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One Ugly Pie

A Non-Plotty Update

Done as per Request

First and foremost, I’d like to warn that a few dozen of

these pictures were taken long before I upgraded both the

graphics and picture size/quality.

Secondly, there isn’t much in the way of plot. This update

is merely to give the low down on what has happened to

the Pie family since last we left them.

Thirdly, I present to you all the fish collected and

mounted wonderfully on the wall here. So +1 point.

Let us start with the current generation sitting in

college. I didn’t take much pictures, since Chapter

10 pretty much covers a great deal of them and I

was really sick of college aka Young adult stage.

Yarby spent a lot of her free time crying. She is a

romance sim and did not receive much romance.

Yarby did get the opportunity to do a bit of flinging with one of

her professors, but it never amounted to anything except

spying on her in the shower. I tried and she throws it back in

my face. >: (

Zayl picked up a side hobby

of spying on Vidcund. He

also found another hobby to

fill his time.

He started picking on the

llama mascot. Eventually

they start to duke it out

with llama man winning

every time.

I also gave almost everyone

in the family a make-over

post-band troubles. I

figured a nice flannel shirt

fit Zayl just peachy.

Here is Yarby in her new

look. She kept playing

musical instruments (as

did many folks in the guild


Yes, Yarby cried a lot

due to a major

aspirational low. I just

really wanted college to

be over.

Marcie still continues her

alien search. Or rather

just a whole lot of


Had no idea what to do with Tina Traveler, adoptee.

Somehow, I thought this look suited her. She also

volunteered herself to stay behind and protect the

guild house from destruction when she obtained

Academic Probation. Guess I wasn’t paying

attention. >_>;; She’ll be her for when the next

generation comes round.

Sharla Ottoman, second adoptee, was another

clueless idea. Mime paint and black knight

armor seemed to be her ultimate defense

against becoming Cow plant food. More on

that later.

As for Xerxes, he just became pudgier. Mostly

because of all the fish these kids eat and he’s

been the one making the outfits for everyone.

Without any prodding, Zayl and

Xerxes still argue amongst each

other. It’s generally kept to a

minimum sine Xerxes is usually up

to sewing projects and Zayl goes

after mascots.

Tina eventually joins Zayl in on mascot torment.

Only this case it’s one of the cheerleaders. Go


With the graphics beefed up and the photos as

well, I start taking close-ups of the kids phaces.




Didn’t find anything on Xerxes or

Sharla though. Yarby’s photo

accompanied her makeover look.

Mmmmm, rainbow trout, wrapped in

bacon, with mushrooms, rice, and greens. And

lemon, bleh.

As I mentioned earlier, Sharla

dodged the cow plant

ghostification. Simply by

waiting patiently, some random

secret society member took the

bait and grabbed me the ghost.

The urn is currently sitting in

the heir’s inventory, waiting to

join other gravestones on the

family lot.

Eventually, the four main kids graduated… but which one is the heir? Who

was chosen? Well, based on the votes from that thing long ago…

It wasn’t Marcie. She’s currently living

downtown, dreaming to eventually become a City

Planner. I’m not sure if she’ll get any playtime until

after the uglacy is over or if I decide to do something

side plot-wise.

It isn’t Yarby, who lives just a little ways down the

street from her sister. Yarby is looking forward to

knocking boots with 20 different sims. With the look

of aviation pilot in a skirt (at least, I liked the

outfit), who knows how that may turn out?

Sharla is ruled out since she is an adopted child. I

don’t remember her dreams except not to be cow

plant chow. Growing up in Chloe Singles outfit

and topped off with her mother’s hairstyle is where

I leave her.

Nope, Zayl isn’t the heir either. His fat sack of crap

is living in the same area as his siblings in the

downtown area. He hopes to one day have 20 best


So who is the heir? Well, if you haven’t figured it

out yet, there’s only one name left. Which will be

revealed in the next update. Now on to the main


A long time ago, Loki became a plant sim. He spawned a

single plant baby named Rosie. She spawned 4 plant babies

herself. Their mission: die with dignity to get some nice ghost


These plant babies grew up rather

unstable, which made them even more perfect

fodder. Upon downing some wonderful anti-

plant sim cure, they became human. This is

there terrible death throes.

Cedar Pie was scared to death between

both that snotty starved to death ghost

and servo crushed by satellite tag team.

After verifying his death, he died with

dignity in a puddle of his own

something other.

Her name was Tulip Pie. She swam in

a pull for 3 days before she drowned.

And of the last obdient child

was Sunflower. She fatally ran

around to fast with some

scissors and cut herself

something fierce.

All that remained was Oak. He was to die

gracefully within the elevator. But he refused.

Time after time, he went up and down and never

died. So he got a girlfriend. They knocked boots

so many times and still, he survived every crash.

At this point I turned him into a warlock and sat his

rumpkiss in the opposite chair til his mood was low. A trip

with Miss Piggy to the local shop and he was riding the

elevator once more.

And when it finally crashed, Oak’s mood so

low he couldn’t survive…

And yet he did survive. At this point, I gave up

on the elevator ghost.

Oak Pie left the world in a blaze of glorious flames.

But not all deaths were quite so pleasant.

Miss Piggy had her own death: Rally Forth. Yes she did

actually die out on the lawn. She refused to die in the

kitchen as seen in Chapter 10. The scene was temporarily

moved to the kitchen for plot sake. >_>

Loki was devastated. But he too

has his own obligation to fulfill.

First he grew old. Then we made lots of roaches via

trash. And believe me…. It took for freakin ever for

him to finally catch the flu.

Flu concieved, I locked him in a room with only

a fridge and a toilet til he died 4-5 days later.

Though I think it was actually 3 days afterward.


And that is how Miss Piggy and Loki

parted the living world.

Because I could not stop for Death,

He kindly stopped for me;

The carriage held but just ourselves

And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,

And I had put away

My labor, and my leisure too,

For his civility.

We passed the school, where children strove

At recess, in the ring;

We passed the fields of gazing grain,

We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us;

The dews grew quivering and chill,

For only gossamer my gown,

My tippet only tulle.

We paused before a house that seemed

A swelling of the ground;

The roof was scarcely visible,

The cornice but a mound.

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each

Feels shorter than the day

I first surmised the horses' heads

Were toward eternity.

Poem by Emily Dickenson
