Page 1: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities.Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all Masses. Hearing devices available.

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs

July 29, 2018 PASTORAL STAFF

PastorReverend Stephen J. [email protected]

DeaconJohn [email protected]

Pastoral AssociateBrother Etienne, [email protected]

Administrative AssistantNanci [email protected]

Children’s Faith FormationNinette Euler, [email protected]

Parish Social MinistryMaria Ryan, [email protected]

Assistant: Mary Ellen [email protected]

Administrator: Mary [email protected]

Assistant: Judy [email protected]

Youth Minister: Bill [email protected]

Parish Facilities DirectorAlexei Korenevski

Music CoordinatorDeirdre Kupka

53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184

Daily Masses:Monday-Thursday at 12pm; Saturday at 9am Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5pmSunday Masses: 8am,10am and 12pmSpecial Needs MassWill resume in September

Holy Days: Vigil at 7:30 pm; 12pm Mass on Holy DayConfessions: Saturdays 9:30am- 10:00am and 4:00pm - 4:45pmAnytime upon request

Come Pray With Us

Week at a Glance July 29th - August 4th

Monday, July 30th10:00 am Classic Kids Theatre Camp12:30 - 4:00pm Eucharistic Adoration 3:00 pm Divine Mercy & Marian Prayers

Tuesday, July 31st10:00 am Classic Kids Theatre Camp Wednesday, August 1st10:00 am Classic Kids Theatre Camp 7:30 pm Baptism Preparation Class

Thursday, August 2nd10:00 am Classic Kids Theatre Camp

Friday, August 3rd10:00 am Classic Kids Theatre Camp

Page 2: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature




~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~Dear Brothers and Sisters:I have loved the story of the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes since I was child. Part of this is the whole miracle aspect. Jesus makes something out of nothing. But it doesn’t stop there as if that were not enough. No, Jesus takes it a step further and feeds over 5000 people at one sitting to the point where everyone has their fill and some is actually left over! It’s simply mind boggling. We love the miracle stories, right? We love to hear about God’s in-breaking into our world. We love the stories of pillars of fire and parting of the seas. We love to hear the stories of Jesus raising the dead and curing the sick. They are stories that challenge the natural order of our world and turn it upside down. And let’s face it, wouldn’t our world be a better place if God made more of these miracles happen? Wouldn’t it be a better world if God gave Pope Francis the power to cure cancer? Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus came back and fed all of the hungry people in the world? Wouldn’t it be great if no one had to die ever again because God intervened directly in our world and changed how things worked? Then we could all believe without a shadow of a doubt, right? Actually then we would have to believe, because we would have no choice, right? And I guess that’s the very reason why God doesn’t intervene in our world. He gives us just enough miracles to keep us hungry. To do more would be to limit the freedom he has given us. A freedom that lets us chose to love him and follow him, or reject him and go our own way. Let’s say that you meet someone and fall madly in love with them, but sadly they don’t feel the same way about you. But you find a way to force or coerce this person so they have no choice but to be in a relationship with you. Is it really a loving and healthy relationship? NO! It’s slavery of a kind, right? That other person is there only because they have no other choice but to be in the relationship with you, but it will never really be love. In the same way, while miracles are great and they capture our imagination, they can never take the place of a real faith built on a free choice to love God. God gives us the choice to love him. Miracles are wonderful and while they capture our imaginations, they can never be a substitute for a real faith built on love and trust. Love and trust take real work on our part. It’s here that God challenges us to do our part in keeping our part of the relationship. No relationship can last if there is no communication. Spouses who stop speaking aren’t going to last long if they never communicate with each other. Friends who stop loving and supporting one another aren’t going to be friends for long if they don’t work at their relationship. God expects the same from you and me. If we sit around waiting for miracles to make our faith certain, it’s going to be a very weak faith and based more on what God can do for me rather than on a relationship that goes deeper than fulfilling my present needs. So how do we build that relationship? Well, following on the examples I gave above of how relationships fall apart, the cure for those failures can be applied to our relationship with God. Communication is key and for us the key that opens that lock is prayer. While God has a pretty good idea of what our needs are and where our heart is, he likes the sound of our voices. He wants us to lift our hearts and minds up to him. He knows that the very act of praying changes us and the more we pray, the more our hearts change. Prayer makes us more like him and shouldn’t children resemble their parents? So here is my question for you this week: Do I appreciate the miraculous nature of my daily life and thank God for the gift of life? What hinders me from talking to God more?Peace,Fr. Steve

~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~

Page 3: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

~ All Are Welcome ~~ All Are Welcome ~

Kevin and Shalinee Hernon celebrate the baptism of their son Brady Christopher as big sisters,

Kaitlyn and Sophia proudly look on.

