Page 1: Oklahoma Steel Castings Co. - The Library · Poge 45 tirer attended tne Nallanal Real Eatate Dealers' Convention here last week: M. D. RLggs, division passenger agent, Chlcago: C

Pnge 44 July, 1926

Dewey Allen, formerly chief clerk a t thc Madison Strqet yard office, bumped in on the nosition of c a r clerk. local


We were sad to learn of t h e d e a t h of S. H . Ergenbr igh t , ret ired engineer. Mr. E r g e n b r i g h t worked o u t of Okla-

MINNIE J. KRUSE, Repor te r f re igh t office. Claim Clerk Chris Landgraf , a n d D.

R. Clerk P a u l Buck, accompanied by the i r wives, spent t h e vacation of May 30 on a flshing trip. Evident ly t h e fish were b i t ing good. Chris s a y s before thev z o t the ten t un. he had c a u a h t

homa City for m a n y years. The f u n - c ra l w a s held a t Crane. 310.. J u n e 15. JIany of his fr iends of Oklahoma City

Local Agent C. H . Hens ley is a t t e n d - in t h e A. R. A. Agents' Conventlon a t Det ro i t this week. H e expects to re turn J u n e 21.

Mrs. Hensley, who recently under - w e n t an opera t ion for appendici t is in t h e St. Louis Fr l sco hospital , i s rapid- ly recovering a n d expec ts to r e t u r n to T u l s a t h e flrst of t h e week w i t h Mr. Hensley. Since leav ing t h e hospital, Mrs. Hens ley has been v is i t ing Mr. Hensley's p a r e n t s in Illinois.

The e n t i r e force ex tends sympat l l r t o George Jones, swi tch ing clerk. on t h e dea th of his fa ther . A t t h i s wr i t - ing, Mr. J o n e s Is 111, but we hope he will be ab le to re turn to w o r k soon.

Mrs. J . A. Brown, mother of Bill Clerk Leo B r a w n , h a s been v e r y ill, b u t w e a r e g lad to repor t s h e i s o n t h e w a y to rgcovery.


attended. H . 0. Holaman, machinist , has been

gran ted a s ix ty-day leave of absence. 311'. Holaman and wife a r e tour ing thc \Vest. inohgl; fish f o r suppkr.

- A l a r g e number of T u l s a terminal

employes enjoyed the southwes te rn division picnic a t W e l a P a r k , Sunday, J u n e 13. Everybody had a good t ime and w e a r e anxious for a n o t h e r one.

George R u h m a n , coach cleaner, w a s ailed to Lincoln. Nebr.. on account of the serious i l lness of his baby.

J . M. Childers, s h e e t meta l worker , is off on a s ix ty-day leave of absence.

Engineer R. S. Les te r spent a shor t vacation in Joplin, Mo., a n d Emporia.

Assistant c a s h i e r Dar re l l Chase a n d F o r m e r Car Clerk E v e r e t t Chase, were called to K a n s a s Citv because of tlle Kansas.

Miss Evelyn McGee, who h a s been crnployed t h e l a s t four years in t h e trainmaster 's office, wns marr ied to Guy Mills. emoloved wi th this com-

illness of the i r mother. F r e d Wilson, former d e m u r r a g e

clerk, who w a s recently appointed t rave l ing demurrage supervisor, is spending a f e w d a y s in Tulsa. Every- body a t the local f re igh t office is g lad to see IVilson aga in .

]>any a s swi tchman a n d engine fore- man on J u n e 1, Mr. a n d Mrs. Mills spent a week's honeymoon surveying tlle oil flelds of Texas a n d Oklahoma. IVe extend to this y o u n g couple the grea tcs t of happiness.

Oscar Becker, machinist , and family a r e spending the i r vacations a t Seda- lia, Missouri.

E n g i n e e r F. S. Ell is recently re- turned from Rochester , Minn.


Oklahoma Steel Castings Co.


Railroad, Oil Field and Commercial Caetinga in


Tulsa, Okla, Box 068

J. A. BIACMILLAN, Repor te r

H e n r y Kelly, fo reman a t Verdigris , spent t w o weeks In K a n s a s City.

F r e d M. Huddleston h a s been a s - s igned a s foreman a t Whi te Oak.

Chas. Slanltard h a s been assigned to t h e position of foreman a t Granby, 310.

Mrs. Ben h'ealy a n d son, Har ro ld , of W e s t Tulsa, a r e @loing to Ralson, Ok- lahoma. for a visit.


DIVIGHT IRBY, Repor te r

C. E . W r i g h t w a s looking a f t e r L P U S I - ness in the storeroom t h e flrst of this

.I n e b fence g a n g has been p u t on, on the 40th t r a c k 'lvlsion.

