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Chapter Minutes YYYY MM DDFor example:Chapter Minutes 2015 09 01

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Due Date

Within two days of chapter meeting

Meeting Date: 1/31/2016Meeting Type (formal or informal): informal

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Archon Brenna Hogan.

Opening prayer was read by Archon Brenna Hogan.

N/A escorted the new members into the pyramid

Roll was called (list name of all chapter members, advisors, alumnae, or other guests) Present: Robin Althaver, Emily Christensen, Elizabeth Kurkowski, J Megan Dombrowski,

Lindsay Macco, Stephanie McClain, Theresa Bolchi, Ayah Erzouki, Dara Grenon, Chloe Hartzell, Dana Hermann, Lauren Kayser, Kate Kildahl, Angelica LeDonne, Ellie Lieder, Rebecca Smith, Chelsey Wade, Hallie Burns, Kelly Egan, Emily Eveland, Jackie Gojcaj, Brenna Hogan, Heather Kowalski, Alyssa Kraemer, Lauren Kucyk, Bridgete Liebau, Julia Poirier, Megan Shaw, Jessica Stocker, Brianna Tucker, Leah Vruggink, Lauren Webb, Jen White, Elle Barret, Raven Call, Lauren Cochran, Sara Costa, Krista Deo, Natalie Humphrey, Jamie King, Itzel Marroquin, Lindsey Ruppel, Brittany Sauerwein, Ashley Barney, Nadine Bashir, Samantha Becker, Nicole Briggs, Patricia Cabriales, Taylor Czinder, Amy Debano, Jenn Gadde, Jillian Hering, Casey Kepczynski, Hannah Knoop, Katie Kreitzbender, Kayla LeMarbe, Ale Montenegro-Cepeda, Melissa Monticciolo, Erica Potter, Elizabeth Ruiz, Amanda Sanchez, Parisa Shifteh, Elisabeth Smith, Olivia Snyder, Gabriella Tedesco, Hannah Wagenberg, Nicole Weber, Rachael Williamson, Ciara Bazinski, Kylee Bouch, Kelsey Bricker, Cierra Castillo, Nina Dakis, Isabelle Daskas, Taylor Davis, Rebecca DeBucce, Julia Douglas, Carly Jacobi, Sami Kelsey, Lauren Kerrigan, Hannah Larson, Erika LeDonne, Pay Manns, Taylor Martino, Katie McAuliffe, Danica Menna, Maddy Murawski, Melica Nekoogar, Christina Palmer, Josie Parrinello, Lauryn Pioro, Gabby Ramaci, Regina Ritter, Anna Robb, Alyssa Ross, Tracey Stewart, Alyssa Webb, Elizabeth Wolf, Liana Zervos, Ameila Linska, Katie Radin

Excused - Absent: Taylor Czinder, Christina Palmer, Lauren Cochran, Heather Kowalski, Leah

Vruggink, Emily Christensen, Angelica LeDonne, Rachael Williamson, Nicole Briggs Revised July 2015© Phi Sigma Sigma, Inc. 2012

- Late: N/A

Unexcused- Absent: N/A

- Late: N/A

Guest Speakers: (list names and groups/organization and what they talked about with the chapter) N/A

The following members are ineligible to vote at this meeting:N/A (list names and reason here)

Minutes from the 1/24/2016 meeting were read and approved. List correction(s) if applicable. N/A

Archon read N/A portion of the Fraternity constitution.

Correspondence: (briefly list what was read to chapter, this would include letters, notes and cards from other organizations) We have been contacted by City Internships. It's a company that provides students with internships in New York, LA, and London. They also provide development like weekly career seminars, workshops, and networking events along with the full time internship. They are looking for Student Ambassadors for their internship program who would raise awareness about the program at OU. If you were successful doing this, you would receive a full scholarship for the program in your city of choice. If you are interested, email "[email protected]".The OU Campus Rec Center is having their recruitment event Feb 3rd from 5-7 in the Oakland Room. Before attending complete an online application and bring a hard copy to the event along with three resumes. There will be on the spot interviews.

Fraternity Education: N/A

Bursar's Report: (any details of who owes dues or when dues are being collected should also be included). Everyone has been billed out for dues. You will get an email on the 8th (Next Monday) showing you your balance for the month. February’s payment is due on the 28th. If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. Balance in the Billhighway account is $N/A

OFFICER REPORTS List all chapter executive board officers and a brief summary of their report. If no report given by an officer, list office and state no report.

