

On the · . - ;. ~

Capitan welcomes 40 new students

Nearly 40 more students showed up at Capitan high school on the first day of classes Wedne,;day than were enrolled at the end of 1992-93 school year.

'We had to order more books and chairs and we may have to try to borrow some from Ruidoso until ours are delivered," said Diana Son­namaker, who took over as super­mtendent during the summer.

"Everything is on track. A couple uf classes are overloaded, but it won't be a problem moving them around."

The first day figures showed 285 elementary students, down a few from the projection and 271 in high school, up 36 fram last year.

"We're getting new chiloren from all over, especially California," Son­namaker said. In spite of the extra load, "everybody was in class on tune and the buses are running on schedule."

Business after hours set for this afternoon

· .rrhtr-Ruidoso Chsmbe:- of Conr­merce Business After Hours will be from 5:30 to 7 p.m. today at Crown Point Condominiums.

Crown Point managers Ann and R1ck Evans invite people to come find out about Crown Pomt and also let others know about their busmesses.

It's also a good lime to relax from the hectic summH with some old business friends.

Skeen visits Rotary

Cunt,rressman Joe Skeen\ RJ IS scheduled for a noon talk to the Ru1doso Rotary Club Tuesday, Au­gust 24, at the Bull Rmg Restaurant on MPchem Dnve

Skeen 1s expected to talk on thr President's tax package and the proposed overhaul of the natwn's health care system.

Skeen srud he also IS open to talk on other other 1ssues includwg campaign finance reform, Freedom of Choice Act, and a possible freeze in social security cost of !Jving ad­JUStments.




'Signs lead to court for i'

councilor & promoter by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer

An apparent blunder by an offi­cial of the state high way depart­ment led to a criminal complaint against a Ruidoso village councilor last Friday.

A larceny charge was lodged against Councilor Frank Potter by Ruth Sikes of Pampa, Texas, for removing her promotional si~ns from state rights of way.

The private signs, some of wh1ch were attached to exjsting highway speed signs, promoted an arts and crafts fair sponsored by her compa­ny, Showcase Productions, and staged at the Civic Events Center. Last weekend was Sikes' fourth show at the center.

The arts and crafi.s shows have come under severe criticism by Ju. cal retailers who chargl~d that it was unfair competition to allow tlw wholesall:'rs into Ruidoso o 1ly un the good weekends, lo undercut the local merchants and thl'n leavt>.

The vi'llage council, in support of the merchants, recently voted to t'liminale that type of merchandls­ing.

Early Friday, Mayor ,JHry ShHw said she had received complaints from mPrchants that the Illrgal signs were appeanng rm Sudd .. rth Drive and Mechem Dnw Tlw ~if.:Il:­violate village ordinance~

Shaw saJd shP askPd vJilagP phnning and zomng cLrector Cleatus Richards sevPTal timPs to remove the signs

1-<ichards informPd hPr that hr talked WJth Tim Bnslf•r, state traf­fic engin~>er ba~wd m Roswell, and Hasler told him hr had giVen the woman permissiOn to plart• signs on highway nghts of way.

According to Richards, S1kPs had no \'Jllage permits bP::ause he swd 1t was within the state h1ghway nght9 of way, wh1ch the statr con­trols.

"That is their area of JUnsciic­tion," Richards said. I havr talked to Mr. Basler regardmg not allow­mg permits tn the future unless also approved by the village ..

Rirhards said thPrP was r.o un· derstandlng hrtwren thr stair highway department and thr vil­lage for such communication. He said he was working on an ag-rf>e­ment.

However, village attorney John Underwood told The Ruidoso

News Tuesday that village or­dinances apply to all roads and streets within Ruidoso and all areas within Huidoso, regardless of il state highway right of way.

Under Chapter 10 of the village planning and zoning codes, all signs within the Village of Ruidoso must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate oflicer of the village prior to being placed. Fees are 50 cents per square foot of sign or $25 whichever is greater. Off premise signs require written pl!rmission.

According to a civic event center contract that Sikes had to sign to lease the premisPs, "Any person who is can·ying L!. uri>. causing tu lH~ carril~d on any ;,rtivity w1th thl· purpose of dirPct or md1rect finan­cial benefit IS ellgHglll..: 1n JJUSII!CSS

and must C'Jmply with ;;tate and lo­cal husinPss rPgistratit•n and busi­ness license regulations."

Carroll Young, dPputy secn•taJ")' of highways for the slate, told Thl' Ruidoso News Monday that such signs on the highway rights of way would \.w inappropriate and wrong. Hr sa1d signs could ohscun• trntTic control signs and that he would Le surprisPd if pt>rmiSSlOn was granted.

He said he would ask Tom Dick. District II EnginPl'r located in Ros­well, to look into the mfltter.

Dick told The News that Basler informed him that he had not al­lowed the highway right of way signs, but thr~t's not what Basler told The News later in thr day.

/\ppan•ntly, 1n a conversatwn wJth Richards last Fnclay, it was agn·Pd to allow tht· signs to :;land.

I told CIPatus that bf'OlUSP wt· d1dn't h<~ve that tape (Sikes sa1d she taped her conversation with Basler) we didn't kno· on!' way or the other... Basler S<i! d ShP al· ready had the si!;Jls up and th r t'wnt's g:om~ to he u\"f'r th1s werkend I understood that thPre was only 10 to 1:2 signs 1ahout $250 1n VIllage permit feps) in the size r11nge of a real estate sign and Jt was a function that was being put on at the ci,nc center That if there was some problem with these. we'd go ahead with this, this time, and in the future it wouldn't happen I agaJn)."

The N('WS told Basler that his ronvt•rsation with Richards sounded ns 1f hP gave permission

"OK, I did," Basler said. "My problem is, why are you blowing this out of proportion?"

Basler said he didn't think it was a big deal, but in the future he didn't think it would happen agai'1. He said he was sorry Frank Potter got into trouble.

According to Ruidoso police de­partment reports, Sikes said there was a disputr~ earlier in the day be­tween her and Richards regarcLng placement of the sign~. She wrote in the report chat she thought the dispute was resolved about 5 p.m. after she told Richnrds she had sign placement permission from Bn:;ler.

Apparently, som!~timt· Friday, Potter decided to remo\t· \he signs when Hichards wouldn'1.

Sikes srud about ; 1 p m , she was leaving the civic tt'IltPr and ob­served Potter rem()\. n~ her signs from the road and putting thl•m in h1s vdude. Potter tuld SikPs that her s1gns were illegal. nccurcLng to the report. The signs were then put in Sikes' car and she left

In a late evening discussion with Ruidoso Patrolman Robert Layher, the officer ad\1sed Sikes to replace her signs and in the morning con­tact the dirPctor of the ci\-ic center and the mayor or the village man­ager and adVIse them shP had pPrmiSSIOI! from the highway de­partment to place the signs.

Layher ad\:ised S1kes sht• could file a civ1l action against those in­volved, but suggested she cLscuss it furth1·r first

At about :z.::lO a.m . S1kes walked Into thl' p()l1re dr~partment and smd afler tlm1lun~ 1l nvn. she fPll that l'ottt•r was md(•Pd committing a rnrnt• and sht> would likP to fliP

Contacted by The News Mun· day, Potter sa1d hP n•mowcl tht· s1gns because they were rn \1olat10n of thr village ord1nances. and somP, attached to eJGstmg h1ghway s1gns. represented a traffic nsk to the community.

Sikes said Wednrsday that hPr attorney had told her not tn discuss the subject, hcwrver. shr mruntained she had pPrmiSSion frum Basler and that Basler had told her where to place thr s1gns

She srud she had attached hPr s1gn to a highway spePd sign for stability

She said shP had lost SIX s1g-ns over the weekend anr1 intended to pursue a suit against Potter.

A private arts and crafts sign, centered on the highway median strip, was one of several signs removed by Councilor Frank Potter who considered the signs illegal and

a community health risk, diverting attention away from the traffic. The owner of the ~ign!¥ claims she had highway permission and filed charges against Potter.

... ,

Full ride! Mtchelle Morris and Montca Martinez, 1993 graduates of Rutdoso High School. will conttnue their volleyball careers at Trinidad State University in Colorado after signing a let­ter of intent Wednesday and recetving full ride scholar­ships. Their first game will be August 28.

Former Fort Stanton administrator jailed by DIANNE STALLINGS RUidoso News Staff Wrrter

A former admimstrator of Fort Sl'·nton Hospital and Training Sc .. ool has been slapped with a harsh SIX month sentl•nce fur cun­tPrn pt of court.

The contempt sr•ntenrP JS lJnkPd to Mark DeiCado's ffUlun· to ac­count for money lll'lonh'lng to a Fort Stanton patiPnt. arcurd1nR tt1 ,Judge R1rhard A. Parsons of thP Twt•ltlh ,J udicJHl D1stnct

DPIGado wa!' HITPstPJ at 111 :ib a m Fnday un a warrant Jssuf•d >1y Parsnns

l!t· L,;ted h1:; currrnt emplu\ mt'Ilt as administrator at trw VPt.erans Hospital m Truth or C(Jr~. -"quencrs. Hr's confined In thP Ln: coln County ja.JI fUld d1d nnt respond to a requr:;t for an 1nter· \1PW from The Ruidoso :'-lews

H(JWPver, Parsons prnv1dPd :-omf' tl,!ckgruund, noting that S[!f'Cifics about the Fort Stanton cl!rnt and medical mformabon an~ confiden­tial and part of a sequestPrPd OiSP

"'We have a woman who Is in·

capac1tated and was at Fort Stantlm while !DelGado) was ad­mmistrator ... Parsons said "He be­camP her conservator, filing notice un Sepll'mber 10, 1985, although her file started 111 1977.

'flpr petit1on to remove h1m 1 from that Jli!Sl tJon alleges) prob­lt~m~ :n eXCl'SS of$4,700.

l S('l hPanngs twice and neither t1mt• dH.l ht· show. I issued a war­rant and at a February 16 hearing, told h1m he could rid the contempt 1f hr pmd the woman's attorney for thP two tnps she made to Camzozo and madP an accounting I of the wuman"s money while under h1s Llllltrol 1

S1x months later. I set anothPr !.Panng because the attomry wa,_ vPll1ng ~he had not been re1m· hursed and there was no account­mg I held h1m 1n contempt 1n Jli.ll for s1x munths.

According to Sta~ Health De· partment officials, DelGado served as admm.istrator at Fort Stanton from November 1976 to September 191\5.

Area garbage gurus stand by equal rates by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staf1 Writer

Summer cabin owners in thr Eagle Creek area of the Lincoln Na­tiOnal Forest won't be given a break on the]r annual garbage collection charges.

Members of the Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority voted unani­mously Monday to stick with their comrriitment to allow no exemp­tions to the monthly residential charge for cases that don't meet the specific variance guidelines,

James Borders, president of the Eagle Creek Summer Home Associ­ation, had requested a six-month a year billing, since the units cannot be occupied for more than that amount of time.

In his recommendation to grant the six-month request, authority general manager Joe Lewandowski

wrotf' that the U.S. Forest Service restncts the use of the units to six months or less a year, because they may not be used as primary res1 dences.

He said renewal of the lease is not automatic when it expires in December 2009 and the forest ser­\1Ce could terminate the agreement at any time with 180 days notices, If the action was in the public inter­est..

··In this lease, the forest service authorized officer detennines the future of this property, not the renter," Lewandowski wrote. "They can't rebuild if the cabins are destroyed."

"Would you pull out the con­tainers after six months?" asked authority member Bill

Please see Garbage, page 2A

Bears win! •

This Texas camper surve;:s the leftovers attar hungry bears ate out at his expense. The bear (or bears) carried off top prize in this case, dining on a cooler full ofT-bone steaks. Although the guests apparently ate

their fill, leaving behind a big mess, they didn't leave a tip. Bears have been sighted all over the area this year, with police even chasing one cub around the campus at Ruidoso Middle School last week. ·

(iarbage--------------------------Continued from page 1 A

Schwettmann, a Lincoln County commissioner.

That would be difficult and im· practical, because each unit could be occupied at different times of the year, said authority attorney J. Hobert Beauvais.

"Aren't we getting into trouble w1th the Nazarene Campground (at Angus) if we approve this?" Schwettmnnn said, referring to a previOus decisiOn not to allow unit owners there a break on billing. They also do nut own tht:! land, only the cabins.

"l think you are guing to have peopl~ wanting you to backtrack," Beauvais said.

Schwettmaml then offered a mo­tion to allow no deviation.

In another matter, although no t·untract was s1gned and no bonds wen· issued, a bond counsel who mdt~d the authority in 1991-92 will receJve some payment for his effort.

Members voted 7-2 t.o allow Lewandowski to negotiate the exact amount of payment to Kevin Powers of The Principal Finru1cia! Croup, but not the full $5,361.68 requested.

Voting agtunst the motion were Sehwt>ttmann and Wilton Howell, also a t·ounty commissioner.

··It\ our contention that w~ pro­vJUi·d valuable st•r.•a:es to the authority,"' PowPrs told board mem­hPrs. "We put forth the assd pur· chasP id!-'a.'"

When a nnn·n•lat!'d lawsutt in another ruunty put all county­Involved bond sail's on hold 111 1992, th1• firm hf'lrwd thP authority work around that prohlPm by ~wtting up an t>qu1pmPnt purchasl' agr~ement WJth m1·mtwr~ that spn•ad the pay· rnt•r1t~ lJVt·r ~~·\'Prill yPars, guaran· tPPd hy l'nvuonme-ntal grosg n·ct·lpt.-. tax

Hut 1t say,. 111 tlus February 9 lrt~t·r that no frt' 1s due 1fhonds are not L"sued and thrn thrre was no contract. Schwettmann s< •• d ··r wa.-.n"t rm thr ~>Qard thrn, hut that's a:ll ra.n n•ad nnw

f'uwer-.; contf'ndPd the nrJ honds·· .-.tdtt•'TH·nt n•:ated (Jn]y to whether r1r n1,t thr {·r,mpany ~erfonm·d prop· t•rly

ThE- wa ... a>uJt ag,tmst an· r,thrr county prohl~Hting bond sAles and we went (JUt looking for anoth· t~r mPthod,". hl' sa1d ··we did spread shi'Pts We werr~ dmng the be~>t we rnuld at the time to allow the authority to do what it wanted.

Chairman !''rank Warth, mayor of Capitan, agrP.ed with Powern, a rev1•rsal of previous statements and volt'S in which he opposed payment.

It lookPd for a while like the whole thmg might explode in our fdces,'" he said. ""They came up with 1mother way that kept us together."

Tm new on the board, but I have yet to see a detailed invoke,"

Howell said. Powers said he started working

with the authority in May 1991 and in late 1992, helped with the asset purchase.

"They did give value," Beauvais said. "It's a question whether they deserve the compensation with or without a contract. Without their assistance, this thing probably would have gone into the ground."

"But isn't that a gamble they take in that business'?" Howell asked, referring to offering services conditional on the sale of bonds.

Beauvais agreed that often a business will do some initial work in the hope it will result in an in­side track on a big job_

Member Bill Allen initially of· fered a motion to pay the Principal Group's bill and a $4,500 invoice from Shennan and Howard law firm, which had been contacted by lhe consulting firm.

But Beauvais noted there was very little direct input from Sherman and Howard.

Allen backed up and proposed allowing Lewandowski to negotiate with Powers. If Sherman and Howard officials want payment, that firm will have to submit a detailed accounting of their worl(., members agreed.

In other business, the authority: -held up approval of the joint

power agreement that all 10 entities of the Lincoln and Otero solid waste authorities must ap­prove to be involved as owners of the regional landfill south of Alamogordo.

It contains a provision for a dif· ferPntial to be negotiated on a price break for member entities traveling greater distances from a previously proposed site at Three Rivers to the finally accepted site. Beauvais said the clitTerence is about 40 miles round tnp.

Howell contended that before the agreement is approved, the dif· ferential should be established.

··1 agree with Will that we need to do it now before we lose the ability to negotiate ! with Otero/Alamogordo officials)," said Ron Wicker, Ruidoso village man­ager.

The differential will be subject to annual review and will be con­tained in a side letter to the agree­ment, Beauvais said.

He said the joint powers agree· ment also specifies that the two authorities are the joint equal owners of the landfill, ihstead of each of the 10 member entities,

""If not, it would mean there were four members on their side and six on our side and Otero didn\t want that," he noted. '

-heard a report that a state hearing on the proposed regional landfill site went well and without objections.

However, Schwettmann said the

hearing officer was adamant about precaution.<~ oeing taken to protect emplOyees and others from asbestos that would be buried in a special area.

~were told by Lewandowski that the rate to use the Roswell landfill (until January when the regional landfill is scheduled to open) was increased from $1.50 to $2.50 a yard, which amounts to· about $75 more for each trip.

Roswell officials also have reminded the authority that they are limited to 10 loads a week.

"We took down 15 over the Fourth of July and 11 this week," Lewandowski said. "But it will go under 10 loads this winter and average out,"

Wicker said to emphasize to Ros· well officials that Lincoln considers the figure of 10 loads to be an an­nual average per week. ~were told that the recycling

program continues to be a leader in the state. By using employees for other programs such as dumpster repair and by enlarging loads through greater compaction, Lewandowski said he has been able to further reduce the amount of money by which the authori"ty will be required to subsidize the pro· gram, he said.

"Each deferred load at the trans· fer station (that would otherwise head to a landfill) is a $700 savings to us, so three to four loads covers $3,000 of the payroll," Lewandowski said.

"I'm also requiring (Director Kerry Krumsiek) to cover all the cost of shipping (material to be sold for recycling). Glass is not doing it, even plastic is better and cardboard definitely pays for itself."

The number of dumpsters repaired has inereased each month at a savings to the authority, be· cause the recycling employees doing the work already are on the payroll, he said.

The highest number of pounds previously handled in the recycling center was 40,000, but in July, 56,000 pounds were processed.

White goods, whieh had been piling up at the Capitan landfill, also were picked up by a company that paid 1-cent a pound.

"It's not much but they came and got it and it will save on the life of the landfill," Lewandowski said.

-heard that .a part-time customer representative will be hired to work with commercial ac· counts.

~were told that 691 special pic~ up and clean up calls were received' last month, costing the authority $9,970 to respond, but bringing in no revenue.

Lewandowski promised to have a policy in place that will answer that situation before next summer.

MainStreet board reviews finances MainStrePt Ruidoso directors

will gather for their monthly board meeting at 4 p.m. today at Ruidoso State Bank.

discuss and decide on who it will recommend to the village for the design services for phases two and three of the streetscape improve· ment project. Miller said they could continue with Bohannan-Huston of A1buquerque, who did. phase one, or they could make a new request for proposals.

of ritarket surveys received &om businesses, tourists and loeaJ people this spring and summer. Miller plans to sot a date fur a pub• lie presentation on the information and witl print copies of the nsults for anyone to use.

~ounty by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer

UnbUckle those gun belts and pack away that holster, To enter the Lincoln County ·Courthouse a man and his gun will have to part ways.

Judge Richard A. Parsons of th8

Twelfth Judicial District issued an !~~i~~~~~~~~~~ order last week prohibiting firearms, knives or ot;tler w~apon~ and authorizing body, pur-se and briefcase Elearches.

In his oraer. ParsoJ)S wrote that long Jill they are viaibl~. it'll.,\l!gOl," . he took sui:h action becaus~ "it.b .. •·· Legal. u untiL·· ..• ~:iii 'h i1 · " . I> .. ,P ,.!!\.~ came apparent that the Court mUst · Parso0sls$ul:id'his-'!St ".:: :": -··. ":-" · ' ·, · · address serious security concerns." Signs aie to be posted on· the ::~~=£:~~~~~~

He noted that witnesses and p~m.ises giving notice· that b;v. ep. litigants have been assaulted, bat· terin~ the· eOu.ri;Jl~uae, a pers'br;l.- is tered· and threatened while in the consenting to a searc.h for weaponS. courthouse or on its grounds. only; ·

"On several occasions, firearms Any person not consenting tO a or other deadly weapons have been search will ·be reinoved from "the brought into the ... courthouse and courthoUse. FUll time, salaried l&w .. . magistrate courts," he wrote in enforcement officers Rnd detention his order. officers, and court petsOJlne'l .Br.e ex··

Parsons told The RUidoso· empt from the order, However,. Par· News Tuesday, "I had been think· sons reserved the right to .. void that ing about it for quite a while, We exemption." had a hearing in the small confer· The only acceptable location for ence room and received a tip that a weapon on courthouse groun4s iS one of the parties was packing," in a locked vehicle in the parking

He asked the assembled group areas. taking part in the conference on the Anyone caught with a weapon domestic case whether they were will be EUTested, the weapon "Will be armed. seized and the court will be

"Each attorney said no, but the no-tified. lady sitting next to me plopped her County mimager Andy purse on the desk and it made an told The News Monday that the ominous sound," Parsons said. "She way he reads the order, it applies to reached in and pulled out a .38 re· the entire complex. . . volver. "That includes my area," Wyn··

"People walk up and down in the ham said of the commission room courthoUse packing a gun, and as and M administration wing. ''Right

weapOn$ ·on Howe~r,. a' were raised ~Eiarcbing SOmeone notification thiit the ~mises. wouUi au'bjtet:I:!Je,j, searCh. . · .. : ·

"All of the states· cone"' thatif signs are posted staf;\ng 1ln!n' Is ' search, theQ:any·Qearcl1._ · would be lawfuL" ' · . . . ·

Signa will, .b~ ~oswd. .. at· all entranc·es to the C:Q~ith"Ous;;e~·."

· ''The county attomeys ar~ going to ask.Ruidos9 vil1011e offi,ci!J)S ifit's all · nght to put . OI)e where Magistrate Judj:Q ButtS sill!," -Par· · sons said.

"We tqinlt it's a g~od ~t!lTfimd t!rlnk the (Lincoln Co!inty}'~?'!'Ini~­mon has b~en very -underst1¥1ding.' ·

Man injured after running out of gas.· . '

An area man suffered extensive bums in an accident early Satur·

_ day morning after he ran out of gas in his car.

· · David A. Ross, 19, of Gavilan · Ttm1et '·Pm'k,' ·along 'witll · two

friends Charles Gutierrez of Ruidoso and William Lucero of San Patricio, ran out of gas in his 1973 Chevy Malibu on Rainbow Drive.

According to Ruidoso Police De· partment detective Lanny Maddox, they put gas in a plastic milk con­tainer and attempted to use a

' ~· '. ... :


McDonald's French fry box as a funnel. ·

Ross then lit a cigarette lighter to be able to see what they were doing, · Maddox sal d. Offi~et- ·Jim ·Biggs hhpplihl!d t6'l!oflm pl1:1'6J· l'n the area and saw a fire in thtrditcb by the car. He grabbed his fi,.. ax· tinguisher and put out the ·fire on Ross.

Maddox sllid Ross' friends had tried to roll him on the _ground to put the fire out but had not been

Ruidoso police officers check the scene of an accident Involving Angela Stepllens, 22, and Louise TidWell. The twe wt:~J'e driv· lng westbound on Sudderth when :·'fl&well

Approval items on the agenda mclude an audit report for 1992· 1993 done by Ronnie Hemphill and a reforecast of the 1993·1994 budget. Program director Don Mil· Ier said he revised the budget in different areas because funds were not spen.t on projects, funds shifted to different months based on res· cheduling of events, accounts were deleted and funds were corrected based on new projections.

An option agreement to lease or purchase property along the Ruidoso River to use for the River­walk Project will also be on the agenda for action by the board.

Committee chairpetsonll will report on membership, strategic planning and a village of Ruidoso council workshop for· MalnStreo)l Miller said they would like to

date the council on s:. :~~· 1p~~:~·-· .• struction and designs! .• walk, ·coop Plltl<ll1it

In other bus.nees the group will Direetors will discosQ a contratt

proposal for the stalisticill analysis mllintedance pto_gfll!lls st.ratilj!io·p'hlru!ltig, ;, .. • •. -: ·

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. . .. ·MORE PLAN·


CharitY Celebration .benefits Mus~um of the .Horse WMn the· ~am! stdkos up the .· .· ':Eiteb year, tha fi)leSt two-yeai- organizerS. . . . . . . . ~ Lincoln, wiil present a special

!lrst, sopg !"' Sundey, Ssptember 6,. old _Qua~ H<irses in the nation • ·."The. All'Ax!Jerjcan Futurio/ en- trib'\te to the All American. -~~~Jofli!>!W.IJr · Pll~ f•IJll!>(;.,l§l!S . AA!nj.•t~l'l! fi;P,!l~. of.;!>)m, .\:!0~;9\ ·:JI>Yil.,l!-rll!llt h.OI'i~..;.'l!}jl ~.lf~ iJi.I!~P/~"'? •:• ""' ••:• ~~- ~''" '· , w~,t)t.;QolebtAti<ill;.>i~~ .. am!l" .~~l'!!ofP, ::QOWIII!·.~-~~f!!nf l)Oil'al®l\fi .-m>alli.,~~l"¥10 .,.., • .,., "'"' _,,. .• "~ .. , ..... , ... li, .... t\aJing the. be~ oftl)e paity of hOpes. . joi~- ..,e' elite '""""" o the H~• '"• presetvill~ .""'''""to)y . A deJ!cio!iS bora d.ouewes wtet .. the.euinD!or. . : ... , . . theM~eneanF!na!Jsts. ... . 1lfthehorse, · . . W>ll setisfjr "'vory !'!'petite, and a , This :Jrllar the Cblirl!il Celebra· ~ollo\Vlng a grueling se~;~es of. · Proceeds 1\'oln the 1993 Charily oaeh bar W>11 he allllil8hle. ·

· £ion. takes ~ tnil baek I'll it, xoots ·tfule_ trials, only the fsetest. and Celebration. Will go to the ~Psl'\llll Tickets are $50 per person lllld. 1iila~ tlioJIJnllist'tibill>e &5th finest. horses will breall; ti7om the -of the HotSe to hoilp tlietn aoliieve ate now available at Ruidoeo runiilng of.tlfec·Qritde. I 'All Alii"!'· g~tes in the All Am.eri!lllil Fnturiey . their g'!'ili'· : . · . • · · • . D<>wns.Jiace Ttack or the Museum iiiail Fnturio/ -1 -the world's rlcl\l!llt · on Mondey, SepteDIJjer 7. -~ Ohanw ·Celebration truly "' of the Horse. Quarter Horse raoal ·. · . . . a "c9lebtatlon" this yaer •. Melll~ ·. If Ws an evenln!!' !>f greatenter. . 'l'h.elindl>ftbe.,._et.b&$h·will · In thet short dash d6wn the· ·oft'he Wichita ~-will begm· tsinment, fine dimng and fine wollic/m&.all special gi,e!!tB all of the tr'lck, one llicky owner will eome entertai!ling 'the crowds at s p,m •. dancing, the 1993 Charley Celebra- . ·jjnallst~ ill. this tl'elllomdQils .raoa' ":home a.!Jiillionalro. . . . on Suncfuy evemng, Septeti>ber 5. · tion at the Museum of the Horse Ia an~··ho{U>Ir to riicognlze .th.e peDJ!l& . "ltis ~that this celebratipil , the place to be this Labor Dey 'who w\lt'ked so bWW.tollli>.so'~ilr 'of -the filt8St iii Quarter Horsee ie Later in tlteeveniug; the nation· weekend!· · · , ,, ·


RHS volleyball stars awarded. full scholarships to Trinidad

.Tho plans Of two Ruidoso ltigh School graduates haV. ta.ken an uneipe'cted turn this woek. · : · .

