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This is to certify that the

thesis entitled

"Studies on the Preservation of

Leptoapira ictarohemorrhagiae"

presented by

John M. Shigekatta

has been accepted towards fulfillment

of the requirements for

M. S. degree in Bacteriology

MYW[Major profeissor

Date November 21:, 1951;







Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan

State College of Agriculture and Applied Science

in partial fulfillment of theiequirements

for the degree of


Department of Bacte riology




My sincere appreciation to Dr.

Jack J. Stockton for his patient guidance

and counsel during the course of this

study and his assistance in the writing

of this thesis.






Low Tempe ratu re s ...........................

Freeze -Drying



Freezing ..................................


DISCUSSION ..................................

SUMMARY..........L ....................... .















This investigation consisted of studying the effects of freez-

ing and freeze-drying on the viability and morphology of Leptospira

icterohemorrhagiae. A comparison was made of various suspending

menstrua and storage temperatures to determine which menstruum and

under what storage conditions the organiSms best survived in the

frozen state and whether the menstrua used could provide suitable

conditions for the successful 1y0philization of the organism.

Six to seven day-old cultures of E. icterohemorrhagiae grown in

Korthoff's medium at 50°C were concentrated by centrifugation and re-

suspended in various menstrua, chosen for this study because of their

colloidal preperty. These were as follows: 1 percent starch, l and 5

percent gelatin, 0.25 percent agar, 1 and 2 percent casein, skim milk,

normal rabbit and horse serum, egg yolk, and fresh and frozen allantoic

fluid. The suspensions of organisms were tubed in "IyOphile" tubes

and following freezing in a dry ice-alcohol mixture at -70°C, were

stored in different deep-freeze units at -27°C, -47°C, and -7§°C. Test

samples were reconstituted after storage of one week, two weeks, one

month, and thereafter at monthly intervals. The contents of the tubes

were inoculated into Korthoff's medium and the viability of the organ-

isms was determined by dark-field microscOpy after one and two weeks'

incubation at 50°C. The criterion used foe determining viability was

motility of the leptospirae.

Leptospirae suspended in the menstrua mentioned above and in

infected tissues of young guinea pigs and hamsters were 1y0philized

according to the technique of Flosdorf and Mudd. Following 1yophi1-

zation, these cultures were checked for viability by incubation in

Korthoff's medium.and subsequent darkbfield microscOpy.

The results obtained in this study have shown that E. 122252-

hemorrhagiae can be frozen and kept stable up to nine months in certain

colloidal substances at subzero temperatures. The most effective of

these substances were skim.milk and slightly hemolyzed normal rabbit

and horse serum. There was very little variation in the results in

the three storage temperatures (-2700, -47°C,,and -7§°O) employed.

Freeze—drying as a method for preserving these organisms met with

unsuccessful results. Although the leptospirae survive the preliminary

freezing, death occurs during the drying process. The reason for this

is still unknown.



I. Group I. Longevity of L. icterohemorrhagiag

suspended in various menstrua and stored at

-47°C ................................. 26

II. Group II. Longevity of L. icterohemorrhagiae

suspended in various menstrua and stored at

-47°C ................................. 28

III. Group III. Longevity of L. icterohemorrhagiae

suspended in various menstrua and stored at

—27°C ................................. 30

IV. Group IV. Longevity of 1:; ict‘erohemorrhagiae

suspended in various menstrua and stored at

-73°C ................................. 32



The preservation of bacterial cultures by suitable methods

provides the bacteriologist with readily available cultures of known

characteristics. Satisfactory preservation obviates frequent manipu-

lation of cultures, thereby lessening both the danger of contamina-

tion and the possibility of variations or mutations. Preserved cul-

tures also mean an economy of time, labor, space, and glassware.

The method of preserving bacterial cultures must meet

several criteria if it is to be accepted for use. Preservation should

not only maintain the viability of the organism, but all its natural

characteristics as well. There should be no alteration in morpho-

logical, immunological, and biochemical characteristics, and no

lessening of virulence if a pathogen.

To place it in the realm of the practical and have it adopted

for use in most laboratories, the procedures should be relatively

simple, and the apparatus and equipment employed easy to operate

and economical in cost and operation.

Freezing and freeze-drying have proved efficacious in storage

of many species of bacteria, some surviving for several years with

little adverse effect and no apparent change in characteristics.

However, bacteria vary in their susceptibility to freezing and to

freeze-drying; while some species may be preserved for years by

these methods, others may not withstand the conditions encountered

in these processes.

Preservation of the pathogenic spirochetes has been a prob-

lem to the bacteriologist and one that has not yet been adequately

solved. The importance of spirochete-produced diseases, both in

man and animals, warrants efforts toward a solution to this problem.

The present study was conducted in an attempt to employ

methods previously used in the successful preservation of various

bacteria for preserving one member of the Genus Lgptgspiga,

Lepto spira icte rohemorrhagiae.

The choice of this spirochete as the test organism was

prompted by the fact that, among the pathogenic spirochetes, it is

probably the easiest to cultivate in artificial media. Also, the mem-

bers of this genus are the cause of leptospirosis in man and ani-

mals, a disease that has gained increasing attention in recent years

because of growing awareness of its prevalence. Increased interest

will demand more intense study of the disease and its etiological

agents. Therefore, it is desirable that an adequate means of pre-

serving these leptospirae be developed.

