Download pptx - Opinion Tracker



You can get the weather or stock prices on the internet any time you like. With Opinion Trackers you can track literally anything. They are like a weather report for yourself, another person …or a whole bunch of people!


Track your friends’ mood, your medical symptoms, your job satisfaction or how much you like somebody. You can find out what other people think about whatever you are interested in - and track how those opinions have changed over time.


Opinion trackers give you the information you need to make the best decisions for yourself. They do this by helping you to compare how you or others felt about things before - to how you feel about them now.


Responses can be both descriptive and numeric at the same time to capture the degree of audience reaction Filter responses by the demographic groups you are interested in for detailed analysis anytime


With MeasureBox, you can set up an Opinion Tracker in seconds…. Save your opinions with a single click and add comments if you like


MeasureBox is wired into Hotmail, Google, Yahoo - and also Facebook, Twitter, and other social media MeasureBox puts you in control - and is always free. Thank you for watching!
