  • The Omniscan and the Codesfor Weld Inspection

    Thierry COUTURIER, OISE Petr Dobsak, Olympus CEE

  • 2Example with ASME Code Case 2235



    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

  • 3Example with ASME Code Case 2235

    Based on Performance Demonstration

    Requires detecting three defects (ID, OD, sub-surface)

    Requires full data collection and encoder (AUT)

    Can be TOFD, pulse-echo or combination, or Phased Array

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

  • 4 ASME CC2235 Has dominated for 12 years for AUT instead of RT

    Very widely used globally

    Completed with 5 ASME Code Cases CC 2541: Manual Phased Array with single beam CC 2557: Manual Phased Array with S-scans CC 2558: Manual Phased Array with E-scans (Linear Scans) CC 2599: Encoded (AUT) Phased Array with E-scans (Linear Scans) CC 2600: Encoded (AUT) Phased Array with S-scans (Linear Scans)

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESExample with ASME Code Case 2235

  • 5 One Person Operation Portable Phased Array instrument

    PA + TOFD Hand Scanner Couplant and

    Pump Linear Scanning

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESExample with ASME Code Case 2235

  • 6 Calibrate all beams - Very important Wedge calibration Velocity Calibration TCG Calibration

    Use same Focal Law for calibration as for scanning Develop Scan Plan to show coverage and appropriate angles Use two (or more) S-scans if required - Multi-Group Scan parallel to weld with Encoder/Full data collection at fixed distance

    from centerline

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESExample with ASME Code Case 2235 Equipment requirement

  • 7 Ray tracing using ESBeamTool or the Omniscan Weld Overlay with sample Bevel Incidence Angles (arrowed) calculated on 25mm wall double-V weld

    Can check if angles are not appropriate

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

    Scan Plans (1)

    Example with ASME Code Case 2235


  • 8Scan Plans (2)HAZ poorly addressed

    Note poor coverage of heat affected zone (arrowed) move array for optimization Again Ray tracing using ESBeamTool or the Omniscan Weld Overlay is



    The OMNISCAN and the CODESExample with ASME Code Case 2235

  • 9Transmitter ReceiverLateral wave


    Upper tip Lower tip

    Back-wall reflection


    The OMNISCAN and the CODESExample with ASME Code Case 2235

  • 10

    Typical TOFD Display Gray scale and RF for

    phase information

    OD and ID visible

    Defects detectable in middle

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESExample with ASME Code Case 2235

  • 11

    Some customers can develop their own procedures AREVA GDF TOTAL

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESOur approach

  • 12

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

    Some existing codes


  • 13

    TOFD Codes ASME TOFD Code (Section V Article 4 Mandatory Appendix III) (2006) ASME TOFD Interpretation Manual (Non-mandatory App. N) ASTM E-2373 - Standard Practice for Use of TOFD Technique (2009) ASME Code Case 2235-9 - Boiler and Pressure Vessel (Oct. 2005)

    BS7706 guideline- Calibration and setting-up TOFD technique (1997)

    ENV 583-6 - TOFD technique as a method for defect detection and sizing

    EN14751 (supersedes EN583-6) Used in Europe EN15617 - NDT of welds. TOFD technique. Acceptance levels (2009)

    ISO 15626 - NDT of welds. TOFD technique. Acceptance levels (2011)

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

  • 14

    PA Codes - AmericanThe OMNISCAN and the CODES

    ASME Code Case 2235-9 - Boiler and Pressure Vessel (Oct. 2005)

    ASTM E-2491-06 Recommended Practice for phased array set-up

    New E-2700 RP for Phased Array of welds.

    API 1104

    AWS D1.1

  • 15

    Some companies have developed their own procedures

    Still working on Phased Array code development

    Equivalent of EN 12668 is coming For PA instrument For PA probes For PA systems (application)Not before 2012

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESPA Codes - Europe

  • 16

    Required features


    Available with the OMNISCAN

  • 17

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

    Scan Plan to show coverage and appropriate angles ESBeamTool was mandatory, still very usefulWeld Overlay now available

    Required features Available with the OMNISCAN

  • 18

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESRequired features Available with the OMNISCAN

    Calibration of all beams - 100% Calibration of the beam coverage

    Has always been a strength

    Wedge Delay / Velocity Sensitivity TCG Manual/Automatic

    ACG angle corrected gain TCG time corrected gain

  • 19

    Use two (or more) groups if required with Multi-Group

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESRequired features Available with the OMNISCAN

  • 20

    Scan parallel to weld with Encoder and full data collection at fixed distance from centerline

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESRequired features Available with the OMNISCAN

  • 21


    The OMNISCAN and the CODESRequired features Available with the OMNISCAN

  • 22

    The Omniscan MX and Omniscan MX2

    have all the required features so that an

    inspection procedure can fulfil most of

    the codes.

  • 23

    Phased-Array is now well accepted and understood

    Still explaining how Phased-Array works

    Conventional UT technique still can be used

    TOFD - Still some reluctant countries in Europe

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

  • 24

    More and more used all over the world

    Well-used and well-developed technique

    Complementary to Pulse/Echo (Conventional UT or PA)

    Successful to replace RT combined with Phase-Array

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESTOFD Codes

  • 25

    TOFD Codes

    Customers feel very confident as no indication can be missed when combined with P/E

    Well codified, primarily from Europe

    No surprise invented and developed here

    Not so many differences between the existing codes

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

  • 26

    TOFD Advantages

    Excellent POD (Probability Of Detection) for mid-wall defects

    Good detection of mis-oriented defects

    Rapid and low cost inspections Cheap solution Small amount of data Small amount of data to analyze

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

  • 27

    Probability of detection(in %)

    TOFD 83 %

    Automated UT(Pulse / Echo) 84 %

    Radiography 60 %

    Manual UT 53 %

    Probability of detection

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESTOFD Advantages

    Results of comparison test (France)

  • 28

    Industrial Manual Weld

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    Industrial Automated Weld

  • 30

    Aerospace Composite Inspection

  • 31

    Industrial Corrosion

  • 32

    The OMNISCAN and the CODES

    Limitations of the Omniscanversus the codes

  • 33

    Pipe-Wizard applications and Girth Weld inspectionDNV-OS-F101API 1104DNV-OS-C401

    Tandem technique is required

    The OMNISCAN and the CODESLimitation of the Omniscan versus the Codes

  • 34

    Girth Weld Inspections: Onshore / OffshorePipe Wizard

  • 35

    Phased-array Pulse/Echo



    ay probe



    Pipe Wizard

  • 36

    Phased-array adjustments Adjustment of emitter and receiver to hit the zone Adjustment of beam width to cover the height of the zone Adjustment of overlap in next zone









    Zone discrimination technique with Tandem techniquePipe Wizard

  • 37

    Pipe Wizard

    Focus LT +Motor Control Unit

    Automated Scanner

    No more the Omniscan
