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VOL. 26NO. 11

See PROVOCACIONES on page 3See FAIL on page 3

See COLLUSION on page 3 See SCHROEDER on page 15

Japón y Rusia piden a Corea del Norte que cese sus provocaciones

Comey Confirms FBI Investigating Trump/ Russia Collusion

Schroeder announces run for Buffalo mayor

April/Abril 2017Vol. 28

The Art of the Fail: How Trump's health care bill died

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The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, publicly confirmed an investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election and whether associates of the president were in contact with Moscow.

Mr. Comey also said the F.B.I. had “no information” to support President Trumps allegation that Barack Obama wiretapped him.

The hearings featured witnesses: Mr. Comey and Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency.

The F.B.I. is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government — and whether there was any coordination, Mr. Comey said.

Mr. Comey said that it was unusual for

the F.B.I. to confirm or deny the existence of any investigations, but that in unusual circumstances when it is in the public

interest, the bureau will sometimes discuss such matters.

A week before Republicans unveiled their doomed healthcare bill, President Trump claimed that “nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”On Friday, barely a month later, Trump suffered a major political setback when his crusade to “repeal and replace” Obamacarecame crashing down — without even making it to a vote.

Here’s how it all went wrong for Trumpcare:

June 16: Trump announces he’s running for President, and declares, “We have to repeal Obamacare, and it can be — and — and it can be replaced with something

much better for everybody. Let it be for everybody, but much better and much less expensive for people and for the government. And we can do it.”It’s a promise he repeats throughout his

Los dos países acordaron en su primera reunión de este tipo en materia de seguridad desde 2013 pedir de manera conjunta al régimen de Kim Jong-un que pare sus provocaciones militares.

Tokio.- Los ministros de Exteriores y Defensa de Japón y Rusia acordaron hoy Tokio pedir de manera conjunta a Corea del Norte que cese sus provocaciones militares y que cumpla con las resoluciones de la ONU.

Durante una reunión, los ministros rusos de Exteriores y de Defensa, Serguéi Lavrov y Serguéi Shoigú, trataron con sus homólogos nipones, Fumio Kishida,

y Tomomi Inada, asuntos de seguridad regional como las tensiones en la península coreana.En este sentido, los dos países acordaron en su primera reunión de este tipo en

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- City of Buffalo Comptroller Mark Schroeder has officially announced he's running to become Buffalo's next mayor. Schroeder, a native Western New Yorker who's been gearing up for this announcement for months now, spoke Sunday afternoon at The Historic Lodge Event Center on Cazenovia St. in Buffalo.

Hundreds of people gathered for the speech.

Schroeder's two big phrases were "we can do better," and "don't count me out."

He spoke about increasing attendance at public schools and creating more education opportunities. In a Q and A with media, Schroeder said he supports Superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash's master plan for community schools, and that as comptroller, he's already helping Cash connect with banks.

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Norway The Happiest Place On Earth: Americans are getting sadderDeportes Page 21

El Libro Cuentos Y Versos De Puerto RicoBuffalo News Page 4


Explore Rio de Janeiro Brazil during CarnavalAl Panorama Page 5

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of AmericaRochester News Page 7

New Apple headquarters to have theater named for Steve JobsTech & Science News Page 10

Singing RocksBy Evelyn AlbinoIglesia En Accion Page 16

Agentes fronterizos revisan teléfonos móviles de viajerosMundo Latino Page 9

Constante aprender • Suave como el aguatu Reflejo Page 8

Lime-Cilantro Pork Tacos (Cocina Mexicana)Receta Page 11

Los Tres Cuentos De Trump • La Prensa No Es El EnemigoEditorial/ Letters Page 22

Dunkirk Lake Shore Air Show 2017 AnnouncementDunkirk News Page 8

PR’s Half-Hearted Stab at Fiscal Reform Threatens Future ProspectsMundo Latino Page 9

Buffalo LawyerNoemi FernandezConozca su Gente Pg.11

La Persecución De LatinosBuffalo News Page 4

Smurfs: the lost village – Los Pitufos: La aldea escondida Entretenimiento Page 13

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Read the rest of the article on our website at


Read the rest of the article on our website at

“This is one of those circumstances,” he said.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence effort, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 president election,” he continued, adding that the investigation included looking at whether associates of Mr. Trump were in contact with Russian officials, and whether they colluded with them.

Admiral Rogers made it clear that Russian efforts to interfere in democratic elections were not a one-off intrusion. They continue — now in Europe.

“We’ve seen some of the same things we’ve seen in the U.S. in terms of disinformation, fakes news,” he said.

President Trump, offering commentary on Twitter, put the best spin on it, noting that the witnesses did not say Russian hackers had changed vote tallies.

But Democrats clearly had the advantage, sending out campaign fundraising appeals as the hearing unspooled.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, responded: “The possibility of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials is a serious, serious matter. The investigation must be fair, independent, and impartial in every way, and the F.B.I. must be allowed to follow the facts wherever they may lead.”

Much of the questioning focused on the Trump confidante Roger J. Stone Jr. and his public bragging that he was in contact with the hacker Guccifer 2.0, believed to be a front for Russian intelligence officials. Mr. Comey would not confirm or deny the subject of the F.B.I.’s investigation, but Mr. Stone, never a shrinking violet, did speak up on Twitter.

Mr. Nunes did seek to bring Hillary Clinton’s campaign into the discussion about Russian election meddling.

“If this committee comes to you with information about Clinton campaign, will you add that to your investigation?,” Mr. Nunes asked Mr. Comey.

Mr. Comey said he was not prepared to comment on the particulars of contacts between Russians and any campaigns. But “if people bring us info,” he said, “we will evaluate it.”F.B.I. director says there’s ‘no information’ to support Trump wiretapping charge

Mr. Comey told the House Intelligence Committee, “We have no information to support” President Trump’s assertion on Twitter that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.

“We have no information to support those tweets,” Mr. Comey said, repeating moments later, “All I can tell you is that we have no information that supports them.”

The N.S.A. chief, Admiral Rogers, weighed in as well, saying that he had no knowledge of anyone asking the British or any other ally to wiretap Mr. Trump. That seemed to refute another claim made by the White House.

“I’ve seen nothing on the N.S.A. side that we engaged in such activity, nor that anyone engaged in such activity,” Admiral Rogers said.

He then explicitly denied having any indication that Mr. Trump was wiretapped by British intelligence at the request of Mr. Obama.

Comey revelation raises questions about Clinton email inquiry

Mr. Comey’s statement that the F.B.I. is investigating the Trump campaign is certain to raise comparisons to his disclosure in October that the bureau had discovered a new trove of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

“Some folks made one of a comparisons to past instances where the Justice Department and the F.B.I. has spoken about the details of some investigations,” Mr. Comey said. “Please keep in mind that those involved with the details of completed investigations. Our ability to share details with Congress and the American people is limited when those investigations are still open, which I hope makes sense. We need to protect people’s privacy. We needed to make sure we don’t get other people clues as to where we are going.”

Mr. Comey said that he had consulted the Justice Department about whether to disclose the existence of the investigation — something he had not done before he held a news conference in July to announce that there was not enough evidence to charge Mrs. Clinton with a crime.

Mr. Comey’s statements on Monday brought immediate criticism from Mrs. Clinton’s allies and former campaign officials. “In refusing to discuss an ongoing investigation, Director Comey is appropriately adhering to the Justice Department’s standards,” said Brian Fallon, the spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. “The question he has never satisfactorily answered is why he deviated from those standards so egregiously in Hillary Clinton’s case.”

Daniel C. Richman, a longtime confidant of Mr. Comey’s and a professor at Columbia University, defended Mr. Comey. “There is no fair comparison between announcing a material status change in an investigation that you publicly declared to be closed — in an announcement the public can be expected to rely on — and speaking about investigative moves, or non moves, in a covert national security investigation,” Mr. Richman said.

materia de seguridad desde 2013 pedir de manera conjunta al régimen de Kim Jong-un que pare sus provocaciones militares.

El ministro de Exteriores nipón apuntó en una rueda de prensa posterior al encuentro que Tokio y Moscú "reafirmaron" su demanda de que Corea del Norte acepte las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU que le prohíben el desarrollo de sus programas nuclear y de misiles.

El régimen norcoreano disparó el pasado 6 de marzo cuatro misiles de medio alcance a aguas japonesas lo que volvió a provocar la condena de la comunidad internacional.La reunión de hoy en Tokio sirvió además para acordar la visita el próximo abril a Rusia del primer ministro nipón, Shinzo Abe, donde se reunirá con el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, reveló Kishida durante la rueda de prensa.

Estas reuniones ministeriales "2+2" entre Tokio y Moscú no se celebraban desde el encuentro inaugural de noviembre de 2013 debido a la anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia en marzo del año siguiente, que enfrió las relaciones entre los dos países vecinos."Rusia y Japón necesitan hacer frente de manera conjunta a muchas amenazas comunes", dijo hoy el responsable de Defensa ruso antes de reunirse con su homóloga japonesa, en declaraciones recogidas por la agencia Kyodo.

Por su parte, Inada explicó que el encuentro "2+2" se celebra por primera vez desde 2013 debido a la actual "gravedad del ambiente de seguridad".

Otro de los asuntos que se puso sobre la mesa hoy fue el polémico despliegue por parte de Seúl y Washington del escudo antimisiles THAAD en territorio surcoreano, al que se oponen Pekín y Moscú.

En este sentido, el ministro de Exteriores ruso mostró su preocupación a la parte japonesa y aseguró que no se justifica por la amenaza de Corea del Norte, según recogió la agencia Kyodo.

Japón espera que la recuperación de esta formula de diálogo bilateral ayude a crear la atmósfera apropiada para resolver la disputa en torno a las islas Kuriles, bajo control de Moscú desde la rendición de Japón en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945.Este conflicto, que ha impedido que los dos países hayan firmado un tratado de paz, fue el protagonista de la cumbre que celebraron en Japón el pasado diciembre el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, y el primer ministro japonés, Shinzo Abe.

FAIL • from FRONT page

campaign, because Obamacare, he says, is a “disaster.”Sept. 26: Trump tells “60 Minutes” he is “going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Oct. 9: During a debate against Hillary Clinton, Trump said that, “Obamacare will never work. It’s very bad.“Obamacare is a total disaster,” he went on, promising to replace the ACA with “the finest healthcare plan there is.”

Jan. 20: On the same day as his inauguration, Trump optimistically signs an executive order directing agencies to begin preparing for the repeal of Obamacare.

March 6: The American Health Care Act is introduced by House Speaker Paul Ryan and his fellow Republicans.

March 7: Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price shows off two stacks of paper as a he attempts to sell the plan.

Asked if it should be called Trumpcare, Price responds: “I prefer to call it patient care.”

Sen. Schumer embraces the label as he blasts the bill: “Trumpcare will make health insurance in America measurably worse in just about every way and likely leave more Americans uninsured.”

