted, returning your smile as he stood to take the flowers from you. He admired them for a moment, rearranging them to his taste before laying them across the table.Youve outdone yourself as always, how did I live before you? He chuckled, eyes flickering behind you as if he were waiting on someone. You remained ignorant to this detail, wrapped safely in the compliment.Im not entirely sure, will there be anything else Sir? You asked hopefully, giving him the opening to invite you to join him if that was his desire.No, thats all for now. Sorry to interrupt your evening, looks like you had made plans. See you in the morning then He answered with a curt shake of his head. His smile remained friendly, but it felt like such a harsh dismissal that you were surprised you didnt crumble right there in front of him. You nodded once, struggling to keep the smile on your face.No plans Sir, goodnight You said as you turned to leave, missing the confused look he appraised you with whilst calculating this newest piece of information.It hadnt even been two steps before the rest of your world fell in pieces around you. Emerging around the corner was the most beautiful young lady you could imagine. She was headed towards the table you had just left, her gait powerful and assured as if she had complete control of how those around her would react. Her whole demeanour lit up as she passed you, the smirk on her cherry coloured lips enough to paint the rest of the picture for you.You bit down on your lip hard, fighting the onslaught of tears as you quickened your pace to leave. How could you have been so stupid? Building your hopes up high enough to ensure every part of you would break in the inevitable fall. There was no doubt in your mind that you had no leg to stand on in comparison to that goddess. The first sob broke through, the rest not far behind as you made sure you were out of sight. You gripped the railing as you descended the stairs two at a time, lip quivering uncontrollably as you tried to ensure your quick escape.A step was missed in your haste, your momentum continuing as you fell heavily down the rest of the staircase. You came to a stop near the bottom, pain blossoming all over your limbs where they had come into contact with the unforgiving wood. You could feel the blood pounding in your ears as it began to flow freely from your skinned shins and forearms, your cheeks flushed an even deeper crimson as a waitress came to your aid.You allowed yourself to be helped up, using her as a crutch as you were ushered to a stool outside the kitchen doors. You thanked her profusely as you were handed an icepack and glass of water, wincing as the freeze spread over your skin through the paper towel. This night couldnt get any worse in your mind, cheeks blazing from embarrassment as you swiped at the tears still threatening to betray your inner turmoil. You felt that the emotional scars now had physical counterparts over your body, sighing heavily as you hung your head in shame. The staff wouldnt allow you to leave the premises until their first aid officer had checked you out properly, leaving you to wait a full hour for him to be satisfied you werent concussed and nothing was broken.Clicking of heels and a pair of familiar expensive shoes could be heard at the top of the stairs, your body curling in on itself as you prayed to whatever deity would hear you that it wasnt them. Your run of shit luck seemed to be holding out though, a moment later Mycroft appearing with the goddess clinging to his arm. She let out an airy laugh from an unheard joke, your eyes screwing shut in the childish hopes that if you couldnt see them that you also couldnt be seen in return.You felt them pass by you on their way to the door; slowly letting out the breath you didnt realise you were holding.Ill meet you outside darling, just give me one moment You heard him say, your eyes opening to find him leaning against the wall, watching you expectantly. If you were swallowed up by the ground that moment, you would be able to die happy.How was your meal? You asked lightly, trying to distract him from whatever he was going to say.Not as eventful as your night by the looks of it pet, what ever have you done to yourself? He asked, the annoyed tone barely concealed as he evaluated your condition. He tsked as he saw the grazes and drying blood, his overprotective streak rearing its head at the sight of you injured.Took the stairs too quickly. I will still be in first thing tomorrow morning, dont you worry You assured him, faking cheerfulness even though you were dying inside. The forced smile made you wince, the sting of your split lip punishment for ever thinking you could fool him.I always worry about you, silly girl. Is there anything I can get you? He offered, brow creased as he leant to brush away the blood from your lip with his handkerchief.Just my dignity back, but thank you You chuckled, trying your best not to be intoxicated by him so close to you. You were already floating away on the heady smell of his cologne, his hand brushing lightly against your arm tethering you back to reality as he tilted his head.Shouldnt you be attending to your date Sir? She is far too beautiful for you to be distracted by me here You pressed, internally hating yourself for pushing him away but knowing it was for the best.As much as I admire Ms. Tran and enjoy her company, she couldnt hold a flame to you my dear. Especially in that blouse He added, not breaking eye contact or looking abashed in the slightest as your jaw dropped.See you in the morning, I fervently hope you are feeling more like yourself. We will discuss this further then He smiled indulgently, pressing a tender kiss to your temple before pressing the handkerchief into your palm and taking his leave. You were left stunned, the warmth returning to your face in force as you grasped at the square of fabric that proved that this all wasnt a strange dream. Your eyes rose to find him again, his retreating form somehow having a spring in his step that you hadnt seen before.