Congratulations to the Hernon family!

Farewell Father HurleyOn behalf of all of our parishioners, we thank Father Hurley for serving Holy Mass each day and assisting us while Father Steve has been on vacation. We are grateful for his time, his warm welcoming way and his presence to all of us.

We wish him well and look forward to his next visit to Centerport.

Each first Saturday of the Month at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, we celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

Saturday, August 4th at 9:00 amWho is anointed at this sacrament? Anyone who is elderly, anyone who is seriously ill,

anyone going for an operation, anyone who is mentally ill, are among those who are anointed.

In the scriptures, Jesus has many stories of healing and in them Jesus asks, “Do you want to be healed”? Seems like an obvious question.....who would not want this great gift of God. Jesus is saying with this question, your faith has healed you!! It is the faith and belief of the person and the grace of the sacrament that brings healing. Jesus is the healer, but the person has to believe in His healing power.

This sacrament promises healing!!

It is not always the healing we want, it is always the healing we need, and only God knows what we truly need.

Our faith and trust in Him is what He asks of us.

Classic Kids Theatre Camp concludes its first session with a performance that never disappoints.Thank you to Rebecca and David Overton for their hard work and dedication to our talented campers!

Page 4: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

There is great joy and excitement in our Diocese as Bishop Henning is called to “follow in the footsteps of the apostles.”

This past Tuesday, August 24th, was a historic day in our Diocese. St. Agnes Cathedral was filled with abounding joy and anticipation as more than two dozen bishops,

over one hundred priests, and hundreds of the faithful gathered to witness the ordination and appointment of Bishop Richard Garth Henning as Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.

Father Steve, along with

Monsignor James M. McDonald, Pastor at St.

Aidan Church in Williston Park, served as Priest

Chaplains to Bishop Henning.

Several parishioners were in attendance and many tuned into Telecare to watch the ordinations live.

We are blessed to have Bishop Henning in residence with us here at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs and our prayers are with him as he embraces his new ecclesial mission to “Put Out Into The deep” the New Evangelization for the Catholic Church on Long Island.

The following are Bishop Henning’s remarks following his ordination.

“What is the surfer without the wave?” Remarks of Bishop Richard HenningSome twenty years ago on a beautiful summer day, I sat on a beach chair at Ponquogue Beach in Hampton Bays with good friends. As I looked out at the sunny day and an impossibly blue ocean, I saw what looked like a figure walking on the water. You can imagine that this would attract my interest!

~ Congratulations Bishop Richard G. Henning

Page 5: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

It turned out that the miracle was a man on a stand up paddle board – a kind of oversized surf board. And as he came ashore with his board, he carried up and sat down at the next umbrella with his family and I had the chance to question him about the board. I am not usually an impulsive man, but two days later, I drove away from a Riverhead surf shop with my own stand up paddle board. I just could not get that image of standing on the surface of the sea out of my mind.

I use my board in bay waters that are much calmer than the open ocean. And while I enjoy the board very much, my enthusiasm has always exceeded my skill. Let’s just say that I get wet pretty often.It takes a good sense of balance on a paddle board even in calm bay waters. And this experience has given me an appreciation for the skill of those who surf ocean waves. At Ocean Beach, where I Pastor the summer mission, I watch the surfers and marvel at their skill and agility.

The movies often depict surfers as unintelligent loafers – the stereotype of the “surfer dude.” In fact the opposite is true. Surfers are smart, observant, disciplined, and hard working. They have to be to pursue their sport. The go to the ocean at ungodly hours and in terrible weather. They often go to the beach when the rest of us stay home. They must learn by observation of the ways of the sea – the tides and currents, the winds, and the physics of sea bottom and waves. They look beyond the surface to the depths. And they are patient – they spend long hours waiting for that moment and that wave that will lift them for a good run.

