Page 1: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church · Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, 262-0283 , Permanent ... Maj. . J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven


Knights of Columbus

Ed Jacobsen 937-3659

Legion of Mary

Lorraine Smith 539-1454

Parish Life

Robin Bowling 615-3081

Pastoral Council

Terry Barsalou 798-4415


Cub Scouts

Jason Powell 519-6164

Girl Scouts

Lisa Callahan 277-8176


Kathi-jean Dors, Office Manager

[email protected] Ext. 229

Veronica Kennedy, Music Ministry Director

[email protected] Ext. 230

Megan Cottam, Director of Religious Education

[email protected] Ext. 225

Steven Cottam, Youth Ministry Director

[email protected] Ext. 237

Joan DuFour, Human Concerns Coordinator

[email protected] Ext. 228

Michele Joseph, Parish Receptionist

[email protected] Ext. 221

Marie Veillette, Religious Ed. Assistant

[email protected] Ext. 227

Karla Rinn, Parish Records

[email protected] Ext. 222

Jane Johnson, Bookkeeper

[email protected] Ext. 224

Chip Morris, Maintenance

[email protected] Ext 231

Bill West, Sexton

[email protected] Ext. 231

Spanish Ministry Office

Nilda Torres, Spanish Ministry

[email protected] 262-7317

“Our Lady of Lourdes,

Pray for us.”


Mass & Reconciliation Schedules

Weekend Masses

Saturday at 5:30 pm

Sunday at 8:30 am & 11:15 am

Sunday (Spanish) at 1:00 pm

Sunday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm

Interpreted for the hearing impaired by volunteers at 8:30 Mass

Listening devices available for the

hearing impaired at all Masses

Weekday Masses Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am Tuesday (Spanish) at 7:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday at 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm or by Appointment Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:30 pm Comboni Missionary Sisters 1307 Lakeside Ave (804) 262-8827 Mass/Communion Service: Mon-Wed-Sat @ 8:00am Mass Fri @8:00am Prayer Service with Communion Ministries

Bldgs & Grounds

Chip Morris 994-9444

Christian Formation

Children’s Liturgy

Judy Aldrich 747-4913

RCIA Inquiry

Kathy Talley 262-7490

Finance Council

Don Brockman 929-4522

Grand Group


Human Concerns

Keith Degnan 559-3603

Advocate for Persons

With Disabilities

Elaine Schmidt 266-6157

Health Ministry

262-7315, ext 228


Kathy Talley 262-7490

Altar Servers

Marie VanWyk 262-0283

Art & Environment

Sherri Puccinelli

[email protected]

Extraordinary Minister

Kathy Talley 262-7490


Marty Rhodes 262-1727

Homebound Ministry

Peggy Hildebrand 501-0075


Dcn. Jim & Marie VanWyk


Eucharistic Adoration


Holy Hour, 6:00 pm

Evening Prayer, 6:30 pm

Followed by Benediction

Thursday (Spanish) at 7:00 pm

Petitions included in the Book of Prayers

will be prayed for collectively once a


Catholic Church Our Lady of Lourdes

8200 Woodman Road • Henrico, VA 23228 • Parish Office: 804-262-7315

Spanish Office: 804-262-7317 • Fax: 804-262-7337

Visit us on the web:

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Rev. James Begley, Pastor [email protected] Ext. 223 Rev. Jimmy Valencia, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Ext. 236 Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, [email protected] 262-0283

Rev. Mr. Wayne Snellings, Permanent Deacon [email protected]

Page 2: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church · Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, 262-0283 , Permanent ... Maj. . J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven


CH Church COM Commons FML Fisher Memorial Library HHD Healy Hall Dining Room MPR Multi-purpose Room SCH School SCH LIB School Library SH Social Hall

Weekly Calendar

“Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church”

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Grades PreK - 8 Visit our website: Admissions: Andrea Fuller Phone: 804.262.1770 Email: [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook!

