Page 1: Optimal Network Placement of SVC Devices


Optimal Network Placement of SVC DevicesRoberto Mínguez, Federico Milano, Member, IEEE, Rafael Zárate-Miñano, Student Member, IEEE, and

Antonio J. Conejo, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper addresses the optimal placement of staticvar compensators (SVCs) in a transmission network in such amanner that its loading margin is maximized. A multiscenarioframework that includes contingencies is considered. This problemis formulated as a nonlinear programming problem that includesbinary decisions, i.e., variables to decide the actual placementof the SVCs. Given the mixed-integer nonconvex nature of thisproblem, a Benders decomposition technique within a restartframework is used. Detailed numerical simulations on realisticelectric energy systems demonstrate the appropriate behavior ofthe proposed technique. Conclusions are duly drawn.

Index Terms—Benders decomposition, maximum loadingmargin, static var compensator (SVC) placement, voltage sta-bility.



Active power demand at bus .

Reactive power demand at bus .


Active power generation at bus .

Reactive power generation at bus .

Susceptance of an SVC at bus .

Binary variable associated with placing an SVCat bus .

Voltage magnitude at bus .

Voltage angle at bus .

Network loading margin.

Current magnitude through transmission line .


Set of possible static var compensator (SVC)placement buses.

Set of generator buses.

Manuscript received December 6, 2006; revised June 11, 2007. This workwas supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spainunder CICYT Project DPI2006-08001 and in part by Junta de Comunidades deCastilla-La Mancha under Project PBI-05-053. Paper no. TPWRS-00861-2006.

The authors are with the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real13071, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2007.907543


Number of constraints involving only binaryvariables.

Number of continuous variables.

Number of buses and of discrete variables.

Number of SVCs.

Cardinality of , i.e., number of possible SVClocations.

Number of lines.

Number of simulations.

Number of cases including the base case and thecontingencies.

Probability of case .

Number of constraints involving continuous andbinary variables.

Vectors and matrices are in boldface, while scalar variables arein italic (e.g., is the vector of all voltage magnitudes

). Other symbols are defined as required in the text.


A. Motivation and Approach

Static var compensators (SVCs) make it possible to enhancethe functioning of a transmission network by increasing sig-

nificantly its loading margin. Thus, SVCs are increasingly usedin nowadays stressed transmission systems.

Being that the load flow equations are nonlinear, to identifyin which buses SVCs should be located is a complex problemmostly treated heuristically in the available literature. Therefore,it naturally arises the need to tackle this problem in a systematicand formal way so that the best or a near-best solution is found.

This paper provides an optimization procedure based onBenders decomposition that incorporates multiple restarts fordetermining in which buses of a transmission network SVCsshould be installed. Diverse scenarios including the base case,and contingencies are considered. The target is to maximize theloading margin. The proposed multistart Benders frameworkallows avoiding local minima and reaching eventually theglobal minimum. It should be emphasized that the method-ology proposed in this paper can be straightforwardly appliedto locate any type of FACTS devices. However, for the sake ofclarity and simplicity, we consider only the placement of SVCs.

0885-8950/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

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B. Literature Review

In the technical literature, the allocation of FACTS deviceshas been carried out through different strategies. In [1], alinear iterative method is proposed to find the best placementof FACTS devices in order to minimize the expected thermalgeneration cost and the investment cost on these devices ina hydrothermal coordination problem. In [2], a sensitivityanalysis is used to locate thyristor-controlled series capacitors(TCSCs) and unified power flow controllers (UPFCs) to in-crease the maximum power transfer level of the system. In [3],a method based on a voltage stability index is used to find thebest location of the FACTS to avoid the voltage collapse.

In [4] and [5], the FACTS location problem is solved bymeans of genetic algorithms to lower the cost of energy produc-tion and to improve the system loading margin, respectively. Atwo-step procedure is proposed in [6] to locate thyristor con-trolled phase shifting transformers (TCPSTs) in a system usinga dc load flow model. In the first step, the system loading marginis maximized, while in the second step the total investmentcost or the total number of phase shifters is minimized. In bothsteps a mixed-integer linear programming problem is solved.Reference [7] provides a var planning tool which considerssimultaneously static constraints as well as voltage stabilityconstraints. The formulation and implementation is based ona three-level hierarchical decomposition scheme where eachsubproblem is solved by the interior point method. In [8], theFACTS location problem is formulated as a mixed-integernonlinear programming problem. The optimal placement isobtained optimizing both the investment cost in FACTS andthe security in terms of the cost of operation under contingencyevents. The problem is considered convex and solved by Ben-ders decomposition.

