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‘Community Matters’ retains its name for the 2nd year from what was previously identified as the Quality of Care Report. This year’s report to our local community follows guidelines from the Department of Health and has taken into account the feedback we have received on last year’s publication.

The range of articles and photographs in this publication convey some features of our Health Service and the close ties with our community.

Good facilities and equipment are important in contributing to a welcoming environment and to the provision of safe and high standards of care. East Grampians Health Service continues to identify opportunities to improve its facilities and the work of the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation, the Ararat Branch and our Auxiliaries provide vital funds and goodwill in addition to the excellent financial support we receive from the Department of Human Services.

More importantly however is the recognition that ‘Health Services are People’ providing care and personal attention to those who entrust themselves in its care. The true success of a Health Service lies in its compassion and recognition of each person as an individual. We pride ourselves in striving to maintain this feature of our service to our patients, residents and clients.

The importance of the relationship and trust between the Health Service and the broader community cannot be underestimated. There is a vast network of auxiliaries, volunteers, individual citizens and organisations that support the Health Service in many and varied ways at both Ararat and Willaura and the surrounding communities. This long tradition will be celebrated from 6-8 March 2010 when the Health Service celebrates its 150th Anniversary. We encourage the community to join in this celebration and the events that are currently being planned.

The formation of East Grampians Health Service ‘Building for the Future’ Foundation, in August 2009, is another important development where formally appointed Trustees will build a financial base and steer another important legacy in support of the Health Service’s strength and prosperity into the future.

Your comments on this years report are welcomed and valued and can be provided to us on page 31.

We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.

Kind Regards,

Graeme Foster Robert Bulmer President Chief Executive

Our peopleAll our staff are appropriately qualified and trained and deliver innovative programs and services to the community in excellent, environmentally sensitive facilities.

Our placeWe are proud to be part of Ararat and District; a vibrant place and generous community.

Our communityWe promote ourselves to the whole community, and aim to attract the best practitioners both nationally and internationally to join us.

Our livesWe care for Newborns, Patients and Clients, through to Residents in our Aged Care Facilities . . . and people who attend our Day Centres.


Special AcknowledgementAll residents of Ararat and District will receive a copy of the ‘Community Matters’ through the generous printing support of the Ararat Advertiser and distribution by Australia Post - Ararat.

With the wide range of programs and services we deliver, as well as the partnerships we enjoy with other Health Service providers, East Grampians Health Service is able to provide a comprehensive, integrated health service. This means that we are able to care for the whole community, from birth right through to aged care.

Contents Page A Patient’s Journey 4

Residential Aged Care 12

Services Lift-out 15

Private Insurance Benefits 18

150th Celebrations in March 2010 19

‘Building for the Future’ Foundation 25

Quality of Care Report 28

Caring for the


2008/09 Community Matters | 03

Emma Wood and son Angus who was born at the Health Service catch up with Div 1 Nurse and Midwife Erica Novasad. Through the Fosters Group Staff Community Grants Program, Emma was able to donate $500 towards promotional material for the Antenatal Sessions.

Garden View Court resident, Joy Tassell enjoys the activities at the Patricia Hinchey Day Centre.

AcknowledgementsDesign & Artwork: Small Dog Design

Photography: Ararat Advertiser, Weekly Advertiser, Geoff Penna and Fiona Watson

04 | 2008/09 Community Matters

A resident in his 70’s is brought to the Ararat Hospital’s Urgent Care (Emergency) Department with severe chest pains and is diagnosed with Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Disease)

Patient transferred to the Acute Ward (Inpatient Unit)

During the Patient’s 7 day stay in the Acute Ward, many services were accessed, including:

The Patient also gained wonderful support from Support Group members who had been through similar experiences.

The Department of Health recognises that the Grampians Region has above the State average rates of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer.

From 2001 in Ararat it was estimated that there were 127 cases with ischaemic heart disease (GPPCP 2009). This is one of the most common types of heart disease.

East Grampians Health Service is committed to reducing and preventing chronic disease within our region.

A Patient’s



Physiotherapist Jess Tucker

ACAS Assessor Yvonne Byron

Lifestyle Coordinator Lorraine Koenen

Heartbeat Member Margaret Dempsey

Occupational Therapist Karen Walmsley

Social Worker Samantha Higgins

Graduate Nurse - Felicity Donovan

Dietitian Rachael Cooper

Cardiac Rehab Nurse Sue Cashin

Post Acute Care Nurse Jill Turnock

After the Patient had been in hospital for a week, it was decided that he was still not ready to be discharged and was assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Service who felt that he was suitable for respite care.

The Patient spent 2 weeks recuperating at Garden View Court which gave his wife an opportunity to rest and prepare for his discharge home.

This Patient’s journey is typical in that he was followed closely throughout his care by a number of committed health professionals. He was appropriately educated regarding his condition and was taught how he could take responsibility for his own health while accessing support through East Grampians Health Service.

The Patient signed up for a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. This consisted of 8 sessions of specific heart health information on how to manage his new medications safely, gentle exercise and the importance of diet.

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A diagnosis of cancer can be frightening for any person and their loved ones. There are so many questions. Every patient and family has unique and individual needs.

A range of health professionals are available at any time to assist with many issues that arise through the cancer journey and into survivorship.

We are able to individualise care to cater for the changing needs. Hospital and community based services can be accessed, and many of our other services are available across the Grampians Region, not just in Ararat. A key contact can be appointed to assist you in obtaining information and support for you and your family, which may include organising services that you may require.

If we can’t answer your question, our extensive links with the Cancer Council, the Grampians Integrated Cancer Service (GICS) and other services will enable us to assist in obtaining appropriate and timely answers. The partnerships we have developed with these services locally and nationally are invaluable for finding solutions to difficult issues.

Self referrals are most welcome or speak to your doctor or other health professionals.

The following services are available:• Breast Cancer Nurse • Prostate Cancer Nurse

• Respiratory Nurse • Willaura Community Health Nurse

• Social Worker • Dietitian

• Occupational Therapist • Physiotherapist

• Speech Pathologist • Podiatrist

• Visiting Massage Specialist • Chemotherapy Services

• District Nursing • Support Groups

• Central Grampians Palliative Care

Diabetes . . . what are we doing to improve health outcomes?

The incidence of Diabetes Type 2 in Ararat (85.23%) is higher than the national average (82.85%) of people with diabetes (National Diabetes Services Scheme, 2009). East Grampians Health Service’s Diabetes Education Service has been increased to improve access and support for individuals with diabetes, carers, families, health professionals, groups and communities.

A Credentialed Diabetes Educator (CDE) is based at the Community Centre 4 days a week, and provides monthly outreach services for Lake Bolac, Elmhurst and Willaura. In May 2009, monthly sessions commenced the Ararat Medical Centre.

Links with the Australian Diabetes Educator’s Association, Australian Diabetes Society, Diabetes Australia, International Diabetes Institute and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation enables access to ‘up to date’ information in a timely manner.

*Whilst a referral from a GP or other health professional is not required, it can assist in providing a more comprehensive diabetes self-management plan.

Community supports our Cancer Services

Cancer Causes So Many Questions

If you or someone you care about is confronted with a cancer diagnosis you are not alone.

Further information please contact the Community Centre & 5352 9327

Further information please contact the Community Centre & 5352 9327

Palliative Care Nurse Garry Tierney (right) chats to Ararat resident Douglas Collie.

Ararat Breast Cancer Support Group members present a cheque to Unit Nurse Manager Lorine Paterson for the ‘Look Good…..Feel Better’ Program 2009. The members also regularly volunteer in the Oncology Unit.

Local businesses support the ‘Look Good…..Feel Better’ Program workshops with volunteer staff.

06 | 2008/09 Community Matters

Support Groups including Prostate Cancer, Carers, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Respiratory, Depression, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Heartbeat are all associated with East Grampians Health Service.

Supports Groups work closely with Staff and regularly meet to enable people to feel supported, to share common experiences and concerns in a confidential, sensitive and meaningful way.

Staff assist with the provision of professional expertise, appropriate resources and direction to services that assist the management of illnesses.

Empathy and encouragement is generated by the group’s regular meetings at the Community Centre where members develop genuine friendships and opportunities to attend social activities and events. Luncheons, car trials, meetings, exercise sessions, walking groups, Tai Chi, movies and bus trips to meet with other groups are examples of some of the events organised for the groups.

All the Support Groups are very supportive of our health promotional activities and advocate strongly in the local community to promote wellbeing and healthy lifestyles.

The groups also generously support the Health Service and in the past year the Heartbeat Group donated a Treadmill and Pulse Oximeters. Cancer Support Group and Respiratory Support Groups donated Foot Pedals to assist the Cardiac, Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Survivorship Lifestyle Programs.