Ross W a r d h a s heen asslaned the

month. Mr. a n d Mrs. Dwight I r b y visited

Mrs. Irby'a sister, Mrs. Denver Grlnby, in K a n s a s City Memorlal Day.

John Herald. etoreroom c a r ~ e n t e r . is position of rellef foreman a* he re- livede Foreman Kelly of Verdigris for two weeks.

Finlev Van Scvoc. o f Tulsa. is a o i n c wi th u s a t present, constructing a n ad- dition to the storeroom.

Mr. and Mrs. Temnle contemplate to spenh three months in ~ a i i f o r n i a . ' Mrs. F r a n k Young and daughter , Al-

berta. of Afton. a r e v i s i t ing relat ives spending J u l y in California. - Bill t h l n k s he can br ing back some new Ash s tor ies to s ~ r i n g on us.

- in Beggs, Oltla.

Mrs. Vase1 Walker , of Dawson, is visi t ing in her former home, Talihlna.

Mrs. Geo. Nelson, of Sapulpa, w a s called to Chicago on account of t h e serious illness of h e r fa ther .

E x t r a G a n g No. 21 completed the job of ex tending the pass ing t rack a t Ver- digris . They also completed t h e t rack raise a t Chelsea a n d have moved to Catoosa where they will m a k e the ex- tension to the ~ a s s i n a t rack a t t h a t

. -



and U s e a Bonded Company fw Your Baggage


White Line Baggage OPBIRATES


Phone 20161 TULSA, OKLA.

W. B. BAXTER, Repor te r

The National Rea l E s t a t e Dealers' Convention, which w a s held in Tulsa d u r i n g the week of J u n e 7 to 12, w a s one of the grea tes t conventions ever held by the rea l es ta te dealers . There were delegates here from every s t a t e in the Union to the numbcr of about five thousand, and from the delegate- s tandpoint , a s well a s Tulsa's. i t w a s a mos t enjoyable occasion. E v e r y dele- g a t e expressed himself a s having spent a most enjoyahlc a s well a s a profit- ab le week, a n d Tulsa can well be con- gra tu la ted on the manner in which th i s convention w a s cared for. The rai lroads and especiall? the Fr i sco were called upon to perform m a n s t a s k s a n d furn ish much information, and f rom a Fr i sco standpoint , the serv- ice w a s one hundred per cent . The passenger depar tment w a s well nigh swamped d u r i n g the en t i re week and t h e a r e to be congra tu la ted on their handl ing of this , one of the largest conventions ever held in this part of t h e country.

The fol lowing passenger representa-


point. E x t r a G a n g F o r e m a n Overby and

fami ly a r e go ing to the i r fo rmer home. Talihina. for d s h o r t visi t over the F o u r t h of Ju ly .

A g r e a t m a n y of the employes and the i r famil ies a t tended thc Brlsco PIC- nic held a t W e l a P a r k . J u n e 13. A ful l account will be found of t h e affair in th i s issue. Everyone reported a won- der fu l t ime a n d hope i t will be made a n a n n u a l event.

Mrs. W. W. Pearce of Afton is visi t - ing in Oklahoma City.

J im Hale of Sapulpa i s spending h is vacation in Wichitn. Kans .


A Good Place To Eat AMELIA GARRETT. Repor te r

T h e employes extend to J. R. >lason a n d son the i r deepest s y m p a t h y In the recent d e a t h of Mrs. Mason.

Geo. Wes tpha l , engineer, a n d f a m - ily sDent several weeks vacation in Columbus. Ohio, a n d o ther points in

. I CLASSIFIED ADS 1 15 North Main Street Tulsa, Okla.

Claaslded advertlslng under thls h d h g Wll be charged for at the rate of 6 esnts per word, wlth a mlnlmum of 75 cents. Cash mast flccompany copy.

the Eas t . Chas. Vandiver, fo rmer roundhouse

clerk a t th i s point, w a s t ransfer red to Sapulpa a s division t imekeeper for the mechanical depar tment . Ray Floyd, who h a s been t h e n igh t roundhouse rlerlt a t Oklahoma City for t h e vast

I Officfal Frlaco Ambulance PHONL-1-~I8&PHONE

AGENTS-NEW PLAN, makes It easy to earn $50.00 to $100.00 weekly. selllng ahlrtn di ra r t to wearer . No c a ~ i t a l o r I STANLEY & McCUNE



~- ~ ~-

experience needed. ~ e ~ r e s e n t - a real manufac turer . W r i t e now for F R E E SAMPLES. Madison Factories. 562

flve years , w a s placed on the day roundhouse job a n d H a r v e y James , former cal ler , placed on the night roundhouse clerk's job.

. - -. - - - - - Broadway, New P o r k .

