Page 1: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT

“One kind word can warm three months.”

~Japanese Saying~


Page 2: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT

PROTECT YOUR SPIRIT!!!Even Better……Build up

the Spirit of those around you!•H


peak with kindness in your voice (MERLE taught me that!)


•Be welcoming

•Be complementary

•AVOID THE 5 emotional cancers (don’t worry…I will tell you what they are)

•Make RBA Deposits.

Page 3: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT
Page 4: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT

Emotional Cancers vs. RBA DepositsEmotional Cancers RBA Deposits

Competing Be Loyal You could work together for shared success.

Complaining Listen Understand situations/others before dismissing them.

Contending Say You’re Sorry When you are wrong…admit it, and apologize.

Comparing Do Small acts of Kindness Instead of comparing, you could help others to be their best, rather than putting them lower on the “Totem Poll”

Criticising Set Clear Expectations Help show others what they need to do in a positive way.

Page 5: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT

“Life’s most urgent question is:

What are you doing for others?”

~Martin Luther King Jr.~

Art: Sam Miller (

Page 6: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT
Page 7: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT

The Golden Rule in Christianity allows us to make Relationship Bank Account DepositsLove for Enemies (Luke 6: 27-31)•    27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

Page 8: “One kind word can warm three months.” ~Japanese Saying~ THE RELATIONSHIP BANK ACCOUNT


rotect your Spirit!!!!! Don’t lose your positivity!•B

uild up the spirit of those around you…even those who are trying to take yours….Do this by:

1)Avoiding the 5 emotional cancers

2)Making relationship bank account deposits!

3)Follow the golden rule…..ALWAYS!!!! “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