HARP - BCOP Program

The Hospital Admission Risk Program - Better Care of Older People (HARP BCOP) has grown dramatically in the past year from 3 Clients receiving services in September 2008 to 32 in June 2009.Outreach services have also commenced with Care Coordinators operating from both the Elmhurst and Lake Bolac Bush Nursing Services.

The Program has a client centred approach and aims to reduce avoidable admissions to hospital and presentations to the Urgent Care (Emergency) Department, or reduce the length of stay in hospital for older people with chronic conditions.

HARP aims to promote ‘self management’ practices for the client to deal with their health condition. The Program works in partnership with the Client & Carer and also in collaboration with others currently involved in caring for the person eg. GP, Allied Health, District Nurse.

Each HARP Client is assessed according to their ‘whole of life’ needs. It is not just managing their symptoms in relation to their chronic disease.

Feedback received has identified that Clients are more confident in managing their condition and have noted that their quality of life has improved.

“At my age and state of health, this program is great.” said a satisfied HARP Client.

➜ staff profile: Mary Kinsella (front cover) Mary is very much ‘multi skilled’ being a HARP - BCOP Care Coordinator and the Oncology Associate Nurse Unit Manager, and has been with the Heath Service for 23 years.

She loves helping people to get the most out of their lives, and assisting clients to understand simple ideas and strategies that make a difference to their quality of life.

Mary says: “We are here to help, and value the assistance volunteers give, particularly in the Oncology Unit.”

Support Groups . . . A Journey to Well-being

Local Member for Ripon, Joe Helper MP presented a welcome grant to local Support Groups and is pictured with Ararat & District Heartbeat Club President Bob Green.

HARP Manager Marlene Goudie (left) with Kirsten Walker, HARP Care Coordinator at Lake Bolac.

2008/09 Community Matters | 07

A Family’s Shared Experience . . .

Each year approximately 100 babies are born at East Grampians Health Service

Maternity Services continue to expand with Midwives more actively involved in the antenatal care of mothers. This enables us to provide continuity of care from the antenatal period through to postnatal care.

East Grampians Health Service continues to liaise with Stawell Regional Health in regard to on-call arrangements.

The Midwifery Department is blessed with wonderful ongoing support from the community through donations to the Antenatal Education Sessions, and for the purchase of vital equipment such as the Resuscitaire Infant Warmer, which was donated by the Murray to Moyne Cycling Relay Teams in 2008.

Also, locals Ashleigh Spalding and Adam Walker through a community fundraiser, handed over $2,400 towards a Blanket Warmer.

Feedback from the Midwives has seen the Willaura Quilters quietly get to work and donate 12 colourful baby quilts, which has added a ‘motherly touch’ to the Nursery Area.

Ark Toy Library . . . Support and encourage through playThe Ark Toy Library provides a toy and equipment lending service to people with special needs. The service is also available to families and their carers. The Library offers a wide choice of toys and equipment that are not only fun but also assist members, in particular children, to develop skills through play.

The Ark Toy Library also has a ‘mobile’ service with an ongoing presence in the main hospital area providing for children while they are in hospital.

Dedicated volunteer coordinator, Val Tosch is at the Toy Library every Wednesday from 10am-3pm.

An annual Membership Subscription of $10 per family provides access to the Toy Library.

➜ staff profile: Felicity Donovan Felicity is part of the Graduate Nursing Program and is learning new skills, building knowledge and being hands on caring for patients who come from all walks of life.

She is one of a number of Graduates who rotate through a number of areas of the Health Service so they can experience all aspects of nursing in a rural hospital.

Felicity was happy to give her thoughts on her East Grampians Health Service placement saying: “This is a great place to work, with everyone so friendly, the staff being supportive. It is rewarding when patients thank me for the care that I have provided them in addition to being able to experience a wide range of medical and surgical cases.”

Staff and Murray to Moyne Riders Kregan Connarty, Kerry Sturmfels, Alan Young and Kirby James with the new Resuscitaire Baby Warmer.

Toy Library Coordinator Val Tosch with Alana Robinson.

Willaura Quilters Anna Grey and Katie Duver with one of the colourful quilts.

‘Dancing with the Stars’ fundraisers Ashleigh Spalding and Adam Walker.

Enquiries & 5352 9300

• General Surgeon Mr Barry Alexander with whom we maintain a strong relationship has now been in Ararat for 10 years.

• Mr Tom Fisher, Mr Michael Condous and Mr David Deutcher joined us last year.

• In 2009 Dr Ruth Bollard commenced operating and consulting at the Health Service.

• Dr Tony Stubbs has served the community for 10 years as our Ophthalmic Surgeon and is committed to carrying this service into the future.

• An expansion of access for Ophthalmic Surgery sees Dr Michael Toohey and Dr David McKnight joining us in September 2009.

• Dr Lydia Johns Putra is the new Urological Surgeon and she took over from Dr David Cook earlier in 2009.

• We recognise and appreciate the services of our Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr John Patrikios and Mr Niall McConchie, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon.

• The Gynaecology input from Gynaecologist Dr Michael Bardsley ensures that all the sessions are fully booked and this is a valued service to our community.

• All of these Specialists are supported by our 3 Anaesthetists Dr Neil Provis-Vincent, Dr Michael Connellan and Dr Eric Van Opstal.

08 | 2008/09 Community Matters

Welcoming New Surgeons

East Grampians Health Service is seeing a continued expansion to the services available to the community as further Specialist Surgeons are joining the Health Service to compliment our existing Clinicians.

The maintenance of existing and the growth in our Surgical Services depend upon the continuing application, support and expertise of these Clinicians. Recruitment of Nursing Staff has also been successful.

We look forward to continuing to provide excellent operative services to the Ararat and district community and beyond.

The Haemodialysis Unit continues to provide for our local patients. It has seen a rise in the total number of treatment episodes and there is an acknowledged need to further expand the capacity.

The following ‘procedures’ are provided by the Surgeons and Anaesthetists:

• GeneralLaparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Surgery of the Large Bowel, Haemorrhoid Surgery, Skin Tumours, Skin Grafts, Varicose Vein Procedures, Thyroidectomy, Inguinal, Femoral, Incisional, Umbilical Hernia Repairs, Colonoscopy, Upper GI Endoscopy

• GynaecologyTotal Abdominal Hysterectomy, Salpingectomy, Oophorectomy, Tumour Surgery, Vaginal Hysterectomy, Vaginal Procedures, Laparoscopic Surgery, Pelvic Floor Reconstruction

• OphthalmologyCataracts and Intra-occular Lens Implants, Vitrectomy, Ectropian, Entropian, Eyelid Surgery

• OrthopaedicsHip and Knee Arthroplasties (Replacements), Arthroscopic Procedures, Anterior Cruceate Reconstructions, Small Joint Arthroplasty, Correction of Exostosis and Soft Tissue Release

• UrologyTrans Urethral Resection of Prostate and Trans Urethral Resection of Bladder Tumours, Cystoscopies - Rigid and Flexible, Vasectomy

• DentalConservation and Preservation

• Ear, Nose and ThroatSub-mucous Resection, Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, Septoplasty, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

• Caesarian SectionsElective and Emergency, are managed through the Theatres

• Emergency SurgeryOut of scheduled hours is supported by an On-Call team

Gynaecologist Dr Michael Bardsley. General and Vascular Surgeon, Mr Michael Condous.

Board President Graeme Foster acknowledges Dr Eric Van Opstal for 15 years service to the community.

2008/09 Community Matters | 09

Cultural relevance means ensuring that East Grampians Health Service staff and the community have an awareness of, and are responsible to the particular values, language and traditions of people who come to Australia, and particularly to Ararat, who work or access services at the Health Service.


“My journey started 12½ years ago when l migrated to Australia from Nigeria to settle with my husband Azu in Sydney, New South Wales.

Life was hard as expected with new relationships, a new environment and culture to understand and trying to find my ground in my profession as a nurse which led to my going back to the University of New South Wales for a bridging course before l could be registered.

However, things settled with a lot of hard work and perseverance.

Two years later we relocated to Melbourne and settled and started our family. With both of us actively working and looking after 4 children, our life was pretty busy.

After 10 years in Melbourne, we decided to try a move to the country as a way of slowing down.

Relocating to Ararat 12 months ago has really given us a different experience of life and really helped us to build on our relationship as well as spend quality time with our children.

Settling in Ararat was pretty smooth with the help of so many good people within and outside the Health Service but not without the challenges as would be expected.

I guess the biggest challenge was the issues of identity and trying to be part of the Ararat community as much as we can. So far though things are going alright and the general community has been very receptive.”

Ngozi is a Div 1 Nurse working part time in the Inpatient Unit



Cultural and Linguistic DiversityEast Grampians Health Service captures ethnicity at the point of entry to the Health Service and this enables individualised and culturally appropriate care pathways to be developed. Partnerships are evolving with the Regional Skilled Migration Officer, Grampians Regional Development Board, Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council (HACC Cultural Diversity Officer) and Centre for Cultural Ethnicity and Health.