It is so much effort and time for those few moments, that we might even wonder why they invest themselves. And the answer to that question is this: they observe, learn, practice, and endure because of those glorious fleeting moments – an experience of communion with the very power of the sea – they pursue a feat of impressive agility and strength – a true sport – and a thing of beauty – a true art. There is a joy in that moment that sustains the hard work and the long hours. But notice that the surfer cannot make it happen. He or she must partner with the power of the sea – and it is the experience of communion that lifts and exhilarates.

While I am no surfer, I appreciate what I have learned from witnessing their craft. It seems to me that the demands of their world apply well to many areas of life – and maybe to the spiritual life most of all. For we who are disciples also know the powerful gift of communion – with God and with one another – and we know that the experience of communion is not magic but hard work, close observation, looking deeper, patience and discipline.What is the surfer without the wave? Sadness and empty hope.

On this day I am keenly aware of how small and helpless I am without the grace of Our Lord and Savior. And I express my deepest gratitude to Father Son and Holy Spirit for the call to baptism – to dive into those deep waters – and for the gift of Holy Orders.

I stand in gratitude to my parents, siblings, family, and friends who have shaped and loved me and taught me to love. While I am ever grateful for the titles bestowed on me by the Church, my first and proudest claim is that I am the son of Richard and Maureen Henning.

I am so aware of my debt to the Church who has embraced me like the Mother she is – and her people who have lifted me in faith and hope. I am so grateful to His Holiness Pope Francis and to his representative Archbishop Christophe Pierre for their summons to this new service of the Church - and to the Bishop’s who link us to Christ and to one another around the world – permit me a special mention of Bishop McGann who ordained me, Bishop Murphy who mentored me, Bishop Barres who challenges and inspires me, and Bishop Brennan who has walked with me through many years. I stand in debt to all of the Bishops of RVC, to the Bishop’s of NYS, and all those who have travelled to encourage me at the outset of Episcopal ministry. During these last 6 years of the Borromeo Partnership, I have been blessed to work for, and learn from, Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and Bishop DiMarzio of Brooklyn.

I stand in gratitude for the priests who ministered to me and inspired me to respond to God’s call – here I owe a special debt to my parish priests at Holy Name of Mary and to Msgr. Jack Nosser, who guided me through my pastoral internship as a seminarian and through all the years since. I am grateful to the priests with whom I studied in Washington and Rome – particularly to Msgr. Anthony Hernandez of Brooklyn, now Bishop Ed Malesic of

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Greensburg PA and Father Robert Schreiner of Crookston Minnesota – the man I affectionately call “Tundra priest!” I am grateful to the priests and deacons with whom I have shared ministry and to my DRVC classmates – Fr. Tom Moriarty who is such an effective pastor that the Bishop gave him three parishes – at the same time! – to Steve Pietrowski who has long been friend and a source of strength and wisdom – he is a man who values authenticity and I know that if I ever feel tempted to presumption he will be there to remind me of who I am. I cannot help but think also of Msgr. Jim Kissane who we lost to illness too early. His passing left a terrible void in the lives of his wonderful family and in the family of the Church. I remember his hard work and sense of humor. I can hear him asking me how I ever found a mitre to fit a knucklehead like me. And remembering such a fine priest, permit me to ask that we acknowledge with gratitude all of the priests here today!

I stand in gratitude to all the priests, religious, and lay teachers who taught and inspired me over 27 years of study. As much as my vocation was born in the parish, it was raised by the Marianists.Thanks be to God for the gift of the people and parishes where I have had the privilege to exercise priestly ministry – at St. Peter’s in Port Washington, St. Mary’s in Roslyn, St. Patrick’s in Bay Shore, and at Our Lady of the Magnificat in Ocean Beach on Fire Island.

