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42 Ovulation synchronisation for improving fertility...

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The aim of the study was to evaluatethe different ovulation synchronisationprotocols for improving fertility in postpartumdairy cows. The work was conducted in 28lactating crossbred cows at UniversityLivestock Farm, Mannuthy starting on day 40postpartum (day 0) in three experimental andone control group comprising seven cowseach.The cows in Group I (Ovsynch group)were administered GnRH on day 0 followedby PGF2á on day 7 and a second dose of GnRHon day 9. Cows in Group II (Doublesynchgroup) were administered PGF2á on day 0,GnRH on day 2, a second PGF2á on day 9 anda second GnRH on day 11. Cows in Group III(CIDR group) were inserted with CIDR followedby administration of GnRH on day 0. The CIDRinsert was removed and PGF2á administeredon day 7 and a second dose of GnRH on day9. Timed artificial insemination (TAI) wasperformed 18 h after the second GnRHinjection in all experimental groups. Cows inGroup IV (Control group) that showed naturalpostpartum oestrus after day 0 wereinseminated at detected oestrus. Pregnancydiagnosis was conducted 45 days post AI bytransrectal palpation. The first serviceconception rate in animals of groups I to IVwere 42.86, 28.57, 42.86, 28.57 per cent andthe overall conception rates were 71.43, 71.43,85.71, 57.14 per cent, respectively. The resultsdemonstrated that the CIDR progesteroneinsert protocol with highest overall conception


P. S. Shameem Abubaker1, M. O. Kurien2,K. N. Aravinda Ghosh3, Shibu Simon4,K. S.Anil5, B. Bibin Becha6

Department of Animal Reproduction,Gynaecology and Obstetrics,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy-680 651, Thrissur, Kerala

rate was superior to Ovsynch andDoublesynch protocols. However, Ovsynchand Doublesynch protocol had better overallconception rates than control. Hence it isrecommended that ovulation synchronisationprotocols viz., Ovsynch, Doublesynch andCIDR can be effectively employed forimproving the fertility in post partum dairy cows.

Key words: Ovulation synchronisation, postpartum dairy cows.

Synchronisations of ovulationprotocols to improve the fertility of the dairycows involve programmed folliculardevelopment, regression of corpus luteum andsequentially timed artificial insemination.Initially, the Ovsynch protocol was developedas a breeding strategy to eliminate the needfor oestrus detection. Later, the controlledinternal drug release (CIDR) protocol byinclusion of an exogenous progestogen wasdeveloped. Recently, a double synchronisation(Doublesynch) protocol by administering anadditional prostaglandin two days before theOvsynch protocol was developed. All theseprotocols produced varied success rates. Theprecise control of the oestrous cycle andovulation in cattle were achieved only whenboth, the life span of the corpus luteum andthe follicular wave status at the end of thetreatment were controlled.

This scenario clearly shows the needfor an in depth study of different ovulation

*Part of MVSc Thesis submitted by first author to the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Pookode, Wayanad 1MVSc Scholar 2Associate Professor, CVAS, Pookode 3Professor and Head 4Assistant Professor, University Veterinary Hospital, Kokkalai.5Associate Professor and Head, University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy. 6Assistant Professor.

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synchronisation strategies for increasing thereproductive efficiency in dairy cattle.With thisobjective the present research work usingdifferent ovulation synchronisation protocolsviz., Ovsynch, Doublesynch, CIDR progesterone insert was conducted.

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted in 28lactating crossbred cows at University LivestockFarm, Mannuthy starting day 40 postpartum(day 0) in three experimental and one controlgroup comprising seven cows each.

Experimental animals of Group I(Ovsynch group) were administered Buserelinacetate, a Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone(GnRH) analogue, 20 µg intra muscular (i.m)on day 0 (Receptal®, Intervet, 10 ml vial)followed by Cloprostenol, a PGF2á analogue,500 µg i.m on day 7 (Cyclix®, Intervet, 2 mlvial) and a second dose of Buserelin acetate20 µg i.m on day 9.

Animals of Group II (Doublesynchgroup) were administered PGF2á analogueinjection on Day 0, GnRH analogue on Day 2,a second PGF2á analogue on Day 9 and asecond GnRH analogue on Day 11 at the samedose schedule and route mentioned in group I.

Animals of Group III (CIDR group)were inserted with CIDR intra vaginal device(1.38 g progesterone in elastic rubber moldedover a nylon spine, EAZI BREED®, Pfizer IndiaLtd) followed by administration of GnRHanalogue on Day 0. CIDR insert was removedand PGF2á analogue administered on Day 7and a second dose of GnRH analogue on Day9 at the same dose schedule and routementioned in group I.