This investigation consisted of studying the effects of freezing

and freeze-drying on the viability and morphology of 1:; icterohemorr-

hagiag. A comparison was made of various suspending menstrua and

storage temperatures to determine which menstruum and under what

storage conditions the organisms would best survive in the frozen

state and whether the menstrua used could provide suitable conditions

for the successful lyophilization of the organism.


Low Temperature 5

Many observations have been presented by investigators on

the effect of low temperatures and freezing on bacteria. Before the

turn of the century, most bacteriologists considered cold a powerful

germicidal agent, but later investigations and observations have shown

that in many instances cold may, in fact, act as a preserver of

microbial life.

One of the earliest observations on the influence of low tem-

peratures on microorganisms was made by Pumpelly in 1882, as cited

by Hilliard and Davis (1918). They stated that when Pumpelly cut

samples from the center of a block of ice and placed them in sterile

beef broth, contamination soon became evident.

Hilliard and Davis (1918) reported that the first extensive

study of the effects of cold on bacteria was made by Prudden in

1887. He subjected Bacillus typhosus to temperatures ranging from

14° to 30°F, and found that. under these conditions, the organisms

remained viable for 103 days.

Ten microorganisms possessing varying degrees of resistance

to environmental conditions were employed by Macfadyen (1900) in

his study of the influence of the temperature of liquid air on bac-

teria. Young cultures were eXposed to the temierature of liquid

air (-190°C) for 24 hours and then thawed and examined. No im-

pairment of vitality or functional activity could be detected. Mac-

fadyen and Rowland (1900) later reported that a number of organisms,

mainly of the Bigllgg group, subjected to the temperature of liquid

hydrogen (-252°C) for 10 hours, remained unchanged in appearance

and vigor of growth. Further studies by Macfadyen and Rowland (1902)

gave similar results. McLean (1918) isolated four species of bac-

teria that had lived dormant in ice, snow, and frozen algae for pro-

longed periods. Luyet and Gehenio (1934) stated that other investi-

gators--Brehme, Citovicz, Gladin, Kasansky, and Pictet--had found,

that various types of bacteria were able to survive for considerable

periods in the frozen state.

Bacteria are known to vary in their resistance to cold and

freezing. Smith and Swingle (1905) demonstrated this using twelve

different bacteria. Represented in this group were saprophytes and

plant and animal pathogens. Cultures 24 to 48 hours old were

suspended in peptonized beef boullion and part of each culture was

frozen in liquid air (-190°C) for 10 minutes to 24 hours and the

remaining cultures in a salt and ice mixture (-17.8°C) for 2 hours.

The cultures varied in their resistance to these temperatures, but

even in case of the most sensitive bacteria, some individuals of

each culture were able to withstand the temperature of liquid air.

Hilliard, Torossian, and Stone (1915) observed a difference in the

susceptibility of Bacillus coli and Bacillus subtilis to freezing in tap

water for 3 hours. The results of other workers--Tanner and Wil-

liamson (1927), Keith (1913), Smart (1935), and Haines (l938)--added

supporting evidence to the findings of previous investigators.

There are a number of variables that appear to have an ef-

fect on the susceptibility of microorganisms to freezing. Among

these are the temperature of the freezing mixture, the duration of

the freezing, the abruptness of the temperature changes, and the

nature of the suspending medium.

To study the effect of the degree of cold used in the freez-

ing mixture, Hilliard, Torossian, and Stone (1915) froze tubes of

cultures and held them for 3 hours for comparison at temperatures

of approximately -15°C and -Z°C. It was observed that the lower

temperature had a considerably greater effect in the reduction of

the number of organisms. Haines (1938) noted that the temperature

or rate of freezing had little effect on the mortality of the cells.

Studies of the effect of. repeated freezings and thawings on

twelve different bacterial cultures by Smith and Swingle (1905) showed

a gradual reduction in the living bacterial populations to zero. Hil-

liard, Torossian, and Stone (1915) stated that freezing and thawing

at intervals was considerably more fatal than continuous freezing.

In contradiction to the findings of the two previously mentioned in—

vestigations, Tanner and Wallace (1931) reported that alternate

freezing and thawing was no more destructive to microorganisms

than continuous freezing.

The findings of Haines (1938) suggested that there is some

correlation between storage temperatures and survival of micro-

organisms. When frozen aqueous suspensions of bacteria were

stored at temperatures ranging from -1°C to -20°C, the most rapid

death rate took place near the highest storage temperature.

A The medium in which the organisms are suspended seems to

have an important bearing on how well they withstand the adverse

effects of the initial freezing and subsequent storage at low tem-

peratures. The formation of ice crystals or crystallization is thought

to be one of the chief factors in the reduction of bacterial populations

undergoing freezing, due to the mechanical disruption of cells. There-

fore, most investigators are of the opinion that those substances

which are colloidal in nature give the greatest degree of protection.

Keith (1913) has compared the survival time of léggiiu_s__c_o_li in dif-

ferent suspending media. One group of cultures was suspended in

milk and the other group in tap water and frozen. Results of this

study proved milk more efficacious in its protection than tap water.

These findings were substantiated by Hilliard and Davis (1918), Prucha

and Brannon (1926), and Tanner and Wallace (1931).

Studies on the effect of freezing on spirochetes have been of

relatively recent date and the number of publications on this subject

have been few. Turner (1938) reported preserving two species of

treponemes in the frozen state at —78°C for as long as one year.

