


A preliminary list of English-language publications.

Africa ProjectC/61-3



A preliminary list of English-language publications.

William A. Landskron, Compiler

Center for International StudiesMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge 39, MassachusettsJanuary 1961


Compiler's Note 3

States and Territories with no English-Language PeriodicalReports 4








GHANA [formerly Gold Coast (Colony)] 8



























Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) 37

Colonial Office 37

Office of Commonwealth Relations 38


Reviews of Economic Conditions in Africa 39

Reports on Non-Self-Governing Territories 39

Reports on South West Africa 40

Visiting Missions to:

Cameroons 41

Ruanda-Urundi 42

Somaliland under Italian Administration 42

Tanganyika 43

Togoland 43


This list of official departmental serial reports published in English covers the

broad range of subjects pertaining to economic development; only reports on such topics as

health and education have been excluded. Official monographs have also been omitted from

this listing. They will be included, along with the serial publications given here, in a larger,more comprehensive bibliography on economic development in Africa south of the Sahara to

be published later this year by Frederick A. Praeger.

Most of the publications have been issued by the government concerned, but those of some

major private corporations have been included, since they operate with explicit government

approval. Also included are official reports on Great Britain's colonies and protectorates

and United Nations documents pertaining to the trust and non-self-governing territories.

The distinction has been made between fiscal years and periods of more than a year,

1956/57 designating the overlapping year, and 1956-57 a two-year period.

The reports are all those known to have been available in the United States in December

1960. The most recent issue available at that time is indicated by * following the date at

the end of most items.




No official periodical reports published in English are known to exist for the following

states and territories (independent states listed are those of December 1960):

AngolaCameroun (formerly U. N. trust territory under French administration)

Central African Republic (formerly Ubangi-Shari, part of French Equatorial Africa)

Chad (formerly part of French Equatorial Africa)Congo Republic (formerly Middle Congo, part of French Equatorial Africa)

Dahomey (formerly part of French West Africa)French Equatorial Africa (pre-1958 French overseas territory)

French SomalilandFrench West Africa (pre-1958 French overseas territory)Gabon (formerly part of French Equatoriai Africa)Guinea (formerly part of French West Africa)Ivory Coast (formerly part of French West Africa)

Malagasy Republic (formerly Madagascar)Mali Federation (formerly French colonies of Sudan and Senegal in French West Africa;

Federation has now broken up)

Mauritania (formerly part of French West Africa)Mozambique

Niger (formerly part of French West Africa)Portuguese GuineaRepublic of the Congo (formerly Belgian Congo)


Senegal (formerly part of French West Africa)

Somalia Republic (formerly U. N. trust territory of Somaliland under Italian administra-

tion and British protectorate of Somaliland; English reports on British Somaliland areincluded)

Togo (formerly U. N. trust territory under French administration)

Togoland under British administration (now a part of Ghana)

Voltaic Republic (formerly Upper Volta, part of French West Africa)Smaller Spanish and Portuguese overseas provinces




Basutoland. Dept. of Agriculture. Report.Maseru, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Estimates of revenue and expendi-

ture. Maseru, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Public Works Dept. Report.Maseru, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Registrar of Co-operative Societies.Report. Maseru, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Treasury. Financial report for the

year. Maseru, Govt. Printer. annual.1958/59*


Bechuanaland. African Advisory Council.

Minutes. Mafeking, Union of SouthAfrica, Govt. Printer.

Colonial development and welfareschemes; estimates of expenditure.Mafeking, Union of South Africa, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959/60*

Prior to 1958/59 see: Treasury.Estimates of revenue and expenditure.

----- Dept. of Agriculture. Report.Mafeking, Union of South Africa, Govt.Printer. annual. 1957*

Bechuanaland. Dept. of Veterinary Serv-

ices. Report. Mafeking, Union of South

Africa, Govt. Printer. annual. 1956*

----- European Advisory Council. Minutes.

Mafeking, Union of South Africa, Govt.Printer.

----- Geological Survey Dept. Report.

Mafeking, Union of South Africa, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1958*

-Joint Advisory Council. Minutes.

Mafeking, Union of South Africa, Govt.


----- Public Works Dept. Report.

Mafeking, Union of South Africa, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Treasury. Estimates of revenue

and expenditure. Mafeking, Union of

South Africa, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- ----- Report. Mafeking, Union of

South Africa, Govt. Printer. annual.




East Africa High Commission. Adminis-tration. Report on civil aviation. Nairobi.annual. 1958/59*

*Years marked * are latest issue available in the United States as of December 1960.


East Africa High Commission. Auditor-General. Report on the accounts of the

East African Railways and HarboursAdministration. Nairobi. annual. 1959*

--- Auditor-General and Accountant-General. Financial statements and re-ports thereon (non-self-contained serv-ices). Nairobi. annual. 1958/59*

Dept. of Economic Co-ordination.

Report, including reports on the ac-

tivities of the East African Productionand Supply Council, the East AfricanIndustrial Council and the East AfricanTimber Advisory Board, together with

reports on other functions of the Dept.

Nairobi. biennial. 1955/57*

--- Desert Locust Survey. Report ofthe Desert Locust Survey and Control.Nairobi.

Latest issue available in the UnitedStates: January 1953-June 1955.

No more published?

East Africa Central Legislative As-sembly. Proceedings; official report.Nairobi.

Issued as supplement to Gazette andseparately.

--- East African Agricultural and Fish-eries Research Council. Report.Nairobi. annual. 1959*

--- East African Agriculture and For-estry Research Organization. Recordof research; report. Nairobi. annual.


--- East African Customs and Excise.Trade and revenue report for Kenya,Uganda and Tanganyika. Nairobi. an-nual. 1959*

East Africa High Commission. East Af-rican Customs and Excise. Trade report

of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika.Nairobi. annual. 1959*

---- East African Fisheries ResearchOrganization. Report. Nairobi. annual.


--- East African Hides and Leather Bu-

reau. Report. Nairobi. biennial.1956-57*

Prior to 1956-57 issued by East Af-

rican Hides, Tanning and Allied Indus-tries Bureau.

--- East African Income Tax Dept.

Report. Nairobi. annual. 1958/59*

---- East African Industrial Research

Organization. Report. Nairobi. annual.1958/59*

--- East African Marine Fisheries Re-search Organization. Report. Nairobi.

annual. 1959*

--- East African Statistical Dept. Re-port. Nairobi. annual. 1958/59*

--- --- East African Unit. The bal-ance of payments of East Africa.Nairobi. triennial. 1956-58*

--- East African Veterinary ResearchOrganization. Report. Nairobi. annual.


--- Estimates of revenue and expenditure(non-self-contained services). Nairobi.annual. 1960/61*

--- Lake Victoria Fisheries Service.Report. Nairobi. annual. 1959/60*

--- Monthly statistical bulletin. Nairobi.


East Africa High Commission. PublicAccounts Committee. Report on the ac-counts of the non-self-contained serv-ices. Nairobi. 1958/59*

----- Quarterly economic and statisticalbulletin. Nairobi.

East African Posts and TelecommunicationsAdministration. Estimates of expendi-ture and revenue. Nairobi. annual.

1960*Issued in two parts.

----- Report. Nairobi. annual. 1959*

----- Report on the Kenya, Uganda andTanganyika Post Office Savings Banks.Nairobi. 1959*

East African Railways and Harbours Ad-ministration. Estimates of revenue andexpenditure. Nairobi. annual. 1960*

1959*----- Report. Nairobi. annual.



Development Bank of Ethiopia. Report.Addis Ababa. annual. 1956*

Ethiopia. Customs Adviser's Office. An-nual import and export trade statistics.Addis Ababa, Govt. Printer. 1957/58*

----- ----- Quarterly import and exporttrade statistics. Addis Ababa, Govt.Printer.

Ethiopia. Division of Agricultural Eco-nomics and Statistics. Statistical bulle-

tin. Addis Ababa, Govt. 1, December 1955*

----- Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Bulletin. Addis Ababa, Govt. Printer.quarterly.

----- ----- Economic handbook of Ethiopia.

Addis Ababa, Govt. Printer. 1958*

-Ministry of Commerce, Industry and

Planning. Ethiopian economic review.

Addis Ababa, Govt. 2, June 1960*

----- Ministry of Mines. Ethiopia mineralresources. Addis Ababa, Govt. Printer.

v. 1, no. 2, July 1959*

State Bank of Ethiopia. Report on economicconditions and market trends. AddisAbaba. quarterly. September 1960*


Conference of Protectorate Chiefs. Sum-mary of proceedings. [Bathurst]

(Sessional paper no. 4 of 1958) 1958*

Gambia. Audit Dept. Report on the ac-counts by the Principal Auditor. Bath-urst, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Dept. of Development and Agriculture.Report. Bathurst, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Development and welfare report.Bathurst, Govt. Printer. 1950-52*

----- Estimates of revenue and expenditure.Bathurst, Govt. Printer. annual. 1960*


Gambia. Labour Dept. Report. Bathurst,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1954*

----- Legislative Council. Debates. Bath-urst, Govt. Printer.

---- ----- Sessional papers. Bathurst,Govt. Printer.

Numbered series.

--- Oilseeds Marketing Board. Report.Bathurst, Govt. Printer. annual.

10th report, 1958/59*

---- Posts and Telegraphs Dept. Report.

Bathurst, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955*

--- Registrar of Co-operative Societies.

Report. Bathurst, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1958/59*

--- Trade report. Bathurst, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

---- Treasury. Financial report. Bath-

urst, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

--- Veterinary Dept. Report. Bathurst,Govt. Printer. annual. 1953*

Gambia Rice Farm. Report. [Bathurst]annual.

Government Savings Bank (Gambia). Re-port. [Bathurst] annual. 1954*

GHANA [formerly Gold Coast (Colony)]

Bank of Ghana. Report. Accra. annual.1959/60*

Ghana. Agricultural Development Corpora-

ation. Report and accounts. Accra,Govt. Printer, annual.