Archon: (briefly describe report given; include communication with Fraternity volunteers and Headquarters staff). -Ritual Meeting on February 14th will be pushed back to 5:00pm-beach week will be May 1st- May 8th-let me know by WEDNESDAY if you are interested in going so I can get a rough head count for our travel agent

Vice Archon: (announces all executive council meetings and other information pertinent to her responsibilities). No Revised July 2015© Phi Sigma Sigma, Inc. 2012

Scribe: (announces all upcoming reports, and when reports were sent to the Fraternity). Thank you so much to everyone who filled out information about their campus activities on the Phi Sigma Sigma website this week! We completed another Chapter Excellence requirement! Great job ladies. Chapter Excellence is really important because it is an overall score of how successful we are as a chapter and we want to reach the highest level, Gold status.You can start entering your volunteer hours on the website as you do them this semester. Each sister must have 10 hours submitted on the website by the end of the school year. To do so, login, scroll over "collegians" then "individual functions" then click "personal activities" and complete the section that says "service". Sisters also need to start entering their fall semester GPAs on the Phi Sigma Sigma site. You do this on the website under "collegians" then "individual functions" then "GPA data".

Tribune: (announces any attendance policy updates) No Report.

Sister Development Chairman: (briefly describe report given; include Reflections and chapter activities and dates of initiation). I have an activity today! Also please reach out to your rosebuds this week!

Membership Recruitment Chairman: (briefly describe report; include dates, and whatever is announced at meeting. After membership recruitment, include number bid and quota. Be sure to document wish list discussion and include names being added and/or deleted from the wish list and why). Briefly talk about what a 1 is and what a 5 is etc..keep new members after meeting about recruitment.

Member-at-Large: (report on who is on status, seeing standards board, etc. Briefly describe whatever was decided at meeting). Reviews constitution

Panhellenic: (briefly describe report given - include any news of expansion on the campus, changes to total or recruitment style, if necessary, or any important information. Mention all panhellenic issues that the chapter will be voting on under new and old business) Hi ladies, I just want to thank all who attended the panhel sisterhood on Thursday we gained 130 points just from that night. The updated panhel points are: Alpha Delta Pi- 550Alpha Sigma Tau- 260Gamma Phi Beta- 80Phi Sigma Sigma- 180Sigma Sigma Sigma- 110Please please attend Panhel and as well as bring cases of water for the water bottle drive as we get lots of points for both. We can win this all. It's not just about winning however, we want to represent Phi Sigma Sigma as best and as often as possible and gaining points defiently shows that. Thank you ladies again."Now for our next panhel sisterhood will be game night, the location is tbd but it will be game night on February 18 from 6-9. You can win gift cards and there will be free food, we also get 10 panhel points per sister. I just wanted remind everyone that we get a check if we get the most panhel points by the end of the semester and this check goes to the charity of our choice!

House Manager: (briefly describe report given including any information on the chapter house, if applicable). If you want to live in the house or are interested in being house manager, please reach out to me and let me know!

ADVISOR REPORTS(list all advisors giving reports, and briefly describe each report given. If no report given, write “no Revised July 2015© Phi Sigma Sigma, Inc. 2012


Faculty Advisor: N/A

Other: N/A

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL REPORTS(List all committee chairmen giving reports, and briefly describe each report given. If no report given, write “no report”.)


Alumnae: Hello everyone! Just a reminder to fill out the mentor excel document if you want to be apart of it. As soon as I have everyones information I will be pairing you up with a alumnae! Thanks!

Chapter Excellence: N/A

Fundraising: I just wanted to remind everyone to make sure you sell a minimum of 3 " Crushes" but the more the better. If you need more " crushes" or if you haven't gotten yours yet please see me after meeting. They are $2 per each crush. Please make sure there is a first and last name on the crush to whoever it is going to and also what sorority or fraternity that person is in. The crushes are due by February 7th. You can either give them to me or bring them to the house. My committee please look out for an email this week. Also, Leah and I are meeting with Austin Bercik next week who is from Alpha Sigma Phi. He is there fundraising chair. We are hoping to combine a fundraiser into a social. We will have more information on that soon. We arent going to be doing the waterbottle fundraiser because panhel is doing it instead. Athletics $8.50 an hour job over mid winter break if youre interested contact me.

