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    Amendment 1 -OKI 2030 REGIONAL


    March, 2009

    Prepared by theOhio-Kentucky-Indiana

    Regional Council of Governments

  • 8/14/2019 OKI Draftpdf


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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 1

    INTRODUCTIONThis report constitutes an amendment to the regional transportation planprepared by the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI)for the Cincinnati metropolitan area. The OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanSetting Your Transportation Landscape(the Plan) was originally adopted by the

    OKI Board of Directors on June 12, 2008.

    Periodically, as needs and conditions change, it becomes necessary to modify thePlan. This amendment is undertaken to address two items: 1) Incorporation ofprojects eligible for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (federalstimulus bill), 2) Update any project level information as necessary, and 3) Minorrevisions to text and figures.

    A copy of the full OKI 2030 Regional Transportation Plan is available on CD,printed document or on-line at

    PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONSThe primary purpose of this amendment is to allow OKI to incorporate projectsto be funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (federal stimulusbill). This amendment includes projects that are either new to the plan or havenew funding sources as a result of the federal stimulus bill.

    Projects that add capacity are considered non-exempt with respect to air qualityconformity and trigger the need to evaluate their regional impacts in terms oftraffic and air quality. This amendment to the OKI 2030 Regional TransportationPlanincludes both exempt and non-exempt projects.

    Non-exempt projects that are new to the plan are added to the travel modelassumptions, normally within the highway network, and the impacts on regionalemissions are evaluated.

    Non-exempt projects that represent a change in scope of an existing plan projectare required to be added to the travel model assumptions, and the impacts onregional emissions are evaluated. A change in the scope of a project thatchanges a roadways capacity triggers an updated air quality conformitydetermination. This type of change could be either in termini or breadth ofimprovement, or both.

    Non-exempt projects that represent a change in timing of an existing planproject may be required to be part of travel model assumptions for theappropriate analysis year.

    Only one project in this amendment are considered non-exempt, however it is anare existing Plan project and no change in scope or timing is made, thus OKI will

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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 2

    rely on the existing air quality determination made on the current Plan aspermitted under federal guidance. The remaining projects are exempt and do nottrigger an air quality finding. Refer to the Transportation and Air Quality sectionbelow.

    This amendment also includes new revenue estimates expected to be receivedvia the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (federal stimulus bill). Fiscalconstraint discussion is provided later in the document.

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ProjectsTo respond to the recession, President Obama and Congressional leadershipenacted an economic recovery (i.e. stimulus) package, worth nearly to $1 trillion.This effort would address President Obamas plan to create 2.5 million jobs by2011. The intent of funding through an economic recovery package is tostimulate the economy by creating direct and indirect jobs. Therefore, the moneywill be targeted to ready-to-go projects, not planning activities.

    Funding from the Act for transportation projects is being distributed primarilythrough state DOTs, MPOs and transit agencies. OKI will receive (sub-allocated)funding through traditional Surface Transportation Program processes. Eligibleprojects are being funded with 100% federal funds (i.e. no non-federal matchingfunds are required). Transit agencies received a separate allocation consistentwith the existing process of distributing FTA 5307 capital funds. Each agency inthe region determined their projects using their allocation. All Title 23requirements such as design standards, public involvement, NEPA requirements,fiscal and air quality conformity etc. apply. This Plan amendment includes

    transportation projects being funded by all sources of federal stimulus funds.

    Projects were selected based on guidance received from the oversight agency ofrecord. OKI transportation projects were selected using guidance from theFederal Highway Administration (FHWA). The following criteria help guide projectselection: must be a transportation project, roadway projects must be on afederal functionally classified roadway, the project must be shovel ready andthe project needs to create or retain jobs.

    The following tables show the recommended projects. Table 1 includes transitprojects. Table 2 includes Ohio projects. Table 3 includes Dearborn County


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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 3

    Table 1 - Recommended Transit ProjectsAction Project ID Sponsor Description Cost

    Add 111204 Butler Transit 5 Replacement

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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 4

    Table 2 Ohio ProjectsAction Sponsor Facility County/Location Description Cost

    Add ButlerCounty


    Butler/Windisch Rd.To Mosteller Rd.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's on

    various roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Eaton Rd. Butler/BeissingerRd. to Taylor SchoolRd.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty


    Butler/SR 747 ToInternational Bl.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    River Rd. Butler/County Line toFairfield Corp.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    River Rd. Butler/Corp. Line toCorp. Line South ofLake Circle

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty Smith Rd. Butler/SR 747 ToBridgeResurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Smith Rd. Butler/Bridge toBeckett Rd.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Tylersville Rd. Butler/Bypass 4 toMorris Rd.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Tylersville Rd. Butler/Fairfield CorpLine to SR 747

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Tylersville Rd. Butler/SR 747 To

    Lesourdsville WestChester Rd.