Page 2: Oklahoma Steel Castings Co. - The Library · Poge 45 tirer attended tne Nallanal Real Eatate Dealers' Convention here last week: M. D. RLggs, division passenger agent, Chlcago: C

Poge 45

t i r e r a t tended tne Nallanal R e a l E a t a t e Dealers' Convention here l a s t week: M. D. RLggs, division passenger agent , Chlcago: C. 6. Oldaker passenger agent . P i t t s b u r g ; H. F. ~ a ' n a v a n , t rav- e l ing f re igh t a n d passenger agent , Cin-





c inna t i ; E. H. Jordan, division passen- g e r agent . F t . W o r t h ; J. C. Midyett. division nassenaer a r e n t . Jacksonvil le: J. E. ~ a y n e , clTy passenger agent , St. Louis, a n d J. R. McGregor, d i s t r ic t pas - s e n g e r agent , Birmlngham. They a c - companled special t r a i n s a n d helped to t a k e c a r e of t h e Fr i sco par tons en rou te t o a n d f rom t h e convention.

T h e ,Fr i sco T u l s a baseball team. which 1s a member of t h e petroleum league of Tulsa, is in Afth place in t h e percentage column. T h e r e a r e s ix teams in th i s l eague a n d considering t h e f a c t t h a t t h i s i s t h e oldest a n d f a s t e s t of the th ree ci ty leagues a n d t h a t this is Frisco's first year in base- ball, i t isn't a bad showing. Before the season is ended we hope to be much nearer t h e top. if n o t in t h a t position.

Miss P e a r l Gardner, s tenographer in th i s office, s p e n t t h e week-end w i t h home fo lks a t Covington. J u n e 5 a n d 6.

The southwes te rn division held a picnic a t Wela P a r k , Sunday J u n e 13. which w a s at tended by employes a n the i r famil ies to t h e numper of about e i g h t hundred. T h e following a t tended t h e plcnlc f rom th i s office: Executive General Agent J . W. James , 0. H. Reld, commercial agent , F. A. Conncll. t rave l ing f re lgh t agent , R. C. Culter . noiicitlng f re igh t a g e n t a n d Mrs. Cul- ter, Chief Clerk W . L. Pendieton a n d

For better Concrete, Culverts and Bridges, ' E ~ s ~ 4 p - a w . A u ASUE SL Birmin~ham,

AIL c n u s t m n & 8-


I F, A: Grider S. L. Yerkes



I Railroad Fuel a Specialty

1414-18 American Trust Sldg., Hirmingnam, Am.

- --


G r a d i n g and C o n c r e t e B r i d g e Work

Birmingham, Ala., and Charlotte, N. C.

Mrs. Pendleton a n d W. B. Batter, r a t e clerk. I t w a s a very enjo able day a n d will be long r e m e m b e r e g by those In a t tendance .


OTIS RULE. Repor te r

Wm. Yearten, trucker. Cell off a pile of lumber and Lnjured h l s Itnee. H e is no t ab le to be back a t w o r k t o date, b u t his condtt ion Is improving.

H. W. Waggoner. fo rmer ly a s tenog- rapher in the division storeheener 's office, visited wi th u s o n J u n e 5. Mr Waggoner w a s on h i s w a y to chicago:

Mrs. Tom 3Iishler a n d children will leave th i s week for Ozark a n d Doug- l a s Counties. Missouri, to spend a f e w weeks' vacation.


EDNA A. \QOODEN. Repor te r

Mrs. D. A. Youna h a s re turned f rom a n extended visi t -ki th h e r mother in Jlisslsslppi.

Mr. A. N. Beck, s t o c e ~ e e ~ k r , has a lso been a11 sml les s ince Mrs. Beck's re- t u r n rrom a t r i g to California a few d a y s ago.

Word h a s been received rrom G. A. Blanchard, w h o 1s in California for h i s heal th, t h a t h i s condltion remains about the same. W e a r e hoping the next t lme we hear f r o m Glenn t h a t he wlll be o n the road to recovery.

Miss Reon Denny gave a very inter- e s t i n g piano reci tal a t t h e Y. W. C. A. Auditorlum, Tulsa. Wednesday. J u n e 8. whlch w a s enjoyed by a l l those pres- ent . Niss Denny is thc talented d a u g h t e r o r o u r a g e n t a t Weat Tulsa. and I f you w a n t t o see Mr. D e n n y ' ~ face beam. j u s t mention t h e n a m e -of Miss Reon.

H u r r a h for Our ball boys. T h e y ~ l a ~ e d t h e bes t g a m e of t h e season when they played-the T e x a s Company on J u n e 1.1. and won by a score oP f o u r to three. T h e Texas . C o r n ~ a n y is consmered t h e s t r o n g e s t ' team- i n - t h e Petroleum League a n d when o u r boys took the g a m e f rom them i t jus t nroved t h a t we had t h e bes t bal l t e a m ever.