. Miohl!Ue Morris and Monioa Martiner both planned· to attend New Mexico University in Portales this fall to ploy vol­

bui found out about three weeke ago .they. were to· be rsd·

' ' • • ' ' I , so h8. billhld ·tha lfihey C.uid

of intent . . aDd for the season .. openel_"

lrom New M~co. . matches in Col~do,

· · mother, who took the girls up to Trinidad, said they were ·mally exCited. the opportunity to play and the col-lege. They thought the town· was wonderfUl and liked the fact that it is similar to RUidoso, Karen said.

Morris is also going te play golf on a co-ed team. · "It is going to be rsal exciting for the girls," Karen said.

-' the, '!tainors and rideril h<!ld at the Museum of the HOrse," allyrecogiilzed orewfrom Amarica's Foi, 111ore infottnation;' Call 378-ofthe All:Amarican qualifiers.. · said , Charity . Celebration Hors•rand E!!PN; Tom DawsOn and · .4431 or 378;4142. . L...,....-----------..,------...;..-..1



. . ; .


. , .. Ulf4 W.AiflR

.·.·,: . ·0 I .

· · . · Sports .

Warriors battle ·Tucuntcari Football fever is in the air and playersiQ fill all the positions. Last

the Ruidoso Warrior team will hit year m8jly of the W~ played the field Friday night for a warm- on both sides of. the ball, which ,x: up scrimmage against the Tucum- hausted them by half time. car:i Rattlers. A good crop of freshmen from

The practice match is set to be- last year who had a _little experien-gin at 6 p.m. at Horton Stadium. . ce on varsity should bolp fill in tbo

The scrimmage will pair the flrst· gaps. The Warriors .struggled last team offense and defense of each year, especiaUy against impi-essive team in a series of plays and then district opponents, and won just second string teams .will take the one game against Tularosa last field. The teams will also get in a September. few practice shots on kick offs and Practices went well for the War-goal line stands. riors thl;! first week and they hit the

Coach Mike Gast()Jl has been field with pads on in a squad scrim­pleased wit~ the performance of the mage on Saturday. team as a whole and of first striilg Gaston said although no team quarterback John Echols, a junior. can be completely sure that they He said he expects Echols to be one are ready, his team wiii be as of the best quarterbacks in the dis- prepared as it can be in the short trict. time before the first regular season

The Warriors will once again game.

respPnded well." Artesia will be the Waniols'

first regular seas~ opponent on· August 27, there. The first home game will be against Lovington on Septembor 3.

The rest of the schedule will · read mUch like ·past year's, except· Fabens, Texas, will be the Warriors opponent on October 1 for homecoming.

The junior varsity squad will meet its first .opponent on Septem-· ber 4 in Lovington. Th..e freshman team hits the football lield against Tularosa there.

· 1'ho Ruidoso Middle School Braves will scrimmage the Capitan squad at 4 p.m. on August 30 there.



..,. :·;·

i:)_', ' .·

. ' ·.

have a young team, especially since "We're asking thorn to learn a lot they will be playing two platoons, of things in a very short period of and· ~II have to call on younger time," said Qaston. "They've

Follow the Warriors and the Braves with The Ruidoso News and try yo1,1r luck at picking the winners in the football conte!rt, be­ginning August 30.

Coach Mike Gaston (left) explains a drill to a Warrior .player during two-a-day prac­tices last week. The Warriors will hit the

field Friday night to work eutthe kin~ in a scrimmage with Tucumcari; The first game Is August 27 in Artesia.

Hunter safety class offered The Ruidoso Hunter Safety in~

structors are planning the first of three classes for the year,

The first class will be from 5:30~ 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, Au~ gust 23 through 27, at the Ruidoso Police Department. Various topics are covered including survival, basic first aid, hunting tips, safe gun handling and more.

The class is required for anyone wishing to go afield with a firearm, who is under the age of 18. This course is aJso approved in all other states that require an approved hunter safety course, such as

Colorado, where ad\llts are re­quired to pass this course.

Class size is limited so pre­register with the receptioniet at the Ruidoso Police Department. Your social security number is required and if you can't pre-register then show up for the first class on Mon· day.

A sma1l fee of $5 is required for each student in the class. For more infonna_tion contact corporal Pete Esquibel at the Ruidoso Police De~ partment or Dave Wheeler at the Ruidoso Ambulance Service.

Make plans early for a successful season lt hardly seems possible, but summer is al~

most over and the fall hunting seasons are about to begin. The success or failure of your hunting may not depend on what h.8ppens opening day, but on the preparations you make before the hunt starts. There are many things hunters can do now, to improve their chances and the enjoyment of the hunt.

First. take a look at yourself. Remember that hunting is a physically demanding sport, just like any other. Are you ready to hike

season scouting trip. Those looking for a new area should obtain mapS from the Bureau of Land Management or U.S. Forest Service. Maps wiU outline areas of public .and private land. Those hunting on private land must gain written permission prior to the season. Even those that have hunted on private lands in years past can not just assume that they have permission this year, contact the landowner, confirm your huntink area and get it in writ~ in g.

Chapman swings in tourney rough country and, if successful, get that big you get "temporarily confused." buck out of th~ field? Pulled muscles, sprained ankles and wheezing lungs make hunting an It's time lilso to get the favorite rifle, bow,

Visiting the area priOr to the .hunt will not only help to locate good· hunting areas, but may also keep a hunter from getting lost. By the way, make sure -you tell someone exactly where you are going before heading out. This way if something does happen and you don't return on time at least searchers will have a

Area high school stand-out gol­fer, Jeffrey Chapman, picked up an­other golfing hf.mor recently.

Chapman, a senior at Ruidoso High School, was one of 60 players from across the United States to participate in the 25th annual In­dependent Insurance Agent Junior Classic in Little Rock, Arkansas. More than 10,000 golfers attempted to qualifY in regional and state competitions but only 135 go to the national finals to work their way into the top 60.

ln four rounds Chapman scored

a 77, 78, 86 and 89 for a 329. The unpleasant experience. If you are not in an ex- muzzleloader or shotgun out of storage and champion of the tournament was ercise program already, start now by taking give it a thorough cleaning. Check to make Ted Oh of Torrance, California. Oh w~ks or jogging to loosen up those "desk mus- sure it is in good working order and if some-compiled a one over par 289 after cles." thing is wrong, take it to a qualified gunsmith starting nine strokes off on the for repail'f!. ·Go to the range or a safe target fmal day for one of> the greatest Before the last minute rush, start checking ·• ..B.f.e& .to aigh.Mn &-our firearm.or bow anQ,pt~ac... comebacks in the hisllory of the boots, clothing and camping equipment. Make t'ii::e. Take 'the ·shotgun out and pat.f;ern it. No tournament. · · a list and to be sure you llave what you .l)eed one is a "natural shot." it takes practice to be a

Earlier in the summer Chapman and that it is in good operating condition. This marksman and it is the responsibility of an and Warrior Ryan Wall represented way, when the sun goes down, the flashlight ethical hunter to deliver a good shot for a the state champion Warriors on the won't have dead batteries and you will have quick, clean kill. West All-Star team, which played replacement mantles for the ones broken dur· here in July. Both also participated ing. the trip. Put together a survival kit to Another very important preparation is

locating an area to hunt and conducting a pre·

place to start. ' . , .. . ,- .

Laat, but c&rtam!y'!i'WI~&t, sit do\on·',*tb,<'l hunting .companions and review. the rule&'of. safe gun 'handling. lt may save a pleasant hunt ftom turning Jnto a disaster.

Remamber, th.e ae'""'ns bi!gln saon so s!Wt preparations now, don't wait· fQr. the ll!at · minute. It may make this yesr's· hunt more en":"

in the Maxfli Sun Country PGA carry along while o.ut in the field just in case

Championship in late July. L-------:...--------------------------.-------------------" joyeble and suceeeaful. ·

·Football Pages and Contest starting August 23rd

We'Ie Ieavins no stone unturned to RU 1 hei£,:Sure that ~ Ford, Merwry or · oln will be fuled right the I.IR(IO·IR·-iM•Br•ouiiY first time.

Holiday House Buffet

BBQ Pork Ribs and Brisquet $4.95

Chicken Livers $3.95

Chicken Fried Steak $4.95


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Our Quality Care te<:hnicians spend hundreds of hours in on • ~ from Ford. Our Service ~ts take chufses to learn how to communicate ... and listen more clearly. And oUr 'Thclmloal Servi"" Hotliue leta Oltr rechnldans field quastion~ with 11\0 factn!'Y ..,glneers who demgn!"l your car. On top of all this, we've bl~ in advanced equipment to help us diagnose problems qulekly

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and all your

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So bring~ car to us for Q11lillty Care serv.u:e today. All it takes.Js . one visit. '


Quality Cate. A job WOrtll doihg is worth dohlg right •.• the first time .•..

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: t.~ndSI)ap!Jw,, sian• and non "'!n· flll'Qjjnlf'US~ w~l!e ~bo.ltll}.n topJCs for·· lllSii'ussioll!i. Monday at the 'l;luid~"'' Planning and Ztming rogu· lar meetill(. :. ()l~~e'wey Church of Christ ofti. elills s'lbll!ltted. a landscaping Pliln th~t · nc&ved . 'pproval by the . l!Jiid~iO l?lanlling and Zolling l:lo!U'd, . . . . · . Ohurch ofticial Closton.Pritchatt prosentsd several pict• ol lho · qh~ jililllll, and said. ~ t;ho lllan 1\'lls ·•.P!i>'<>,YII<Iti'>\"!'V111liQII ~orli. on the ~ds would ~<IJ!in \lilmllll\ately. . . 'l'li' · bollrdl illiili ·~PJll'o~ed two cOda' 'text:'· l!lnl!l).dm.l!l).ts . to be brouS'ht b~ore. l;l,l) vii~ c~cli and scheduled furl! publl~hearill(.

The first ailleJ)dxnent recom­melllillil a change lu. non· 'con!<mninjp1ss. . . . · · PllllUW!g- direotor , .. 'Cleatus ~chords. ,ssid tl)ai it was a legal opjnion that' the current code coulil not· honor a request to eonvMt ·an antique store, presently a noncon­f~ l,lBe in a;n.,R-1 zon", to a

· <:O;rilhination resideme-ortho.dontist oftice, ..

Richards said that he informllil him that our zoning ordirianee does not a11ow provisions allowing change in non.;conforming use, al­though other municipalities in the state do have such provisions.

Richards submitted language that would modify the ordinance to allow changeS. The board scheduled the item for the September 7 village council agenda.

Another zoning text amendment would revise· the cunent sign or~ dinance. ~

- The recommended amendments include:

-'-temporary signs not to have a combined area thet would exceed 20 square feet. The change would IJ-:llow merchants to place unlimited signage in window areas. WalaMart and Furr's currently exceed the limit. .

-Under prohibited signs: Ban­ners and portable sians of any type jncludjng signs pieced in or oarried .(in ¥ehicles except :MJWP"ided un· iler Section 10-5-14 CAl (4) of the

. '

code. ~

A new oectlon will read that ban· ners ·~~~ o~er ~ypes of sians of tiOI).por .. ., cqbst)"lletion shall.not be used as a ptitmanent exterior sign.

Pricing or . advertisement of · specifiC prodUcts 1)1' services shall be lindted to 30 percent of the sign . ar~a 0r shall be ~lace.d ~n ~he inside of the b11$1ness display windows.

·-Certification of Compliance: A sign peJ1nlt shall be issued for all signs regulated by this code end

·shall be msintalned on the premises whe!'e str is located "10-oept that all o . premise ljign perm(ljl shall be niolnt!ifned. on lhe premise of. the' permittee.··

· A, new section rscommenda that siliDS il\liced in public righ~ Of Wl!Y, in vio!at!on of villllj'e code,' may' be removed by the village staff. Such signs will be disposed of or

''liestrayod i£ not claimed Within 15 days of removal.

<: The sign amendment public hearing scheduling is to be brought before the village council on Sep· tember 7.

Under new business- the council approved:- ·

-a replat of Lots 12 end 14, Block 6, Pal'adise Canyon Subdivi-. sion for Jennifer Fillingim to create one big lot.

-a replat of Lots 7 and 7A, Block 8, of the Forest Heights Sub­division: by Sunvalley Homebuilders Inc. Tom Barber said he wanted to remove interior lot lines to allow one large lot for con­struction.

-a side yard variance for Lot 4B, Block 6, Silver Mountsin Ter­race Subdivision for Richard Wis· allow a walkway and deck.'

-a front yiU'd variance for Lot lA, Block 0, Ruidoso Springs Sub· division for Willard Gent;ry. Gentry wants to constnJct a cover over the entry to his residence on Short Street.

-a side and rear ya,rd variance for Lots 12A, Block 6, Persdise Canyon subdivision for Jennifer Fillingiul who ~ waDts. tO construct an addition to her residence.



Sunshllle and $howere keep tbe world «reen

Mer thres days of Sllllll)l weather, today on tile 15th1 the weather spirits began bringing clou.ds up the valley - billowy thunder clouds with' white tips and purple gray near the land.

Through a pure blue ok)r they moved in againet a west wi.nd einiling down .the valley over the emerald green bills, vales, and meadows, which have turned into a wonder· land of midsuminer glory under the magic of the bright warm sun, booming <iown.

··Mother Earth, then toaay, sent a message. thai it would be good to have a little more ·rain, so just at three in . the afternoon, the thllJldar ·SI)Dll;,e in mellow bqils .tonee over. the hill to·tbo. woot, and the clo~ds moving up the vallay . beam bright ·witll li great flash of lighteniiip, followed by a boom of thunder.

Then, right over the vale, the two clouds met. and. down came the large. drops beating· a raindri;tp Jerenade tattoo on the roof - a midaftornoon lullaby, lulling you to drowsy contentment and thankfuln~ss. For about a half hour the rain kept falling, splashing through the leaves of the apricot trees, run­ning in the splattering on the dirt road, and bathing the green· meadows in its cool benedic­tion &om the sky.

The- clouds pverhead began drifting away in different directions forming -many a silver lining in the afternoon sky, and casting the green land below into a pageant of sunshi~ and shadow. The thir-sty ground soaked up every drop of the rain; and so the sunshine and the showers keep turning the mountain greener and more flowery by the day.

'The Ripening Ray~·

After the clouds Oo~ted awaY the sun shon&

down, seeming to •••• ,. temperBture' heppens ebout travels lower in journey through sky, sendi-ng its beams doWn <to you slant-wise in-· stead of from directly warhead in what have come to be called "The Ripening Rays."

These rays, together with the rains, put color into the fruit of the orchards and the mountains; and ripen the grain in the fields of the farms and the mountain meadows.

Speaking of orcherds, the &uit picture &om the beginning was not as bright as in years pest, and yet my orchard-growing friends down around San Patricio and · Hondo say there will be sonie apples this year, and that plums are beginning to, ripen here·and there.

I have not yet heard about the ·fruit over around High Rolls and Mountain Park, or over toy.rard Bent, below Mescaleto. I will keep you posted as the fruit picture becomes more clear in the days ahead.

The sandhill crane

Every year about this time a sandhill crane comes to visit the vale, and 'yesterday, August· 15th, he was by the walnut bend of the river in the morning. Then toward evening he went up on ·the knoll near the double tree. He is very tame and gentle, and very faithful with his one~a-year visits.

JD)y 7, i993

' .

It Is a aight to see him make a running start and take off in ftigh~ up the valley and later land gracefully back on the knoll. (The knoll is a favorite spot on the place just below Storm Mountl!in.)

A swimming pool for a little frog

A few days ago I went to refill one of the bird drinking rocks. It had been a dry day, and the rock was empty. (TheSe bird watering places are the hollowed stones used by the In­dians and early people of Mexico to grind their corn and other grain.) They are called the Spanish "Metates".

As I say, this metate was empty, and in it sat a tiny green frog, about an inch long, look­ing up with his large bright eyes. You could gvess that he was using this hollow ro~ for a swimming pOol and was waiting for the rain to till it up. So I fillllil it for-him, end he went swimming around in his own small circular swimming pool.

The rains return

This is being sent to you about a half hour before high noon. All morning clouds have been moving in from all directions, and no~ the rain is falling steadily and gently over a wide area - over the hills on all sideS, up and down the valley - very little thunder and lightening·- just a slow, soaking rain ofsmaU drops.

It looks as though the full rainy season has begun. Miniature lakes are forming on the level meadows, and tiny streams are flowing over the small rocks and cliffs.

It is a day of rejoicing for Mother Earth, and our hearts are grateful to the Good Lord for the rains and all our blessings.

June 12, 1993 Laquita Jefferson and lmby

Akay11 R11o Jotfenon 71bs. JOoz .• 191/2~ long

Riehafd and bonisc Hani11 and bnby Heather Renee Hllrri!l 1 Jbs 7 oz.. 19 lfl "long

July 9~ 1993 lfopr: C. Bunch and· baby

Chelsea Marie Buneh 6Jbs.l2.8oz.,l81/2"

July u. 1993 Mr. and Mrs. Mic:hnel 0. Guinea.

and baby Kylie J,!rin GnineM 61bs. 13.2 oz-._19" long

June28,1993 BiUy Jean Price and baby

Justin Wayne Priee 6 Job~. 9.8 oz., 20" long

Juno 29, 1993' GiJbctt a:md SU.Via G6n2dc:a wt.d

baby Nathan :tee GbnzaJet 7 lbl. 01!!., 18 1/l"long

July7.1993 Avis Garcia and bllby

Orland BrillR Devon Blackmon Sibil 12.4 Ol!!., 18 1/l" long

July 8, 1993 • Ahdrea.1ii.D4MoniQiPricUtand.

baby Anpl AkJUindel" Pfmo 7Iba. 4 oz.. I9"lons


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Tha Ruldoao-Lincotn Oounty Crima StopperS wUI .pay up to $1,000 for lnformatlo 1 that leads to tho- arrGat and Grand -Jury Indictment or MBQiatrate Court 81ndover of1he person O;r-pareons who committed this crime or any other unsolved felony crime In Lfneoln County. Lars work togathQr to call a atop- to twlme. •

Phone 257-4545

D.rtig tibu88 Is a prcibh!lm of.pflorfty concern and attention, and the I'Mi:loao • Uncal~ COunty Orlme Stoppers Is helping 10 wmbet tho pr.,til\>m by olflnlnO $GiiO.OO fD anyone prollldlng lnformalfon that

, loads.·!<> the orreet of peroon• traffloklog or distributing lflll!lal drugs.

c;.f:ll!laioppers wru also pll)l cash rewards for lnfonnatlon that leads (r. lhlo ·ltiCOvery cf stolen .property or the solving of any felony .·<wfm~.,· .

.Tfii, Orlmili!!OI>para j)hollalbta Is 11\Gnned twentv-four a day, ""ven 'lillY$ .. w-'1<. llrid' .~u "" 1101 h!aV. fa. gll/8 your 'name fD be <!llglble for a cash rew!lld. .'Jlttl C;fmoo!¢ppe,n. phono .number lo ~· Afti(/ilq wlohl"'llll cial!colljld), ll1liy do •a Within Una>ln. C<iulll)l,

' - - ' . - - - -

. ·. .'nita w~kl1rottg~Uo )IOP.!?YL . · ... ESTEANAUTD>,,

' . . . . . ' ' - . . . . . . __ .,_ ~- . -.·- .·

·_; •, ·: .. --· '-, ',

' ,, '


July 11,1993 Ju!ltin and Angel Sbaw IUul

bab)' Ca)'lon Gregory Shaw 61b!l. 1 4 oz., 19 112" Io:n&

July JB, 1993 Inn a and Lauro Nevarez And baby Abigail Lopez llrlevaru

7 lbs. 9.6 oz.. 20 InK

July 19, .1993 Bcuce and Pcwicia ~nl and

baby Ry11n Dane Yown 71b,, J,8 Ol!!., 19"1Qfl8



LUNCH Chicken Fried Steak Tender breaded cubed sreaJc. smothered In our delicious gravy. Includes bomestyle vegetables;~ft"'lnlked rolls. With Soup d'nd Sol.a W•gon•; $1.00extra.

DINNER T-Bone A 16 oz. Sleak that won the Wesl! Includes bomestyle vegetables and fresh baked rolls. Wiih Soup and Salad $1199 Wagon':'$t.ooextra.


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. Racing · . .• , ·t .• -. ,.' .· "')".' . --'· ,· -;""\\ :";' "."·'·'1'

·', )'" ..... c • . ', ''·.: .

Trials begin Friday for All by v~ Bebber, is undefeated in ~~~~~~~~~~~]~f]~S~~~~~:}1 A record eight $50,000 sup­

plementary nominations, including the undefeated gelding Treacherously, top a list of 188 2· year-olds entered in 19 trials fur the $2.3 million estimated All American Futu_rity, Friday:

The ten fastest qualifiers from the 440-yard trials· advance to the Grade I' final on September 6 Which guarantees the winning owner $1 million.

The list of sUpplements includes futurity winners- Bullet Bullion, A Classic Dash, DeveloP A Plan and Penny ·stacker. Heza Fast Man, Nigan Sir Bob and Sound Legacy complete the list.

Due to the large nwnber of races, first post time has been moved up to. 11 a.m. Gates will open at 9:30 a.m.

Wayne Dallas' Treacherously will try to join Special Effort as the only other horse in history to Win the QUarter Horse Triple Crown if he qualifies to the futurity.

Futurities, all Grade I- events in his young career,

Treacherously was not nominated to. any of Ruidoso"s. futurities and ther~fore had to be supplemented to all .three .by Owner Dallae of Farmington. .

The gelding's earnings of $400,000 far outweigh the total of $90,000 his owner has had to pay to make him ~ligjble.

Treacherously 'draw into the fourth trial division .where he will face Heza Fast Man. ·the fastest qualifier for the Grade I Remington Park Futurity in June.

Jockey Nancy Summers, the only fema1e in history to win three Grade I quarter hor'se races will ride the gelding as he breaks' froiD. the advantageous #10 post.

Steve Van Bebber's Develop A Plan and Gregory Jarrell's Bullet Bullion are two of the eight tuturity winners from a£ross the nation that have assembled here for the trials.

three etarte end will run in the sbVenth trial.

Rainbow Futurity runner-up Gold ·Medal Dash should provide Develop A Plan his stiffeSt compsti­tiQn in th_e trial.

The filly Bullet Bullion tri- .... umphed by ~ 114-lengths in the ·~~~~~ Grade I Remington Park Futurity in Oklahoma and will make her Ruidoso dsbut in the twelf\h divi­·sion.

The daughter of Bully Bullion io ridden by Tami. Pun:ell, quarter horse racing"s aU~time leadin~ fe~ malejockey. .

Abigail Kawananakoa's A Clas~ . sic Dash, who most recently won the prestigious Grade ."I Dash For Cash Futurity at Los Alamitos, should be the one to beat in the third heat .. The son. of _First Down . Dash has won five of six career starts for her owner who is a mem­ber of the Hawaiian royal family.


., .. '· ""-'!·<' ' ...... {: " .•

" ~ ·•. :.:~ ! ·'' . .l' . ' ,. .

The gray son of Runaway Win· ner is the only dominant 2-year-old in the country this year with 'three futurity victories. The Sam Sandoval~trainee has capture4 the Sun Country, Ruidoso and Rainbow

Develop A Plan, a son of Coup de Kas, scored an eye~popping three~ length win in the- Grade II Fire· cracker Futurity at Delta Downs in Louisiana and must be respected.

The gelding, who is also trained

Other horses to watch for in the tri~s include futurity wilUlers Six Kix and MD Hainmertime as well as the consistent perforffiers I Hear A Symphony, Sticky N Picky, Good N ~rgeous, Master Rogue and Speedy Cuz I Greedy.

Treacherously Is the horse· to watch in this year's ;All American Futurity trials. The Texas-bred son of R·unaway Winner has a

chance to join Special Effort as· the second horse In history to win the Qua~r Triple

Horses to watch during Friday's All Amer­ican Futurity trials include I Hear A

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I ' "


. r'J"t <. . ,. . ·· ·' · "'· · " • · ·. · ·. ' · · , . · · · .. . · , . ·· .. .,

1: · . . ·. · . . .. ~ , . . ' ,:Jtl~ll!day~~u~uel111,199ll!1h~ Flljl~oao J-leWW7A

·.•:~i~P~!:~~~iY@ll~rQt~·q,~~~~~tb.~t~~i~ .. ~Jil.••··· .. :~~···.·:~q~/~l.;;~m~tilitil ~if*ls . . iJIIiill!Si!il<~Wn~ ~tr!<>~ ~ ,. : ·~-T~Jie itho c~h N lt~;tirileiif'o~~5 ' 'to.iri'a~i;hgl:.;,g,c.f fuiilll!SJ.i20 . . &n.ri~ ~o/ Trial~ 120 440· s:lt!~:.tri~l!'ia"r~ (no riiierH:iO 7-l!ixtr;L!~k (no ri<t.:r> l:io . . . .