The Benders decomposition is a particularly attractive tech-nique for the FACTS location problem because it allows treatingbinary and continuous variables separately, thus achieving so-lution efficiency for moderate computational effort. However,the Benders decomposition requires that the objective functionof the considered problem, projected on the subspace of thecomplicating variables, has a convex hull. Unfortunately, thisis not the case for the SVC allocation problem. Nevertheless,since the global minimum must lie in a convex subregion, wesolve the above drawback by restarting Benders decompositionwith points that cover most of the solution space and thatallows searching convex subregions, which make it possibleidentifying local minima and eventually the global minimum.We consider this technique particularly appropriate to the SVCplacement problem since the alternative is a fully heuristicsearch (e.g., a genetic algorithm), which generally does notallow taking into account in detail the physics of the problem.

C. Contributions

The contributions of this paper are threefold.1) A novel technique: A Benders decomposition technique

incorporating multiple restarts is used to place SVCs in atransmission network. This technique allows tackling non-convexities.

2) An efficacious and robust algorithm: The proposed de-composition is efficacious in locating globally optimal or

near-optimal solutions and robust in what refers to compu-tational behavior.

3) A proven procedure: Detailed numerical simulations con-sidering different realistic electric energy systems provethe good behavior of the proposed technique.

D. Paper Organization

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II pro-vides the detailed formulation of the considered problem. InSection III the proposed solution algorithm is stated. Section IVprovides and analyzes results for a 40-bus system, and two re-alistic systems, namely, the IEEE 300-bus test system and a1228-bus Italian network. Section V gives some relevant con-clusions.


In this paper, the following mixed-integer nonlinear program-ming problem is used to compute the maximum loading condi-tion of a network














where the notation of most variables, constants, and numbersis given at the beginning of this paper and are theelements of the admittance matrix of the network, andand are the series admittance and the shunt susceptance,respectively, of the transmission line . The discrete variables

define the placement of the SVCs, i.e., if ,an SVC is placed at bus .

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The objective function and the equality and inequality con-straints in (1)–(12) are explained below.

A. Objective Function

Minimizing corresponds to find the maximum loadingcondition that can be associated with either [9]

1) voltage stability limit (collapse point) corresponding to asystem singularity (saddle-node bifurcation);

2) system controller limits such as generator reactive powerlimits (limit-induced bifurcation);

3) thermal or bus voltage limit.Observe that (1) is the simplest objective function that al-

lows taking into account voltage stability constraints [10]. Othermore sophisticated models have been proposed in [11] and [12].Nevertheless, the main goal of this paper is to formulate themaximum loading condition problem as a mixed-integer non-linear programming problem and solve it by means of a robusttechnique. Thus, the conclusions to be drawn using (1) can beextended to other objective functions and OPF models of theform (1)–(12).

B. Equality Constraints

The system functioning is represented by the power flow (2)and (3), and the current flows in transmission lines and trans-formers (4). According to typical assumptions in voltage sta-bility studies [9], the loading margin is a scalar value that in-creases uniformly the active and reactive powers of all loads.Thus, the power factor of load powers is assumed to be con-stant. Equation (5) imposes that the SVCs cannot be installed atgenerator buses, as it is common practice. Finally (6) is neededto fix the reference bus phase angle.

For simplicity, it is assumed that there is at most one generatorat each bus. If no generator is connected at bus , then


For the sake of simplicity, but without lack of generality,SVC devices are modeled as variable susceptances. More so-phisticated models (e.g., the fundamental frequency firing anglemodel) can be implemented but doing so does not change the so-lution technique that is proposed in this paper. It should also benoted that different steady-state models of FACTS, i.e., TCSCs,UPFCs, TCPSRs, etc., can be straightforwardly incorporated inproblems (1)–(12).