    Resurfacing, pavement

    markings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Tylersville Rd. Butler/LesourdsvilleWest Chester Rd. ToLakotal Hills Dr.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Tylersville Rd. Butler/Lady Anne ToIR 75

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add ButlerCounty

    Tylersville Rd. Butler/IR 75 To CoxRd.

    Resurfacing, pavementmarkings and RPM's onvarious roads


    Add Middletown UniversityBlvd.

    Butler/BetweenReinartz Blvd. andBreiel Blvd.

    Resurfacing $3,000,000



    and AddFunds

    Monroe SR 63-Britton& SR 63-MainSt. (Cin-DayRd.)


    New signal at Britton,signal improvements atMain St.


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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 5

    Table 2 Ohio ProjectsAction Sponsor Facility County/Location Description Cost

    Add Oxford Traffic SignalLED Upgrade

    Butler/All signaledintersections

    Replacement ofincandescant signals withLED


    Add Oxford US27 / High


    Butler/Beech St. to

    College Avenue

    Rehabilitation of brick

    street and streetscape


    Add Oxford US27 /PattersonAve.

    Butler/High Streetand Patterson Ave.

    IntersectionImprovements and signalinstallation


    Add Oxford US27 South Butler/US27-Patterson Ave. toCorp limits

    Butler/Installation of newsidewalk to service newHigh School





    Amelia OliveBranch & SR125

    Clermont/Intersection of SR125 andAmelia Olive Branch

    Includes access road,turn lanes, curb andgutter, extended AmeliaOlive Branch Road andpark-and-ride


    Add ClermontCounty

    Merwin Ten

    Mile Road


    Corner Road to SR125

    Full Depth Repair and

    Resurfacing of MerwinTen Mile Road


    Add ClermontCounty

    Nine MileTobascoRoad

    Clermont/US52 toSR125

    Full Depth Repair andResurfacing of Nine MileTobasco Road


    Add ClermontCounty

    Wards Corner Clermont/SR126 toSR48

    Full Depth Repair andResurfacing


    Add Addyston Main Street Hamilton/DiningLane to CatalinaApts. (3000')

    Street Rehabilitation,Resurface, ReplaceCurbs/Walk, ImproveDrainage


    Add ArlingtonHts

    WaldmanDrive/Galbraith Road

    Hamilton/intersection replace entire signalsystem at intersection


    Add Blue Ash Blue AshTraffic SignalPreemption

    Hamilton/ThroughoutBlue Ash

    Add emergencypreemption on trafficsignals on main routes


    Add Blue Ash Blue AshTraffic SignalUpgrade

    Hamilton/ThroughoutBlue Ash

    Replace 25 incandescenttraffic signals with LED,add UPS


    Add Blue Ash ReedHartmanHighway

    Hamilton/RHH -Cooper to Glendale-Milford

    Remove deterioratedpavement, replace withSAMI and overlay


    Add Cheviot GlenmoreAvenue

    Hamilton/HarrisonAve. to South Corp.Line

    Total curb replacement,base repair, resurfacing


    Add Cheviot Harrison

    AvenuePhase 2

    Hamilton/Lovell to

    School Section

    Curb replacement, base

    repair, resurfacing


    Add Cincinnati ComputerizedTraffic ControlSystemSoftware

    Hamilton/CincinnatiTraffic Control

    The Citys ComputerizedTraffic Control System(CTCS)software/hardwareupgrade


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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 6

    Table 2 Ohio ProjectsAction Sponsor Facility County/Location Description Cost



    Sourceand Add


    Cincinnati US 27 Hamilton/Northside -Colerain Avenuebetween Virginia Avand I-74 Exit ramps

    and at theintersection of US27and Virginia Av/WestFork Rd.