· <\,11:~11..1i'IJ.~I!~•I¥ ~~als ll!ll' . · . . . . . . •. .. • . · · , · yard · 4-Power I'rq,JOet (Mllf,(lllrll20 8/l'he Punisher (no Mder) 120 , \'''.•: ,•,· •• Ai)l.\lst 20 · . llJ.Asaturdaynitespeoial . (MJirtin) SEVEN'l'I'J .. iM<JEl··~urso $.1~00. 1-.GoodN Gwgeous (Tolg) 120 · 5-Mr l;.o,ok !)! Load(~li1'\!n) 120 9·Red Hot Hit (Myles) 120. . ~·· ··m:~ ;, .. ,, . . ' . . .. · ·• );;!~ ·..•• .· . . tWO•Y8a""!ldi·wJi!ch remmn ebglille 2'•Penned In Gold (Mcmahon) 120 a.Md .aanunertlme (no .:ndor) ],20 10·Master OfSparks (no pder) 120

... !! :r.r. · E-•l!l>xse $1!iOO; $wo• · ·•. • . · ..• , ... , . .. •: All AmeriCan Futurity Trials 120 S.Speeey Cuz I Greeey (Layton) 7-Say See Ya (A Baldlllez) 120 ~l!'f,:ol_tl# Wbi<ll:~ain •llil~ltti\11 . FOUR'l'HPJ. E-.PJII'So·ti.liOO. tWo' 44Q•yard ·. ... . . 120 . . 8·Doshin Elvis {no rl;<illl'1.120 SEVENTEENTI:i RACE .. Purse : 11!\i~~)l'\!ii>l)il;>' Triala_,:l®M()· ·. year-oldl! hi'iib remain OU@ble All Hlaptaitl Colol'\yme (Lane) 120 .4-Golng l\1erri (no rider) 120 9-lts ;Kasual (J M~~tt~•l 120 $1500. • wo-year·olds whiCh rem !lin ;:fW;i; !' :,:.'::!'';'· ·• :: ·,· . · .. ,: : .· · . Ame)llcan1'J!'t!nity Trl~ls·lOO 440· _.2-Cosole Surprise <Mw;tinl 120 5-My All Amecican Rose (no ridsr) 10.Higbly Jealouo <Pilkenton) 120 eligible 1\11 American Futurity Trl-! ;I;'llh!likd'iirtglle'(RodrilllJ!Ii\)'120 yare · • ·':•> ,; · .· 3.JUkeboo; Jammm Mi .. (no. rillar) 120 als 120 140-yard )hlil~Pil:In 'J.!!l• Sky (J M~) ~-Oo~ly:/:eeit'ane)l20. • 120 . . . . 6·Kamalani(Myles)1~ FOURTEENTH RAOE--Pu<se l·SurelyBCash(ABaldillezll20 .)Jg.Ui'" · · ~ : • . : . ·• •. , !.!-Coup l;le.l'4tllP. (poridej) )?<IJ . :": 4-ClasSlc Sbolld (no nder) 120 7·Mast"!" ~ogue (Martin) 120 $11>00. two•year-olds whiCh remain· 2-Bless• l Beau (Silva)l20 j ~/)l'i~Wll Vikings (Fior,s).l2o . · 3·1Vloil"l!ll Oii~'~'loop (\'iul!all)1!20 5-Dovelop A Plan (~rossettel ~0 8·Ce.v8i'ICC1 (no rider) 1~0 eligible All American Futurity Tri· 3-Im a r.. ever Late (no rider) 120 ;4·ChampaJ!Ile Hop~ <no·l"idel(};/;2? ~,.Al·~~;llalcllllez( f.2Ci · · 6-Satums RiDJr (Rodriguez) 120 9·Ea•tex. Moon (~ Baldillez) 120 ·~ 120 440'yara . _ . 4-0lossy Cashy (Telg) 120 .$•MY C~ol Sls (no rid""l12.1t ,, ·. · :. . li·'He•l!o~H'tm.~H· Garcia) 120 7•Final Wish (no rider) 120 10·lill ;\.V>on (no !'ldsr) 120 1-N eon Rainbows (Fuller) 120 5-Yawls Mgon (no rider) 120 dM!avonng Mall!• (Mliltll!) ~0 : . , .6;Dl J®l'lioy:o!i't . las) 120 8-Ico Box (no ridarl 120 . 2·Dream Touch (Lane) 120 6·Lavisher (Myles) 120

;~wate Fo;,ca~l) (Bit ~~~~: 'hirelli!.,;~~jl$~t. an~~ rider) ~old Medal Dash <A Baldilloz) ~;'.:~IJ. :_<:;!';.i~ eU;gf~ !:~~~}~:l.~~:r~~:, 120 ~:~~c:~~~i~Pill!'.~~~~ 120 ·~·ll;~-'111<1 L~ . ~JB llaldilloz).l2!1 8·~1:1ili~p\ic:iall:J>m~'t •(Williams) lO·Oalll(or Favors (nci ridsr) 12.0 All American Futurity Trials 120 ~~p:~ s:.b"!b. ~~:gu·n::J f:g ~~-Cm~~oy~k(yM(n~. tirfJe~2J~20 }I~ .. . .. . ll . .,p{Myl,sll20. . ·100· , ·. .. . 1 •• • .• . . . 440-yard · :tO·Im, ·- . :. , .· <A llaldillPl.'l~ · Q•l"~mot (ij.j)ald\lli!~}l~ ·. EJGHTH BAOEJ..Pa- $1500. two- 1-Classie Memories (no rider) 120 7-Sis ~ Fast (Williams) 120 ' .·. Y)Fifj' "~·· o.;p;; • ~ ·. 5' :< ·· : :J,O}Ci'li~l!f!IYJ!\)111lllle\'s) 120 ye., whiCh remain eligib)e All 2-Rookin Runaway (Murpey) 120.. B·B;ing Eider (no rider) 120 EIGHTEENTH RACE--Purse

. SEOO 'ij_ OS' : ~~e'$1f .0.·1<\VQoo , ..• , . ·. · "·e; ·,;, ·•: " , . • · . , American Futurity Trla,ls·12.0 440· S·First To Seore (no rider) 120 9·Warran,ted Action (no rider) 120 $1500. two-year-olds which remain ~·~,~~~ .>\'lllP1\o,r~m;u~ alll!lbl~ Jill <PIFTM•: ~1\:C)jl-·i£\~oe, $l~~Q .. ~)l(o- yard 4·Rieo. Dol Norte {Rodriguez) 120 10-Hug A Dosh (Myles) 120 eligible All American Futurity Tri·

•, Amelliean .. l!'Ut\ll!ity Ti:jlols 120 440· ·year.61lls. ~h t9inllli! ellliible All 1-Nita Kaye Cash (no rider) 120 5·Frisco Flame (J Martinoz) 120 als 120 440-yard :yal'4 • , ... · · . . · Ameri.<i«n Futurity.Tria\• 120 440· 2-SonDarling(no rider) 120 6-Call Doc (no rider) 120 FIFTEENTH RACE Purse $1500. 1-Special Arms (Perner) 120 1;&laha Jilll!h{no r,Uiei>):120; . ' ·· · J'llril.t · · • . .i• · · · · 3·Real Special Lady (Myles) 120 7-Togother With Adios (Martin) 120 two-year-olds whiCh remoln eligible 2-Feature Feature (R Baldillez) 120 .

li2~.1\llllJ'.fiAl.ilr~(Full~l 120 · 1·Streo,!d.Q Far·Real ®Bmora)l20 4-Running Enough (R Baldilloz) 8-Markum First (Myles) 120 All American Futurity Trials 120 3-Shiloh 276 (Myles) 120 · -3•,;ciitJimi .. Ef'\ln.1{•· Budpguez) 120 lM!Wee~ Omlieer (Fii\tes) 120 ·. 120 9-Coup De Bell (Lane) 120 440-yard 4-Nigan Sir Bob (Fincher) 120 :· 4-Tommie llawk(Mlll;'tin) 120 . S;Eaa)r Jtui!S:(J.l\i(artiriez) 120 . 5-Blowin Through (Liunbert) 120 1·Rolls Of Romance (De Smith) 120 5-Coute Que'Coute (De Smith) 120 .. 5·1\1edam Jl!~«.~no rider) 120 4-Stitky •N Picky (Myles) 120 6·First N Gold To Go (Mertin) 120 TWELFTH !\ACE--Purse $1500. 2•Shesa Hot Pepper (Myles) 120 6-Roulin Da,h (Lane) 120 · 6·P!IJIOh~~!va·l1r (J l\i!!Uitinez) ~20 5-Grolnn$ (Rodriguez) 120 7-Dash On Down (Pilksnton) 120 two-year-olds whiCh remllin eligible 3-Say Burney (J Martinez) 120 7-Assured Daeh (A Baldillez) 120 , 1~First Prize Bose Too (no nder) 6-Ka$ca (B Baldillez) 120 S-Styloandsubstance (W'illiams)l20 All American Futurity Trials 120 4·Ashs Dlamond (Beber) 120 8-A Streak Of Cash (Mcmshon) 120 . 120 . . 7·Turnover C.ash (Matlin) 120 9-Medley High Note (no rider) 120 440-yard 5-Cash Option (Williams) 120 9-Disco Time Baby (Martiti.) 120 8-Ths Royal Prince (no ndor) 120 8-Endless Ailgal (Rio Ramirez) 120 10-Militia (J Martinez) 120 1-Special Control (Williams) 120 6-Keelas ·special (Martin) 120 10,Affidavit (Rodriguez) 120

. 9-Racin Ripple (Ra Ramirez) 120 9-Special Kinda Dancer (A Baldi!· 2-Nashwan (Maxwell) 120 7 ·Smith Center (Rodriguez) 120 IO·Marganser Line (no rider) 120 lez) 120 · NINT,H RACE--Purse $1500. tWo· 3·Hotrod ~evi (no rider) 120 8-Easy Legacy (Pilkenton) 120

1D·Dash For Music (Lane) 120 yoar-olds which remain eligible All 4-Downright Fast (A Baldillez) 120 9-Mangos Big Cash (A Baldillez) NINETEENTH RACE--Purse $1500. two~year~olds which re~ain eligible All American Futurity 'l'rl· als 120 440-yard

THIRD RACE-Parse $1500. two· year-old!. Which remain eligible Ail American Futurity Trials 120 440-yard' 1·Ali Bi.Bi (J Rndriguez) 120 . 2·A Classie .Dash (E Garcia) 120 S·Dashing Deaperado (Zamora) 120 4-Annettes White Socks (Ra Ramirez) 120 5·Dash A Lot (Fincher) 120 6-Busy Cash Dandy · (J Martinez) 120 7-Flashback Dash (Myles) 120 8-Tour Do Ka$ (A Baldilloz) 120

SIXTH BAOE .. Purse $1500. two­year-olde which remain eligible All American )"uturity Trials 120 440· yard !.Some Kind Dash (Lane) 120 2-St Pa\ricks Delight (noridor) 120 3-Sir Gonagan (Martin) 120 4·Shiney Dancer (Murphy) 12.0 5-Roanoka (Pilksnton) 120 &-Myrna Bshe (no rider) 120 7-Mllks My Mark (Zamora) 120 8-Millionaire Playboy (no rider) 120 9-Lethal Coup (no rider) 120

American Futurity Trials 120 440- 5-Fiyin The Coup (no rider) 120 120 yard 6-~illys Ryan (Mcmahon) 120 10-Moonehallow Shaker (Murphy) 1-Class In Excess (J Mertlnez) 120 7 -Grand Dlplomat (Martin) 120 120 2-Winsumgra Lark (Buehrer) 120 8-Bul!ot Bullion (Pursell) 120 3-Woodsboro (Myles) 120 9·Dashin· Wind Mariah (no rider) 4-Pritzi Dash (no rider) 120 120 5-Cash Clsimer (Valenzuela) 120 10-Sport Tl!l.i (Fuller) 120 6·Passem 028 (Murphy) 120 7-Mr Kita Jet (Fuller) 120 8·Chioks Shogun (Mertin) 120 9-Classic Angle (Lane) 120 .

TENTH RACE--Purse $1500. two­year-olds which remain eligible All

THIRTEENTH RACE-Parse $1500. two-year-olds which remain eligible All Amefican Futurity 'l'rl· als 120 440-yard 1-Worthy Endeavor (no rider) 120 2-Special Eye Appeal (no rider) 120

SIXTEENTH RACE-Parse $1500. two~year-olds which remain eligible All American Futurity. Trials 120 440·yard 1-Time For Royal Cash (Myles) 120 2-Force Majeure (Valenzuela) 120 3-Rio Del Norte (no rider) 120 4-Next To Kin(Fuller) 120 5-Runnin On High (no rider) 120 6-Howdyardooey Darlin (Lane) 120

1-Go Disco Go (no rider) 120 2-0n The Dash (Rodriguez) 120 3-Ruidosan (Telg) 120 4.Jd Me Too"Layton) 120 5-Medical Ease (Williams) 120 6-1 Hear A Symphony (Mcmahon) 120 7-Dashs Perfection (no rider) 120 8-Five Star Express (Fuller) 120 9-Special Sara (Martin) 120 10-Mollie Six (A Baldillez) 120

Sprint Handicap tops card at Ruidoso Downs Tho · $10,000·addod Ruidoso

Sprint Handicap, featuring the apeeey veterans Way Cool and P!>we)' .Stre);ch,. higlili_g~te.a etakss triplehead~ slatea "Saturday at RuidoSo Downs.

Tb.8 14~;rac.e program also in­eludes two Grade I $1 million stakes, the Travers from Saratoga

· and the Pacific Classic from Del Mar. .

The si~ furlong Ruidoso Sprint Handicap attracted a classy field of six which includes numerous stakes winners.

C.M. Bogle's Way Cool ran a strong second to the dommant geld· ing Last Don B. in the Mescalero Apac)le Handicap and is high·


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weighted at 122 pounds. The 5· year-old galding . by 'Cool, most recently defeated ~tough allowance fielcl here .by .~.ll4'loqgt'Afand io i!l tap shape for 11 repsst ollhrt. Way Cool won the Pass The Tab· Hand­icap in ,Albuqu8rque in May and also ran second against quarter hotsee in the Master Salls Hand­icap on July 17.

The consistent perfonner is trained by Cliff Lsmberl and will be riadan by his son Casey. Tho gelding has earned over $100,000 in his career for owner Bogle ot Dexter.

FletCher Hall Jr.'s Power Stretch como~ into Saturday's feature ofJ two straight stskss victoriee and

should be a major threat. The 4-year-old New Mexico~bred son of Full Choke scored bai:k-to-baok wins in the Land of Enchantment Speed Handicap here July 24 then followed that win with a triumph in the Charles Taylor Handicap in Santa Fe last weekend.

Power Stretch, who resides in the Doyal Roberts ham, is owned by Hall of Capitan.

Stakes winner Gee Ryder also merits consideration in the compact field. The Simon Buechler-charge beat a solid group of allowance horses hero by a half-length in his last start a~ Ruidoso on July 18.

The 5-year-old California-bred galding by Red Ryder has won two

of his last three starts going siX fur­longs.

The Pacific Classic is the premier ;handieap event offered at Del Mar and should attract a first­class field of older thoroughbreds.

Hollywood Gold Cup winner Best Pal, who won the inaugural Pacific Classic in 1991, is 'un· defeated in four starts at Del Mar and should be the one to beat in the 1 114-mile contest.

The Travers Stakes perennially brings together most of the top 3-year-olds in the nation. Belmont stak.. victor Colonial Affair and Haskell Handicap winner Kissin Kris are tho top contenders in the I 114-mile route.

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Power Stretch will be back In action Saturday in the Sprint Handicap at Ruidoso Downs Race Track.

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A Cal'lizo

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" . .,.. . .. :,;-· ', .. ':.._ ... ~-" ~ ··. . .... ·· ·~ ...... ··. ~ . .;'.'·· .:.:·'.·.-.. .--~ __ :.: ... _.:_.~~·-~:.~:.'~· .. ~·_,;·,~:~;··~--··.~·:·~·.·-~-·-·~~-~-·-r~.~-~~-~.··~·:·~ ..... _:,~--~--~:_.~,~~·~:~~~~-~~~r'~~;~,~·~;....-.....::.....;.;..-.. ......... _ ..... ....;;,.-~'.l:.1':0.'..,._~_ ..... ~~-..:..~~-~-~~'0.'.oi..o ..... _.;..:.._ ..

~- ~ ,. --- ·:---.- ~-,- ~- ,.

. . . . - . ~ - -- ~

, ·. Capitan . .

Tobacco snuffed out in Capitan schools . .

by DIANNE STALLINGS suspension, the third a three-day ed sometime after the fifth football to do the whole ro~," ehe said. "I Ruidoso News Staff Writer suspensioQ. and the f-ourth requires game of the season, he said. . recommend doing· one t1lrougb

Despite. advance n-otice, no one a long term expulsion after a hear~ Board members asked him to three_ nOW, Th8y can be- aqcomplish~ showed 'up last Thursday to protest ing With the parents and super- huddle again with hiS coaches to ed while -school is in session. a tobacco and smoke-free campus intendent. come up with a compromise. Projects four through !Wr:, we 4lan ei· policy adopted by the Capitan "I just don't want to get into the Stierwalt told The ltuidoeo thor do ourselvee or do them later." School Board. . eame mees that Ruidoso did with Nowe Tueeday the echedule will It the bids come in too high, the

But board membell! still expect a its athletic code,." said board mem· remain as drafted with homecom- board hQ the option Of rejecting few problems when the firet home ber RUB8ell Shearer. ing on September 24 against Balon . them Md looking· at other ap-game rolls aro~nd. High school principal -Darrel in a non-district game. · prpaches.

"I think the bOttom line is that Stierwalt said ·coaches are trying·to "We decided we epu}d move The ·tbrQe projects ~., .Wm-e we're all serving as role models;' eome up with ·some training rules around the times for the Capitan estimated to ·cost *-41,300 a,nd..'in~ said BoarQ. President Tom Trost that will reinforce the policy. Classic (volleybaJl) tournament so clude ·replacing and/or_ imP~Jii after the policy was approved unan~ "1 hope this isn't tpo much of a the girls c~ participate in both," the rqOf on the kitchen buiJdi.qg, the­imously. "When the lobby gets full problem for patrons, but we're Stierwalt said. _ multi~purpaae ioQom and t_he gym· of smoke, it goes into the gym and doing this for theJdds," Trost said. Homecoming parade will leQve nasium~ Prqjects put on hold for it's hard to breath for non~ Board member Tim Worrell sug~ the school about 1 p.m. Thursday, noW incl;urle. ~Rairs to the ~dmini&-smokers." gested that players remind spec~ $eptember 2.3, and the traditional tration building· roof, · the.

He emphasized that the policy tators of the policy over the Joud bonfire will be set aflame at 7:30 elementary school and. high school covers all forms of tobacco, includ· speakers at games. It may mean p.m. . roofs. · . · · ing cigarettes and chewing tobacco, more coming from a peer, he said. Payne alsO said she had been In other buSiness, s~hool board . called dip. contacted by a former boa;rd mem~ members:

"I quit," said Trost, who said he Homecoming set ber asking that coa,che'i!n~consid~?r -reiterated that they want a had used dip for years. scheduling home volleyball games policy developed to verifY the back·

District Superintendent Diana In a related matter, conflicts in at 4 p.m. The time is too early for ground of prospective employees Sonnamaker said she and Trost put scheduling sporting events nearlY local supporters to attend. that includes.checlrlng fing-erprints. together the policy, which will cover stumped school officials as they "Usually when they're scheduled . -;were told by SQnilmn~r that a all parts of the campus .and school tried to figure out a date for the dis· at that time it's because they fall on policy is being developed to protect vehicles. trict's_ annual homecoming game school nights, so we are trying to the board in '-relationship to its at-

Before coming up with a final and celebration. get the kids (who have to travel) torneys in Albuquerque, from the version, they requested policies Stierwalt said as scheduled on home before midnight," Stierwalt firm of Simon, Cuddy and Fried~ from surrounding school districts September 24, it ·would conflict said. man. and businesses, Sonnamaker said. with a majo"r ·vo1leyb8.U tourna· Ws too late to change the times, "That· way if anyone does some-

"The st8ff will have to go off ment, maldng it diffi.c1,1lt for the because both. teams playing already thing ·with the board attorneys, all campus to smoke," she said. "We girls who wanted to participate. have s:igned ·contracts. Some trips members wiii be .iil.formed," Son~ may see a line (of employees) out~ Board member Beverly Payne .require a four~hour bus ride, he namaker said. a policy will side the fence. pointed out that it's hard for girls noted. prevent a superintendent from

"It's the same with patrons at to play an intense game of volw In a related discussion, board using the firm for his/her own football and basketball games. I'm leyball, then run out and do their member Tim Worrell said he i~ con· benefit. sure we'll see some flack." hair. cerned aboUt burnout for coaches. "There should be no advice the

Signs prohibiting tobacco will be "They will not be focused on the · that are active in -threa sports. board members are not· aware of," posted around the schoOl and at game," Payne said. "They love it, because they don't she said, AU opinions will be r8-games. Staff members will be told Coaches looked at m-oving up the make that much money," he said. quested in writing with copies sent to watch for violations .. They can date of homecoming to September "But there are a lot of late nights to each member. politely point out the signs to 3. The only ·conflict would have and no weekends off." "I think we nted tlua in view of patrons who may have missed been a single volleyball game. Stierwalt said that's ·exactly why what happened with our last super~ them. "The problem I've got is that the he moved Norman Cline out of intendant calling the attOrneys,"

''I was surprised to learn that student council has to get a band track, because he had taken on the board member Jack King said. "We Ruidoso passed a policy like this and sponsors and select the court," duties of athletic director as well as finally had to call them and tell back in 1991," Trost said. Stierwalt told the board. ''We Can coach in another sport. them that anything that goes to

~They said there were some get it done, but it's not- an- ideal "I'd like to drop all three~sport him also goes to the board presi-problems at the first few games, situation." assignments back to two, but it's dent. Any time there is cor-but soon it was juSt understood," ".It doesn't seem like much time just a problem small schools have," respondence between the super· Sonnamaker said. ·to pull things together," Trost ·said. he said. intendant and the attorneys, we

Adults who fail·to comply could He urged Stierwalt to work out . Turning from instruct!Qna\. sWf shoJ!l!).l<llgll';,'i!l!!\lt"i:goin~~;,on, notb-be asked ·• to II!QVll""illihll>llS. On a. some other alternative. to the physical plant, the boarli ·ap- . ing Wldedli~ lilbJ.i: . ·· firSt offense for students, the tobac· "I'd like to look at the Reserve proved the first three of six roofing . co will be confiscated; parents wiH game as an alternative, but we may projects oUtlined by -noted that they are searching be contacted and a one-day suspen~ not be able to. It's scheduled for Qc. "We don't need to be spending for a name for the new middle sion or detention imposed. The sec· tober 8," Stierwalt said. $24,000 on a patching job that will school, which wiU be under con· ond offense carries a two~day Usually, homecoming is sehedul· only last a few years and.then have struction this fall.


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Great mexican fOOd, char-grilled burgers & delicious Schwan's ice cream.


·Lincoln Street & 3rd 8&4-2260

The best .of the best - . - ..

New Capitan school. district superintendent Diana Son­namaker proudly shows off the plaque presentee' to her . last month when she was selected as New Me.xlco admin­istrator of the year for 1992-93 for outstanding leadership. "We have proof that we hired the best In the state.",~chopl board member Jack King said. "She's dor:1e. a lOt tn the short time she's been here," added board president Tom Trost. Tlie award came from her peers, school admihlstra­tors from across the state.

Burgers and crafts, livestock and pets guarantee'! great days at the Uncoln County Fair. More photos on page 9.


ory Smoktg a~ar

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SplrH of Life AposiollciPontecostaJ

Tabernacle announces moving 1o their new chureh faciiUy on Auguat 29, 1993. New address Is 209 Uncoln Ave., Capitan, N.M. on Rl48, just 2110 miles past fair­grounds rawanf business dis!rict.

Tbls little piggy stayed al home._ THIS UTI1.E PIGGY HAD CUSTOMERS ... This llltla piggy had nono ••• THIS LITTLE PIGGY ADVERTISED IN ~E RUIDOSO NEWS CLASSJFH;DSI

Servloe Tlmea Tuesday - Bible Study 7:00p.m. SUnday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service 6:00p.m.

All Welcome as ARan Miller 267-8864

Dr. Michael G. Lim is pleased to announce his association with Dr. Brian Taylor for the practice of Family. Eye Care. Dr. Lim's services will include, but are to:

• No stitch cataract surgery with implant

• Treatment of diabetic eye ·disease .

· " Radial keratotomy • Laser treatment for

glaticoma " Eyelid ·plas.tic surgery " Contaet.lenses and glasses

C~~~~:~~Jtfi¥J3,Rours ,13Y.'#..ppointment • ; Cadl!l'bai:i, NM 88220 · IS11·'182ts .. . ..

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' ...