C. Inequality Constraints

The physical and security limits considered in this paper aresimilar to those proposed in [13], and take into account gener-ator active (7) and reactive limits (8), voltage magnitude limits(9), and transmission line thermal limits (4). Inequalities (10)are used for limiting voltage angles, eventually improving theconvergence of the optimization method. Inequalities (11) areused for limiting the susceptance of installed SVCs; if the SVCis not placed at the bus , the associated SVC susceptance limitsare set to zero. Finally, (12) imposes that the maximum numberof installed SVCs is .


A. Compact Formulation

The SVC placement problem formulated in Section II can beexpanded to consider multiple scenarios (base case and contin-gencies) and reformulated in a compact manner as




where, and

, and constraints (15) and (16) include both equality and in-equality constraints. Note that . Note also thatrefers to different scenarios (i.e., base case and contingencies)and is the probability associated with the occurrence of sce-nario . It should be noted that the above formulation considerssimultaneously one base case scenario and several contingencyscenarios. Observe also that SVC placement variables do notdepend on the scenario while operational variables do.

Note that the objective function (14) provides a measure ofthe average impact on system security (average loading margin)resulting from the availability of SVCs. This average value iscomputed for all plausible loading and contingency scenariosproperly weighted by their corresponding probabilities of oc-currence.

B. Solution Algorithm

The proposed multistart Benders decomposition procedurefor problems (14)–(16) shown in Fig. 1 works as follows [14].

1) Global Initialization. Set the simulation counter toand , where is the global minimum of

problems (14)–(16).2) Random Initial Solution. Place randomly the available

SVCs in the network, i.e., initialize , and update thesimulation counter .

3) Benders Initialization. Set the Benders iteration counter to, and .

Note that the lower bound of the objective function optimalvalue is initialized to .

4) Subproblem Solutions. Solve for all cases considered(base case and contingencies)




The solution of this subproblem providesand . It should be noted

that is the dual variable associated with (19).

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Fig. 1. Structure of the proposed multistart Benders framework.

Update the objective function upper bound,.

Note that since is not generally optimal, con-stitutes an upper bound of the objective function optimalvalue.Observe that (1)–(12) corresponds to one instance ofproblem (17)–(19) once variables are fixed to trialvalues. An interesting feature of the Benders decom-position technique is that the problems (17)–(19),

corresponding to the base case and the contingencies, aredecoupled and can thus be solved in parallel.

5) Infeasibility Check. If or a non-convex region is wrongly reconstructed and no solution canbe identified; if the number of prespecified rounds hasnot been reached go to 2), otherwise the algorithm con-cludes. In any other case the algorithm continues below.

6) Convergence Check. If , a solu-tion with a level of accuracy has been found

and the algorithm continues below; otherwise, it contin-uous in 8).

7) Global Solution Update. If update the globalsolution and the algorithm con-tinues in 2) if the number of prespecified rounds has notbeen reached; otherwise, the algorithm concludes. In anyother case, the algorithm continues below.

8) Master Problem Solution. Update the iteration counterand solve





Note that at each iteration one additional constraint (22) isadded to problem (20)–(23). Constraint (23) forces to lookfor solutions with objective function value lower than orequal to the current optimum thus seeking better andbetter solutions. Note that (23) increases the failure rate ofthe Benders scheme but ensures that solutions found aresuccessively better and better. The solution of this masterproblem provides and .Update the objective function lower bound .The algorithm continues in 4).It should be noted that problem (20)–(23) approximatessuccessively problems (14)–(16). Note that consti-tutes a lower bound of the optimal value of the objectivefunction because problems (20)–(23) approximates frombelow problem (14)–(16). If the Benders decompositiontechnique converges, then, .

C. Generation of Initial Solutions

A relevant issue concerning the performance of the proposedmethod is how to generate random initial SVC allocations inorder to restart the Benders procedure. It should be noted thatthe SVC locations are randomly generated just as starting points

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Fig. 2. Simulation procedure for a 10-bus system.

for the Benders algorithm and with the purpose of exploringthe whole feasibility region so that the global maximum is notmissing.