Even conservative commentator Ann Coulter isn’t a fan.“Who wrote this piece of crap Obamacare replacement bill? Please be specific,” she tweets.

March 9: The bill is approved by House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Ways and Means Committee.

March 13: The Congressional Budget Office releases a report that finds the bill would cause 24 million Americans to lose their coverage, doubling the number of uninsured.

Monday: Leaders unveil several tweaks meant to appease moderate and conservative Republicans.

Tuesday: Trump begins to threaten GOPers not backing the legislation, reportedly telling lawmakers, “I honestly think many of you will lose your seats in 2018 if you don’t get this done.”Wednesday: White House press secretary Sean Spicer confidently calls Trump “the closer,” saying that the President is nearing the votes needed to pass the bill.Over the final 24 hours, with the bill on life support, and hardline conservatives still holding out, a desperate President Trump begs for a vote.

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Noticias de Buffalo¡Comunicado De Prensa Sobre El Libro Cuentos Y Versos De Puerto Rico!

¡El escritor MARCELO SANTIAGO COTTO natural del pueblo de Cidra, ha presentado recientemente el libro CUENTOS Y VERSOS DE PUERTO RICO! Una colección de cuentos históricos basados en acontecimientos poco conocidos por muchos puertorriqueños. Es el objetivo del autor dar a conocer esos sucesos que en su momento impactaron la vida de muchas personas. Algunos de ellos se relacionan con nuestra cultura, como el cuento titulado DE ARROZ Y DE MASA, que nos presenta la historia de una mujer que se ganaba la vida vendiendo pasteles de arroz y de masa en una de las estaciones del antiguo tren que había en Puerto Rico.

Otros narran sucesos históricos tristes, paginas negras en nuestra historia que yacen sepultadas en algunos libros pero que no se mencionan en las escuelas de nuestro país. Ese es el caso del cuento titulado LA TRAGEDIA DEL DOMINGO DE RAMOS que narra el sufrimiento de una joven llamada Cecilia, quien fue testigo ocular de una masacre donde fueron asesinados su hermanita y su prometido.

El cuento EL CAMINANTE INCOGNITO, en cambio nos deja ver el valor de la resignación y el espíritu de lucha para enfrentar los desafíos de la vida con optimismo y valor. El Caminante era un hombre humilde que se enfrentaba al reto de cuidar de su familia en un ambiente de injusticia social y pobreza extrema. Pero un día, inesperadamente su vida toma un giro distinto cuando El decide, movido por la compasión, compartir su pan con una ancianita que vivía sola. ¡El mensaje alentador de este cuento nos prepara para enfrentar la crisis venidera que va a llegar pronto a nuestro país!

Es interesante mencionar que el formato del libro CUENTOS Y VERSOS es especial. No solo nos presenta el cuento, sino que al final hay una sección titulada DATOS HISTORICOS donde el autor nos deja ver los hechos reales en los cuales se basa el cuento. De esta manera, nos entretenemos al leer el cuento pero también nos educamos al considerar la realidad histórica. ¡Y así se cumple la meta del autor, que es entretener mediante lectura amena y educar al lector y hacerlo reflexionar sobre los sucesos pasados que afectan nuestra vida presente!

Por último, como un adorno sublime para los cuentos aparece un poema conmovedor y fotos históricas que nos permiten viajar al pasado en nuestra mente mientras disfrutamos de la lectura del libro CUENTOS Y VERSOS DE PUERTO RICO!

¡Por este medio exhortamos a los amantes de la lectura a apoyar este proyecto literario que enaltece nuestra cultura! Al hacerlo así, promovemos la literatura nativa de P.R. que es la imagen sublime de nuestro Pueblo ante la Humanidad!

*El libro está disponible por ahora en formato digital o ebook. (Más adelante se ha de publicar en papel) Para ordenar on line acceda a AMAZON.COM O a través del autor: [email protected] --- tel. 787-295-2771.

The Persecution of Latinos

By Maximilian EyleAccording to the ACLU, black and Latino people are nearly four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than their white counterparts. In New York City, 87% of those arrested for marijuana were black or Latino. This is particularly shocking given that marijuana use among blacks, Latinos, and whites is approximately equal. As Michelle Alexander wrote in her book The New Jim Crow (2010), these laws are part of a system of institutional discrimination that greatly affects minority communities throughout America.

To understand the significance of these statistics we have to consider what the impact of a marijuana arrest is. Many people experiment with marijuana as youths, but those who are arrested for it will experience the consequences of this arrest for the rest of their lives. The overwhelming majority of those arrested for marijuana are under the age of 30. Consider the 18 year old who is convicted of a marijuana charge. Even if he does not go to prison, he will have this on his criminal record. Anyone who has filled out a job application knows that they ask if you have been convicted of a crime. For the rest of his life, this person will now have a great barrier to finding employment and leading a productive life.

Depending on the level of the conviction, a marijuana charge can disqualify the person from being eligible for college loans, public housing, and many other opportunities. The system of marijuana prohibition has made it nearly impossible for this youth to move on with his life. Instead of rehabilitating him, these restrictions will encourage him to enter a life of crime.

In addition to the social costs of persecuting these young members of the black and Latino communities, marijuana prohibition creates great fiscal costs for the government. In New York State, it costs $60,000 per year to keep an inmate in prison. In New York City, the figure is three times that. Is it worth spending so many of

our tax dollars keeping a marijuana user in prison when our roads and bridges are falling apart? Especially since these laws have done nothing to lower the use of marijuana? States like Colorado and Washington that have legalized, regulated, and taxed marijuana for adult use have avoided these social problems and financial costs while also raising money for their state through marijuana taxation.

In the State of New York, we could raise an estimated $650 million dollars in tax revenue per year off of legal marijuana sales and create as many as 100,000 new jobs. Ending marijuana arrests would also save us over $1 billion per year in criminal justice costs. We should consider this more productive approach to drug policy instead of filling our prisons and wasting our tax dollars.

La Persecución De Latinos

Por Maximilian EyleSegún a la ACLU (Unión Estadounidense por las Libertades Civiles), la gente negra e latina son casi cuatro veces más probable estar detenido por la posesión de marihuana que sus colegas blancas. En la Ciudad de Nueva York, 87% de la gente detenida por marihuana son negros o latinos. Es particularmente escandaloso porque el uso de marihuana entre negros, hispánicos, y blancos es más o menos igual. Como escribió Michelle Alexander en su libro El Nuevo Jim Crow (2010), esas leyes son un parte de un sistema de discriminación institucional que afecta mucho las comunidades minorías en América.

Para entender la significancia de estas estadísticas, tenemos que considerar el impacto de una detención de marihuana. Hay mucha gente que experimenta con marihuana durante los años de juventud, pero los que están detenidos sufrirán las consecuencias para el resto de sus vidas. La gran mayoría de los que se han detenido por marihuana tiene menos que treinta años. Considera la persona con 18 años que está condenada por una carga de marihuana. Aún si no va a la cárcel, tendrá esta carga en sus antecedentes penales. Cualquiera que ha entregado una aplicación para trabajar sabe que se pregunta si ha estado detenido. Para el resto de su vida, esta persona tendrá un obstáculo grande conseguir trabajo y una vida productiva. Dependiente del nivel de la condena, una carga de marihuana puede descalificar a la persona de recibir becas académicas, alojamiento público, y otras oportunidades importantes. Porque del sistema de la prohibición de marihuana, es casi imposible que este joven siga adelante con su vida. En lugar de rehabilitación, estas restricciones le esforzarán entrar una vida de crimen.

Además de los costos sociales de perseguir esos miembros jóvenes de las comunidades negras y latinas, la prohibición de marihuana crea un gran costo económico para el gobierno. En el Estado de Nueva York, cuesta $60,000 cada año mantener una persona en la cárcel. En la Ciudad de Nueva York, cuesta tres veces más. ¿Vale la pena gastar tanto dinero de nuestros impuestos para encarcelar un fumador de marihuana mientras nuestras calles y puentes están estropeados? ¿Especialmente porque esas leyes no han hecho nada para bajar el uso general de marihuana? Los estados como Colorado y Washington que se han legalizado, regulado, y cobrado impuestos sobre las ventas de marihuana se han evitado esos problemas sociales y económicos. A la misma vez, esos estados han ganado mucho dinero por los impuestos. En el Estado de Nueva York, podríamos ganar $650 millón de dólares en impuestos cada año por las ventas legales de marihuana y crear 100,000 trabajos nuevos. Si dejásemos de detener a las personas por marihuana, nos guardaría más que $1 billón de dólares cada año por los costos de justicia criminal también. Debemos considerar esta estrategia en lugar de llenándose nuestras cárceles y gastando nuestro dinero.

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Al Panorama: viajes y másIn this South America adventure, Panorama Hispano News explores Rio de Janeiro Brazil during Carnaval and the colonial town of Paraty.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Marzo es un mes de festivales en todos los países latinos y muchos más en el mundo, pero se puede decir que no hay un lugar tan especial como la ciudad de Rio de janeiro, donde se celebra la gran fiesta de Carnaval.

El equipo de Panorama Hispano News exploro países de Sudamérica y aquí empezamos en Rio de Janeiro- Brasil, donde se disfrutan de sus grandes playas, sus montañas, centros culturales y su gente “carioca” que disfrutan día a día de la vida.

March is a month of festivals in all Latin countries and many more in the world, but you can tell that there is such a special place as the city of Rio de Janeiro, where the great celebration of Carnival is celebrated.

Panorama Hispano News team explored this time south America and we started in Rio de Janeiro where you can enjoy its great beaches, mountains, cultural centers and "carioca" people who enjoy every day of life.

El carnaval de Rio de Janeiro es uno de los carnavales más importantes y famosos del mundo, aquí las escuelas de samba compiten cada año para ganar el premio mayor basado en la historia temática y la imaginación de los trajes y carros alegóricos adornados con el mensaje de acuerdo a su tema.

Durante el carnaval las escuelas de la segunda división compiten el viernes y sábado, y la escuela ganadora pasa a la primera división de las 12 mejores escuelas de samba. Domingo y lunes compiten las 12 mejores escuelas de samba a las cuales muestran lo mejor y las 6 escuelas de samba ganadoras pasan a desfilar una vez más la semana siguiente, la cual es llamada el desfile de Oro.

Río de Janeiro es una enorme ciudad costera en Brasil, famosa por sus playas de Copacabana e Ipanema, la estatua del Cristo Redentor de 38m en el Monte Corcovado y para la Montaña de Pan de Azúcar, un pico de granito con teleféricos hasta su cumbre. La ciudad también es conocida por sus favelas extensas. Su estridente festival de carnaval, con carros alegóricos, trajes extravagantes y bailarines de samba, es considerado el más grande del mundo.