    Address safety concerns,improve inadequatepavement width and addtraffic capacity


    Add ColumbiaTownship

    Bramble andPlainvilleRoad

    Hamilton/BrambleAve and PlainvilleRoad withinTownship limits

    Mill, resurface andreconstuct


    Add Forest Park Winton &Sharon Road

    Hamilton/Winton Rd./ Sharon Rd.Intersection

    New signal poles andsignals


    Add Glendale Sharon Road Hamilton/SharonRoad

    Resurfacing 1450 $261,000



    and AddFunds

    HamiltonCounty CentralRiverfrontIntermodalCenterGaragePhase I

    Hamilton/CincinnatiCentral Riverfront Construction of Phase IIntermodal Facility $1,500,000

    Add Montgomery

    E. KemperRd.

    Hamilton/EastKemper Road

    Install Sidewalk $125,000

    Add Newtown Village ofNewtown

    Hamilton County/from east ofRiverhills Driveadjacent to SR32,connecting theexisting sidewalknetwork in theNewtown Roadportion of thebusiness district.

    The sidewalk will improvethe pedestrian linkbetween two subdivisionsat the top of Riverhills tothe business district andthe Loveland Bike Trail.Provides multi-modalaccess from MeridianBiosciences to the mainbusiness district


    Add Sharonville Cornell Rd. Hamilton/Cornell Rd,450' West of SwingRd.

    Culvert Extension andRoadway EmbankmentStabilization


    Add Sharonville Fields-ErtelRd.

    Hamilton/ReedHartman Hwy to 600'West of CopperfieldDr.

    Turn Lane Addition andSight DistanceImprovement


    Add Sharonville Mosteller


    Hamilton/Sharon Rd.

    to Kemper Rd.

    Total Curb Replacement,

    Base Repair, Resurfacing


    Add Sharonville Chester Rd. Hamilton/ChesterRd, SouthPedestrian Bridge atPrinceton HighSchool

    Steel Pedestrian BridgeRepair and Painting


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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 7

    Table 2 Ohio ProjectsAction Sponsor Facility County/Location Description Cost

    Add Springdale Northland Bl. Hamilton/Northland Repair concrete base,resurface, intersectionimprovements, pedestrianwalkway


    Add TerracePark

    Wooster Pike Hamilton/West ofElm St. to TerracePark/Milford Corp.Line

    Pavement and catchbasin repair, curb anddrive apron replacement,install curb ramps asrequired, sidewalkreplacement.


    Add Lebanon LebanonTraffic SignalImprovements


    Replace 26 traffic signalheads and pedestrianheads with LED signalsand upgrade contollers


    Add Lebanon Railroad LineImprovements


    Replace 1,200 defectiverail ties


    Add Mason Main St.Improvements

    Warren/Various Storm and RoadwayImprovements $350,000

    Add Mason Western Row Warren/WesternRow Road andCintas Bl.

    Add 2 Left Turn Lanes $307,880

    Add Warren WilmingtonRoad BridgeReplacement

    Warren/ Little MiamiRiver

    Replace BridgeSuperstructure


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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 8

    Table 3 - Dearborn Indiana ProjectsAction Sponsor Facility County/Location Description Cost


    Dearborn N. DearbornRd/N. HoganRd

    Dearborn/N. Dearbornand N. Hogan Rd.

    Chip & Seal/Fog Seal $750,000


    Dearborn SR 46 Dearborn/SR1 to US52 District PavementProject (Non-I),HMAOverlay, PreventiveMaintenance



    Dearborn Old US-52 Dearborn/I-74 to WestHarrison Limits

    Resurface $600,000


    Dearborn ConwellStreet

    Dearborn/US 50 toExporting Street

    Road Rehabilitation(3R/4R Standards)



    Dearborn State LineRd/PribbleRd/Kaiser Rd

    Dearborn/Portion of 3Roads

    Resurface $650,000


    Dearborn York RidgeRoadDearborn/SR-1 to N.Dearborn

    Resurface $1,300,000


    Dearborn WeisburgRoad

    Dearborn/SR-48 to N.Dearborn

    Resurface $1,000,000

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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 9

    OTHER MODIFICATIONSIn addition to incorporating the AARA projects, this amendment takes theopportunity to make minor corrections identified after publication of the June2008 version of the Plan. These are listed below in Table 4.

    Table 4- Corrections to June 2008 Plan Document

    Page 15-13 (last sentence)

    These figures do not include the approximate $1.03 $1.325 billion programmed

    in the current 2008-2011 Transportation Improvement Program.

    Action: replace $1.03 billion with $1.325 billion

    Page 15-15 (last paragraph second sentence) ____

    As outlined above in the Funding Expectations section, approximately $11.273

    billion is estimated to be available for all transportation expenditures in the OKIregion over the life of the plan.

    Action: replace $7.53 billion with $11.273 billion.

