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February 2017

Church Contacts Pastor: Adam C. Jensen 716.652.9197 716.860.1775 (Cell) Associate Pastor : Ron Hager 716.652.5977 Vicar: Dan Stahl 716.861.2706 Church Secretary & Calendar Questions: Katie Jensen 716.652.9197 Choir Director: Bob Posenjak 716.698.5363 President: Bob Riehle 716.912.0249 Sunday School Superintendent: Lori Ignatowski Mission Team: Maria Vergien 716.655.3609 Church e-mail: [email protected] (NOTE: new email) Web Site:

����STAR ARTICLES are due by the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please e-mail articles, corrections, updates or address changes to

Katie Jensen at [email protected] or call her at

716-652-9197. NOTE: new email address and phone number!


Visit us on the Web! Worship Services:

Sunday at 8:15am & 11am Saturday at 5pm

Sunday School 9:30am Annual Meeting:

Sunday, February 5 at 12:15p.m.


Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church 53 West Falls Road West Falls, NY 14170-9716 (Return Service Requested)

In God We Trust


2– Confirmation 2– Stephen Ministry 4-Elder’s Meeting 4– Super Bowl Sub Prep Day 5– Faith Café 5– Pick-up Subs 5– Annual Meeting 9– Confirmation 11– Men’s Breakfast 14– Trustees Meeting 16– Confirmation 16– Stephen Ministry 18– Deacon’s Meeting 20– Women’s Meeting 25– Dinner & Games

Annual Meeting: Sunday, February 5

at 12:15p.m.


February Events

Monthly star

Our memory verse for the month of February is Romans 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” What is true and proper worship? Is true and proper worship attending church once a week? Yes, but that’s only a small part of it. True and proper worship is offering our whole lives in obedience to God. It’s not just a Sunday thing, it’s an everyday thing. In other words, the les-sons we learn from God’s Word are to be carried into every avenue of our lives to bring God glory and honor. This is a very tall order. It’s important to remem-ber that Romans 12:1 can only be carried out with the message of God’s mercy always before us. We don’t live obedient lives to earn God’s mercy, we live obedient lives because we have already received God’s mercy by grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In

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other words, because Jesus has had mercy on us, we are a very happy people, and a very grateful people. And the joy of our salvation causes good works and obedience to spring forth from our lives in the power of His grace. We aren’t obedient to earn salvation from God, we are obedient because God has already bestowed His mercy on us for the sake Christ. If you know you are forgiven, if you know you are loved, and if you know heaven is your home only by the mercy of God, then by all means offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God – knowing that this is your spiritual act of worship before a merciful God.

At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some stations our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of your life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don’t realize they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expecta-tions, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life. I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey. Lastly, I thank you my St. Paul’s friends for being passengers on my train. Linda Morrison Author Unknown

February 2014 Page 15


Monthly Stats

St. Paul’s Officers

President: Bob Riehle Vice President: Ken Cox Secretary: Maria Schultz Treasurer: Stephen Aldstadt Financial Secretary: Maureen Schinzel Trustees: Ron Strack Dan Schinzel Jim McGee Gloria Potzler

Deacons: Mary Barkey Barb Rotino Liz Stewart Jim Schinzel Elders: Dan Stahl Doug Stoddart Claudia Strickland Sue Cox

Mission Chair: Maria Vergien Sunday School: Lori Ignatowski Marsha Welshans

Memorial For Anthony Tarquini, Saturday, January 7, 2017 performed by Rev. Adam Jensen

Deacon’s Meeting Minutes Continued Dan then handed out 15 Comforting Quotes That Have Helped People Cope With Grief of which I will share one of them here, “And when people try to minimize your pain they are doing you a disservice. And when you try to minimize your pain you’re doing yourself a disservice. DON’T DO THAT! The truth is that it hurts because it’s real. It hurts because it mattered. And that’s an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t end, it won’t get better. Because it will.” – John Green Dan asked if they all wanted to continue doing continuous education with the Stephen Ministers and it was unani-mous that they did, so Dan handed out the schedule for 2017. The book, Don’t Sing Songs to a Heavy Heat was completed this month and we will be beginning the book (forward, introduction, and chapters 1 and 2) “Joining Jesus on His Mission” by Pastor Greg Finke. We will be starting a Bible study journey next month on What Purpose does God’s Word Serve in Our Lives. The Power of God’s Word by Bill Bright.

