Page 1: Our health by Nacho, Alfredo and José
Page 2: Our health by Nacho, Alfredo and José

Health is a state of physical and mental

well-being when we are healthy we fell well.

Illness is the opposite of health, we feel

tired when we are ill

Symptoms like coughs , pain or fever, tell us

that ours bodies are ill

Page 3: Our health by Nacho, Alfredo and José

To stay well, we must have healthy habits:

Sleep nine or ten hours ,have a balance diet,eat five meals a day, wash our hands before our meals, breathe fresh air.

Page 4: Our health by Nacho, Alfredo and José

It is important to be hygienic :

Disinfect wounds .

Wash your hands before eating or

handling food.

Wash uncooked food .

Cover your mouth when you cough or


Do not share eating utensil.

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Non-infectious illness like a broken arm

Infectious illnesses are caused by

harmful bacteria or viruses. They can be

contagious or non-contagious

Contagious is when an ill person can

trasmit the illness to a healthy person like


Non-contagious like salmonellosis

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Bacteria are unicelular micro-organisms

There are two types of bacteria:

Beneficial bacteria , like one used in making yogurt

Harmfull bacteria that can cause illnesses.

These bacteria are called pathogenic bacteria

Page 7: Our health by Nacho, Alfredo and José

A virus is not a micro-organism. It causes

infectious illnesses.

Is not a living thing but it needs cells to carry

out live processes.

Viruses cause many illnesses such as flu,

measles, herpes and AIDS

Page 8: Our health by Nacho, Alfredo and José

Amoebae : unicellular micro-organisms

Illness caused: intestinal illness symptoms:diarrhoea and fever

Plasmodia unicellular micro-organism

Illness caused:malaria symptoms:dry skin

Candida(yeast): unicellular micro-organism

Illness caused:demages the skin

Symptoms: eczema

Fungi: multicellular micro-organism

Illness caused: athete´s foot

Symptoms: dry skin

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Pathogenics micro-organisms can enter

into our bodies in differents ways:

Through the respiratory system, when

we´re cough

Through the digestive system when we

eat contaminated food.

Through wounds and cuts in the skin.

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Vaccines can prevent some illnesses

caused by viruses or bacteria.

Vaccines introduce into our bodies the

micro-organism or virus that is making us


The body reacts to the virus and

produces substances to destroy it.

If the micro-organism or virus returns , our

body will recognise it and fight against it.

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When viruses or micro-organisms enter our bodies and couse an infecction, doctors prescrcribe different treatments:

Infections caused by bacteria are treated whith antibiotics

Infections caused by fungi are treated with anti-fungal medicines.

Infections causes by viruses are only treated with medicines that help to reduce symptoms. Doctors can also prevent these infections with vaccines.

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It is important to have a first aid kit at home

To treat minor injuries .

It should include the following items:

Thermometer, sterile gauze, bandages, cloth adhesive tape, disposable gloves, antiseptic, cotton wool, creams for insect bites and burns, tweezers, round tip scissors, alcohol, plasters, hydrogen peroxide.

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