' 't\ ' ' '

' '

Lccal!ed fn the hUII!o11c Ttnrue Meroont:Jle lJ.S. Hvy 7 0 bwldiD~~o • Jandwk of >he Old Weob•h.,.., 'l'lnnle NM .&Uperb Food and ae:rvtce are l:.:radtl:.IOJlal- • JU0>2S mlleae .. > of J<Wdooo 6'33-442'3

The 'l'lnnle Silver Dollar · mvll!e& you l!o come ou~ 11nd

&hare ~he excl~emen~ of' a Jazz Concert

f'ea~urme, lee,endary l!rumpe~er

11nd vocal!&~ 9erald Hun rer.

accompanied by h111 f'tne jazz band . SundayAriaus~22nd

beatnnln& a~ 2•30 and perFormln& unl:!tl 6•30

Mrn!Mion 111 Free and drawing& wtll'be held

fi'or door p:rlZE!$. A Nus'ttlJeel

.I . I


~- ·-' . - ' ', . '

?!1""'~--.... ~·-:~~~":--"':"" ,. ..· ' •. . . ·· .... ·.·. . . . ·. . -~ """ .......... -·~ -~ ......... - .;."_- --- ........ -- ~ .--- --~~~~--~.:..- ~~---.-:....: ...... ..-'_._'.:..;.~~·~"""''--.... -;.;.._ ..... ._.._ ........................ .;..'.:..·'.._,_ __ .... _.:..·· .:..;:.; ............... :.:.:..:.....-...;.;-"'"-..;..:.;....:.'.,~·;.:· ...... ....;.;;....;

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10A!The Ruidoso Newall', Auguet 19, 1993 •

Artist honored in celebrity showcase. San Patricio artist Linda Miller

was honored recently in "A Celebrity Showcase". featuring presesnt and form ScUrey County residents.

Miller's work was displayed dur· ing Scurry County's annual Fourth of July celebration that honors present and fonner county notables.

Miller, who lives and w~ks in her studiolgallarylhome in San Patricio, grew up in Snyder, Texas, in Scurry County, where her brother still operates a sheep ranch.

· Miller's work has been featured in sttveral one;woman shows,· and will hang in the All American Art

Show lllld Sale at the MUBeum of the Horse, wWch opens this Satur­day.

Miller, whose realistic work bas boon compa ... d to the "Old Masters," draws her inspiration from the natural beauty of her val­ley property which she shares with horses; chickens; dogs; Scarlett, a velvet gray rabbit; and Miss Lily.


Take a trail ride during the October Cowboy Symposium

The annual trail ride offerings at the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium have always been pop­ular. This year is no exception!

If the smeJI of the campfire and the glow of an evening sky appeals to you, then the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium has the trail ride for you!

1'rail ride organizers have ex­panded the trail tides to include a special overnight ride through his­tone Lincoln County and the Mes­calero Apache Indian Reservation.

The three day, two night ride leaves Ruidoso Downs Race Track the morning of October 5.

Riders will enjoy the scenic beauty of the mountains as they en· ter the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation on their way to an overnight camp site at Encino Tank.

While there, they'll be fed off the chuckwagon of world champion cook Jimbo Humphrey and enter-

... tained around the campfire by In­dian storytellers and dancers as well as cowboy performers.

After camping under the stars, riders mount up again·and head for the Tunstall Monument.

If overnight campmg lS not quite your style, don't despair. The Lin­coln County Cowboy Symposium will once again be offering its regu­lar day rides on October 8, 9 and 10. The Billy the Kid trail ride b., gins in Glencoe and heads through the hills to Lincoln.

Riders will travel over the same trails that Billy the Kid traveled years ago. The Tunsta!l ride is one of the most challenging offerings and visits the site of the Tunstall murder - sited as the event that sparked the Lincoln County War.

Both of these rides are $10 per ride and will be offered during the Symposium weekend, interested riders should contact Craig or Con­rue Whipple at 257-2520 for actual

day ride dates.

On Thursday, October 7, the trail ride conc:ludes at the Uncoln County Cowboy Symposium site in Glencoe.

This exciting new trail ride js limited to the first 100 riders - so get your reservations in now! Cost for the ride is $200 per rider which includes all meals, refreshments and entertainment. Riders are responsible for bringing their own horses.

All horses must be properly shod. Tra:il ride organizers remind all interested parties that the fall weather in New Mexico can be cool - so come prepared for any and all types of weather!

As the trails are brushy in spots. boots and jeans are preferable. No shorts will be permitted. Stalls for overnighting horses are available at Ruidoso Downs Rac'e Track for a nominal fee.

Here come the judges ,Judges for the All American Photography contest announced their awards in a ceremony Sunday. Judges are 0.0. Clevaland, master landscape photog·

rapher;, Michael Hurd, world famous artist; and Stephen Thetford, professional pho· tographer. V!iinners will be reported in the All American special ·section.

Art show open to local artists This Saturday night, August 21,

199'3, some of the finest artists in the area will unveil their most recent works to the public.

The 2nd Annual All American Art Show and Sale opens for view­ing beginning at 7 p.m: at the Mu· seum of the Horse.

The sale of displayed works will begin at 8 p.m. and goes unti1 10 p.m.

Everyone is invited to attend the grand opening of the ah.ow and take advantage of th& opportunity to purchase some Of the many fine ori~ works of art.

Along with hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar Will be available.

Tickets are $20 for Museum of the Horse members and $25 for non-members. Tickets· are on sale now at the Museum of the Horse.

Each year, the AU American Art Show and Sale highlights aroa art­ists.

"The quality of the work. sub­mitted this year is exceptional," said event organizer Sunny Hirschfeld. "Forty area artiste are featured and this year we added sculpted works to the show."

FolloWing the opening festivities. the exhibit will hang on· public display at the Museum of the Horae through Septamber 12.

The All Amerioan Art Show aod Sale is One of the many events of the All American Festival - a series of events leading up to the Grade I A11 American Futurity at Ruidoso Downs Race Track.

"We are pleased to present such a talented group of artists to the public," said Hirechfeld.

·~any people do not reallze what a tremendous. pool of artistic ialent we have in- the Ruidoso area. Many of these artists are nationally known, aod all of the artists have presented e."':eepti_onal works for the show."

Because the participating artists come from a variety of different baekgrounde, the subject matter of the show ranges from western art to traditional stilllifes.

The M-useum of the Horse is prOUd to ·sPoOur such a div&rse cOl­lection of art and present it to the public.

Everyone is invited to the gala opening of the All Ameriean Art Show and Sale on August 21, 1993. For additional information, please contact the Museum of the Horse at 378-4142.

All American Festival events unfold The All American Festival is un·

derway, with upcoming events in· eluding the All American Casino Night, Fiddler's Championship, All American Antique Show and Sale and more.

The Rotary Club praaents Casino Night at 8 p.m. Friday, Au· gust 27, at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center.

Tickete are $25 each, whieh in­cludes 1.000 chips·to start the eve-

ning With. Proceeds Will benefit the Rotery ocholarehip fund.

The AD American Antique Show and Sale, sponsored by the Ruidoso Valley Noon Lions Club, will toke over the Civic Events Center Fri­day, Saturday and Sunday, August 27-29.

The show. featuring 45 vendors, Will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. Fri· day, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. SatlD'· day and from noon to 5 p.m. Sun·

day. Tiekets are $2 in advance and .$3

at the door. Fiddlers will compete on Satur­

day August, 28, with the fiddling to begin at 8:30 a.m. Cost for spec­tators if $6 for adults and $2 for children. · Road all about the All American

Festival in The News' special see· tion to be inserted in Monday's edi­tion.

May 28 · First National Bank of misrepresentation and unfair trade ment; CV93·91. DR93-54. lliolenee; CR93-74. $2,500; CR93-44. Ruidoso vs. Tallman Corp., a Virgin practices; CV93-84. June 21 • Kristine Margaret May 19 ·Patricia Rogers vs. AI- May 25 ~ Rodney Mathew Al-lslands corporati.on, Jock Tallman, June 8 • Noopom 0. Minnix vs. Caloz; change of name petition by bert Budwith; order on he process .............................................. ........ manza; f'orgeey; CR93-45. Garrett Arnold and Janice Ann Perry Vandervat, individually and natural mother, Virginia Lynatte lllld domeetie violanca; DR93-56, · The following eriminal • easaa May 28 • Flavio Floree; traffiek• Trent, Barbara Nebert, Gary L. and as employee of Enchantment Inn Caloz to Kristine Margaret Brown; May 19 · Jackie Joe Lynn vs. were taken from Lincoln Collnty ing et~caine by possession, traffiek ... Tasha N. Wheaton, Gordon E. and Corporation, Rickey Baeza, individ- CV93-92. .Andrea Janne11 Lynn; divorce: District Court records in Carrizozo. ing with intent to distribute and Janelle Adams, Robert T. and ually, and as an employee of En- June 25 _ Monogram Bank DR93-57. They are identified by the date possesaion -of stolen 1irearm, two Danielle W. Adams, Daniel A. chantment Inn, and Enchantment U.S A. vs. Christine L. Rue and June 3 - Susan Jeanette Bigier filed_, tlie defendant, .the charges countSi CR93~6. Johnson, B.G. Gann, Robert F. and Inn Corp, a New Mexico corpora- Dean Rue; debt on open account; vs. William Rogers Bigler Jr.; and the docket number. May .28 • Jim Casey; tramcking Barb R. Desnoyers, Terry Parham, tion; sexual harassment. assau1t, CV93-94. divorce; DR93-62. · May .4 .. John COJ'Qlan; traffick· cocaine by distribution, two counts; Elton and Hazel Hudeon, James breach of eontract and damages; July 2. Metal Sales Manufaetur- June 4 · Jose Cruz Valde• w. ing caoltitle by <listrlbution; CR93' CRSII-47. Corter Day and Linda S. Day, CV93-B6. ing Corp., a Kentucky eorporation, Aida Valdez; divorce; D~3-63. . 35. .' June 2 , Rudy Coyazo; at-George Matheuson and Evelyn K. June 11 ·Marilyn H. North vs. vs. Conatruetion Servieaa, a New June 7 • G<>raldine I.. Collins vs, .Ma)i.4·De'bblel)enlseJones;ag· tempted: l!llll'der, ·t»:st. degree; Matheuson, Russell E. Conner, M. Willis Knightstep and Debra Mexico partnership, the estete of Darryl T. Collins; divorce; DR98-64. gravilteil .bitttM.Y 'With a d.!adly 01193-48, . . · Dawson Alexander, Ralph aod Knightetep, individually and doing Robert Walker Jr. aod Gary S. June 11 • Olympia S. ltue·W, weapon;Cli98.JJ6, June 14 • Walter ColUns; con­Eufelia Melendez Jr., John aod business as Stewart Motel; wrong- Christensen, partner; collection, Andy Rue; divorce; DR911-65. • . . May 4 • tlntla Zin11; ft:aud, two spjraty,, tO tratlic cotllln$,b,Y tlistrill· Manuelita Melendez, Gary s. ful termination, breach of employ- breach of eon tract; CV93-96. June 15 • Beth Miller w.'\llllllle counts 01(et .$2BOibut under $Z;600 utionttllt93- 49. : Kucera and Martha 1!. Kucera, Tim maot eontraet and damages; CV98· The folloWing domestic relations Millet; order free ~~t' lllld aod one IWU\It over ·$100, but Wider : Jotte '23 • RuBiiell 'ltnet; Cbn• Hampton, James W. Lovell, doing 86. cBJiaa ware taken from the Lincoln d0111el!tie violenee; DR93:.S7,.· · . $250; D.Itll:!·ll7. · ll!!ii'AC\Y to trl!llicking coealne,l?YiifS· business ae The Lovell Group, June 14 · Mary R. Beeker \Ill, County District court reeords in June 15 • Sharop. · ·l!lliri!ime · ~ 6 • J~ ~lib; &~udu- tribui!OIIIII)d ttaf'6ckiilg i!OeiUile by Hans Brakod, Harold s. Oiark Jr., Dan Smith, doing business as All Carrbozo. They are identified by Mlllldoza vs. Ramir~ · · Malidoza lent WI& o£ tr~~dlt tl!fd wlthput con- dilltribut!en; CB93-52. · · .. Susan McGarry, Halfon w. Marcus, American Auto; notice of appeal; the date flied, plainl;ifi' and Avllez; divorce; DR93·6il. : . ~nt ut OW!Jar1 ~ery, poeaeSSlon June $4. ·~ Rol!ert; .l'i!a~ts~~~ tOil• H d Ch · · H • h CV93-87. defendant, the type of action and June 16 ·State ofN'ew Mexieo · of~lml!l'edi~~,··toSt n\Mald I!Nteapp61lfl.,t'Jll93.61t. · · ..


N:::,ryM:'tco D;;,~.:.n:~ft,J.:, June 17 ·Lincoln Truat Co., a docketnumbor. Human Semces Depa~tment vs, ordllllvereilby111iatak!!;OR93>3S. .'JI\IIS~·RicJ<eY.(I;M~OIIl. Blake Butlar In e., doing business as Colorado eorporation, aod April 27 -De)>ra Lee White vs. l!lli,a IIanne; ilon:,supporl'l DR98-69 •. .' .Mll~·l,S ' .AIPe:rl 'EspbjOZII}, con· · 011\bezzlement o~ $260,.but,'UIIil&t The Firebird, and anyone else With custodian tor Donald K. }{opp 11, Joel Andrew White; divorct; DR93· . June 18 • Msry Helen l!'andoiJ!Ii ·BP~l'~ t9· tect•Ve ·~lol~ {lt~perey; ' $$,60(} . ~ .ftolwl .... ill' . tl!.e: • -~ . an interest; money due and fore- vs. Richard H. aod Flora g,. V~ga; 49. . · .· . \Ill. Albert , Qlilltle~ l~~,ndo1j>h; CR93'..i!U. · '·,- · . ·'. :. alMunt, · ¥.d ~boMI!IJII!ll~ tO\I'il).' · cloeure, repoeeession and sale of foreClosure on mortgage; CV!IS.S~. l\lay 4 • Ina ~ta vs. Dion Big- d!Vb!:ce; D$3·'10. ' .. ' • . .· . May ,t~ • Jet'llfula ?• j\JiileYsoni $101)., llue .llild,e~ .~0: or ~1.1 of . personal property; CV93-82. June 18 • Felix A. .all(! l!~~tbara inOIIth; domestic Vlolanee; I>R93·52, · .. June 21 • S~ Sn~ Mobd vs. lj!S!IIll!.C« .· ~ . eheCl<; :~ . tllel!llll)llli!IIOillltf()II9lJ.$:'. ·. ' : • .. t.

June 1 • Village of Ruidoso vs. F. Dutra vs. NickOrcinoli snd lister l\lay 7 - Shlll'<>n S. llood ,vs. At- 4l'\l$l E, Hood;<llvbl'tll;,~·71. COUlllll; Cll93-.1. · . .·· : ·,. · .. ·. . J11nfll8~ :aom.II.I Vreli;i)l;;1'11~1!'· . Jeffrey Malone; notica of appeal; Orciuoli; prt>missory nute;:cwa-so. . wl E. Hood; di!itli!stlc 'lll(!leuile; ' 'J'ulll! 23 ·i.f!.oli !'faison. Jr. · 1'4111 ~ • ~leett Sl!l!tltf~eif#lg . lilt .sto)jlrt :: JII'!IP~\r~ .. ~ tl(l)~ . CV98•83. . June 21 • Erngje (l!:eCl< intllr- IllW<J-63. . . ·. . IIJI, .Sally g114 ,~,,. VO).'l!4l ·S!Oien .Pf01ferf.y.~ver.'$2,600;,QR98• , 01!9~·55, · .. · '" · ~ .

1 .

.tlill&·7· Wlllillm·F. and Wanda ~mmunlty Watl!t'.~upp!yhso"!a· . Mey,17 • Sb>tA. o£.1!1.~!'1 M6ld1:9 .:OW8.'f3. ·, · ·'. · .. , .: .. . · .·· .· ·48, : ,,·' .·. . . . . . ·· ·: ·.,•·.,. ·· .. Ju,ne,:29 ~Wfll!alnttlfllJai'd; •II! • · II. Hugh<!&• vs. Coldwl!il Bllllker tion .tnc, w •. Dorjil1!1•Sml~ li:j).\1!1'- HIID'iliD& &!n>fe!!& l)ep$rl:men~. w, · . ~1016 .80 ~ 'l'eltli ~'helle lbiaon 1\'!'M $& • WJlltfl!ll lt Bnritb;, . Ill'' ·tl>. <>bill' a SUbpDOII!I,; (!niB:­SDC lel!ltora, a.N&w MeX!e~~ Corp.; prisf)!l fne,:trl$plllli ~d enCi'llaCI!· Jlln.~· Ravenrntll\ollttll,llOrt ilOtition; 'VII• \\'lllllllll'l'!lrk !bison' ~~~~el!ti~ ,.i'6MII# .$lllllll'l ~~tty, $1'• diinl.el1!101'); CR91W!<I~· · . •• '

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.{ i . ' ' ----THURS{JAY, AUGUST 1'J, 190:1 RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO ' · . B SECTION

-Editoriai ·:

' ' .N. --· .. b d. .· • . -~· · o a·· y Wins .. ~

. . A couple of bureaucrats. took the law In their own

hands this weekend. A state highway department staff member and a village employee .put their heads to· g~ther and allowed a itlolatlon of a village ordinance.

No big deal, according to the state highway . engineer who apparently took It upon himself to give a business operator permission to Install her business sJgns .on our state right of way, and even on state­owned signs.

·Apparently the village planning officer agreed, for when the two discussed. the violations over the tela· phone they decided to let It go - even though the vii· lage sign ordinance Is very clear, and would prevail since it Is stricter than any state law ·that might con­flict.

·• No big deal? Tell that to the business owner who thought. she was perfectly within her rights since a state official told her to go ahead and put up her s!gns. State. and village officials all but encouraged· her to violate the law instead of looking it up and in­fonning her what she could and couldn't legally do. and what permits would be required .

. No big deal? TellthE!t to the local business owners and operators who take the time and spend the money to abide by the village sign ordinance and do not have the benefit of using state right ot way and statE! signs to promote their businesses. They were crying "unfair competition," and passing on their com­plaints to. the mayor and village councilors.

. No big deal? Tell that to Village Councilor Frank Potter who· responded to complaints and went out to SJi!.B )lle signs lt>r himself. Since he knew the slgnage was illegal, he took the signs down, and now faces larceny charges on a complaint brought by the sign owner.

No big deal? Tell that to Governor Bruce King; Sec­retary of the State Highway and Transportation De­partment, Lou Medrano; the State Legislature; Mayor Jerry Shaw and the Ruidoso Council. These officials are elected and appointed to set policy to be carried out by state and vlll!i!Qe employees. Why bother to make laws and pass ordinances if employees are going to do their own thing?

Yes, It Is a big deal when a couple of people who are paid by taxpayers overstep their authority and se­lectively interpret state and village laws. Nobody wins, and the end result of this last bureaucratic boondog­gle Is embarrassment all around, With criminal charges against a village councilor, angry business owners and the tl)reat of a lawsuit against the village.

Jack Kent Cooke, Chaln:nan of the Board



Surprised about lukewarm MRS opposition TO Tim ED!101h- ·

t read the t'llcent article In the August 9 editi011 on the MRS. Was surprised to read the paper's per· ceived conception or· no opposition to the MRS.

The organizations now engaged in the opposition are numerous, large and well funded. The lighting responses have been replaced by careful strategy planning. Not tip­ping the proponents to the plans ·and actions in place and ready to be oetivatsd, is highly important.

·A l!lll>tdlnated, - strategic:Slly structured~ many faceted opposition plim will be ini~ated at the correct time for maximum national and lo· cal results.

In the pas~ actions and responses were actually precipitated by pro·MRS opera­tives. Proponents would actually create situations deliberately to precipitate opposition response. in effect, they were controlling the situation. This is now no longer

tr\Je. '.l'hv M,R$ proponents''Wl11 now have to respond to the anti·MRS in· itiatives. ·

The many groups and organiza· tions now engaged in the MRS op· position have been informed of the wise and honorable position the paper has taken in stauncltly op­posing the MRS. The paper's deditation to protecting the region and the state from nuclear waste is lauded by one and all.

1f push comes to shove , many will be amazed at the magnitude of

the local, national and interna~on~ al r.esponse. The Ruidoso region could well become a Nuclear Free Zone.

Many times, apparent bad situa· tions create actions which produte a better, safer environment for all. Mountain meadows. not Nuclear Garbege Dumps, may be guaran­teed for the future of the region.

We'll see.

Bill Petty Dallas~ Texas

Summer visitor puts her feelings • tn a poem TO THE EDITOR:

We are annual visitors to Ruidoso, and have been since 1981.

Our daughter, who is nine years old and in the third grade, wrote this poem for an English assign­ment lilst March.

She needs more work on her

shows how she feels about Ruidoso. Incidentally, the name Ruidoso

is not mentioned in the poem, but both the teacher and we know what town she is referring to.

See you next summer.

Lloyd and Cindy Harper Fredericksburg, Texas

spelling, but the content clearly Here's the poem:

Nosey bear visits couple TO THE EDITOR:

A nosey bear... · Shortly after eight o''Qiock Satur­

day night, my wife, Yvonnei and I were watehlng the foothal game between the Dallas Cowboys and the L.A. !Wders when sudde}11y she E!Creamed, uThere's bear on the decld!' ·

. The alldil!g glass doors were ,open. and. th!>l'8 he stood with his iiOI'o aga!IIGI: :the ~een.

We earlier had ellten a. dinner of gull' tro~·lind. .!!hrlml!< llilr!.no dQUbt the mnell to hl!ll wes ft'telll$tlble:

·It IIi alilo just possible !le Wlis en-

joying the lackluster showing the Cowboys were putting on since most all bears an of necessity raiders.

At any rate, he made a hasty exit, but foiled to negotiate the 10 feet of stairs he came up on and simply tlew otr tbe declo: and serambled up the mountainside.

It might be well for anyone feying fish to be sure all doors 111'8 well secured, otherwise they jlllit mjght l)a'Oe an unbi111'ted guost for ,,~ I . wunel' ··

All truth, no Jiction... · . Dr. Lloyd Kelley


The Best Town In the Woi-ld by Lloa Harpel'

I know the best town in the world It's where tall pine trees grow~ And a clear stream flows. It's where the winter days are

snowy and gay. If I could stay there, rd never run

away. The summer days are full of


And when the people come home, They're fully wom. They always wear pants or jeans, 'Cause the stonns there are born to


The people there always give you a smile for awhile.

This is the best town in the world, If you haven't been there, give it a


The Ruidoso News encourages letters to the editor, especially about local to~cs and issues.

Each letter must be signed and must include the writer's tele­phone number and address. The phone number and street or mailing address will not be printed, however the author's hometown wiU be included,

., -.

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2BITIIo R•ldaso Nowsrrhuroday, Auguat1e,1ssa • ,., . '·' ., :;


. · People . ·


. -

6:30-8 p.m.-RUIDOSO LITTLE LEAGUE FOOTBALL SIGNUPS at Ruidoso Middle &hool.

8 p.m.-ENCHANTED THEATRE presents The program is open to children eight to 12 years "Greater Thna" and "Love Letters" at 1035-B old; cost is $30. Birth certificate is req~red. For in· Mechem Drive. "Tuna" will be presented Tuesdays, . · fOl'lllation, call2!!7-5~. Thursdays and Saturdays, and .. Letters"- will be on Wednesdays and Fridays. Call ~57-7777 for tickets and reservations.

"I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER," a bilingual crusade, continues at 7 p.m. today and Friday, at the First Baptist Church, 420 Mechem Drive in Ruidoso. The crusade, led by evangelist L.E. "Chief' Lawson and Luis Gomez, wilJ include preaching, singing, testimonies and more. Everyone is welcome.

9-10 a.m.-MAINSTREET RUIDOSO coffee at Four Seasons Mall. invited.

11:3D a.m.-RETIRED SCHOOL PERSON-· NEL organize in a meeting at K-Bob's, All former school workers, including te8.chers, administrators, bus driver and cafeteria workers, are invited. For tnfonnation calJ .Nellie Ruth Jones at 378-4355 or Genevieve Duncan at 257-3168. ~

2:30 p.m.-ICE CREAM SOCIAL at Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center. Come eaTly - the games will begin at 1 p~.

NEW MEXICO VOLUNTEERS FOR THE OUTDOORS Lincoln/Cloudcrc..ft Project .. For more information, call Dennis Croessmann at 281-2014.

OLD WEST RANCH RODEO AND DANCE at. the Lincoln County _Fairgrounds in Capitan. The rodeo begins at 1 p.m. each day, with the dance at 9 p.m. each evening. Admission to the rodeo is $4 for adults and $2 for children six to 12. Tickets to the dance are $10 per family, $7 for a coUple or $5 for singles. The r.olt Gibson Band will play.

2:30·6:30 p.m.-JAZZ CONCERT on the veranda at the Silver Dollar in 'JimUe featuring jazz trumpeter and vocalist Gerald Hunter. Every­one is invited. Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be available for sale on the veranda and the dining room will be open for lunch and dinner.

ALL AMERICAN FESTIVAL NEEDLE­WORK FAIR entry deadline. For further informa­tion, contact Dottie 257-9428 or Lara at 378-4431.

7 p.m.-ALTO VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION at the club house. Kyle Jones, ENMU instructor, will speak.

5:30-9 p.m.-RUIDOSO HUNTERS SAFETY class at the Ruidoso Police Department. Class size is limited. so early registration is encouraged by s1gning up at the Ruidos-o Police Department. A $5 fee is charged. For more infonnation, call Pete Equibel at 257-7365 or Dave Wheeler at 257-7381.

11 a.m.-FEDERATED REPUBLICAN WOMEN at Carrizo Cafe for regular monthly meeting with a program, "Do You Know," by Judge Gerald Dean. Call 258-4465 for reservations.

6 p.m.-CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, in the professional building at Lincoln County Medical Center. For more information, call 258-354-3.

Herbs, Tei.JS, · Vitamin. Suppkmtlnts

7 p.m.-NEW MEXICO SINGING CHUR­CHMEN will present a conc;ert at the First Baptist Church. 420 Mechem Drive in RUidoso .. The concert is free arid all are invited to attend.