East Grampians Health Service has a higher than regional average number of staff from a Cultural and Linguistic Diversity background due to the Health Service’s need to employ skilled staff from overseas. The Health Service provides resources to the community on an as needs basis that includes language specific health information and interpreters.

Indigenous HealthEast Grampians Health Service is proactive in determining the cultural background of our patients and clients. This includes whether they are from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. This is an important consumer focused activity to ensure appropriate care and treatment in all phases of involvement at the Health Service.

Ballarat and Horsham provide support to East Grampians Health Service when required and Budja Budja Aboriginal Cooperative at Halls Gap is available on request.

Div 1 Nurse Ngozi Azubuike and Unit Nurse Manager Lorine Paterson get out into the community.

‘Your Story… My Story’ was a celebration of ‘women and art’ that established an incredible bond over 14 weeks between older women and our younger people of the community.

‘Your Story… My Story’ included 15 older women from Ararat and 15 Year 10 Students from Marian College who came together to mark 100 years since Victorian women won the right to vote.

Commencing in July 2008 participants including women with abilities and disabilities from the Patricia Hinchey Day Centre and Garden View Court shared their lifetime stories of women’s suffrage with an enthusiastic and caring group of students, as part of their Community Services Program.

The participants met on a weekly basis in historic Pyrenees House to produce firstly a personnel journal of the older women’s life long stories, then, together produced an outstanding series of multi media artworks onto canvas under the guidance of well known local artist Janette Todd with the assistance of artist, Val McCann from Stawell.

A highlight for the participants was that many in the project, together with the artists, traveled to Melbourne to be part of the Parliament House Open Day Celebrations in November 2008. This was made possible through the generosity of Marian College with the loan of their 35 seater bus and teacher/driver Gerard Kelly.

Your Story . . .


Health & Well-being . . . Innovative ProgramsEast Grampians Health Service has embraced ‘art and health’ as an important aspect of good health and well-being

10 | 2008/09 Community Matters

All marveled at their works being on display in such a public venue with lots of positive comments being received about the high standard of their project and the relationship to women’s suffrage. For a number of older women this was their first visit to Melbourne, which was remarkable in itself.

On Friday 5th December 2008 Member for Ripon, Hon Joe Helper officially acknowledged the project at a public viewing at the Ararat Performing Arts Centre Main Foyer with many residents in the community having the chance to see for themselves what had been achieved with this wonderful project.

‘Your Story…My Story’ was funded courtesy of a $3,000 Victoria State Government Centenary of Women’s Suffrage Grant, together with a community donation of $1,000 from AME Systems, Ararat.

Patricia Vann with Marian College student Abby Main.

Marian College Student Emily Vearing with Facilitator and well known local artist Jeanette Todd.

Marian College Student Hamish Harrington with Edna McLean.

2008/09 Community Matters | 11

4 Seasons . . . A Rural ProspectiveTo commence in early 2010, this community arts project will be coordinated through Willaura Health Care and will involve 20 participants including residents, staff, volunteers together with local Willaura and district residents coming together with well known local artist Carolyn Thomas, to create a series of artworks that will represent a rural community and the land. Older and younger community members who would benefit from such a project will be invited to participate.

The project will include a public exhibition of artworks, and then will be hung permanantly at Willaura Health Care.

This project is being made possible through an Ararat Rural City Community Grants Program and a generous donation from the Duver Family of Willaura.

The Physiotherapy Department Staff, Rehabilitation Clients together with Photography Students from Ararat College have been working together over the past year to develop a series of ‘movement photography’ that will inspire patients to gain as much movement and physical independence as possible so they can resume their normal job or lifestyle.

Led by well known local Photographer and Teacher Wayne Suffield, students have regularly connected with Physiotherapists and Patients on their visits. The final selection from some 3,000 images has seen a moving series of works hang proudly in the Physiotherapy Department.

Physiotherapy staff have been keen for sometime to create a working space that enhances mobility and quality of life not only by delivering the most suitable treatment for an injury or condition, but also through inspiring visuals and the chosen media. This became a reality when the ‘Inspired by Movement’ Exhibition was officially opened in October 2009.

The ‘Inspired by Movement’ Photography Project was made possible by Central Grampians LLEN who enthusiastically accessed assistance from the Adopt a School Program funded through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR), Australia Post as part of the ‘Stretching the Envelope’ Program and our community partner AME Systems who continue their commitment to ‘art and health’ at the Health Service.

Inspired by

MOVEMENT‘Inspired by Movement’ is a project I’m sure all involved will remember for a long time, for several reasons. For myself, I’ll remember it for the wonderful opportunity it provided for the students to contribute to a community project that will benefit many. I appreciated the chance to improve my photographic and interpersonal skills while contributing to a worthy cause. I will certainly contribute to future commissions.

Kellie Warrior - for Ararat College Media Group

Physiotherapy Patients get ‘inspired’ with Physiotherapy Team.

Physiotherapist Karen McCormick inspires patient to gain movement.

12 | 2008/09 Community Matters

70 Lowe Street - 2 years on

In March 2009 70 Lowe Street achieved great results through the Aged Care Accreditation process following 2 days of intensive review. A highlight from the review was feedback that there is obviously a strong caring relationship between residents and staff and that the new facility is working well.

In just over 2 years 70 Lowe Street has been transformed into a ‘warm, friendly safe and comfortable environment’ that residents can call their home. Staff, family, friends and volunteers continue to work together to provide a home-like and caring setting.

Residents are accommodated in spacious single and double bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. The double rooms are off-set to enable privacy with each resident having their own area and large external window. All residents are provided with electric low-low beds and overhead tracking in each room and appropriate furniture, equipment, and aids are provided.

The Environmentally Sustainable Design Home allows a comfortable temperature to be maintained, well lit by natural light, and well-organised maintenance systems are in place. A well structured catering system enables resident’s individual nutritional requirements and preferences to be met.

➜ staff profile: Fiona Miller Fiona is the Admissions and Information Manager for Aged Care, both high level and low level care and is based at 70 Lowe Street.

Meeting and getting to know community members, assisting residents and families with their residential aged care placement whilst making it as easy as possible for them, brings much satisfaction to Fiona in her day to day role.

Residential and Community Aged Care East Grampians Health Service provides an excellent range of aged care programs and services for the older person and people with a disability to live a full and healthier life.

70 Lowe Street volunteer Jane Richardson regularly calls in and attends to the flowers.Great result through the Aged Care Accreditation, with presentation by Federal Member for Wannon, Mr David Hawker MP.

Aged Care Ward Clerk Merryl Woolley gets involved with activities with resident Nancy Walls.

2008/09 Community Matters | 13

Patricia Hinchey Day Centre is worth a visit

The Day Centre is a welcoming and friendly place that is open to older people and people with special needs to come along and get involved in a host of enjoyable activities.

Staff are caring and provide for everyone’s needs, and a wonderful band of volunteers regularly help out and assist staff to make the centre a place where people want to come back to. Many friendships have been developed, and all who attend are encouraged to become part of the Day Centre family.

A monthly calendar provides for indoor and outdoor activities with a number of planned outings joining up with other community residents, such as at the monthly free lunchtime concerts at the Ararat Performing Arts Centre.

Through the Clients Opinion Group everyone gets an opportunity to discuss activities they would like to do and voice any concerns in an open and friendly atmosphere.

Importantly, the Day Centre provides transport to and from people’s homes each day, and has wheelchair provision on one of their 2 commuter buses.

The Patricia Hinchey Day Centre is open Monday to Friday, and community members are always welcome, just contact the Day Centre Manager, Jacinta Harman & 5352 9326 or pop in and have a look for yourself.

➜ staff profile: Lorraine Koenen Lorraine organises quality lifestyle programs tailored to groups and individuals in her role as the Lifestyle Coordinator at Garden View Court.

Liaising with families and volunteers to help maintain a varied and interesting program of activities is a priority.

The happy way residents greet Lorraine each time she comes to work is rewarding, knowing she is making a difference.

Lorraine feels privileged when residents open up and talk about their lives and their experiences are priceless.

Garden View Court provides a safe and comfortable environment

Our residents are always involved in the planning of activities and changes, and certainly see Garden View Court as their home.

With 24 individual units Garden View provides a dignified and friendly home for residents. Staff focus their efforts on engaging residents in a variety of activities, which has created an inviting as well as stimulating atmosphere.

Regular competitions between Garden View Court and Hostels in Tocumwal and Berrigan are eagerly anticipated. The purchase of a wide flat screen television for the Activities Room from a community donation has been warmly received.

A number of wonderfully dedicated volunteers add much to the lives of the residents, and more volunteers are always welcome.