As Haines (1938) had previously noticed with other types of bacteria,

Turner (1938) observed a difference in survival times of treponemes

held at different temperatures. Those stored at -20°C were found

to survive for rnuch shorter periods than those kept at -78°CL

Treponemes held at -10°C had lost their motility and many appeared

shrunken and distorted. In the course of their work, they noted

that the temperature during the initial freezing had little effect on

the organisms. This indicated that the damage to the cells occurred

not at the time of the initial freezing but during the maintenance


In a later publication, Turner and Fleming (1939) stated that

the viability and virulence of various types of spirochetes were main-

tained after storage at -78°C for periods up to 3 years. One strain

of L. icterohemorrhagiae, isolated from rats and propagated in guinea

pigs, remained active after storage for 10 months at -78°C.

Stavitsky (1945) was able to maintain the viability and viru-

lence of L. icterohemorrhagiae in infected whole guinea pig liver

blocks, frozen and kept at -20°C, for 100 days.

Freeze- Drying

Freeze-drying was first described by Shackell (1909), who

suggested several practical applications of this process to biologics.

Martin (1896) had previously reported a simple method of

obtaining dried sterile serum from the liquid state and Morton and

Pulaski (1938) stated that Kitasato, Ficker, Kirstein, and Hein were

successful in preserving several species of bacteria by various

methods of desiccation.

Freeze-drying, as described by Shackell (1909), was the in-

troduction of freezing as a preliminary step to desiccation. His

method consisted of placing the frozen material in a desiccator over

absorbing sulphuric acid which was thoroughly mixed by occasional


rotation to facilitate absorption and drying. The vacuum was pro-

duced by the use of a ”Geryk" vacuum pump which was capable of

reducing the air pressure in the desiccator to less than 1 mm. of

mercury in 2 minutes.

Employing Shackell's method of freeze-drying, Harris and

Shackell (1911) successfully dried brains and cords of rabies-infected

rabbits. They observed no destruction of virulence of the virus.

The preservation of bacteria by freeze-drying was first ac-

complished by Hammer (1911). Later, Roger (1914) applied the

principle of freezing and drying to the preservation of bacterial

cultures on a large scale.

A comparative study of the survival of several non-spore—

forming bacteria was made by Shattock and Dudgeon (1912), employ«-

ing two methods of desiccation: desiccation in air and drying in a

liquid air vacuum. In the case of some of the bacteria there was

little difference in viability and survival time, but with others, the

difference was very marked in favor of freeze-drying.

Stock cultures of streptococci and pneumococci were main-

tained by Swift (192.1) for periods from 2 to 4 years after freeze-

drying. He noted that the physical state of the dried material had

much to do with the viability of the organisms. The recovery of


organisms was greatest in those tubes showing a ”dry-foam" con-

dition while in those appearing gummy, recovery was not possible

in most cases. The results of his studies indicated that it was.

necessary to maintain the frozen state until drying was complete.

This led Swift to devise a technique in which the tubes containing

the specimen were immersed in glycerol contained in the lower part

of the desiccator which was then placed in the salt-ice mixture. The

glycerol acted as the medium for the conduction of cold from the

salt-ice mixture to the material which was kept frozen until drying

was complete. Bacteria preserved in this manner were observed to

retain all their desirable characteristics.

The preservation of yellow fever virus by freeze-drying was

reported by Sawyer, Lloyd, and Kitchen (1929). Brown (1932) main-

tained thirty-eight strains of bacteria 4 to 12 years following drying

£1113qu from the frozen state. The efficacy of this method for

preserving the more sensitive bacteria was shown by Rake (1935),

who successfully maintained several strains of meningococci over

a period of many months.

Elser, Thomas, and Steffen (1935) made significant contribu-

tions to the improvement of techniques and apparatus involved in

the freeze-drying process. They described methods and apparatus


for freeze-drying biological products and microorganisms which dif-

fered from previously reported procedures in that theirs involved

the use of manifolds and individual containers in the drying process.

Both chemicals and refrigerants were employed as condensers to

dispose of water vapor arising during the high-vacuum desiccation.

The use of refrigerants brought this method into the realm of the

practical for the drying and preservation of large volumes of thera-

peutic products. Chemical desiccants were limited in their capacity

to absorb water and therefore were limited in the volume of product

that could be processed. Therapeutic agents preserved, using the

techniques and apparatus described by these workers, retained

their clarity, porosity of texture, and solubility. They did not de-

teriorate on standing and exhibited no loss in potency even after

long periods of time. Meningococci and gonococci, normally sensi-

tive to adverse conditions, were successfully preserved but attempts

to preserve the spirochete Spirochaeta duttoni by this method proved

discouraging. The organism was recovered only in a very few in-

stances following freeze—drying.

The development of the freeze-drying apparatus to what it is

today was largely due to the efforts of Flosdorf and Mudd (1935).

The increased efficiency of their so-called ”lyophile" apparatus



enabled them to preserve large amounts of labile biological products,

bacterial cultures, and viruses without any deleterious effects. These

dried products were porous and reconstituted with ease. Sera so de—

hydrated were designated "lyophile" ("liquid-loving"), a word first

coined by Reichel, as cited by Flosdorf and Mudd (1935).

Flosdorf and Mudd (1938) later described a method by which

biologics could be preserved more conveniently and economically.

This method involved the use of calcium sulfate as the desiccant

in the condenser. The calcium sulfate was specially prepared and

could be easily regenerated by heat for further use. The word

”cryochem" was coined to describe this process.