Noon-AARP the Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center. Everyone is invited to bring a dish

. and. have lunch before carpools leave at 2 p.m.. f.or the "Garden Pm:ty Affair.:·

2 p.m.-GARDEN PARTY AFFAIR at Fort Meigs galleries and gardens. Lincoln County Chap­ter #4512 of AARP will tour Fort Meigs and Hurd's. La Rinconada Gallery in San Patricio, prior to sharing a "southern suppah" _in the Fort Meigs gar­den. Memb.ers are asked to bring a covered dish, your own service for eating and folding chair(s) or blanket. The chapter will furnish drinks, riapkins and cups. For rnore information, call258-4965.

6 p.m.-RUIDOSO MOUNTAIN-MARaCHERS annual membership picnic at Cedar Creek campground. Brini a dish for the potluck meal. For more infonnation, call 257-2120 or 257-3168.

6:30 c p.m.-LINCOLN COUNTY DEMO­CRATS meet for dinner at Cafe Carri:(o. State Cor­poration Commissioner Louis E. Gallegos Will be the guest speaker. For more infonnation, call Joyce Hansen at 336-4490.

8-11 p.m.-ALL AMERICAN FESTIVAL CASINO NIGHT at the Ruidoso Civic Events Cen­ter. Play black jack, craps and roulette to raise money fo"r the Rotary scholarship fund. $25 dona· tion. Prizes include a Caribbean cruise, mountain bike, television, VCR and rifle.

ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE, sponsored by the Ruidoso Valley Noon Lions Club, at thA Ruidoso Civic Events Center, 111 Sierra Blanca Drive. The show is from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. 45 antique dealers will have exhibits. Admission is $2 in advance and $3 at the door. Proceeds benefit Ruidoso Noon Lions Club eye bank.

10 a.m.-LINCOLN COUNTY REPUBLICA."' PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE MllllTING at the courthouse in Carrizozo.

2 p.m.-LINCOLN COUNTY IDSTORICAL SOCIETY presents "Get Your Kicks on Route 66" at the Canizozo Women's Club. Tom Teague will be the guest speaker. A reception will honor area pioneer families. For more information, call Bob Boebinger at 653-4545.

1 p.m.-ALL AMERICAN BRIDGE TOURNA­MENT at the Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center. The party bridge tourney wiii include lots of prizes. Cost to enter is $2 each.

7 a.m.-noon-PANCAKE EXTRAVAGANZA, sponsored by the Ruidoso Masonic Family Associa­tion, at the Eastern Star Building, 144 Nob Hill in the Gateway Area. All you can eat for $3.

nrnrnAr i!,nd Western Show . * Family Stage Sh()w * · . ForAII Ages * .come se111 U$/!l

Singing Churchmen The .rich, sonorous harmonies of men's voices will be echoing throughout the sanctuary .of First Baptist Ch<Jrch, 420 Mechem in Ruidoso, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, August 24, as the New Mexico Singing Churchmen present a concert of sacred music. The Singing Churchmen Is an all­male chorus composed of staff memberS

-:- ministers of music, ministE!rS of educa­tion, ministers tii vo<~th and pastors - of New Mexico Southern Baptist churches, Singing ·a diverse variety ·of Christian music, the men SE!ek to provide a meaningful worship exp$rierice and enjoy­able evening of. fellowship. The concert is free and all are invited to attend.

The Silver Dollar presents concert

Drive on down tp Tinrde Sunday aft8moon and .relax on the covered veranda while listening' . to some topnotch jazz.

· The Silver Dollar. invites every­. one to a fioee jazz coneert £rom 2:30-6:30 p.m.. . S~nday. featuring trumpeter and vocalist Gerald Hunter. He will be backed by veteran- players, including tenor saxophonist Pedro Ruiz Jr.~ trom· boniet Frank Otero, bassist. Manny Flores, dnunmer Eric Huts"on and piani•t Mlohael Francis. ·

They'll be joined by Silver Dollar owner Lester Price on guitar.

Guests at the ~ncerts are wei· come bring blankets and sit on the lawns or find a table on the porch where drinks and hOts d'oeuvres will be available for sale.

50th anniversary Come_ early and have lunch at

the Silver Dollar, or stay over for dinner invites. general manager .. Maxine•J.i'ren.ciS::c · · :· .. r•, -; ~; Robert arid 'Lucile sm)th of'AI\o celebra!e their Golden An-·

niversa,.Y with an onstage presentation of "The Horse and Buggy Days." The Smiths were honored by 41 family members in Lake City, Colorado. •

The last cOnoert of the swnuier series will be the Fiesta Concert featuring Spice of Life from 2:30 to 6:30p.m. Sunday, September 26.

RHS Renaissance Program rewards students, teac.hers The Ruidoso High School Parent

Advisory Council is asking area business owners to support the Renaissance Program.

The program is a broad based recognition program for teachers and students which rewards stu· dents who are showing improve­ment in academics, attendance. and conduct.

According to a news release, the students wiH be rewarded with dis·

Ruidoso is among the 347 Eastem New Mexico University students named to the dean's honor roll for the 1993 summer semester.

A senior anthropology major, Vanpool was designated summa cum laude for attaining a 3.8 to 4.0 grade point average~

counts at participating local businesses.

Students may either a silver or gold card based on a combination of­the specific criteria and overall grade. point average performance.

Teachers also may eam gold cards based on genera! perfonnance as evaluated by the administration.

The Renaissance Program relies on local business to honor those students and teachers who show

dedication and improvement by ·honoring gold card holde~_ with a 15 percent discount on any pur­chase or service. Silver card holders will be allowed a 10 percent dis· count on anY item or service.

The parent council is now gathering businesses to take part in the program.

Anyone interested in takiilg part ie asked.,. to call Ruidoso High School, 258-4910.

KATHLEEN BUSTAMANTE VICTORIA E. SANCHEZ of of Ruidoso DownS is Eqnong the 347 'linnie is BIPOng the 347 Eastern Eastern New Mexico University New Mexico University students students named to the dean's honor named to the dean's honor roll for roll for the 1993 eurmner aemestel'. the 1.993 illlmmer semester.

A aenior biology m~l)t'", A~ senior elementary education Bustamante was designated earned major, Sanchez was ~signa:ted honors fur attaining a .. 3.25 to 3,59 , ~ullima oum lauda fer attainiJlg a grade point average. 8.8 to 4~0 grade point average.

Glamour Comes To Ruidoso , .. "' . - .. r-.' , ...

Accessoril!s . ' •Makeover . O'SeeVour

Ptoolli In ·

GLA.MO R·EXPPEss· Treat yourself toFU~ atn:l Fashion

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Billy fans The rlilcent Billy th~;~ K!(j Symposium drew history buffs from throughout the nation to Lincoln County where they studied Billy and his boys in the area where they lived. The symposium was a learning. experience and .Lincoln

County was one big· phoio opportunity.· Leon Metz of El Paso, Texas, and Dr. Robert Utley (in the picture at right) take a break during the symposium sponsored by the Smithsonian.

Billy the Kid photos by Rosalie Dpnlap

Top guns CQOrdlnators of the Fraternal Order of Po­lice Pistol Shoot·<pose 1or a picture after the big shootout•and awards ceremony at the Ruidoso Gun Club. Organizers of the shoot, which was open to law officers and their families, Include (above, from left) Ur-

Pastol'll AI and Marty Lane

sula Goss, Pam Jackson, Dana Terlecky, Freda McSwane, Susan Penn, .,Mike Lovelace and Bob Miller. Terlecky and McSwane are pictured below with the first place master shooter, Charlie Pirtle (cen­ter). Photos by John Penn.

. ~'

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Lincoln parade winners listed The 1993 Old Lincoln Days festi~. The Best Mounted Group honors

val is a memory for another year, went to the Texas Fourth Cavalry but some of its parade participants Unit of Lubbock, Texas .. and to the are still celebrating their honors. Mcinnes children of Lincoln. Mike

Leading the way for the parade Walstad of Ruidoso Downs was on August 7, was the Lincoln Best Male Rider and _Alison Wal­County Sheriff's Posse as the color stad also of Ruidoso Downs ·was guard. Felipe Salcido and his Best Female Rider. grandsons were the honorary The Best Frontier Group went to colorguard. the Mountain Men, who set up

Winning the Sweepstakes camp during the weekend ev~nt. Award was the American Legion Jim Ca1vin, of the Mountaln Men, Floftt, while Brent Fisher, riding a was the Best Frontier Men. Best Longhorn steer, earned the Best Couple award went to Johnny and Single Entry award. The Best Mickey Thomas, the grand mar­·Mounted Law group award weqt to shals for the parade. the Lincoln County Sheriffs Posse Nathaniel Chee, a Mescalero and the Border Patrol Mounted dancer, received the Best Native Unit. ~ :r • . -.. " ~eriean Entcy· award. Ab Lucero

f , --~ L-·•tr.• ..- ..... •- • •· ._,L. I •"& . . .

and grandsons, Old Timer and New Generation, earned the Best Hispanic Culture Entry.

The Best Children's Entry was the Helms children of Capitan. Leon Pinkert of the Llano Estacada Driving Society of Lubbock drove a blaek surrey in "the parade to win the Best Wagon award.

Lincoln County Medical Center won the Best Float award. -Ken Groman of Roswell and the United States :l;i'orest Service of Ruidoso received the Best Antique Car honor.

Judges for the annual event were Hob Lucero of Lincoln, Carol Robertson of Lincoln and Johnson Stearns of Carrizozo.

Girl Scouts seeking volunteers Zia Girl Scout Council is seeking

volunteers to help inspire girls to their highest potential. Volunteers may work with girls ages five to 17, and help them become self­confident and caring young adults, according to a news release.

The release continues that lead­ers may choose the age that suits them best.

There are many ways to help: as a troop leader, assistant leader, helper or 8 resource in a particular area of interest and expertise.

"Girls today need 8 positive role model to help them cope in today's society;' reads a news release pro­vided by the council. "A little of your time could prevent a teenage pregnancy, suicide, child abuse; en· courage good grades and the impor­tance of a good education.

"All this comes about by your being willing to listen and give girls the opportunity to talk out their problems, communicate in an all­girl setting where girls comf! first, have fun and learn to contribute to our community."

Zia Girl Scout Council provides training and support for all Girl Scout volunteers. Working women, homemakers, college students, retired citizens, single persons wanting to help girls can all be Girl Scout volunteers. says the release ..

Girl scouting is very flexible and can work around today's busy schedules.

Programming includes troop set­tings, in-school activities, special interest projects, such as sports clinics and mentors.

The Girl Scout program is

designed to supplement the formaJ school system by having adult role models guide small groups of girls through a progressive education system.

"Now is the time to make a com­mitment to yourself and the com­munity to help girls of all ages be­come resourceful," invites the Zia Council. "Help Girl Scouts prevent problems before they begin:'

Cash donations also are wel­come, and they're used to purchase uniforms, books or su_pplies for the scouters, or for special field trips or events.

Anyone interesting in donating time or money or sponsoring a troop is asked to contact Jan Leonard, executive director for Zia Girl Scout Council, in Roswell at 1-800-734-9846 or 746·9846.

OECI.ARINQ THE! POWER AND. ltttEtJRITY DF THE SCRIPTURES SINCE 1982 Proceeds To Benefit Ruidoso Noon Lions Club

· Sunday Morning Warship- 10:46 · t· Chlldran's Suhday SChool- 9:90 :t· . Thursday Evening Bible Study • 7:00 Wedn...,ay Aftelnoon Prayer· 1:00


· .. ; ~ ~ ;

. ;-


.. -:..---


SHOW & SALE AUG. 27-28-29

Ruidoso Civic Events Center

. ' . '•-'

'anc~D Dr *Sunday 12·5pm

Noon Lions Club: ,$3.00

· lNVBS'l'MilNTI

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FAX 257-7053

DEADUNES FOR CLASSIFIED -READI;R ADS. ONLY: _Thursday, ts:OO p.m. tor the Monday Issue; TtJeeday. 5:00 p.m. fqr the Thursday. tsaue.

· 1 Anna;unoen1ents 2 Thank you. 3 Persumda 4 Lost and Found 5 Lend lor Sale 6 Houses for s.Jte 7 CabinS lor Sale 8 Real Estel~ Trades 9 Real Estate

t9 Property Management 20 ·storage Space lor Rent 21 Want~ to R•nt 22 Pasture lor Rene 23 Autos tor Sale 24 Pil::kupa • Trueks 25 Vans lor Sale 26 Motur..:ycles lor Sale 27 Auto Parts

$'1'""-tiCI~U. 3BArls 39 ·pp-Qr~lng Goods · 40 a~:~iliuJ, Marine .Equipment 41 ~imtttl.fHi,eo41s . 42 fi~t:i:1~4 T_o Buv 4_3.:fl!itfP Wanted 44 W'Prk Wanted

DEADLINES FOR ALL DJSPLA 'I ADS: Thursday, 5 p.m. forth• Mon• day Issue; Tuesday, 5 p.m. for th• Thursday Issue. 10 Mobile Homes tor Sale

11 Business Opportunities 12 House& lor Rilnt

28 A.V.'s and Travel T1'8ll~s 29 Uvestock and tto~ies

·30 Farm Equipment

4.5 ·FinQRolal Servl.,:es 46servl~es -47Houw Silting 48 Chlkl care

DEADUNES FOR ALL LEGAL JIIOllCES : Wednesday~· 5 p.m. for the Monday lsauei ·Monday, S tor thf Thursday I$Sue...

13 Apar1ments for Rent 14 MobUes .lor Rent

' 31 F•ed and Grain 32 Produce and Plants 33 Pets and :Supplies 34 Yard Sales ·

49 Child Care wanted 50 en-erlalnrnent

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE -All real estate advertising in this news~ paper is subject to the Federal Frur Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or dis­crimination based on race, colorj religion, sex, handicap, familia status, or national ongin, or an intention to make any such pref­erence, limitation or discrimina­tion." This 'newsp!\per, will not knowingly accept any advertis­ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that an dwellings advertised in this news_paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com­plain of discnmination, can HUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 426-3500. The toll-free telephone number is l-800-543-8294. R-62-tfc

TRYING TO REACH MORE people than our local market? How about 213,000-readers in 29 hometown newspapers all over New Mexico. For $96.13 your 25 word ad will reach 29 papers outside of Albuquerque~ Call The Ruidoso News at 257-4001 for more information. R-92-tfnc

FAMILY CRISIS CENTER - 24 hour crisis line. Answered by Huidoso Police. 257-7365.

M.J-99-tfnc KNOW A CRIPPLED or burned

child? Call Shriners for free help. 257-7333 days, 258-5860 evenings or 257-4871, 257-2079.


IIIV+ SUPPORT GROUP- meets the 2nd Monday of each month. Jo'or information call 257-2236

group HIV+ meets the each month. For 257-2236 or H-7-tfnc

ECKANKAR. THE RELIGION of the sight and sound of God, announces the opening of a new center at 1107 Ohio Street, Alamogordo. An introductory talk is scheduled for Saturda>:, August 21, at 6p_m entitled 'A Love of all Life." The public is in­vited free of charge. Sunday, Au­gust 22, at lOam we will celebrate the first workshop ser­vice. The topic is "Experience Love in your Daily Life." Eck­ankar invites people of all reli­gion to share with us. For more information please call K. Willis 682-2487. S-28-ltnc

ELKS LODGE BINGO - every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m., Early Bird 6:30 p.m. Kitchen will be open - come out & play & eat with us! E-R-Sl~tfhc

WILL ANYONE KNOWING - the present whereabouts of Melany Elizabeth Harwood (nee New­man), born in 1969, please con .. tact the Tribunal/Diocese ot Cheyenne, Post Office Box ~. Cheyenne, WY 82003-0426. Phone: 1-800-788·4606. 31-t-28· 6tp

LOST A YELLOW METAL -detector at Parnell.Drive and Highway 70 in Ruidoso Downs. $50 Reward. Call Ricky 257· 2818. No questions asked. 21-8-28-2tnc .. ·

FOUND ON GAVJLAN- Canyon Road 6 week old male black Lab{?) puppy. Calt Adrian 257· llll'12 lllessllgii2G7-lflm7,,1U.D-28--. 2tnc

15 Mobile Spaces lor Rent 16 Rent to Share

51 Firewood Fw Sal& 52. Telephone· Services

1? Buslne&!l Rentals 18 Resort Rentals

~ :~ '4, 1:o~t and l<'ounrl , UJ"" / J," )- e ' <

LOST SATURDAY AUGUST 14 -near mid-town Ruidoso 10 week old Golden Retriever puppy, fe­male. Reward. Call 257-3076. 16·

n. Land fo1· ~a!('

AIRPORT WEST - One acre mobile lot, level, septic tank and drive way. For infonnation, call 258-5050 16-M-99-tfc

FOR SALE - Lot in Agua F'ria. Restricted against mobile homes. Call 378·8003. M-S-98-tfc

MAGODO CREEK ESTATE ad-jacent lots. 6.013 acres $12,000. 5.455 acres $10,900. Or buy both for $21,500. Call Vin 257-2631. 19-P-3-tfc

PARADISE CANYON basement and subfloor in, nice wooded lot, $17,500. Call Bill at TOP BRASS, 257-6327. 16-T-20-tfc

PRIME MOUNTAIN TOP LOT -in Timberlon, NM for good pick­up. 257-4058 #113. M-Y-28-4tp

HORSE RANCH - 19+ acres be­tween Ruidoso and Capitan. House, Mobile, Barns. 257-7500 or 354-3057. M-M-28-1tp

ONE ACRE MOBILE LOTS starting at $4,950. Holiday Realty, 1204 Mechem, 258-3330. M-H-28-ltc

ATTBN1101Y Contractors & BuDders Level,soulllem­

lot .. easy, accesSible with ell¥ utmtlos.

Asking $9,000 or mako an oft'er

can Tam! Montes 257-4001

Monday- !'delay 8 am· 5 pm

BY OWNER - Upper Canyon, near river. Four bedroom, three bath, large den. Call 505-257-4504. M-B-60-tfc

LARGE Four bedroom, three bath, large family/kitchen area, two fireplaces, two car garage, thirteen acres, river frontage, 24x60 barn,good well and horse stalls, 1 112 miles- from race track. $195,000. Call 378-8003 ()r realtor of your choice.

34-S-101-tfc FOR SALE - one bedroom, one

bath, floor furnace, furnished, sleeps eight. $25,000. 322 5th Street. Call257-7808. M-H-103-tfc

EXECUTIVE ALTO ADOBE home, full membership, four bedroom, three bath, two car ga­raga, large level lot. Call Bill at TOP BRASS, 257-6327. 22-T· 20-tfc

105 KIRKMAN- three bedroom, two bath, two car carport, big deck. Call Bill at TOP BRASS REALTORS, 257-6327. 1S-T-22-tfc

35 HOusehold Goods 36 Muslcallnst~uments

' 6. H()u~c,s f(w Sale

ALTO VILLAGE - over 2500 sq. ft. of luxury with spectacular views. Three bedroom, two hath, plus double garage. Full Golf Membership.Pri~ed below re~ placement at $141500. Large assumable loan. Calf owner 336-4224. 31.J-28-7tpR4tp


on Nob Drive, one level off

Cree Meadows, one level off Mechem close to everything I

2-3 bedroom, 1 112 bath,

living room, dining room,

kitchen, combination. Carport and decks.

Broker Owner is pricing to sell. 1-806-647-2427

• • 7. Cabins for Sale ~

THREE BEDROOM - furnished cabin, fireplace, secluded area, $35,000. Also, two lots, owner financing. 257-2483. M-N-21-tfc

PERFECT RUIDOSO - Mountain Cabin! A-Frame two bedrooms, one bath, sky lights, ceiling fans, wood burning stove, deck, beau­tifully landsc~~ed lot, mid-town locati()n, fully furnished, $37,500. Call Fisher Realty, 257-2011. M-F-28-ltnc .

H. Rcn! E,_,t:\tC' Trad(•s

FOR SALE OR TRADE- my large home in Ruidoso for home in Las Cruces area or looking for busi­ness, rental property. Call 257-6317. 17-D-104-tfc

15 ACRES VERY NEAR to beau­tiful Brad;v Lake1 Brady, Texas. Cabin (partially furnished) 30x40 Steel building. Water pumping- windmill, weather shed, «small set of pens .. Beauti­ful oak trees for building eite. $42,500. Will trade for com· perable value property, cabin or hrime in Ruidoso area. Phone

Odessa, Texas. 48-

36 FT. SAILING YACHT-. moored in Hawaii to trade for mountain cabin. 505-885-6107 evenings. M­S-28-8tp ·

9. Heal EHhtlo

FOR SALE BY OWNER - Two bedroom, two bath furnished condo in Innsbrook Vill~e~ #216. Reasonable offers cons1d~ ered. 258-5598. M-G-102-tfc

WOULD LIKE TO LEASE/PURCHASE house/condo priced up to low $60,000's Must be good value, Pllferably furnished, possible owner financing. Will lease for six months with payments going toward purchase Fice. or down payment Damage deposit avail~ able. Call 258-5411 and leave message.· 43-B-107-tfc

THREE BEDROOM TWO BATH­two car garage, furnishedJ .big decks, super view. $49,900. ·Can Bill TOP BRASS REALTORS 257-6327. 19-T-4-tfc

THREE BEDROOM TWO BATH­furnished home, big view. $52,000. Owner financed. Call Beverly TOP . BRASS REALTORS 257-6327. 17-T-4-tfc


has openings for sales agents. Come to work for a competitive new group

In Ruidoso. Cell Van Patton


HAVE THREE FIVE - acre tracks left and Mountain Breeze acres over looking Nogal Canyon~ ap­proximately 18 miles Nortn of Ruidoso, walking distance _to wilderness. Bear, elk, deer, turkey, hunting. Owi)er· will fi­nance. Also; a 40 acre track at Nogal Canyon. Have ~0 acres fertile Valley Raw ~~ looking U\) at Three Mountam. OWner­will finance. Boykin ReW EotatQ. 378-4025, 58'B-15-tfc .

THREE BEDROOM two balh Townhome, fully fumiabed, orj!y· $64,500, with closing cost down and assume loan. Call Bill at TOP BRASS, 2~7 -6327. 22-T-20-tfc ..

READ 'THE CLASSIFIEDS - You may find something you need or

·want in The Ruidoso News.


can Rocl1-865-9247 or 1-263-1638

..... Allo VIllage Deer Pall< Home Fun membership, 3 bedroom. 3 bath, level entry, I! fire­places, wooded corner lot, separate storage room, double jacuzzi, water treatment sys­tem, large living and rttcre­atlonal area, dlnlng area. new roof. $170,000.

can Wyler Real Estate

336-41211 OWnedAgen/


VJEW Of SlEftBA BLANCA fROM D11S MQBILEt Fully fumlahed Md·teady to move In thl$ 3 ~~om, a­bath home with covered deck, breakfaat bar and wood-burning atov~. Almost everything stays Including motorayc~G With only 3,000 mJies at full price. $39,600. . BEAUTIFUL S§]J'INQ WITH SMALL STBEA'MI _SpaCious moblle·wlth add-on fivfng area, fre;esten'ding 11replM'e. dining room, covered deck. refrigerated air.­bvertt:r:ed 1 oar garagl!l, workshop, etoraga and fenoed am ·fOr anhnals. 1 year old roof on entire 8U'Uctut8. $52,000.

"Making NeW FrlllndS The.

So-ayaiOm. "A must - --, --. ' .·~ . $186,<100. ¢o!J ~... iiS!1&'1

~J. Rettl l~stah~ '

FOUR BEDROOM - four bath TOwnhouse. Furnished. $17!500. down. ASsume no gualifv oan. Call Bill TOP BRASS REALTORS 257-6327. 18,T-4-tfc

ALTO VILLAGE - Golf member­ship~ Deer Park Drive, level, trees, lot 11, unit l, Deer Park Wood~- $45,000. 505-821·

· 8630. . 16-A,12;2~tJ>!lOtJ? 103 WHITE MOUNTAIN - two bedro~. two bath, Jacuzzi, fenClj<ll'ard, big workshop, large cq_vero · potih. Call Bill at TOP BRASS REALTORS, . 257· o327. · 21-T·22-tfc '

CALL';JODIE ASHBY- at Bill/ Pippin Rtial Estate, 257'4228. MLS Listings, .we can hQ}p you buy, we can help you sell. 20-A~ 23-tfc .

UNION CO. N.M. seooa~sd~a~s

•-.t~A&s:<i . $14fr.OD per deecie<l acre LAS ANIMAS CO, CO.

25,750.00 acres $65.00 per deeded acre

JOHN KIRCHHOFF 1j8alE~JaleB ........

· "1'1Uic!O~b,,'NM 505-2117-4$48 PlainvieW, 'i'x 808-296-7517

By Owner- A MuSl See . Breathtaking view. Easy

access in summer or winter, close to Mechem. Lovely,

move-In condltfDn. 3,000 sq. ft. horns between 2 goff cours­es. Lots of extra special fBa-

tur&s. All city utnn/es. $196,000. Make an offer.

Adjoining 213 acre View, lot also BtiBIIable.


5.,1 rflauJ 257-4011

-·--.: .. . . : : ·~-~., __ .,_·-·.~...!;-·"::· .. :_._ tf·· .. ,; ~ l.l

-· ·-·'·-'- -· '"- -·· ---


ll'hursday, Augu,llt 19, 1993/The Rulclosa New815S . . -

' . ' . .

. . . -....... .. .. '" .

· H. Heal gstu1o • •

ALTO LAKES GOLF AND Country Club. Good Alto lot! Gentle slope, big pines-potentail 'Views. Gieat for sm8.ll spec house. Full . golf membership. $27,500. Call Susan at Century 21 Aspen Real Estate, -257-9057, . M·C-28-1tf

CHEROKEE ADDITION Beauti· ful wooded view of Camelot Mountain ·frOm· house and from

around deck. One level Large area.


PERFECT RUIDOSO -Mountain Cabin! A-frame, two bedrooms, one bath, *Y li!t' J.tts,.seiling fans, :\'I'OQd. burl11llg .__ ®c~, heau' tifully landscapo lot, mtd-town location, full furnished. $87,500. Call Fisner Realty, 257-2011.