56 26

64 $14.00

55 $41.00

60 $27.00

Official Acts

1/1 118 90 $3946.00 $4,411.00 $2,627.00 $84.00

1/8 115 135 $3946.00 $1,469.00 $2,829.00 $15.00

1/15 119 132 $3946.00 $1,549.00 $1,975.00 $975.00


1/22 127 131 $3946.00 $1,319.00 $1,742.00 $300.00

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The Monthly Star

Grace be with you all. Hebrews 13:25

Page 14

Luther League-Lori Ignatowski Ok, we are going to get busy! We have calen-dars for sale. You can purchase them in the fel-lowship hall at any time on the honor system. They are $6 for the full size calendar and $4 for the pocket calendar. If anyone has ideas for the Luther League to do or you have something you would like to share at one of our meetings, please let me know. Blessings, Lori

Knitting/Crochet Ministry

Hello everyone. Just a reminder that we are still knitting/crocheting or any other hand craft that you might enjoy on Saturday mornings from 9-11am. We would love to have some new faces to enjoy this time of fellowship. Don’t know how to knit or crochet? There will be somebody there who would love to show you. If you have any questions please call the church office.

Hope to see everyone there!!!

Women of the Word January 16, 2017 Claudia Strickland 7:00 p.m.

Our Bible Study: Our Bible study finally finished, “A Life of Worship.” All of the women read the last chapter. Thanks! Old Business: Our new Bible study books are out of print so we decided on another book from the Women of Faith Series.

New Business: We decided to have a fundraiser/mother’s day gift bazaar in March. Date to be announced along with sellers. Sometime in May we will have our Women’s Luncheon. Also women’s retreat at Camp Odosagih in May. The Basket Sale will be in June. We have also decided to purchase new table cloths for Easter/Christmas. Marcia Wilger will take care of this. Meeting Adjourned at 8:25pm.

Men of St. Paul’s Once again this year we are plan-ning on going to Odosagih for their Men’s Conference April 28 – 29, 2017 and the Speaker is Rev. Peter Hook. There will be a sign-up sheet going around for those that are interested. The men of Saint Paul’s meet on the second Sat-urday of every month at 7AM, at the Iron Kettle for breakfast, good fellowship and great discussions.

Bring your Bible and join us in a relaxed atmosphere as breakfast is shared along with

God’s Word.


February 2017 Page 3

THE 2017 BIBLE MEMORY CHALLENGE teach us about our New Life given in baptism.

January: The Baptized live a Christ Centered Life! Galatians 2:20

February: The Baptized are obedient to God’s commandments! Romans 12:1

March: The Baptized read, study, mark and hear the Bible! 2 Timothy 3:16

April: The Baptized are a prayerful people! Philippians 4:6-7

May: The Baptized join in fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters! Hebrews 10:24-25

June: The Baptized share the good news with unbelievers! Matthew 4:19

July: The Baptized demonstrate love towards ALL! John 13:34-35

August: The Baptized are a humble people! Philippians 2:3-4

September: The Baptized exercise purity in every relationship! 1 Peter 2:11

October: The Baptized are honest in all their dealings! Leviticus 19:11-12

November: The Baptized approach every circumstance full of faith! Hebrews 11:6

December: The Baptized do good works for their neighbors! Matthew 5:16

Start memorizing Romans 12:1: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in

view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this

is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1

Dinner & Games!!!!! February 25 @ 6pm

Please come and join us for a fun night. We will have a potluck din-ner so bring a dish to pass. There will be games to follow. Please

bring a game you might want to play. We will have group and indi-vidual games going on. There will also be child care so bring the kids along too. They are going to have a blast. This can also be a

great event to invite some friends who don’t know about Christ. A fun way to get to know some Christ followers, and who knows

what it could lead to. If you have any questions give the office a call at 652-9197.

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Page 4 The Monthly Star

Have You Made God Smile Today? Pray for a Child.

Children are often afraid of the dark. Even as adults we can fear the dark-ness. I have a dear friend who is 60 years old and is afraid of the dark. When her husband is away overnight hunting she has a friend sleep over with her. She cannot be left home alone.