I stand in gratitude to the Rectors who guided me in the work of formation: Msgrs. Schneider, McDonald, and Vaccari and to my colleagues in that work – lay faculty, religious, and wonderful priests like Bishop Massa, Fr. Jerome Vereb, Fr. Charles Caccavale, and Msgr. Charlie Fink who directed me in my retreat two weeks ago.I am grateful to the seminarians and deacon candidates from those years of formation work – their passion for God and commitment to the church challenged and uplifted me even if reading their research papers was sometimes purgatorial. While I am no longer teaching, permit me to acknowledge the presence of our seminarians and thank them for their yes to the call of the Lord!I am grateful to the administration and staff of the Seminary who worked so hard through tough transitions and new missions. Thank you Fr. Greg Rannazzisi, Fr. Walter Kedjierski, Deacon Dennis, Linda, Karol and all the staff !I am grateful my colleagues in the work of the Sacred Heart Institute: Frs. Fonti and Costello, and Msgr. Ivers. I owe a special debt of gratitude to the excellent young priests in the program for the recently ordained – we live in an age when God appears to have called fewer priests – I can attest, though, that if this is the case, the Lord has also blessed us with a generation of truly excellent young priests and I have the highest confidence in them.

I am grateful to my fellow Vicars and Auxiliaries, Bishop A, Bishop Coyle, and Fr. Sheridan and to the pastors with whom we work. I stand in awe of our pastors who carry the greatest measure of the burden in the work of this diocese. Thanks be to God that they have such wide and effective shoulders.

I stand in gratitude to all of you here and all those watching – and allow me to thank those who have worked so hard and generously to prepare these events. You gave me the gift of time to pray, to repent, and to prepare spiritually for ordination. I pray that the Lord’s grace will permit time to return that generosity in my new work. You are too many to name in this setting, but permit to express a special word of gratitude to the young people from our Catholic High Schools who are assisting today and to Rose Sullivan and Sr. Maryanne Fitzgerald.

So what is the surfer without the wave? Sadness and empty hope. With the wave, a thing of beauty and transcendence.Maybe you are realizing that I have not been speaking so much about surfing. I am thinking rather of waves of Divine Love and Grace. I am thinking of our partnership with the Lord and one another and what is possible to us when we

have the discipline to see and the courage to stand up and ride those waves. Then indeed is a thing of beauty and transcendence. With some discomfort, I have been the center of attention today, but the truth is that I am no more than a surfer blessed with a particularly perfect set of waves. You have been those waves and I thank you with all my heart. May we all as Christian disciples stand up and ride the waves of Divine grace to the very shores of the Kingdom!Praised be the Name of Jesus Christ!

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Save The Date!

Sunday, September 30th from 1-6pm following the noon Mass at the

St. Gabriel altar! The day will be fil led with lots of fall fun for all ages including

pumpkin decorating, hayrides, games, crafts , a cookie contest, chili-off , fresh produce, baked goods,

D.J. , raffles , community outreach and much more!



Are you interested in volunteering or sponsoring a station? For more information, please contact Maria Ryan at

631-754-9045 or email her at [email protected] .

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FALL 2018 Please note that these groups are appropriate for those who have

experienced the death of a loved one prior to June 1, 2018.


PORT JEFFERSON Good Shepherd Hospice Inpatient Center

200 Belle Terre Road, Port Jefferson Tuesday Afternoons

September 4 thru October 23 / 12:00PM-1:30PM Registration required. Please call Maribeth Mckeever, LCSW-R at (631) 828-7628

Good Shepherd Hospice Inpatient Center

200 Belle Terre Road, Port Jefferson Wednesday Evenings

September 5 thru October 24 / 5:00PM-6:30PM Registration required. Please call Maribeth Mckeever, LCSW-R at (631) 828-7628

ROCKVILLE CENTRE Mercy Medical Center

1000 North Village Ave., Rockville Centre Wednesday Evenings

January 10 thru February 28 / 5:00PM-6:30PM Registration required. Please call Alexis Van Wart, MSW @ (631) 828-7631

BAY SHORE St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 9 Clinton Ave., Bay Shore, NY

Thursday Evenings September 27 thru November 1 / 6:00PM-7:30PM

Registration required. Please call Maribeth Mckeever, LCSW-R at (631) 828-7628 FARMINGDALE