Rio de Janeiro is a huge coastal city in Brazil, famous for its beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, the statue of Christ the Redeemer of 38m on Mount Corcovado and the Mountain sugar loaf, a granite peak with cable cars to its summit. The city is also known for its extensive favelas. Its raucous carnival festival, with floats, extravagant costumes and samba dancers, is considered the largest in the world.

Uruguay is a South American country known for its verdant interior and beach-lined coast. The capital, Montevideo, revolves around Plaza Independencia, once home to a Spanish citadel. It leads to Ciudad Vieja (Old City), with art deco buildings, colonial homes and Mercado del Puerto, an old port market with many steakhouses. La Rambla, a waterfront promenade, passes fish stalls, piers and parks.

Paraty, brasil.

El equipo de Panorama hispano news exploro la ciudad de Paraty en Brasil. Ubicado entre penínsulas y playas aisladas, con un telón de fondo de montañas escarpadas que se hunden en una bahía llena de islas, Paraty es uno de los destinos más atractivos de Brasil.

El centro colonial de Paraty es notable no sólo por su exquisitamente conservada arquitectura centenaria, sino también por su falta de tráfico automovilístico. Las calles adoquinadas irregulares están cerradas a los vehículos de motor, por lo que es un lugar encantador para pasear. Elegantes edificios blancos adornados con fantásticas bordes multicolores y ventanas enrejadas se mezclan armoniosamente con la belleza natural que envuelve la ciudad.

Decenas de prístinas playas están a un par de horas de Paraty en barco o autobús, mientras que en el interior, el Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina protege un exuberante remanente de Mata Atlântica. El gobierno brasileño reconoce a Paraty como lugar histórico nacional desde 1966.

Paraty está llena y animada durante las vacaciones de verano, repleta de vacacionistas brasileños y europeos. El sabor cosmopolita de la ciudad se ve reforzado por el gran número de artistas, escritores y cocineros, tanto brasileños como extranjeros, que se han establecido aquí y han abierto tiendas, galerías y restaurantes.

The team felt that it was important to highlight the city of Paraty in Brazil. Set amid jutting peninsulas and secluded beaches, with a backdrop of steep, jungled mountains plunging into an island-studded bay, Paraty is one of Brazil’s most appealing destinations.

Paraty’s colonial center is remarkable not only for its exquisitely preserved, centuries-old architecture, but also for its lack of automobile traffic. The irregular cobblestone streets are closed to motor vehicles, making it a delightful place to stroll about. Elegant white buildings adorned with fanciful multihued borders and latticed windows blend harmoniously with the natural beauty that envelops the town.

Dozens of pristine beaches are within a couple of hours of Paraty by boat or bus, while inland, the Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina provides protection for a lush remnant of Mata Atlântica (Atlantic rainforest). The Brazilian government has recognized Paraty as a National Historic Site since 1966.

Paraty is crowded and lively throughout the summer holidays, brimming with Brazilian and European vacationers. The town’s cosmopolitan flavor is further enhanced by the large number of artists, writers and chefs, both Brazilian and foreign, who have settled here and opened shops, galleries and restaurants.

The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important and famous carnivals in the world, here the samba schools compete each year to win the jackpot based on the theme history and imagination costumes and floats adorned with the message According to its theme.

During Carnival, the second division schools compete on Friday and Saturday, and the winning school moves to the top division of the 12 best samba schools. Sunday and Monday the top 12 competing samba schools which show the best and 6 winning samba schools parade pass again the following week, which is called the Golden Parade.

Santos, Brazil

Hoy en día, Santos Brasil es recreo playero de Sao Paulo. Las mujeres en bikinis de tanga minúscula y los hombres en speedos gozando de las playas arenosas anchas, y solamente a cuarenta y nueve millas de la ciudad más grande de Brasil. Pocos guías incluso mencionan a Santos excepto como puerto de cruceros, sin embargo, esta bulliciosa ciudad de playas llenas de vida ofrece una fascinante visión de la cultura del café de Brasil.

Fundada en 1535 por los portugueses, Santos fue la principal puerta de entrada para millones de inmigrantes, muchos de los cuales llegaron a trabajar en las plantaciones de café. Después de abolir la esclavitud, el gobierno se asoció con los productores para ofrecer el paso libre de Europa. Más de 900.000 italianos se inscribieron y más tarde chino y japonés se unieron a la fuerza de trabajo.

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Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of AmericaThe rise of "alternative facts," and opinions replacing science and real facts

There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.Susan Jacoby, author of The Age of American Unreason, says in an article in the Washington Post, "Dumbness, to paraphrase the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been steadily defined downward for several decades, by a combination of heretofore irresistible forces. These include the triumph of video culture over print culture; a disjunction between Americans' rising level of formal education and their shaky grasp of basic geography, science and history; and the fusion of anti-rationalism with anti-intellectualism."

There has been a long tradition of anti-intellectualism in America, unlike most other Western countries. Richard Hofstadter, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1964 for his book, Anti-Intellectualism In American Life, describes how the vast underlying foundations of anti-elite, anti-reason and anti-science have been infused into America’s political and social fabric. Famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov once said: "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

Mark Bauerlein, in his book, The Dumbest Generation, reveals how a whole generation of youth is being dumbed down by their aversion to reading anything of substance and their addiction to digital "crap" via social media.Journalist Charles Pierce, author of Idiot America, adds another perspective: “The rise of idiot America today represents--for profit mainly, but also and more cynically, for political advantage in the pursuit of power--the breakdown of a consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people whom we should trust the least are the people who best know what they are talking about. In the new media age, everybody is an expert.”

“There’s a pervasive suspicion of rights, privileges, knowledge and specialization,” says Catherine Liu, the author of American Idyll: Academic Antielitism as Cultural Critique and a film and media studies professor at University of California. The very mission of universities has changed, argues Liu. “We don’t educate people anymore. We train them to get jobs.”

Part of the reason for the rising anti-intellectualism can be found in the declining state of education in the U.S. compared to other advanced countries:

◦ After leading the world for decades in 25-34 year olds with university degrees, the U.S. is now in 12th place. The World Economic Forum ranked the U.S. at 52nd among 139 nations in the quality of its university math and science instruction in 2010. Nearly 50% of all graduate students in the sciences in the U.S. are foreigners, most of whom are returning to their home countries; ◦ The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs commissioned a civic education poll among public school students. A surprising 77% didn't know that George Washington was the first President; couldn't name Thomas Jefferson as the author of the Declaration of Independence; and only 2.8% of the students actually passed the citizenship test. Along similar lines, the Goldwater Institute of Phoenix did the same survey and only 3.5% of students passed the civics test; ◦ According to the National Research Council report, only 28% of high school science teachers consistently follow the National Research Council guidelines on teaching evolution, and 13% of those teachers explicitly advocate creationism or "intelligent design;" ◦ 18% of Americans still believe that the sun revolves around the earth, according to a Gallup poll;

◦ The American Association of State Colleges and Universities report on education shows that the U.S. ranks second among all nations in the proportion of the population aged 35-64 with a college degree, but 19th in the percentage of those aged 25-34 with an associate or high school diploma, which means that for the first time, the educational attainment of young people will be lower than their parents;

◦ 74% of Republicans in the U.S. Senate and 53% in the House of Representatives deny the validity of climate change despite the findings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and every other significant scientific organization in the world;

◦ According to the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress, 68% of public school children in the U.S. do not read proficiently by the time they finish third grade. And the U.S. News &

World reported that barely 50% of students are ready for college level reading when they graduate;

◦ According to a 2006 survey by National Geographic-Roper, nearly half of Americans between ages 18 and 24 do not think it necessary to know the location of other countries in which important news is being made. More than a third consider it "not at all important" to know a foreign language, and only 14 percent consider it "very important;"

◦ According to the National Endowment for the Arts report in 1982, 82% of college graduates read novels or poems for pleasure; two decades later only 67% did. And more than 40% of Americans under 44 did not read a single book--fiction or nonfiction--over the course of a year. The proportion of 17 year olds who read nothing (unless required by school ) has doubled between 1984-2004;

◦ Gallup released a poll indicating 42 percent of Americans still believe God created human beings in their present form less than 10,000 years ago;A 2008 University of Texas study found that 25 percent of public school biology teachers believe that humans and dinosaurs inhabited the earth simultaneously.In American schools, the culture exalts the athlete and good-looking cheerleader. Well-educated and intellectual students are commonly referred to in public schools and the media as "nerds," "dweebs," "dorks," and "geeks," and are relentlessly harassed and even assaulted by the more popular "jocks" for openly displaying any intellect. These anti-intellectual attitudes are not reflected in students in most European or Asian countries, whose educational levels have now equaled and and will surpass that of the U.S. And most TV shows or movies such as The Big Bang Theory depict intellectuals as being geeks if not effeminate.

John W. Traphagan ,Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Texas, argues the problem is that Asian countries have core cultural values that are more akin to a cult of intelligence and education than a cult of ignorance and anti-intellectualism. In Japan, for example, teachers are held in high esteem and normally viewed as among the most important members of a community. There is suspicion and even disdain for the work of teachers that occurs in the U.S. Teachers in Japan typically are paid significantly more than their peers in the U.S. The profession of teaching is one that is seen as being of central value in Japanese society and those who choose that profession are well compensated in terms of salary, pension, and respect for their knowledge and their efforts on behalf of children.

In addition, we do not see in Japan significant numbers of the types of religious schools that are designed to shield children from knowledge about basic tenets of science and accepted understandings of history--such as evolutionary theory or the religious views of the Founding Fathers, who were largely deists--which are essential to having a fundamental understanding of the world, Traphagan contends. The reason for this is because in general Japanese value education, value the work of intellectuals, and see a well-educated public with a basic common knowledge in areas of scientific fact, math, history, literature, etc. as being an essential foundation to a successful democracy.

We’re creating a world of dummies. Angry dummies who feel they have the right, the authority and the need not only to comment on everything, but to make sure their voice is heard above the rest, and to drag down any opposing views through personal attacks, loud repetition and confrontation.


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Noticias de Dunkirk Tu ReflejoDunkirk Lake Shore Air Show 2017 Announcement

Residents and visitors who were wowed last year by the first air show in 50 years are in for a treat — the city of Dunkirk, along with its partners and sponsors, have announced the second annual Dunkirk-Lake Shore Air Show, planned for July 1 and 2 at 1 p.m. each day.At a special press conference Wednesday in city hall, Mayor Wilfred Rosas and Dunkirk Festivals and Special Events Coordinator shared the big news. Not only will a show be planned for this summer, but it will be bigger and better, even, than last year’s show.

“We are enthused and thrilled to be able to present to you (plans for) our second annual Dunkirk-Lake Shore Air Show for 2017,” said Mayor Rosas.“There’s a lot of excitement with reference to our air show that we’re planning again this year,” said the mayor. “This will be our second air show here in 50 years, so we’re very proud to be able to present this event.” Said Mayor Rosas.