I tell her that we are never alone. Jesus, our Lord is always with us! Thanks be to God!

At St. Paul’s Sunday school, we teach the children that Jesus is the Light of the world! They learn that Jesus is always by their side to protect them and light the way for them. There is no need to fear the darkness with Jesus.

Jesus says,

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

The children in Sunday school learn that Jesus is their constant companion, a friend forever, protector and Savior. They also learn that they can shine the Light of Jesus to the world by loving others. Children love with such pure hearts. The faith of a child pleases our Lord.

Jesus also says,

"Truly I tell you," He said, "unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Please join me as I pray for the smallest in our Sunday school; our children in the Nursery:

Dear Jesus, thank you for protecting us from darkness and danger. Thank you for shining your guiding light in the darkness. With you, Lord there is no darkness, only light and hope and love! This month we especially pray for Cole Riehle, Riley Christensen, Mec-ca, Lucas Davis, Zoticus Jovic, Lennon Schinzel and Cora Ra-gudos. These precious little ones can teach us about your endless agape love! Jesus, we continue to pray for Lucas Leitzan. Thank you, Lord for removing the cancer from Lucas. We praise you and your power, Almighty God! Please continue to hold him close for one more surgery. Thank you for hear-ing us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

Anonymous $1.91

Thank you Pastor Adam for baptizing Grace. $100.00 Mr. Gary Benson- “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” $40.00

Mr. & Mrs. James Brooks, Jr. $20.00

Ms. James Shank– For the gift of Gary Benson who makes the impossible, possible. $20.00 B. Transki $20.00 Alice Bush $8.00 Mr. Timothy Francis $25.00 January Total: $233.00

February 2017 Page 13

Donations to the Building Fund are published in the Monthly Star in the format you see. If you would like your gift to be listed anonymously, please indicate so on your envelope and we will be happy to comply.

Those who celebrate their February Anniversaries

Building Fund

7, 1957 Edward & Edith Posenjak 60 years 15, 1969 Larry & Cynthia Flint 48 years 20, 1983 Paul & Terry Tomczyk 24 years 21, 2004 Ronald & Ellen Lorek 13 years

If I missed your anniversary or have the wrong date please let me know so I can make the correction. Thank you, Katie [email protected]


If you have a story or a poem that you have written or a report on a past church activity that will encour-age the congregation, please submit it to pastor Adam. Any age group is welcome to participate. We simply ask that you keep the following in mind: 1) What you submit must be biblical; 2)it must relate to the ministry of St. Paul's; 3) it must be encouraging; 4) and it is subject to approval.

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Page 12 The Monthly Star

JESUS is a life-line for a tired soul, an exhausted mind, and a broken heart. Call out to Him in prayer.

Those with health concerns: Our Savior and healer we ask that you would touch those in need of healing; give them at all

times comfort and peace, and help them to accept your perfect will no matter what the outcome may be. We pray for the following: Blake, Joan, Tom, Denise, Liz, Colin, Mike, Jean, Mike, Andrew, Shirley, Holly, Jackson, Jimmy and others … AMEN!

Our Homebound Members: Ever-present Lord, you have promised never to leave us nor forsake us but to abide with us to the end of time. Grant those who are homebound the comfort of your presence. May your grant them today an encouraging visitor or phone call. Give to them strength in prayer, knowing that their prayers for our congregation are a powerful and effective work. May your Word fill them with faith and hope. Specifically we pray for: Vi Cornwell, Arlene Koch, Alan Dietz, Diane Hawk, Laura Tomaski and Walter & Katie Anstett.

Those in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations: Heavenly Father, the dark shadow of this fallen would cause us to experience many difficulties in this life. Yet we are filled with hope and find our strength in your one and only Son, Jesus Christ who overcome the world through his death and resurrection. Help those who are facing trials with the hope of the cross and resurrection. We pray for: Struggling couples, the unemployed, those dealing with mental illness, the incarcerated, many who struggle with addiction, those who grieve the loss of a loved one, families working through the hurt of divorce, those who suffer relentless physical pain…

Our Country and World: Lord, keep this nation under your care. Bless the leaders of our land that we may be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to other nations of the earth. Grant that we may choose trustworthy leaders, contribute to wise decisions for the general welfare, and serve You faithfully in our generation; through Jesus Christ. AMEN!