3d report, 1959/60*

----- Agricultural and Fisheries Develop-

ment Corporation. Report and accounts.Accra, Govt. Printer. annual. 1954/55*

For later reports and reports previous

to 1952 see: Agricultural Development


----- Auditor-General. Report on the ac-

counts. Accra, Govt. Printer. annual.1958/59*

---- --- Report on the accounts of the

Railway, Takoradi Harbour and Port

Services. Accra, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1957/58*

----- Budget charts. Accra, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1960/61*

--- Cocoa Marketing Board. Report and

accounts. Accra, Govt. Printer. annual.1957/58*

---- Commercial and industrial bulletin.

Accra, Govt. Printer. weekly.

----- Dept. of Agriculture. Report. Accra,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

---- Dept. of Animal Health. Report.Accra, Govt. Printer, annual. 1954/55*

-Dept. of Co-operation. Report.

Accra, Govt. Printer, annual. 1957/58*

--- Dept. of Rural Water Development.

Report. Accra, Govt. Printer. annual.1957/58*


Ghana. Dept. of Social Welfare and Com-munity Development. Advance. Accra,Govt. Printer. quarterly.

----- ----- Report. Accra, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Soil and Land-Use Survey.Report. Accra, Govt. Printer, annual.


----- ----- Technical reports. Accra,Govt. Printer. irregular.

Dept. of Tsetse Control. Report.Accra, Govt. Printer, annual. 1954/55*

---- Development progress report. Ac-cra, Govt. Printer, annual. 1954/55*

----- Estimates of annually recurrent ex-penditure. Accra, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1959/60*

----- Financial statement; statement ofrevenue and expenditure. Accra, Govt.Printer. annual. 1960/61*

Prior to 1954/55 issued as: Financesand accounts; report.

----- Forestry Dept. Report. Accra,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Geological Survey Dept. Bulletin.Accra, Govt. Printer. irregular.

----- ----- Report. Accra, Govt. Printer.annual. 1957/58*

Governor. Address . . . to the Leg-islative Council. Accra, Govt. Printer.

1956/57 session*

----- Income Tax Dept. Report. Accra,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

Ghana. Industrial Development Corporation.

Report and statement of accounts. Accra,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Lands Dept. Report. Accra, Govt.Printer, annual. 1954/55*

Legislative Assembly. Public Ac-counts Committee. Report. Accra,Govt. Printer, annual. 1955/56*

----- Mines Dept. Report. Accra, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Ministry of Commerce and Industries.Handbook of commerce and industries.Accra, Govt. Printer. 1958*

----- Ministry of Finance. Economic sur-vey. Accra, Govt. Printer. annual.


-Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Fisheries Division. Report. Accra,Govt. Printer, annual. 1958*

----- Ministry of Trade and Labour. La-bour Division. Report. Accra, Govt.Printer, annual. 1956/57*

----- Office of Government Statistician.Balance of payments estimates. Accra,Govt. Printer. 1950-58*

----- ----- Civil aviation statistics. Ac-cra, Govt. Printer, 1959. (Its Statis-tical reports, series IL)

----- ---- Digest of statistics. Accra,Govt. Printer. quarterly. June 1960*

----- ----- Education statistics. Accra,Govt. Printer, 1959. (Its Statisticalreports, series I.)


Ghana. Office of Government Statistician.Labour statistics. Accra, Govt. Printer,1958. (Its Statistical reports, series III.)

----- ----- Migration statistics. Accra,Govt. Printer, 1959. (Its Statisticalreports, series VL)

----- ----- Monthly accounts relating toexternal trade. Accra, Govt. Printer.

July 1960*

----- ----- Motor vehicle statistics. Ac-cra, Govt. Printer, 1959. (Its Statis-tical reports, series V.)

----- ----- Report on external trade ofGhana, and report of shipping and air-craft movements and cargo unloadedand loaded. Accra, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958*

----- ----- Statistical and economicpapers. Accra, Govt. Printer.

Series of monographs.

----- Public Works Dept. Report. Accra,Govt. Printer, annual. 1955/56*

----- Railway and Harbour Authority. Ad-ministrative report. Accra, Govt.Printer. annual. 1955/56*

Title varies.

----- ----- Report of the General Man-ager. Accra, Govt. Printer. annual.


Gold Coast (Colony). Office of GovernmentStatistician. Agricultural statistical sur-vey. Accra, Govt. Printer. 1952/53*

----- ----- Local government financialstatistics. Accra, Govt. Printer, 1956-57. (Its Statistical reports, series IV.)



East Africa High Commission. East Af-rican Statistical Dept. Estimates of thegeographical income and net product ofKenya. Nairobi. 1947-51*

----- ----- Report on migration. Nairobi.1949-53*

----- ----- Kenya Unit. Agricultural cen-sus (non-African). Nairobi. annual.


----- ----- ----- Kenya survey of indus-

trial production. Nairobi. annual.


---- ----- ----- Reported employmentand wages in Kenya. Nairobi. annual.


Kenya. African Affairs Dept. Report.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Central Housing Board. Report.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

-Commerce and industry in Kenya.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Agriculture. Report.robi, Govt. Printer. annual.


Issued in 2 parts.

----- Dept. of Immigration. Report. Nai-robi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*


Kenya. Dept. of Lands. Report. Nairobi,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

Prior to 1950 issued by Dept. ofLands, Mines and Surveys.

----- Development estimates.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Development and Reconstruction Au-thority. Report. Nairobi, Govt. Printer.annual.

Reports issued for years 1947-52.

Department went out of existence in1952.

Economic survey. Nairobi, Govt.Printer. annual. 1960*

----- Estimates of expenditure.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Estimates of expenditure of the RoadAuthority. Nairobi, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1960/61*

----- Estimates of revenue. Nairobi,Govt. Printer. annual. 1960/61*

----- European Settlement Board. Report.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual.


Exchequer and Audit Dept. Accountsof the funds and reports thereon by theController and Auditor-General. Nai-robi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955/56*

-- The appropriation accountsand other public accounts; report by theController and Auditor-General. Nai-robi, Govt. Printer, annual.

1958/59 and appendices*

Forest Dept. Report. Nairobi,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

Kenya. Game Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Higher Education Loans Fund. Re-port. Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Inland Revenue Dept. Report. Nai-robi, Govt. Printer. annual.

Ceased publication in 1954.

----- Labour Dept. Report. Nairobi,Govt. Printer, annual. 1958*

----- Legislative Council. Debates; officialreport. Nairobi, Govt. Printer.

----- ----- Sessional papers. Nairobi,Govt. Printer.

Numbered series of monographs.

----- Mines and Geological Dept. Report.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Hus-bandry and Water Resources. Report.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. triennial.


----- Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Trade and supplies bulletin. Nairobi,Govt. Printer. monthly.

----- Ministry of Community Development.Report. Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual.


-Ministry for Finance and Development.Speech delivered to the Legislative Coun-cil . . on presenting the budget for thefiscal year. Nairobi, Govt. Printer.annual. 1960/61 [budget]*

----- Ministry of Housing. Report.robi, Govt. Printer. annual.



Kenya. Ministry of Works. Abstract ofactivities. Nairobi, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958/59*

----- Public Accounts Committee. Reporton the Colony's accounts. Nairobi,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Public Works Dept. Report. Nai-robi, Govt. Printer. annual.

January 1955-June 1956*

----- Registrar of Co-operative Societies.Report. Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual.


Registrar-General. Report.robi, Govt. Printer. annual.


---- Review of fisheries. Nairobi, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

--- Road Authority. Report.

Govt. Printer. annual.Nairobi,


--- Social development report. Nairobi,Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

----- Statistical abstract. Nairobi, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Survey Dept. Administration report.

Nairobi, Govt. Printer, annual. 1959*

---- Transport Licensing Board. Report.Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

---- Veterinary Services Dept. Report.

Nairobi, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

Land and Agricultural Bank (Kenya). _Re-port of the Board. Nairobi. annual.


Nairobi. Airport. Report. annual. 1959*


Liberia. Bureau of Economic Resources.

Division of Statistics. Country of des-

tination of Liberian exports of domestic

and foreign merchandise by commodity

group. Monrovia, Govt. Printer. an-

nual. 1959*

--- ----- --- Country of origin of im-

ports of merchandise for consumption by

commodity group. Monrovia, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1959*

----- --- --- Exports of domestic and

foreign merchandise by country of desti-

nation. Monrovia, Govt. Printer. an-

nual. 1959*

----- ---- --- Liberian foreign trade

supplement. Monrovia, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1959*

----- ---- ----- Liberian imports ofmerchandise for consumption by country

of origin. Monrovia, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1959*

--- Bureau of Statistics. The balance of

payments. Monrovia, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Interior. Report of the Sec-retary of Interior. Monrovia, Govt.Printer. annual. 1952/53*

--- President. Message delivered beforethe Legislature. Monrovia, Govt.Printer. annual. 1955*

---- Treasury Dept. Budget. Monrovia,Govt. Printer. annual. 1954*

---- --- Report. Monrovia, Govt.Printer. annual. 1950*



Mauritius. Audit Dept. Report of the Di-rector of Audit on the accounts of Mau-ritius and the Mauritius GovernmentRailways; the Governor's despatchesto the Secretary of State upon the Direc-tor of Audit's reports; reports and cer-tificates of the Director General of theOverseas Audit Service on the accountsof Mauritius and the Mauritius Govern-ment Railways. Port Louis, Govt.Printer. annual. 1956/57*

---- Central Statistical Office. Report.Port Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- ----- Year book of statistics. PortLouis, Govt. Printer. no. 13, 1958*

----- College of Agriculture, Port Louis.Report. Port Louis, Govt. Printer.annual.

1953/54 is last issue.

For later information see: Dept. ofAgriculture.

Mauritius. Economic Planning Committee.

Review of the capital expenditure pro-gramme, 1957-62. Port Louis, Govt.Printer. biennial.

1st review issued as Sessional paperno. 11 of 1958; 2d review, Sessional pa-per no. 3 of 1959; 3d review, Sessionalpaper no. 7 of 1959.

----- Estimates. Port Louis, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1956/57*

---- Financial report.Printer. annual.

Port Louis, Govt.1957/58*

Includes report of Accountant General,annual report of the Income Tax Dept. ,and Financial statements.