Swift (1937) stated that colloidal substances, such as serum,

appeared to give greater protection to microorganisms undergoing

drying. Studies by Heller (1941) showed that the death rates of

lyophilized bacteria suspended in crystalline substances were greater

than those of bacteria suSpended in colloids.

Bauer and Pickels (1940) reported that yellow fever virus,

ordinarily labile to adverse conditions, could be preserved and kept

active for years if suspended in a medium rich in proteins and prop-

erly desiccated. They observed that it was essential to maintain the

material in the frozen state until desiccation was complete.


Lyophilization has not yet proved to be a satisfactory method

for preserving spirochetes. Results of most workers have been

discouraging. Turner, Bauer, and Kluth (1941), employing the ap-

paratus and techniques used by other investigators in the successful

preservation of bacteria and viruses, were unable to recover two

species of treponemes after freeze-drying. The spirochetes were

suspended in tissue juices and serum and dried for 3 to 5 days

after freezing. Large quantities of this dehydrated material was

then injected into normal rabbits. Results were completely negative,

indicating that the lyophilized organisms had lost viability. Stavitsky

(1945) reported that, after lyophilization of cultures of 1:493:52-

hemorrhagiae and infected guinea pig livers, no leptospirae could be

recovered. Samples of the lyophilized material were checked at

various intervals for viability, variability, and virulence by direct

dark-field examination, subculturing, and inoculation into young

guinea pigs, but in all instances the results were negative.

At variance with reports by earlier workers, Hampp (1947)

reported the successful preservation of spirochetes by freeze-drying.

The test organisms used were Borrelia vincenti and various strains

of Treponemna pallidum which were grown 5 to 7 days in a men-

struum consisting of equal parts of Huntoon's "hormone" broth


and 5 percent gastric mucin and enriched with ascitic fluid and

glutathione. ‘This medium was used both for cultivation and suspen-

sion of the organisms for freeze-drying. Lyophilization was done

according to the method of Flosdorf and Mudd, using the "cryochem"

apparatus. The lyophilized cultures were tested for viability both

microscopically and by subcultures The cultures were positive with

only one exception.

Hampp (1951) later reported the maintenance of viability and

pathogenicity of Nichol's rabbit strain of T. pallidum in lyophilized

infected rabbit testes.

Brunner and Meyer (1950) employed lyophilization as a method

to kill leptospirae for preparation of a vaccine for the immunization

of hamsters and dogs against experimental leptospirosis. They found

that lyophilization had no effect on the antigenic quality and the vac-

cine so produced provided excellent protection against the homologous

type of L. icterohemorrha iag.


Members of the Genus Leptospira are readily cultivable on

artificial media. Many different media have been used for the cul-

tivation and propagation of these organisms, most of them consisting

of a solution of various salts, enriched with blood, serum, or various

other substances. Babudieri (1943), while studying the survival

times of nineteen strains of various leptospirae as determined on

different blood and serum media, found that serum media were

superior to blood media. Of all the media tested, Korthoff's me-

dium gave the best results.

Serum is an essential ingredient in leptospira culture media.

Rosenfeld and Greene (1941), investigating the effect of growth factors

in stimulating the growth of leptospira species in the presence of se-

rum, observed that no factor or combination of factors was capable

of maintaining leptospiral growth in the absence of serum. Accord-

ing to Babudieri (1943), sera which were slightly hemolyzed gave

much better growth than those that were not hemolyzed. This was

also noted by Ringen and Gillespie (1954), and was true in our own




Korthoff's leptospira medium was used in this study, both for

maintaining the stock cultures and for subculturing organisms taken

out of ”lyophile" and those reconstituted from the frozen state.

This medium consists of one part of 1 percent Bacto-Tryptose to

eight parts of buffer. The buffer was made up of solutions of the

following salts:

NaCl 2.5% ............. 11.2 ml.

NaHCO3 0.1% ........... 4.0 ml.

KCl 0.1% .............. 8.0 ml.

CaClZ 0.1% ............ 8.0 ml.

KHZPO4 2.5% ........... 1.44 ml.

Nazi-1130‘1 2.5% .......... 7.68 ml.

Distilled water q.s ........ 200.00 ml.

After the medium was prepared, the pH was adjusted to 7.4

by addition of approximately 0.1 N NaOH solution drop by drop with

continuous stirring until the desired pH was obtained, as indicated

by a Beckman (model H) pH meter. The medium was then tubed

in 9 ml. amounts in 25 ml. screw-cap test tubes and autoclaved for

15 minutes at 121°C. These were kept at refrigeration temperature

until ready for use. At the time of use 1 ml. of normal serum was

added aseptically to each tube containing 9 ml. of the base medium.


The serum used was of rabbit and horse origin. Subsequent

to bleeding, the blood was allowed to clot and the cells were sep-

arated from the serum by centrifugation at approximately 1600 r.p.m.

in an International, Size 2, centrifuge. After collection of the serum,

it was clarified by passing it through clarifying filters and then

sterilized by Seitz-filtering employing No. 3 and No. 6, ST-3, Seitz

type, Hercules sterilizing pads. The’serum was collected in sterile

30 ml. vials, capped, and inactivated in a water bath at 56°C for

30 minutes. This serum was stored under refrigeration till the

time of use.

At the time of bleeding or during the separation of serum

from the cells, some of the red blood cells were purposely lysed

in order to add hemoglobin to the serum.