Those serving in the armed forces: Lord God of hosts, stretch forth your almighty arm to strengthen and protect those who serve in the armed forces of our country. Support them in times of war, and in times of peace keep them from all evil, giving them courage and loyalty. Grant that in all things they may serve with integrity and with honor, through Jesus Christ. Specifically we pray for: Andrea & Nathan Solomon, Mary & Doug Schroeder, Douglass Ziemer… (if your family member has been omitted please contact the church office.)

Our Evangelistic Work: Increase, O God, the faith and the zeal of all your people, that they may more diligently seek the salvation of their neighbors, through the message of your love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Send forth a mighty call unto all your servants, granting unto them hearts of love, sincerity of speech, and power from the Holy Spirit, that they may be able speak the gospel so that many forsake sin and return unto you. And so bless and favor the work of your people, that multitudes may be brought from the bondage of evil into the kingdom of your dear Son; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

February 2017 Page 5

BLOOD MOBILE Gloria Potzler

A big thank you to Gloria for all her work with the blood drives this year.

Blood Drive 2017 dates are:

March 1 May 3 July 5 September 6

So mark your calendars and let you friends, family and co-workers know about this need.

Opportunities to Share Christ’s Love Within Our Community

St. Paul's is partnering with UB Medical students! A team of students from UB medical school volunteer with UB H.E.A.L.S (Homeless health, Education, Awareness, and Leadership in Street medicine). They are in need of donations that consist of basic first aid supplies (gauze, first aid tape, 4x4 bandages, disinfectant etc), over the counter meds (tylenol, advil, cold meds etc.), and socks. One of their most requested items from people on the streets is a clean pair of socks. St. Paul's will serve as a drop off location. Please arrange a time to drop off over the counter meds directly to Pastor, or Katie. We will not accept prescription medication. Don't leave any meds unsecure in the church Nar-


The food for the month of February is BAKED BEANS OR PORK AND BEANS. Any size will do. We give out some kind of bean on every food distri-bution day.

PLEASE NOTE- We are always in need of paper and plastic grocery shopping bags. Just place them in the “FISH BOX” in the narthex of the church.

Thank you so much for the increased amounts of food given since the holidays. Our storage room is in need of restocking. FISH does depend on the community churches for their monthly collections.

Sue Cox

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LCMC News Dan Stahl

There are 21 Churches in the state of New York who belong to the LCMC. The 17th Annual Gathering

October 8-11, 2017 at Hilton Minneapolis 1001 S Marquette Ave / Minneapolis, MN 55403 / (612) 376-1000

Stay tuned for further details. You can also download our mobile app for regular news updates on the Annual Gathering, as well as other events.

LCMC Website Has a New Layout! ( By Kristy Thomas - LCMC - October 3, 2016 The LCMC Staff and Board of Trustees is excited to announce that today we have launched a new and im-proved version of our website in conjunction with our new logo and mobile app. To help make using our site a better experience for all, we have simplified our layout, made our site easier to navigate overall, and completely optimized it for use on your smartphone or tablet, so you can access the same resources and information as before in a more efficient way. In addition to simplifying our menu system, we’ve made it quicker for pastors and congregations to update their directory information, submit events for the LCMC calendar, and share their prayer requests and news stories. (Just click on the red button at the top of the page you'd like us to update!) Our "Find a Church" tool has also been updated, making it easier to search for nearby LCMC congregations in any area. We’ve also cleaned up the layout of our media library, mak-ing it easier to find and watch videos from past LCMC events. (You’ll find the same organization of videos and podcasts inside our mobile app, which enables its users to stream media to their TV using Apple TV or Google Chromecast.) We hope you enjoy the new look and improved functionality of our website. If you have any questions, you can always contact us.

Page 6

For this and more, check out the LCMC website at

The Monthly Star

Presently (as of 11/21/16):

Total Congregations: 930 U.S. Congregations: 741 States Represented: 43 Countries Represented: 17

February 2017 Page 11

Deacon’ Meeting Minutes Continued Regardless of what some may say, Christ does not promise believers that everything will come up rosy. As a matter a fact, He tells us just the opposite; in the world you will have tribulation. We are to take cheer though because there is a light at the end of the tunnel, Christ has overcome the world and all who believe by the working of the Holy Spirit, will be given the gift of eternal life!