----- Fisheries Office. Report. PortLouis, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Food Production Board. Progressreport. Port Louis, Govt. Printer.annual.

8th report, 1952/53, is last issue seen.

For later information see: Dept. of


----- Dept. of Agriculture. Report.Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.



----- Dept. of Co-operation. Report. PortLouis, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Forest Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.

----- Granary Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.

Port Louis,


Port Louis,1958/59*

----- Despatches

of revenue andGovt. Printer.

relating to the estimatesexpenditure. Port Louis,

annual. 1958/59*

----- Harbour and Quays Dept.Port Louis, Govt. Printer.



----- Development and welfare progressreports. Port Louis, Govt. Printer.

Final progress report, July 1, 1946-June 30, 1955 (Sessional paper no. 5 of1956).

----- Income Tax Dept. Report. PortLouis, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Labour Dept. Report. Port Louis,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*


Mauritius. Legislative Council. Debates.Port Louis, Govt. Printer. 1960*

----- Mauritius development and welfare;estimates. Port Louis, Govt. Printer.annual.

1953/54 is last issue.

Later see: Estimates.

----- -Memorandum on estimates. PortLouis, Govt. Printer, annual. 1959/60*

----- Memorandum on the Mauritius de-velopment and welfare estimates. PortLouis, Govt. Printer. annual.

1953/54 is last issue.

Later see: Estimates.

----- Posts and Telegraphs Dept. Report.Port Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Public Assistance Dept.Port Louis, Govt. Printer.



Mauritius. Report on Rodrigues.

Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.Port


----- Road Transport Commissioner's Of-fice. Report. Port Louis, Govt. Printerannual. 1958/59*

----- Social Welfare Dept. Report. PortLouis, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Sugar Industry Labour Welfare FundCommittee. Report. Port Louis, Govt.Printer. annual. 1956*

----- Telecommunications Dept. Report.Port Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.


Prior to 1956 issued by Dept. of Elec-tricity and Telephones.

Mauritius Agricultural Bank. Report. an-nual. 1957*

Post Office Savings Bank (Mauritius). Re-port. annual. 1958/59*

- -Public Service Commission. Prog-ress report. Port Louis, Govt. Printer.annual. 6th report, 1959*

----- Public Works and Surveys Dept. Re-port. Port Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.



Includes Federal; Eastern Region;Northern Region; Western Region; Cam-eroons, Southern.

Railway Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.

Port Louis,1958/59*


----- Registrar General's Dept. Report.Port Louis, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Report on district administration inMauritius. Port Louis, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958*

Central Bank of Nigeria. Report and state-ment of accounts. [Lagos] annual.


Electricity Corporation of Nigeria. Reportand statement of accounts. [Lagos]annual. 1958/59*


Nigeria. Accountant-General. Report withfinancial statements. Lagos, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958/59*

---- Accounts of quasi-commercial under-takings operated by the government bymeans of bank current accounts whichwere opened with advances of workingcapital. Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual.


--- Agricultural Dept. Report. Lagos,Govt. Printer. annual. 1954/55*

Issued in 2 parts.

--- Board of Customs and Excise. Re-port. Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual.


--- Central Marketing Board. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

In 1954 the Cocoa, Cotton, Groundnutand Oil Palm Produce Marketing Boardswere merged into this one Board.

----- Cocoa Marketing Board. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.

1953/54 is last report.

--- Colony Development Board. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955/56*

---- Co-operative Dept. Report. Lagos,Govt. Printer. 1956-59*

--- Cotton Marketing Board. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.

1953/54 is last report.

--- Dept. of Agricultural Research. Re-port. Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.


Nigeria. Dept. of Civil Aviation. Report.

Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Dept. of Forest Research. Report on

forest research and the Forest School.

Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Dept. of Labour. Report.

Govt. Printer. annual.Lagos,


--- Dept. of Marketing and Exports. Re-

port. Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual.1958/59*

--- Dept. of Statistics. Report. Lagos,Govt. Printer. annual. 1955/56*

--- Dept. of Veterinary Research. Re-

port. Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.


Prior to 1954/55 issued by VeterinaryDept.

---- Development and welfare schemes;report on the general progress. Lagos,Govt. Printer. annual. 1952/53*

--- Director of Federal Audit. Reporton the accounts of the Government ofNigeria. Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.


--- Estimates. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual. 1960/61*

--- Federal Dept. of Commerce and In-dustries. Handbook of commerce andindustry in Nigeria. Lagos, Govt.Printer. 4th ed. , 1960*

--- --- Nigeria trade journal.Govt. Printer. quarterly.


--- --- Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958/59*


Nigeria. Federal Dept. of Inland Water-

ways. Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual. 2n report, 1958/59*

---- Federal Dept. of Social Welfare. Re-

port. Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.1958/59*

--- Federal Fisheries Service. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

----- Federal Land Dept. Report. Lagos,Govt. Printer. annual, 1956/57*

---- Federal Loans Board. Report. Lagos,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Federal Public Service Commission.Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual.

October 1954-December 1947*

--- Federal Public Works Dept. Progressrecord. Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual.

2d report, 1957/58*

---- --- Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958/59*

--- Geological Survey Dept. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

--- Government Coastal Agency. Report.

Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

---- Government Railway. Report. Lagos,Govt. Printer. annual. 1953/54*

---- ----- Report on the accounts. Lagos,

Govt. Printer. semi-annual.

April-September 1955*

--- Groundnut Marketing Board. Report.

Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.

1953/54 is last report.

Nigeria. House of Representatives. De-

bates; official report. Lagos, Govt.


---- ---- Public Accounts Committee.

Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.1958/59*

----- ---- Standing Committee on Finance.

Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer. annual.1957/58*

--- Inland Revenue Dept. Report. Lagos,

Govt. Printer. triennial. 1955/58*

---- Legislative Council. Sessional papers.

Lagos, Govt. Printer.

Numbered series of monographs.

---- Mines Dept. Report. Lagos, Govt.

Printer, annual. 1958/59*

--- Ministry of Finance. Budget speech.

Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual. 1959*

---- Ministry of Labour and Welfare. Re-

view. Lagos, Govt. Printer, quarterly.

Prior to June 1959 issued by Dept. of


--- Nigeria trade summary. Lagos, Govt.

Printer, monthly.

Oil Palm Produce Marketing Board.

Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual.

1954 is last report.

Post and Telegraphs Dept. Report.Lagos, Govt. Printer, annual. 1956/57*

Progress report on the economic pro-gramme, 1955-60. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual.

1st report issued as Sessional paper,no. 2 of 1957; 2d report, Sessional paper,no. 1 of 1958; 3d report, Sessional paper,

no. 1 of 1959.


Nigeria. Supplementary estimates andmemorandum on the revised estimatesof revenue and expenditure. Lagos, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Survey Dept. Digest of statistics.Lagos, Govt. Printer. quarterly.

----- ----- Report. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958/59*

----- Trade report. Lagos, Govt. Printer.annual. 1957*

Nigerian Coal Corporation. Report. [Lagos]annual. 1958/59*

----- Report on the accounts. [Lagos]annual. 1954/55*

Nigerian Railway Corporation. Report andaccounts. Lagos, Railway Printer. an-nual. 1958/59*

Post Office Savings Bank (Nigeria). Report.[ Lagos] annual. 1957/58*


Eastern Region of Nigeria. AccountantGeneral. Report. Enugu, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958/59*

----- Approved supplementary estimates.Enugu, Govt. Printer. February 1960*

----- Community Development Dept. Re-port. Enugu, Govt. Printer. annual.

----- Co-operative Dept. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

Later see: Dept. of Commerce.

Eastern Region of Nigeria. Dept. of Agri-culture. Report. Enugu, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958/59*

---- ----- Technical bulletin.Govt. Printer. irregular.


----- Dept. of Commerce. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

Department incorporates Dept. ofTrade, Dept. of Secondary Industries,Dept. of Heavy Industries, and Co-operative Dept.

--- Dept. of Heavy Industries. Report.Enugu, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

Later see: Dept. of Commerce.

----- Dept. of Secondary Industries. Re-port. Enugu, Govt. Printer. annual.


Later see: Dept. of Commerce.

----- Director of Audit. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Estimates. Enugu, Govt. Printer.annual. 1960/61*

---- Fisheries Dept. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Forest Division. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.


Prior to 1958 issued by Forest Dept.

---- Governor. Speech to the House ofAssembly. Enugu, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1959*

---- House of Assembly. Debates; officialreport. Enugu, Govt. Printer.


Eastern Region of Nigeria. House of As-sembly. Standing Committee on Finance.Report . . in accordance with OrderNo. 69 of the Standing Orders. Enugu,Govt. Printer. March-December 1958*

Not published since 1958?

----- Internal Revenue Division. Report.Enugu, Govt. Printer, annual.

2d report, 1957/58*

----- Labour Dept. Report. Enugu, Govt.Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Land Dept. Report. Enugu, Govt.Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Marketing Board. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 3d report, 1957*

----- Ministry of Finance. Budget speechat the House of Assembly. Enugu, Govt.Printer. annual. 1960*

----- Official documents. Enugu, Govt.Printer.

Annual departmental reports and mono-graphs issued in numbered series. Priorto 1958 issued as House of Assembly ses-sessional papers.

----- Produce Inspection Service. Report.Enugu, Govt. Printer, annual. 1958/59*

----- Public Accounts Committee. Reporton the accounts. Enugu, Govt. Printer,

no. 2 of 1959*

----- Public Service Commission. Report.Enugu, Govt. Printer, annual. 1959*

----- Public Works Dept. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

Eastern Region of Nigeria. Report. Enugu,

Govt. Printer. annual. v. 1, 1956/57*

----- Social Welfare Dept. Report. Enugu,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Survey Dept. Report. Enugu, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Trade Dept. Report. Enugu, Govt.Printer. annual.

3d report, 1958/59, is last issue.

Later see: Dept. of Commerce.

---- Veterinary Dept. Report. Enugu,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

Eastern Regional Development Board. Re-port. Enugu, Govt. Printer. annual.

1954/55 is last issue.

Board incorporated into Eastern Re-gional Development Corporation.

