

• Stanford University opened in California

• Henry Ford introduced the Model T

• Yosemite national park formed

Stanford University opens in California

In 1891 Stanford University opened its doors. After 67 years of planning and building it was complete. People predicted that professors would lecture in marble halls to empty benches. The first student body consisted of 555 men and women.

Henry Ford Introduced the Model T

At first the model T costed $825. That was a lot of money at the time. By 1914 the moving assembly line made production easier and faster resulting in more cars than any company at the time. With the development of this car, Henry Ford made his company the biggest in the industry.

Yosemite National Park Formed

On October 1, 1890, congress set aside the land that today is known as Yosemite National Park. Yosemite was Americas 3rd national park. One of the many things to see at this park is Yosemite Falls. At 2425 feet, this is one of the tallest waterfalls In the world.


Historical Events on 1st October | (n.d.). Retrieved from

Cicero A.L. (photographer).(2013, May 6) Stanford University

Showroom of Automotive History: The Model T. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Yosemite National Park established - Oct 01, 1890 - (n.d.). Retrieved from

Short S. (photographer).(2015, August 11) TRICKLE Yosemite Falls

Wong M. (photograper).(2014,April 13) Model T assembly line