The test culture employed in this study, L. icterohemorrhaiiae,

strain 871, was obtained from Dr. John P. Newman, Michigan State

College, and was originally isolated from a human case of lepto-

spirosis at Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, D. C.

It had been shown by several investigators--Hilliard, Toros-

sian, and Stone (1915), Hilliard and Davis (1918), and Heller (194l)--

that the menstrua in which bacteria were suspended during freezing

or freeze-drying had a decided effect on their survival. The results


of these investigations indicated that colloidal substances gave greater

protection against mechanical damage than substances which were

crystalline in nature. For this reason, various colloidal materials

were used to suspend the test organisms in preparation for freezing

and lyophilization. These are listed as follows: 1 percent starch,

normal rabbit serum, normal horse serum, egg yolk, fresh allantoic

fluid, frozen allantoic fluid, 1 and 3 percent gelatin, 1 and 2. percent

casein, 0.25 percent agar, and skim milk. With the exception of the

serum, egg yolk, and allantoic fluid, these substances were adjusted

to a pH of 7.4 and then sterilized by autoclaving at 121°C for 15

minutes, prior to use.

Reports by a number of workers--Harris and Shackell (1911),

Hampp (1951), Turner (1938), and Stavitsky (l945)--mentioned that

the freezing and freeze-drying of experimentally infected tissues of

susceptible laboratory animals sometimes resulted in the maintenance

of both the viability and virulence of the infecting microorganism.

Morton (1942) and Larson (1944) had found that young guinea pigs

and young ’golden hamsters were most susceptible to experimentally

produced leptospirosis. The greatest concentration of infective

leptospirae appeared in the kidneys and liver due to the affinity of

these organisms for those particular tissues. An attempt was made


in this study to preserve L. icterohemorrhagiae by lyophilizing in-


fected tissues of young guinea pigs and golden hamsters.



Stock cultures of L. icterohemorrhagiae were maintained in

Korthoff‘s medium contained in 25 ml.. screw-cap test tubes in 10 ml.

amounts. These were transferred weekly into fresh medium and incu-

bated at 30°C. An inoculum of 0.25 ml. of actively growing culture

was used to seed each tube of fresh medium.

The test cultures that were subjected to "sharp" freezing and

subsequent storage at subzero temperatures were seeded fromthe

stock cultures and incubated for 6 to 7 days at 30°C. At the end

of the incubation period the cultures were observed macroscopically,

using transmitted light from an intense light source, for evidence of

growth as indicated by a slight cloudiness of the medium.

Prior to suspension in the various menstrua, the organisms

_were concentrated by centrifugation in an International, PR-l, refrig-

erated centrifuge (40° to 45°F) at a R.C.F. of approximately 1000 x G

for 45 minutes. The organisms in each suspending menstruum repre-

sented the pooled growth from five tubes.



The first group of cultures frozen were Suspended in only

eight of the eleven menstrua previously mentioned. These were:

1 percent starch, l and 3 percent gelatin, 0.25 percent agar, l and

2 percent casein, skim milk, and normal rabbit serum. Ten ml. of

each medium was used to suspend the concentrated organisms in each


For the other groups of test cultures, egg yolk and fresh and

frozen allantoic fluid were used in addition to the suspending men-

strua listed above. In two of the groups, normal horse serum was

used in place of rabbit serum. The suspended organisms in these

groups represented a greater concentration of organisms since only

5 ml. of each menstruum was used for suspension of the organisms.

After the organisms were well suspended in each menstruum,

they were tubed in approximately 0.5 ml. amounts in sterile pyrex

”lyophile” tubes using sterile capillary pipettes, and were then re-

plugged with cotton. Before freezing the tubes were sealed with


Some investigators had observed that the rate at which bac-

teria were frozen had a considerable effect on the number of organ-

isms that withstood the freezing process. They observed that the

reduction of bacterial populations was less after ”sharp" freezing


at very low temperatures than that of those subjected to slow freez-

ing at 0°C or at temperatures just below the freezing point of water.

For this reason, this work was conducted using a freezing mixture

of solid C02 and 95 percent ethyl alcohol, at a temperature of ap-

proximately -70°C, to assure rapid freezing of the specimens and

decrease the percent reduction due to this factor.

The suspended organisms in each ”lyophile” tube were “bleb”

frozen in the dry ice-alcohol mixture for a period of 5 to 10 minutes,

after which they were placed in suitable containers and stored in

freezing units at different subzero temperatures.

According to Turner (1938), another factor that influenced

the survival of spirochetes in the frozen state was the temperature

at which these organisms were held during the storage period.

To determine the optimum temperature range for the storage

of these leptOSpirae, as indicated by survival times, tubes of sus-5

pended organisms were kept in various freezing cabinets at different

temperatures. These groups of test cultures, held at the various

freezing temperatures, will be designated hereafter as Group I,

Group II, Group III, and Group IV, for convenience.

The suspended cultures in Groups I and II were both stored

in the same deep-freezing unit at a temperature of approximately


-47°C. The difference between these two groups, as previously

stated, was that in Group I only eight of the eleven suspending men-

strua were employed, and the suSpensions of organisms were less

concentrated than those in the other three groups.

The tubes in Group III were held in a freezing unit at -27°C,

and those in Group IV in a dry ice chest at approximately -73°C.

