Page 1: Open Budget Meeting 1. 2 State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Enterprises Major Repair & Renovation (MRR) Salaries and Wages Utilities Supplies

Open Budget Meeting

FY15 Budget

April 17, 2014


Page 2: Open Budget Meeting 1. 2 State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Enterprises Major Repair & Renovation (MRR) Salaries and Wages Utilities Supplies

Open Budget Meeting


State Appropriations Tuition & FeesAuxiliary EnterprisesMajor Repair &

Renovation (MRR)

• Salaries and Wages• Utilities• Supplies and Equipment• Technology• Facilities and Maintenance• Public Safety• Campus Activities and Services

• Capital funds can not be used to pay for salaries and wages

• State procurement guidelines must be followed

• Student fees must be used in conjunction with specific services

• Prudent fiscal management required for all sources

• State Appropriation will be change based on performance funding – baseline year

• New focus on Financial Ratios• Economic conditions have a

direct impact on our ability to collect the revenues necessary to satisfy the needs and obligations of the University

Uses Restrictions Realities

CSU Foundation• Endowments• Scholarships• Unrestricted Annual


Sponsored Programs

Clayton State University Resources

State Approp. 40.1%

Other 59.9%

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Open Budget Meeting



Fiscal Year State Appropriation TuitionFY09 $24,771,034 $18,171,895 FY10 $19,818,176 $19,615,429 FY11 $22,635,358 $22,945,975 FY12 $21,503,584 $25,539,502 FY13 $21,736,525 $27,046,979 FY14 $23,251,922 $28,162,460 FY15 $24,067,121 $27,775,000

FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15$15,000,000








State AppropriationTuition

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Open Budget Meeting


• Progression/Retention Measured at 15, 30, 60 and 90 Hours • Completion/Degrees Conferred

– Certificates, Associates, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Specialist– Learning Support Completion– Transfers Out (Primarily Access Institutions)

• Potential Bonus Measures:– Strategic Initiatives– Critical Fields– Pass Rates

Performance Funding Measures

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Open Budget Meeting


Mandatory Fee Chart FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014Laker Card 20 20 20 20Technology 57 57 57 57Student Activity 50 60 60 60Athletic 135 160 160 160Health 46 46 46 46Parking 34 34 34 34Student Activity Center 75 75 75 100

Categories that pay less/none: Distance Learning, eCore, Employees/TAP, Fayette County, Joint Enrolled, Main Campus - less than 3 hrs, Senior Citizens, WBSIT

17,432 17,231 17,533 17,429 $3,000,000









$8,313,633 $6,610,5

85 $6,348,2






Full Payment Actual Collected


datory F

ee FY2011 FY2013FY2012 FY2014 (Estimated)

$658,559 $1,440,164


Total Students

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$150 $250 $250 $250 $-



















Full Payment Actual Collected

Special Institution Fee FY2011 FY2013FY2012 FY2014 (Estimated)

SIF Rate

$267,588 $298,085 $288,293


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Open Budget Meeting


RevenueFY15 Budget

State Appropriation 24,067,121 Tuition 27,775,000 *Fees & Other General 6,124,750 Carry Forward Funds 832,500


Expenditures Updated current budget 57,785,021

Funding Available to Distribute 1,014,350

Required Funding Items added: University Contingency 250,000 Increase in software licenses 46,699 Faculty Promotions including benefits 84,745 Chiller NSB 350,000 Funding to renovate Lucy Huie Hall 160,000 Funding to renovate Dental Hygiene Clinic 233,000 Possible Funding for Merit Raises 378,896


Unresolved Issues** Salary Stressors including benefits 258,777 Litigation 20,000 Additional Student Assistant Funding 150,000 Additional funding for new Science Building 160,000


Left to Distribute (1,077,767)

* Tuition will need to be reviewed for enrollment numbers** Library renovations will be accomplished by utilizing the salary savings

Includes current Salary, Benefits, Travel, & OS&E

Increase TRS $154,843Increase Health Insurance $177,645Priority Positions Funded by BOR:Psychology-Lecturer $ 60,000Academic Advisor $ 53,500

