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12.3One Minor Update

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Ginger, “My mind is made up, Galvin. I’m going to the university and there ain’t no way you can talk me out of it.”Galvin, “This has got to be a bluff. You wouldn’t survive more than a couple hours. Not with the way you are.”Ginger, “Quiet, brother. I told you, I’m going.”

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Galvin, “And why exactly are you going? You just gonna abandon me to raising our adopted brothers and sisters?”Ginger, “I’m sure you’ll deal with it just fine. You’re responsible enough and with your… talents, I’m sure you’ll find some way of raising the money to keep the house in order as well as provide for four hungry mouths outside your own.”

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Ginger, “Smokey University? Yes, I’d like a shuttle to come by and pick up a single passenger. Thank you.”Galvin, “You can’t be serious. I thought that you were joking, Ginger.”Ginger, “I told you I was going. Now get over yourself, Galvin. I’ve got plans and they won’t be deterred. “

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Gabriella, “Bye-bye, Ginger”Ginger, “Bye everyone. Hope Galvin takes good care of you and you live loving spoiled lives.”

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And thus Ginger Newson avoided one possible destiny that would have had her and her adopted brother, Galvin, raise the four other children of the family. Down this new path at the local university, Ginger’s fate goes down another road. Where that road will take her only I, the narrator, will know.

Ginger, “*sigh* It took so long for me to find the right dorm. I hope he’s really in this one. I’d hate to fill out all the paperwork to make sure I get in the correct one.”

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Ginger, “Oh my gosh, he is here. Alright, just calm down, Ginger. This is exactly what you were hoping for. Just stop quivering and go say hello. After all, we were friends in high school. No reason why he would simply just forget about me. Ok… on the count of three. One. Two. Three.”

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Ginger, “Um, hello Buck. How are you? Remember me?”Buck, “…”Ginger, “It’s me… Ginger. Don’t you remember?”Buck, “…”Ginger, “Um, you invited me to come home with you after school. Back in high school. Your brother served us dinner, I think.”Buck, “Oh. Hello, Ginger. How are you?”Ginger, “I’m fine now, thank you. Just a bit disappointed.”Buck, “Whatever for?”Ginger, “I felt, forgotten there for a second.”

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Buck, “I am just more focused on the chess board. Do you play?”

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Ginger, “Oh, right. Chess. Um, sure I’ll play. I guess I’ll move this piece here then.”Buck, “Sorry, for not noticing who you were earlier. I’m just so used to thinking in the now, that if something doesn’t occur on a frequent basis. Anything else tends to just escape my thoughts and tossed out of my mind.”Ginger, “Oh.”

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Ginger, “Do you know if this dormitory has five refrigerators?”Buck, “Why do you ask?”Ginger, “No reason. No reason at all.”

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I arrived at Gargamel’s house early in the day, before the lunch hour. There was a truck in the drive-way so I assumed he was still at home.

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Approaching the front door, I noticed yesterdays paper was still out and that the garden looked unattended. After ringing the door bell numerous times without an answer, I let myself in under the allowance of the warrant.

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Upon entering, I was taken aback by the rotten odor of the late Carmen.“This doesn’t look good.”She had apparently been dead for some time. The coroner has yet to get back with me with an official time of death at this time.

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Checking the body, I noticed that there was bruising on the around the neck. The coloration wasn’t the same as those belonging to the victims strangled by the servo, but the MO was still similar.

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I started searching the rest of the house, to see if there was anyone still inside the house. Every room I went through was empty. The kitchen had two plates of food, crumbs still on them.

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I finally came across something big when I entered the study. Inside I found the de-activated servo and a book next to it. On the cover was a note to read the book, which appears to be a journal written by Gargamel. We’re still reading through the book to see if there are any clues that are not included in this report.

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Thumbing through the book when I did, I read several entries that spoke of how upset he was over losing Jill Smith and not being there for her at the local university. Eventually this lead into a plan to eliminate the ones that shared her dorm and take their lives. His plan included the servo that he brought with him when he left his family home. Apparently, one of the victims that Gargamel believed to have harassed Jill was killed first and while he was still at college. This is concurrent with previous reports that there were a total of seven that shared the dorm, but only six were actually discovered dead. No one had inspected the dorms for the seventh or in this case, the first victim. Though it still eludes me as to why the other six did not report this to the police.

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I brought both the journal and the servo to be analyzed for further evidence. Thus far, we have yet to find any fingerprints on the servo itself. I’m wondering if this was left behind as a decoy to make us believe we have the servo in custody. It is highly possible that a servo was crafted just for this purpose.

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Furthermore, not long after I returned from inspecting Gargamel’s home, we received a phone call from the Smith residence. Sometime the night before, someone had dug up Jill’s grave. It is my deduction that Gargamel may possibly be the culprit behind this. We are still gathering evidence at this point.

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Furthermore… “Hmm, was there anything else? Anything else from the house or that I read from the journal? There’s got to-”


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Elmyra, “Hello?”Ripp, “Hey hey! Where you at beautiful?”Elmyra, “Ripp?”Ripp, “The one and only. Listen, I’m looking at my watch and it’s telling me that one of us is late and in case you can’t hear the music pumping in the background, it ain’t me.”Elmyra, “Late for what?”Ripp, “Don’t tell me you forgot about our date.”

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Elmyra, “And what gave you the impression that we were going on a date in the first place?”Ripp, “I recall a conversation where I said 7 o’clock and you said I was one lucky guy.”Elmyra, “And you thought I was being serious? Listen, Ripp, last I checked, you weren’t exactly the one girl kind of guy and I’m not the kind of woman that enjoys being a number.”

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Ripp, “What are you talking about, babe?”Elmyra, “Maybe you just don’t understand it, but there’s a reason why I’m a detective and you’re still a desk sergeant.”

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Elmyra, “Is this conversation over? Because if it is, I’ve got work to do.”

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Ripp, “Yea. It’s over.”


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However it’s not completely over. There are still a few slides left. You don’t have to stick around, but I thought I’d bring it to your attention that I’ve done a few make-overs of several sims around town and thought I’d bring the attention here rather than just have them magically appear without explanation. Though I’m sure that would just be normal. Anyways… on with the make-overs.

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Jill Smith

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Erin Singles

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Elmyra BeakerAlthough I’m still undecided over which hairstyle would be more suited to her: short or long.