Let us consider a 10-bus system with 3 generation buses cor-responding to buses 2, 5, and 8, respectively, as indicated inFig. 2(a) using gray shadows. The aim is to generate an ini-tial random positioning for SVCs. As no device canbe located at generation buses, for the first iteration set with

components is initialized including just the positions whereSVCs can be located as shown in Fig. 2(a). Next, a random in-teger value between 1 and the cardinality of isgenerated using “ ,” where a uni-formly random number between 0.5 and is rounded tothe nearest integer. Note that using this expression, the proba-bility of obtaining any of the integers on the list is equally likely.Considering that a 3 has been obtained, the first device is locatedat the position indicated by the third component of set , i.e.,bus 4 [see Fig. 2(b)]. For the next iteration, set is updatedbecause no additional SVCs can be installed in bus 4. The car-dinality of is updated , and a random in-teger value is obtained using the same expression. Consideringthe resulting random integer number to be 5, the second SVCis located at the position indicated by the fifth component of set

, i.e., bus 9 [see Fig. 2(c)]. The procedure continues until allSVCs have been placed.

Note that this procedure allows us to randomly generate a fea-sible initial solution for the Benders decomposition procedurewith a probability of occurrence of


In general, the algorithm to generate initial solutions proceedsas stated in the following.

1) Data and initialization: Required data include the set ofpossible device locations , its cardinality and thenumber of SVCs to be installed .Set the iteration counter to , and all the componentsof to zero.

2) Random number generation: Obtain the first random in-teger number using the expression


Fig. 3. Flow chart of the algorithm to generate random initial solutions.

3) SVC placement: Set the th component in vector corre-sponding to the th element in set to 1.

4) Stopping criterion: If the procedure concludes,otherwise update the iteration counter , the set

and the remaining number of possible device locations, and continue in 2).

The flow chart of the algorithm to generate random initialsolutions is shown in Fig. 3.


A. Southwest England 40-Bus System

This section discusses a case study based on the 40-bus testsystem shown in Fig. 4. This system is based on a simplifiedmodel of the Southwest England power system and firstly ap-peared in [15]. Most power flow data can be found in [16] whilethe system limits used in this paper are provided in the Ap-pendix. The network includes 40 buses, 65 lines, and 17 loadsfor a total base-case load of 41 MW and 7 Mvar. There are threevoltage levels, namely 132, 33, and 11 kV. A feeding substationis located at bus 40 at 132 kV. Buses 20, 22, and 29-37 are at11 kV, while all remaining buses are at 33 kV. Generators arelocated at buses 6, 13, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 39.

The original network does not contain SVCs. In this case,compensation is obtained through a static condenser at bus 12and proper values of tap ratios of 33/11 kV transformers. Theseare the transformers that connect buses 1–29, 2–30, 3–31, 4–31,5–32, 8–36, 9–35, 10–33, 11–34, 27–37, and 28–37, respec-tively. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the tap ratiosof these transformers are fixed.

The maximum number of SVCs that can be allocated in thissystem is 33, i.e., the number of buses minus the number ofgenerators (no SVC is located at generator buses).

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Fig. 4. The 40-bus test system.

In the simulations, we consider the base case scenario andthe four “worst case” contingencies corresponding to the out-ages of the lines 29–1, 26–39, 17–18, and 5–6, respectively.Contingency scenarios are sorted in increasing order of poten-tial damage. Furthermore, we also study a multiscenario modelwhere the objective function (14) is the average loading marginfor the different cases multiplied by their corresponding proba-bilities of occurrence, i.e.,


where the -values for this example are % for the basecase, and % % %, and % for theline outage cases, respectively.

Up to 5 SVCs (i.e., ) and 200 different initial so-lutions for each number of SVCs have been considered for eachscenario. Observe that for , it is sufficient to place theSVC at each bus and then to check which placement providesthe maximum loading margin. However, the case is in-cluded for the sake of completeness. The optimization problemsare solved using CPLEX 10.0 (master problem) and MINOS5.51 (subproblems) under GAMS [17] with a Sun Fire V20Zwith 2 processors at 2.40 GHz and 8 GB of RAM memory.