Eastern Regional Development Corporation.Report. Enugu, Govt. Printer. annual.


Eastern Regional Production DevelopmentBoard. Report. Enugu, Govt. Printer.annual.

1954/55 is last issue.

Board incorporated into Eastern Re-gional Development Corporation.


Northern Region of Nigeria. AccountantGeneral. Report with financial statements.Kaduna, Govt. Printer. annual.



Northern Region of Nigeria.Kaduna, Govt. Printer. 1 of 1959*

Numbered series.

----- Development Board. Report.duna, Govt. Printer. annual.


April-December 1955 is last issue.

Board incorporated into Northern Re-gional Development Corporation.

----- Development finance programme,1955-60; progress report. Kaduna,Govt. Printer.

Report covering progress to March 31,1959 is only one so far published?

----- Director of Audit. Report on the ac-counts. Kaduna, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Estimates. Kaduna, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959/60*

Northern Region of Nigeria. House of Chiefs.Parliamentary debates; official report.Kaduna, Govt. Printer.

----- Legislature. Joint Standing Com-mittee on Finance. Report. Kaduna,

Govt. Printer. quarterly.March-May 1958*

----- Marketing Board. Report. Kaduna,Govt. Printer. annual.

4th report, 1957/58*

----- Memorandum on the estimates. Ka-duna, Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

----- Ministry of Agriculture. Report.Kaduna, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Ministry of Social Welfare, Co-op-eratives, and Surveys. Report on theprogress of co-operation. Kaduna,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Forestry Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.



----- Governor. Address to the NorthernHouse of Assembly. Kaduna, Govt.Printer. annual. 1957*

----- ----- Address to the Northern Houseof Chiefs. Kaduna, Govt. Printer, an-nual. 1959*

----- ----- Statement of Government ac-tivities to the budget meeting of theNorthern Regional Legislature. Kaduna,Govt. Printer. annual. 1960*

----- House of Assembly. Parliamentarydebates; official report. Kaduna, Govt.Printer.

----- Ministry of Works.Govt. Printer. annual.

Report. Kaduna,1958/59*

Prior to 1957/58 issued by PublicWorks Dept.

----- Produce Inspection Service.Kaduna, Govt. Printer. annual.



---- Production Development Board. Re-port. Kaduna, Govt. Printer. annual.

1955 is last issue.

Issued in 2 parts.

Board incorporated into Northern Re-gional Development Corporation.

----- Provincial reports. Kaduna, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*


Northern Region of Nigeria. Public Serv-ice Commission. Report. Kaduna,Govt. Printer, annual, 2d report, 1958*

---- Social Welfare Dept. Report. Ka-duna, Govt. Printer, annual. 1958/59*

----- Supplementary estimates. Kaduna,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959/60*

--- Survey Dept. Report. Kaduna, Govt.Printer. annual. 1956/57*

--- Veterinary Dept. Report. Kaduna,Govt. Printer, annual. 1956/57*

Northern Regional Development Corporation.Accounts report. [Kaduna]

as of January 1, 1956*

----- Report. [Kaduna] annual. 1957/58*


Western Region of Nigeria. Accountant-General. Report with financial state-

ments. 1badan, Govt. Printer, annual.1957/58*

Prior to 1954/55 issued by Regional


---- Co-operative Dept. Report. 1ba-dan, Govt. Printer, annual. 1952/53*

Dept. of Agriculture. Report. Iba-

dan, Govt. Printer. annual.1953/54; published in 1957*

---- Dept. of Industries. Report. Ibadan,Govt. Printer. annual. 1955/56*

---- Dept. of Social Welfare Services. Re-port. Ibadan, Govt. Printer. annual.


Western Region of Nigeria. Director of

Audit. Report. Ibadan, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1958/59*

Estimates. Ibadan, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1960/61*

--- Finance Corporation. Report and

accounts. Kaduna, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 3d report, 1957/58*

Prior to 1955/56 issued by Develop-ment Board.

---- Forest Administration. Report.1badan, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

House of Assembly. Debates; officialreport. Ibadan, Govt. Printer.

----- House of Chiefs. Debates; officialreport. Ibadan, Govt. Printer.

----- Housing Corporation. Report and ac-counts. Ibadan, Govt. Printer. annual.


Land Dept. Report. Ibadan, Govt.Printer, annual. 1952/53*

---- Legislature. Joint Public AccountsCommittee. Report on the accounts ofthe Western Region. Ibadan, Govt.Printer, annual. 1955/56*

--- ----- Joint Standing Committee onFinance. Report. Ibadan, Govt. Printer.quarterly. January-March 1958*

--- ---- Sessional papers. Ibadan,Govt. Printer.

Numbered series of monographs anddepartmental reports.

--- Marketing Board. Report. Ibadan,Govt. Printer, annual.

4th report, 1957/58*


Western Region of Nigeria. Ministry ofEconomic Planning. Statistical Divi-sion. Statistical bulletin. Ibadan, Govt.Printer. semi-annual.

v. 1, no. 2, December 1959*

Ministry of Finance. Inland RevenueDivision. Report. Ibadan, Govt. Printer.annual. 1st report, 1957/58*

----- Produce Inspection Service, Report.Ibadan, Govt. Printer. annual.

2d report, 1955/56*

----- Public Service Commission. Report.Ibadan, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959/60*

----- -Supplementary estimates. lbadan,Govt. Printer. March 1960*

----- Survey Dept. Report. Ibadan, Govt.Printer. annual. 1954/55*

----- Veterinary Dept. Report. Ibadan,Govt. Printer. annual. 1955/56*

Western Regional Production DevelopmentBoard. Report. [Ibadan] annual.



Cameroons, Southern. Accountant-General.Report with financial statements. Buea,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Approved estimates. Buea, Govt.Printer. annual. 1960/61*

----- Co-operative Dept. Report. Buea,Govt. Printer. biennial. 1956/58*

----- Dept. of Agriculture. Report. Buea,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

Cameroons, Southern. Development Agency.

Report. Buea, Govt. Printer.1st report, October 1957-March1958*

----- Director of Audit. Report on the ac-

counts of the Government of the Southern

Cameroons. Buea, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1958/59*

House of Assembly. Debates. Buea,

Govt. Printer.

----- ----- Sessional papers. Buea, Govt.Printer. 1956*

Numbered series.

Not published after 1956?

----- Marketing Board. Report. Lagos,Nigeria, Govt. Printer. annual.

4th report, 1957/58*

Cameroons Development Corporation, Bota,Victoria. Report. annual. 1958*


Central African Statistical Office. Statisti-cal handbook for Nyasaland. [Zomba?]


Nyasaland. Civil Aviation Dept. Report.Zomba, Govt. Printer. annual.

----- Customs Dept. Report on trade of theProtectorate. Zomba, Govt. Printer.annual.

1953 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.


Nyasaland. Dept. of Agriculture. Report.Zomba, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

Issued in 2 parts.

----- ----- Water Development Branch.Report. Zomba, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Co-operative Development.Report. Zomba, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Dept. of Game, Fish and Tsetse Con-trol. Report. Zomba, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Registrar General. Report.Zomba, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Surveys. Report. Zomba,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Dept. of Veterinary Services and An-imal Industry. Report. Zomba, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Estimates. Zomba, Govt. Printer.annual. 1960/61*

----- Forestry Dept. Report. Zomba,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Geological Survey. Bulletin. Zomba.Govt. Printer. irregular.

----- ----- Report. Zomba, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

Nyasaland. Post and Telegraphs Dept.Report. Zomba, Govt. Printer. an-nual.

1953 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

----- Provincial Natural Resources

Boards. Report. Zomba, Govt.

Printer. annual.

Ceased publication in 1952.

--- Public Works Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Road Service Authority. Report.Zomba, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Secretary for African Affairs. Re-port. Zomba, Govt. Printer. annual.


Prior to 1957 issued by ProvincialCommissioners, Native Administration.

Post Office Savings Bank (Nyasaland). Re-port. [ Zomba] annual.

1953 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of.Accountant-General and Auditor-General.

Financial statements and reports thereon.[Salisbury, Govt. Printer] annual.


----- Labour Dept. Report. Zomba, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Legislative Council. Proceedings.

Zomba, Govt. Printer.



Land and Agricultural Bank (Northern Rho-desia). Report of the Board. [Lusaka]annual. 1958/59*

Northern Rhodesia Chamber of Mines.Yearbook. Kitwe. 1959*

Post Office Savings Bank (Northern Rhode-sia). Report. [ Lusaka] annual.

1953 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

Rhodesia, Northern. African AffairsBoard. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

Prior to 1956 issued by Commissionfor Rural Development.

----- African Housing Board. Report.Lusaka, Govt. Printer, annual.


Prior to 1956/57 issued by Dept. ofLocal Government and African Housing.

----- African Representative Council. Pro-ceedings. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.

----- Approved estimates of revenue andexpenditure. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.


Since 1955/56 includes developmentestimates, which were issued separatelyprior to 1955.

----- Building, Mechanical, Road Commu-nications and Electrical Services. Re-port. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.

1958 is only issue.

Department superseded by Ministryof Transport and Works.

Rhodesia, Northern. Building Authority.

Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. an-nual.

----- Central Race Relations Advisory andConciliation Committee. Report. Lu-saka, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Comptroller and Auditor General.

Report on the accounts of native treas-uries. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Commission for Rural Development.

Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. an-nual.

1955 is last issue.

Later see: African Affairs Bureau.

----- Co-operative Societies and AfricanMarketing. Report of the Registrar.Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Customs Dept. Report.Govt. Printer, annual.


1953 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

----- ---- Statement of the trade ofNorthern Rhodesia. Lusaka, Govt.Printer.

1953 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

----- Dept. of Agriculture. Agriculturalbulletin. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.

Series of monographs.

----- ----- Report. Lusaka, Govt.Printer, annual. 1959*


Rhodesia, Northern. Dept. of Civil Avia-tion. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.annual.

----- Dept. of Geological Survey. Bulle-tins. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. irregular.

----- ----- Records. Lusaka, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

----- ----- Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

----- ----- Technical reports. Lusaka,Govt. Printer. irregular.

