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osTube 2.6 | Quick-Installation-Guide | Copyright © 2009 AUVICA GmbH

Rev 2.6.0 / 06/04/2009 1

UPDATE-INFO If you have already installed a previous version of osTube 2.x, then please download the complete

package for the new osTube 2.6 at After successfully downloading the

package unpack the whole content and copy it into your existing osTube 2.x installation by ftp or scp.

In order to actually start the update process you have to be logged in as an administrator and

navigate to the start page of your osTube installation (for security reasons you will need to

authenticate as administrator again).

Finally you just have to click on “Update now”.

Your osTube installation will be automatically updated to version 2.6.

General Info This Quick-Installation-Guide will help you solve any problems during the installation process that the

installation wizard might not be able to resolve. In case the installation stops during one of the 3

installation-steps, please read this guide carefully.

Further questions that are not dealt with in this document should be posted to our forum at

Uploading Once you downloaded the osTube framework at our website, the first step is to upload the

compressed archive (ostube_community_edt_2.6.tar.gz) to your webserver. This can be done either

by using FTP or SCP. In most cases it is enough to put the compressed archive in the root directory of

the virtual host (or respectively in the location where you want osTube to reside).

Once you transferred the file, log on to your server using a SSH shell, change to the directory

containing the file that you have just uploaded and unpack it there. This can be done using the

command tar xvzf ostube_community_edt_2.6.tar.gz

Extraction This will unpack the osTube framework in the current directory. Now you have 2 options: Either keep

the files in the current location (if it is the web root of your website) or create a subdirectory (for

example: mkdir /ostube) so it can be accessed on the internet like

Once the files are located at the domain’s web-root, osTube will be directly accessible at or at if you have decided to make

a subdirectory.

To use the search engine optimized url’s osTube is using a file called .htaccess which is located in the

web-root of osTube. Please make sure that when upgrading, the old .htaccess file has been


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osTube 2.6 | Quick-Installation-Guide | Copyright © 2009 AUVICA GmbH

Rev 2.6.0 / 06/04/2009 2

Setting Access Permissions If you did not unpack the archive containing osTube directly on your webserver (e.g. you unzipped

the file on a windows computer and then transferred it to your web-server using a FTP-client) the file

and directory access permissions might have been changed. This can prevent you from installing

osTube successfully on your web-server. To make sure everything is correct, try this:

Change to the directory where osTube resides and enter these commands one after another (press

<RETURN> after each command).

chmod –R 777 media

chmod –R 777 ostube.log

chmod –R 777 conversion.log

chmod –R 777 languages/*.txt

chmod –R 777 languages/*.ini

chmod –R 777 includes/config.php

This makes sure that the access permissions are intact. Please note, the best way is to set the group-

access permissions for the osTube directory first (e.g. by: chown –R ftp-user:webserver-group *) and

then set the general access permissions to 775 rather than 777.

Web-Installation After that you must open the framework using your normal web browser (e.g. go to: osTube will automatically detect that an installation is being

started and will forward you to the /install sub-directory.

Web-Installation: Step 1 In this step, information regarding your PHP-, MySQL-, and GD-Library-Version will be gathered and

certain settings of your php.ini will be checked.

Please note that you need to have at least PHP version 4.2.1 (though we strongly recommend using

PHP 5.2 or later) or above and MySQL version 4 or above installed on your webserver. Additionally, in

order to convert video files it is vital that the commandline support of PHP (PHP-CLI) has also been

activated. Please also make sure safe_mode is deactivated, allow_url_fopen is activated,

file_uploads is activated and open_basedir is deactivated.

Regarding uploaded media content, you should also check for the filesize setting to be set to a high

enough value. By default most PHP-installations are set to only allow 8 or even 2 MB, which is just

enough for some pictures. The php.ini file can be edited from within the shell (if you are logged in as

root). In most cases the php.ini can be found at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. The name of the setting

used to control the maximum file-size is upload_max_filesize (we suggest you set this value to

100MB and lower it using the osTube control panel if necessary).

Note: After you modified your php.ini you must have to restart your web-server in order for the

changes to take effect.

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osTube 2.6 | Quick-Installation-Guide | Copyright © 2009 AUVICA GmbH

Rev 2.6.0 / 06/04/2009 3

Finally, you have to specify the login credentials of your MySQL database. For that you should create

a new MySQL user (e.g. by using a graphical MySQL administration tool such as phpMyAdmin or

some Windows-utility) and assign a new database to this user. You should not use the root-account

of MySQL here!

Note: After a new user has been added to MySQL, the server either has to be “flushed” or restarted

in order for the changes to take effect.

Web-Installation: Step 2 The installer automatically finds out the absolute and relative paths of your osTube installation. If the

paths are not correctly detected you can also input them manually.

The other settings on this page deal with the video-conversion. If you do not want to host videos on

your osTube site, make sure the box “Activate Videos” is unchecked. This will bypass all prerequisite

checks concerning the conversion of video-files.

In most cases, the video feature – for being a core functionality of osTube – should not be


If the framework is installed on a freshly setup server, usually the 4 programs required for video

conversion are missing. They are mencoder, player, ruby, and flvtool2.

Detailed instructions concerning the setup of these programs can be found at our support-area at:

In short, you can find the required installation files at these locations:


(consult README once extracted)


Ruby is usually installed using the corresponding archives of your specific Linux-distribution. With

Debian this can be done using: apt-get install ruby


(consult README once extracted)

During the installation of mplayer/mencoder certain problems may arise. For instance, if the “lame-

mp3” library is missing on your system, this has to be installed manually prior to mplayer/mencoder.

Also, please make sure you have acquired all necessary CODEC-packs, which provide special Codec-

formats for video-conversion, before you install mplayer/mencoder.

Please see:

Finally, you have to select the quality level for video-conversion. The default setting is upper medium

quality. This level does not require that much render-time on a server-system with typical hardware


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osTube 2.6 | Quick-Installation-Guide | Copyright © 2009 AUVICA GmbH

Rev 2.6.0 / 06/04/2009 4

Web-Installation: Step 3 In this last step of the setup procedure you have to specify the name of your osTube-site. Also, you

are asked to choose whether users have to provide all profile information when they want to register

on your site or if they can just omit it. Usually, this is not necessary.

After that, you are asked to provide login credentials of the administration account. Your password

should contain both numbers and characters and it shouldn’t be too short. It is important that you

specify a valid email address for the administrators account since the framework will send all status

messages to this email address (e.g. if a user reports an item being inappropriate).

Completing the Installation After the installation process has been completed, you will be taken to your new site’s control panel.

Here you can adjust every setting and aspect of your site.

Appendix Information regarding the usage of the upload progress bar:

In order to give the user a visual feedback when uploading files, since version 2.0 osTube uses a

PERL-script. This script is located at: /cgi-bin.

In order to make use of this feature, you should move the /cgi-bin folder (and its contents) to your

web-root directory. Please also make sure your web-server is configured to process cgi-scripts

located in that directory. Debian and Apache2 can be configured like this:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/apache2-default/ostube/cgi-bin/

<Directory "/var/www/apache2-default/ostube/cgi-bin">

AllowOverride None

Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


Should you choose to keep the cgi-bin folder within the ostube/ directory, you will have to adjust the

file /cgi-bin/ manually. Instead of the locale-variables DOCUMENT_ROOT and

SERVER_NAME you will have to specify the actual addresses and paths (upload_dir, redirect_url,


Additional Support If you have any further questions regarding the installation or usage of osTube, please visit

Since the release of version 2.0 of osTube, AUVICA provides forum support on a regular daily basis.