0. HenJ Rstate

BY OWNER -'Ponderosa Heigliti, : thtee lots,- - cabin, paVed.! eB$y ac.Cess,. Qr,ea ·all city utilities avaliable1_ mobile ok. $22,500. Call258-4l!66. 2l-G-24-9tp

A RARE FlND ~ two lt>rge UpJ!Ol' Canyon Lots aero~ ltrom the ri-ver. :Lots measure,2!10xl50, are hsavily treed aod 'have a • ~good building eito. Call REALTY SER'i>'iCI<:S 258-4574. 28CJ!. 28-18tncR6

FULLY 'FURNISiJED three bedrooms, two baths, _fireplace,· -frost free refrigerator 1 twp nice decks. Prica reaucod ,5,000 be­low appraised. HolidaY Homes, 12041\lechem, 258-3380. 23-H· 28-1tc

NICE CLEAN DOUBLE - wide lo­cated on two lots, #-10 Ranier, Owner finance. $85,000. Holiday Realty, 1204 Meche~, . 258-3330. 17·n'23·1tc

TENNESSEI<: PROPI<:RTY - beau­tiful red brick, 8 bedrooni home, 1112 bath set on 19 acres of lana that includes. lush pasture land timber, suitable for cutting and spring fed pond. Home has full, partiaUy finished basement with 112· bath. Two miles from Ken­tucky Lake will comrider trading fOr mountain property or sale. Call505-487-7613. 53-B-4tpRltp

10. l\Tohile Ilonws 1\w SatP

GOOD OR BAD CREDIT -Mfordable quality mobile homes. Even with down pay­ment problems. Please let me holp. Call C.J. 1-800-828-1615. M·N·28·2tf

6.49% FINANCING ON YOUR next new home! Quality at a price you can afiord. $259/m buys this doublewide. Free delivery. Free credit check. Call 1-800-959-7275. M-N-28-2tf

WHY RENT WHEN you can own this four bedroom for only $199 mot. 6.49% financing available. TrJplow,i~e. . . doublewide, single.Wide. repos available. Free credit check. Free delivery. 1-800-795-6372. M-N-28-Ztf

11Ll$tell To Tbe River" hom 1he deck of this Upper Canyon · MasterPiece. This 3 bedr0oml2bath river home feawres a large mas-· ter suite with f'ueplace, a professlnoally decorated fumibln> psckage, hot tub, and a 1 bath goesthouse wilh full kitchen. Beautiful landscaping #lftd easy access too. Call for more infonna-tion -and an appoJntmenL . ·

fffi1 Bill Hirschfeld ~ 1092 .

• John aeynolds • 258·4574 _,. f



- crassitied ' • I

l 0 .. MvU lk Hom<;s- J'm· SaJn

UPPER CANYON - furuiebed one bedroOJ» · cabin. Year lease. Deposit. 257-7543. M-M-22-tfc

WE BUY - wrecked c!U'8 and pick­ups,JJ&S Salvage. 878-4816. M­S-6a-tfc

CUTE TWO BEDROOM · .;_ trailer for sale iri a wonderful neighborhood. 105 Bireh Drivo oft' Mechem. 336-4273 or 258-

. 4487. 19-H-12-tfc OUTSTANDING 'IHREE 82 JEEP EAGLE -'- 4 wheel drive, 2 door, 4 speed, 6 cycle, $650 fll'Dl. 378-8436 , 10-B-2,4-5tp CREDIT OR DOWN PAYMENT­

problems ·Jet me help,, over 67 new and used homes available. Please call Jody 1·800·828-1619. · 19-N-28·2tf

I HAVE HELPED - ovor.l;OOO families move into mobile

· homes. Credit problems? Down payment prqblems? Free call 1-800-237-2975 or 237-2452. Ask for AI Chavez, DL #D00591. 26, N-28,2tf

TWO BEDROOM- one bath and 1 112 bath on 112 acre near Hull Road and Gavilan Canyon. Fin-· nished, $30,000 flexible financ­ing. Call 602-584-0148. 23-P·28-1t • p .

'IHE: BEST BUY 14x70 fur· nished in a park. $11!950. Two bedrooms, two bath, arge cov­ered deck, in a park. $14,500. Holiday Homes, 1204 Mechem, 258-3230. 24-H-28-1tc

11. Busin('~s Oppm~tuni::tiet; . ' OFFICE OR RETAIL SPACE •-

500, 850, or 1000 sq. 11;. Super location. The Paddock, 1009 Mechem. 258-5833. M-R-24-tfc

ARE YOU HUNGRY for success? Would you like to deyelop a steady income of ~proximately $5,000 a month. 505-257-2643. 19-W-28-ltp

FULL TIME APPLIANCE - repair business in northern New Mexi­co year round mountain resort. By owner $85,000 Call John 505· 377-3856, 505-377-6663. M-N-28· 2tf .

VENDING ROUTE - local. For sale. Strong and solid cash busi­ness. High traffic locations. Newest and hottest machines on market. 1-800-284-8363, 1-800-284-VEN.D M-N-28-ltf

v J.2. Houses ~fo:t· Ueut ':" ~=, '"

FOR LEASE - throo bedroom, two bath P:lus carport with beautiful river frontage., to liU:hools. . ·Requires six month to 1 year · lease and references. $800. a month. Mer 6pm 505-378-4624. 27 -B-26-tfcR

CABIN FOR LEASE several weeks per year. three bedrooms, 1 112 bath, furnished, large deck, excellent road access. Send in­quiries to HA Wagner, Rt 6 Box 299, Victoria, TX 77901 or call 1·512-576-2965. 31-W-27-4tpR2tp

FOR LEASE unfurnishod four bedroom Condo with large game room, two fireplaces. $625. month plus utilities and deposit. References required. 258-4-295 or 258-5067. 23-M-27-2tpR1tp

GREAT VIEW three bedroom, three bath, large kitchen. large master bedroom. In town wonderful neighborhood. $660. per month. Call Linda S.B.R. 257-2576. 22-S-28-tfc

FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM one bath cabin, $400. month plus deposit, no pets, bills paid with exception of telephone, 301 Mechem Drive, 257-2727. 22-B· 28-tfc

153 PONDEROSA two bedroom, one bath mobile, close to town, available Septembar 12. $325 month pills bills.' Call Cindy, Gary Lynch Realty, 25?-4011. M­L-28·1tf

307 WOODLAND DRIVE - three bedroom, two bath unfurnished home, pave level acCess, fenced yard, all city utlHtleo. $675. plus bflls. Call Cindy, Gacy L,Yneh Realty, 257-4011. M·L-28.1tf

109 PONDEROSA DRIVE - three bedroom, two bath mobile home with add~on~ nice yard, paved, level access, one car garsp. small fenced area. $575. plus bills. Call Cindy, Gary Lynch Realty, .267-4011. M-L-28-1tf

bedroom, three batli "home for lease, Soptember-May, fully fur­nished, $750 .parmonth plus all utilltiea. Shown by appomtment only August 20-22 September 2-6, 2~8-5405, 915-SSB-4438. 2B-E-28-1tp


~ N!,' ~~1;W<~~eekly, _Call Cindy at

'. O«f71·Lyrieh. .Reafty, •• 2$7-4VI 1

SHAW APARTMENTS - 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apartments for rent. Good location. No pets . 258-3111. . M-V-49-tfc

NIGHTLY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY - cabin, condos, townhouse, home~;~ and mobile rentals. Call Century 21 Aspen Real Estate, Joe Dan 257-9057. 19-C-92-tfc

APARTMENTS FOR RENT- One bedroOID $375. and two bedroom $475. Furnished, _good central location. No pets. Utilities paid. Call257-7341 or 257-2731. 16-Y-81-tfc

CALL- Us to see whats available. 257-3146. All unfurnished. References required. Variety of


14. M ohiles for I tent ": . . . ~.

FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM -14' wide Mobile Home on river, near "Y". Water furnished,.natu· ral gas available. HUD welcome, Lease. $285. 378-4498/ 378-5496. 20-C-23-tfc

FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM two bath in Recreation Village. Water paid. No smokers, no pe!B. Call Bethany at 258-5803 or Bud at 258-5272. M.J-28-tnc

MOBILE SPACE ~ Ruidoso's nicest ~ark on river. Adults, no dogs allowed. $125. monthly. water furnished. Office 640 Sud­derth Drive, 257-2004. 20-A-20-tfc

l7~ lhtsipcss Hc:ntals "'

RETAIL SPACE - or office space for rent in newcy decorated Adobe Plaza. Call 257-4081, evenihge, 257-4800. 16-S-12-tfc

OFFicE SPACE IN - Northcreek Professional Park on Mechem. 258-547~. M-C-27-4tpR2tp

COMMERCIAL AT 'IHE "Y' -Lots of square footage. Forinerly EZ TV. Call for details Cindy, Gary L:!'DCh Realty, 257-4011. M­L-28·1tf

lB. H.esort; lkntals

FOR SALE - 1991 BuiCk Skylark 50,000 miles, 20,000 left on, fac­tory warranty. $7,600. firm. Call 267-7739 day, 257-3116 after 5:00. 20-P-26-4tc

1985 JAQUAR XJ'6 28,900 origin~l miles, stored winters, excellent- condition. A steal at $18,800. Call 258-3377 daytime, 257-4074 even­ings. 19-Y-26-4tp

1973 INTERNATIONAL Travel-All l!Hl, 4x4, $1,200. 8 foot Camper Shell $50. 258-3019. M­W-28-ltpR1tp

FOR SALE - 1985 Mercedes SE four door Sedan, 60,000 miles, excellent condition. Call early AM or late PM. 1-356-5506. M-D· 28-2tpRltp

CAMPER SHELL SHORT BED compact truck. 378~412 after

· 5pm. M-H-28-2tc 1977 OLDSMOBILE Toronado

$6QO 080. 257-7768. For sale or trade. M-M-28-2tp

1983 AMC EAGLE ~ 4x4 clean, runs great, $1,000 OBO. or trade. 257-7768. M-M-28·2tp

Past Credit Problems. Ke~Ing: you from Elnandng a C.r?

We c:an help. CaU l,y"nch or McMasters

at 378-4400

1980 TOYOTA 4x4 -Pick-up, long bed, 4-speed, $3,000. OBO. 257-9855. M-A-26-3tp

FOR SALE OR TRADE 1985 26' Prowler 5th Wheel and 1990 Ford Super Cab pick·up, fully equipped, $20,000 or will trade. for equity in a small home. 445-8436. 28-T-28-8tpR4tp

. 1966 Fj)RD VB Standard, very · .cleo,n an~'-'linil great. $750. OBO

.or 1:1-ade.;l!$7-7768. M-M-28-2tp


lo~•ffy o'mod •n<l oporMoO on O~rOorof 'lu.doto ond nu'd"o Down~





'91 F-150 PICKUP

'92 FORD RANGER alt condlllonlng, I~~Wt mill&


FORD RANGERS l ta chD0110-from



'90 FORD TEMPO 414. automlllD


'93 Ford Aeio Star Vans (12) 414, kllldld, .. .,. $4,(1110

~G. Moturr'ydos for Sale

1991 KTM, 300CC - DXC suspen· sions by Scotts, Alumalite 'Hars, excellent condition. $2,375. 378· 8580. M-H·28·2tp


T I 0

Now Available= .. .. . '


· ~ at1CI 3'bet:lroom conc:tomioii:Jm~ · · for long teasing. ·

._.. -....

... '• .;· . ·' .-

HARLEY 250 DIRT BIKE -Collectors item. EJ~~:cellent condi­tion, no motor, compatible with Yamalta, only 1500 made. Call 258-4233,leavo message. 19-V-27-BtiR4tf

1979 MALLARD- camp trailer. 25 foot. Good condition. -Storm windows, aloeps 9. $3450. Call 336-4896. · M.J-104-tfc

i983 PACE ARROW MOTOR -Home - 2 - AC, 5KW, Onan Gen. 54,000 miles, good condition, 454 Chevy engine. $17,500 firm. Call 257-26.47. 20-M-23-6tcR3tc

JUST LIKE NEW - 1991 26 11;. Wilderness Travel Trailer. Front kitChen., twin beds, rear ·bath, $9,.500. Call 257-3753. M-W-27· 4tpR2tp

19g6 WINN,EBEGO LESHARO. 21 ft. fully self contained, gener­ator, new rubber, .sleeps 4, cylinder engine, 16 MPG, 47K miles," rides and drives like a van with motor horoe Convenience. $13,000 OBO-may trade. 257-3735, leave message. 33-S-27-4tp

1984 HOLIDAY ALUMA-LlTE . 32 ft. good shape, clean, non­smOker, with 1987 Suburban, low mi1eage, see .them Cherokee Mobile Village, Brooks. 20-B-28-2tpRltp

31' 73 OPEN ROAD - 5TH Wheel Tra.vel Trailer needs some work. $2,000 OBO. Call 336-4236 or come by Mountain High RV Park. 22-S·28-4tpR2tp

HORSE BOARDING- seven acre pasture, covered stalls, · hot waJker, riding area. Call more infonnation, 364-3124. M-G-87-tfc

NOW TAKING DEPOSITS - on six months old Ostrich pairs, $12,000. Call 915-859-3963 for more information. M-B-25-Stp

1981 CASE 580-D- Backhoe 2,300 hours. Very good condition, 1918 Chevy C-70 6 Yard Dump Truck. Very nice, 3 axle trailer. All or pert. 257-4075 days, 378-4311 nighto. 28-R-20-tfc

33. Jld.s and Supplies ·

FOR SALE - Cockateils, young birds. $50. to $75. Call 378-8542. M-B-39-tfnc

LESSER SULFUR CRESTED Cockatoo, male, must sell soon. Call Goldie, 257-3180. M-G-14-tfnc

REGISTERED TOY POODLES for sale. Clutters Pet Shop, 616 Sudderth, 257-2925. M-C-22-tfc

BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES- Fa­ther award winning sheep dog, mother from intematinal champion blood line, 5 males, 1 female. 6 weeks old Aug. 16 $250,258-5456 22-G-24-7tp

AKC BULLLDOG PUPPIES -short-stocky-bully pups. 1st shots & health Certif. $800.00 648-2498 al1;er 5:00pm. 16-H-24-tfc

ROTTWEILER PUPS German import blood lines, champion breeding, 8 weeks old, $400· $500. 257-3026. M-R-26-8tpRltp

AKC YORKSHIRE TERRIERS three beautiful males, 12 weeks, . $300. and up. 378-9133. M-S-28· ltp

AKC POMERIAN PUPPIES- two male, two female $225. each. 257-7447, 336·8073. M·R·28·3tc

GARAGE SALE - Friday, August 20 and Saturday, August 21, 9am·5plD. 107 La Luz Lane, two streets above HuU Road # tennis eourts. AdUlt clothing, tools. styrofuam boat with motor. 25·L-27·2ti>

LARGE VISE - furniture, king size bed. Camper stove, dishes. Much more. Saturday, 21st, Sam SundaY if neeessary. Go to White Mountain School, north on Jaek Little Drive. Lool< for aigns. 80·M-ll8-1tc

MOViNG SALE - 14GB Moauder Drive. Friday • Satutdey Anll!lst

· ao-•21; ·s-a. Fntnltul'll', <~lri<e fur­. rilture, elothes, app!illml•$. 1>f.'J\ 28-ltt> . . . · ....

' ~


681Tha Ruldoao Newa/Th1,1rsday, August 19,1995.

~; · :l4. Yard SnleN ~ ~ . . .

MULTI-FAMILY SALE - tools, furniture, truck cap, headache rack, camper, typewriters, clothes, diBiles, etc. Capitan, Trinity Southern Baptist Church parking lot, August 20-21, 8:00-4:00. 30-C-28·1tp

SATURDAY, AUGUST 21- 9:00-? Stereo, king size waterbed, _clo­thing, refrigerator, lawn mower, 124 Tamarack, 257-7415. M-W-28-ltp

MULTI-FAMILYGARAGE Sale, one day only. Sat1,1rday, August 21, Elks J..odge, Highway 70, 9am-4pm. M-B-28-ltp

CARPORT SALE - Some old, some new crochet, books, paper backs, crafts items. Bad weather next week. 211 Ap&,che Trail, 8 til'? 20-P-28-ltp

BEST BUYS- three color TV's $75 to $150, L.P. BBQ Grill $100, Trash Compactor $85, Exercise bicycle $45, Pick-up camper shell $50, Truck Rack $50, L.P. Gas stove $40, set 15" tires $80, 258-5131. 34-B-28-ltp

YARD SALE Variety of items. August 21, Saturday 8:00 -? 129 N. Hemlock, follow signs. M-F-28-ltp

CARPORT SALE lots of furni· ture, clothes, bedding, toys. Fri­day and Saturday, 9-? No early birds. 705 Carter Lane across· from Ruidoso News. 22-C-28-1tc

CARPORT SALE Friday and Saturday,. 301 Mechem Drive {rear) couches, sleepers, bed sets, headboards, chmrs, tables and etc. 17-H-28-ltc

THREE FAMILY YARD SALE -Friday, Saturday, 20·21, 8am-5pm. Stereo, television, Singer sewing machine, Lady Kenmore dryer, miscellaneous. 209 East Avenue. 20-R-28-ltp

MOVING SALE Everything must go! Furniture, clothes, antiques, etc. 112 Nob Hill Drive. M.J-28-ltc

GARAGE SALE lots baby items, couch, lamps, stereo and more. Friday - Saturday\ 9:00am. Across from FranK's Fruit Market. 18-P-28-ltp

Ml.JLT!-FAMILY inside sale. Elk's .<LOdJJe; Saturday, August 21, 8 to 4. Trundle and king beds, furniture, kitchen ware, boy's clothes, lot."' of junk, POOL TABLE, TOOLS, GARDEN TRACTOR WITH ATTACH-MENTS. 30-W-28-ltp

YARD SALE on Parnell Satur-day 8 to 4. Pop-up camper trailer $550. OBO. Furniture, lot of things. M-M-28-ltp

CORNER TABLE DAY BEDS -refrigerator, marble tab1e/chairs1 wool rug yam. 378-4923. Yara sale, Saturday only, 8-? August 21. 268 Mile Marker, Highway 70 East. M-H-28-ltp

GARAGE SALE Saturday only. 202 Nogal. Clothing, furniture, Jots of miscellaneous. M-M-28-lt

SATURDAY 8:30AM- 208 White M(Juntain Drive across from Elementary School. M-G-28-1tp

Good bedding available The Villa Inn is

upgrading with all new bedding. Double,

queen, and king sE>ts are available at a frac­

tion of original cost. Call 378·44 71 for an


' ~ ' ' 't ~ :-Jfl. ITou~elwhl Hems

JOYCE'S ANTIQUES- used fur­niture, appliances. We buy sell and trade. 650 Sudderth. 257· 7575. M.J-65-tfc

BUYING AND SELLING good used furniture and ap_pliances or anything of value. Call 378-8439 or 378-4794. M-P-103-tfc

MILLER'S FURNITURE, ETC. 1000 Sudderth Drive, 257·3109. Buy, sell, and trade. New mer­chandise daily. M-M-22-tfc

THE HUMANE SOCIETY - of Lincoln County des~erately needs a replacement refrl:.-erator to hold medicine and om&f sup­plies. Any person or group inter­ested in donating to the Shelter call 257-4547 ot 257·4001. M-H-23-tfnc

FOR SALE - sofa two matclilng love seats. Exeebent condition. C$11257-7742, 258·4600. M-H· 2G-3tpRltp. . .

:~5. Houstth'Qid_ It,ems , - . .

WHIRLPOOL WASHER - 2-cycle HD, runs fine, $160, 354-3007. M·S·28-2tp

NEW QUEEN HIDE-A-BED -never used, Country floral chintz fabric, sacrillco at $4 75 OBO. 208 George 0. White can be seen after 10 am except Sunday. 24-V-28-ltp .

KENMORE UPRIGHT . almond Refrigerator $150. Excellent c.on-dition. 257-2960. M-D-28-ltp

MOVING SALE utility cabinet with drop leaf, s-torage cOmpart­ment, drawers, three shelves $30, Kenmore washer and dryer $300. Excellent condition. Satur­day only. 228 Fir Drive, Ponderosa Heights. 27-B-28~1tp

WHITE WHIRLPOOL WASHER­two years old, like new, excellent condition, heavy duty, super ca­pacity, 2 speed motor. $250. 257-5721. 18-E-28-ltp

KENMORE WASHERJDRYER $170 for both, oak dining room table 6 chairs $150, coffee table $20, miscellaneous end tables $15 each, VCR cabinet $35, ranch style sofa $65J. sofa sleeper $130. 378-4259 atter 6:00 or leave a message. 37-M-28-2tpRltp

CARPET, BAll CHAIRS - men . ladies bikes, 7' mattress-bo-x spring, ~x.ercise cycle, lamps, smoker, 257~5598. M-L-28-ltcRltc

PASTEL HENREDON· - Tapestry sofa $300, white Henredon square coffee table $100, glass top patio table and four chairs $125, Stereo - tuner, Sony tapa deck, Panasonic speakers $100 all. 258-4418. 29-S-27·2tp

SIMMONS QUEEN BED with box springs and framel _perfect $70. Also dresser and skis. 257· 3180. M-G-28-ltnc

SOFA SLEEPER - tan, plaid, queen size mattress, $125. GE 30" electric range, works but needs help $35. 378-8038. 18-B· 28-ltp

VERY ORNATE PARJfER - Stove· Majestic. Dated 1882 - perfect condition. Used up thrU last winter. $800 serious inquiries only. 336-8208. 19.J-28-2tp

:38.Aris '~, . ~

SECOND EDITION - "Winter Moon" by Bruce McElya for sale. Please call Travis Gallery 258-4690. M-T-27-4tp

BEAUTIFUL BARNWOOD - fur· niture, Southwest paintings and batiks, replicas of Mimbres bowls, large recirculating foun­tains, steel and copper wall hangings, large steel yei lamp. clothing and miscellaneous crafts. See at Jacque's GaJlery and Gifts at ArtF'est USA across from Race Track. Open 10-6 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through Labor Day. 49-D-28-3tp

,10. llO<\k"f, 1\'l::tt•inc.

TWO BOATS - I 16ft. Larson, easy loader trailer, 85 Horse­power, Johnson, $1,800. 1 17'8" Alumacraft plus trailer, 115 Horsepower, Mercury, $1,750. 257-2848. 20-H-25-4tp

•11. f'l'li~cellan('ous ... l "

MOUNTAIN SALVAGE - buying wrecked cars, custom exhaust systems, mechanic on duty. Three miles east of track. 378· 8110. 17-B,78-tfc

ALL BRAND . of Mllior ap-pliances serviced. We fix your ~roblem not sell you a NEW ONE! AFFORDABLE SERVICE 1925 Sudderth or call 257 • 4147. M-A-43-tfc

HUMANE SOCIETY - Thrift Shop 629 Sudderth (next to ArbY's white stucco buildihJI in rear) 257·5463. Open Wednes­day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday J2pm·4pm Come and browse. Also, don't forget us if you have any serviceable household items for donation. If you .auld volunteer a few hours a week, please call 257·7661 or 257· 6468. JI:I·H·§.tt(ns

BECOME A VETERINARY - as• sistantlanlmal care spBciallst.. Home study. P.C.D1., Atlantl\; Georgia. Exciting care-m lot anintilllovers. Fres fact-lllled lit­erature package. 800-362-~070'. Dept; CJ7111. M·N-28,ltf

. .~ - ~ ... ·-. "

Classified · · ·

THRIFT SHOP - LCMC AUXIL· · IARY. · Open Monday throu.f!h

Saturday, lOam to 4pm. 140 Nob Hill Drive. Telephone 257-7051. Your donations of usable household and clothing- items are appreciated. Let Qs sell your "treasures". We are non·profit: the mone_y is used to better equip our hospital. M-T-89-tfnc ·

WOLFF TANNING BEDS - New commercial-hoine units from $199. Lamps,. JOtions, acces­'sories. Monthly ~ents low as $18. call today fiee new color catalog 1-800-462-9197. M-N-28· 2tf

CZECH BOY 17 - anxiously awaiting host family. Enjoys sports,. reading, computers. Other Scandinavian, European high school students amving August. Call Maryann 505-299· 9298 or 1-800-SIBLING. M-N-24-2tf

FOR SAtE full membership Cree Mea~ows Country Club. Call 1-800-428-8648 ask for Bill. M-C-23-9tp


FOR SALE - naw 16 ri. Flatbed Trailers with side rails. Call

. 258-3703. M-P-20-12tpR6tp STEEL BUILDING CLOSEOUT-

30x40x10 was $5,981. just $4,793. 40x50x12 was $7,864 onnly $6,343. 50x100x16 was $15,742. sacrifice $13,583. Other sizes available. Very limited quantities. 800-766-4790. M-N· 28-2tf .