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RequestsOne T ime




1 Funding f or implementation of QE P -SACS/ QE P 50,000 832 Academic Advisor s (2)-P r ovost/ Academic Aff air s 107,000 823 P sychology Assistant P r of essor 67,000 824 Communications Lectur er 67,000 695 Custodian I-Bui lding Ser vices 26,000 696 Additional f unding f or CAP S P sychiatr ist-Student Aff air s(CAP S) 12,000 687 Funding f or f aci l i ties equipment f or new Science Bui lding 40,000 688 Funding to cr eate new Natur al Sciences Labs T echnician and r eor ganize existing posi tion 60,603 689 P hi losophy Lectur er 60,000 67

10 Rhetor ic and Composition Assistant P r of essor 62,000 6711 Funding f or (10) sur vei l lance camer as on campus-P ubl ic Saf ety 25,000 6612 Funding f or equipment f or Mathematics Lab f or students 7,930 6313 Additional f unding to cr eate new Gr aphic Designer posi tion-Mar keting & Communications 25,000 6214 Associate VP Mar keting & Communications-E xter nal Relations 150,000 6115 Secur ity Offi cer / CSU E ast-P ubl ic Saf ety 35,000 6116 Funding f or r eplacement of campus r outer s-OIT S Networ king 70,000 6017 Funding f or CAP S P sychiatr ist cur r ently al located f r om health f ee-Student Aff air s(CAP S) 34,000 5818 Dir ector of Visi tor & Welcome Ser vices-E nr ol lment Management 99,000 5819 Administr ative Assistant-Gr aduate Studies 40,000 5720 Funding f or r eplacement of mission cr i tical ser ver r oom UP S-OIT S Networ king 80,000 5721 Funding f or Wr i ter s' Studio-E ngl ish 55,000 5722 ME P Lead T echnician/ Bui lding Manager -Bui lding Oper ations 65,000 5623 Funding f or E ducational Advisor y Boar d sof twar e-P r ovost Offi ce 70,000 5624 Funding to make par t time posi tion in P r ocur ement f ul l time 30,178 5525 Banner Suppor t Analyst-OIT S Admin Systems 66,500 5426 Administr ative Assistant-Natur al Sciences 41,079 5227 Vir tual Ser vices Libr ar ian-Libr ar y 55,860 5228 Funding f or Depar tmental Campus Suppor t Analysts-HUB 40,000 5129 Custodian I I-Bui lding Ser vices 32,500 5130 Funding f or par t time position in Accounting Svcs 22,000 4931 Additional f unding f or division wide T r avel / OS&E -Student Aff air s 25,000 4832 Additional f unding to cr eate new Social Media Special ist posi tion-P ubl ic & Media Relations 25,000 4733 Funding f or (4) sur vei l lance camer a monitor s in P ubl ic Saf ety offi ce 3,000 4734 Funding f or additional P ar t T ime f aculty(Off -Campus)-P r ovost Offi ce 50,000 4735 Secur ity Offi cer / Fayette-P ubl ic Saf ety 35,000 4736 Funding f or equipment f or fi lm pr oduction cour ses-Visual & P er f or ming Ar ts 28,908 4737 Administr ative Assistant-E xtended P r ogr ams 40,000 4638 Secur ity Guar d/ Sur vei l lance Special ist-P ubl ic Saf ety 30,000 4639 Administr ative and Uti l i ties Coor dinator -Faci l i ties Management 52,000 4640 P r oject Manager / Coor dinator -OIT S Newor king 53,200 4541 Gr ounds For eman-Landscape Management 41,600 4542 Additional f unding f or pur chasing r esour ces f or students-Libr ar y 57,350 4443 Funding f or CSU 1022 cour se staff stipends-1st Y ear Advising & Retention Center 25,000 4244 Funding f or l i f ecycle upgr ade plan f or obsolete AV equipment-OIT S Media Ser vices 104,020 4145 Funding to make posi tion in Media Ser vices whole 6,823 4146 E conomic Development Coor dinator (Release T ime)-Col lege of Business 10,000 4147 Funding f or Student Retention and P er f or mance Datamar t-OIT S Admin Systems 114,017 4048 Faculty/ Advisor -Inter discipl inar y Studies 53,600 4049 Funding f or P eopleAdmin f aculty job por tal -P r ovost Offi ce 8,000 4050 Funding f or secur i ty gates at Clayton Station-P ubl ic Saf ety 475,000 3751 Funding f or Staff Development and T r aining P r ogr am-HR 10,000 3752 Funding f or power sur ge pr otection at guar d station-P ubl ic Saf ety 1,950 3353 Funding f or uti l i ty secur i ty vehicle-P ubl ic Saf ety 20,000 3254 Funding f or new space f or Student Sof twar e/ Cal l Center / Campus Suppor t-HUB 27,662 31