----- Dept. of Lands. Report. Lusaka,Govt. Printer. annual. 3d report, 1959*

----- Dept. of Trade, Transport and Indus-try. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.annual.

1953 is last issue.

Department no longer exists.

----- Development Authority. Report.Lusaka, Govt. Printer, annual.

Ceased publication after 1955.

----- Economic and statistical bulletin.Lusaka, Govt. Printer.

Since April 1954 has been supersededby: Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federationof. Monthly digest of statistics.

----- Farmers' Debt Adjustment Board.Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.

1st report, 1958/59*

----- Financial report. Lusaka, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Forest Dept. Report. Lusaka, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

Rhodesia, Northern. Game and Tsetse

Control Dept. Report. Lusaka, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Income Tax Dept. Report. Lusaka,Govt. Printer. annual.

1953/54 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

----- Industrial Loans Board. Report.Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Information Dept. The Northern Rho-desia handbook. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.


----- Joint Fisheries Research Organiza-tion. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.annual. no. 8, 1958*

No. 1-7, 1950-57, were not published.

----- Labour Dept. Report. Lusaka,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

Prior to 1954 issued by Labour andMines Dept.

----- Land Board. Report. Lusaka, Govt.Printer. annual.

Ceased publication after 1952.

----- Legislative Council. Official ver-batim report of debates. Lusaka, Govt.Printer.

----- Maize Control Board. Report.

saka, Govt. Printer. annual.Lu-

1956/57 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.


Rhodesia, Northern. Mines Dept. Report.

Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Ministry of Finance. Budget state-

ment to the Legislative Council. Lusaka,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Ministry of Local Government andSocial Welfare. Social Welfare Division.Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.


1950-55 issued as: Social Welfare.Report.

1956-58 issued as: Dept. of Welfareand Probation Services. Report.

----- Ministry of Transport and Works.Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer, annual.


Formerly issued as report of theBuilding, Mechanical, Road Commu-nications and Electrical Services; and

report of the Office of the Road TrafficCommissioner.

----- Natural Resources Board. Report.Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Office of the Road Traffic Commis-sioner. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.annual. 1958*

For future reports see: Ministry ofTransport and Works.

----- Posts and Telegraphs Dept. Report.Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.

January 1953-June 1954 is last issue.

Later material published by Federa-tion of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

Rhodesia, Northern. Public Works Dept.Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.

1957 is last issue.

Department superseded by the Build-

ing, Mechanical, Road Communications

and Electrical Services.

---- Stores and Transport Dept. Report.

Lusaka, Govt. Printer. annual.

----- Survey Dept. Report. Lusaka, Govt.

Printer, annual. 1959*

Prior to 1957 issued by Dept. of Sur-

veys and Land.

----- Veterinary Dept. Report.

Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Water Development and Irrigation

Dept. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1959*

----- Workmen's Compensation Commis-

sion. Report. Lusaka, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1958/59*

Victoria Falls Electricity Board. Report.[ Lusaka] annual. 1959*

Victorial Falls Trust. Report. [Lusaka]annual. 1959*


Central African Council. Statistical Office.Official year book of Southern Rhodesia.

[ Salisbury] 1952*


Central African Statistical Office. Reviewof immigration into Southern Rhodesia.

[Salisbury] semi-annual.

Ceased publication in 1954.

Land and Agricultural Bank of Southern

Rhodesia. Report. [Salisbury] an-nual. 1958*

At head of title: Federation of Rhode-sia and Nyasaland.

Rhodesia, Southern. Currency Board. Re-port. Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.

1953 is last report.

---- Dept. of Income Tax. Report of theCommissioner of Taxes. Salisbury,Govt. Printer. annual. 1953/54*

----- Dept. of Statistics. Economic andstatistical bulletin. Salisbury, Govt.Printer. monthly.

---- ---- Statement of the trade ofSouthern Rhodesia with British countries.Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual. 1953*

--- Division of Irrigation. Report of theDirector. Salisbury, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

-Secretary for Labour, Social Welfareand Housing. Report. Salisbury, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

Includes reports of the Dept. of La-bour, Dept. of Social Welfare, Dept. ofHousing and Public Works, Dept. of En-gineering and Construction.


Central African Statistical Office. Balance

of payments. Salisbury, Govt. Printer.


1st report, published January 1960;2d report, published August 1960, covers


--- Report on the work. Salisbury, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1958/59*

Post Office Savings Bank and Savings Cer-tificates (Rhodesia and Nyasaland). _Re-

port. [Salisbury] annual. 1958*

Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of.

Comptroller and Auditor-General. Re-

port on finance accounts, appropriationaccounts and miscellaneous funds.

Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


--- Controller of Customs and Excise.

Report. Salisbury, Govt. Printer.1st report, April 1, 1954-June 30, 1959*

--- Dept. of Civil Aviation. Report.Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.

-Dept. of Taxes. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.



---- Estimates of expenditure to be de-frayed from revenue funds and from loanfunds. Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


--- Federal Assembly. Parliamentarydebates. Salisbury, Govt. Printer.


Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of.

Federal Dept. of Trigonometrical and

Topographical Surveys. Report of the

Director. Salisbury, Govt. Printer.


Prior to 1957 issued by Dept. of Fed-eral Surveys

----- Federal Ministry of Agriculture.Report of the Secretary. Salisbury,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Federal National Parks Board. Re-port. Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Federal Public Works Dept. Report.Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- -Financial statements. Salisbury,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1960/61*

----- -Insurance statistics. Salisbury, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Ministry of Finance. Economic re-port. Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Monthly digest of statistics. Salis-bury, Govt. Printer.

----- Postmaster-General. Report.Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Quarterly external trade statistics.Salisbury, Govt. Printer.

----- Report on the agricultural and pas-toral production of Southern Rhodesia,Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland.Salisbury, Govt. Printer. annual.


Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of.Report on the census of industrial pro-

duction. Salisbury, Govt. Printer. an-

nual. 1957/58*

----- Statement of external trade. Salis-

bury, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*


Seychelles. Agricultural Dept. Report.Victoria, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Approved estimates of revenue and

expenditure for the year. Victoria,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Audit Dept. Report of the PrincipalAuditor on the accounts. Victoria, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Civil Status Office. Vital statisticsand report. Victoria, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

-Development and capital works; ap-proved estimates of revenue and expen-diture. Victoria, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Inland Revenue Dept. Report.toria, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Labour Dept. Report. Victoria,Govt. Printer. annual. 1955-56*

----- Legislative Council. Minutes. Vic-toria, Govt. Printer. 1958*

----- Postal Dept. Report. Victoria, Govt.Printer. annual. 1956*


Seychelles. Public Works Dept. Report.Victoria, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Supplies Dept. Report. Victoria,Govt. Printer. annual. 1955*

----- Trade report for the year. Victoria,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

-Treasurer. Report for the year.

Victoria, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*


Post Office Savings Bank (Sierra Leone).

Report. [Freetown] annual. 1958*

Sierra Leone. Audit Dept. Report of theDirector. Freetown, Govt. Printer.annual. January 1958-March 1959*

----- Customs Dept. Quarterly trade sta-tistics. Freetown, Govt. Printer.

----- ----- Trade report. Freetown,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Dept. of Agriculture. Report. Free-town, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Dept. of Co-operation. Report.Freetown, Govt. Printer. annual.


Sierra Leone. Financial report. Freetown,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Forest Administration. Report.

Freetown, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Geological Survey Dept. Report.

Freetown, Govt. Printer. annual.1958/59*

----- Governor. Speech at the opening of

the . . . session of the House of Rep-

resentatives . . . and the review of

government departments. Freetown,

Govt. Printer. 1960/61*

----- House of Representatives. Minutesof meetings. Freetown, Govt. Printer.

Issued as supplement to Gazette.

----- ----- Minutes of meetings. Free-

town, Govt. Printer.

Issued as supplement to Gazette.

----- Income Tax Dept. Report. Free-

town, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- Labour Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Legislative Council. Sessional pa-pers. Freetown, Govt. Printer.

Numbered series containing mono-graphs and annual speeches by the Gov-ernor.

----- Development estimates.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Mines Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Electricity Dept. Report. Freetown.Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

-Estimates of revenue and expenditure.

Freetown, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Port and Marine Dept. Report.Freetown, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Posts and Telecommunications Dept.Report. Freetown, Govt. Printer.

January 1958-March 1959*


Sierra Leone. Produce Marketing Board.

Report. Freetown, Govt. Printer. an-

nual. 1958*

----- Progress report on the development

programme. Freetown, Govt. Printer.1952*

----- Public Works Dept. Report. Free-

town, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Railway Dept. Report. Freetown,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Registrar-General., Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Report on fisheries. Freetown, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Road Transport Dept. Report. Free-town, Govt. Printer. annual.

January 1958-March 1959*

----- Sierra Leone Protectorate handbook.

Freetown, Govt. Printer. 1959*

----- Social Welfare Dept. Report. Free-town, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955*

----- Survey and Lands Dept. Report.Freetown, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955*

----- Veterinary Dept. Report. Free-

town, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*


Somaliland, British. Customs and ExciseDept. Trade report. Hargeisa, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

Somaliland, British. Dept. of Agriculture

and Veterinary Services. Report. Har-

geisa, Govt. Printer. annual. 1956*

----- Estimates. Hargeisa, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1958/59*

----- Financial Secretary. Memorandum

on the estimates. Hargeisa, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1956/57*

----- Geological Survey Dept. Report.

Hargeisa, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Legislative Council. Minutes. Har-

geisa, Govt. Printer.

Issued as supplement to Gazette.

----- Review of development. Hargeisa,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*


Consolidated Diamond Mines of South WestAfrica, Ltd. Report and accounts.[Windhoek] annual. 1959*

Land and Agricultural Bank (South West Af-rica). Report of the Board of Manage-

ment. [Windhoek] annual. 1958/59*

South West Africa. Budget speech. Wind-hoek, Govt. Printer. annual. 1960*

----- Controller and Auditor-General. Re-port on accounts. Windhoek, Govt.Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- ----- Report on accounts of the DairyIndustry Control Board. Windhoek, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958/59*


South West Africa. Controller and

Auditor-General. Report on the ac-

counts of the Farming Interests Funds.