To examine the. frozen cultures for viability, tubes were re-

moved from the storage units, thawed at room temperature, and the

contents placed into Korthoff's medium. At the end of one and two

weeks' incubation at 30°C, these subcultures were examined by dark-

field microscopy for viability, with motility of the leptospirae as the

criterion. A rough estimation of the degree of growth was made

and recorded, with one plus indicating little growth, and four plusses

indicating very heavy growth.

Prior to freezing, organisms suspended in each of the sus-

pending menstrua were subcultured in Korthoff's medium to ascer-

tain the viability of the test cultures.

Immediately following the initial freezing in the dry ice-

alcohol mixture, one culture in each of the suspending menstrua

was thawed and inoculated into the cultivation medium to determine

whether or not the organisms survived this initial freezing at -70°C.


Subsequently, sets of cultures from each of the four groups were

reconstituted at the end of one and 'two weeks‘ storage, and there-

after at monthly intervals. These were all examined following sim-

ilar procedures as described above.

The results of this study are shown in Tables I to IV.

The cultures in Group I were checked over a period of nine

months. Of the eight menstrua used for suspending the test organ-

isms, five of them still yielded viable organisms at the end of nine

months' storage at a temperature of -47°C. These were: 3 percent

gelatin, 1 and 2 percent casein, skim milk, and normal rabbit serum,

with the rabbit serum appearing to be the most effective. Very good

growth followed thawing and subsequent incubation in Korthoff's me-

dium, and the spirochetes appeared normal and were actively motile.

Casein, l and 2 percent, gave heavy growth, but approximately 50

percent of the organisms were feebly mbtile and those in 2 percent

casein appeared somewhat granulated. Growth of organisms suspended

in skim milk was not quite as heavy as growth of the organisms sus—

pended in l and 2 percent casein and in normal rabbit serum. There

was some granulation of the leptospirae, but they were actively mo-

tile. Growth was slight in 3 percent gelatin, but the organisms were

active and normal in morphology. Starch, 1 percent, supported no






St a e T' e Starch Gelatin Gelatin

or 1m

g 1% 1% 3%

Not frozen . ++++ ++++ ++++

Reconstituted * - .. ++

immediately ** - +++ ++++

One week * - ++++ ++++

** - ++++ ++++

Two weeks * - - ..

** - - -

One month * - - +

** - + +++

Two months * — - +

** - - ++

Three months * - - -

3101‘ — - -

Four months * - .. -

** - — -

Five months * - .. ..

*3? _ - +

Six months * - - ..

** - + ++

Seven months * - _ _

** - - ++++

Eight months * — - ' +

** - - +

Nine months * - - -

** - - +

*One week incubation; **two weeks incubation; - no growth;

+, ++++ estimated degree of growth.

TABLE I (Continued)


. . . N a

Agar Casein Casein Skim R0 2:13

. a 1

o .2507. 1% 2% MilkSe rum

++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

- ++ - ++ ++++

- ++++ ++++ ++++

- +++ - +++ ++++

+ ++++ - ++++ ++++

’ ++ ++ - ++++

- +++ +++ ++ ++++

- + ++ — ++++

- ++ +++ +++ ++++

_ + + ++++

_ + +++ ++++

- - - - +

- - - - +

- - + + +

- - + ++++ +

- + + - +

- — +++ + +

- - - - +

- + +++ +++

- + - - ++

- ++++ - ++++ +++

- + - ++++

- ++++ ++ +++

- + + - +++

- ++++ ++++ ' ++ ++++






St T' Starch Gelatin Gelatin Agar

ora e 1me

g 1% 1% 3% 0 .2570

Ivotfrozen ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

Reconstituted * + ++ +++ -

immediately ** ++++ ++++ ++++ -

One week * - — ++ ._

** ++++ - +++ -

Two weeks * - - +++ + ..

** ++++ ++++ —

One month * 1 - .. ++ _

** — - +++ -

Two months * - - + _

** - - +++ -

Three months * - + - _

aw _ + _ —

Six months * - - + _

aunt: - - ++ -

‘—‘_’ J fr

* One week incubation.

** Two weeks incubation.

- No growth.

+, ++++ Estimated degree of growth.

TABLE II (Continued)


Fresh Frozen

. . . Normal

Casein Casein Skim Horse Egg Allan- Allan—

10/0 2% Milk Yolk toic toicSe rum . . .

Fluid Fluid

++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

++++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ ++ ++

++++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++

++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ - -

+++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +

++ ++ +++ ++++ ++ + -

+++ +++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++++

- - — ++ +++ - _

+ + +++ +++ ++++ +++ -

+ + - - +++ - -

+++ +++ +++ - - +++ ++

+ + ++ ++ +++ - -

++ +++ ++++ - ++++ - +++

- + - ++ ++ - -

++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++ - -






, Starch Gelatin Gelatin Agar

Storage T1me

1% 1% 3% 0.25%

Not frozen ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

Reconstituted * +++ ++ H, +

immediately ** +++ +++ ++ +

One week * + + ++ _

** +++ ++++ ++++ -

Two weeks * ++++ ++++ ++++ +

** ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

One month * + - + _,

** +++ - +++ -

Two months * - +++ + -

** +++ +++ +++ -

Three months * - +++ - _

' ** +++ +++ +++ +++

Four months * + - ++ ..

** +++ +++ +++ -

Five months ’1‘ - - ++ _

** ++ ++++ ++++ -



* One week incubation.

** Two weeks incubation.

- No growth.

+, 1+++ Estimated degree of growth.