“There’s a lot of excitement here in the city,” the mayor said. “We have different acts, different pilots coming this year.”Mayor Rosas shared that the air show last year brought in “upwards of 30,000 people to Dunkirk over the weekend, and when you include the July 4th celebration, that’s 45,000 people here, which would equal a $3 million economic boon to this area.”

He explained that the city is also working with Chautauqua County, thanking County Executive Vince Horrigan and the Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency; the State University of New York at Fredonia, which supplies parking and lodging for the amazing pilots; the Chautauqua County Fairgrounds and its administration, for more off-site parking; and APG Sound, which sets up the speakers for the event and more.Plus, a new feature will be added this year to make the show more enjoyable for those up close and farther away.

“APG sound will do something completely different (this year) when it comes to the sound technology. … They’ll set up the whole perimeter of the show line and that will be from Main Street on Lakefront Boulevard to Serval Street. That will all be covered with speakers,” Mayor Rosas stated. “This will be then tied in to a live feed (remotely) to WDOE and 94.9 FM/1410 AM for any of the boaters (out on Lake Erie) or anyone at home.”The live radio feed will allow those who sit farther away, or even those at home, to listen to not only the emcees for the event, but to the pilots’ commentary.The city arranged this due to feedback they received about last year’s show; everyone loved it, but some couldn’t hear the speakers.

“That’s something we’ve added this year that we’re very proud of,” he said.This year’s show will once again include crowd favorites the Misty Blues, an all-female parachuting team; Gordon Price, a 76-year-old veteran F-104 fighter pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force and National Aerobatic Champion title holder; Rick Volker, whose flying skills are well known near and far; Scooter Yoak and his “Quick Silver” P-51; Jim Tobul and the “Korean War Hero” F4U-4 Corsair; a wingwalker, and several other acts. There will be a special tribute to the “Class of 1945” that veterans, their loved ones, and those who value their freedom won’t want to miss.

Bjurlin and Nalbone have been working hard to secure other nationally famous acts, too, with Bjurlin traveling from Canada to Las Vegas to meet the stars of aerobatics and talk to them about the show back home. To their surprise, many of them had already heard about Dunkirk’s first-class event, and were eager to sign on. In fact, the show this year will be almost twice as long as last year’s. Get there early for a seat along the new seawall, close to Leming Street, to be in “Show Central!”There will once again be live music, food trucks, vendors, and much more.More acts will be announced soon! Those interested in sponsoring may contact Hector Rosas at [email protected] or 366-9877.

For more information, search “Dunkirk-Lake Shore Air Show 2017” on Facebook, and see clips from last year’s show on YouTube — including Gordon Price’s footage, shot from up in the air using a GoPro camera! (Search “Dunkirk NY 2 July 2016.”)As always, the city will hold a fireworks show on July 4, with festivities and food vendors in Memorial Park. The Rotary Club’s “Fly-in Breakfast” will be held July 9 at the Dunkirk Airport, where visitors can see vintage aircraft on display and enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes, eggs, sausage, fresh juice and coffee

Great Lakes Experience Festival still seeking SponsorsA popular waterfront event is returning this June to Dunkirk.

For the fourth time in five years, the Great Lakes Experience will be part of the city’s upcoming events for the spring and summer months. The event is to take place at the city-owned lot between the Clarion Hotel and Tim Hortons from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 17.“The festival targets all members of the community — young and old, avid fishermen and those attempting their first cast,” said Hector Rosas, special events and Dunkirk Festivals coordinator.

In addition to the festival, which is presented in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the Lower Great Lakes Region, there also will be fishing for youth at the site in the hours preceding the event.“Every year, the Great Lakes Experience invites local wildlife and environmental organizations to participate in the festival,” Rosas said. “Each of these groups has a tent with a display that represents their organization’s mission and purpose. … The festival includes many activities and demonstrations that draw the interest of young and old alike.”

The first Great Lakes Experience was held in Memorial Park in 2013 and the event continued through 2015. In all, more than 6,500 people attended the three events, which included a number of exhibits focusing on the lake, fish, birds and even the Buffalo Zoomobile.For those seeking more information — or who would like to help sponsor the event, call the city of Dunkirk at 366-9877.

Constante aprenderSer humilde precisamente no es decirlo, sino demostrarlo con creces... Por otro lado, analizando el camino de la vida a mi alrededor, me he dado cuenta de que en la vida todos vivimos situaciones difíciles, otras más difíciles que otras, pero hay algo en común en todas... la fuerza de voluntad.

Para salir de una situación difícil se necesita positivismo y ganas de salir adelante y luchar. La variación aquí será el ímpetu que se le ponga para enfrentar cierta situación, pero el positivismo es el mismo. Es por eso que a las personas que están enfrentando diferentes problemas en su vida, algunos con consuelo, otros sin ninguno, pues les digo que toda situación por más difícil que sea es pasajera y debemos llenarnos de valentía y sobrellevarla con calma.

Todo pasará... son situaciones que por alguna razón debemos afrontar y por peor que sea la situación tiene su propósito. Mucha fe, fortaleza y mirando hacia adelante con la frente bien en alto. Todo pasará. Todo es un constante aprender, pues no hay nadie que haya vivido lo suficiente para saberlo todo en la vida, sólo hay que vivir, absorber y continuar hasta que nos llegue el turno de irnos.

Suave como el aguaLa gente piensa que el ser humilde, caritativo, bueno, es señal de debilidad. Lo que ellos no ven es que liviana y suave es el agua mas sin embargo su poder es catastrófico. ¿Acaso el mar no es agua? ¿Acaso los ríos y lagos no son agua? ¿Acaso la lluvia no es agua? Todos los antes mencionados causan estragos y muerte en fenómenos atmosféricos... Se han llevado millones de vidas...¿Quien lo diría? ¡Sólo es agua!

Nunca te dejes llevar por las apariencias. Lo que es suave y tierno no es sinónimo de debilidad, al contrario, es sinónimo de poder.

Con cautela, paciencia y en silencio es que una simple gota hace un hoyo en la roca...

Tus decisiones marcan tu camino¿Has contemplado alguna vez un árbol con detenimiento? Si reparas en la estructura de un árbol cualquiera, estarás viendo algo que por siglos ha llamado la atención de los filósofos. El símbolo del árbol ha sido usado desde siempre para representar la vida humana, la manera en que el hombre recorre el camino que va desde el nacimiento hasta la muerte. La manera en el que el árbol va creciendo, en que va acrecentando la cantidad de sus ramas a medida que se hace más y más grande, es la perfecta representación de la forma en que transcurre la vida del hombre.

Cada rama nueva que se agrega a las que ya tiene un árbol, procede de una rama que ya existía pero tiene una orientación diferente. Cada yema hace que una rama nueva crezca en una dirección distinta de la que tenía la rama donde creció el brote. Si pensamos en las infinitas posibilidades de desarrollarse que tiene la vida de una persona, encontramos la misma estructura que existe en las ramas de un árbol.

En cada momento de tu vida, lo que pasará en el momento siguiente no está predeterminado. Estás saliendo de un edificio; te encuentras en la puerta, encarando la calle. ¿Qué dirección tomarás? ¿Irás hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha, o cruzarás rectamente la calle hasta la acera de enfrente? Tal vez tengas perfectamente claro hacia dónde debes ir, tal vez vaciles un momento antes de tomar una dirección u otra.

Lo que hagas en una situación determinada es siempre el producto de una decisión que tú tomas. Muchas cosas influyen en esa decisión, pero, antes que todo, existen dos grandes grupos: lo que has hecho antes y lo que piensas hacer después. Lo que has vivido hasta el momento condiciona lo que harás en el momento presente. Si estás cursando una carrera universitaria relacionada con la medicina, no es probable que te encamines hacia la Facultad de Derecho. Si el único deporte que has practicado es el baloncesto, no sería de esperar que te encamines hacia una cancha de golf. Los pasos que has dado anteriormente están condicionando en gran medida los que vas a dar después.

Pero, por otro lado, también existe un futuro. Tenemos expectativas de futuro, esperamos algo del porvenir. Esto también afecta lo que vamos a hacer. Si estás estudiando, es porque te has hecho una imagen de lo que esperas llegar a ser en el futuro: un profesional de la medicina, una persona dedicada a aliviar el dolor de los demás. Los planes que tengas para tu futuro están guiando los pasos que das en el presente. Has tomado una decisión, has dicho: esto es lo que quiero llegar a ser.

Así como en este ejemplo del estudio de una carrera, en todos los aconteceres de nuestra vida se aplica el mismo principio: siempre lo que haces es el resultado de una decisión que tú has adoptado. A veces esa decisión se produce casi instantáneamente, a veces cuesta mucho tiempo llegar a ella. Cuando nos cuesta más de lo común, es cuando nos damos cuenta de que estamos decidiendo algo. En otros casos, apenas planteada la disyuntiva entre hacer esto o lo otro, ya sabemos qué es lo que queremos hacer. Pero siempre existe la decisión y siempre eres tú el que decide.

En ocasiones dejamos que sea alguna otra persona la que tome la decisión por nosotros, pero esto es también una decisión: es la decisión de no decidir, de dejar que otro tome las riendas de tu vida. Esto puede ser necesario en ciertas ocasiones, cuando no se tiene la suficiente información sobre el tema en cuestión. Toda decisión se basa en la información que disponemos en el momento de decidir, y toda decisión es, como máximo, tan buena como la información en la que nos basamos. Si, para un caso determinado, consideras que otra persona sabe más que tú sobre el tema, puede ser adecuado seguir el consejo de esa persona. Nadie puede saber de todo, y por eso es conveniente dejarse asesorar por aquél que sabe más que uno. Si tienes una enfermedad y el médico que te atiende opina que es necesaria una operación, tal vez lo más adecuado sea hacerle caso.

Donde nunca hay que dejar que otro tome las decisiones que a ti te competen, es en los grandes asuntos de tu vida, como ser por ejemplo la elección de una carrera, un trabajo o un cónyuge. En estas circunstancias no vale eso de otro puede saber más que tú, sea quien sea: tus padres, hermanos, amigos o profesores. Si no dispones de la información necesaria, debes dedicar todo el tiempo que sea necesario para adquirirla. Es la calidad de tu vida la que está en juego, y el asunto merece que te tomes todo el tiempo que precises para llegar a una decisión con la que tú, internamente, estés satisfecho. Recuerda que al único que debes rendirle cuenta es a tu propio yo interior, dado que nadie más que tú va a vivir tu vida

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Agentes fronterizos revisan teléfonos móviles de viajeros: NBCLa Oficina de Aduanas constata que los viajeros afectados por la revisión son mínimos

WASHINGTON .- Los agentes fronterizos de Estados Unidos están pidiendo a los viajeros acceso a sus teléfonos móviles para revisar redes sociales, correos electrónicos, mensajes de texto, fotografías y vídeos, según un informó hoy la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP).