FOR SALE - two antique Barber Chairs. CaU 258-9202 after 5:00pm. M-C-20-tfnc

FREE HUNTING LEASE -Referral Service for Land­owners. Please send the follow­ing information: Name, Address, Phone, Acreage, Area of State and/or County, Number of guns, Price, G!!me!Birds available, Availability of Lodging and Guides. Send to: MBT, PO Box 920952-108, Houston, Texas 77292. 44-R-21-8tp

AIRLINE TICKETS - for sale: Two one-way tickets leaving El Paso, Tx and arriving Tampa, Fl

. on ,Aug. 24th. Cost each today $625.00; 'asking'$450 for both! Or best offer. CAll 437-5727 days or 434~1071 evenings. 32-T-24-5tnc

USED HORSE AND STOCK -Trailers, also flat beds. Will buy and sell. Carl Drapper 378-8166. M-D-25-tfc

STORE IN MID-TOWN - has spaces available for your quality hand-made items. Call 257-5156. M-T-26-4tp

CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING -Earn up to $2,000=/month plus world traveL Holiday, summer and career employment avail­able. No expenence necessary. For employment program call 1-206·634·0468 ext. C8958. M·N· 28-2tf

KIRBY HERRITAGE II Vacuum. Like new. $350. AU at-­tachments. 1979 Yamaha Enoro 185, $300. Call 378-4677. M·A· 27-2tpRltp

FOR SALE - Refrigerated Air Conditioner. Citation. Call 378-5416. M-H-27-tfnc

SATELLITE DISH- with control box, 100 ft. of cable. $500. 653· 4408. M-M-27-2tpRltp

PICTURE FRAME SHOP EQUIP· MENT- for sale. Great buy. Also large print jnventory. Must sell. Will accept an_y reasonable offer. One clerks check out fix. ture with cash drawer. $50. and one office desk. $35. Call 258-4690. 35-T-28-tfc

A FOOD SUPPLEMENT - tablet that curbs your hunger. Call Joyce at 258-4503. M·N·28-2tp

USED PACKING BOXES - for sale, $1.00 to $2.00. 258-4780. M­N-28-ltp

SMALL SHORT BED - Camper Shell, rad, $450. Walnut dining set, tour obllits $75, small plclt· up short bed tn~ !Its S-10 $301 dash mat. !Ita ~.:nevy S-10 rea $15. 257-4327. 30-K·2B-1tp

PROFESSIONAL FURNITURE -Rellniohlng. Free Estimates. Free !>ick·up and~)~"'"''· Call · ass-ma. ii:S:2s--1 . "' . • . .. tp

AUCTION AUGUST 28 - corte•, Co. Tower crane, excavator, .backhoes, Bobcats, 51 Mercury, $9 Corvette, bOI'Sss, dour, dump trucks, traill!ts, motorh9Jnj, farm machinery; gold1 • c~lloc:t;Or guns and mOUtltol, • aAA R&:J Auction 803,945-.9723. M·N-41J. 2tf '

•• , <1:~ •. \V;nit..ed to· Buy .


player. With brass or wooden morning ~lory hom or a ·cylinder· player wtth horn. Ask for Joe, days 257-4001, evenings 378· 4841. M·J-4-tfc

FILL. DIRT WANTED '- North edge of. Ruidoso. Call 258-9203. M-E-26-tfc

LOT WlTHIN CITY LIMITS -' with utilities available for plac­ing mobile home, prefer lot With existing improvements b_y owner. Call915-684·9900. ·21l-C·

INNSBROOK VILLAGE - Man· agement Company is nnw taking applications for housekeepers ana a reservatioriists. . Please apply in peraon at 146 Geneva. 258-5441. 21·1·25·4tc

PART TIME ASSISTANT - GYm· nasties Coach needad. Call 378· 4861. M-R-25-tfe

THE LINCO)!iN COUNTY _; Solid Waate Authority is accepting ap­plications for a C.ustomer Repre~ sentative position. Desn·ed -q1,1alifications include: Sales-

27-2tp .... · LOT w1'i'HIN CITY LIMITS ~

with utilities available for plac­inJ mobile home. Prefer lot with · eXJsting improvements by owner. Call John 915-584-· 9906. 20-C.28-2tp

manship, dealing with C!J.Stomers, and telephone qualifications. High Schoof grad· uate or equivalent and a· valid New Mexico Drivers License. A job description and application may be obtained at the LCSWA Office located at 222 2nd Street in Ruidoso Downs,. NM · 88846. Applications must be received by 5:00pm on Fridey, August 20, 1993. • 66·L·25-6tc NOW ACCEPTING - applications

for wait r,ersons,. cooks, bus per­sons, te ephone operators and delivery persons. Apply Pizza Hut, both ~ocations.


- Now hiring for all positions. Full time work, benefits avail­able. Interviews Tuesday and Thul'Sday, l-3pm. No phone calls please. 22-G-43-tfc

NEEDED - Full time!~ time waitperson, hostess, dishwasher & bus person. Apply in person The Great Wall of China 2913 Sudd..-th. M-G-106-tfc

CHEF LlJPE'S now· hiring ~ervers. Experienced only, apply m person. Across from track at Prime Time 16-C-3-tfc

SUPER 8 - Now accspting ap' plications for housekeeping. f\pply in person at Super 8 Motel. M-S-7-tfc

WORK FORCE OF RUIDOSO -is now accepting applications for clerical, laborer, food service positions. Dependable applicants only. Please apply in person 1401 Sudderth Dr. Unit #1. 24-W-8-tfc

RESIDENT ~AGER - for Luxury ~rtments in Midland/Odessa. Single per§on or married couple. Landscape and maintenance experience. Box 70414, Odessa, TX 79769. 2l·A·l2-20tpR10tp

HOUSEKEEPING - Thursday and Friday. $6.50 and up depending on quality of work. Please apply at Crown Point, ask for Sue. M-C-14-tfc

INN CREDIDLE - Immediately hiring experienced night bartender. Apply in person 11--6 Monday through Friday.

M-1-14-tfc ALTO LAKES GOLF - and Coun­

try Club now hiring wait person­nel, full and part time, minimum wage plus tips. Call Pam 338· 4231. 21-A-16-tfc

THE BEST TEAM PAY- on the road. Covenant Transport. Out top team over $85,000. last · at $.27 . $.29 par to $.38

and life in-

PART TIME MAID- needed call 258-3100. M-V-28-tfc

TAKING APPLICATIONS - part time cashiers, e'!eninp and weekends, night receivmg PM 7am, stock man, evenings and weekends. Apply· at Wal-Mart,

209 West Highway 70, Ruidoso. No phone calls please. 27-W-26-tfc

NEED A QUALIFIED - very responsible bartender for nights starting September 1. Apply be­tween S:OOam-12noon at Holly­wood Inn. 16-H-26-tfe

NOW HIRING - Bull Ring, 1200 Mechem Drive. Apply in per­son. M-C-26-tfc

NOW HIRING- counter help, day . shifts available. Apply at Mr. Burger from 10am-2pm. M·M-26-3tc

EXPERIENCED - SaJespel'Son to sell new industrial oil absorbent.· Work on commission. Direct in­quiries to: On Site Technologies­Salas, 657 W. Maple, Farming· ton, NM 87401. M-N-28·2tf

DRIVERS: - Experiencod flatbed OTR, 48 states. Benefits, as­signed new conventional trac­tors, sign on bonus. flexible time off and more! Call immediately. Roadrunner Trucking 1-800-876-7784. M-N·28·2tf

CAFE RlO - now hiring all posi­tions. Applf in person, 2547 Sudderth, rmd-town. M-C-27-4tc

COOKS AND WAITRESSES -needed. Apply in person at Pappy's Diner, 890 Eaat Hwy 70. M-P·27-2tp

LINCOLN COUNTY - is now ac­cepting applications for two (2) positions ()f PART-TIME DIS­PATCHER in the Lincoln County Sheriffs DeparbnenL Obtain application at the Lin· coin County Manager's Office in Carrizozo or by calling 505·648-2386. Application must be received no later than 5:00pm, August 25, 1993. Lincoln County, Equa1 Opportunity Employ~ and iri Compliance with ADA Requirements, Title 11-A. 56-L-27·2tc

PARK RANGERS! - Game War­dans, Park Police. $6 • $20/hour. Year round positions, men/women. Will train. l.SOO.. 737-7887 Ext. R 1206. 24 hours. 19-F-27-8tcR4tc

·REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER needed Immediately to cover sports 1111d g~neral news assign· menta for The ltuidoao Nevm. G<tod writing skllla and a keen nose for the !laws fll'6 a must. Swld res!ll!)e · and cli!IS' to Frilllkie .J~~tteU !It The Ruidoso N~w~ l"' Box 128; Ruidoso NM 8384o; ~r !!10~ lliem of!' at Tltil Newa;-a04:E11ltk Avenue, .

CATTLEMAN'S BY WALl\IIAR'l'­hiring all posj_t\ons. Apply in Fift'son. · M.c;28· 7tc ~ 'i'JME @0 - needed at

Arrowhead Highway 70 West (p,ink motel) 257,4241. M-A-2S: rtR

DOG GROOMER NEEDED - to fill·positiot;t ofleaying gr9omer at busy shop. Qualdied only. Call 257-3180. 16-G-28-ltnc

TECllN!CAL. 'i'l!AINlillil IN me· chanica!, welding, electrOnics. No experience. We train, provide tools. Good salary, benefits, 17-30 rear olde with HS dipwma wilhng to relocate. 1-800-354-9627. M-N-28-2tf

ELECTROLUX LEADER IN' -.floor c;are products since 1924 needs-sales representative to c&.il' on · existing customers. Op­portunity $300 a week, 1-505· 521·.9444 Las Cruces or l.;,ij05· 265-5856 Albuquerque. M·N-28·2tf

WANTED RESPONSIBLE - ma· ture coUple for part time man­agement/care taker position, Roswell, Ruidoso area. Book­keeping and maintenance e~pe­rience required. Up to $400 per month plus apartment and utiH­ties. No pets. Sti:nd resume to: SITE Manager 1513 Fairview #19, Tularosa, NM 88352. 39-S· 28·6tp .

WORLDWIDE SERVICES - Corp. Full time telephone collectors needed. Professional attitude and a vtillingness to deal with the public a must. Pleased send resume to PO Box 4308, 1

Ruidoso, NM 88845. 28·W-28-2tc INSULATOR NEEDED - Duke

Insulation experience or will train. Call 9·12 378-8487 ar after 6pm 257-4203. M-D-28-8tp

RV SERVICE/ HANDYMAN -needs work. General maintenance, paint. remodel, ap­pliaztee repair. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Call 257-4086. ,,ouol> .o· . M·JI,P,'h.tfc

Y AllD SEII\IIjlE - Fine needle raking. mowing1 tree trimming, gutters cleanea and repaired. Refsrences. Call257-4449. M-K· 92-tfc

PAI!ii'T SPECIALITIES Residence, commercial, interior, exterior, signs too. References, free estimates. Licensed 378-4660. M-S-20·9tpR4tp

HOME REPAIRS - Additions, remodels, carpentry, dry wall, painting, roofing, masonry. Rea­sonable. Mr. Fixlt. Call 257-6357. M·B-22-tfc

CARPENTRY, MASONRY Painting, roo€ repair, yard maintenance. Call 257-7768 Leave mesaage. M-M-26·8tpR8tp

YARD WORK. TREE trimming handyman, light hauling

1 wee~

eating, lawn mowing. Cat! 257· 8608. M·B-28-4tpR2tp

ASPEN AIRE CARPET CARE -your carpat and upholstery cleaning professionals. Call for rree eatimate, 257-7714.

M-A-9-tfc SHARPENING - Chain saws,

Mower repair. McCullough Dealer. Pro-Service. 257-5479 M· P-79--tfc

HANDYMAN Painting, interior/exterior, ceramic

and floor tile, ~entry re~r, minor plUmbi~, · electrical bouse eU.aning. References. c;;n

. 1!57-4449 16-K-14-tfc

Excavating by Monroy Chavez .

P.O.I!ox1127 fiUid0$0 N.M. 88S46

Sua. Phon& Ham& Phona iJi'lilo4155 . ·G53-41197 .

Hl!JIIWII)I 70 EliSl

. .-· . t ., ....... . -- ~'- ··- · .. '

· ..• ,, -- ') .. "~ -

- ' i

NAVAJO RUG REI;ITORATION­and- Repair. Antique or con­temporary. Roswol), 623-6735. M· P-28-4tp _ . .

FULL SERVICE VACATION Home Care!_ Cleariing, yard, lawn 'maintenance. Minor repairs. Reasonable · rates. References. 378-4182. M-B-22-10tpR10tp

DEcK RESTORATION For all your deck repairs call 257 ~

4449. . M-K-92-tfe

ADVERTISE - in the clasSifieds 1r, calling 257·4001. Tbo Ruidoso ews.

BALLOON SOULPTtiRIST = · availabl,e for pattie~, major

eventS, restaur-riB:.!.~ .lessons. . Call Steve 258-4318. oo.-H-26·6tp

BUILDiNG CONTRACTOR -new coristruction, remodeling repair, house paintings. No Job too ·big or too small. For estimates' call 336-8436. · Jack Rankin Con· muction. 2l·R·26·4tp

ELECTRICAL SERVICE ~D Repa;,r. Call CENTURY' ELEC· TRIC · for prompt one day ser· vice. Serving RuidoSo and sur· rounding areas. No job too small.

·. 30+ years experience. _Rea· eonable ratas. 257-6820. NM Lie #5640. 29·C-26.S6te

PiANO LESSONS - All ages. Regi!!Jtering students to begin September 7. B.S. Degree in 1\:'lusic Educat;jon,- 35" years expe­nence 15 years Class Piano with Abilene Christian Univer­sity. Jane Doncan 258-5685 call beginning August 16. 33-D-26· 4tp


SERVICE 1505) 257-4147 •

TIRED OF PAINTING YOUR HOME? Stucco your home for lifelong finish.

lr'ICiudea elastomerlc finish for now control damage. Leo Martlni!Z'Piasterlng uc #O!J2686. 33&-444, 805-965-4722


NEED RESPONSffiLE, energetic and positive person to care for my two children in my home during the day. Plel;lse can 258.9231. 21-W-26-3tp

CHILD CARE WANTED in my home.·Mornings only. References required. 257-7764. M-M-27-2tpR1tp

TELEPHONE BUSINESS - Sys· '" tems. Sales, service, repair all

~ystems. Commurucations Specialties. License #30421. CBll 257·2860. M-C-5-tfe

LEGAL NOTICE canceled the regularly The Lincoln County scheduled mBeting of

BQll!'!l'l!f COillmi~""' 'AIISDSl 3-1, 1993. The ~e ·hereby aecetttlfig" next regulU schDdokd nominations to the meedng of the Governing Lincoln County Fair 11oar11 Body of tbe VIllage of for five (S) members to Ruidoso will be serve. on the Board. September 14. 1993. Nominees mnst.: be Regular ~on Will begin domiciled and teglsteled'IO at . 6:30 p.m. and tho vote within Lincoln public is invited.

or protesL Any person. SALE ARE AS finn or corPoration or FOLLOWS:

County. 'Dunmie Maddox.

-·othor!'01l'Y objcctipg that 1. A sslo.j>rojletly ma<le 'Ute Sranling of the 'under OW provisions of 7-appliealion will be 38-53 thru 59, NMSA conuary to the 1978 constitutes fuJI -conservatiOn of water payment of all delinquent within the state or .taxes. penalties ·and detrimental 'o the public· interest that are a lien welfare of the state and against the property at the showing that the objector time of sale, and the sale will be substantially and extinguishes lhe lien. The specifically affected by the property is sold subject to granting of the application the lien for property taxes shall have standing to file for the year of the sale.

Nominations in writing Village Clerk will be accepted by the #8 8 n It( B) 19 Uncoln County Boord of

objection of protests. provided those taxeS are Commissioners at the Lincoln County Courthouse, P.O. Box 711, Carrizozo. New Mexico 88301. until 10:00 A.M., September 2, 1993. ANDREW C. WYNHAM LINCOLN COUNTY MANAGBR #8818 lt(8) 19

LEGAL NOTICE Provided, however. lbat not yet delinquent. The Region IX Cooperative the State of .New Mexico buyer at pubUc auction. or Center Board of Directors" ol" any of Us branches. his successor in interest. meeting-Tuesday, August agencies, departments, will be liable for those 24. 1993 - 9:30 a.m. - boards. insttumentalities property taxes when they RCC IX, Confer-ence or institutions, and all become due . Room - 1400 Sudderth - poUticaJ subdivisions of 2. The description of the Ruidoso, NM. The the state and their following personal meeting is open to the agencies. instrumentalities property is designed to public. Tentative agenda and institutions shall have permit the Identification irems include staff review. standing to file objection and location of the state agency status, or protests. The prorests or pers-onal propeny by

LEGAL NOTICE projects for 93-94 school objections shall be in potential purehasers, or The LWctPtn County yem:. writing and shall set forth ~s. The Lincoln

Boanl of Commissioners /s/SandyOladden, all Protestants or CotintyTreasnrerwammts are her-eby accepting Director objector's reasons why the no tide to properties hominadons to the #8816 2t(S) 19, 23 application should not he purchased at public auction Lincoln County Lodgers approved and must be sale. 111x Committee for Lwo (2) filed, ln lripllcato, with 3, Seclion 7-38· 74 NMSA members to serve on tho LEGAL NOTICE Bllud Martinez, State 1978, prohibits officers or Board. One nominee sbaD NOTICE Is herelly given Engineer, 1900 W. Second employees of the state or be involved in tourist tbat on August 9, 1993. SL, Roswell. New Mexico any of ft"s political ~ indiJSttie:s and- one Bncbanted Forest Wruer 88201, within ten (1_0) subdivisions engaged in nomillee--sbaU represent Corpoiation, P.O. box days after the dato of the the administration of the the general public. 24-l, Alto, New Mexico last publlcation of the property tax ft'om directly NOminees mu~t be 88312. filed correctivo Notice or indirectly acq' an <lomlclledandteglstelediO appllcalionNo.H-722-S-4 #8810 3t(8) 19,Z6 lntarost In, buying or vote within Linco1n wltb the 8 TATE (9) 2 profiting from any County. BNGhalliNBBRI!IONslte!VIH 7that2~ property sold by the ·

NoinhJations iq _wei_ s QW we o. .. .uo LEGAL NOTlCE County Treasurer for will be.400<1jlilld ·by w S-4 Is actually l-Ied In NOTICE OF l>tllJl.tC delinquent -••• oxcopt Lincoln £o1mty Soatd of lboNB1/4SB1/4NWl/4of AUCTION SALE OF thatanofficorl)l'employeo Comml~<iollets •1 the SectlOII 22. TOWIII!Itlp tO P E R s o N A t. may purcbaliU property L1nc<i1o .. cD;unty South, Range IS :SSOJ; PROPERTY. J'-011. soldfordelinquentfaxesif Coutthouoe, no. . D(!x N.M.P.M. Salt! well iS D )!) L l N Q U til N T he Is the owner of the 711, .C.Ilttlli>l<O, New allthOtl~d by p~mit .. ;PROPERTY TA:X proporty and was the Mol<iOll 118301, nlull .. fstJiell by tho .. tal6 :Nnflue · ta hereby gtve;n o~ of tho prn)>erty at •tO:OOA'M.,Sopl!!lllbet~ Bllgineer on OciOb~ 111, tha~. pursuant 10 tho lho,llldelhotUesbedame 1993. : . .. ' . 11190, tor the ill-tOll or pravislilJis <if 7-38-53 tbta dellnqneur. Att'/l>tncer or ANI1RilW C. WYNAAJI,(. up JO 29.iJ acre-feet per ~~~; NMSA 1~8. the empfoyoo · vlolallng LlHCOi~ OO.U:N:'rY ; llilll\1111 liE shaDow ll"'und L,lilCOlncCoonty'l'teasiJll!t, SeedOII?-311·74 Is guilty MAW~· ·. ·' ·· .. '1'/lll11r tor ildJI!IIStl<> ~~~ · Willo!fetll:!i>~eatpnbflo .ot~>f®tth~ felllll)l f#B81~ · lt(ll) :@' wltltfl!: a wbdlvJsld!l• · .. · •blctl'f'll', btlllflllling.· ~~~ illnllsllolll»l:lne4n0imoro

· . · · · · . . . ·This .Jt a .Cl>fl'~tly~ .. Sept• .2> l9!?S ~~ lOiOO .. ;tha!\ live lh~usand dollar:! .. , _ . _ . . . ~q>pllcaiiOII lt>$bowl\Jihe!'l' . IIIII; .. II~' ttie COUJit)" .{$5,000;00) Dt Jill~'

.· ~G.,tt. NO'tlC.I'f .. Wllll-~<!II~Y~.·-·. ~~~~~~; _fol'!"'fl.(lS!ItliUti!UI~Yeat> ;· ·.· · NOTre& Oil' · ·- . · .Ally ·1ler$P"• fJ!m ·G~; .New M.,t:tco,- tbe _ AM li!M<> tl1dn·ti.V~ ~ •. C'AI'~CELLA'HDN :Oli' , cOJ:(IOI'IUIOllorotf1e1; eri\11)1 · ·rotll)win.s.· ·; jfesctitiea lit l!olll; IUici;Jtubm obicl.· .·

· • · A J.tlti;M;,ut . . · · ob.leclinl! tluii~-IW'l!t!ttl! · ~~$>; llu•llilte 'btfliUII!lilillit;liDY temcwed •; •. M£J1.T.lNG :. ·• tlf thMPPIIOlltkl~ '1'1111114 ; 1!> cllllllillkllllllil all· tlte 'l:tolll olfloll· OJ' hav;; hill Nolll:\llthedlliY8iwn11ull: · <JetdmentM .·ta the. ifeJctl~~lii!S'beell 'iliiiPll):yhie~~ JOrmlllll"'il

. ll•:t~:Sodyot~ .o)!I'!Ol:~Willetsba!llmw:F .otil=cll<!t$. . .. -·; '1111011 :eon'(lj:t{l!n• A _ 'VIU4go of auldolli> bas ._I!Wjdlng to t'do. ol>J""tl(ill nm 'J'l\\WS OPe nm. JjerSOIIllll'lllj>m)l Ill$ 111

. '

· · Legals . . vJol;ulon of ~dOli 74$' · pm!Di>dy atst~~rt of sale. 74 is void. $. The auotioneer re$QI'Ves 4. Successful bld®rs e... t)lo riSht 10 wllhdraw from required to m• '~t S.ale any of the properties In fUll of tbe amo11111 bld liSted below: 10 sell any before Jc·aving : the Of the properties listed Premises on tho clay Of .thD · _ together; or to sell only a sale. Payinent is requi(e4-· portion of any of thO to be by. money Orcfef. listed below. If certified check. caSti(8r•s qny dispute· arises between ch«:k~ or pprsoql _ch~ ot among the bidders, the which is accoinpu]ied by auctic;meer-'s decision wiih banldeuerofCreditfocthc respect to the dispute is aMount of oi in excess or finaL and the auctioneer the amount of the~ may auction ·the property check drawn to the Older of again. in his discretion. the Ljncoln County 'Ibe auctioneer resetves the 'n'easurer. right to ~ject any and all

. 5. Upon receJVJDg bidS. Their personal payment for the personal property listed below may proporty sold. the Lincoln not· be sold for less than

~ County Tieasurer- shall the listed minimum price. ex~cute and deliver a DOne at Ciuriiozo New certificate of sale to- the Mexico, this .lOth day of pn:rchaser. The GCr.tiflcate August, 1993. of sale transfers aJl the former- property owners interest in the personal j)roperty as of lhC date of the sale. The pun::haser lalce$ the personal property ftee of any unrecorded or untitled interests unknown to him at the time of .sale. 6. The sale price of persorntl property at this public--ailetion sale is not to be taken or considered as being the value of the proper-ty for property taxation purpOses. 1. All per-sons intending to­bid upon property are required lO register and obtain bidders number from the auctioneer and to provide the auctioneer with theh" _full name and address. Certific&Je of sale will be issued to registered names only. Conveyanc:es to other parties will be the r-esponsibility of the buyer at. action. Persons acdng as ••agents" for other persons will register accordingly and must provide documented pi-oof as being a bona ftde..agen\ at time of paynlent for property purchased. Registration will close


. CITY L:il\tfl'Y' Mflg')t VBRDB ACRES W/2~1TR 14, U-1



C. LOUIS BUESCHER and JIMMIE LOU BUESCHER, Husband and Wife, Plamtiffs


LESIDA DUNN, a married woman dealing in her solC and separate estate, and RUIDOSO LAND

P.O. Box 128 Ruidoso, N.M. 88345

(505) 257-4001 (505) 257-7053 Fax

CdMI'I\NY, a MlsSlsslppl Colpomlion;


CV93·SO Divisionm




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiffs have filed a Complaint in the above caPtioned cause whetetn yOu are "amed as the Defendants.

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the general object of this aCtion is to Quiet Tide to certain i-eaJ. property~ as mOle particularly set forth in the Complaint on file in the above-ca,ptioned cause.

The Plaintift's" attorney is J. Robert Beauvais, Post Office Box 2408, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345.

PLEASE· TAKE PURI'HER NOTICE !hat if you intend- to contest this suit. Y01J must respond to the Complaint within 30 days from the last date of publicadon of this Notice.

WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court this 25 day of March 1993.

/s!Mmgp Lindsay Clerk of the District

Coon #8817 4t(8) 19, 2<1 (9) 3, 10

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When you want to reach customers,. you can rely on us. Our audited circulation proves it.

Audit Bureau of Circulations


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·.: ., ''' ~- ,.

Slii{Th R ldooo N oiTb d Au 0119 1993 ' --·-----~--------·~--


Apache Indian Assembly of Gad

Mescalero Donald Pettey~pMior Telephonei. 671~747

Sunday Scbool..P:45 a.m. Sunday worship-10:4S a.m. 7 p.m. W~tu1sdlay soi'Yicoa-7 p.m.

First Assembly of God 139 El Pa110 Road, Ruid011o

Lewis Pmnklln,. paslOJ' Sunday School-.9:45 a.m. Sunday wonihip-Hh30 a.m. •• 6 p.m. Wednesday nrvioe:~-6:30 p.m. RoyalRllllgers Minlury-6:30 p.m. W .......... y

Spanish Bible Study 7 p.m. Thursday

BAPTIST First Baptist Church

Carrizozo Hayden Smith,'Paator

Sundny Schooi...9:4S a.m. Sunday wonship-11 a.m., 7:1S p.m. Church tmiuina-6:30 p.m. Sunday

First BaptiSt Churcft, Ru.idu~

420 Mechem Drive D. Allen Cearley, Pastor

Sundll)' School-9:30a.m. Sunday worship-10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesdn.y·services-7 p.m.

First Baptist Church Ruidusu Downs

Mi.te Bush. Pastor Sunday School-9:30a.m. Sund11y worship-11 a.m., 7 p.m. Omrch lntinin.g-6 p.m. Wednesday servioes-7 p.m.

First BaptiSt Church Tinnie

Bill Jones, Pastor Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Stmday worship-11 a.m.