TABLE III (Continued)

Fresh Frozen

. . . No rmalCasein Casein Skim Rabbit Egg Allan- Allan-

l% 2% Milk Se rum Yolk toic toic

Fluid Fluid

++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

++ ++ +++ ++++ + + +

++ +++ ++++ ++++ + - +++

+ ++ ++ +++ + - -

- +++ +++ ++++ +++ - -

+++ +++ +++ + + - -

++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ + - -

_ .. + .. - .. -

+ + ++++ - +++ - -

- _ + _ + - -

++++ ++++ +++ - + - -

+ - ++++ + — - -

+ .. _ .. - - _

++++ + +++ - - - -

- +++ ++++ — - - -







mr‘t— T

St a Ti Starch Gelatin Gelatin Agar

or e me

g 1% 1% 3% 0.25%

liotfrozen ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

Reconstituted * + + ++ -

immediately ** ++ + ++ ..

Two weeks * ' — - .. -

** + - - -

One month * - + + ..

** + ++++ ++++ -

Two months * - - _ _

** ++++ - - -

Three months * - - - ..

** +++ +++ -

Four months * - - .. -

#31: .. - - ..


* One week incubation.

** Two weeks incubation.

- No growth.

+, ++++ Estimated degree of growth.

TABLE IV (Continued)


Fresh Frozen

. . . Normal

Case1n Case1n Skim H 5 Egg Allan- Allan-

, or e . .

1% 2% Milk Ser m Yolk tom tom

u . .

Fluid Fluid

++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

++ ++ +++ ++ +++ + +++

+++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ - +++

_ — ++ ++++ +++ - +++

+ + ++++ ++++ ++++ - ++++

+++ + +++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++

++++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++

+++ +++ +++ ++++ ++ - -

++++ +++ +++ +++ - - -

++ ++++ ++ ++++ - - +

+++ ++++ ++++ ++++ + - +++

_ .. - + .. .. _

_ +++ ++++ ++++ - - -


life at all, and 0.25 percent agar gave negative results after one

week. Gelatin, 1 percent, gave erratic results, all being negative

with the exception of those cultures reconstituted after one and six

months. These cultures showed very little growth.

Of the eleven menstrua used in Group 11, normal horse serum,

skim milk, and 2 percent casein showed heavy, active growth after

storage of six months at -47°C. Egg yolk and 3 percent gelatin gave

moderate growth, and the leptospirae were actively motile. Growth

was observed in cultures suspended in fresh allantoic fluid and

frozen for two months, in frozen allantoic fluid for three months,

and in 1 percent gelatin after two weeks; however, one culture, sus-

pended in 1 percent gelatin, reconstituted after three months' storage

showed actively motile leptOSpirae. The organisms in 1 percent

starch were sluggishly motile after a month in the frozen state.

It was noted that in each case where growth was observed, a con-

taminating mold-was present. Cultures suspended in 0.25 percent

agar were completely negative.

The Group III cultures were stored at -27°C. The latest set

of cultures reconstituted were frozen for five months. The greatest

amount of growth was found from test samples suspended in skim

milk and l and 3 percent gelatin. Gelatin, 3 percent, showed a


number of feebly motile leptospirae, whereas those from skim milk

and 1 percent gelatin appeared actively motile. Starch, 1 percent,

and 2 percent casein also supported viability of the leptospirae.

Organisms that were suspended in these menstrua were active and

normal in appearance.

Leptospirae kept in a dry ice chest at approximately -73°C

were observed for viability and morphological changes over a four-

month period. After four months in the frozen state, only those

organisms suspended in 2 percent casein, skim milk, and normal

horse serum were still living. However, after storage for three

months at this temperature, the organisms suspended in all menstrua

but 0.25 percent agar and fresh allantoic fluid gave growth after

being subcultured in Korthoff's medium.


s that were subjected to freeze-dryingwere

The organism

first frozen following similar procedures as described in the section

‘ ‘'

sed in

on freezing. In addition to the eleven suspending menstrua u

the study of the effects of freezing and storage at various subzero

temperatures, infected tissues of young guinea pigs and young golden

hamste rs we re lyophilized.


Different groups of animals were inoculated intraperitoneally

with l to 2 ml. of an actively growing eight- to fourteen-day-old cul-

ture of L. icterohemorrhagiag. The animals were observed daily for

symptoms of leptospirosis and death. If the animals did not die

within a week's time, they were sacrificed and the tissues harvested.

As soon as possible after death, an autopsy was performed, and the

kidneys, liver, and, in some cases, the spleen, were removed. The

tissues were removed aseptically and placed in a sterile mortar.

Sterile allundum was added as an abrasive and the tissues were

emulsified with a pestle, taking care to avoid contamination. Just

enough normal horse serum was added as a diluent to facilitate

pipetting the ground tissues into lyophile tubes for freezing and


To make certain that the tissues to be lyophilized were in-

fected with the leptospirae,.dark—field examinations of saline suspen—

sions of the minced tissues were done and some of the same material

was also inoculated into Korthoff's medium, incubated, and observed

for evidence of growth.

In many instances, the leptospirae could not be isolated

from either the animals that died, or from those that were sacri-

ficed. Only those tissues that were infected, as determined by dark:

field microscopy. were used for lyophilization.


