Page 1: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Our Vision

A Community Transforming Lives

Our Values Parramatta Mission values Grace, Inclusion, Dignity,

Faith and Hope







Our News

3rd August 2014

Uniting Church



Congregations at

Leigh Memorial &


Serving Greater Sydney

Page 2: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Matthew 14:13-21 13 When Jesus heard about the death of John the Baptist by Herod, the ruler of the region, he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted place to be alone. When the crowds heard it, they followed him from the towns, by land. 14 As he went ashore he saw a big crowd and he had compassion on them, and he healed their sick. 15 When evening came, his disciples came to him and said, “This place is a desert and the hour for the evening meal is past; send the crowds away so that they may go into villages and buy food for themselves.” 16 But Jesus said to them, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” 17 They said to him, “We have nothing except five loaves and two fish.” 18 He said, “Bring them here to me.” 19 And he made the crowds sit down on the grass; taking the five loaves and two fish he looked up to heaven, he blessed, broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples to the crowds. 20 they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up the excess of the fragments, twelve wicker baskets full. 21 And those who ate were about five thousands men, besides women and children. Translation by Keith Hamilton

Foster your faith this week as you read:

Gn 37:1-4,12-28 Ps 105:1-6 Rom 10:5-15 Mt 14:22-23

Pastoral message for this week…..

Our sharing a little, Goes a long way

Date for your diaries: Parramatta Mission, through the Leigh Memorial Congregation, partnering

with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace, at 2 pm at the Fellowship Hall, Parramatta Mission. All are welcome to attend. More details to come. If you would like to know more, or if you can help, please speak to Manas.

Page 3: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Leigh Congregation

WORLD PEACE DAY SERVICE @ THE FELLOWSHIP CENTRE Please keep Sunday, 21 September @ 2pm free to attend a very special Peace Service at the Fellowship Centre/ Leigh Memorial! ALL PM CONGREGATIONS are invited and encouraged to attend this important Parramatta Mission and community event. Representatives of many congregations, schools, community organizations and various faiths are also being invited, and the occasion will include both afternoon tea and many wonderful opportunities to liaise with others. Manas initiated this service via his previous church and it has become renown throughout Sydney as an event which encourages harmony and hope for many. Volunteers to join the steering committee for this event are needed. Enquiries/ details: Manas/ Leaders team.

A NEW LOOK 'LEIGH MEMORIAL' PAGE: CHURCH NEWSLETTER From next Sunday, 10 August, the Leigh Memorial page in our church newsletter will look a little different. Leaders from all Leigh Memorial's groups/ activities have been invited to submit a line or two regarding their current - or up & coming - programs or other news to Liz by Wednesday each week (as needed) (email to [email protected]). These submissions will then be collated & forwarded to Tracey for inclusion in the newsletter. In this way, our Leigh Memorial page will reflect a much broader & more comprehensive view of the congregation's news/ events - and will sometimes also include a special update from Manas.

MANAS' OFFICE: Manas will be using the Ministers' Vestry at Leigh Memorial as his office between Tuesday - Friday. As this is also a shared space (ie. Heritage Committee, Music Team, Leaders meetings + Worship/ Communion Set-up team etc) - courtesy and notification are requested from all involved when seeking access. For appointments with Manas or to have Manas visit you, please contact him personally or via the office: 9891-2277.

SUNDAY SCHOOL @ LEIGH - 'CARING FOR GOD'S CREATION': Today, we will be having regular classes and communion with the congregation. Congregation members and visitors are also invited to view our 'Caring for God's Creation' exhibition in the church vestibule. It includes the children's 'Ocean' artworks with an 'eco-theology' message, which were created last week. Please also note that on Saturday, 30 August, 6.00 - 8.30pm, Sunday School will be having a 'Games & Goodies' night in the church. Everyone is asked to bring some finger food/ snacks & drinks to share (dessert will be supplied) + some craft items or money to donate to Georgia's 'Maxi Fun Packs' Project for kids in hospital/ siblings at Wesley Apartments.