Mr. C. IV. Gentry's mother i s visi t - i n g her d a u g h t e r In Beardstown, Illi- nois.

Mrs. L. J. Mantoux h a s gone t o Ashe- ville. Nor th Carolina for a f e w months rest.'

E t h e l Copeland sflont k m d a v . .Tune 12th Ln S t Louis now she haa the blue; wonder wh;?

Mr. L. A. Teed had a v e r y busy va- cation, movlng to Amory.

Mr. R. T. Hvnson's f a t h e r Is visit- i n g In Birmingham. .

Mr. IV. E. Hlnes' wife and three BOns have just recently moved to Birmlngham.

Violet Goldsmith had a wonderful t r i p t o Cuba and highly recommend tKe i ~ l a c e for vacations.



W e h a v e severa l nsh "baas" in thls offlce, a n d I th ink they c a n alt tell good Ash stories. Chief Clerk B. S. Llnville a n d P r a n k Crane, expense clerk s p e n t n day recently a t Horse s h o e ' h k e , Ark., Ashlng. J. F. Wright . r a t e clerk, E. D. Catlble, ~ s s i s l a n t dis-

Page 3: Oklahoma Steel Castings Co. - The Library · Poge 45 tirer attended tne Nallanal Real Eatate Dealers' Convention here last week: M. D. RLggs, division passenger agent, Chlcago: C

July, 1926

plalIorm h a s re turned Crom a l r r o weeks' vacation here in Memphls,

Agent S. L. Oliver le f t fo r Denver. Colo., n l g h t of J u n e 12th. t o a t t e n d the R o t a r y In te rna t iona l Convention, l eav lng on E'risco special t rain, tu- s e t h e r w i t h o ther de lega tes of Yern- his a n d Sixteenth Distrlct.

.Jtmmie Carrigan, clel'lc, who h a s been uui te s ick for severa l weeks. re -

bora Monday J u n e 2let to m a k e t ransfer bet&een t lcket 'agents, In- s t a l l i n g Douglas Hayes, who Is bump- i n g R a y Cole o n t h e t lcket job. Mr. Cole will bump H a r v e y F r y o r on de- murrage d e s k ; Mr. F r y o r wil l b u m p >.rthur Lawson bill clerk who will b u m p J a m e s Blnlock, second trlclc vard clerk. Mr. Blalock will bump j o h n IVilliama. del ivery clerk. I t has not been announced where Mr. \vilIlams Intends to bump.

D o u ~ l a s H a y e s w a s added to the long l is t of p a r t n e r s in matrimony. w h e n on May 24th. 1926. h e w a s led to t h e a l t a r by Miss La i la Reynolds, of Lewlsburg. Tennessee. This re - por te r joins hls many f r iends In wish- i n g them a long a n d happy married life

- - Spr ing I t ~ v e r . - a h Thos. F:. Biyant . clerk, has re turned from h l s vacation which he enjoyed fishing in W h l t c River, near ~pr inf i f ie ld , bIor

0. G. Canman. formerly c le rk in thin office and who is now o n penslon, w a a in to see u s a few d a y s ago. W e w e r e glad to see Mr. .Canman u p a n d a b o u t a f t e r a few w e e k s illness.

Mrs. Clara Speer. s tenographer. Is back a t w o r k a f t e r a t w o weeks' va- cation, most of which s h e Bpent vlsi t - ing her s is ter in Clarksdale, Miss.

Theodore Bi rkner , c le rk , hasn ' t beer1 able t o w o r k for severa l week6 ac- count blood poison In one hand. W e hooe "Teddie" W I F L soon be ab le to

t u r n e d to work J u n e 14th. lab to bee you back Jimmie.

\V. A. Moore and family srwlit Sun- day. J u n e 13th, in Cooter. - Mlssouri. where they enjoyed a b lg plcnic.

Louls Hanover, n lgh t chlef c le rk , a n d E v e r e t t Hanover, clerk, went to St. Louis. J u n e 14th. to a t t e n d t h e - . - wedding o f the i r uncic. ~ a m Hanover.

H. U. Robertson and famlly, clerlc on outbound ~ l a t f o r n r . a r e now In O a k -

come back. Wrn. Humphrey , swi tch clerk, w h o

Is t a k i n g his vacallon a f e w d a y s a t a tlme. s p e n t t h r e e recently In S t . 1,ouis; t a k i n g w i t h him h i s s o n Paul. Wille also s p e n t o u r l a s t holiday. N a y 31st, in Fores t City, Ark., visi t ing re la - tives.