Good Shepherd Hospice Administrative Office 110 Bi-County Blvd, Suite 114, Farmingdale

Wednesday Evenings September 5 thru October 24 / 5:00PM-6:30PM

Registration required. Please call Carolyn Lisi Haas, LCSW-R @ (631) 828-7629

Page 9: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature


FARMINGDALE Good Shepherd Hospice Administrative Office

110 Bi-County Blvd, Suite 114, Farmingdale Wednesday Evenings

September 5 thru October 24 / 6:45PM-8:15PM Registration required. Please call Carolyn Lisi Haas, LCSW-R @ (631) 828-7629

BAY SHORE St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 9 Clinton Ave., Bay Shore, NY

Thursday Evenings September 27 thru November 1 / 7:45PM-9:15PM

Registration required. Please call Maribeth Mckeever, LCSW-R at (631) 828-7628 ROCKVILLE CENTRE Mercy Medical Center

1000 North Village Ave., Rockville Centre Wednesday Evenings

September 5 thru October 24 / 6:45PM-8:15PM Registration required. Please Alexis Van Wart, MSW @ (631) 828-7631

PORT JEFFERSON Good Shepherd Hospice Inpatient Center

200 Belle Terre Road, Port Jefferson Wednesday Evenings

September 5 thru October 24 / 6:45PM-8:15PM Registration required. Please call Maribeth McKeever, LCSW-R at (631) 828-7628


Good Shepherd Hospice Administrative Offices 110 Bi-County Blvd., Suite 114

Farmingdale, NY 11735 Tuesday Evenings

September 25 thru November 13 / 6:00PM-7:15PM Registration Required. Please call Carolyn Lisi Haas, LCSW-R @

(631) 828-7629

Page 10: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

~Contact Maria Ryan at 754- [email protected]

~Parish Social ministry~`Join our

Meals for Friends Ministry!

This ministry cooks meals for homebound and other parishioners

who could use a meal and a smile!May consist of making a meal once

a week or monthas your schedule allows.


Ministry of Consolation Volunteers needed

A Minister of Consolation is a volunteer who provides support in the days, weeks and months that follow a loss of a loved one. He

or she acts as a liaison between the family and Parish Social Ministry, first by taking a role

at the funeral and then by following up with support through phone calls, notes and perhaps a personal visit. The Minister of Consolation

continues to offer compassion and comfort and offer the support of Parish Social Ministry and

participates in the All Souls Mass.

Parishioner Jack Cammorata celebrated his 10th birthday on June 22nd & what he did to celebrate his birthday was remarkable!

He hosted a party in support of two classmates with cancer! “So I know that Tommy and Caleigh can’t have a normal birthday party right now, so I thought if I can turn my birthday party into something that could help them, I thought that

would be awesome” - JackSo that is what Jack did! He had an Orange stand for Tommy and a Lime stand for Caleigh. He invited friends and neighbors to stop by and offered food, games and a DJ. He raised a an incredible amount of money that went directly to the Mazur and Masterson families in

support of Tommy’s and Caleigh’s courageous fight against cancer.

Jack and his younger brother Ben are wonderful examples of God’s love and kindness. This is not the first time Jack has done this, for his 9th birthday he helped others for a

similar cause.

What An Inspiration!

Page 11: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

Respite & Special Care Ministry Dates 2018/2019

Respite is a warm and wonderful ministry for families who have a child with special needs. The participants are paired with an adult trained in special education and a trained teenage volunteer. They enjoy games, entertainment, participate in activities and, in general—make friends and have fun! If you would like to volunteer for this ministry or know someone who can benefit from participating in this ministry please contact Maria Ryan at 631 754 9045.

Special Needs Masses (Saturday’s at 5pm in Community Room)September 8, 2018

October 6, 2018November 3, 2018December 1, 2018

January 5, 2019February 9, 2019 followed by Respite from 6-7:30pm

March 2, 2019May 4, 2019

June 15, 2019 followed by last Respite of the season from 6-8:00pm

Morning Respite (Saturday’s from 9:30am – Noon in the Community Room)September 22, 2018

October 20, 2018November 17, 2018December 15, 2018

January 12, 2019March 16, 2019

April 6, 2019May 11, 2019

Special Needs Parent Focus Group Meetings – Dates TBDOctober 2018January 2019

April 2019

Respite Teen Training (Saturdays 12-12:30pm in the Community Room after Respite)September 22, 2018December 15, 2018

April 6, 2019

Page 12: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

“The Great Cookie Contest”

If you have any questions or wish to volunteer for our Harvest Festival on September 30, please

contact Maria Ryan at OLQM Parish Social Ministry at [email protected] or call 631-754-9045.