PROPERTY COMMITTEE NOTICE - CHURCH ROOF REPAIRS: These will take place over 5 working days between 18 - 22 August. Most activities in the church during this period will be unaffected, however there will be no admittance to the Ministers' Vestry during the work.

Page 4: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Westmead Congregation

Thanks Keith Hamilton and Trish for your joint venture in leading the service at Westmead. Keith had this to say: “I enjoyed worshipping with and preaching at Westmead last Sunday. I felt welcomed by our congregation. It was good to be there.” We should be seeing him some more, and hearing him preach some more too.

Many thanks to Jan and Clyde in visiting Ella in Hospital. Ella is now ready for a place in a Nursing Home and son Dennis is looking into it.

Veitinia is slowly healing after their Fijian Conference in Melbourne. She is up and about but she is still getting over the effects of the cold rain and weather.

Lorna has had relief from sinus infection, and preparation in readiness for her knee operation. You have a good rest and “Good Luck Lorna!” She will not be active for the next year until her knees are good as new again.

Nancy has had so many weeks of isolation since May and is slowly improving. It’s her toe that is taking time to heal.

Jean and Jan are carrying the load for the Westmead Cook Book which was due in September but with Lorna’s knees needing repair now, it is going to take longer. Sorry everyone! You could buy it and give it away as a Christmas gift! Or better still, let Westmead try out some to see if the recipes can meet a good Christmas party!

For those who are ill: Ella in hospital and waiting relocation; Grace, Vicki, Shelia McK, Nancy, May.

Page 5: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Hi All,

Jon and Meryn O'Brien have expressed their deep need and desire for a private service to reclaim Jack amidst the turmoil, stress and ongoing international interest and publicity.

Jon, Meryn and Bronwyn would also like to convey that they are deeply, deeply appreciative of the thoughts, prayers and practical expressions of love from our congregation and beyond. They are overwhelmed by the support and love surrounding them. They also feel the weight of everything and are exhausted by decisions they have to make, responses to the many people, including officials involved in Australia's response.

They want to express their deep gratitude and ask that we continue to give them as much space as possible. Cards in the letter box, an email or txt are okay (but don't expect a reply - it is too hard to reply to everyone) but phone calls and visits are really hard. We will, in the next couple of weeks, identify someone who can deliver food to them and that can be directed through that person - they have sufficient at the moment. As indicated there will be a private service for Jack and whilst they recognise that there will be many who want and need to be present at such an event they cannot cope with too many and really want it to be held closely to those who knew Jack well. As such we are organising a more public event for our congregation and other people who work with Jon or Meryn, the wider church and even community - you may know people who need to come along? It will be held next Friday (8 August) at 5:00 pm in Northmead Uniting Church. Much discussion and thought has gone into the time so that working people and those who find it hard to come out at night may all attend. We compromised on 5:00 and hope that you will be able to come along if this is something you need to be part of. In this service we will have Jack as a focal point but remember all those who died in this horrific act of evil. Thank you for your understanding in this really difficult time. If you have particular needs, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please pass this onto other who you know that do not have email. Grace and Peace, Geoff

Page 6: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Organ Recital There will be a one hour Organ Recital in the Wentworthville Uniting Church, 115 Station Street, Wentworthville, on Sunday 17th August 2014, from 11 am. The organist is Godelieve Ghavalas who regularly plays at churches around Sydney. Also Flautist Tamaryn Harris will join with Godelieve in several of the musical items. The program of the music is attached. A donation box will be available for contributions to support the work of Rev Dr David and Dr Lena Reichardt, working through Uniting World in North India. Inquiries: Eric Burwood (Ph: 9631 0870).

Page 7: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Congratulations and Thank You to Georgia Bennett’s and her

Maxi Fun Packs.