Esta estrategia, de la que informó inicialmente NBC, afirma que las autoridades han adoptado técnicas más agresivas en los últimos dos años debido a algunos incidentes registrados en 2015 y 2016, cuando el FBI y otras agencias gubernamentales no lograron detener a ciudadanos estadounidenses, potencialmente peligrosos.

Durante el año fiscal 2016, 23 mil 877 viajeros fueron sujetos a requisas de sus dispositivos electrónicos, una cifra cinco veces mayor a la registrada durante el período anterior, cuando fueron 4.764.

Pese a ese aumento, la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza constató que los viajeros afectados por este tipo de inspecciones en 2016 fue del 0.0012 % de todas las entradas, alrededor de 390 millones.

“Las inspecciones de dispositivos electrónicos de la CBP han resultado en detenciones por pornografía infantil, pruebas para combatir la actividad terrorista, violaciones de controles de exportación, condenas por violaciones de derechos de propiedad intelectual y descubrimientos de fraude de visados”, apuntó el cuerpo.

Aunque la CBP no aportó datos sobre la nacionalidad de los afectados, 23 de las 25 inspecciones a viajeros utilizadas por NBC para su investigación fueron a ciudadanos estadounidenses.

En los aeropuertos estadounidenses y en los puntos de control por tierra, los agentes fronterizos piden a los viajeros que les entreguen sus teléfonos móviles, los desbloqueen y les digan las contraseñas de sus redes sociales para poder examinar su contenido.

La CBP alertó que la falta de colaboración con los agentes “puede resultar en la detención y/o confiscación del dispositivo electrónico”.

Entre los viajeros afectados figura una pareja de Buffalo (Nueva York) que fue detenida el 1 de enero bajo el Gobierno del entonces presidente, Barack Obama, y antes de que Donald Trump le sucediera en la Casa Blanca el pasado 20 de ese mes.

La pareja, Akram Shibly y Kelly McCormick, volvía de un viaje a Toronto (Canadá) y supuestamente fueron detenidos durante dos horas y obligados a dar a los agentes las contraseñas de sus teléfonos y de sus redes sociales.

El secretario de Seguridad Nacional, John Kelly, ya indicó el mes pasado que los viajeros que traten de entrar a Estados Unidos podrían tener que entregar las contraseñas de sus redes sociales a los agentes fronterizos, una medida que englobó en los intentos del Gobierno por reforzar la seguridad fronteriza.

Esta idea ha generado tensión con grupos defensores de la privacidad de los estadounidenses e, incluso, con legisladores como el senador demócrata por Oregón, Ron Wyden.

De hecho, Wyden ya ha presentado en el Congreso una propuesta de ley para obligar a los agentes fronterizos a obtener una orden de registro antes de indagar en los dispositivos electrónicos de los individuos que tratan de entrar a Estados Unidos.

Puerto Rico’s Half-Hearted Stab at Fiscal Reform Threatens the Island’s Long-Term ProspectsBy: ike-brannon

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello and Federal Oversight Board Chairman Jose Carrion III will be in Washington this week to testify before Congress on the progress the Commonwealth has made since President Obama signed The Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) into law last summer. At the time, the press heralded the legislation as a bipartisan achievement and a legislative victory for House Speaker Paul Ryan, but that declaration of victory is beginning to appear a bit premature.

Eight months later, and six weeks before the bill’s stay on litigation expires, Governor Rossello and Chairman Carrion are expected to put forth a rosy picture of the situation on the status of PROMESA. However, it’s clear that the island’s government is headed in the wrong direction, precisely because the Commonwealth has failed to adhere to the tenets of the law.

The intent of PROMESA was to help Puerto Rico resume economic growth and achieve fiscal solvency after a decade of recession and budget deficits. Once that occurred the next goal was the eventual return to capital markets: since its default on general obligation bonds—which the island’s constitution explicitly guarantees—Puerto Rico has been shut off from capital markets.

PROMESA attempted to facilitate negotiations with the island’s many creditor groups. One way it did so was by imposing a stay on any litigation related to the island’s default on its secured bond payments. The stay expires on May 1st. It also created a court-supervised debt restructuring mechanism under Title III of the Act, which congressional leaders and the Oversight Board intended to be used only if negotiations with creditors prove fruitless.

Unfortunately, the current creditor negotiations have been fruitless, and by all appearances the Puerto Rican government intends to pursue Title III come May, which would jeopardize the Commonwealth’s ability to access the markets for years to come. There are several reasons the situation has reached this point:

There has yet to be any serious negotiations with creditors. Congress clearly intended for Puerto Rico to negotiate with creditors in good faith under Title VI, but this has not occurred—in fact, the Commonwealth asked Congress to extend the stay on litigation even though Puerto Rico has not even begun negotiating with its creditors.

The fiscal plan certified by the Oversight Board last week violates PROMESA. Section 201 of PROMESA avers that the fiscal plan should “respect the relative lawful priorities or lawful liens, as may be applicable, in the constitution, other laws, or agreements of a covered territory or covered territorial instrumentality,” but the fiscal plan elevates several interests over the Commonwealth’s General Obligation bonds. Further, the plan alienates creditors by imposing only nominal reforms on the Commonwealth’s unsustainable pension obligations. It provides less than $800 million per year on debt service while allocating nearly 94% of revenue to other expenditures. The Commonwealth has also poked its bond creditors in the eye by defining almost its entire budget as “essential services,” making it difficult for any restructuring to accomplish much of anything except to reduce bond payments.

The Commonwealth has reneged on commitments to honor its obligations to bondholders. Earlier this year, Governor Rossello clawed back $150 million in funds set aside in a trust for General Obligation bondholders, a step required by Puerto Rico’s Constitution.

In doing so he stated that the move was “the first action to comply with the general obligations since June of last year.” A week later, the governor’s representative to the Oversight Board, Elias Sanchez, said that “the trust is going to be solely for the purposes of GO payments.” Yet, just last week, the Commonwealth reneged on this commitment, saying that “We will not use one amount for certain credits and another for others. We will…use that number to renegotiate all the credits.”

Both the Puerto Rican Government and the Oversight Board are harming their own credibility by hewing to the tactics of Alejandro Garcia Padilla. Earlier this month, the Puerto Rican government retained the law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, agreeing to pay the firm $1.6 million through the end of June. This firm was the architect of Garcia Padilla Administration’s decision to default, in addition to advising former Argentine President Cristina Kirchner to default on its creditors. The Rossello Administration’s decision to retain Cleary’s services is yet another significant blow to its credibility and a sign that little will change when it comes to negotiating with creditors.

Bottom Line

There seems to be little hope of a near-term agreement between Puerto Rico and its various creditor groups. Declaring an impasse and accepting a de facto reorganization is clearly the preferred route for the government, as it would allow them to avoid making any hard spending decisions.

This unfortunate reality is a direct result of Puerto Rico’s lack of fealty to PROMESA, the tool Congress provided to Puerto Rico to fix itself. Puerto Rico’s actions—first under Governor Garcia Padilla and now under Governor Rossello—have damaged its credibility with markets and amount to short-term expediency over the long-run interests of the island’s residents. Congress should utilize its Oversight powers to urge Puerto Rico’s leaders to conform to PROMESA.

Page 10: P H N Panorama News Buffalo - Panorama Hispano · 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 • DEFENSA CRIMINAL –


Technology & ScienceNew Apple headquarters to have theater named for Steve Jobs

CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) -- Apple has announced that its new headquarters will open for employees in the spring and will include a theater named for its late co-founder, Steve Jobs.Apple says in a news release on its website that the process of moving its 12,000 employees from its old digs in Cupertino, California, to the new Apple Park nearby will begin in April and will take more than six months to complete.The 175-acre campus includes a 2.8 million-square-foot main building in the shape of a giant ring. Apple says the building will run entirely on renewable energy.The campus will also include a 1,000-seat auditorium called the Steve Jobs Theater. Jobs famously unveiled new Apple products at theater events. He died in 2011 at 56 following a battle with cancer.

Apple ha anunciado que su nueva sede que abrirán para los todos sus empleados esta primavera e incluirá un teatro llamado así por su tardía co-fundador, Steve Jobs.Apple dice en un comunicado de prensa en su sitio web que el proceso de trasladar sus 12.000 empleados de sus antiguas excavaciones en Cupertino, California, al nuevo Apple Park cercano comenzará en abril y llevará más de seis meses para completarse.El campus de 175 acres incluye un edificio principal de 2,8 millones de pies cuadrados en forma de anillo gigante. Apple dice que el edificio funcionará enteramente en energía renovable.El campus también incluirá un auditorio de 1,000 asientos llamado Teatro Steve Jobs. Jobs reveló los nuevos productos de Apple en eventos de teatro. Murió en 2011 a los 56 años después de una batalla contra el cáncer.

NY lawmakers: Cuomo is moving to cut funds to fight cancer

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to cut $25 million from 39 public health programs that fight cancer, diabetes and other conditions.The Democrat's administration says it will be up to state health officials to decide where to make the reductions, which are intended to make public health spending more efficient. A spokesman says Cuomo's $152 billion budget proposal increases health care spending overall.Some lawmakers aren't buying Cuomo's explanation. Democratic Sen. Liz Krueger, of Manhattan, says the governor should specify which programs will be cut before the budget is approved.The American Cancer Society opposes any cuts, noting that last year the program funded 25,000 cancer screenings for poor New Yorkers.Last year, Cuomo called for big investments to fight cancer after his girlfriend, celebrity chef Sandra Lee, successfully battled breast cancer.

La prensa asociada AP

Por fallas de seguridad Yahoo! tendrá que pagar.

NUEVA YORK (AP) -- Yahoo va a descontar 350 millones de dólares de la oferta compra que le hizo Verizon por 4.800 millones hace unos meses para compensar las fallas de seguridad en más de 1.000 millones de cuentas de correo electrónico, informó la empresa el martes.El acuerdo alivió temores de los inversionistas ante la idea de que Verizon Communications Inc. pudiera pedir un descuento de al menos 1.000 millones o de plano cancelar el acuerdo.Las dos filtraciones, reveladas después de que las dos compañías acordaron la venta, representan las dos mayores fallas de seguridad en la historia de internet.Con el nuevo acuerdo, Yahoo será responsable de la mitad de los gastos que surjan una vez que el gobierno concluya sus investigaciones y frente a las demandas que salgan por la falla de seguridad. Las responsabilidades financieras derivadas de las demandas de accionistas y de las investigaciones de la Comisión de Bolsas y Valores (SEC) seguirán correspondiendo a Yahoo."Los nuevos términos proveen un resultado justo y favorable para los accionistas", dijo Marni Walden, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Verizon y presidente para innovación y nuevos negocios. "Este provee protecciones para ambas partes y un sendero claro para cerrar la transacción en el segundo trimestre".Los problemas de seguridad generaron temores de que la gente pudiera reducir el uso del email de Yahoo y otros servicios digitales que Verizon va a comprar. Una audiencia más pequeña haría los servicios de Yahoo menos valiosos porque reduce las oportunidades de publicidad, la principal razón por la que Verizon llegó al acuerdo hace siete meses.Yahoo mantiene que sus usuarios siguen leales, pese a la desconfianza causada por las fallas de seguridad y la demora en revelarlas. Los ataques ocurrieron en 2013 y 2014. La empresa los reveló en septiembre y diciembre.Haber evitado un descuento mayor es una pequeña victoria para la directora ejecutiva Marissa Mayer, quien ha sido criticada en Wall Street por su incapacidad para cambiar la suerte de Yahoo.---Contribuyó el periodista de The Associated Press Tali Arbel en Nueva York.