To view the Youth website page, visit

Sunday August 26

Monday August 27

Tuesday August 28

Wednesday August 29

Thursday August 30

Friday August 31

Saturday September 1

Coffee & Donuts

After 8:30am Mass


Ensemble Rehearsal 6-9:00pm


Mass 8:30am

Evening Prayer,

Adoration & Benediction

6:00pm CH

Mass 8:30am

Pray the Rosary 4:45-5pm CH

FML Open 9:30-11:00am 12:15-12:45pm

Legion of Mary

7-9:00 pm HHD

Spanish Mass 7:00 pm


Bible Study 7-9:00pm


Finance Council Meeting

6:30-8:00pm FML

FML Open 5:00-5:30pm 6:30-7:00pm

W/E Choir Rehearsal

7:30-9:30pm CH

Stay connected with Flocknote

First Friday Rosary will be meet in the Healy Hall Dining Room at 6:00 pm on September 7th.

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Consider as well how you are being called to serve the Lord!

If you are discerning a vocations in the priesthood, call Father Michael Boehling at (804) 359-5661, or write [email protected]

Calling all youths rising 4th grade to 12th. Are you interested in becoming involved in serving in the Altar Server

Ministry as an acolyte or Cross bearer? Acolytes are those in 4th—6th grade and cross bearers 6th—12th grade.

Please send your name, grade, school, e-mail and phone to [email protected] Mrs. Marie VanWyk to be put on the list.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will hold its annual walk on Saturday, September 22nd at Innsbrook with check in at 10:00 AM. If you would like to walk or donate, please go to . For more information, see the poster in the Commons or Social Hall or contact Bill Schmidt at 804-266-6157. NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization.

Page 3: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church · Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, 262-0283 , Permanent ... Maj. . J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven

Baptism - for information, call the Christian Formation Office in the parish office or take information leaflet from the magazine rack in the Commons. Reconciliation-Sat. at 4:15-4:45 PM or by appt. Marriage-Couples must participate in a preparation program. Contact Fr. Jim or Dcn. Jim at least 6 months in advance. Anointing of the Sick - If you or a family member needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, or is admitted to a hospital or nursing home or is homebound for any reason, please call the Office. [After Hours ONLY in an EMERGENCY Call (804) 254-0586] Holy Orders, Religious Life, and Lay Ministry - Men and women considering Ministry in the Church are encouraged to call the Parish Pastor or Deacon.

Prayer List Worship Corner

Mass Intentions August 28—September 2 Tue 8:30am Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Thu 8:30am Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Sat 5:30pm Kenneth C. Walker, Sr. (RIP) Sun 8:30 am Tina Tuttle (RIP) Sun 11:15 am Bessie Hagood (RIP)

Scripture Readings 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 2, 2018

DT4:1-2, 6-8 JAS 1:17-18, 21B-22, 27 MK 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Please pray for our loved ones in the Military: Sgt. William C. Barker, Corporal Robert Beers, Lance Corporal David A. Carter, Sgt. B. J. Compton, SPC. Alan Crosby, Msg. Pfc. Antonio A. Flores, Sgt. John M. Flores, Sgt. Lauro Flores, Lt. Roberto Fonseca, 2nd Lt. John Furr, Lt. Jonathan Garrett, SPEC. Isaac Gethins, Capt. Christopher-James Hart, Corporal Paul Inoa, SPEC. Mary Claire Kocik, SFC. Hector Meza Jr., Capt. Morgan McDaniel, 1st. Sgt. James Phipps, Lance Corporal Michael J. Riddick II, SFC. Thomas T. Morton, SSgt. Howard C. Robertson, SSgt. William Scruggs III, USMC, PO1 Angel Semerling, BM2 Lewis Semerling US Coast Guard, Lance Corporal Daniel Stroia, PO Troy Sweeney, Maj. C. J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven Walker, Maj. Karl Wojtkun

Please pray for all the sick and homebound: Miguel Ambert, Clarise “Ki” Chapman, Chuck Coley, Teodorico Paul Durias Jr., Jon Eugenio, Margaret Mary Geier, Chris Hartless, Betty Hott, Kyle Hungerford, Rosemary Lowry, Petra Nordveck, Renita Olano, Maurice Phillips, David Wayne Plumket, Maureen Ratcliff, Nancy Roberts, Kaeden Ross, Robert Siegfried