If you would like to assist, please call our Volunteers Coordinator Christine Doak & 5352 9331.

Garden View Court resident Stan Jess enjoys his daily newspaper.

Cooking Day at the Day Centre - Staff member Jane Dunford assists client Vera Ruzic with baking.

➜ staff profile: Kregan ConnartyKregan is part of the Support Services Team and has the task of delivering food to the Willaura Campus and to the Stawell Regional Health’s McPherson Smith Nursing Home.

In addition, he helps out at Willaura and loves seeing the gardens and surrounds when they come into full bloom.

Kregan really enjoys being part of a team environment, getting ‘out and about’, meeting different people and the variety of work in different areas across the Health Service.

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Willaura’s strong links with their community

The Willaura and District community are most supportive and the dedicated Auxiliary and Volunteers are a positive link.

In April 2009, following 2 days of thorough review, Willaura received positive feedback and full 3 year Accreditation from the Aged Care Standards Accreditation Agency. This was a great reward for the high level of care provided in the facility and recognition of the strong community links that exist to maintain them.

Willaura Health Care and Parkland House provide Aged Care Services in a rural community setting including residential high and low level care and short-term care for those requiring hospitalisation for a medical condition or recovering from recent surgery. Individual needs are well supported by visiting health professionals including Medical Officers, Physiotherapists and Podiatrists.

Working with Community Groups

There have been many opportunities to work with community groups on events and projects to provide core health promotion messages of healthy eating, physical activity and being socially connected.

Our community health nurse has been involved in the following:

• Gardening for Renewal Day with the Community Bendigo Bank.

• Kids Eating Healthy with the Willaura Recreation Reserve who support the Sustainable Farm Families Program for Willaura and District.

• Cancer Council Community Forum.

• House Open Willaura (HOW) Centre of Willaura on submissions for equipment and Free Public Access Internet which is now up and running at the HOW Centre.

• Moyston Willaura Football Netball Club and the Auskick Program, as a venue and vehicle for the rural children from Moyston and Willaura to engage in Kids Go For Your Life Bus.

Willaura Manager Chris Jordon and staff member Tammy Day.

Parkland House resident Denis Bensen gets out and about.

Willaura Community Nurse Leonie Tellefson with Adrian Calvano from Western District Health Service, together facilitated the Sustainable Farm Families workshop at Willaura. Parkland House resident Ella Semmler with staff member Jessica Peters.

East Grampians Health Service offers quality care with a focus on the individual - their family, friends and community.

Our modern facilities, comfortable surrounds and leisure and lifestyle programs make an important contribution to our Resident’s self-esteem and independence.

Low Level Care (Hostel) provides accommodation and assistance with personal care and is available at:

• Garden View Court, Ararat

• Parkland House, Willaura

High Level Care (Nursing Home) provides for people with a greater degree of frailty, who may need continuous nursing care and is available at:

• 70 Lowe Street, Ararat

• Willaura Health Care

Respite Care may also be available and provides short term care when you need it.



RESIDENTIAL AGED CAREquality of care for Low Level and High Level

If you require information about Residential Aged Care at East Grampians Health Service please phone the Aged Care Admissions & Information Manager, & 03 5352 9316 or email [email protected]

2008/09 Community Matters | 15

Aged Care Admissions and Information Manager Fiona Miller and 70 Lowe Street resident Joan Powell.

Garden View Court resident Stan Jess enjoys the outdoors.

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Range of Services East Grampians Health Service is located at Ararat and Willaura and provides an extensive range of acute, residential, home and community based services and programs throughout Ararat Rural City.

Acute Services• Inpatient Unit

- Chemotherapy - ECG Stress Testing

• Infection Control

• Midwifery

• Palliative Care

• Perioperative Services - Day Procedure - Dental

• Ear, Nose and Throat

• Vascular - Emergency Surgery - General Surgery - Haemodialysis - Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Ophthalmology - Orthopaedics - Urology

• Pharmacy

Primary Care• Antenatal

• Community Nurses

• Community Palliative Care

• Dental

• Diabetes Education

• Dietetics

• District Nursing

• Domiciliary Care

• HARP (Chronic Disease Management)

• Health Promotion

• Occupational Therapy

• Physiotherapy

• Podiatry

• Post Acute Care

• Social Work

• Speech Pathology

Medical Imaging• General X-Ray

• Ultrasound

• CT in conjunction Stawell Regional Health

Medical Services• General Medicine

• General Surgery

Aged Care• Garden View Court

• 70 Lowe Street

• Willaura Health Care - Parkland House

Day Centre & Library• Patricia Hinchey - Ararat

• Ark Toy Library

• Willaura

Urgent Care ServiceEast Grampians Health Service provides facilities and nursing services at no charge to patients who require emergency treatment.

If emergency medical treatment is required, a Doctor from the Ararat Medical Centre will attend.

A fee will be charged by the Ararat Medical Centre. General Surgeon Barry Alexander with Associate Charge Nurse Carolyn Shea.

Contact Details General Enquiries 5352 9300

Aged Care 5352 9331

Auxiliaries 5352 9387

Board of Management 5352 9303

Chief Executive 5352 9303

Clinical Services 5352 9331

Compliments / Complaints 5352 9303

Community Centre 5352 9327

Community Liaison 5352 9387

Dental 5352 9380

District Nursing 5352 9327

HARP 5352 9392

Medical Imaging (Radiography) 5352 9325

Midwifery Unit 5352 9300

Palliative Care 5352 9327

Physiotherapy 5352 9347

Private Patients 5352 9300

Urgent Care 5352 9300

Veteran Affairs (DVA) 5352 9331

Volunteers 5352 9331

150th Anniversary 5352 9318

East Grampians Health ServiceGirdlestone Street, (PO Box 155) Ararat 3377 Phone: 5352 9300 Fax: 5352 5676 Email: [email protected]

70 Lowe Street Residential Care 70 Lowe Street, Ararat 3377 Phone: 5352 9323

Garden View CourtLowe Street, Ararat 3377 Phone: 5352 9324

Patricia Hinchey Day CentreGirdlestone Street, Ararat 3377 Phone: 5352 9326

Willaura Health CareDelacombe Way, Willaura 3379 Phone: 5354 1600

Parkland HouseDelacombe Way, Willaura 3379 Phone: 5354 1600

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Community CentreGirdlestone Street, Ararat 3377 Phone: 5352 9327

Main Reception - Kim Kerr, Tanya O’Brien, Teresa Townsend.

18 | 2008/09 Community Matters

this is what we have to offer:

Benefits to you√ No out of pocket costs

East Grampians Health Service pays the difference between what your Health Insurance pays and the actual costs

√ No additional paper workOur friendly staff will take care of all the paper work. No more multiple accounts to worry about

√ Other benefits

• Preferential access to a single room

• Greater range of menu and beverage options

• A free daily newspaper

• A free phone card

• Dedicated Private Patient Liaison

Benefits for your Hospital√ Additional funding to purchase new


√ Additional funding to develop new services and enhance existing services

Do you have Private Insurance?

If you require information on the benefits of using your Private Health Insurance or DVA Gold Card

please ring & 5352 9300 or email [email protected]

Veteran Liaison Officer Christine Doak with Ararat RSL Veterans Liaison Officer Michael Scherger.

Ararat RSL Veterans Liaison Officer Eddie McAdie.

2008/09 Community Matters | 19


1858 - A Committee is formed to collect funds to build a place of refuge for the sick and needy on a site called Slaughter-yard Hill and on 22nd August 1859 Frederick Lowe laid the foundation stone of a 30 bed hospital. At a public meeting held on February 18, 1860 with President Fred Lowe, Esq, C.M.C. in the chair, the rules of the Ararat Hospital were established.

1880’s - Pyrenees House is built and this original building is still part of the Health Service today.

1937 - A 3 storey hospital is built and forms part of the new Ararat Hospital which was officially opened in May 2005.

1995 - East Grampians Health Service is incorporated with the amalgamation of the Ararat and District Hospital, Willaura Hospital and the then John Pickford Geriatric Centre.

Over the 150 years the ‘Hospital’ has been an integral part of the community and has grown significantly into an expanded Health Service which today employs some 300 staff at both Ararat and Willaura.

“The East Grampians Health Service and Ararat community will come together next March to celebrate 150 years of working in partnership for the health of the community.

Not only will the Ararat Hospital celebrate 150 years of delivering quality Health Services to the people of Ararat and the wider region, but it will also celebrate the strong links forged between the hospital and the community in that time.

Throughout the past 150 years the community has always `mattered’ to the Ararat Hospital, demonstrated by the dedication of its Doctors, Nurses and Ancillary Staff and the constant push for better facilities and equipment, which negate the need to travel to larger centres for treatment.

From that first foundation stone laid in 1859 to the Health Service of today, the community can be assured of the care provided by its Health Service well into the future.”