Windhoek, Govt. Printer, annual.


----- ----- Report on the accounts of theMeat Control Board. Windhoek, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1958/59*

----- ----- Report on the appropriationaccounts and miscellaneous accounts.Windhoek, Govt. Printer, annual.


----- Dairy Industry Control Board. Re-port. Windhoek, Govt. Printer, annual.


----- Dept. of Posts and Telegraphs. Re-port on activities. Windhoek, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Estimates of the revenue to be col-

lected and expenditure to be defrayedfrom revenue funds . . . and estimatesof expenditure from the territorial de-velopment and reserve funds and roadsfund. Windhoek, Govt. Printer, annual.


----- Grain Board. Report. Windhoek,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Legislative Assembly. Votes andproceedings. Windhoek, Govt. Printer.

----- Meat Trade Control Board. Report.Windhoek, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955*

----- Parks Board. Report. Windhoek,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

----- Promotion of Farming Interests

Board. Report. Windhoek, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959/60*

South West Africa. Soil Conservation

Board. Report. Windhoek, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1959*


Sudan. Currency Board. Report. Khar-

toum, Govt. Printer.July 1956-December 1957*

----- Dept. of Statistics. Foreign trade

and internal statistics. Khartoum,

Govt. Printer. monthly. May 1960*

----- ----- National income of Sudan.

Khartoum, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Foreign trade report. Khartoum,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

----- Forests Dept. Report. Khartoum,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1953/54*

----- Geological survey of the Sudan; re-

port. Khartoum, Govt. Printer. bi-ennial. 1953/55*

----- Gezira Board. Report and statementof accounts. Khartoum, Govt. Printer.annual. 3d report, 1952/53*

-Legislative Assembly. Digest ofproceedings. Khartoum, Govt. Printer.weekly. 1952*

----- Ministry of Agriculture. ResearchDivision. Report. Khartoum, Govt.Printer. annual. 1953/54*


Sudan. Ministry of Finance and Economics.

Budget of the Republic of the Sudan.Khartoum, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- ---- Budget speech. Khartoum,Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

---- ---- Development budget estimates.Khartoum, Govt. Printer. annual.


---- --- Economic Branch. Economicsurvey. Khartoum, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1956*

--- Ministry of Irrigation and Hydro-Electric Power. Report. Khartoum,Govt. Printer. annual. 1954/55*

---- National Guidance Office. Sudan al-manac; an official handbook. Khartoum,Govt. Printer. 1960*

--- Parliament. House of Representa-tives. Digest of proceedings. Khar-toum, Govt. Printer. weekly. 1957*

---- ---- Senate. Digest of proceedings.Khartoum, Govt. Printer. weekly.


Sudan, a monthly magazine. Khartoum,Govt. Printer. October 1960*

Issued by the Ministry of Informationand Labour.

Sudan Railways. Report. [Khartoum]annual. 1957/58*

Swaziland. Colonial development and wel-fare fund schemes; estimates of revenueand expenditure. Mbabane, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959/60*

-Commerce. Mbabane, Govt. Printer.1957*

--- Dept. of Native Land Settlement. Re-port. Mbabane, Govt. Printer. annual.


Dept. no longer exists.

--- Estimates of revenue and expenditurefor the financial year. Mbabane, Govt.Printer. annual. 1960/61*

-European Advisory Council. Minutes.Mbabane, Govt. Printer.

-Geological Survey and Mines Dept.Report. Mbabane, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1959*

--- Natural Resources Board. Report.Mbabane, Govt. Printer. annual.

---- Post and Telegraph Dept. Report.Mbabane, Govt. Printer. annual.


--- Public Works Dept. Report. Mba-bane, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957/58*

--- Veterinary Dept. Report. Mbabane,Govt. Printer. annual. 1954*

To be combined with Agriculture Dept.


Swaziland. Agricultural Dept. Report.

Mbabane, Govt. Printer. annual. 1954*

Bukoba Native Coffee Board. Report. [Dar

es Salaam] annual. 1947-48*


Tanganyika. (continued)

Coffee Research and ExperimentalLyamungu, Moshi, Tanganyika.annual.



East Africa High Commission. East AfricanStatistical Dept. Monthly statistical bul-letin [of Tanganyika]. [Dar es Salaam]

---- ----- Tanganyika Office. Budgetsurvey [of Tanganyika]. [Dar es

Salaam] annual. 1961/61*

East African Sisal Industry. Report andaccounts. [Dar es Salaam] annual.


Organization is comprised of the Tan-ganyika Sisal Growers' Association andthe Kenya Sisal Growers' Association.

Kilimanj aro

Report.Native Co-operative Union.

[Dar es Salaam] annual.27th report, 1958/59*

Land Bank of Tanganyika. Report of theBoard. [Dar es Salaam] annual. 1958*

Mkata Ranch. Accounts, report of the Di-rector of Audit, and report of the Direc-

tor of Veterinary Services. [Dar esSalaam] annual. 1958/59*

Moshi Native Coffee Board.

es Salaam] annual.Report. [Dar


Tanganyika. Administrator-General 'sDept. Report. Dar es Salaam, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Audit Dept. Report on the accounts.Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.


Tanganyika. Dept. of Agriculture.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.



Issued in 2 parts.

----- Dept. of Commerce and Industry.

Report. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.

annual. 3d report, 1959*

---- --- Trade bulletin. Dar es Salaam,Govt. Printer. irregular.

no. 12, July 1960*

----- Dept.Report.annual.

of Co-operative Development.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.1959*

----- Dept. of Mines. Report. Dar esSalaam, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

Prior to 1952 issued by Dept. of Landsand Mines.

----- Dept. of Town Planning. Report. Dar

es Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.1955-56; covers 2 years*

--- Dept. of Veterinary Science and Ani-mal Husbandry. Report. Dar es Salaam,Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

Issued in 2 parts annually from 1954-57.

---- Dept. of Water Development Irriga-tion. Report. Dar es Salaam, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Development plan; estimates of the

revenue and expenditure. Dar es Salaam,Govt. Printer. annual.

1952 is last issue.

Later see: Estimates of the revenue

and expenditure.


Tanganyika. E stimates of the revenue and

expenditure. Dar es Salaam, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1960/61*

----- Forest Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.

Dar es Salaam,1959*

----- Game Preservation Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Geological Survey Dept. Bulletin.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer. ir-regular.

----- ----- Records.Govt. Printer.

Dar es Salaam,v. 7, 1957*

----- ----- Report. Dar es Salaam, Govt.Printer. annual. 1959*

----- Governor.lative Council.Printer.

Statement to the Legis-Dar es Salaam, Govt.

December 15, 1959*

----- Grain Storage Dept. Report. DaresSalaam, Govt. Printer. annual.


----- Immigration and Passport Dept. Re-port. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1959*

----- Labour Dept. Report.Govt. Printer. annual.

Dar es Salaam,1959*

Tanganyika. Memorandum and Finance

Committee. Report on the estimates of

revenue and expenditure. Dar es

Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.

1955/56 is last issue.

Later see: Tanganyika. Estimatesof revenue and expenditure.

----- Ministry for Finance and Economics.

Speech introducing the estimates of rev-

enue and expenditure to the LegislativeCouncil. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.annual. 1960/61*

----- Ministry of Lands and Surveys. Re-port of the Land, Survey, Air Survey,Registrar-GeneralIs and Valuation Divi-sions. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

Prior to 1952 issued by Dept. of Landsand Mines; from 1952-58 issued by Dept.

of Lands and Surveys.

----- Ministry of Local Government

and Administration. The developmentof African local government in Tangan-

yika. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1958*

----- Ministry of Natural

letin. Dar es Salaam,


Resources. Bul-

Govt. Printer.

----- Legislative Council. Council debates;official report. Dar es Salaam, Govt.


----- ----- Government papers. Dar es

Salaam, Govt. Printer.

Numbered series of monographs.

Prior to 1957 titled Sessional papers.

----- Provincial Commissioners. Report.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.1958*

----- Public Accounts Committee. Report

on the accounts of Tanganyika. Dar es

Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.1957/58*

----- Public Service Commission. Report.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.1959*


Tanganyika. Public Works Dept. Report.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.1958*

Report on African loan funds, to-

gether with accounts for local develop-

ment and African productivity loan

funds. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1958*

----- Report on development. Dar es

Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual. 1955*

---- Social development report. Dar es

Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

--- Statistical abstract.Govt. Printer. annual.

Dar es Salaam,


---- Transport Licensing Authority. Re-port. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1959*

--- Treasury Dept. Report on the ac-counts and finances. Dar es Salaam,Govt. Printer. annual. 1956/57*

Later see: Audit Dept. Report onthe accounts.

Tsetse Survey and Reclamation Dept.Report. Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1958*

---- Works and Hydraulics Dept. Report.

Dar es Salaam, Govt. Printer. annual.1956*

Tanganyika Agricultural Corporation. Re-

port and accounts. [Dar es Salaam]

annual. 1958/59*

Prior to April 1955 issued by United

Kingdom Overseas Food Corporation.

Tanganyika Sisal Growers' Association,

Sisal Research Station, Mlingano. Re-

port. annual. 1959/60*


East Africa High Commission. East Af-

rican Statistical Dept. Uganda Unit.Enumeration of employees. [ Entebbe]

June 1959*

--- ---- ---- Enumeration of em-ployees in cotton ginneries. [Entebbe]


----- --- --- Geographical income ofUganda. [Entebbe] 1957*

Uganda. Accountant General's Dept. Re-

port on the accounts. Entebbe, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958/59*

--- Administrator-General. Report.Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

-African Housing Dept. Report. En-tebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

--- Coffee Industry Board. Report.Kampala. annual. 1957/58*

--- Dept. of Agriculture. Report.tebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.

--- Dept.Report.

---- Dept.




of Community Development.

Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.1958*

of Co-operative Development.Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.


--- Dept. of Hydrological Survey. Report.

Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.

1955 is last issue.

Later see: Water Development Dept.


Uganda. Dept. of Trade. Report. En-tebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1957*

Prior to 1955 issued by Dept. ofCommerce.