F a y e Barbee, s tenographer s p e n t a l e a d a y s t h e l a t t e r p a r t o t &Iay In Jonesboro, Ark., w l t h her parents .

Mrs. E. E. Ives, d a u g h t e r of J o h n A. Ladd, assistant accountant , i s recov- e r ing Irorx a very serious operat lon performed recently a t t h e Bapt i s t hos- pital. Mrs. l v e s 1s also a niece ol' Assistant Cashier R. C. Scruggs.

Several o f th i s office enjoyed w r y much t h e T h a y e r Booster Club p k n l r a t Imbeden. Ark.. e n J u n e 9th. T h c people of T h a y e r a n d lmboden k n o w how to g ive a plcnic, a n d they cer - ininly know t h e meaning of t h e word

pitality." eQ Dobing, c le rk o n oulbountl


Mm. R. J. Slagle. Louise a n d Rober t , wife a n d fami ly of o u r local a g e n t expect t o leave soon for a vacation t r ip In Colorado.

land, Mlss., Gislting i.elatives.



H. B. Ter re l l is our new chlef yard clerk, vice A. A. LoeRel. ass1fi'nt.d

L.~NOSTON-~VILL~ AMS, Repor te rs

d l Davldson s p e n t Sunday and M o w day. May 30 a n d 31 in Sprihgfleld.

A. H. Sarafian h a s been conflned to hls home for several d a y s sulierln-. w i t h a sprained ankle. Doctors' In- s t ruc t lons a r e t h a t r ru tches wlll b ~ : necessary for weeks t o come, s o "C) will lose o u t on tennls t h e res t of thin season.

Miss Bertha. H a r r i s w a s a b s e n t Croni Lhe office d u r i n g t h e flrst p a r t of .Tune account a t tending a wedding of a fr iend In Illinois.

Geo. Gibson of t h e t imekeeping de- par tment suffered q u i t e a s ieqe of s lck- ness, belhg off f rom work. for several days. Glad to no te t h a t h e is now back o n t h e job a n d looklng fit.

Mrs. 0. L. Baker , wi fe of ass i s tan t foreman a t Chaffee. ?do., w a s a visi tor in Memnhls. J u n e 2.

o t h e r dutles. Mr. and Mrs. Rober t H a r r e l l a r e t h c

uroud paren ts of a baby boy born r e rently. Rober t is one of o u r lxwulttr - -

young yard r lerks. A t the big Pr i sco Picnlc a t lmboden.

Arkansas , on J u n e 9th, o u r d i c e wan u-ll represented. Among those w h o w e n t were-Roy Parri l r , C. L. Hofl- man. A. A. Loeffel, Roy Meadows a11c1 M a l c o l n ~ Reeves. All repor t hav ing u fine t ime a t t h e Dicnic a n d a r e lookin- "hos

F r forward t o a n o t h e r one next year. Supt. of Terminals. J. J. O'Neill, i s

now enjoying h is vacation. T h e repor te r h a s been on h e r vaca-

tion for pas t t w o weeks a n d h a s no t had a n opportunity t o g e t many news i tems f o r th i s month. Hope to d o bet- t e r next time.

w m ~ s n n PA

caua nous ;E HOTEL. Monte Ne, Ark. r t In OzarRs. Home-cook-

J. &I. ' ~ a r i Dover-or t h e englneer lng depar tment has urchased a complete tennls nutflt an$ Intends t o join t h e

cooles t reso ing, best of swlmmlng, t


I". 11. SCOTT. Repor te r

. . I beds. horse-back rldlng. ennls fishing. etc. Eleven :s. ~ r l t e for particulars.

o ther tennis en thus ias t s a t t h i s point. M. J. O'Donnell. M, of W. t imekeeper

repor t s a n enjoyable vacation spent near Osceola, Ark.. on Llt t le Rlver. H e repor ted bass s t r l k f n g a n d over a hun- dred caught . Some people have a l l t h e

l a r g e s p r j n ~ OZARK SP C%,~,.,-."S a-


RINGS RESORFC, o n t h e Brakeman Alex H a r u e r s t i l l on sick . i v e r . ~ l s h l n g . hunting.

boating, bathing, spr lng , saddle horses. games. New c o t t a g e s completely f u r - nlshed. $10 weekly. E. A. Steckel.

fun! Miss Minnle Deaton w a s a b s e n t a

couple of d a y s l a t t e r p a r t of May ac- count illness.

Mrs. S. W. Booth h a s jrist re turnen f rom a visi t w i t h relat ives a n d f r lends 111 Sprlnwfield. Me.

Mrs. A. E. Davldson vlsl t ing In Snrlnafield wl th relatives.

~ l c h l a n d . Mo.

FURNISHED COTTAQES for t igh t housekeeping. Board If deelred. Fiah- ing. boating, swlmmlng a n d hlklng. Saddle horses. W r l t e H. P. Munger, Hooker , Missourl.