Greek Week: Greek Week is the 28 th -1 st. Explain the days how their going to be, take a poll on the shirts and then I'm going to start talking about our plan for the dance off, and penny wars which I will be bringing a jar every week to collect pennies

Historian: No report.

Multiculturalism and Diversity: No Report.

Parents’ Club: No Report.

Parliamentarian: No Report.

Philanthropy: On Monday February 8th Golden Key is hosting PB&J Day from 12-1 in the gold rooms. Their goal is to make as many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as possible in one hour and then donate them the Salvation Army's Bed and Bread Program. They are looking for volunteers as well as donations of peanut butter, jelly, and bread! I think this will be such a fun event and a great way for you guys to earn some philanthropy hours! Anna and I are still working out the details for our semester of service project so just look out for more information on that coming very soon! Revised July 2015© Phi Sigma Sigma, Inc. 2012

Public Relations: This week’s mock election is Most Likely to Live in a Different Country. Ms Alee M is just the woman for that! Keep an eye out for next week’s survey

Recruitment: N/A

Risk Management: No Report.

Scholarship/Academic Excellence: Hi ladies,I have just a couple of things first, if anyone is really good at biology and would be willing to study with a sister please contact me. And smart cookies this week goes too:Megan ShawErica PotterStephanie McClainLiz KurkowskiNatalie HumphreyGabby RamaciLauren Cochran

Social: Hello everyone, sorry the social had to be cancelled due to last minute arrangements. The Great Gatsby social is still on this Saturday at Theta Chi! There will be Qdoba catered.

Sportswear/Insignia: Tonight is the LAST NIGHT to order your athletic quarter zip for $36 on the website.The next item will be a thermal mug! They are a silver metal with black lid, they will say phi sigma sigma est. 1913 in big letters down the front! They will be $15 and will be open until the 7th of February so order quick!


Other: SISTERHOOD CHAIR: Hello ladies, just a reminder that our next sisterhood is this Monday Feb 1st @ 8 pm, at the house. We hope to see as many of you there, even if you don't watch the bachelor, you can still come. Also, we are still working on the Alumni sisterhood so be on the look out for more information on that. After talking to Alee, we have decided that the sisterhood will be @ 7:30pm on April 1st. Now I want to say that there is a flag football tournament this same day, so I know it might be a long day of greek life events but the Alumni are really excited to see you all so please make it a point to be at both events. Especially because the sisterhood is Mandatory. With this being said I would just like to remind you ladies that work is not an excuse for this sisterhood, you will have this date well in advanced so please take the time to get off work if you can. Finally, if you ladies have an ideas of what you'd like to do at this sisterhood, please feel free to talk either Dara, myself or Sammi, we'd love to hear what you guys would like to do. HEALTH AND WELLNESS:Sleep is the number one thing that we can do to better our bodies. Without an adequate amount of sleep we are essentially setting up our bodies up for an illness.

MR. PHI SIGNIFICANT: Mr. Phi Sig is getting very close, less than two weeks to go. I have the shirts for everyone who bought one. The sign up for set up and tear down is done, if you hadn't signed up for anything we added you to the list for tear down so we recommend everyone check that so you know if you were assigned to tear down. Because of the number of participants already signed up, we have Revised July 2015© Phi Sigma Sigma, Inc. 2012

decided to stop tabling. If you were signed up to table for the upcoming weeks we will be sending you the bake sale sign up sheet and you must bring something for the bake sale instead. Also, as with previous years we will be making it mandatory that you change your profile pic and cover photo on Facebook to be the Mr. Phi Sig banner which we will post on the page so you know exactly what to change it to. And just a reminder that for the event you must wear your shirt, nice jeans and nice shoes. No ugg boots, sneakers ect.


(Only list things discussed at past meetings in this category. List briefly each motion presented and if it was passed.) .

NEW BUSINESS(Only things discussed for the first time - list each motion presented and if it passed). Motion to add to Article 2 Section 3 of the constitution. #13, The Archon must live in the house during her term unless she commutes or has previously lived there.

Good and Welfare

N/A escorted new members out of the pyramid


The meeting adjourned at 8:37 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Hannah Knoop, Tribune(Tribune's name) Revised July 2015© Phi Sigma Sigma, Inc. 2012