Mescalero Baptist Mission Mescalero

James Huse. Pastor Sunday School-10 a.m. Sm1day worship·ll a.m., 7:15p.m. Training Unlon-6:30 p.m. Sunday Wednesday sei'Vioes-6:30 p.m.

Ruidoso Baptist Church 126 Olurc:h Drive PuJ.mer 011teway

W~~oyne Joyce, Paslw Randel Widener, Auociate Pastor

Sundny Schaoi-9:4S a.m. Sundll)' worship- I 0:45 a.m .• 6 p.m. WedncsdQ.y Bible study-7 p.on.

Trinity Southern Baptist ChurCh

Cap.ilan (south on Highway 48) Floyd Goodloe. Palter

Sunday Scbooi-9:4:S a.m. wonhip-11 a.m .• 6 p.m. For infonrtatian. cnll 354-3119


Ruidoso Arid Group Meets at the Stroud Building, Lower Level, n:ar entrance. Sundays--8 p.m. oPen ladies and mens "Lag meeting. Mondays-Noon AA and g p.m. Step Study. Tuesdays--a p.m. closed AA lllld A1snon. WednCIIdp,ys--Noon AA mcelings and 8 p.m. closed AA and Beginner"• niaht Qnd Alanan Step Study. Thun;daya-Noon open women's meet· mx and 8 p.m. Social upon and Al1111on. f'ndays-Noan AA meetings and 8 p.m. Book Study. Sacurdays--8 p.m. AA open. Birthdays, Jut Saturday. Phone number 2j8-3643

Ruidoso Area Group Mco:t~ m the Community United Melh· ud11o1 Church. 220 Juncuoo Road. AA muJ A lanon. 7 p.m. Tueadays.

New AA G·roup Meets from 8 to 9 p.m. a! Gateway Church of Chrisl. 415 Sudderth Drive i.n Ruod05o.. Tho fonnat ;. apen·din:PIIion. meaning that ccmcemed non-alcoholics may attend. For more infonnation. or referrals. call 336-8351.

co .. oependants Anonymous

Meeu at Mexico Power Ccmp11ny _ Stc=p $l\ldy meeting, 7 p.m. Tuesdayll.

Narcotics Anonymous

Senmity Mountain Group. Meeta at St. EIMnur·.~ CethoJie C'hun:h at 7:30 p.m. every Tht.1r11day night. For more infonna.­toon call Susan .at 258·3149, evenings .m.ty.

ALL AMERICAN DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB Mccb al the Ruidoso Senior Citizen& C'enter at 1 p.m. Sal\lrda)l-11. Open gam~t. "ov•..:e pla~n· wel~me. t'or infom••· toun, ca1J Ruby Greenhaw 257-7411.


Meeu at 11 a.m. Tue!'sdays 81 the AUo Club House for lunch·at nt~oon and .eards a1 J p.m. BusJneu mcerin&: the line Tuesday. •

AL TRUSA CLUB Meets ·at the Episcopal Ouxn::h 61 th_c Holy Moun1,121 Meadll.leroTraU. 7 p.m. lirsl Tuesday for program and 111 noon thh'd Tuesday f~r lunch. Pfl5jldent Jane Deyo, 251•4088.


AARtr '"-'e•• m-11,., S#Hicir Chlzot~lft'!wt· ki.r behind ibc.Jtuld:OS'o Public. LibtJu).' .cd ·1a q.Q1i .llit~ f®ti:& Wedne#lt~Y~ PdJMre• ~ttti~Jahta~'2$1'-s$2Z(I'If\~r~

BAHA'I FAITH · Baha'I Faith

Meetlna in memben• homu. For infonnation, c:all258-4117.

CATHOLIC St. Eleanor

catholic Church RUidoao

Revarend Richanl CataaRb Sacramont of Penanoe--Saturd11y 6 p.m. or by appoinlmenc. · S~tturday Mus-7:30 p.m. Sunday M11sa-lOa.m. (Bogliah)

11:30 a.m. (Bnh,.ual) · Sunday Maaa..St. Jude ThaddeWI,

San Parriclo-8 a.m. Womon'a Oulld-7 p.m, the third Monday Knights of Columbus-

? p.m. 2nd and 4th Tuesday.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Caphan_ Saturday Maas-S p.nt. Sunday Malla-9 a.m. lAdies &1'0QP•10 a.m. tho laat Tiwnday

Santa Rita C&thollc Church • Carrizozo

Patber Dave Bergs~ Pas1ar, SatuJday Mass-6:30p.m. Sunday Mass-11 a.m. · Ladies p-oup-3 ~· akenmte finrr S~­da.y. and 7 p.m. f'ust Monday

St. Theresa Catholic Church

Co=• Sunday Mass--6 p.m.

St. Joseph Apache Mission M~calero

Father Tam Herbs1. Pastor Sunday Masa-10:30 a.m.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Bent

Father Tom Herbst, Pastor Saturday Mass-6 p.m. Sunday Maa.s-8 a.m.

CHRISTIAN First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

BUl Kennedy, Paslor Hull and Gavilan Canyon ~d. Rt:~idoso Sunday School-K-12/Adull--9;.30 a.m. Regular Sunday wo~hlp-10:45 11.m, ChJIIlcel p.m. Youlh Group--Sunday--6 p.m.


Hi&hway48 Jarno. "Shony"' WlnfiC~. ~nlaaor

Sunday Bible srudy-1 0 a.m:• SIDlday wonbip-11 a.m., 6p.m. W~nesdayBible scudy-7 p.m.


Memorial Chainnan Sandy Thoma•. P.O. Box 2328, Ruidoso NM 88345. Telephone: 257-4041

AMERICAN LEGION Roben .J. Hagaa, Post 79

Meeu. Ill 7 p.m. the third Wednesday in the American Legion Building at U.S. Highway 70 and Spring Ro:Jad in Raidasc Oqwns. For more infonnalion, call 257· j796.

B.P.O.E. No. 2086 Elk's meeu in the Elk's Ladae Building on U.S. Highway 70. 7:30p.m. firsl and third Thursdays.

B.P.O.DOES Doc:s meel in the Elk'$ Lodge Building on U.S. Highway 70. 7:30 p.m. second and f<Nnll Thursdays.

BETA SIGIVIA PHI t'uur chapters meet in members' homes. 7:30 p.m. second and foun.h Monda.YJI. t'ur infannet1on. 2:57-5368, 2S7-46Sl.


l"roop 59: 7-8:30 p.m. Monda.y. sl the Episcopal Church of the Holy Mount. Scoutnnuter Steve Norbury. 258-3417. CUb Scouts: Ruido•o pack meeting 81 2 p.m. lhe lhJ.rd SundAy.

RUIDOSO CHESS CLUB 7-10:30 p.m. Tuesday aod Thunday at Pi~HuL 011 Mechem. No duos or fees. Fo~ infonnatiun, call Ron 111 257-7023.

CHRISTIAN SERVICES OF LINCOLN COUNTY INC. Volunceen servln1- the less fortunate in lhe u~a. 7 p.m. finn Mondays al 120 Junction Road (Church of Chriat build­mg). P~sidcnt Rick O..bome. 25?-7162.


MCUla in mombon" homes at noon the s~nd Thursday. For informa.tion, call 257-7186.


c ..... curry Chapter 2s DA V meel5 a1 7 p.m. linl Tu!Mday in die Aruerie!an J..eslbn HaD. 41. Highway 70 and Spring Road in Ruidmo. Oowns. Por tnfatrnallon. call 257-5796.

FAMILY CRISIS CENTER 24·hour clisil• Une Answered· by lbe

· Rtildoto Police Dcplltltnent., Call. 'i$/­·1365 .ond auk for dte Po.m{ly Ctillfl Ced• 1et volunteer. Board nliletB at 6 p.m. die lltat tb~ft~)'At Dr. Arlene Browl'l•a ot~ f'lciJ. ~ women"s ·~ 8~ fC.

., ~ ,_.JtOOfl MCMtday•p tn.l)r. bJqr.h~ LQMotlle~. · · . Ulll"" <• ~..,.p..,;u ·140Hi 140l.Sird· . . -1:1-- ' .. .. .. . ·.

Gateway Church af Christ Ruidoso

Jltmny Sport.sman, Minister SUnday Bible arudy-9:30 a.m. Sunday momins worsbip-10:30 a.m. Swulay awning worship-6 p.m. Wedn~ay-Cbrisllan servlcoa 2-4 p.m. WednesiJay Bible uudy-7 p.m.


SAINTS Church of .Jesus ChJ1stLDS

Ruidoso Bmncb 12 miles north ofltuidQso

on Highway 48 on east side betwun mDeposu 14 81:ld 15.

3364359 or2S8-9138 Sundayr Sund11y Scboal-10 a.1n. Prieslhood Relief Sooiel)'-11 a.m. Primary & Youn,g Women-11 a.m. SachUI:lent meeting-noon

ChUrch Of .Jesus ChrlstLDS Mcac.alero Branch

. Marvin Hansen, President 434-0098 '

Sunday: J>riesthood & Relief Society meeting­ll:30a.m. Sunday Schaol &. primary-noon Sncmmenl meeri.ns:-10:30 a.m.

EPISCOPAL Eplsoopar Church of the

f-:lofy Mount '121 MeiCillero Tmil, Ruidoso Father John W. Penn,Rector

Stmday Bucbarisl-8 &. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday:

. Daughters or King-noon Eucharist & bealins.-S:30 p.m. Choir pmclice-7 p.m.

Episcopal Chapel o1San Juan

Lin""" Sund~~oy: Holy Eucharist.-10:30 a.m.

st~ Anne•s Episcopal Chapel

Glencoe Sunday: Holy Eucharisc-9 a.m.

St. Matthias EpiScopal Chapel 6th &. E SJ.reer., Canizozo

Suoday: Holy Bucharist-9:30 a.m.

• AdaDJSon Appraisal CQ. • Ceatu"l' ~1

Aspen Real Eetate • The RuldoiSo News

• Posley's Blue Door Gallery • EagJ• Creek Construction

FOURSQUJII,RE Capitan Foursquare

Church HighWay 4\l, Qlpitm

llarold W. Pen)'. btor Sunday Sdlool-10 a.m. $uqday woAbip--11 ·a.m •• 7 p.m. Wedneaday·Bible study-7 pon:t.. . . ' '·- '

FULL QOSF'E:L Mlaslon FOuntain Of I,.IVIng

Water .Full Clospal · San Patrlolo • .

SUnday ScbooMO U.m. • · Bvcnina ServJi:e...,7:30 p.m. Tuesday mnd ~day. .

. Potter•s House Christian eent<!r

441 Sudderth Drive Jasper Abeyra, Pastor

434-4817 Surtday-2 p.m. nu:IJ'sday 7:30p.m •

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS Ruidoso-Kingdom Hall

106 Alpine VDlase R011d, Highway 48 258-36:5'9. 258-3277

SUDday public hllk-1:30 p.m. Sunday Warchtowcr-2:20 p.m. Thc:sday Bible s.ludy-7:30 p.m. Thundny mi.nlatry sc:hool-7:30 p.m. Thursday aervice meec-8:20 p.m.

Congregaclon Hlspana de los Testlgos de Jehova 106 Alpine ViUag.e R011d. Hipway 48

258-3659. 336-7076 Reunion publion bom.-10 a.n1. Estudio do Ja Atalaya Dom.-IO:SQ a.m. Bsludio de libro LWl.-7 p.m. Bscuelp, del minlsterio cooc::mtico

Mier.-7 p.m. Reunion de: scrvic:io Mier.-7:SO p.m.

LUTHERAN Shepherd of the Hills

Lutheran Church 1210 Hull ROJMI

258-4191,257-,296 Kevin L. Krohn. Pa11tor

Bundll)l' worship 10:30·a.m. Sunday SChool and· Adult Bible OG.a 9:30a.m. A member of the Miasouri Synod

ME!'tHdDJST .. _·_ctim~~r.i~t·l,.JI)it;d

fllathodl!ll Qhurcll 220 .f~AQ.Aion Road

BOidnd On)'U$111 Doouro c""oCocO!dl•....,•or :Ba~~~Oa.m,

SUDdpy Scbool..Sh30 a.m. Sundny W~n:blp-10:30 a.m.

United Mathodlst Cl)urch'lsh

Trlnll)' eam....,c;a.,llan 648-Q$93,. 648'-28%

Thomas c. am~. Pastor . Carrizozo

Sunday Sdta.lO a.m. Sundqy Worshlp-11:15 a.m. Wednesday dtolr-6 p.m.

· Capitan S~m<lay worsh.ip-9:30 a.m. AdulL Sumtny Sdtoo].,-.8:4!5 a.m. 2nd SIIQdQY Schaal 11 a.m.



Spirit of Life ApostoiiQ/Pantecostal

Tabernacle 1009 Mechem, Tho Paddoclc 1#4

Allaa M, MilleJ>oP.stor 258-9279;257~69

Biblo- Study-7 p.m. 1\Jesdo)' PrJUae &. P~er-6 p.m. Thurllday Sundmy School-10 a.m. Sunday Sund!Q' Bvealag Servkles-6 p.m.

NAZARENE Angus Church of the Nazarene

At Bonito Palk Nazarene Confen=nce Cenk::r, Anaus. 12 miles north af

Ruidoso on HJsbway 48 · Chmdelil HmU, Pastor

336-8032 Sun~ School-9:45a.m. Sunday wonhtp-1014' a.m.&. 6:30p.m. Wednesday fdlo-bip-6:30 p.m.

PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church

Ruidoso, Nob Hill 257-2220

BDI Schqolca, lnl:erim PA1110f' 01un:h s.chool-9:30 a.m. Sunday wonhfp- I I a.m. POllack fcinowshlp lunch after worship the third Sunday; Wcmen's Bl~e slUdY 8.J1d bn;wm bas: funcn at noon the second 1\:aesday.

Mountain Ministry Parish Coinmunity Unltqd Presbyterian ChUR:b

of Ancho Suncf")' wonbJp-9 a.m. Sunday Scbool-10 a.m.

Coi'OJlll Presbyterian Church Worahl~ll a.m.·

· . '' f' Ho8aJ. PIPb)'lori110 Church Adull Sandmy Sc:bool-10 a.m. Worship--It a.m.


WOMEN OF L.C. Meeu the founh Tue~<day of each month al 11 a.m. [or a busmesa rneettng and prosmm. Pot- infonnadon. call Coleta Elliou, 258-4455.


Meets al K·Bob's Steak House Re•taunml al nootJ every Thunde.y.

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Meets Ill !.he Ruidoso Public Library. 4 p.m. firsl Monday.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB Meets al lhe Ruidoso Senior Citiz.ens behind lhe Ruidoso Library at neon flrlt and third Wednesdays for cov· ered dish lunch and gamea.


meeulhe the •econd Monday. Loving Olhenr Suppon Group (or friends and ra.mily of HIV+ meet.s the third Tuesday. For infonnation. oaU 251-2236 or (1-800) 573-AJDS


ruc.,&J. ai Puun tho third Wednesday al Te;~~;asCiub.

KIWANIS CLUB MtiiCIS at K·Bob'a in the American Room al noon Thesdays. Vlailiflg Kiwanis members welcome.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Father E. Dolan council

Meets In the pp,rish haD at Sl. B'leanor's Catholic O.urd1 at 7 •econd aod (ol.llfh Tuesdays. Robert B. Np:, grand knight.


Six-week ~don e~ elghl. weeks meets at the Lincoln County Medical Center. The lnatrueiOr-la Jim Ann RasCG, M.N uertiried c:hlldbiJth odUODtor. Call 257-7381 fur inlonnalion or-to ·reght~r for clu~e~~.


Meelll at 6:30 p.m: the 'lleeclond Wednes­day in lhe briefing. room Jt,t the RuJdo!lo p-fliiCe D.I!J'A'ftnt!W. 'Pnmidcmt lU. llantuM. .25B-.!S641; ilU~crataiy•INAliiUrer BW Scrou~ 2S'S44*&or25tr~~8.


Meets at Cree Meadows Restauranl at 6:15 p.m. the first The$day. PTesident BiiJComeltu~~.


VOTERS Meets at II :30 a.m. the third Monday at the Episcop~~ol Church of lhe Holy Muu111. Boa.n! mee4a 111 10 a.m. befoiV lhe regular meellng. President Susan Skinner. For in£arm.o.ticn, write to Box 1705, Ruidoso NM 88345.


AUXILIARY Mcels in the hospital conference room e.t 9:30a.m. first Tuesday.


Meet. at the Lincoln County Fmir Build­mg. in Capiuut 111 3 p.m. the first Sunday. Pres.idenL Joe Smith. 336-4755. •


Meeu in the Uons Hut on Skylmnd be· luml Muuntmn Laundry Tue•day.. for ~upper.

Ruidoso Valley NOon Lions Meets at Cree Meadowa Country Club al noon Wednesday.

MASONIC LODGE #73 Mcct11 in the Bar;tem Star Bulldina in the Palmer Oaleway area 111 7:30 p.m. tint Mouday. W.M.-Leo- Mitchell, 258-4182: secreuuy,J.A. Bamer. 258-3348.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Serenity Mountain Group

Meets al St.. Bleanor•s Calholic Church. 7:30 p.m. Thbritdaya. U11e the rectory doot.


EMPLOYEES Chapter 1379.

Meeu at K·Bob's 10,. second TueadAy. Par bdrmmpion, -'catl 2:f!l.-5464~ 258-49801 or 2SS-4023. •

OPTij\WIST cUii;l!tll c;wf)' 1"Ue.dq at K .. Qob.."tl_ ;tr_orp 6a;0.:1:30 P"'"· For in,tom'lath:rrt. eAUl!fl.\• mall Hatch. 2.$8:-S1f1.


Meets the hrst Monday of each montb at 6 p.m. Anyone interested is welcoms. For infonnalitln caD 258-4231 or 257-2440.

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Ftuldoso Hondo Valley Club Meets Ill the Bull Ring Rescau~t lit noon Tuesdays.


Meets in the Ruidos;o Care Comter room e.t 12:1!5 p.m. third Thursday for fru..- lun.:h wnh 24-hour adYall.:l: ~erva+ IIUDII. l: 15 p.m. for jtatienl• and g.u.:at ... Everyone w~I~~XJme.


Meets in the auxiliary room of the Ruido$o Downl' viUage! maiJuenance building (use the west. entrunce). 7 p.m. first Monlby.


Meets at the Ruidoso Senior Citizens Center behind Ruldosu ~btlc Ubrary al 7 p.m. Tbursdnys. Call 258-4332.


Meets Ul ttHt Woman"• Qub BuDding. Ill Bverareen Road each Mondb.y at noon, covered dish lunch111on followed by pmes and at 1:30 p.m. second Wed­m: .. dny (Scpten1ber throwili M:ny) lor program, leA&. buainells. Cill 25~-2309:.

RUIDOSO GARDEN CLUB Meets in-various JO a.m. tbe thn'd "l"ues-~y. l=or 11\fonnalion • .:aU 2StJ :'i$09 ar 2.!5'1·2S"J?.


N.ON·D!!N' America

Fli!ll On

"' RQ:idosc;J ~·· -.: dD)', Pia:m Hpt,-N Capi14A ,...... •• at die frdr buildlni Women's BibleS Adult Blblo StUdl

Chrlat' Fli!ll

Capi~M.Hi o .. c

" Sunda)' Schobl-.9: Sunday worahip.--1

ComerS Chad .....

613 Sll H.D.l-1

Sunday sen-leo• l Wodneadt&y-7 p.~

.Paac Unlversa Located at .Po

Oavilan Canyon I Juncalon at Hi.l

Oavilan Jeamsle

33• Momins chapel· duous:b FridAy. ; a.m. overy wuk al the first Sunday o &ei'Vice i- Ill 10:1:5 Center. Vespe~-"1:

Ruidoso w Ruidc

Aland Mm[ 37

Cdldron'• Mlnista­Sunduy wonblp-11 Wednesday acMe

TrinitY Fall<

1108 Oavllil ·- ...... ,:Qi

Sunday Scbo~';$J Pellowohlp• 10.10, Worship: 10-30 "-•

RUIDOSO Meeu at Cree 6:30 p.m. foun fonnmtion, c=11.U 336"!4125.

SERVICE• Mee!s al K·Bob day each monlh.


Meefl'atlheDec day•. Por W Rhodes, 2S7 -'2l: 5610.


SIERF DUPLICA~ Mecca a' the Se1 hind lhe RuUil weekly ,open an Mondays aad 1-1

SIER~ 8111

Mereu o.l Nob H and mainstn:am tint 1\Dd lhircl 1 tion. call 257-21:

SERT' Meeu at Coche1 for IUtJcb. Set1011 day thi'OlJ.8h 1\Jj 70 Hast In Ruld gmhe 7 p.m. C CaU 257-2'177 t 4292' aftet S p-.m.


Jowns. Prta · Ma®w,_PMtor !06, 37(1:-4396 -~:30~. la..m~

OII/IINATIONAL n Missionary lo.wslllp ~Horst

2307 IJblo study--noon, MonM rectselil Drive oPp-7 p.m. Wedncad4y ~ :ntdy-6:30 MOndaya. r~30 p.m. ThursdaY'!

Community lowslllp l&hway 380 WOM mte.r, Pastor J4-24!18 :l0.1'!~1U. 11 a.m .• 6:30 p.m.

tone ChUrch 1 Squnro, SullO C 1ddcl1h Driv<J lunler, Pastor lO a.m. & C5 P.m • •• e Chapel I Life Church ncho du PRz retldt Road, 1/2 mOe east of J1way 48 nortb and Canyon Road Price, Pastor 6--7075 -6:40 a.m. Monday Supday •ewloe~10:15 ~Peace Cllnpel, except l tbe month wbcn the i o.m. at R.uldoso Care :15 p.m • ..J.rd Thw'sday

'ord Ministries llloDowns ty Laae, Pas1o,. ....... i_c:s-9:30< a.m. 0:45.a;ni, ~·7p,m. ·.

Mountain I>WShlp 1n CAnyon Rood IM213 ac-4i.m. :3D a.m. n.-.noon

o SHRINE CLUB Meadows Res~aumnt aL th Wednesday. For inM 258-3348. 336--4175 or

CLUB COUNCIL "s, noaA. the rmu Mon·

lA BLANCA RRADIOCLUB ::k HoU.e cu 9 a.m. S~ttur­Fonnatlon, caD Dusty 3S; or Dl(lk Shaw, 257-

lA BLANCA E BRIDGE CLUB nior Citizens Cemer be· lSD Public Ubmry for d novice sames. 7 p.m. ;Mn. Tue~days.

lA BLANCA "NGERS :m Elemental)' for basic sq~~an:~ dnnc:fns at 8 p.m. l'bundaya. Per infonna-35 or %57-2883. ·

OMACLUB m at noon Wednesdays na Bingo., 6 p.m. 'Rnln• ~ISda)' at 2160 Hlpwny loso Dowm. Early blrtl Gncussions 11Md .open. 'or lnfonnll!-ion or 3"111-

T$NS roup, Tens m~ll at K· m. Wecsn-e.maya: ·

~AYBAIDGE 1\Y~ Al CJeo ~O'*'a. call,2S$oo3$31*

J WEi S"'rANi:l MISAIOA aod Vllicla CQfe. 2'1U4 ~ Sqll~ 'Poi 'illf'Ottnll• ..... , ,..u l<oy l',... ....


",_-- ...

.. -.,


Farmland Extra Tende•

Pork Butt

Roast Value Pack

Furr's Lawfat· Milk .• , •. ,. . .

--. / gal. .,

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• . •. ,.

12 oz.·

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Calavo Bass Avocados


., . :.-_~~­·~;,,

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Peyton Sliced Bacon

. Purr's 'Pamato Sauce

.a oz .. ··cas


1 Prices are effective: Wednesday, August Ul throughi'J'uesday, August a4, 1993 • . · We reserve the right to limit quauUties. No sales to dealers.

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Peyton ...... snead Blllneless

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4!!. Pa_vton Sl1ced


Furr's Brand

.. ~:AU na-v .. l's .

1/2 gal.

Ol'ange Juice


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all Varia•••• .,


Furr's Brand

l"·~~===e;~;; -


Thin Spaghetti 1\f>UI<• \Viil1 I fl.ll- 1, Ulll'liL>l \\'h<'" t S:•tnnli ru•

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Spag~e.t.ti Long"illi~'Thin !

Family . ........... .. ·a· ... ~- .· ·a··. . . . . - ' ·\ . ' .. -.

_- . . .. ~ -. ·- ,._ . ' >· -. -.. -.·:·· .. -·.·:

10 oz.



. Furr's Brand

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ch . ... . ~Yesh Dl'·

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J . . · ... ~ ?'.i.: .. ·· .. , .... ,. . •· •:i' •· · " .. di 'Mi"d m-M w &mwnee--w-• W:'H3ffi'a.-&.--ke.r·.r."•-"·= •Hfi..A ..oi,;.,,.. wx+ g: . .,;,;: .. :...,p.~';.;..~:.:;.:.,;s,.i~ • :.r. ;. @,.,.o:;..~L..;-.ak,..,.,:\..i:. . ..,,_:'*·- ...... ~...__.....,,_:~~~~-L . ....:. ·-;.. ....... ~~- ~'·---"----~ .-~.:~.~-' ~ _:: --~- -.:·. -''- ~ ~-: ._·_-.. .. ';,: .;: -~- ~~---~~---. ~--2.;_.__.;,_~: =--... -~;,._- ""'-"~-

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32 oz.

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ada with Saafast Imitation Cl'all Meat

79 ·Jb.

Cela Val'ieties'

&pack 12 oz. cans


24 axp.

EVERYDAY LOWER PRICE 4" ....... Pllnfi


T~mpax .............. AUVulall••

c .• _~,~~·~ •• ~· ••......•. ·,,.· :'.: ··• .. 0: r: ... _.,,:.:~}~~~.!.·.·? .. ;r:._(!~ .... ·~.J .. : ... --~·~;·: . . · .. . I• . .- .. . ' . . ··~. - ··''

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