Jodie Holwell - Ararat Advertiser Editor

Saturday March 6th 201010am - 4pm• Registrations - Pyrenees House• 150 Years Exhibition - Pyrenees House• 15Oth Anniversary Memorabilia Available• Site Tours of Ararat Campus

(11am, 1.30pm and 2.30pm)

6.30pm• Reunion Dinner at the Ararat

Performing Arts Centre• 15Oth Anniversary Memorabilia Available

Sunday March 7th 20108.45am• Gum San Chinese Heritage Centre

Community Breakfast

11am• Barkly St Parade of Nurses, commencing

from Edith Cavell Memorial (Barkly St) Including the Chinese Dragon and Dancers.

12 noon• Pyrenees House Official Ceremony• Blessing of Hospital by Church Fraternity• Community Barbecue

1pm• 150 Years Exhibition - Pyrenees House• Site Tour (1.30pm and 3.30pm)• Aradale Tour (2.30pm bookings essential)

Ararat AttractionsSpecial Passports available at the Ararat & Grampians Visitor information Centre

Monday March 8th 20109am• Bus available from Ararat to

Willaura Health Care

9.30am• Tours of Willaura Campus • Hospital & Medical Services Exhibition

10am onwards• Willaura Hospital Outdoor Market

11.30am and 2pm• Bus available back to Ararat

The Willaura & District community are invited to join visitors returning to the area for the celebrations.

Program of Events - An Invitation to the Community to come together and celebrate

Our CommunityArarat & District Hospital - 150 Years Celebration

Old nurse images: Courtesy of Heather Fleming.

Pyrenees House

For further information & 5352 9318

Email: [email protected]

20 | 2008/09 Community Matters

Volunteers also make up our 5 Auxiliaries including the EGHS, Lowe Street, Patricia Hinchey, Ark Toy Library and Willaura. The Auxiliaries not only offer support but are active in fundraising and donate valuable funds for the purchase of replacement or new equipment across the Health Service.

The Health Service is very fortunate that they also have volunteer groups who work diligently including the Red Cross Book Service, the Ararat Breast Cancer Support Group and the Ararat Landcare Group. Importantly also, is the role of the East Grampians Health Service Board of Management which consists of voluntary community members who provide the

governance of the Health Service. As the occasion requires, community volunteers are also invited to participate on various Sub Committees or User Groups with staff members.

East Grampians Health Service annually recognises volunteer long service and commitment by presenting Service Awards for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years service.

All these volunteers help ‘make a difference’ in forging closer links with the community and assist the Health Service in meeting the needs of the community.

➜ volunteer profile: Joyce LiddleJoyce is a long serving volunteer at Patricia Hinchey Day Centre, and can highly recommend getting involved as a volunteer at East Grampians Health Service.

Joyce is very mindful that as a volunteer at the Day Centre she comes to assist the staff, and loves seeing all the people who come to the centre happy and active. She spends time listening and sharing stories, getting them involved in activities and making sure they all go home satisfied at the end of the day.

Joyce is also a very active Auxiliary member and has seen the results of fundraising activities put to good use such as the Recreation and Barbecue Courtyard area.

Volunteer work is an important way for the community to become involved in the Health Service

Volunteers contribute so much to the life of the Health Service and are such a vital link to the community. They continually offer valuable assistance to our staff, residents and clients at Ararat and Willaura, enhancing many aspects of the Health Service environment, as well as recreational and lifestyle programs provided by the Day Centres and Aged Residential Care Services.

As a volunteer, you are a valued team member, and your contribution is really appreciated and the skills and experience you may have to offer can contribute greatly to the quality of life of clients, residents and patients.

East Grampians Health Service is a very specialised agency with staff and volunteers required to undergo a police check and an interview process. Also volunteers have rights and responsibilities, which have been developed under Australian laws and standards and cover specific work responsibilities in line with the values of the Health Service.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at East Grampians Health Service in Ararat or Willaura please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Christine Doak & 5352 9331

EGHS Auxiliary members Beverley Mc Rae, Merrilyn Ward with Aanna McIIdowie from Browse and Brew on Barkly get ready for the Shopping Spree fundraiser.

2008/09 Community Matters | 21

Auxiliaries are all active fundraisersEGHS, Lowe Street, Ark Toy Library, Patricia Hinchey and Willaura all actively fundraise, assist with major events and volunteer as required and are very much part of the East Grampians Health Service extended community family.

EGHS Auxiliary President Liz de Fegely, Secretary Kate Connellan, Treasurer Alana Foster

Established in 1998, with 7 inaugural members still actively involved, they are a committed group of progressive women who work tirelessly with their fundraising, and play a big part in the Health Service’s major events.

Interestingly, of their membership base at least 50% are from the rural areas outside Ararat. The group meet monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 5.30pm in Pyrenees House. Meetings are always conducted in good spirit, and a great friendship has developed between all the members.

The annual WWW Women, Wisdom & Wellbeing Dinner, Winter’s Luncheon and Shopping Spree are the major fundraisers that now have an excellent community following.

Since 2001, they have raised approximately $100,000 for equipment and furnishings across all areas of the Health Service.

Equipment donated since 2001 include pulse oximeter, paediatric kit, plate stacker, dynamic blender, shower chair, tympanic thermometer system, wheelchairs, vital signs monitor, easy lifter mobile recliner chairs, imed pumps, examination couch, intravenous poles and jumbuck lifting scales, in addition to sponsoring the Nursery Ward in the Acute Hospital.

Patricia Hinchey Auxiliary President: Norm Tosch, Secretary/Treasurer Chris Billett

Such a committed group who not only volunteer weekly and are very much part of the Day Centre family, they somehow find time together with staff to fundraise as an ‘Auxiliary’.

Now known best for their annual Market Day and their regular Cake and Produce Stall, the Auxiliary have raised outstanding funds which they have put back directly into the Day Centre to support the recreational and diversional programs for the people who attend the Centre.

The recent donation by the Auxiliary of a large storage food freezer to the Day Centre has assisted with cooking days, and preparation for fundraising efforts.

The Outdoor Courtyard and Barbeque Area has been a major project and this area is providing a friendly meeting place for all to enjoy the outdoors.

The Day Centre is a special place, and the Auxiliary members feel very much part of the ‘team’.

The Patricia Hinchey Auxiliary meets at the Day Centre quarterly on the 2nd Monday of the month at 3.30pm.

Lowe Street Auxiliary President Jana Millear, Secretary Jane Richardson, Treasurer Chris Clark

The Lowe Street Auxiliary has reinvented itself following the move from John Pickford House to 70 Lowe Street and has grown in membership progressively and now has 20 enthusiastic members.

The Auxiliary provides valuable volunteer resources and equipment to the home as well as maintaining strong links with the local community for the residents. They are working closely with staff to make sure that the new facility has furnishing to make it a ‘home’.

The inaugural Oaks Day Luncheon held in November 2008, as part of the Melbourne Cup Spring Carnival, was an outstanding success and set the precedence for the members to organise more events. Subsequently, their Film Night attracted over 100 patrons.

A sense of confidence is very evident now at their monthly meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2pm in the Dining Room at 70 Lowe Street.

In very short time they have donated linen skips with lids, a dining room sideboard, book cases, and most recently $1,500 for the purchase of flat screen televisions and coffee tables for the smaller sitting rooms.

At the Auxiliary’s AGM in August, the members thanked retiring Treasurer Dorothy Konig for her outstanding service to both John Pickford House and 70 Lowe Street.

Willaura Hospital Auxiliary President Judy Patterson, Secretary Jocelyn Cox, Treasurer Mandy Heard

The Willaura Hospital Auxiliary reformed in 1998, with a number of members from this time still on the Auxiliary. Four East Grampians Health Service Life Governors - Jane Millear, Sheila Handscombe, Mandy Heard and Joan Jenkinson are all very active members.

The Auxiliary, as a whole are a vital link to the Willaura community and not only volunteer and fundraise but are always available to help out (eg: Visit by The Governor of Victoria, Professor David de Kretser, A C).

The annual Willaura Hospital Market Day in March organised by the Auxiliary created a hive of activity for some 500 visitors from across the region and raised in the vicinity of $4,000, a fantastic result.

With the market being relocated to the front entrance area for the first time this allowed for more room for the numerous stallholders. In addition the lawn area created a relaxing space for the serving of gourmet foods, local wines together with an abundance of activities and entertainment.

Over recent times with the generous support of significant community donations, Willaura can boast new equipment such as 5 High Low Beds, Lifting Slings and Covers, an outstanding effort of ‘community supporting community’.

The Willaura Auxiliary meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month at 2pm in the Day Centre at Willaura Health Care.

22 | 2008/09 Community Matters

Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship

The ScholarshipIn 2007 the Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship was established in recognition of Angela’s contribution and love of East Grampians Health Service.