We reviewed the needs of the congregation using the 1/6/17 St. Paul’s Care and Prayer Report. We have added a category for people who are scheduled for surgery and would like a visit prior to, during, or after the surgery. In order for this to be affective, we need to continue to remind the congregation that phone numbers of St. Paul’s Deacons are on the weekly Bulletin and all they have to do is call.

Dan handed out and read “10 Things You Should Know about Grieving People” by Nancy Guthrie, author of What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps (and What Really Hurts).

Grieving people don’t expect you to have words that will fix this, but they want you to say something. Grieving people don’t want to hear a story about your own or someone else’s loss. You don’t have to be in the inner circle of a grieving person’s friends to be a welcome companion in grief. If grieving people cry when you bring up the person they love who has died, it is not because you made them sad. Grieving people will not necessarily call you if they need something. Grieving people long to keep on hearing their loved one’s name. Grieving people would enjoy hearing a story about your experience with the person who died. Grieving people want you to simply be there at the visitation, the funeral, and beyond. It is extremely hard for a grieving person to have to give a report on how they are doing. But they do want you to invite

them to talk about their grief and their love one who died. It means the world to a grieving person to hear from you on the anniversary of their loved one’s death-no matter how long

it has been since the person died.

Continued on page 15

Elder Committee Meeting November 5, 2016 What If I told you that you are qualified to serve Jesus and the Church for which he died and rose again. You don’t need an education, or even a class. You can start today! You don’t even need to attend a meeting, or go to the church building. You don’t need to schedule anything else into your already-busy-life. You can be an everyday missionary today!

The elders have been reading the book, “Joining Jesus On His Mission – How to be an Everyday Missionary”, by Greg Finke. This short book (which only took me an afternoon to read), teaches us how we can be everyday missionaries starting NOW.

“But don’t worry. Joining Jesus on his mission is easier than we think-not more complicated. Joining Jesus doesn’t add another layer of busyness on top of an already insane schedule. Instead, joining Jesus results in less stress, more life, more laughter and more fruit that what many of us are currently seeing. Living missionally simply requires a new “missional” mindset – in other words, we begin to think of ourselves as Neighborhood Missionaries – and to put some new “missional” practices into play along the way, [which is described and unpacked in the book]” (Joining Jesus On His Mission. 23. Greg Finke. 10th Power Publishing. Tyler, TX).

Much of what is contained within Finke’s book will be woven into the sermons.

We also watched a video with Ed Stetzer and the president of Evangelism Explosion. We watched this video to balance out the ideas presented in Finke’s book. Evangelism Explosion trains Christians how to share the message of the Gospel with anyone, even strangers. This is the so-called, “cold-call” approach to evangelism. It was eye opening to learn from surveys that one out of five people are ready to have a spiritual conversation NOW. Sometimes we can share Christ with people immediately with-out developing a relationship.

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Page 10 The Monthly Star

Church Council Meeting Minutes January 10, 2017 7:00pm In Attendance: Pastor Adam Jansen, Ken Cox, Sue Cox, Jim McGee, Gloria Potzler, Bob Riehle, Barb Rotino, Miranda Rotino, Maria Schultz, Dan Schinzel, Jim Schinzel, Maureen Schinzel, Marsha Welshans

7:00 pm Pastor Adam let the members with Bible study on “What is The Church”.

Review of November’s Minutes. Treasurer’s Report - no current December report from Steve Aldstadt. Sunday School - Marsha reported that all is well; the Christmas Pageant was great. Trustee’s Report - in Monthly Star Deacon’s Report - in Monthly Star Elder’s Report - Elders had a meeting last Saturday; therefore report is not in this month’s Monthly Star. Stephen’s Ministry - they are meeting twice a month. Youth Ministry - nothing to report

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: St. Paul’s 150th anniversary - nothing new Gymnasium remodel committee - Miranda and Ken are setting a meeting date. (Pastor Adam wants to be in that meeting also.) Collection of all invoices for LCMC conference - all invoices in Secretarial position - there were 2 applicants; the Trustees majority vote for Katie Jensen

NEW BUSINESS: Council is proposing to have scheduled meetings will be every other month. ( as opposed to every month per our existing Constitution.) A proposal notice will be included in the Monthly Star to change the Constitution and will be brought up for a vote at the June (?) Congregational meeting

Election of officers scheduled at our Congregation meeting on Feb. 5th.

