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OJS Guidelines for Authors

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia (JAKI) that is published by FEB UI will apply a

website based on the Open Journal System (OJS). All processes, starting from paper

submission to article publication (including article-reviewing process), is expected to use OJS-

based website and replace the manual process that have been applied previously. Therefore,

the JAKI editorial staff hopes for cooperation of all parties, including authors. The OJS-based

website will continue to be refined. Should authors find difficulties in using OJS or have

questions, complaints, or suggestions, authors can inform the JAKI editorial staff by sending e-

mail to [email protected].


JAKI Account Creation

Before uploading your article to the JAKI website, make sure you have got your username and

password as an Author. If you already have your username and password, you can directly

open the JAKI website ( and click the “Login” menu, or you

can open it through the link below. The login page is as follows.

After the login page shown above has appeared, you just need to type in your username and

password, and then click “Login”. After logging in, you will be directed to the “User Home” page,

which will be explained in the next section.

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However, if you do not have your Author username and password, you must register first.

Registration is done through the JAKI website, and can be found in the “Register” menu. You

can also access it through the link below. The registration page display is as follows.

After the page above has appeared, fill in all the needed data. Data that are obligatory to be

filled are data with the sign (*), which are username, password, repeat password, first name,

last name, email, and confirm email. You are also required to click the option Register as

“Author: Able to submit items to the journal”. After everything is filled out, click “Register” to

continue on the process.

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After the registration process is completed, you will head toward the “User Home” page. The

page display is as follows.

On this page, you can see the article you have submitted, as well as how far your article has

been processed by JAKI. Besides that, you can also change your profile by clicking “Edit My

Profile”, change your account password by clicking “Change My Password”, or log out from your

account by clicking “Logout”. If you wish to upload an article, click “New Submission”. You will

be directed to the submission page, which is made up of a few steps.

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Paper Submission

Step 1. Starting the Submission

In this stage, you have to click on all the items that are a part of “Submission Checklist” and

make sure you fulfill all those items. You are also asked to click the option in Copyright Notice.

Should you wish to convey information about your paper submission to the Editor, you can write

to him/her in the box “Comments for the Editor”. If you are done, you can click “Save and


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Step 2. Uploading the Submission

In this stage, you will be asked to upload your article file, while supplementary files (such as CV)

will be uploaded in the next stage. Make sure your name and affiliation is not attached

inside your article file. This is to make sure the blind review process that will be done.

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To upload your article, click “Choose File”, and then choose the file that you want to upload. If

you have chosen the file, you must click “Upload”, until the display below appears.

If you would like to change the file that is uploaded, you can click “Choose File” again and

choose the right article file, and make sure you click “Upload”. If the file has been successfully

uploaded (indicated with the appearance of “Submission File” as shown above), you can

continue to the next step by clicking “Save and Continue”.

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Step 3. Entering the Submission’s Metadata

In this stage, you will be asked to insert the submission’s metadata, such as author name,

article title, abstract, etc. For the “Authors” section, insert all the article authors. Mandatory data

are first name, last name, email, and affiliation. If there is more than one author, click “Add

Author” to add the data of the other authors.

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If there is more than one author, choose the author that will correspond with JAKI by clicking

“Principal contact for editorial correspondence” below the corresponding author’s data, as

shown as follows.

Afterwards, insert the title and abstract of your article. The abstract that is entered is the English

abstract only. Enter the keywords of your article’s abstract in the “Keywords” box. In the

“Language” box, type in “en” if your article is written in English, or type in “id” if your article is

written in Bahasa Indonesia. Insert all the parties that contribute in your research (if any) in the

“Agencies” box. If all the needed information has been filled in, click “Save and Continue”.

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Step 4. Uploading Supplementary Files

In this stage, you will be asked to upload necessary supplementary files. You are required to

upload CV (all authors). If there are other files, such as research instruments, interview

transcripts, and others, that will be used in the review process, you can also upload it in

this stage. To upload the necessary files, click “Choose File”, then choose the desired file, and

make sure you click “Upload”. After clicking “Upload”, you will be directed to the next page.