The Scholarship was donated by the Laidlaw family in memory of Angela, who commenced work with the Health Service in July 1993, was a wonderful friend to many and sadly passed away on 13th April 2005.

To meet the local population health needs into the future, the retention and recruitment of skilled Clinical Staff is critically important. The Scholarship, unique to the Health Service, will continue to create opportunities for Clinical Staff to enhance their skills for the benefit of the community.

The Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship is presented at East Grampians Health Service’s Annual General Meeting, thereby promoting broader community recognition.

Angela Laidlaw Trust East Grampians Health Service is extremely proud of the Angela Laidlaw Trust.

Through the generosity of Geoff Laidlaw and his family the Angela Laidlaw Trust is now well and truly established following a substantial donation from the Mundarra Muster ‘one off’ fundraiser. This will enable the Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship to be awarded annually to assist Clinical Staff in their educational endeavours into the future.

The Recipient 2008/09Leanne Atkinson works in the Peri-operative Unit with her major focus on Haemodialysis.

Haemodialysis is a challenging facet of the nursing field, and it is growing rapidly with the incidence of diabetes and diabetic related kidney disease placing a strain on the health system. As we strive to provide everyone with care we are fast running out of haemodialysis places and especially qualified Renal Nurses and Physicians.

Through being awarded the Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship, Leanne has undertaken a 12 month Nephrology Nursing Course by correspondence through the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. The course is one of the best in Australia and students are enrolled from every state, including remote areas such as Tenant Creek.

The course itself is extremely difficult, and with exams as an extra challenge, Leanne surprised herself and did extremely well so far, and is now feeling more comfortable with the remaining studies.

Leanne is a great example of staff undertaking extra studies and training to gain up to date knowledge, so she and others can provide the care and expertise for the community.

Staff member Leanne Atkinson is presented with her award by Geoff Laidlaw.

Laidlaw family members - Andrew, Cate, Sam (son in law) Megan, Geoff and Fiona.

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Mundarra Muster - Major SponsorsGrampians Event Hire, Milemaker Petroleum, Seppelt Great Western, Montara Wines, Ace Radio Network and Powercor Australia contributed significantly to what was an amazing final result.

Mundarra Muster - Supportors

S T Hamilton

Best’s Wines - Great Western

Clayfield Wines

Fry’s Spare Parts - Sydney

Eco Synergy

Lister Signs

Growmaster - Ararat

Australia Post - Ararat

Hansen Print

Peter’s Pix

Julie Bennett

Mininera & District Football & Netball Clubs

Ararat College

Marx Metal Recycling

Gilbert & Jury

Jack & Jill Kindergarten

Possum Cameron Earthworks

Elders Ltd

Ararat Laundromat

Ray Gale - Lake Bolac

GWM Water

Green Eggs

Safeway - Ararat

East Grampians Health Service Auxiliaries & Community Volunteers

Gift to Grow For the longevity of this unique scholarship an annual pledge or a ‘one - off’ gift to the Angela Laidlaw Trust can be made, with all donations of $2 and over tax deductible. A receipt will be issued for all donations.

Please contact our Community Liaison & 5352 9387

Mundarra Muster . . . A most rewarding community event

On a brilliant April Sunday, over 550 people converged on Geoff Laidlaw’s ‘Mundarra’ property by the banks of the Hopkins River to participate in what has to be the most rewarding community fundraising event of the year.

This ‘one off’ event hosted by Geoff and his family celebrated the life of his wife Angela, and to build a fund for a clinical scholarship in her name.

The event was planned and organised by community volunteers, and was supported by the community raising over $70,000; a phenomenal amount of money which will assist in the longevity of the Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship for future generations.

The success of the ‘Mundarra Muster’ affirmed the true Australian spirit, determination and unity of a generous community coming together to support each other in times of both tragic and joyous circumstances.

The organising committee included Rowly Paterson (Chairman), Peter Carthew, Ferg Anderson, Peter Nicholson, Terry Weeks, Liz de Fegely, Liz Laidlaw, Judy Barr, Sharon Meek, Dianne Radford and, of course Geoff Laidlaw.

A crowd of 550 guests descended on Mundarra in a huge marquee structure donated for the occasion by Grampians Event Hire.

The Ararat Branch of Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation, established in 2002 to perpetuate the memory of Sgt John McNally, has raised well over $450,000 and this has been dedicated to the Health Service.

The East Grampians Health Service Board of Management has recently accepted with much appreciation the Ararat Branch’s offer to make a ‘2 year commitment to support the Peri-operative Unit (Operating Theatre)’ once they have completed their current commitment to the Medical Imaging Department in early 2010.

Another Milestone with the dedication of the Medical Imaging DepartmentVictoria Police Commissioner Simon Overland APM officially dedicated the ‘John McNally’ Medical Imaging Department at East Grampians Health Service on Friday 29th May.

The moving dedication ceremony, which was held in Pyrenees House in front of 60 guests including members of Victoria Police, saw the unveiling of the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation official plaque by the Police Commissioner and the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation Chairman, John Forbes OAM followed by a blessing by Fr John Mathes the Grampians Police Chaplain.

For East Grampians Health Service, the Victoria Police Foundation and the Ararat Branch this is the 3rd such dedication that has taken place at the Health Service to perpetuate the memory of Sgt John McNally who was killed on the Mount Ararat goldfields at Cathcart in 1856. Sgt McNally was the first member of Victoria Police killed in the line of duty.

Since 2002 the Ararat Branch has supported the ‘John McNally’ Emergency Department, the ‘John McNally’ Emergency Helicopter Landing Pad and the ‘John McNally’ Medical Imaging Department.

The dedication of the Medical Imaging Department was another step in acknowledging this outstanding community partnership.

East Grampians Health Service is indebted to the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation and in particular the Ararat Branch’s contribution, who with the outstanding community support including that of the Emmerson Financial Group and the AMP Foundation, have given so significantly to the Health Service.

The Ararat Branch is a role model for the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation and the strong partnership cannot be underestimated.

Ararat Branch Committee: Terry Weeks OAM (President), Dianne Radford (Secretary), Sgt Peter Hawkins (Treasurer) Fr John Mathes (Police Chaplain), Tim Andrew, Stephen Chapple, Jodie Holwell, Stuart Kerr, Peter McIntosh, Rod McKenzie and John Davies (until July 2009).

STRONG PARTNERSHIPS are the key to our future

24 | 2008/09 Community Matters

Medical Imaging Department Dedication - L/R Ararat Branch President Terry Weeks OAM, Victoria Police Commissioner Simon Overland, Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation’s John Forbes OAM, EGHS Board President Graeme Foster.

Medical Imaging Department’s Radiographer Yinka Okubanjo, Chief Radiographer Azu Azubuike, Emmerson Financial Group’s Chris Emmerson and Medical Imaging Department Receptionist Judy Young with the new equipment made possible through the significant support of the Ararat Branch, the Emmerson Financial Group and the AMP Foundation.

2008/09 Community Matters | 25

Helipad a Lifeline for PatientsThe ‘John McNally’ Emergency Helicopter Landing Pad was made possible through a community partnership with the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation, the Ararat Branch and Ararat Rural City and provides for the community a lifeline for patients and a vital link to Melbourne and specialist medical facilities. The principle user of the helipad is Air Ambulance Victoria.

East Grampians Health Service and Ararat Police have become increasingly concerned about the number of onlookers that the ambulance helicopter attracts when it lands and takes off. Not only is the traffic a danger to others, but the dignity, privacy and respect for the patient and their family is degraded.

We would like to take this opportunity to ask the community of Ararat to respect the safety and dignity of our patients, staff and concerned relatives by avoiding the hospital area when the helicopter is in attendance.

‘Building for the Future’ Foundation‘Building for the Future’ came about through the Community Appeal to support the building of the Acute Hospital in 2002, in which the community contributed an outstanding $1.85 million.

It is fitting we continue ‘Building for the Future’The Board of Management has now established a public charitable fund, the East Grampians Health Service ‘Building for the Future’ Foundation, to which any person, corporation or association may contribute.

The Foundation is to be maintained for the purpose of providing money, property or benefits to the Health Service and is being administered by 5 Trustees appointed by the Board of Management, 3 of whom are community members.

The Inaugural Trustees are: Board Members: David Hoskings, Geoff Laidlaw Community Members: Bill Jones (Chairman), Judy Paterson, Jill Tivey

The relevance of philanthropy has increased significantly and the Trustees will play a pivotal role in shaping and implementing the responses of the community to the Foundation.

The Purpose of the Foundation is to exclusively benefit East Grampians Health Service and the Trustees must seek the guidance of the Board to ensure that the benefits provided to the Health Service accord with its strategic plans or future service needs.

The community are welcome at anytime to discuss making a contribution to our future.