    Page 15-15 (last paragraph third sentence) _________

    The estimated cost of the recommendations of this plan including $1.325

    billion in the current TIP is an estimated $7.2 $11.065 billion.

    Action: add the following text (including $1.325 billion in the current TIP) and

    replace $7.2 billion with $11.065 billion.

    Page 16-4 through 16-7 ____

    Figures 16-4 through 16-7: Data source information added.

    AMENDED FISCAL CONSTRAINT DETERMINATIONAs part of the long range plan, the costs of implementing the recommendationsare compared with the funding expected to be available. The Plans financialanalysis was developed in response to the requirements for a financiallyconstrained plan that were introduced in ISTEA and continued in TEA-21 andSAFETEA-LU. The Plan considers capital and Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

    costs associated with the preservation and continued operation of the existingtransportation system. It also projects revenues from all sources which will beavailable to pay for these improvements. Chapter 16 of the Plan describes indetail the base financing plan for the region.

    Determination of fiscal constraint for this amendment relies on the existinganalysis performed on the original Plan adopted by the OKI Board of Directors in

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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 10

    June, 2008 and on the expectation of funds from the American Recovery andReinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) also referred to as the Stimulus Bill. Finalfunding levels are not known at this time but guidance from the Federal Highway

    Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) suggest thatthe amount will be approximately 200% of fiscal year 2008 funding. This means

    that OKI could receive approximately $50 million through FHWA and $36 millionthrough FTAto allocate to projects that are eligible and would meet the shovelready requirements of the ARRA. FTA funds will be allocated using existingformula percentages for the regions transit agencies.

    Additionally, FHWA and FTA have encouraged metropolitan planningorganizations to initiate the Plan and TIP amendment process in order to be ableto respond quickly once the Act is signed into law. This amendment is primarilyfor the purpose of incorporating projects from the ARRA. The final project listmay need to be adjusted to match exact funding levels once that is known. OKIwill assure that this is accomplished in order to produce a Plan that remainsfiscally constrained.

    TRANSPORTATION AIR QUALITY CONFORMITYTransportation conformity is a mechanism to ensure that federal funding andapproval are given to those transportation activities that are consistent with theair quality goals of the State Implementation Plans for Indiana, Kentucky andOhio. Pursuant to provisions of the CAAA of 1990, U.S. EPA designated a ninecounty area in the Cincinnati area as a nonattainment area for ozone under theeight-hour ozone standard in April 2004. The Cincinnati ozone nonattainment

    area includes Lawrenceburg Township in Dearborn County Indiana, the Kentuckycounties of Boone, Campbell and Kenton, and the Ohio counties of Butler,Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren. In December 2004, U.S. EPAdesignated an eight county area as nonattainment for fine particulate matter(PM2.5) under the annual PM2.5 standard. The boundaries of the PM2.5nonattainment area are identical to ozone nonattainment area excluding ClintonCounty, OH. The OKI Regional Council of Governments (OKI), as theMetropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), consists of Dearborn, Boone,Campbell, Kenton, Butler, Clermont, Hamilton and Warren counties.

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    Amendment 1OKI 2030 Regional Transportation PlanMarch 2009 11

    All projects, with the exception of PID 75303 (Amelia Olive Branch and SR125Intersection Improvement), are exempt from air quality conformity requirements.Exempt project types are defined in the federal transportation conformity rulesand include projects that do not add capacity to the transportation system. PID75303 is considered a non-exempt project. It includes a new access road and

    park-and-ride facility, but it is included in the existing TIP and Plan. Thisamendment makes no changes to the timing or scope of PID 75303 and OKI isrelying on the previous regional emissions analysis as detailed and adopted aspart of the June 2008 update to the OKI 2030 Regional Transportation Plan.

    PUBLIC INVOLVEMENTThe OKI 2030 Regional Transportation Plan Setting Your TransportationLandscape was developed with significant attention to public involvement.Please refer to Chapter 2. Provisions for public comment on this Amendmentwere provided through a month long public comment period and culminated inpublic hearing held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 9, 2009 at the OKI offices,720 East Pete Rose Way, Suite 420, Cincinnati, Ohio. OKI advertised the

    Amendment in mainstream and minority newspapers and through standing OKIcommittees. This document was placed for public review in public librariesthroughout the region, at the Ohio Department of Transportation and KentuckyTransportation Cabinet district offices and on the OKI website.

    Through a qualitative evaluation, it is determined that the changes included inthisAmendment 2 - 2030 Regional Transportation Planensure that low incomepopulations and minority populations receive a proportionate share of benefitsfrom federally funded transportation investments.
