
On July 5th, 1996, the 1st cloned mammal Dolly was born inBritain.

In 1998, fifty cloned mice were born in Hawaii inthe US.

Cloned Pigs were born.

In 1998, a clonedox was born.

In December 1999, the 1st cloned pet—Copy Kitty was born.

Section A

Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning

In December 1999, the 1st cloned pet—Copy Kitty was born.

Section A

Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning

Is human clone good or bad?



• grow organs and tissues for transplant surgery

• fight fatal diseases • save dying relatives• help infertile people have children• create genius• extend human life


• deny human rights • a shorter life• religious objections• psychological harms• reduce variety of human gene pool• degrade the quality of parenting and family life


Structure Analysis

Event (Para.1)

+ Responses (Paras.2-3) + Puzzles & Discussion (Paras.4-18)

+ Reiteration (Para.19)

New Words


TranslationTranslationThe economic implications for the industry will be far-reaching.

implication n. “a possible effect or result”

imply v. 意味,暗示


I think this new product will generate a lot of profits for the company.

generate vt. “cause something to exist; produce”


Sales were mounting after prices were lowered.

mount vi. increase in amount or degree



After the earthquake, no house remained intact in this village.

intact adj. complete and not damaged



Witnesses say that the fire was deliberate.

deliberate adj. doing something on purpose



The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue today.

debate v.& n.


Text Study

Part I. The News (Para. 1)

What’s the news?

Scientists succeeded in

cloning a sheep named Dolly.


After five years’ hard work, promotionseemed within his reach.

within one’s reach “inside the distance that can be touched”


The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman.

come to life “be alive or vivid” 活跃起来,栩栩如生


Part II. The Responses (Paras. 2-3) What was the response from governments?

They hurried to draft guidelines.

In the wake of this announcement, governments hurried to draft guidelines for the unknown, a future filled with incredible possibilities. (Para. 2)

• Note that “a future filled with incredible possibilities” is an apposition to “the unknown”.

Part III. The Puzzles (Paras. 4-18)1. Why would anyone want to clone

a human being?

Parents want to ____________________.

Adults might want to _______________.

Yes, if the body is fresh.

2. Will it be possible to clone the dead?

3. Would a cloned human be identical to the original?

1) He is an Englishman, as I know from his accent.

“as” is used as a relative pronoun, standing for the main clause “identical genes don’t produce identical people.”


2) He was late for school, as is often the case.

3. Would a cloned human be identical to the original?

in appearance



in personalities

identical genes

identical people


Because personality is heavily influenced by life experience and environment.

4. What if parents decided to clone a child in order to harvest organs?

For the cloned child, it’d be ________________________.psychologically harmful

What if… “What would happen if…” 要是……怎么办

5. How should a human clone refer to the donor of its DNA?

Father ?Mother ?

• Our economy is referred to as market economy.

1) “use a particular word, expression, or name to mention or describe sb. or sth.” 称呼,叫

refer to



• The minister referred to the importance of the increased exports.

2) “talk about a particular subject or person” 提及

refer to



5. How should a human clone refer to the donor of its DNA?

the original/copy

Father ?Mother ?

6. What are the other implications of cloning for society?

Whether the cloned are humanor not will ______________.cause debate

Part IV. summary and expectation. (Para. 19)

Is the list of questions finished?

No, it is just the beginning…