Georgia has worked tirelessly for many weeks sewing, collecting and compiling Maxi Fun Packs for the children at our Wesley Apartments as part of a Max Potential, Future Achievement Australia Foundation Leadership program. Each Maxi Fun Pack contains a collection of games, toys, pencils, colouring books etc all contained in a bright colourful bag to provide hours of fun for the children. Georgia delivered the first of the packs to Belinda this week and children already are enjoying them. As part of this project Georgia needed to compile a press release promoting the community group she is supporting and detail how the maxi packs would be utilised. Her press release was so impressive that it was printed in this week’s HillsShire Times.

Georgia, congratulations and thank you. Your hard work, your commitment and your passion to make a difference in people’s lives is something we can all learn from and be inspired by. Good luck with your studies.


Single People Of Worth

TO-DAY IS THE DAY for a time of fellowship whilst enjoying a fantastic,

delicious lunch at Merrylands Bowling Club,

with just the greatest company!!!

COUPLES AND FRIENDS The very Special Speaker will be Rev Dr Manus Ghosh.

We are looking forward to meeting our new Minister – and we’re sure he is looking forward to meeting us!! Don’t forget to bring your books for the Book Swap. Plenty of fellowship and a great supper, of course.

Monday 4th

August, 7.30pm.

Page 8: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Dear friends,

Registrations for Uniting Women have sold out! 500 women from around Australia will gather at MLC Burwood on the 12-14

th of September this year

and here is your invitation to be a part of this unique Uniting Church event as a volunteer.

For the event to be all it can be we need 50 willing volunteers with a heart to serve – will you be one of them?

We need willing volunteers to help with setup and packdown, admin and rego, staffing information desks, overseeing people movement, communications, stage production, crowd control and a whole heap of people willing to do tasks as they appear on each day of the event. You will be making an essential contribution to a conference that will support active discipleship and encourage faith-filled mission throughout this land, in and through the Uniting Church.

Whether you can spare a few hours, the whole weekend or anything in between, please contact us through [email protected] if you would like to get involved. We can’t wait to have you join the team! With thanks,

Sureka Goringe, Dayan Mcleod, Ellie Elia, Amanda Thomson, Kent Crawford, James Aaron and the Uniting Women Team.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together – African Proverb

Page 9: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

시드니 조은교회 Sydney Jo-Eun Church 14-30

교회소식(Notices) 할렐루야! 주님이 주시는 참된 평안이 마음과 가정, 그리고 삶의 현장 가운데

늘 함께 하시실 축복합니다.

1. 주일 예배에 참석하신 모든 분들을 주님의 이름으로 환영합니다

2. 매일 성경 읽기를 통해서 Q.T 하시고 주님과 교제하시는 하루가 되십시오

3. 기도와 삶으로 복음을 전하는 전도는 그리스도인의 사명입니다.

영혼 구원을 위해 거룩한 부담을 가지고 중보기도 합시다.

4. 고국 방문 중인 성도들을 위해 기도해주시기 바랍 니다.

*Wednesday Worship (7:00pm)

Job 22:21-30

* 수요기도회 (오후7시)

욥기 22:21-30

* QT 나눔/ 성경공부(주일오후 4시)

* Early Morning Service

(Tues-Sat 6:00am)

Daily Scripture Readings:

Job 21:17-25:06

*새벽기도회 (화~토 새벽6시)

욥기 21:17-25:06

여덜 번째 성령강림주일 8th Pentecost of Sunday (주일 오후 1시 30분)

* 개회찬송(Entrance Hymn)……...(예배를 위한 묵상)……………...…다함께

* 예배의 부름(Calling)……………………………………………..……다함께

* 송영(Gloria)…………...…찬양 성부 성자 성령 (2/6)...................…...다함께

* 사도신경 신앙고백(The Apostle’s Creed)………………………….다함께

* 찬양/찬송(Chorus & Hymns)…………(앉아서)…………...…….다함께

여호와 하나님(14/30) 목마른 자들아(/316)