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Insert the file title in the “Title” box and choose the type of file you are uploading. In the

“Supplementary File” section, you will be asked to decide whether your file will be given to the

Reviewer, through the option “Present file to reviewers (without metadata), as it will not

compromise blind review”. For CV, make sure you do not click that option, while for any files

related to your research (such as research instruments, interview transcripts, and others),

you may click on that option. If all the information has been filled in, click “Save and Continue”.

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Continue the same process to the other supplementary files. You can see all the files you have

uploaded in the page shown below.

If you wish to change or delete a file you have uploaded before, you can click “Edit” or “Delete”.

If this stage is completed, you can click “Save and Continue”.

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Step 5. Confirming the Submission

In this stage, you just need to give confirmation of your submission by clicking “Finish

Submission”. Make sure you have uploaded all the necessary files. If you have clicked on

“Finish Submission”, you will be directed to the page shown below. You will also receive a

confirmation email from JAKI regarding your paper submission.

You can click “Active Submissions” to look at the list of articles you have uploaded to the JAKI

website. You can also see the review process status of the article you have sent. The page

display is as follows.

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After uploading your article, you can still change your article’s metadata, by clicking the title of

your article. After entering the Summary page (as shown below), click “Edit Metadata”.

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Review Process

After the submission process is finished, your article will enter the JAKI review process. The

status “Awaiting Assignment” means your article has not entered the review stage. If your article

has already entered the review stage, the status will change to “In Review”, as shown in the

page display below.

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Should there already be a decision from the Reviewer, the Editor will send a confirmation email

to you regarding the review result. To see the review result from the Reviewer, click “In Review”,

and the page shown below will appear.

You can see the Editor’s decision on your article in the section “Editor Decision”. There are

some decisions that may be given by the Editor: “Accept Submission” (article is accepted and

does not need revision), “Revisions Required” (article needs revision, but will not be reviewed

again), “Resubmit for Review” (article needs revision and will be reviewed again), or “Decline

Submission” (article is rejected).

If your article needs revision, and you have finished revising it, upload the new file by clicking

“Choose File” in the section “Upload Author Version”, and make sure you click “Upload”. In

sending the revised file, you will be asked to upload 4 files, which are the Revised Paper for

Reviewer 1, Table of Revision for Reviewer 1, Revised Paper for Reviewer 2, and Table of

Revision for Reviewer 2. The file uploaded should only be the Revised Paper for Reviewer

1, while the other 3 files should be attached in the email sent to the Editor through email

delivery via OJS.

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If you have successfully uploaded the newest version of your article, the display should look like


You will continuously repeat all the steps above if you are still asked to revise your article, until

in the end the Editor will decide whether your article is accepted or rejected.

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If you wish to send an email to the Editor, you can click the box sign seen in the left side of

“Editor/Author Email Record”. This feature functions for the communication between you and

the Editor, so that it can be done anytime. After you click the box sign, you will be directed to the

page shown below. The email composition is the same as the regular email composition.

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If your article has received the decision of “Accept Submission” from the Editor, you will receive

email confirmation from the Editor. The submission status of your article will change to “In

Editing”, as shown below.

If you have reached this stage, you will communicate directly with the Editor on things related to

format uniformity, proofreading, and other things related to the preparation of your article


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If your article has been published, your article will disappear from the “Active Submissions”

page, as shown above. You can see the status of your article publication by clicking “Archive”

below “Active Submissions”. The JAKI Volume and Number where your article is published in

can be seen in the section “Status”, as shown in the page display below.

If your article is rejected, the article you uploaded will also disappear from the “Active

Submissions” page. You can see your article in “Archive”, and the status “Archived” will appear

in your article that JAKI rejected.