Consider a Bequest to the ‘Building for the Future’ Foundation A bequest is a gift made in your will. You may consider a bequest to East Grampians Health Service as an investment for life. Making a bequest may be as simple as adding a Codicil to your existing will, but seek the advice of your solicitor.

If you would like further information please contact the Chief Executive, East Grampians Health Service, PO Box 155 Ararat Vic 3377 & 5352 9303.

Primary school students from Ararat 800 visit the health service and receive a special tour of the John McNally Emergency Helicopter Landing Pad.

Ararat 800 students write a ‘letter of thanks’ for the privilege.

DonorsACE RadioAME SystemsArarat ALP BranchArarat AdvertiserArk Toy Library AuxiliaryArarat Breast Cancer Support GroupArarat & District Heartbeat Support GroupArarat Hospital Charity Golf DayArarat RetravisionArarat RSL Community ProgramAtchison, PepitaAustralia Post - AraratBaker’s DelightBest’s Wines - Great WesternBryant, Fred & BettyCentral Grampians LLENSChalambar Golf ClubClark, JenniferCullen, Ian & WynneDay, Nathan (Dancing with the Stars)DHS Disability FundingEGHS AuxiliaryFisher, J & FFlavell, IanFoster’s MenslandFratin, Sarah (Dancing with the Stars)Garden View Court AuxiliaryGraham, GregGrampians Indoor Bias Bowls AssociationGrowmaster - AraratGrant, A & BHowlett, NormKaye Poyner Beauty TherapyLeigh, Mr and Mrs JackLister SignsLoeliger, ReineyLowe Street AuxiliaryMcCallum, Ian & ThelmaMcKinlay, ElmaMontara WineryMoyston Willaura Football Netball ClubMt Langi Ghiran WineryNMIT - Aradale CampusPatricia Hinchey AuxiliaryPegis FashionsRyan, MarkSafeway - AraratSeppelt Great Western

Smithwick, KarenSpalding & McCutcheonSpalding, Ashleigh (Dancing with the Stars)Stratton, Wayne, Kate & MaxSt Kilda Park View Hotel - MelbourneTatt, RL & LJTudor, GrahamTudor, R & GWalker, Adam (Dancing with the Stars)Willard, John & PatWiltshire, RegWimmera Mallee District Manchester Unity IOOF

Jess Cole MemorialAbbott, AnnieArmytage, JoannaBingley, Tim & JulieChristie, Rob & KimbraFarquharson, Annabelle & PhoebeHolmes, Max & AnnJackson, David & CarolManderson, Tony & RaeMann, William & GeorgieMcDougall, JohnMillear, AR & VMMillear, Pat & SarahRadford, David & DianneSanders, Bob & RosieWard, Graeme & MerilynWest Vic Division of General Practice

Medical Imaging DepartmentAMP FoundationEmmerson Financial GroupVictoria Police Blue Ribbon FoundationVictoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation - Ararat Branch

WillauraACE RadioBendigo BankDuver FamilyMt William StationPowell, JoanWalker, KerrinWillaura Hospital Auxiliary

Contributions 2008/2009 Our community continues to support us in generous ways.

The ongoing outstanding support to our many successful fundraising events, from our Auxiliaries, Projects, General Donations, and very importantly the ‘in kind’ support cannot be calculated in dollars.

We simply say ‘thank you’ to one and all.

Making a donationThe generosity of the community enables us to continually upgrade our facilities and purchase new and replace equipment at both Ararat and Willaura.

Your ongoing support really makes a difference, and is an investment for the future.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible and are a wonderful way to invest in your local ‘hospital’.

Contact the Community Liaison & 5352 9387

Major Fundraising Events 2010 • 24th January - Grampians ‘Ride to Remember’

• 8th March - Willaura Hospital Outdoor Market

• 27th, 28th March - Murray to Moyne Cycling Relay

• 28th May - Blue Ribbon Gala Night

• September - WWW Women, Wisdom & Wellbeing Dinner

Willaura Hospital Auxiliary - Lucy Richardson, Sue Coutt, Jane Millear, Jan Laidlaw.

Lowe Street Auxiliary - Christine Clark, Jasmine Charmers and Judy Armstrong.

26 | 2008/09 Community Matters

2008/09 Community Matters | 27

Major Sponsor - $100 & OverAF Gason Pty LtdAlan Gray Water CartageAlbert Feyer ElectricianAME SystemsArarat AdvertiserArarat Auto ElectricsArarat Dental ClinicArarat & Dist Heartbeat Support GroupArarat & Dist Prostate Cancer Support GroupArarat Medical CentreArarat Motor InnArarat RSLArarat VRI Bowls ClubAstor CinemaAustralia Post - Ararat Boyd’s Body WorksBrian & Wendy McCutcheonBruce & Caroline HamiltonCarlyle Painting & DecoratingChegwin & Anderson Auto Chegwin & Anderson ManufacturingChristians Bus Company

Clem SturmfelsDollar Curtains & Blinds Dowding & MillsDulkeith Computer Solutions E W Bulte Timber & Hardware MerchantsEastick Homes EGHS Social Club Flattely Street DepotFiona MillerFoster’s MenslandGary & Julie TierneyG J Gardner HomesG J Rice & CoGrampians Carpet CleaningGrampian Ford Greg DalmayerHotondo HomesHuntingdale CranesIan & Leonie FosterJ L Lennard Food EquipmentJoe KappJohn Davies

Kaye Poyner Beauty TherapyKen Readwin - Elixir Brewery KFC - AraratKim Stone Plumbing Kingsley & Valda SpaldingLes ConnartyLister SignsMcArthur Mitre 10 - AraratNeville & Janet HinchliffeOlga Karia Peter SpaldingPyrenees WoolRAL HomesRaymond Blizzard & AssociatesRock HardwareRural Phones N DataRuthven SteelSally Hinchliffe & AssociatesShayne Smith PlasteringSweeney Todd Waste DisposalTricia MottramWayne Wigg Plumbing

Murray to Moyne 2009 . . . exceeding all expectationsThe CRANKS & DEFIBRILLATORS Cycling Teams again acknowledge all businesses, organisations and individuals who generously supported this year’s event, which raised in excess of $16,000.

This has been dedicated towards the purchase of new updated Syringe Drivers across a number of areas of the Health Service, including Acute, Aged Care, District Nursing and Palliative Care.

28 | 2008/09 Community Matters

Quality of Care . . . our responsibilityWe take our responsibility to inform our community of statutory requirements very seriously. However, we also want to share with our consumers and stakeholders how we have listened and responded to their concerns and suggestions.

Clinical GovernanceThe Clinical Governance system supports the Board of Management, Executive Team and Clinical Staff to be accountable for continuous improvement of patient care and the minimisation of clinical risk. This is achieved through clearly defined Delegations of Authority, committee structures, professional development and accreditation.

Board of Management The Board of Management are members of the community who have been appointed by the State Minister for Health, usually for a 3 year term, to undertake certain responsibilities to ensure that East Grampians Health Service is managed with due diligence.

Minimum reporting areas 2008-2009 in Consumer and Community ParticipationParticipation indicators in the “Doing it with us not for us” policy

a) Governance• East Grampians Health Service has met the required level of

achievement as reviewed by our accreditation agency.

b) Accountability• East Grampians Health Service has reported on the safety

and quality of its services through this publication and previous Quality of Care reporting mechanisms eg: Every household within the Health Service catchment is receiving a copy through a mail-out supported by Australia Post.

c) Health Care and Treatment• The Victorian Patient Monitor Index supports the

organisation awareness of consumer involvement in consumer participation in making decisions about their care and treatment.

• Information of health care and treatment is provided in pre admission clinic, during admission and discharge.

• Victorian Patient Satisfaction Survey.

The Department of Health conducts an annual Patient Satisfaction Survey that monitors the patient’s experience in ‘acute’ settings. East Grampians Health Service trends show that we outperform hospitals of similar size and state-wide averages consistently. Some important achievements are listed below.

Back L/R: Geoff Laidlaw, Graeme Foster (President), David Hosking (Treasurer) Front L/R: Louise Staley, Sally Philip (Vice President), Arduina di Guardo, Heather Fleming.

Satisfaction itemEGHS

% SatisfiedSimilar sized Hospitals

% SatisfiedState-wide Hospitals

% SatisfiedWaiting Room comfort 95 94 85

Change room 97 95 90

Recovery Room 97 96 93

Helpfulness of admission staff 99 97 95

Courtesy of doctors 100 97 95

Explanation of treatment 95 95 91

Communication between doctors/nurses/others about your treatment

94 94 89

Help received for your pain 97 97 95

Respect for privacy 98 97 95

Being treated with respect 99 98 96

Explanation of medicines needed post-hospital 94 93 90

2008/09 Community Matters | 29

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Quality and Risk ManagementThe ongoing development of East Grampians Health Service Risk Management Strategy, which follows Australian / New Zealand Standard 4360 2004 guidelines, has been audited internally by our internal auditor Deloittes.