GOSPEL MEDITATION "This saying is hard; who can accept it?" The words of Jesus' disciples in today's Gospel must sound familiar. At some point in our lives, you and I have said it about some article of our faith. Christianity makes firm demands on our ethical behavior and gives no easy answers for suffering. Many disciples were confused and dismayed by Jesus' words in the Bread of Life Discourse. Not all of them, however, had the same reaction. When the disciples question Jesus' teaching, he confirms its truth. "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life." For some, Jesus' reassurance was not enough. These disciples do not question Jesus further or wrestle with their lack of understanding. The mighty deeds Jesus has done fade to the background. "Many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him." For them, their doubt proves too much. Jesus turns to the Twelve, knowing that confusion lives in their hearts as well. Peter answers. "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God." Notice this is not a confession of perfect understanding. It is a confession of faith in Jesus. The precise words may still confuse them, but they believe the One who said them. In our own lives, we face doubt, confusion, and disillusionment in our Christian faith. The same choice available to the disciples is available to us. Do you have faith in Jesus, even when you lack perfect understanding? Will you stay or will you go? What do you do with your doubt?


Jesus' teaching is hard and challenging. In fact,

many who originally believed in him left and

returned to their former way of life. They were not

able to accept what he had to say or to make the

changes that are necessary to conform their lives to

the Gospel. We often water down our faith and

Page 4: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church · Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, 262-0283 , Permanent ... Maj. . J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven

Worship Corner-Cont’d Christian Formation Corner

make it more about securing our place in heaven

than leading a life in pursuit of the kingdom of God.

Following Jesus and living the Gospel require action

now. The Gospel demands that we change the way

we conduct the business of our lives. Sadly, many

are still afraid of taking risks and cannot accept

change. Are we really ready to venture forth into

the unknown, or would we prefer to simply return

to our old ways of doing things?


YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS My wife has a hope

chest filled with items from her past. Some

memories contained in there are joyous, while

others are painful and filled with sorrow. However,

all those memories helped to make her the person

she is today. They have become a part of her very


Traditionally, a hope chest contained linens and

clothing for a woman's wedding day. It was a chest

filled with the hope for the future. As time goes by,

many of our hopes are fulfilled. However, life never

goes exactly as planned. Some hopes are dashed by

unfortunate circumstances or bad choices we have


Our hearts are like hope chests that long for the day

when we are joined for eternity with our God. Along

the way, our chest may accumulate additional items

that we collect on our life's journey. If we are

gracious and generous along the way, our chest will

fill with fruit to abundance. If we live more with a

focus on ourselves, we will find our hope chests

nearly barren. We will, in fact, lose hope. May the

hope chest of your heart be overflowing with love

that you have freely given and that has come back

to you tenfold. May your generosity provide hope

for the hopeless, and may your hope always remain

strong. --Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Calling All Students of Christian Formation: Registration Is Now Open!

Registration for Religious Education and

Sacramental Preparation is now open. Please see

the table in the commons after Mass, or contact the

parish office to register your child. All students 2nd

grade and older are eligible to prepare for First

Sacraments (Reconciliation and First Communion)

and all students 10th grade and older are eligible to

prepare for Confirmation. The first day of class is

Sunday, September 23rd.

Adult Formation Nights Are Here!

The faith journey never ends! Looking to learn

more about your faith and grow closer to Christ this

year? Join us each Wednesday night at 7pm in the

Social Hall. Here’s our first session:

Prayer: Conversations with God

A class based on Fr. Ronald Rolheiser’s book,

Prayer: Our Deepest Longing, will be offered on

Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm this fall (Sept.

19,26, Oct. 3,10,17). Dennis and Loretta Beeman

will facilitate discussions on the five short chapters

in the book: Struggling in Prayer, Hearing God’s

Voice, Personal and Liturgical Prayer, Growing in

Maturity, Listening to God’s Heartbeat. Cost of

book: $10. To register or for questions, contact

Megan Cottam.

We Need Your Help!

The Christian Formation team is looking for

volunteers for the upcoming school year. We are in

need of catechists for nearly all grades, youth

helpers, classroom aides, and hall monitors. Please

consider giving of your time to the important

mission of passing on the faith to the next

generation. No experience necessary! For questions

or to volunteer, please contact Marie Veillette,

[email protected].

Page 5: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church · Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, 262-0283 , Permanent ... Maj. . J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven

Human Concerns

Youth Ministry Corner

Other News

OLL School Corner

Do you feel called to help young people grow in faith, hope, and love? Our youth ministry is ramping up for another exciting year of learning, prayer, service, fellowship, and joy! However, we can’t do it without faith-filled adults who are willing to share their time and experiences with our parish’s young people. If you feel at all called to perhaps serve in some role, big or small, in our middle school, high school, or Confirmation preparation ministry, please contact Mr. Steven to discuss the many ways in which you might be able to help. And remember – God doesn’t call the strong… God strengthens the called!!