7 Earth-size worlds found orbiting star; could hold lifeBy MARCIA DUNN

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) - Por primera vez, los astrónomos han descubierto siete planetas del tamaño de la Tierra que orbitan una estrella cercana - y estos nuevos mundos podrían sostener la vida.La NASA y el equipo de investigación liderado por Bélgica anunciaron la noticia el miércoles.Este grupo de planetas está a 40 años luz de distancia en la constelación de Acuario. Ellos rodean fuertemente alrededor de una estrella enana tenue llamada Trappist-1, apenas del tamaño de Júpiter. Tres planetas están en la llamada zona habitable, donde podría existir agua y, posiblemente, vida. Los otros están justo en la puerta.Los científicos dicen que necesitan estudiar las atmósferas antes de determinar si estos planetas podrían soportar algún tipo de vida.

La primavera pasada, Michael Gillon (GEE-yon) de la Universidad de Lieja informó haber encontrado tres planetas alrededor de Trappist-1. Ahora el conteo es de hasta siete, y Gillon dice que podría haber más.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — For the first time, astronomers have discovered seven Earth-size planets orbiting a nearby star — and these new worlds could hold life.NASA and the Belgian-led research team announced the news Wednesday.This cluster of planets is 40 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. They circle tightly around a dim dwarf star called Trappist-1, barely the size of Jupiter. Three planets are in the so-called habitable zone, where water and, possibly life, might exist. The others are right on the doorstep.Scientists say they need to study the atmospheres before determining whether these planets could support some type of life.Last spring, the University of Liege's Michael Gillon (GEE-yon) reported finding three planets around Trappist-1. Now the count is up to seven, and Gillon says there could be more.

Panda Bao Bao deja Washington y vuelve a China

WASHINGTON, ESTADOS UNIDOS (21/FEB/2017).- Bao Bao, la célebre panda de Washington, dejó el martes el Zoológico Nacional de la capital de Estados Unidos y voló a China en un avión especial de carga.Después de dieciséis horas de vuelo sin escalas Bao Bao aterrizará en Chengdu, capital mundial de los pandas, donde comenzará su nueva vida en un programa de cría de estos mamíferos en peligro de extinción.Bao Bao se embarcó en el aeropuerto internacional de Dulles, en una jaula de transporte de acero, acompañada por un veterinario y un cuidador que garantizarán su bienestar durante la travesía.La hembra de panda gigante de 3 años y medio pasará probablemente la mayor parte del viaje alimentándose con los 30 kilos de comida que fueron cargados en la bodega, principalmente de plantas de bambú.Unas 60 mil personas visitaron el Zoológico Nacional en Washington durante el fin de semana antes del gran día, algunas de las cuales acudieron de muy lejos para decir adiós a la osa.Bao Bao disfruta de una enorme popularidad en el área de Washington y su partida fue transmitida en vivo por Facebook.Nacida el 23 de Agosto de 2013, Bao Bao recibió incluso la felicitación de la exprimera dama estadounidense Michelle Obama, así como la de su homóloga china Peng Liyuan.Considerado como un "tesoro nacional" en China, el panda fue durante muchos años un regalo de Estado de Pekín hasta la década de 1970. Posteriormente se sustituyó esta política por préstamos a largo plazo, a menudo muy costosos para los parques zoológicos, en tanto los pandas y sus descendientes siguen siendo propiedad de China.Se estima que unos mil 800 pandas viven en la naturaleza, principalmente en la provincia china de Sichuan.



18 de abril de 2017, 6:00 PM

Centro Comunitario Tosh Collins 35 Cazenovia, Buffalo, NY 14210

El alcalde Byron W. Brown invita a los residentes de Buffalo a participar en una audiencia pública para discutir las asignaciones 2017/18 anticipadas de la ciudad para los siguientes programas federales: Subvención de Desarrollo Comunitario; INICIO Asociaciones de inversión; Donación de Soluciones de Emergencia; Y Oportunidades de Vivienda para Personas con SIDA.

El personal de la Ciudad estará presente para describir las metas del programa, revisar el proceso de planificación y adopción y aceptar los comentarios de los ciudadanos sobre el uso de este financiamiento para atender las necesidades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario. Durante esta audiencia habrá una sesión de trabajo para discutir cómo estos fondos pueden ser mejor utilizados en toda la Ciudad de Buffalo.

Los comentarios escritos al Plan de Acción Anual son alentados, y serán incluidos en la presentación de la ciudad a HUD. Los comentarios deben ser sellados por correo antes del Martes 19 de mayo de 2017 en el 920 City Hall, Buffalo NY 14202; o [email protected].

Para obtener más información sobre este aviso público, o para solicitar alojamientos especiales para la audiencia pública, llame al 851-5449.

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Conozca su GentePANORAMA HISPANO ׀ April/Abril 2017 ׀ BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIE pg 11

Buffalo LawyerNoemi Fernandez

Receta del MesReceta

Lime-Cilantro Pork Tacos(Cocina Mexicana)

Todos estos servicios estan disponiblespara usted y su familia

Te llevamos la receta médica a tu casa “GRATIS”LLama al 876-3070

Proceso computarizado de su receta

Se revelan fotos

Departamento de tarjetas para todaocasión y regalos

Servicio de faxDescuento para los seniors

Trabajadores amigablesSe habla español



We welcome Rosa Garcia to our staff


431 Tonawanda St.(Black Rock Plaza)

FREE Prescription Delivery Service876-3070

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Ingredients1 pound pork tenderloin, trimmed and cut into thin strips1/4 teaspoon salt1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper2 teaspoons olive oil1 1/2 cups thinly sliced onion1 small jalapeño pepper, seeded and chopped1/2 cup fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth1/2 cup chopped plum tomato3 tablespoons chopped cilantro2 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice8 (6-inch) flour tortillas PreparationHeat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle pork with salt and black pepper. Add oil to pan. Add pork, and sauté 4 minutes or until browned. Remove pork from pan; place in a bowl. Add onion and jalapeño to pan; sauté 5 minutes or until tender. Add broth; reduce heat, and simmer 1 minute, scraping pan to loosen browned bits. Stir in tomato; simmer 2 minutes.Return pork and accumulated juices to pan. Stir in cilantro and lime juice; cook 1 minute or until pork is done.Heat tortillas according to package directions. Spoon 1/2 cup pork mixture into each tortilla; roll up.

Noemi is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo where she received her Jurist Doctorate on June 1, 1996. On December 9, 1997 she was admitted to the New York State bar. On Jan 12, 1998 she received admission to US District Court and on Dec 11, 2000 she received admission to the US Court of Appeals and the US Supreme Court.

Noemi’s passion for the law lead her to open her own law firm in 1997. Her area of expertise has been personal injury, criminal law, family law, Money judgments, collections, probate, wills, estates, bankruptcies, and immigration and real estate closings.

Throughout her career, Noemi has tried to provide her clients with some tough love when require, rather than make promises that may be impossible to keep. She is always honest and treats her clients with integrity in order to obtain results that they can be satisfactory. She also has strived to be available to her clients on evenings and weekends so that they don’t have to take off from work to meet with her.

Noemi has dedicated countless hours to community service. Noemi has been representing clients successfully before Courts throughout the Western New York region.

In a successful career that has spanned almost 20 years, Noemi has been recognized by the Latino American Who’s who, The Biltmore who’s who, The New York State Bar Association Empire State Counsel and The New York State Bar Association President’s Pro Bono Service Award to Small firms.

Noemi is a member of the American Association for Justice, American Bar Association, Bar Association of Erie County, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, New York State Bar Association, New York State Defenders Association, Puerto Rican Bar Association, Western New York Women’s Bar Association and The UB Law Alumni Association.Noemi Fernandez is well regarded in the law community as someone who fights for her clients and gets positive results.

Oficina de Abogados Noemi Fernandez/Law Offices of Noemi Fernandez69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603Buffalo, NY 14202716 842-1379Para emergencias fin de semana 716 864-9618

Todos estos servicios estan disponiblespara usted y su familia

Te llevamos la receta médica a tu casa “GRATIS”LLama al 876-3070

Proceso computarizado de su receta

Se revelan fotos

Departamento de tarjetas para todaocasión y regalos

Servicio de faxDescuento para los seniors

Trabajadores amigablesSe habla español



We welcome Rosa Garcia to our staff


431 Tonawanda St.(Black Rock Plaza)

FREE Prescription Delivery Service876-3070

Computerized presecription processing

Pharmacy consulting

Photo processing

Card & gift dept.

Lotto • Bill pay • Money orders

Immunizations • Fax service

Senior discounts • Friendly sales associates

Convenient service

Page 12: P H N Panorama News Buffalo - Panorama Hispano · 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 • DEFENSA CRIMINAL –


Director of International Student and Scholar Services The International and Exchange Program Office at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the position of Director of International Student and Scholar Services.

For a full job description and to apply:

Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.

Panorama Hispanic NewsSize: 1/16 page (5.0625 x 2) FULL COLORIssue: AprilD/L: March 20thPrice: $176.48

Panorama Hispanic NewsSize: 1/8 page Issue: AprilD/L: March 20thPrice: $211.77

Director of International Student and Scholar Services The International and Exchange Program Office at Buffalo State, State University of New York, seeks candidates for the position of Director of International Student and Scholar Services.

Required Qualifications: 1. Graduate Degree 2. Demonstrated experience as DSO (Designated School Official) or Principal Designated

School Official (PSDO) 3. Demonstrated experience as RO (Responsible Officer) or ARO (Alternate Responsible

Officer) 4. Demonstrated experience with Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical

Training (OPT) 5. Demonstrated experience with advisement, entrance orientations and exit interviews and

programming for International Students

Qualified applicants may apply online at

Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.

Strong Community School NewsApril Saturday Academy Programs. Every month, on at least TWO Saturday mornings, all 13 Strong Community Schools offer FREE academic, cultural, social and wellness programs through the “Saturday Academy.” Meals are provided, and EVERYONE is welcome. Upcoming Saturday Academy programs at Lafayette, Herman Badillo & West Hertel Community Schools are as follows:

Follow us on Facebook at BPS Community Schools and BPSParentCenters, and Twitter @Buffalo_Schools Read next month’s Panorama Hispano for more Community School updates.

Strong Community Schools: Enroll.Engage.Achieve.