Elders to have some discussion at their next meeting concerning the Mission Chairman’s Election/appointment requirements as described in the Constitution (is different from the other Council members for some unknown reason)

Request for a new directory. Pastor to look into getting new photos taken for this updated directory.

Doug Stoddart looking for a helper to assist with the auditing of the books

The meeting ended with a Circle of Prayer at 8:30 p.m.

Submitted by Maria Schultz

Deacon’ Meeting Minutes January 21, 2017 In attendance: Dan Stahl, Barb Rotino, Mary Barkey, and Liz Stewart

Dan opened in prayer at 9:10

Dan informed everyone that we are ordering books from Stephen ministry called Cancer-What Now? And will be handing them out to those in need. Dan is going to have something written up to put in January’s Monthly Star.

Dan did a devotion form Dr. David Jeremiah about Reason for Cheer based on John 16:33. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Continued on page 11

February 2017 Page 7

Stephen Ministers have been called

and trained to come along side and

care for those in need. If you know of someone experiencing a hard time and could use a Stephen Minister to

come alongside them on their journey.

Contact: Dan Stahl (716-655-3349) or

Sue Cox (716-652-6835) or Karen Tanner (716-912-5441)

There is a new book being offered by Stephen Ministry

called CANCER-Now What?

A Way to Offer Help and Hope to Those Facing Cancer All too often we hear that someone we know is facing cancer. A friend, relative, or neighbor—or a colleague, church member, customer, patient, care receiver, or client—receives the devas-

tating news of a cancer diagnosis.

During such a difficult time, we want to reach out with support and care, to offer help and

hope. But how?

A simple, powerful way is to give a copy of Cancer—Now What? This book from Stephen Min-istries is a comprehensive how-to guide that helps cancer patients and their loved ones navigate the medical, emotional, relational, and spiritual challenges of cancer.

If you are aware of anyone who might benefit from such a book, please con-

tact any member of your Stephen Ministry team.

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SundaySundaySundaySunday MondayMondayMondayMonday TuesdayTuesdayTuesdayTuesday WednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesday

1 10:00am Prayer Group

7:00pm Choir Practice

5 8:15 and 11:00am Church

9:15am Faith Cafe

9:30am Sunday School



6:30pm Missions Team Meeting


10:00am Prayer Group

7:00 Choir Practice


8:15 and 11:00am Church

9:30am Sunday School



6:30pm Trustees Meeting

6:30pm Missions Team


10:00am Prayer Group

7:00pm Choir Practice


8:15 and 11:00am Church

9:30am Sunday School


7:00pm Women’s Meeting


6:30pm Missions Team Meeting


10:00am Prayer Group Meeting

7:00pm Choir Practice


8:15 and 11:00am Church

9:30am Sunday School

27 28 6:30pm Missions Team Meeting


30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and

with all your strength. ' 31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. ' There is no com-

mandment greater than these."

12:15pm Annual Meeting

WednesdayWednesdayWednesdayWednesday ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday FridayFridayFridayFriday SaturdaySaturdaySaturdaySaturday

10:00am Prayer Group

7:00pm Choir Practice

2 6:30pm Confirmation Class

7:00pm Stephen Ministry


4 8:00am Elder’s Meeting

9:00-11:00am Knitting Group 5:00pm Saturday Service

10:00am Prayer Group

7:00 Choir Practice


6:30pm Confirmation Class



7:00am Men’s Breakfast

9:00-11:00am Knitting Group 5:00pm Saturday Service

10:00am Prayer Group

7:00pm Choir Practice


6:30pm Confirmation Class

7:00pm Stephen Ministry



9:00am Deacons' Meeting

9:00-11:00am Knitting Group

5:00pm Saturday Service

10:00am Prayer Group Meeting

7:00pm Choir Practice


No Confirmation Class



9:00-11:00am Knitting Group

5:00pm Saturday Service


6pm Dinner & Games

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and

with all your strength. ' 31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. ' There is no com-

mandment greater than these."

Mark 12:30-31