Following the preliminary "sharp" freezing in the freezing

mixture, the ”lyophile" tubes containing the frozen‘, suspended organ-

isms were placed in a jar which was stoppered with a one-hole

rubber stopper. By means of glass and rubber tubing, the bottle

was connected to one of the outlets in the manifold of the lyophile

apparatus and dried according to the technique of Flosdorf and Mudd


The lyophile apparatus consisted of a manifold with sixteen

outlets which was connected to the condenser containing "Drierite"

(anhydrous calcium sulphate) as the desiccant. The vacuum was

produced by a Cenco ”megavac" vacuum pump which was capable

of producing a vacuum of approximately 100 1microns as measured

by a Stokes-McLeod vacuum gauge.

The cultures were allowed to dry for approximately seventy-

two hours under reduced pressure. At the end of this period, the

tubes were taken from the jar and attached to the outlets of the

manifold by means of pressure tubing. The vacuum was applied

again and when the pressure was sufficiently low, the tubes were

hermetically sealed, using a cross-fire oxygen torch. After seal-

ing, the tubes were kept at refrigeration temperature (40° to 45°F)

until they were reconstituted.


The dried cultures were reconstituted by inoculation into

K0 rthoff's medium and incubating them at 30°C. These subcultures

we re examined at the end of one and two weeks' incubation by dark-

field microscopy for evidence of active leptospirae. In no instance

could the organisms be recovered after lyophilization.


Freezing and subsequent storage at subzero temperatures shows

promise as a means of preserving members of the Genus Lgptospire

for periods from several months to possibly several years.

Frozen cultures of L. icterohemorrhagiae suspended in various

colloidal substances and stored in a deep freeze at -47°C for nine

months were thawed and, after inoculation into Korthoff's medium

and subsequent incubation, were observed using dark-field micro-

scopy. The leptOSpirae from several of these suspending menstrua

appeared actively motile and normal in morphology. From these

observations, it appeared that, if the original leptospiral population

were great enough and a suitable storage temperature employed,

the organisms would survive for considerable periods of time in the

frozen state.

The ability of the leptospirae to survive freezing temperatures

seemed to vary somewhat with the type of menstruum in which they

were suspended and the storage temperature at which they were held.

Certain menstrua were consistent in supporting viability, while

others consistently gave negative results regardless of the tempera-

ture at which they were kept. .



The effectiveness of a few of the suspending menstrua varied

with the storage temperature; for example, 1 percent starch at a

temperature of -47°C did not support viability after a storage period

of three months, whereas those leptospirae kept at -27°C and —73°C

were observed to be actively motile after incubation in Korthoff's


Although there was some variation of results in the cultures

held at different temperatures, the difference did not seem great

enough to be significant, especially in those suspending menstrua

that consistently gave positive results.

The suspending menstrua that gave the most consistent results

in supporting leptospiral life during initial freezing and subsequent

cold storage were 3 percent gelatin, 1 and 2 percent casein, skim

milk, and slightly hemolyzed normal rabbit or horse serum. It was

observed during this study that the leptospirae that had been growing

well in Korthoff's medium containing normal horse serum grew very

poorly when subcultured into medium containing normal rabbit serum

and that it took several series of transfers before good growth was

obtained. The same was true with organisms growing in medium

with normal rabbit serum subcultured into medium containing normal


horse serum. The poor maintenance of leptOSpirae suspended in


normal rabbit serum in Group 111 may possibly have been due to

this factor since they had been grown in Korthoff‘s medium contain-

ing horse serum prior to suspension and freezing.

Skim milk and serum gave the most consistent results of

heavy growth and motility with no apparent adverse effects on the

morphological characteristics of the organisms. Therefore, these

would be the suspending menstrua of choice.

Freezing presents a practical method of preserving cultures.

The procedure is not only simple as far as operation and materials

are concerned, but is economical, representing economy of time,

labor, glassware, and space. This method must be investigated

further, to prove its worth for the leptospirae, but the results of

this study showed that there are possibilities.

Since Shackell (1900) first introduced freeze-drying and sug-

gested a number of applications of its use for biologics, Elser,

Thomas, and Steffen (1935), Flosdorf and Mudd (1935), and other

investigators have developed the techniques and apparatus to such a

Point of efficiency and practicality that it has probably become the

most effective method for preserving bacterialcultures.

Attempts to lyophilize cultures of 1:. icterohemorrhagiae,

however, have resulted in death of the organism. Stavitsky (1945)


could not recover the organisms from infected guinea pig livers

that were subjected to freeze-drying. Similar work by other inves-

tigators also gave discouraging results.

This study was conducted using procedures and apparatus

similar to those described by Flosdorf and Mudd (1935), and the

same suspending menstrua as those used in the experiments on freez-

ing. Infected animal tissues were also lyophilized, but the organisms

could not be recovered in any instance.

Under specified conditions these organisms can withstand

freezing, but attempts at freeze-drying have thus far been unsuccess-

ful. The factor, or factors, involved are still unknown, so there is

need for further research.


This study has shown that L. icterohemorrhagiae can be frozen

and kept viable without too great adverse effects as to activity and

morphology for periods up to nine months or longer when suspended

in certain colloidal substances. The most effective of these sub—

stances were skim milk and slightly hemolyzed, normal rabbit or

horse serum. There was very little variation in the three storage

temperatures (-27°C, -47°C, and -73°C) employed.

Freeze-drying as a method of preservation has thus far met

with unsuccessful results. Although the organisms survive the pre-

liminary freezing, death occurs sometime during the drying process.

Why this occurs is not yet known.



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