- ~ i n ; m i e Louise Carpenter w a s a b s e n t J u n e 3 account Illness.

Everyone Is well pleased over the temporary promotion of R. E. Fleminr: t o fill vacancy of chief c le rk to super - Inlendeht . Mr. Shannahan i s a w a y o n

. - . Perk .

Mrs. %I, W. Scott, wi re of A g o n l Adamsville. Ala.. d a u g h t e r Margie an11 son J a c k a r e ~ l a n n l n a a visit t o r e h -

Table Rock Lodge i m locatad high in t h e Ozark hllls,

o n t h e Gasconade River, bathing. boat- tng mnd fishingr 3 mfles from Jerome by river. C o d meals and g o d beds, reaer- vations onlv. Write for folder. Addresa

l ives in Oklahoma. '. F. M. Scott bought B home In Dora. J o e Adams, second yard clerk. w a s

a visi tor in Columbus, Mlss.. w h e w he a t tended gradua t ion exercises of hls eketer.

Georse Gaylor. conductor. h a s b o u a h t

a 90 day leave of absence so a s to b'- with hls wife, w h o h a s been in Denver. C'olo., for t h e past severa l months ac- count ill heal th.

F o r t h e beneflt O r t h e many f r lends of Mrs. B. C. McDonald nee I r e n e Corn- well, will advise t h a t s h e now re- s i d e ~ in P lne Bluff, Ark. "Mlke" Speake. forrnwly w i t h t h e Fr l sco a t Springfield, is a l so located a t P lne R11.w

. - - - - - - - -


a h o m e in D-era,. George B e a t t y bumped on second

D o r a run. H e j u s t can ' t s t a y a w a y from n mod town.


C A R L YARBROUGH, Repor te r

.-.-.., Due t o t h e heavy Increase In busl-

ness lh t h e engineering: departmenl. two new names have been added to the payroll. E. L. P u c k e t t Of Amory. Miss., a n d J. R. Whitfleld of Demo- polls, .\la, a r e now helping t o g e t ou t the volume of new work authorized on the 1 9 2 6 budget.

Come Up in the Orarks to EUREKA SPRINGS

W. H. K e l l ~ r , roundhouse foreman. here has jus t re turned f r o m a t w o weeks' vacation which h e s p e n t i n H o u s t o n a n d Ft. Worth. Texas, hr r e w r t s a mos t pleasant t r ip.

L a r r y Brady ass i s tan t roundhouse foreman Jonesboro, wil l leave in a d a y or s o for Chicago where h e will spend a f e w d a y s v i s i t ing relatives.

A. B. R u s h of t h e c a r depar tment l e f t t h l s morning o n a well-earned v a - cat ion t o Florida.

Trave l ing Audi tor C. E. Drebelbis passed t h r o u g h here yesterday and s ta ted t h a t h e would r e t u r n t o Jones-

Spend yeur vacation here. Eureka Springs. known for I l s heallng water. Inrlgoratlng cli- mule. Vlsilors enjoy themselves. rest nnd re- cupersle. ~wirnmini, boatlng, flrhln~, 11orae. back, golf, danclna. A new pold of interest to go to every day. Camplng gmunds, fine hotels, furnished apartments, cottages. Speclnl rallroad rates. Wrlte for rree booklet "N".


Page 4: Oklahoma Steel Castings Co. - The Library · Poge 45 tirer attended tne Nallanal Real Eatate Dealers' Convention here last week: M. D. RLggs, division passenger agent, Chlcago: C

July, 1926 Page 47


ten1 and Rock Island Lines into our largest railroad system, the South will be linked with a great ixt-work of transportation which serves the entire Mississippi basin-supplernentir~g the service of the Louisville Pr Nashville Railroad. Barriers to a greater and more pros- perous Industrial South now are being broken down ! Trade depends upon industry. It fol-

products of the growing industhes of the South, but also of the Mississippi Valley. And through the port of Pen- sacola, tliere will flow back again the traffic of domestic and foreign ports with this great area.

Opportunity in Pensacola rests upon fundamentals of sound economy. And, too, PensawIa is a delightful place to live-and work-and play-and pros- w.

For illashated booklct on Pe~zsacola write fo JAMES B. MORROW, Publicity Director .. "


Page 5: Oklahoma Steel Castings Co. - The Library · Poge 45 tirer attended tne Nallanal Real Eatate Dealers' Convention here last week: M. D. RLggs, division passenger agent, Chlcago: C

Page 48 July, 1926

Ralph D. Wllllams ha# taken ad- vantage of t he month of June for his vacation. The period from June 1 4 t o 23 is to be play time f o r Ralph and his wife. While away f rom work they will visit Birmingham.