• West Hertel Academy: April 1st and 8th from 9AM-Noon: Activities include: Robotics, Soccer, Flower Gardening, Dancing, Swimming (pictured above) and more. • Herman Badillo Bilingual Academy: April 1st from 9AM-Noon: Math & Science Academy,

Engineering for Kids, zSpace Computer Lab, Painting Class, Yoga, Millennium Collaborative Care Free Blood Pressure Screening. On April 22nd from 9AM-Noon: Earth Day and Community Gardening Events. WNY Complete Dentistry will also be on-site, offering FREE dental services to children and adults. ‘Once on This Island JR’ Musical performance by HBBA students. • Lafayette High School: April 1st, 22nd, and 29th from 9AM-Noon: Activities include Latino

Infusion, International Healthy Cooking Class, Instructional Soccer, Lacrosse, Swimming, Community Arts Academy, featuring dance techniques, Computers for Children, Computer Instruction for English Language Learners, and much more!

Call (716) 816-3170 or visit to learn about programs happening at all of the Community Schools.

Adult and Community Education April Offerings. At Bennett, East, Lafayette, and South Park high schools, the BPS Parent Centers and Adult Education Department provide ALL Buffalo Public School parents and parents of BPS homeschooled students with FREE workshops. Upcoming workshops are as follows: • Lafayette H.S. - Computers for English Learners, April 1st from 9AM-Noon• Lafayette H.S. - Understanding the College Application Process, April 6th from 6PM-8PM• Lafayette H.S. - Self-Advocacy Skills (students in grades 8-12 are welcome), April 20th from 5:30PM-7PM• Lafayette H.S. - What I Need to Know about Choosing Quality Child Care, April 25th from 6PM-7PM• Lafayette H.S. - English as a New Language (ENL), every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30PM-8:30PM• Lafayette H.S. - Citizenship & Naturalization Test Prep, every Tuesday and Thursday, 5:30PM-8:30PM

Learn about the above workshops, and the other Parent Center/Adult Education offerings at (716) 816-3170,, and [email protected].



Tuesday April 18th, 20176:00 PM

Tosh Collins Community Center35 Cazenovia St., Buffalo 14210

Mayor Byron W. Brown invites Buffalo residents to participate in a public hearing to discuss the city’s anticipated 2017/18 allocations for the following federal programs: Community Development Block Grant; HOME Investment Partnerships; Emergency Solutions Grant; and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS.

City staff will be present to describe program goals, review the planning and adoption process, and accept citizen comments regarding the use of this funding to address housing and community development needs. During this hearing there will be a working session to discuss how these funds can be best utilized throughout the City of Buffalo.

Written comments to both the Annual Action Plan are encouraged, and will be included in the city’s submission to HUD. Comments must be postmarked by Monday May 19th, 2017 at either 920 City Hall, Buffalo NY 14202; or [email protected].

For more information regarding this public notice, or to request special accommodations for the public hearing, please call 851-5449.






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Page 13: P H N Panorama News Buffalo - Panorama Hispano · 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 • DEFENSA CRIMINAL –



Smurfs: the lost village – Los Pitufos: La aldea escondida April 2nd.

Cada uno de los habitantes de la aldea de los pitufos tiene un propósito, pero Pitufina no parece tener un propósito claro, asi que decide salir de la aldea para descubrirlo.

Cuando se adentra por primera vez en el Bosque Encantado, un territorio inexplorado y totalmente prohibido, ella y sus hermanos los pitufos Filósofo, Valiente y Torpe emprenderán un alocado viaje lleno de acción, peligro y descubrimientos, que los conducirá al mayor misterio de la historia Pitufa. Eso sí, deberán tener mucho cuidado, porque su eterno enemigo, el malvado hechicero Gargamel está siguiéndoles de cerca.

all-new take on the Smurfs, a mysterious map sets Smurfette and her best friends Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty on an exciting and thrilling race through the Forbidden Forest filled with magical creatures to find a mysterious lost village before the evil wizard Gargamel does. Embarking on a rollercoaster journey full of action and danger, the Smurfs are on a course that leads to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurf history!

Fast and Furiuos 8- April 14th.

Now that Dom and Letty are on their honeymoon and Brian and Mia have retired from the game—and the rest of the crew has been exonerated—the globetrotting team has found a semblance of a normal life. But when a mysterious woman (Oscar® winner Charlize Theron) seduces Dom into the world of crime he can’t seem to escape and a betrayal of those closest to him, they will face trials that will test them as never before.

Ahora que Dom y Letty están en su luna de miel, mientras Brian y Mia se han retirado del juego de carreras y el resto de la tripulación ha sido exonerado- el equipo de globetrotting ha encontrado una apariencia de vida normal. Pero cuando una misteriosa mujer seduce a Dom en el mundo de la delincuencia, parece que no puede escapar y una traición de los más cercanos a él, se enfrentarán a pruebas que los probarán como nunca antes.

Leap – april 21st.

Una huerfanita de 11 annos, Félicie tiene un sueño - para ir a París y convertirse en una bailarina. Su mejor amigo Víctor un niño imaginativo, pero agotador con una pasión por la creación tiene un sueño propio, para convertirse en un inventor famoso. En un salto de fe, Victor y Félicie abandonan su orfanato en busca de sus pasiones. Pero - hay una trampa, Félicie debe pretender ser la hija de una

familia adinerada con el fin de obtener la admisión a la prestigiosa y competitiva Opera Ballet School en París. Y sin entrenamiento profesional de baile, rápidamente aprende que el talento por sí solo no es suficiente para superar las actitudes despiadadas y conciliadoras de sus compañeros de clase, liderados por la desviada Camille Le Haut. Determinada a tener éxito, Félicie encuentra a su mentor en la rigorosa y misteriosa escuela, Odette que, junto con la amistad de Victor, la ayudan para poder alcanzar las estrellas.

11-year-old orphan, Félicie has one dream – to go to Paris and become a dancer. Her best friend Victor an imaginative, but exhausting boy with a passion for creating has a dream of his own, to become a famous inventor. In a leap of faith, Victor and Félicie leave their orphanage in pursuit of their passions. But – there’s a catch, Félicie must pretend to be the child of a wealthy family in order to gain admittance to the prestigious and competitive Opera Ballet School in Paris. And with no professional dance training, she quickly learns that talent alone is not enough to overcome the ruthless, conniving attitudes of her fellow classmates, led by the devious Camille Le Haut. Determined to succeed, Félicie finds her mentor in the tough and mysterious school custodian, Odette who, along with Victor’s encouraging friendship, help her reach for the stars.

How to be a Latin lover – April 28th.

Eugenio Derbez plays a handsome and young Maximo who has a dream to be rich without ever having to work a day in his life. Having made a career of seducing rich older women, he marries a wealthy woman more than twice his age. 25 years later, spoiled and bored from waking up next to his now 80-year-old wife-he gets the surprise of his life when she ends up dumping him for a younger car salesman. Forced out of his mansion and desperate for a place to stay, he must move in with his estranged sister, Sara, (SALMA HAYEK) and her nerdy but adorable son, Hugo in their small apartment. Anxious to return to the lap of luxury, Maximo uses his nephew's crush on a classmate to get to his new target-her grandmother, Celeste, a widowed billionaire. As Maximo tries to rekindle his powers as a Latin lover, he finds himself bonding with his nephew Hugo, and he begins to learn that being a Latin lover means that loving money isn't as important as the love of your family.

Eugenio Derbez interpreta a un joven y guapo, su nombre es Máximo quién tiene un sueño de ser rico sin tener que trabajar nunca un día en su vida. Después de haber hecho una carrera de seducir a las mujeres mayores ricas, se casa con una mujer rica más del doble de su edad. 25 años más tarde, estropeado y aburrido de despertar junto a su esposa de 80 años de edad, él recibe la sorpresa de su vida cuando ella termina tirándolo por un vendedor de coches más joven. Forzado de su mansión y desesperado por un lugar para quedarse, debe mudarse con su hermana, Sara, (SALMA HAYEK) y su hijo Nerd, adorable, Hugo, en su pequeño apartamento. Ansioso por regresar al regazo de lujo, Máximo usa el apasionamiento de su sobrino con un compañero de clase para llegar a su nuevo objetivo: su abuela, Celeste, un multimillonario viudo. Mientras Máximo intenta reavivar sus poderes como amante latino, se encuentra vinculado con su sobrino Hugo, y comienza a aprender que ser un amante latino significa que amar el dinero no es tan importante como el amor de su familia.

Theater - Teatro

Movies - Cine Shea’s performaning arts center - CABARET -April 25th- 30th and @ RBTL auditorium theatre May 2- 7th.

Welcome to the infamous Kit Kat Klub, where the Emcee, Sally Bowles and a raucous ensemble take the stage nightly to tantalize the crowd - and to leave their troubles outside. But as life in pre-WWII Germany grows more and more uncertain, will the decadent allure of Berlin nightlife be enough to get them through their dangerous times?Come hear some of the most memorable songs in theatre history, including "Cabaret," "Willkommen" and "Maybe This Time." Leave your troubles outside - life is beautiful at CABARET, JOHN KANDER, FRED EBB and JOE MASTEROFF's Tony-winning musical about following your heart while the world loses its way.Bienvenidos al infame Kit Kat Klub, donde el Emperador, Sally Bowles y un grupo de rockeros toman el escenario todas las noches para atormentar a la multitud - y dejar sus problemas afuera. Pero a medida que la vida en Alemania antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial crece cada vez más incierto, ¿el encanto decadente de la vida nocturna de Berlín será suficiente para atravesar sus tiempos peligrosos?

Venga a escuchar algunas de las canciones más memorables de la historia del teatro, incluyendo "Cabaret", "Willkommen" y "Maybe This Time". Deja tus problemas afuera: la vida es hermosa en CABARET, JOHN KANDER, FRED EBB y el musical ganador de Tony de JOE MASTEROFF sobre seguir tu corazón mientras el mundo pierde el camino.


Following the sold-out successes of both its 2014 inaugural run and a fan-demanded sophomore run in 2015, Move Live on Tour, featuring powerhouse duo JULIANNE & DEREK HOUGH, is back and better than ever in 2017 with an all-new experience – MOVE – BEYOND – LIVE ON TOUR. The Hough siblings are promising fans their biggest and best show yet, with brand-new stage production inspired by the elements – earth, wind, fire, and water – which the duo have infused into fresh, high impact choreography that only they can deliver. The show will bring fans on a journey of dance and music, taking inspiration directly from the four elements as an exploration of the human relationship with nature. The pair will be joined by the Move Company Dancers for group performances in styles ranging from ballroom and tap to salsa and hip-hop and everything in between.