--- Dept. of Veterinary Services andAnimal Industry. Report. Entebbe,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

--- Director of Audit. Report. Entebbe,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

---- Electricity Board. Report and ac-counts. Entebbe, Govt. Printer. an-nual. 1959*

--- Estimates. Entebbe, Govt. Printer.annual. 1960/61*

--- Forest Dept. Report. Entebbe, Govt.Printer. annual. 1958*

--- Game and Fisheries Dept. Report.Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.


--- Geological Survey Dept. Report.Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

Labour Dept. Report. Entebbe,Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

--- Lands and Surveys Dept. Report.Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

Prior to 1956 issued by Survey, Landand Mines Dept.

--- Legislative Council. Proceedings.Entebbe, Govt. Printer.

Issued as supplement to Gazette andseparately.

---- --- Sessional papers. Entebbe,Govt. Printer.

Uganda. Lint Marketing Board. Report.

Kampala. annual. 1958/59*

---- Mines Dept. Report. Entebbe, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1959*

Prior to 1956 issued by Survey, Landand Mines Dept.

----- Ministry of Finance. Background to

the budget. Entebbe, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1960/61*

--- Monthly economic and statistical bul-

letin. Entebbe, Govt. Printer.

Public Accounts Committee. Report

on Protectorate accounts. Entebbe, Govt.Printer, annual. 1957/58*

---- Public Service Commission. Report.

Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Public Works Dept. Report. En-tebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958/59*

--- Report on the Kingdom of Buganda,

Eastern Province, Western Province.

Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

---- Statistical abstract.Printer. annual.

Entebbe, Govt.1959*

---- Three-year capital expenditure fore-cast. Entebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.


---- Tsetse Control Dept. Report. En-tebbe, Govt. Printer. annual.

January 1958-June 1959*

-- Water Development Dept. Report.Entebbe, Govt. Printer, annual.

3d report, 1958*

Numbered series of monographs.


Uganda Credit and Savings Bank. Reportand accounts. [Entebbe] annual.


Uganda Development Corporation, Ltd.

Report of the Directors. [Entebbe]annual. 1957*


Clove Growers Association (Zanzibar).Market review. [Zanzibar] quarterly.

Zanzibar. Accountant General. Report onthe accounts for the year. Zanzibar,

Govt. Printer. annual. 1958*

----- Audit Dept. Report of the PrincipalAuditor. Zanzibar, Govt. Printer.annual. 1959*

Customs Dept. Trade report.

zibar, Govt. Printer, annual.

Dept. of Agriculture. Report.zibar, Govt. Printer, annual.



Zanzibar. Legislative Council. Sessionalpapers. Zanzibar, Govt. Printer.

Numbered series.

---- Monthly trade information. Zanzi-

bar, Govt. Printer.

----- Port and Marine Dept. Report.

Zanzibar, Govt. Printer. annual. 1956*

----- Postal Services and Savings BankDept. Report. Zanzibar, Govt. Printer.

annual. 1959*

---- Provincial Administration. Report.

Zanzibar, Govt. Printer. annual. 1959*

---- ---- Social Welfare Section. Re-

port. Zanzibar, Govt. Printer. an-

nual. 1959*

---- Public Works, Electricity and Land

Survey Dept. Report. Zanzibar, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1959*

---- Registrar of Co-operative Societies.

Report. Zanzibar, Govt. Printer. an-

nual. 1958*

----- Estimates of revenue and expenditure.

Zanzibar, Govt. Printer. annual. 1960*

---- Estimates of revenue and expenditure

of the development programme. Zanzi-

bar, Govt. Printer. annual. 1960*

---- Labour report. Zanzibar, Govt.

Printer. annual. 1959*

- -Legislative Council. Proceedings.Zanzibar, Govt. Printer.

Issued as supplement to Official




Barclays Bank (Dominion,

Colonial and Overseas).

Economic surveys . . . [British

Africa] London.

Note Years listed are last known

to be published.

Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and

Overseas). Federation of Rhodesia

and Nyasaland; an economic survey.

London, 1959. 66 p.

---- Ghana; an economic survey. London,


--- Kenya; an economic survey. London,

1958. 24 p.

---- Nigeria; an economic survey. Lon-

don, 1959. 30 p.

--- Sierra Leone; an economic survey.

London, 1958. 15 p.

----- Tanganyika; an economic survey.

London, 1958. 24 p.

--- The Sudan; an economic survey.London, 1959. 20 p.

---- Uganda; an economic survey. Lon-

don, 1958. 24 p.

Colonial Office

No t e Reports are annual or bien-

nial. All reports since 1945-47 have

been issued under this title.

Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual re-

port on Nigeria. 1946+ London, H. M.

Stationery Office. 1955*

Great Britain. Colonial Office. Annual Re-

port on Sierra Leone. 1946+ London,

H. M. Stationery Office. (Its Colonial

annual reports) 1958*

--- ---- Annual report on the Gold

Coast. 1946+ London, H. M. Station-

ery Office. (Its Colonial annual re-


1954 is last issue.

---- ---- Report on Northern Rhodesia.

1946+ London, H. M. Stationery Office.

(Its Colonial annual reports) 1959*

--- ---- Report on Nyasaland. 1946+

London, H, M. Stationery Office. (Its

Colonial annual reports) 1959*

--- ---- Report on the Colony and Pro-

tectorate of Kenya. 1946+ London,

H. M. Stationery Office. (Its Colonial

annual reports) 1958*

--- ---- Report on the East Africa

High Commission. 1948+ London,

H. M. Stationery Office. annual. 1959*

---- --- Report on the Gambia. Lon-

don, H. M. Stationery Office. 1956-57*

---- ----- Report on the SomalilandProtectorate. London, H. M. Station-

ery Office. 1956-57*

----- ----- Report on Uganda. 1946+

London, H. M. Stationery Office. (Its

Colonial annual reports) 1959*

---- --- Report on Zanzibar. 1946+

London, H. M. Stationery Office. (ItsColonial annual reports) 1957-58*


Great Britain. Colonial Office. Report

. . . to the General Assembly of the

United Nations on the administration

of Tanganyika. 1920+ London, H. M.

Stationery Office. annual. 2 parts.

pt. 1 and pt. 2, 1959*

Prior to 1959 issued in one volumeannually.

----- ----- Report to the General Assem-bly of the United Nations on the admin-

istration of Togoland under United

Kingdom trusteeship. 1920-21+ Lon-

don, H. M. Stationery Office. annual.

1955 is last issue.

----- ----- Report . .. to the General

Assembly of the United Nations on theCameroons under United Kingdom ad-ministration. 1920/21+ London, H. M.

Stationery Office. annual. 1958*

Office of Commonwealth Re-lations

Great Britain. Office of CommonwealthRelations. Annual report of the Bech-uanaland Protectorate. 1946+ London,

H. M. Stationery Office. (Colonial an-nual reports) 1958*

----- ----- Annual report on Basutoland.

1946+ London, H. M. Stationery Of -fice. (Colonial annual reports) 1958*

----- ----- Annual report on Swaziland.1946+ London, H. M. Stationery Of-fice. (Colonial annual reports) 1958*



Reviews of Economic Conditions

in Africa

United Nations. Dept. of Economic Affairs.

Review of economic conditions in Africa;

supplement to World economic report,1949-50. New York, 1951. 119 p.(Doc. E/1910/Add. 1/Rev. 1. ST/ECA/9/Add. 1)

--- --- Summary of recent economicdevelopments in Africa; supplement to

World economic report, 1950-51. New

York, 1952. 49 1. (Doc. E/2193/Add. 2and Corr. 1. ST/ECA/14/Add. 2 andCorr. 1)

--- --- World economic situation: as-

pects of economic development in Africa;

report by the Secretary-General. NewYork, 1953. 171 p. (Doc. E/2377 and

Corr. 1)

---- --- Summary of recent economic

developments in Africa, 1952-53; sup-

plement to World economic report. New

York, 1954. 83 p. (Doc. E/2583 and

Corr. 1. ST/ECA/26 and Corr. 1)

Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs.Review of economic activity in Africa,1950 to 1954; supplement to World eco-

nomic report, 1953-54. New York, 1955.146 p. (Doc. E/2738. ST/ECA/33)

---- ---- Economic developments in_Africa, 1954-1955; supplement to Worldeconomic survey, 1955. New York, 1956.


United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social

Affairs. Economic developments in Af-

rica, 1955-1956. 1957. 97 p. (Doc. E/2984. ST/ECA/46)

---- ---- Economic developments in Af-

rica, 1956-1957. 1958. 84 p. (Doc.

E/3117. ST/ECA/56)

--- ---- Economic survey of Africa

since 1950. New York, 1959. 248 p.

(E/CN. 14/28)

Sales no. 59. II. K. 1.

Reports on Non-Self -Governing


United Nations. Dept. of Trusteeship and

Information from Non-Self-Governing

Territories. Non-self-governing terri-

tories; summaries of information trans-

mitted to the Secretary-General during

1946. 1 v. (ST/TRI/SER. A/1)

--- ---. --- 1947. 1 v. (ST/TRI/

SER. A/2)

SER. A/3)

SER. A/4)

---- 1948.

--- 1949.

1 v.

2 v.

-- ---- 1950. 3 v.

SER. A/5 and Add. 1, Add. 2)

--- ---.- --- 1951. 2 v.

SER. A/6 and Add. 1)

---- -- ---- 1952. 2 v.

SER. A/7 and Add. 1)





(ST/TRI/100 p. (Doc. E/2881.


United Nations. Dept. of Trusteeship and

Information from Non-Self-Governing

Territories. Non-self-governing terri-

tories; summaries of information trans-

mitted to the Secretary-General during1953. 1 v. (ST/TRI/SER. A/8)

---- ----. ----- 1954. 1 v. (ST/TRI/

SER. A/9)

----- ---. ---- 1955. 1 v. (ST/TRI/

SER. A/12)

--- ---. ---- 1956. 10 v. (ST/TRI/

B. 1956/1-9 and 1/Add. 1)

--- ---. ---- for 1956 and 1956/57.15 v. (ST/TRI/B. 1957/1-9 and 2/Add. 1,4/Add. 1, 5/Add. 1, 6/Add. 1, 7/Add. 1,and 8/Add. 1)

----- ---. --- for 1958. 10 v.