W. J. Kelly intends spendlng a vnca- tlon thls year In t he Sta te of Texas. Presume it Is not warm enough In Tennessee. Anyway we hope he en- joys his t r l p and does not forget to re turn to the Memphis ottlce.

Mr. Bruton assistant engineer of Mr. Brooking's office has been assigned to speclal duty temporarily. H. E. Balley has been promoted to All the vacancy.

of t he Prlsco and Is golng to retlre fo r a n unllmited length of tlme. . The office force will miss Mr. Pemberton but wish him well In whatever hIs un: dertaklngs wlll be. C. H. Garner has succeeded Mr. Pernberton a s revlsing clerk.

9, quite a l a rge number of employes went from Memphls and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all there. Elea- nor Patten, steno In thls office only a t e twenty-five pieces of chicken, and she was on a die t t h a t day. too. Thanks to t he folks of Thayer and Imboden for Invlting US up.

The wri ter was for tunate enough to a t t end the annual Grotto Conventlon

No report has ever been made of our new cashier who succeeded Johnny Johnson. Edward Thomas comes from Memphis, Tenn.. and has been with u s for several months and here to s t ay we hope, a s he Is one tha t is admired by all who come In contact with him.

The story is golng around tha t ou r agent, Mr. J. J. Cummins has bought a beautiful home in Norwood and the supposltion is t ha t his family will be wlth him shortly. I am sure the whole termlnal wlll join in welcoming them to Birmlngham.

which was held In St. Louis, June 1 4 . 15, 16 and 17. I just want to s ay one word relative t o t he hospitality tha t t he St. Louls people passed around whlle we Were there. The city was given to as and we accepted it and left it In a s m o d S h a ~ e a s we found


it. The cops-were ou r friends, also the hotel men, and the public in gen- eral. Sornethinr like 60.000 P r o ~ h e t a and Cauldrons went a w a y with a-good word for St. Louis on their lips. Every- one was more than Dleased with the


Mr. and Mrs. F rank X Walsh expect to leave shortly for a vacation to be spent In California. visi t ing In Los Anfieles and other polnts of Interest. Lit t le Frances Lee will vislt with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Walsh and hfr. and Mrs. George Has- ler a t Springfield while her parents a r e away. Mr. Walsh is chlef time- keeper, thl8 office.

Mrs. E. Ll Jackson, formerly Ruth Crease, was a visltor In our office this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Elon B. Taylor and l i t t le daughter Doris, recently returned from a vaca t tm spent In Paducah, Mayfield and Wingo, Kentucky. Mr. Taylor's old home. Mr. Taylor is time- keeper. this office.

Albert J. Eaves. assistant water service foreman on southern HvislOn, has been appointed B. & B. general foreman o n the Pensacola Llnes and will leave shortly to t ake u p his new dutles. We a r e sorry to lose Mr. Eaves, but glad Of his promotion,

George Qlbson has been on t h e slck l ist for the pas t ' lew days. but we a r e glad to s a y he i s able to be back among Us a t thfs time.

Cecil E. Kern and Mlss Josephine Hays. of Kansas City, were married a t Kansas City, Kansas. on May 29. Mr. Kern is employed in t he engineer- ing department In this ol'flce and has


way the convention was handled.


J. J. Drashman. coach foreman a t %femphis, spent some li t t le time re- t.cntly in the Brisco hospital a t St. T I O U I S . "Johnnie" was a t home for a day o r so recently, but he said t ha t i t was necessary for him t o re turn to St. Louis for fur ther treatment.

Jack Gillis. mechanlcal timekeeper a t Memphis, who has been In Memphis for something llke three years. has been transferred to Enid. Okla.. a s com- pletion report clerk. C. U. Allen, who is division accountant on tha t divlsion (western) will t ake charge of "Jack" over there. We hate very much t o lose J ack from this divislon as he was very nonutar wlth the mechanical and other




One of our \Vater Service men while a t Rogers, Ark., recently, was Invited to s l t in a t a meeting of the Grape Growers' Association in which pros- nects were discussed and he says It was fine to hear these men ordering baskets of grapes by the two thous- ands, five thousands and up which means a nice piece of business for the Frisco. The railroad was men- tioned several tlmes dur ing the even- ing in a way to convey the impres- sion tha t i t was regarded a s a hearty co-operator in their problem.