Table I provides the results for each scenario and for eachvalue of . The first column shows the maximum loadingmargin without SVC placement ) and the percentage oftimes the Benders procedure fails to converge % for thefirst 200 5 runs (5 cases considering from 1 to 5 SVCs and200 simulations for each case). The loading margin providedin the third column of Table I is the maximum value obtainedafter the 200 simulations. The fourth column provides thenumber of times that the Benders procedure converges to theglobal optimal solution using different initial solutions. TheSVC placement depicted in the fifth column corresponds tothe maximum value of the loading margin . The last columnof Table I shows the CPU time in seconds needed to completethe 200 simulations for each scenario. Observe that the number



of SVCs located is always equal to , although (12) onlyimposes that the number of SVCs is smaller than or equal to

. This result is to be expected since the higher the numberof SVCs installed in the network, the higher the loadability ofthe network.

It is relevant to note that for the outage of line 29–1 (con-tingency 1), the solution without SVCs is not feasible, in fact

. After the SVC placement, the system com-plies the N-1 security criterion, i.e., for .

Note that for the multiscenario case, the result up to 3 SVCsis equal to the results for the base case and the contingency case4, while for 4 and 5 SVCs the result of the multiscenario case isthe same as that of contingency case 4.

Fig. 5 illustrates the loading margin as a function of thenumber of installed SVCs, . For the sake of illustration, inthis case up to 20 SVCs (i.e., ) have been consid-ered. The black dots indicate the best values of found, whilelight gray dots indicate the values of obtained with subop-timal SVC placements. Fig. 5(a) depicts the solution for thebase case and for each contingency considered separately. Asexpected, the base case leads to the highest loading margins.Observe that the optimal value of saturates below 20 SVCsfor contingencies 1 and 2. This result is to be expected, sincethe maximum loading condition is given by the transmission line

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Fig. 5. Evolution of the loading margin � as a function of the number of in-stalled SVCs n for the different cases. (a) Separate solutions for the base caseand each contingency. (b) Solution of the multiscenario model that includes thebase case and all contingencies.

thermal limits or by the saddle-node bifurcation if there is no re-active power problem. Fig. 5(b) depicts the solution of the mul-tiscenario problem that includes a weighted average of the basecase and the 4 worst contingencies. Observe that the low prob-ability of the contingencies with respect to the base case leadsto high values of the loading margin . Simulation results con-sidering the 20 cases show that the percent of variation, whichis equal to the difference between the maximum and the min-imum obtained loading margins divided by the average value

, is between 0 and 4% for all cases. The percentage of timesthe Benders decomposition fails to converge varies between 0and 98% across the cases considered. The simulation numberwhere the maximum loading margin is obtained ranges from 1to 194.

For the sake of comparison, Table II provides the ten smallesteigenvalues of the reduced power flow Jacobian matrix of the40-bus system obtained using the well-known sensitivityapproach proposed in [18]. The Jacobian matrix is computedfor the base case loading condition.

According to the sensitivity analysis, the buses associ-ated through participation factors with the lowest eigenvaluesare the best candidates for reactive power compensation. Theweakest bus is bus 29, which is also the bus provided in Table Ifor . However, as the maximum number of deviceincreases, the sensitivity analysis is only able to provide roughinformation on the best bus candidates for the placement of SVCdevices. For example, for , the optimal solution in Table I






for the base case provides buses 29 and 30. On the other hand,the sensitivity analysis is only able to show that buses 29 and30 are among the 10 weakest buses of the system. Table IIIshows a comparison of the maximum loading margins ob-tained using the proposed Benders decomposition technique andthe sensitivity analysis method. Observe that the Bendersdecomposition technique is able to find better SVC placementsolutions for .

It should also be noted that if a standard Benders procedureis used [14] (with no restart), the solution attained is generallyworse than the one obtained by the proposed multistart Bendersalgorithm. Table IV compares the solutions of both methods.

B. IEEE 300-Bus Test System

This section presents and discusses a case study based on theIEEE 300-bus test system [19]. The aim of this case study isto show that the proposed Benders decomposition technique isfeasible for large networks. Due to space limitations, only thebase case is considered in this case study.