TRI/B. 1959/1-9 and 1/Add. 1)(ST/

--- ---. Special study on economic

conditions in non-self-governing terri-

tories. New York, 1952. 412 p. (ST/SER. A/6/Add. 2)

----- -----. ----- 1955.TRI/SER. A/9/Add. 1)

--- ---. --- 1958.TRI/SER. A/13)

219 p. (ST/

201 p. (ST/

Sales no. 1958. VI. B. 1.

--- ---. --- 1960. 42 p. (ST/TRI. SER. A/17)

Sales no. 1960. VI. B. 3.

--- ---. Special study on social con-

ditions in non-self-governing territories.New York, 1953. 270 p. (ST/TRI/SER.A/7/Add. 2)

United Nations. Dept. of Trusteeship and

Information from Non-Self-Governing

Territories. Special study on social

conditions in non-self-governing terri-

tories. New York, 1956. 172 p. (ST/TRI/SER. A/10)

----- ---.- ---- 1958. 239 p. (ST/TRI/

SER. A/14)

----- Secretary-General. Progress of the

non- self-governing territories under the

Charter. v. 5. Territorial surveys.

New York, 1960. 476 p. (ST/TRI/SER.A/15/vol. 5)

Sales no. 60. VI. B. 1, vol. 5.

At this time this is the only volume pub-

lished in what is to be a five-volume seriesconstituting a "Report on Progress Achieved

by the Non-Self-Governing Territories in

Pursuance of Chapter XI of the Charter,"

prepared by the Secretary-General at the

request of the General Assembly. Theentire set will be published in 1960-61 as

follows: -- Pt. A. General review (v. 1).

-- Pt. B. Economic, social, and educa-

tional progress (v. 2, 3, 4). -- Pt. C. Ter-

ritorial surveys (v. 5).

Reports on South West Africa

United Nations. General Assembly. Infor-mation and documentation in respect ofthe territory of South West Africa. NewYork, 1954. 483 p. mimeographed (A/AC. 73/L. 3)

See also: L. c/Corr. 1 (7 p.); Add. 1(376 p.); Add. 1/Corr. 1 (5 p.); Add. 2

(maps); Add. 3 (26 p.); Add. 3/Corr. 1

(1 p.)


United Nations. General Assembly. Com-mittee on South West Africa. Report.

New York, 1954. 3 9 p. (U. N. GeneralAssembly. Official records, 9th sess.Supplement no. 14)

United Nations [Document] A/2666.

----- ----- ----- Report, 1955. 50 p.(GAOR, 10th sess. Supplement no. 12)

UN [Doc. ] A/2913; and Add. 1, Add. 2.

---- ----- ----- Report, 1956. 35 p.(GAOR, 11th sess. Supplement no. 12)

UN [Doc. ] A/3151.

----- --- ----- Report, 1957. 43 p.(GAOR, 12th sess. Supplement no. 12)

UN [Doc.] A/3626.

--- ---- ----- Special report. NewYork, 1957. 8 p. (GAOR, 12th sess.Supplement no. 12A)

UN [Doc.] A/3625.

----- ---- ---- Report, 1958. 68 p.(GAOR, 13th sess. Supplement no. 12)

UN [Doc.] A/3906, and Add. 1.

--- ----- ----- Report, 1960. (?) p.(GAOR, 15th sess. Supplement no. 12)

UN [Doc.] A/4464.

Visiting Missions to: theCameroons, Ruanda-Urundi,Somaliland under Italian Ad-ministration, Tanganyika,


N o t e All Visiting Mission reportscontain examinations of economic, so-

cial, and political advances made since

the previous report. All are published

in English and French editions; those

listed here are the English.


United Nations. Trusteeship Council.

Visiting Mission to the Trust Territories

in West Africa. Reports and related

documents. New York, 1951. 137 p.(U. N. Trusteeship Council. Official

records, 7th sess. Supplement no. 2)

United Nations [Document] T/798.

Includes reports on the Cameroons un-

der French and under British administra-tion, and Togoland under French and un-der British administration.

Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories in West Africa, 1952. Re-port on the Cameroons under UnitedKingdom administration, together withrelated documents. New York, 1954.39 p. (TCOR, 13th sess. Supplement

no. 4)

UN [Doc.] T/1109.

----------- Report on the Cameroons

under French administration, togetherwith related documents. New York, 1954.36 p. (TCOR, 13th sess. Supplementno. 5)

UN [Doc.] T/1110.


United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Vis-iting Mission to the Trust Territories

of the Cameroons under British Admin-

istration and the Cameroons under French

Administration, 1955. Report on the

Cameroons under British administration,

together with related documents. New

York, 1956. 62 p. (TCOR, 17th sess.

Supplement no. 3)

UN [Doc.] T/1239.

---- ----- ---- Report on the Camer-

oons under French administration, to-

gether with related documents. New

York, 1956. 52 p. (TCOR, 17th sess.

Supplement no. 4)

UN [Doc.] T/1240.

---- ---- Visiting Mission to the Trust

Territories in West Africa, 1958. Re-

port on the Cameroons under United

Kingdom administration, together with

related documents. New York, 1959.

75 p. (TCOR, 23d sess. Supplementno. 2)

UN [Doc. ] T/1440.

---- ---- ----- Report on the Camer-

oons under French administration, to-

gether with related documents. New

York, 1959. 63 p. (TCOR, 23d sess.Supplement no. 3)

UN [Doc. ] T/1441.

United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Vis-

iting Mission to Trust Territories in

East Africa, 1951. Report on the trustterritory of Ruanda-Urundi, together

with the relevant resolution of the Trus-

teeship Council. New York, 1952. 39 p.

(TCOR, 11th sess. Supplement no. 2)

United Nations [Document] T/1031.

--- --- Visiting Mission to Trust Ter-

ritories in East Africa, 1954. Report

on Ruanda-Urundi, together with related

documents. New York, 1955. 64 p.

(TCOR, 15th sess. Supplement no. 2)

UN [Doc. ] T/1168.

--- ---- Visiting Mission to Trust Ter-

ritories in East Africa, 1957. Report on

Ruanda-Urundi, together with the rele-

vant resolution of the Trusteeship Coun-

cil. New York, 1958. 49 p. (TCOR,21st sess. Supplement no. 3)

UN [Doc.] T/1402.

Somaliland under Italian Administration

United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Vis-

iting Mission to Trust Terrorities in

East Africa, 1951. Report on Somalilandunder Italian administration, together

with related documents. New York, 1952.

44 p. (U. N. Trusteeship Council. Official

records, 11th sess. Supplement no. 4)

Ruanda-Urundi United Nations [Document] T/1033.

United Nations. Trusteeship Council,Visiting Mission to East Africa, 1948.Report on Ruanda-Urundi, and related

documents. New York, 1950. 140 p.

(U. N. Trusteeship Council. Officialrecords, 4th sess. Supplement no. 2)

--- ----- Visiting Mission to Trust Ter-

ritories in East Africa, 1954. Report onSomaliland under Italian administration,together with related documents. New

York, 1955. 67 p. (TCOR, 16th sess.Supplement no. 2)

UN [Doc.] T/1200.


United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Vis-

iting Mission to Trust Territories in

East Africa, 1957. Report on Somali-

land under Italian administration, to-

gether with related documents. NewYork, 1958. 38 p. (TCOR, 22 sess.Supplement no. 2)

UN [Doc. ] T/1404.


United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Vis-iting Mission to East Africa. Report onTanganyika, and related documents.New York, 1948. 315 p. (U. N. Trus-teeship Council. Official records, 4thsess. Supplement no. 3)

---- --- Visiting Mission to Trust Ter-ritories in East Africa, 1951. Report on

Tanganyika, together with related docu-

ments. New York, 1952. 64 p. (TCOR,11th sess. Supplement no. 3)

United Nations [Document] T/1032.

---- --- Visiting Mission to Trust Ter-ritories in East Africa, 1954. Report onTanganyika, together with related docu-ments. New York, 1955. 136 p. (TCOR,15th sess. Supplement no. 3)

UN [Doc.] T/1169.

--- ----- Visiting Mission to Trust Ter-ritories in East Africa, 1957. Report onTanganyika, together with related docu-ments. New York, 1958. 112 p. (TCOR,21st sess. Supplement no. 2)

UN [Doc.] T/1401.


United Nations. Trusteeship Council. Vis-iting Mission to the Trust Territories inWest Africa. Reports and related docu-ments. New York, 1951. 137 p. (U. N.Trusteeship Council. Official records,7th sess. Supplement no. 2)

United Nations [Document] T/798.

Includes reports on the Cameroons un-der French and under British administra-tion, and Togoland under French and underBritish administration.

--- ---- Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories in West Africa, 1952. Re-port on Togoland under French adminis-tration, together with related documents.New York, 1954. 35 p. (TCOR, 13thsess. Supplement no. 3)

UN [Doc.] T/1108.

----- --- --- Report on Togoland un-

der United Kingdom administration, to-gether with related documents. NewYork, 1954. 46 p. (TCOR, 13th sess.Supplement no. 2)

UN [ Doc.] T/1107.

Visiting Mission to the TrustTerritories of Togoland under BritishAdministration and Togoland under FrenchAdministration, 1955. Report on Togo-land under French administration, to-gether with related documents. NewYork, 1956. 44 p. (TCOR, 17th sess.Supplement no. 2)

UN [Doc.] T/1238.


United Nations. Trusteeship Council.

Visiting Mission to the Trust Ter-

ritories of Togoland under British

Administration and Togoland under

French Administration, 1955. Re-port on Togoland under British Ad-ministration, together with relateddocuments. New York, 1956. 35 p.(TCOR, 18th sess. Supplement no. 2)

UN [Doc.] T/1277.

----- ----- Special report on the Togo-land unification problem and the futureof the trust territory of Togoland underBritish administration, together withrelated documents. New York, 1956.66 p. (TCOR, 5th sess. Supplementno. 2)

UN [Doc. ] T/1218.