Its development has given the Health Service an opportunity to establish processes and documentation to comply with our organisational obligations for appropriate risk management.

QualityA Quality Framework is being developed in line with Principals of ISO 9000.

This quality management system standard is recognised and respected worldwide and in the development of our Quality Framework the Health Service has focused on improving processes and efficiencies.

Accreditation AchievementsEast Grampians Health Service Full accreditation - 4 years granted by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards

HACC (District Nursing) Services Full accreditation - 4 years granted by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards

Medical Imaging Full accreditation (1 year maximum) granted by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards

70 Lowe Street (High Care Residential Aged Facility) Full accreditation for 3 years granted by the Aged Care Standards Accreditation Agency

Garden View Court (Low Care Residential Aged Facility)Granted 3 year accreditation in 2007 and is to be fully accredited in 2011. Regular support visits have been conducted with positive feedback.

Willaura Nursing Home (High Care Residential Aged Facility)Full accreditation for 3 years granted by the Aged Care Standards Accreditation Agency

Parkland House (Low Care Residential Aged Facility)Full accreditation for 3 years granted by the Aged Care Standards Accreditation Agency

Safe Medication PracticeSafe use of medicines is a high priority for the staff and this is dependent on sound policies and procedures in regard to prescribing, dispensing, administering and monitoring of medications.

In the past year staff were audited for the appropriate use of Insulin, Antibiotics and Anti-Clotting Agents, each of these audits produced positive outcome and identified areas for improvement.

These improvements are reviewed by the Medication Advisory Committee.

Wound MonitoringIt is pleasing to note that pressure ulcer incidents have reduced for the 4th year in a row.

This is attributable to a high level of staff diligence and the use of universal tools for identifying patients or residents at risk. An initiative of the past year has been to introduce a Wound Management Committee to drive standard process for the best practice standards for the management and treatment of wounds.


Falls contribute the greatest number of incidents across the Health Service. Reductions have occurred through our routine risk assessment of falls which provides information that is addressed on individual management plans.

Director Clinical Services, Helen Watt and Manager Quality and Risk Management, Mario Santilli ensure safe clinical practices are in place.

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Hand HygieneHand Hygiene Victoria requires Health Services to conduct 3 audits per year. These audits measure staff compliance with hand hygiene practices by either hand washing or using alcohol based hand rubs. At present the target is 55% compliance.

East Grampians Health Service has consistently achieved above this level in each audit.

If you are visiting the Health Service, please use the alcohol hand rub provided before entering and when leaving Acute Areas or the Aged Care facilities.

Maintaining above standards in cleaningEast Grampians Health Service follows the Cleaning Standards for Victorian Health facilities.

Internal and external audits assist in monitoring cleaning standards in all areas of the health facility. Again we achieved an overall calculation of 99.1% on the external audit result.

The high-risk areas, Theatre and CSSD have continued to receive 100%. This is a great achievement and an acknowledgement to staff always working to maintain the highest standards.

Judicious use of AntibioticsEast Grampians Health Service Pharmacist and Infection Control Coordinator audit the use of antibiotics in both the Acute and Aged Care Facilities. Results are tabled at the Medication Advisory Committee, the Infection Control Committee and at the Clinical Consultative Committee.

Waste ManagementEast Grampians Health Service has been diligent in their efforts to adhere to a recycling policy using the systems they have in place, and for this the Health Service received a bronze certificate from Wastewise. To address our ongoing environmental responsibilities a number of strategies have been implemented which have lead to the reduction of our landfill collection by 2 pick-ups per week.

MaintenanceEast Grampians Health Service Maintenance Program covers Ararat and Willaura campuses, which comprise facilities that range from old buildings to very modern buildings over a site of approximately 6 hectares. Buildings, gardens, emergency and security monitoring systems, along with daily repairs and maintenance requirements are a focal part of ongoing works.

Environmental ImprovementsEast Grampians Health Service was successful in receiving $167,372.00 in funding for environmental improvements as part of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Long Stay Older Patients (LSOP) Initiative.

Improvements that have been undertaken include:

• Modification to front entrance of the Acute Hospital

• Installation of hand rails in passage ways leading to the Medical Imaging Department and Pathology

• Cementing of external pathways and installation of seating at both Ararat and Willaura

• Installation of high/low benches in Reception areas of Patricia Hinchey Day Centre and Willaura

• Perimeter security fencing installed at Willaura

• Repairing of uneven flooring in Garden View Court and replacing floor coverings

• Installation of alarm system for patients with dementia in the Acute Hospital

• Fire Service upgrade and external painting at Willaura

Infection Control - ‘Start Clean’In 2007 the Department of Health released the ‘Start Clean’ Victorian Infection Control Strategy 2007-2011. The 3 areas targeted for infection prevention are Hand Hygiene, Hospital Cleaning and Judicious use of Antibiotics.

Catering is 5 StarEast Grampians Health Service Catering Department now supplies and deliver meals to Stawell Regional Health including McPherson Smith Nursing Home, the Day Centre and Meals on Wheels.

The Catering Department continues to be a benchmark for many health facilities with its use of the Cook Chill system. Both the internal and external Catering Service has been in high demand, promoting the Health Service to organisations who request the use of our conference facilities in Pyrenees House.

Catering Team Chef’s: Will Bell, Sarah O’Keefe, Michael Kelly.

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‘Community Matters’ Feedback FormLet us know what you think of our community publication.

a. Are you Male Female

Under 18 18-35 36-59 60-75 over 75

b. Did you enjoy reading ‘Community Matters’?

Yes No

c. Was the information useful to you?

Yes No

d. Do you now know more about East Grampians Health Service?

Yes No

e. Would you like to see a regular distribution of Health Service information?

Yes No

Have you any suggestions as to how can we improve on ‘Community Matters’?

Consumers are encouraged to give feedbackIt is important for the quality of our organisation to encourage consumer feedback. It provides constructive information and helps us plan for the future. We give consumers every opportunity to contact us to let us know when things go well or when we don’t meet expectations.

We acknowledge that we don’t always ‘get it right’ however we are committed to addressing concerns and improving the way we deliver services. The Complaints Officer manages all community concerns confidentially. Last year the Health Service received 87 concerns and 269 compliments. Both are equally as important in shaping our future service delivery. All formal complaints are directed to the Chief Executive and are dealt with according to guidelines laid down by the Health Services Commissioner.

Community helps with feedback from ‘Community Matters’East Grampians Health Service has engaged a variety of community groups in consultation in 2008/2009 either face to face, phone calls or through the mail.

We are keenly interested in communicating with consumers of health care to gain an understanding of expectations and perspectives. A series of questions were formulated and presented to the nominated groups (as below). These groups included people from the aged sector, young people and those from a cultural or linguistically diverse background.

Opinions were captured from people living centrally as well as in outlying towns.

Q1. As a member of the community, consumer (patient) or carer what information would you like the hospital to provide you with?

Answer: Access to services, the range of services, hours of operation.

Q2. As a member of the community, consumer (patient) or carer how would you like to receive the report?

Answer: Public areas for pick up, website, mail, newspaper.

Q3. As a member of the community, consumer (patient) or carer in what ways do you think the Health Service can engage with you on an ongoing basis?

Answer: Newspaper, community meetings, radio.

Q4. As a member of the community, consumer (patient) or carer what stories about the Health Service do you want included in the report?

Answer: Good news stories, positive outcomes, service changes and upgrades.

Q5. As a member of the community, consumer (patient) or carer are you influenced in your health care decisions by information provided through the reports of this type? Why?

Answer: 50% yes, because they become aware of services - 50% no because they rely on personal contact and word of mouth information.

Thank you for taking time to complete this feedback form, which is important to help us plan for our future. This questionnaire can either be posted or returned personally to one of our facilities addressed to:

Chief Executive East Grampians Health Service Girdlestone Street (PO Box 155) Ararat 3377

AcknowledgementsAll our partnerships in the community are so valuable. We thank everyone for their ongoing contribution to the Health Service and particularly to this publication ‘Community Matters’.

East Grampians Health Service

P.O Box 155, Ararat, 3377 Girdlestone Street, Ararat, 3377

Telephone: 03 5352 9300 Facsimile: 03 5352 5676 Email: [email protected]

Women Walking Around the Lake (WWATL) ladies - Jenny Pittman,Kath Culling, Joan Bond, Lorraine Keith, Gwen Decker.

Patricia Hinchey Day Centre get together for a cuppa in the Outdoor Recreation Area L/R: Rosie Dryburgh (client), Christine Billett (staff), Jaun Lindeboon (client),

Olive Moncrieff (client) and Norm Tosch (volunteer).