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Fashion Spread Shoot, Final 5,Outfit 2

I like this image as the outfit fits the theme of the shoot being ‘Day Out’ it also fits the brief of the task which was given, the reader will be able to see the outfits which are being modelled well due to the way that the model is sat. The angle of the shot is high and the model is making direct address with the camera. The lighting on this image could be better but can be improved by editing.

This is a potential photograph to be included within the double page fashion spread. These pictures could be used due to the broad depth of field within the background. The position that the model is stood in is slightly more on one leg which gives more of an interesting pose. The picture was taken with a picture with manual focus and the model is giving the audience direct address which is important. The pictures background shows broad depth of field and the lighting is complementary towards the model.

This photograph could be used within the double page fashion spread for magazine as the outfit that the model is wearing represents the theme of the fashion spread well. The photograph was taken with manual settings on the camera and the model is giving the audience direct address. The lighting is complementary to the model and the models stance is slightly leant backwards on the wall behind her, this is slightly different and something that isn’t always done within a photo shoot.

This photograph could be used in the fashion spread of my magazine as the outfit that the model is wearing represents the theme of the double page spread well. The reason I think that this picture could be chosen for the double page spread of my magazine is the background shows a sense of broad depth of field, although the lighting isn't brilliant, this could be fixed if through brightening the photo when editing. I took the pictures with the manual settings on the camera and the model is giving the audience direct address. The models stance is simple yet and is a close up shot, although you cant see all of the outfit in this shot, the audience get an idea of what type of clothing the model is wearing.

I have decided to use this picture on the double page fashion spread within my magazine, the models clothing fits with the theme of the double page spread and the model is creating direct address with the audience. The lighting is complementary and is bright which is representing happiness. The image is showing a narrow depth of field and the fact that the model is sat on the wall is showing a casual side of the photo shoot but the image still looks effective and the audience are able to see the outfit that is being modelled clearly.