TOTALS 973,467 2,178,090* 3,151,557** Facul ty Salary Stressors w/ Benefi ts $140,268; Staff Salary Stressors w/ Benefi ts $118,509



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Open Budget Meeting


Merit Salary Increase• Salary and Administrative Policy

The Board of Regents allocated to each institution funds to provide for salary increases for employees. Salary increases shall be awarded solely on merit with a range determined by the institution President. Institutions are permitted to augment state funds using other appropriate fund sources to create a salary pool. It is expected that individual merit salary increases will be reasonably distributed among employees based on the range determined by the institution President. Across the board increases are not permitted. Generally, merit increases for administrators whose salary is $100,000 or greater will be limited to 4%. Salary increases may exceed ten percent for employees exhibiting exceptionally meritorious performance; however, institutions must request prior approval from the Chancellor in writing of any merit increases exceeding ten percent.

Additionally, the policy allows flexibility for institutions to make appropriate promotions or position reclassifications, special changes to recruit or retain employees, adjustments for targeted populations or adjustments to address market and compression issues. Such salary adjustments must be supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., market analysis or internal salary studies).

Employees covered from other fund sources such as sponsored funds and auxiliary funds will be subject to the same policy requirements noted above and must be paid from the corresponding fund source – not state funds.

• CSU amount—$249,552 from USG $69,787 from CSU

Total 1% $319,339 (only funds for State funded positions)

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Open Budget Meeting

Capital Budget FY 2015

Major Repairs & Renovations(MRR) allocation of $~525,000 can be used for some of these projects

o Library Renovation o Upgrade HVAC System in Arts & Sciences, Phase I I

Funding authorized for FY 2014 for the New Science Building

($19.8M) Funding for FF&E for the New Science Building ($2.9M)


Requested funding for a Small Capital project – Library Infrastructure - HVAC/Mechanical System ($3M)


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Open Budget Meeting








s w




al m










FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019TOTAL

(within five-year plan)

1 $5,000,000 $5,000,000

2 Academic Core Renovation $9,300,000 $9,300,000

3 Spivey Hal l Uti l i ty Infrastructure Upgrades $2,500,000 $2,500,000

1 Chi l ler Plant Upgrade and CSU East Uti l i ty $5,000,000 $5,000,000

2 $1,950,000 $1,950,000

3 Genera l Classroom Bui lding Planning $2,000,000 $2,000,000

1 Lecture and Facul ty Hal l Upgrade $4,800,000 $4,800,000

2 Faci l ities Management Bui lding Expans ion $3,000,000 $3,000,000

3 Athletics Bui lding Renovation $6,500,000 $6,500,000

1 Genera l Classroom Bui lding Construction $17,000,000 $17,000,000

$16,800,000 $8,950,000 $14,300,000 $17,000,000 $57,050,000



Project Description

Library and IT

Continuous Campus Loop and Road to CSU East

Sub-Totals (within four-year plan)

Page 12: Open Budget Meeting 1. 2 State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Enterprises Major Repair & Renovation (MRR) Salaries and Wages Utilities Supplies

Open Budget Meeting

FY14 One Time Expenditures

Majority of funding available for one time expenditures will be utilized for Library


Some funds will be utilized for renovations needed in the Dental Hygiene Clinic

upon recommendations from their accreditation committee


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Open Budget Meeting