TAI was performed 18 h after thesecond GnRH injection in all threeexperimental groups. Animals of Group IV(Control group) that showed natural oestrusafter 40 days postpartum were inseminatedat detected oestrus.

Pregnancy was confirmed in all thegroups 45 days post AI by rectal examination.Conception rate with respect of first serviceand overall conception rate were determined.The overall conception rate was calculated aspercentage of animals pregnant in threeconsecutive AI out of the number of animalstreated in each group.

Results and Discussion

The first service conception rate

observed in animals of experimental groups Ito III were 42.86, 28.57 and 42.86, respectivelyand the corresponding values in control groupIV was 28.57 per cent. The overall conceptionrate observed in this study in animals ofexperimental groups I to III were 71.43, 71.43and 85.71, respectively and the correspondingvalues in control group IV was 57.14 per cent.(Table). Statistical analysis revealed that nosignificant difference in the first service andoverall conception rates among groups.

The first service conception rate wassimilar in Groups I and III and higher whencompared with Group IV whereas the firstservice conception rate was similar in Group IIand Group IV. The overall conception rate washigher in group I, II and III and highest being ingroup III when compared with Group IV.

The first service conception rate of42.86 per cent obtained in the Ovsynch groupin present study concurred with the findingsVijayarajan et al. (2009) who reportedconception rate of 50 per cent in postpartumdairy cows. However, relatively higherconception rates of 55 to 90 per cent werereported in cows by Ansari et al. (2008) andSathiamoorthy and Kathirchelvan (2010). Onthe contrary, lower conception rates of 30 to 40per cent in cows were reported by Dagli et al.(2008) and Ghallab et al. (2009). The possiblereason for the variation could be thereproductive status or stage of oestrous cycleat the beginning of the protocol in addition tothe variations due to nutrition, management,lactation, drug, season, age, breed and species.

The first service conception rates of28.57 per cent obtained in Doublesynch groupconcurred with the findings of Cinar et al.(2012). However, higher conception rate of 71per cent was reported by Ozturk et al. (2010).

The conception rate of 42.86 per centobtained in the CIDR group in present studyconcurred with the findings of Sathiamoorthyand Kathirchelvan (2010) and Cevik et al.(2010) who reported 42.74 and 53.3 per centconception rate, respectively. Contrary to this,higher conception rates of 69 to 80 per centwere observed in dairy cows by Tauck et al.(2007) and Aali et al. (2008). However,Chenault et al. (2003) reported a relativelylower conception rate of 32.7 per cent wasrecorded in dairy cows.

The highest overall conception rateobtained in CIDR group concurred with the

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findings of Ammu et al. (2012) who reported83.33 per cent overall conception rates. El-Zarkouny et al. (2004); Stevenson et al. (2006)and Bollwein and Lüttgenau (2013) reportedimproved conception rates when CIDR wasincluded in the Ovsynch protocol. On thecontrary, Lima et al. (2009) reported nodifference in conception rates when CIDR wasincluded in the Ovsynch protocol. However,Galvao et al. (2004) reported reducedconception rate when CIDR was included inOvsynch protocol.

The overall conception rate of 71.43per cent obtained in Ovsynch group concurredwith the findings of Ammu et al. (2012) whoreported 66.66 per cent overall conceptionrate. On the contrary, lower overall conceptionrate of 35 to 50 per cent were reported inOvsynch group by Aali et al. (2008) and higheroverall conception rate of 90 percent wasrecorded by Muneer et al. (2009) in dairy cows.The overall conception rate of 71.43 per centobtained in Doublesynch group concurred withthe findings Ozturk et al. (2010) who reported72.8 per cent overall conception rate.

Thus, the results demonstrated thatthe CIDR progesterone insert protocol withhighest overall conception rate was superiorto Ovsynch and Doublesynch protocols whichindicated that inclusion of progesterone duringthe period between GnRH and PGF2á

prevented premature ovulation afterspontaneous luteolysis during the treatmentperiod in cows whose dominant follicles failedto respond to GnRH. However, Ovsynch andDoublesynch protocol had better overallconception rates than control.

Hence it is recommended thatovulation synchronisation protocols viz.,Ovsynch, Doublesynch CIDR can beeffectively employed for improving the fertilityin post partum dairy cows.


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Table. First service conception rates (%) and Overall conception rates (%) in postpartumcrossbred dairy cows treated with different ovulation synchronisation protocols

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