J. W. Risner, storekeeper at Baeone, spent a few days In Hugo, OkIa., vlsit- l ng his relatives.

Joe Ball has been on the sick Ilst for a week. L. P. Cochran, storekeeper a t Neo-

desha. Kans., and Mrs. Cochran were vlsltcwa in F o r t Smith dur ing June. Mr. Cochran was enjoying his vaca-

- -- - ~ - -

fakes around ~ e m p h l s . We enjoyed reading very much the

write-un in the June edition of "Rail- way Pu'rchases and Stores" magazine. which was writ ten by our general storekeeper, Mr. A. W. Blume and re- printed from the Frisco Magazine. The subject for discussion was "Reclama- tion Rail on the St. Louis-San Fran- cisco Railroad." Mr. Blume pointed out tha t the reclamation plant a t Springfield was saving this company from $10.000 to $25.000 annually on re-

been with us for the past eight months. We a r e glad t o welcome Mrs. Kern and our best wishes a r e extended to the happy couple.

tlon. having spent - s o m e time in Spr in~f ie ld , Enid, Tulsa and St. Louis.

Irene Woestman, of the Mechanical Department 1s spending her vacatlon on a motor. t r ip with her family. They will vlsit Tulsa, Muskogee. Olclahomrr City. Wichlta and probably some points

claimed rail and angle bars aione. C. A. Ribdle. foreman of t he store

room a t Yale, has been slck recently with the rheumatism. but a t the pres- ent t ime is able to be back on the job.

Mrs. D. A. Riddle, wife of the store AGENT-TERMINAL ACCOUNTS


ETHEL COPELAND, Reporter room foreman a t Memphis, together with her two l i t t le girls. Viola and Mary Lee spent several days recently in Fo r t Smith, Arkalpsas, visiting. rela- tives. "0. A." was somewhat lost whlle Jlrs. Rlddle was away, but he ppent several afternoons a t a "Holy Roller''

In Colorado. Andrew Jenlclns, storetrucker in t h l s

department. Is visiting. frlends in Mc- Alester. O k l a

R. R. Gardner. atorekeeper a t Sap- ulpa, was calted to Bort Smlth due t o the illness of hla wife. We ex- tend t o Mrs. Gardner our sincere

There seems to be a new route to Atlanta, by way of Cuba. Mlss Violet Goldsmith, dlspatcher's oRlce, traveled In th ls manner and although Cuba was expected to be the main and Important par t of the trlp, Atlanta turned out to be.

Mr. Pemberton has left the service


revival. Mr. and Mrs. C. k Rlddle announce

the arrival of a l i t t le boy on May 1 4 . The l i t t le bov has been named "Rob-

wishes for a speedy secoverF. Delbert H. Doty and his family

have returned from a short tr ip to Fd r t Scott. Kans.. and Marshfleld. Mo. e r t l ~ e l d o n " -

f ios . W. 'B'crdggs, clerk in the c a r department a t Tenn.. was mar- ried on June 10. a t 8:30 a. m.. to Miss Mary A ~ n e s Pltzgerald of hlemphis. Im- mediatelv a f t e r ceremony they left on

Argel Toon, son of John Toon, s tore- trucker, is visiting his grandparents in Wlnslow. Ark. E. G. Sperry. store accountant also

visited us du r in s the month of Junp and his visit was very profitable a s well a s enjoyable.

I FT. SMITH ICE AND 1 their honeymoon which was -Spent in and around Chattanooga. Tenn. While in Chattanooga, they stooped a t the Signal Mountain Inn on Signal Moun- tain, which is a very exclusive hotel. "Tommy" has been wl th the car de- par tment a t Yale for quite awhile and has many friends in the different de- partments. W e wish this young cou- ple much success and happiness dur- 1 - 7 the fu ture years of their married



'PAULINE SMREKER, Reporter I Storage Caoaclty. 125 Can Dally lee Maklng Ca~aclty. 125 Tons


Quite a few chanaes have taken place in thls oflice recently, the follow- ing awards h a ~ l n a been made: J. Johnson Eh l lh~ . maintenance of way

Me. J. C. Harrison, in charge of safety I PALACE DRUG STORE

603 Garrlson Ave. Ft. Smith, Ark. I first work on the system, was in XIem- phis May 26, and gave the shop and oflick forces quite a n Interesting ta lk on safe tv first work. Alona with his

clerk: ~ewey- .Boss . assistant time- keeper and Mrs. Allie Bland, t ra in-

W e Fil l the Preecrlptlons fo r t h e I Hospital Department I master's stenographer. Mlss Katherine Vogel is spendlng

her vacation in Chlcago, at tending the Eucharist ic Congress.

Mlss Margaret Kriener waa a gue*t a t the dlnner dance a t Bella Vlsta. the 12th. whlch was the openlns nlght.

t a l k he 'had posters to emphasize his work. Mr. Gimson, general foreman a t Nemnhin also made a ta lk relative 1 Will Be Glad to Supply All Your

Drug Store Wante I to this v o r k . The Frlsco-Thayer plcnle a t Imbo-

'den, Ark., was a b ig success on June