예수 나를 위하여 (144/144)

* 기도 ( Prayer) ……….…………………......…….…………...…...…다함께

* 말씀 (Preaching)……….….….…………......전현구 목사 Rev. H G JUN


“그리스도와 화목하라”

* 찬송(Hymns)…….…...성자의 귀한 몸(216/356) ……………..........다함께

* 성찬(Holy Communion)………………...…..……………….Rev H. G JUN

* 봉헌(Offertory)………………………………………..….….....……....다함께

* 나눔과 알림(Announcement & Notices)……………….………..…다함께

* 폐회찬송(Final Hymn)...빛의 사자들여 어서 가서(502/497)…..........다함께

* 축도(Benediction)………………….…………..……….….Rev H. G JUN

Page 10: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Fijian Congregation

Lotu ni Vula Vou 3/3/04. Vunau: JS. Foiakau, Vakayakavi ni Turaga – Rev V. Waqabaca.

Veiliutaki na noda Gone ena Siga Tabu mai oqo: 10/8/2014. Vulagi Dokai: Rev Martin Levine. Sa namaki me dua na lotu bulabula ka vakaibalebale vinaka.

Vakayacori mai na Chevalier Resource Centre, I Roma St, Kensington, na Bose Levu Cokovata ni veimata-tamata ka kena i Liuliu ko Rev Tony Floyd. E ratou tiko e na kena bose nai Liuliu ni noda Koniferedi, o Jone Lotu, kei na lewe 3 na mata ni soqosoqo ni Viti – o Talatala Waisea Kania, o Junia Kamotu kei na mata mai Rooty Hill, o Mareta Robo.

Me dau qarauni na vanua ko kelea kina na nomu motoka ni ko mai Lotu e na Siga Tabu. E da nanuma kece ni sa rawa ni da ‘park’ vakaveitalia, ia e sega ni vakakina. E so ga na vanua eda rawa ni ‘park’ kina, e so na vanua e na sega ni rawa. Mo wilika vinaka ni bera ni ko kelea kina. E so vei keda, era sa kele cala ka ra sa totogitaki. Na kena va’qo, sa dau dredre na kena vakadodonutaki. Yalovinaka mo vakadeitaka sara ni sa dodonu mo kele kina. Mo kila tiko, e na so na vanua e na Siga Tabu, e na TABU MO KELE KINA. Ni yalo vinaka sara ka veitukutukunitaka yani.

Na vakanuinui vinaka ki na matavuvale na Vocea ni rau sa tokitaka ki Viti e lewe rua na gone me mamada kina nai colacola ni veiqaravi eke. Sa nuitaki na Loloma ni Kalou ko Tamada ni na Nona na kena veivakalougatataki.

Mai Malevani, a digitaki na noda Lewe ni-Komiti ni Koniferedi ni Gone ni Viti. Sa taura nai tutu ni Peresitedi o Jone Lotu mai Darwin, nonai vukevuke o Talatala Waisea Kania kei Veitinia Waqabaca. Vunivola: Mareta Robo mai Rooty Hill vata kei Drua Lotu. Dauniyau: Veqali Koto. Liuliu ni Youth: Filikesa Kamotu.

Junia Kamotu at the National Conference in Kensington after the Fijian Conference in Melbourne, together with the Chairpersons of the Tongans and the Samoans

Page 11: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,


Anyone who has ever reached the end of their ability to cope, and then had another task thrust upon them, will get the first part of the story of the feeding of the five thousands families. Many know the story but not as many get the significance of the story for today. We can make a little go far, though often when we get another request for assistance, we pass or fob the concern off to someone else, and miss the blessing.