The maximum number of SVCs that can be allocated in thissystem is 231, i.e., the number of buses minus the number ofgenerators.

For this case study, we consider up to 5 SVCs (i.e.,), and 500 different initial solutions for each value of


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Results for the IEEE 300-bus test system are given in Table V,which provides similar information as Table I but for the IEEE300-bus system.

Table VI provides simulation results up to 5 SVCs, whereis the loading margin mean value for the 500 simulations, isthe loading margin standard deviation, range is the differencebetween the maximum and the minimum loading margins ob-tained, “% of variation” is equal to the range divided by the av-erage value , “% of failure” is the percentage of times theBenders decomposition fails to converge, is the simulationnumber corresponding to the maximum loading margin, isthe number of different solutions obtained by means of the Ben-ders decomposition, and is the number of different possibleSVC placement configurations obtained through the inverse offormula (24).

Note that the solution for more than one SVC does not includethe optimal position for 1 SVC, showing that the sensitivityanalysis method fails to obtain the global optimum if the numberof SVC is greater than 1.

The most likely global optima for the placement of 1 to 5SVCs are obtained at iterations 169, 466, 186, 243, and 87, re-spectively (see Table VI). Note that in most cases the optimumis obtained in fewer iterations than 500 (number of restarts).

C. 1228-Bus Italian Network

For the sake of completeness the proposed method is appliedto a real-world 1228-bus model of the Italian transmission grid.Due to space limitations only the base case is considered.

For this case study, we consider up to 3 SVCs and 200 dif-ferent initial solutions for each value of SVCs.

Results are given in Table VII, which provides similar infor-mation as Table I. Table VII also provides information about thefirst solution of the method, corresponding to the standard Ben-ders approach. The following observations are pertinent.

1) The solution provided by the multistart Benders methodis better than the one provided by the sensitivity basedtechnique. Note that the three nodes associated with theweakest eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix are 483, 758and 413, respectively. The objective function values cor-responding to the positioning of one SVC at node 483,two SVCs at nodes 483 and 758, and three SVCs at nodes483, 758 and 413, are and

, respectively, which are worse solutions thanthose provided by the proposed technique (see Table VII).

2) Even if the Benders decomposition method with only onestarting point is considered (standard Benders), results arebetter than those obtained using the sensitivity method.

3) For 2 SVCs, there are two equivalent solutions because thecorresponding objective functions are almost the same andnodes 241 and 242 are geographically very close. Sincethis is the only solution obtained through the simulationprocess, we can affirm with a high confidence level thatthis is the global optimum.

4) For the case of three SVCs, only two different solutionsare obtained through the simulation process. Note that theoptimal solution corresponds to nodes 240, 241, and 242.

Buses 483 and 413 are located in Northeast Italy, while bus758 is in the South. These buses belong to scarcely intercon-nected subtransmission networks at 132 kV. Hence, these busespresent high participation factors with respect to the lowesteigenvalues of the power flow Jacobian matrix. Althoughplacing SVC devices at these buses can locally improve voltagelevels, this does not necessarily implies a benefit for the wholeItalian grid.

Buses 313, 240, 241, and 242 are well interconnected 400kV buses located in the North of Italy, in between Switzerlandand the industrial area of Milan. These buses are not particu-larly weak since they are well interconnected to the HV network.However, a voltage support of the heavily loaded area of Milanimprove the loading margin of the whole Italian grid. Observealso that to place several SVCs at buses geographically closebasically means that the requirement of reactive power of thearea of Milan is higher than the maximum capacity of a singleSVC. This information cannot be deduced from the sensitivityanalysis.

Finally, note that the computing time needed by the sensi-tivity technique is basically the time required to compute theeigenvalues of the corresponding power flow Jacobian matrix.This time is generally much smaller than the computing time re-quired by the proposed Benders procedure. For example, to lo-cate 3 SVCs in the 1228-bus Italian network, the time requiredby the sensitivity technique is 10 seconds (that is, the CPU timeneeded to compute the 3 smallest eigenvalues of the power flowJacobian matrix and the associated bus participation factors)whereas the time required by the Benders technique considering200 restarts is about 52 h.