Dead Theologians Society – Call for Applications!

11th and 12th graders who are active in their faith and are interested in diving deeper into the teachings of the Church are invited to apply to our parish’s DTS chapter. Contact Mr. Steven for more info or for an application.

Simple Ways to Help our Students

Donate scholarship money through the McMahon Parater Foundation

Collect Box Tops and Tyson labels for our school Link your Kroger card to support Our Lady of Lourdes School

Use and select Our Lady of Lourdes School to benefit from your purchases.

Several of our students are able to receive a Catholic education because of your tax scholarship donations. We also use the Box Tops funds and grocery rewards to purchase additional recess equipment, art supplies, musical instruments and rainy day recess activities. We appreciate the support of our parish and school community!

How can you receive 65% of your donation returned to you in Virginia tax credits?

St. Peter’s Church We have many parishioners who

volunteer to feed lunch to the homeless at St.

Peter’s church. They do this on the 5th Tuesday of

the month. The duties are preparing, serving, and

clean up. St. Peter’s Catholic Church is located at 8th

and Grace. This is a very worthwhile ministry and

the volunteers enjoy their service very much.

Father Gino Rossi is the pastor and he has a passion

for helping the poor and neglected. Father Rossi

has made changes and improvements, which

include installing showers for the homeless to use

and renovating the kitchen in the basement where

meals are served. St. Peter’s is always in need of

hygiene and personal care items, which are given to

those they serve. Whatever you have extra will be

greatly appreciated. Here is the list: socks,

underwear, travel size soap, women’s pads,

toothbrushes, travel size toothpaste, chapstick,

travel size sunblock, razors, lotion, Depends liners,

combs and hair ties. If you care to participate,

please label your items (St. Peter’s) and place them

in the food box in the foyer. God bless you for your


St. Michaels Rummage Sale St. Michaels Catholic Church located at 4491 Springfield Rd. in Glen Allen will hold their 15th Annual Community Rummage Sale on Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 7:00am until 12:00 noon. Thousands of items (all donated by friends and parishioners) will be for sale, including toys, house wares, books clothing, linens, sporting goods, baby items and furniture. The proceeds from the sale benefit the village of Dos Palais in Haiti. Donations of sale items will be accepted at the church on Thursday, Sept. 6 from 9am-8pm and on Friday, Sept. 7 from 9am-3pm.

Commonwealth Catholic Charities Do You Know an Older Adult Who Could Use a Friendly Call? CCC’s Call Reassurance program provides lonely and shut-in seniors with regular phone calls from caring volunteers. Seniors feel encouraged knowing a compassionate friend is only a phone call away. To make a referral or to volunteer call 804.545.5916.

CCConnect with us online on our new website,, and through our Facebook page to learn of the many ways that CCC is helping the most vulnerable in our communities

Page 6: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church · Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon, 262-0283 , Permanent ... Maj. . J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven

Practica del coro de adultos para Misa 1:00pm los domingos:

Martes 7:30pm a 8:30pm

Practica del coro Misa de las 6:00pm los domingos:

Domingo: 5:00pm a 5:45pm antes de la misa.


Horario de Oficina: Martes a jueves de 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Viernes de 9:00am a 12:00pm

Telefono directo: 804-262-7317 Correo Electronico: [email protected]

26 de agosto de 2018


Domingo: 1:00pm 6:00pm Martes: 7:00pm Jueves: 7:00pm concluyendo con Adoración y Bendición del Santísimo

CONFESIONES: Martes: 6:00pm - 7:00 pm o por cita previa

Rev. James Begley, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Jimmy Valencia, Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Nilda Torres, Coordinadora Min. Hispano [email protected] Sr. Martha Gladys Urrutia Veronica Kennedy Directora de Ministerio de Música Megan Cottam Directora de Educación Religiosa Steve Cottam, Director de Ministerio de Jóvenes




Buscanos en Nuestra Página de Facebook Nuestra Señora de Lourdes-Richmond

El Padre Jimmy estará en la oficina de Martes a Jueves de 10:00am-4:00pm y los viernes de 9:00am-12pm. Si necesitan cualquier servicio, por ejemplo, bendición de casa, visitar un enfermo en el hospital o la casa, etc., favor llamar a la oficina.

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