The feeding of the 5 thousand families is preceded by the death of John the Baptist. Put your feet in the sandals of Jesus for a moment. He has just received the news of the death of his cousin. Not an ordinary death. John was put to death for being a prophet, challenging abusive behaviour and speaking about the coming kingdom of God. So the narrative begins with Jesus going off into the mountains to be with God, to reflect and to pray and to deal with his own stuff. It is a bit hard to have a quiet time with 5 thousand families all jostling for space. Parents discipline their children. Siblings squabble about whatever siblings squabble are about. There are domestics throughout the crowd. There is no quiet. The people make demands on Jesus, so his stuff is put aside to deal with their stuff.

Jesus tendered to the people with compassion and grace. Night falls. They are far from home. The disciples have had enough. They want the visitors to leave, who wouldn’t? It sounds reasonable. It is late. The people are hungry. A few kids are crying. Some children, and lets be real adults as well, are whinging about how long. You can just imagine the rising noise and commotion. “I’m hungry.” Someone needs to go to the bathroom. And Jesus says to the disciples, “you feed them.”

When we discover a new need in the community it is as if God says, "You feed them." “You do something about it.” “But we don’t have enough resources,” we plead. Jesus says, "What have you got?" “Not much,” is the answer. But it is enough. It always is enough. When we discover that someone is hurting or in some need, our first response is often not to help. ‘I don’t have the time.’ ‘I’m too tired.’ ‘I don’t have the resources.’ ‘I’ll get someone else to help; the minister, the manager, someone, anyone but me!’ But we are there, and we need to help, and in helping we discover resources.

Jesus delays his own need and attends to the 5 thousand families. God takes what the people offer and multiplies it. In that moment, heaven has come on earth. The kingdom or reign of God arrives. When the crowd is tendered and fed then Jesus dismisses them and then he can have time alone.

When you come to the end of your ability to cope, remember God will provide, pray and be part of a miracle, as great a miracle as feeding five thousand families with a few loaves of bread and two fish.

Blessings, Keith Hamilton

Page 12: Our News - Parramatta Mission€¦ · with the Community Migrant Resource Centre, are hosting an Interfaith Peace Prayer Service on Sunday 21 September, the International Day of Peace,

Worship Services at Parramatta Mission

Mon to Fri 9.00am - 2.00pm Open Church at Leigh Memorial

Tuesday 1.10pm Holy Communion @ Leigh

Sunday 9.30am Leigh Memorial

9.45am Westmead

11.15am Fijian @ Leigh Memorial

1.30pm Korean Faith Community @ Leigh

7.00pm Praise, Prayer, Cake & Coffee

Leigh Memorial :Pat; Fred; Frank & Lynn, Jolame Leigh Fijian: For a flourishing year of our new Koniferedi under Jone Lotu. Westmead: Ella, Vicky, Sheila M, Nancy, Satik.

We pray for healing & wholeness for these people & places: World Council of Canada, USA UC congregations of the Cumberland Zone; Dundas/

Ermington, Northmead, North Rocks, Carlingford, West Epping, Centenary, Wentworthville, Holroyd, Greystanes, Grantham Heights, Parramatta Mission, Auburn.

For the worship, witness and service Church – Blaxland Warrimoo Uniting Church Give thanks for ‘Moni’s ministry, and pray for wise handling of financial issues.

We pray for people of Parramatta Mission – congregations, staff and volunteers - particularly people going through difficulties.

Westmead Church Cnr Queen &

Hawkesbury Roads Rev Veitinia Waqabaca

Ph:9682 3422

Westmead Mission Worker

Pastor Trish Rooney Mobile: 0478 301 698

Leigh Memorial Church 119 Macquarie St

Parramatta Rev Keith Hamilton M: 0417 487 446

Rev Dr Manas Ghosh 8626 4072

Church Office Ph: 9891 2277 Fax: 9891 4577

E: wecare@

Parramatta Mission projects supported in the Uniting Church

Please pray for:

Living as a multicultural church

Ministry with mental patients and prisoners

Hospital chaplaincy with patients, staff & families

Our Prayer Points