D. Remarks

From the results obtained in the case studies, the followingobservations are pertinent.

1) The maximum loading margin saturates as the number ofSVC devices increases under two different situations: a)the maximum loading condition is imposed by transmis-sion line thermal limits or b) a saddle-node bifurcationoccurs if there is no reactive power shortage. For bothcases adding new SVCs does not improve significantly theloading margin.

2) Differences in range up to 7%. This fact can be useful incase that a suboptimal solution is more acceptable than theoptimal one for practical reasons (e.g., reachability of thebus, availability of the area around the bus for the installa-tion of the SVC, etc.).

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3) The number of times that the Benders procedure fails toconverge, ranging from 0% to 98%, and the number ofrepetitions of the different solutions obtained show boththe globally nonconvex character of the problem and theexistence of local convex regions.

4) Simulations point out the existence of clearly differentlocal minima.

5) The number of occurrences of the globally optimal solu-tion varies considerably with the number of SVCs to beinstalled.

6) For the considered case-studies, the proposed method per-forms better than the sensitivity method. For the base case,the optimal loading margins obtained from 2 up to 5 SVCsis always higher than the solution obtained through the sen-sitivity method (see Table III).

7) The proposed method allows an easy implementationof multiscenario problems, which can be solved in adistributed fashion. This allows considering all differentsituations at once.

8) The proposed technique is feasible for realistic size net-works. Note that CPU time varies fairly linearly with thenumber of SVCs. Computational times are reasonable con-sidering that a design problem is solved.

9) Even thought the proposed technique requires higher com-puting time than the sensitivity method, results are consid-erably better, which makes this approach more appropriatefor the allocation of SVCs.


This paper presents a multistart Benders decomposition tech-nique to maximize the loading margin of a transmission networkthrough the placement of SVCs. A base case and different con-tingency cases are considered. The proposed algorithm proves



to be efficacious in identifying optimal or near-optimal solu-tions and robust in what refers to computational behavior. Thethree case studies analyzed provide detailed numerical simula-tions and prove the good behavior of the proposed technique.The solutions obtained are superior to those obtained using asensitivity analysis procedure for a number of installed SVCsgreater than one.

Future work will focus on modeling other FACTS differentthan SVCs (e.g., series FACTS devices).


This Appendix provides the limit values used in the 40-buscase study so that the interested reader can readily reproducepaper results. All p.u. values shown in this section are referredto a 100 MVA power base and to transformer voltage ratings.Table VIII provides transmission line and transformer thermallimits, while Table IX provides generator reactive power limits.Maximum and minimum voltage limits are considered to be1.1 and 0.9 p.u., respectively, for all buses. Finally, SVC max-imum and minimum susceptance limits are p.u.and p.u., respectively.

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Roberto Mínguez received the civil engineering de-gree and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics andcomputer science in September 2000 and June 2003,respectively, from the University of Cantabria, San-tander, Spain.

During 2004, he was a Visiting Scholar at Cor-nell University, Ithaca, NY, under the Fulbrightprogram. He is currently an Assistant Professor ofnumerical methods in engineering at the Universityof Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain. Hisresearch interests are reliability engineering, sensi-

tivity analysis, numerical methods, and optimization.

Federico Milano (M’03) received the electrical engi-neering degree and the Ph.D. degree in electrical en-gineering from the University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy,in March 1999 and June 2003, respectively.

From September 2001 to December 2002, heworked at the Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo,ON, Canada, as a Visiting Scholar. He is currentlyan Associate Professor of electrical engineering atthe University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real,Spain.

His research interests are voltage stability, electricity markets, and computer-based power system modeling.

Rafael Zárate-Miñano (S’05) received the elec-trical engineering degree in April 2005 from theUniversidad of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real,Spain, where he is currently pursuing the

His research interests include voltage stability,electricity markets, sensitivity analysis, optimiza-tion, and numerical methods.

Antonio J. Conejo (F’04) received the M.S. degreefrom the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree from theRoyal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,in 1990.

He is currently a full Professor at the Universityof Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain. His re-search interests include control, operations, planning,and economics of electric energy systems, as well asstatistics and optimization theory and its applications.