Do You Have a Winning Recipe?Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Harvest Festival is Sunday,

September 30! Enter one of the below festival contests for Blue Ribbon Prizes, a Gift Card from Stop & Shop, and a chance to have your award-winning recipe printed in our Church bulletin! There is an entry fee of $10 per contest.

*Kits will be available for pick up in the Parish Social Ministry Office the first week of August. Each kit will

contain a special container to hold the food and instructions for each contest. Get your favorite recipe ready!

Calling all Bakers! We are looking for the best of the best cookies or bars--soft, gooey, chewy...

delicious! Categories include:

• Best Chocolate Chip (NUT FREE)• Chef’s Choice (Any other kind of cookie or

bar besides Chocolate Chip that is NUT FREE)• Junior Chef (ages 12 & under, also NUT FREE)• Nuts About You! (Any cookie that contains

nuts will be entered into this category)

“Best-Ever Chili Off”A simmering pot of chili warms up any occasion.

Whip up a batch of your hearty, stick-to-your-ribs recipe to see if you can beat our reigning champ--the “Chili Dude,” Jonathan Meidel!

Categories include:

• First Place• Second Place

• Honorable Mention

Page 13: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

~Contact Maria Ryan at 754- [email protected]

~Parish Social ministry~`

Students in our parish and a local organization

are in need of required school supplies. Help us enable

these students to attend school equipped with the

supplies to best meet their

educational needs.

Items Needed:

Backpacks, loose leaf paper, 1, 2 and 3 subject binders,

sturdy pocket folders for 3 ring binders, index cards,

markers, crayons, highlighters, glue sticks, Elmer's glue,

subject dividers, pens, number 2 pencils, rulers, marble

notebooks, pencil cases, tri fold boards for science

fair projects.

There will be drop boxes in the vestibule of the church along

with a drop box at the Parish Social Ministry office

For additional information please call the PSM office.

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Scripture Lesson: John 6:1-15 Just 5 Loaves and 2 Fish

Register Now!

Grade 1 Registration was in May.

The deadline for Returning Students was June 30th.

We are currently putting classes together for the fall.

PLEASE return your registration forms this week.

Summer Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 2 pm

Catechists Needed!

We are in need of teachers on several grade levels. Please consider sharing your faith with our students.

As one of our catechists put it, “Are you the answer?”

+ + + + + + + +

For information on how to volunteer, call Ninette Euler

Children’s Faith Formation Office 631-757-0720

One day Jesus was preaching to a great crowd of 5,000 men, plus women and children. When it was time to eat, Jesus asked his disciples where they could get food.

Andrew, one of the disciples told Jesus that a boy in the crowd had five barley loaves and two fish, but that would certainly not be enough to feed the crowd.

Jesus told the disciples to have everyone sit down on the grass. He took the loaves and fish and looked up to heaven and gave thanks. He then told the disciples to give the food to the people. Everyone ate until they were satisfied. And the leftovers filled twelve baskets!

Can you imagine feeding a whole town of people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Jesus gives thanks to God and suddenly there is more than enough food for everyone!

The same thing can happen to us. When we give what we have to God, he can take it, bless it, and do more than we could ever imagine. Even though we may not have very much, a little becomes a lot when it is placed in God's hands.

What do we learn from this story? With Jesus, anything is possible!


Page 15: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

~ Bill Ayres: Reflections on the Readings ~

July 29, 2018 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


A READING FROM THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGSThis reading in which a hundred people are fed by 20 barley loaves is obviously here because of its connection in today’s gospel of Jesus feeding thousands of people. Here, a man brings the prophet Elisha twenty barley loaves. The man can’t believe it when Elisha tells him to give it to the people. Elisha insisted, “Give it to the people to eat. For thus says the Lord. They shall eat and there shall be some left over.” Remember how God fed the Israelites in the dessert with manna from heaven and the many times God fed people who were in need. The message is clear, God takes care of his people no matter how strange it may seem.

Have you ever been in a situation in which you felt you were bound to fail? There was no way! Yet, somehow, some way it worked. You asked for help, accepted someone’s good idea and then it happened. Later, you may have wondered how it all came together and you were in awe and thankfulness that the right decisions were made and the right people stepped up to help.Jesus was very much aware that his people had a history of their God feeding people as we heard in the first reading and as we have heard so often in God feeding the people in the dessert. So now, he follows in that tradition. He somehow shows a divine power disguised in a simple act of a boy being willing to share his meal. But notice that he has the people recline. That means that this is no quick meal but rather a banquet where people take their time, they celebrate in the Jewish tradition and gather up what is left over, another Jewish banquet tradition. There are six variations of this story in the gospels, so obviously, the early church thought this was a very big deal, not just feeding people but inviting them to a surprise feast. It was a sign that the Kingdom of God had actually come in the person of Jesus.

Responsorial Psalm: “The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs.” Do you believe that? There are times in our lives when we may doubt that God is there, taking care of all our needs. Then, think about all the times in the past when we were in dire need and somehow we made it through. Do you think God was there then? It may just be that God sees more than we can possibly see and what we really need in the long run.

A reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to the ephesiansPaul and the other apostles had a major problem of integrating the gentile converts into a religious tradition that only included Jews who had been told for centuries that they were God’s chosen people. That was their identity, their heritage, their gift from God. Imagine how difficult it was for them to abandon much of their laws and restrictions and join up with a bunch of people they had considered to be pagans. Paul, “a prisoner for the Lord” knows he does not have long to live and he wants to “urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and patience, bearing with one another through love striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”That is it. That is his message and the message of Jesus and the message for us today. As different as we all are, as many different views we may have about all sorts of issues and events we must “preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” We have significant divisions within our church throughout the world, throughout our country and right here in our own community but they are not as strong as what binds us together “one God and Father of all.” Somehow, Our Father is there for us, in the most joyful of times and the most challenging of times.

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Thank you for being a part of our Our Lady Queen of Martyrs family. We appreciate all that you do for our parish and community by sharing your God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure. Your active participation in the life of our parish helps us to fulfill our vision and mission.

This summer, we pray that you will have some quiet and restful time that includes the love, joy and peace of being with family and friends. Please consider that Our Lady Queen of Martyrs continues to be open for Mass, numerous activities and the Sacraments. During these summer months your generosity through Faith Direct can help provide the consistent resources we need to operate

our parish and ministries.

Visit and use our church code: NY229

Thank you for your continued support of our parish family!

9,770 10,998

1,695 354

3,627 3,810






July22,2018 Donations $15,092

July23,2017 Donations $15,162




~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~

Poor Box $ 187

July 29thSeventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel, Jesus supersedes both the apostles’ and the crowds’ expectations: with little he feeds many…Jesus is the sign of God’s lavish presence

and love. Your donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is indeed a sign of God’s extravagant love to the lonely and the poor.This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist families by providing food, and assistance for utility, rent and other bills. God Bless You!

Envelopes: 200 Faith Direct: 133

Second Collection - July 21st & 22nd

Mission Appeal for the Dominican Republic


This past weekend, we took up the diocesan collection for the Mission Appeal for the Dominican Republic. This special collection assists ministries to the less fortunate at Saint Peter the Apostle in El Cercado and Our Lady of Fatima in Hondo Valle.

Thank you for your generous support.



PARISH GOAL: $113,200 PLEDGES TO DATE: $90,775PAID TO DATE: $70,000

Page 17: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

Let us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers.

~ Praying For and Supporting One Another ~

PRAYER REQUESTSMass intentions

Dennis PatrickPeter VolbergStephen MacartneyNeal DonnellyGerard DevineMichael LarkinBarbara StattelNick CroccoAnthony AmmiratiCharlotte StuertzIsabelle GrenierLorraine CarmichaelCorinne BrooksJulie HawkinsDiana HoneycuttNick BobaJack RattiBruce JenningsJoan SmithPat StabileAudrey FlaizJaiden ScelzoFinn BlumenthalCynthia GiordanoMary GaglianoTommy MazurDeacon Roger Miller

Frank ManculsoStephen MacartneyAnn Marie CherryPatricia MazurMary DeSantisLee WeissVirginia HetheringtonMary AgostaIsabelle PullisOwen KennyMaria WeiserCarl MooreLinda WiegandPaul DufekCharles LeonhardtBruce CronemeyerGabby CavaDorothea ZammitBruce WaringDick BorstelmannJenny SparbyMatthew HathawayMary TerilloPeggy ZohorskyMargaret MeliaJenna RushtonTom GravinaOvedeo Franco

Pray for the peaceful rest of all of our beloved

parishioners and friends.

May all those who have gone before us

share the joys of eternal life.

First AnnouncementSomayina Odiah OLQMMiraix Marcolini St. Mary’s

First AnnouncementNicholas Boffoli OLQMErin Biblis St. Gerard Majello

First AnnouncementMichael Gianturco Holy Name of MaryRachel Hammel OLQM



7/28 5:00 PM Mary Brady

7/29 8:00 AM Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs

10:00 AM Bromley Hall Nick Lacarruiba - Living Intention Ryan & Andrea Styron - Living Intention Gregory Yule 12:00 PM James Russo 7/30 12:00 PM Henry Wackerman

7/31 12:00 PM Gregory Yule 8/1 12:00 PM Nick Pizetoski - 2nd Anniversary

8/2 12:00 PM Jeff Carbone - Living Intention8/3 No Daily Mass on Fridays 8/4 9:00 AM Bruce Gobbi John Keane 5:00 PM Jack McConnell - 1st Anniversary

8/5 8:00 AM Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs

10:00 AM Patricia Bower Chickie Cawley - Living Intention Susan Coyle, Eileen Coyle and Lawrence Gale Mohtashemi 12:00 PM Teresa Story - 7th Anniversary

Page 18: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - · Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. ... We love the miracle stories, ... Do I appreciate the miraculous nature

~ In The Community ~


Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn are looking to fill the following positions:

Health Care Coordinator (Full Time RN)

Full Time/Part Time RN to assist Health Care Coordinator in Brooklyn & QueensPart Time Home Health Aide for BrooklynFull Time/Part Time Drivers to take Brothers to medical appointments in Suffolk County

Contact Monique Rivera at 718-858-8217, Ext. 15, or

[email protected]

An Evening of Prayer for Men Suffering Abortion Loss

An Evening of Prayer for Men is an opportunity to experience the loving mercy of God in a safe and sacred space. The evening is directed by a spiritual team who have a sensitivity and a heart for those who suffer.

The evening will consist of Mass, Dinner, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Adoration.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

To register or for more information, please visit

or call Project Rachel at 1-516-766-2538.All reservations and information will remain confidential.

Diocese of Rockville Centre

The Cenacle Retreat House in Ronkonkoma is looking for a full-time Calligrapher/

Phone Representative.

This position entails artistically lettering prayer enrollment cards and certificates and taking phone and walk-in orders. If you are interested, please send a copy of your resume and a sample of your calligraphy to [email protected].

Come to Citi Field August 5th to support Catholic Day with the Diocese of Rockville Centre & the New York Mets

as they take on the Atlanta Braves.Bring family and friends!

To purchase tickets go to

Discounted tickets ($15.00 promenade level and $35 field level)Meet & greet in the stands with Bishop Barres

Free T-shirtThe first 850 CHS fans wearing T-shirts to arrive at the left field ramp at 11:40 AM will

have access to walk on the warning track on the field for the National Anthem.

A loving pet needs a forever home.One of our parish families is broken hearted because they

must part with their 4 year old cat due to issues in a multi-cat home...(details and lots of photos available upon request!)

Milo is a sweet cat that would make a lovely and most appreciative companion, and knowing Milo has a new loving home, would make one sad little girl a little happier. Please e-mail or phone the rectory

if you are interested or need more information.