Tras los éxitos exitosos de su carrera inaugural en 2014 y como la de su segundo año en el 2015, Move Live on Tour, con el dúo de la potencia JULIANNE & DEREK HOUGH, está de vuelta y mejor que nunca en 2017 con una experiencia totalmente nueva: MOVIMIENTO - MÁS ALLÁ - VIVE EN VIAJE. Los hermanos Hough les prometen a sus fans, un espectáculo más grande y mejor aún, con una nueva producción en escena inspirada en los elementos - la tierra, el viento, el fuego y el agua - que el dúo ha infundido en la coreografía fresca de alto impacto que sólo ellos pueden ofrecer. El espectáculo llevará a los aficionados a un viaje de danza y música, inspirándose directamente en los cuatro elementos como una exploración de la relación humana con la naturaleza. La pareja se unirá a los bailarines Move Company para actuaciones de grupo en estilos que van desde el salón de baile y el toque de salsa y hip-hop y todo lo demás.

Music - Musica

La gira de conciertos de Marc Anthony se mantiene como una de las más lucrativas del momento a nivel mundial.

El salsero neoyorkino, que el mes de diciembre ocupó el octavo puesto de la lista de giras internacionales de Pollstar, ascendió al sexto lugar. Guns N’ Roses, Adele y Justin Bieber conservan los tres primeros puestos.

The New York salsero, who in December was eighth on Pollstar's list of international tours, climbed to sixth place. Guns N 'Roses, Adele and Justin Bieber retain the top three.

Page 14: P H N Panorama News Buffalo - Panorama Hispano · 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 • DEFENSA CRIMINAL –


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THE BUFFALO AREAServing patients with MedicaidGBUAHN has always specialized in providing convenient, high quality, technologically advanced primary care medicine. Now, we are able to offer even more of the same by offering Specialty Care at Primary Care. This care is provided by physicians that have been trained in some of the most reputable medical centers in the country.

The convenience of this new service will help patients to avoid driving distances and long delays in accessing Specialty Care. This new service will be located in the newly completed Specialty Care area of our current facility.


Computerized Electronic Medical Record (EMR)For more accurate and comprehensive record keeping to help improve upon the quality of care and reduce or eliminate the potential for medical errors.

Dermatology:For proper skin care including treatment of acne, removal of warts or moles, evaluation of pre-cancer or cancerous skin lesions.

DEXA Scanning:For the detection and follow-up of treatment of osteoporosis.Electrocardiograms and Holter Monitoring:To study heart rhythms and detect heart disorders.

General Adult Medicine:Include acute care, preventative care and various cancer screening exams, which take into consideration the individual’s unique risks and needs.

Geriatric Care:We offer treatment for special problems common to mature adults. This includes a complete continuity of care throughout one’s lifetime.

Imaging Center:We offer CT scans, DEXA and 4D ultrasound plus digital radiography for the rapid diagnosis of fractures and various conditions.

Laboratory Services:We offer a comprehensive in-office laboratory capabilities y that offer both convenience and rapid diagnostic.


Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine:Our Pediatricians consider preventative care to be a crucial part of a child’s total healthcare. An annual check-up offers a great opportunity to evaluate and monitor your child’s growth and development.

Pulmonary Function Testing:To help better diagnose and treat lung diseases.

Urgent Care:Five days (six days coming soon) a week walk-in services with extended office hours and 24-hour coverage, which eliminates the need for a costly emergency room visit.

Walk-in Services:Walk-in Services with extended office hours and 24-hour coverage.

Women’s Healthcare:This includes routine gynaecological care and pap smears, family planning, menopausal care, osteoporosis detection and treatment, and general medical care that stresses the unique differences of female healthcare


General Surgery

Minor Surgery




Orthopedics (Coming Soon)


Pulmonology (Coming Soon)

Patient Hotline 1 855-4GBUAHN 1 855-442-8246

Courtesy Shuttle Van for Medicaid Patients

GBUAHN 370 Franklin StreetBuffalo, NY 14202Visit us online at:

Looking for a career as a Health professional at: GBUAHN?Visit us online and apply on line at:

Dr. Raul Vazquez, MD ............... 564-Niagara Street, Buffalo, NYDr Kenneth Gayles, MD ..... 840 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NYDr. Dwight Lewis, MD ...................................... 3125 Main StreetDr Winston Douglas, MD ... 840 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY

Dr Frances Ilozue, MD .................. 2200 Main Street, Buffalo, NYDr. George Haddad, MD ........ 3800 Delaware Ave, Kenmore, NYDr Kenton Forte, MD ................... 964 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY


Page 15: P H N Panorama News Buffalo - Panorama Hispano · 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 • DEFENSA CRIMINAL –


SCHROEDER • from page 3

"He needs partners to help underwrite these community schools so that children can walk to school, and then stay in school after school, and then perhaps have services not only for the child, but for the family," Schroeder said.Schroeder said a priority of his is getting more women-owned and minority-owned businesses in Buffalo, and pushing for more development on the city's East side.

To Mayor Byron Brown's credit, his administration started the Queen City pop-up shops, which offer free retail space for local startups. Brown is also helping lead the redevelopment of the Northland Corridor, which is supposed to offer job training. The area is specifically encouraging women and minority-owned businesses to set up shop there."My understanding is it's not going to be operational until 2018. Really? Well 5,000 jobs have already been dispensed or will be dispensed for Solar City. Thousands of jobs have already gone to the Buffalo Niagara medical campus," Schroeder said.

He also spoke about the need for more police training. "The police commissioner and the union president they can't even be in the same building together, let alone the same room. That's a problem. They both have responsibility for safety of their officers and safety for the community," Schroeder said. "When the PBA is begging for training for police officers, especially where there's the highest crime on the East side and on the lower West side...we have to give our police the proper training, and that will happen when I'm Mayor."Schroeder said good policing also includes understanding mental health issues, a committee he chaired when he was in Albany. Schroeder, a Democrat, served for seven years as an Assemblyman in Albany. He's been Buffalo's Comptroller for five years. He now faces an uphill battle to be elected mayor. He'll have to overcome the name recognition Byron Brown has earned over the last twelve years, as Brown is running for his fourth term. Brown also has the current rebirth of the city going on now and the Buffalo Billion under his tenure.In response to being the underdog, Schroeder says he goes to every neighborhood in Buffalo, and that it's the citizens who engage with him when he visits who ultimately vote.

Voters will decide the next mayor of Buffalo this November. Sunday evening, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown released the following statement regarding his own candidacy in light of Schroeder's decision to run:

"Two weeks ago I announced my intention to seek a fourth term as Mayor of our great city. Over twelve years, working collaboratively with residents and leaders across every community in Buffalo, we have together achieved a new era of growth, investment and job creation that long eluded generations in our city.We know more work needs to be done and I look forward to continuing the progress achieved with so many diverse and dedicated partners that share our vision of a strong, inclusive and vibrant Buffalo, while earning the continued support of the city's residents."



February 28th, 2017 @ 6:00 p.m.City Hall, 9th floor, Conference Room 901 • 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY 14202

Mayor Byron W. Brown invites Buffalo residents to participate in a public hearing to discuss the city’s amendments for the following federal programs: Community Development Block Grant; HOME Investment Partnerships, and the Emergency Solutions Grant. The city will present changes to prior and current year plans for public review and comment. These changes will also be made available on the city’s website on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017.

Written comments to amendments are encouraged, and will be included in the city’s submission to HUD. Comments must be postmarked by Thursday, March 30th, 2017 at either 920 City Hall, Buffalo NY 14202; or [email protected].

Please take note that due to the new security measures in place at City Hall, the only accessible entrance after 5pm will be from Elmwood Avenue, located in the back of the building.

For more information regarding this public notice, or to request special accommodations for the public hearing, please call 851-5449.



28 de Febrero de 2017 @ 6:00PMAyuntamiento, Piso 9, Sala de Conferencias 901 • 65 Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY 14202

Alcalde Byron W. Brown invita a los residentes de Buffalo a participar en una audiencia pública para discutir las enmiendas de la ciudad para los siguientes programas federales : Community Development Block Grant; HOME Investment Partnerships, y Emergency Solutions Grant. La ciudad va a presentar enmiendas a los planes del año anterior para su revisión y comentarios del público . Estas modificaciones también estarán disponibles en la página web de la ciudad el Martes 28 de febrero de 2017.

Se anima los comentarios por escrito y se incluirán en la presentación de la ciudad a HUD. Los comentarios deben estar enviado por correo antes del Jueves 30 de Marzo de 2017 a cualquiera de los siguientes: 920 City Hall, 65 Niagara Sq., Buffalo NY 14202; or [email protected] Por favor, tome en cuenta que debido a las nuevas medidas de seguridad en el Ayuntamiento, la única entrada accesible después de horas será de Elmwood Avenue, situado en la parte posterior del edificio. Para obtener más información acerca de este aviso público, o para solicitar adaptaciones especiales para la audiencia pública, por favor llame al 851-5449.

Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency 315 City Hall, 65 Niagara Square Buffalo, New York 14202-3376 716-851-4236

Byron W. Brown, Chairman Brendan R. Mehaffy, Vice Chairman

2017 City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency Supplemental Request for Projects

Eligible for HOME gap Financing or full HOME financing

Release Date: April 6, 2017 Letter of Intent due by: April 13, 2017

Deadline: April 18, 2017

Affordable Homeownership/Affordable Multi Family Rental As a supplement to previous RFP’s by the City of Buffalo (“City”), and/or the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (“BURA”) for HOME Projects, is seeking proposals from experienced developers, through the federal HOME Investment Partnership Act to assist in the development of affordable housing projects in the City of Buffalo. The City of Buffalo and BURA will support projects that provide for an increase in the number of affordable housing units through new construction, conversion of non-residential space or renovations to vacant residential structures or rehabilitation of existing rental units in substandard condition. Projects that propose renovations to existing rental units whereby the cost of renovation is less than 60% of the proposed development budget, including acquisition and soft costs will not be considered for HOME funding Through this program, activities have been undertaken to enhance ongoing neighborhood revitalization efforts. For the funding period covered by this application the City will assess proposals received that address the goals outlined in the City's Consolidated Plan. All HOME Funding is provided in the form of a loan. Terms, conditions, repayment and repayment schedule must be addressed in any response to this request for proposals. Applicants must be incorporated for-profit or non-profit entities to undertake affordable housing activities within the boundaries of the City of Buffalo. To apply: Submit a two (2) page Letter of Interest. The letter must include:

the nature of the project-budget, number of units, income targets must have site control; site must have been acquired in accordance with the Uniform

Acquisition and Relocation Act Supplemental Documentation required for consideration:

documentation of secured funding from all other sources proof that a funding gap exists environmental and planning, zoning clearances received proof that with the provision of gap financing from HOME construction can commence

immediately Deadline for submission of Letters of interest: Thursday, April 13, 2017, 4pm Submit completed proposals no later than 4:00pm Tuesday, April 18, 2017 to: Nona Watson, Executive Director [email protected] City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency 65 Niagara Square-Room 315 Buffalo, N.Y. 14202

2017 CITY OF BUFFALO URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY Supplemental Request for Projects

Eligible for HOME gap Financing or full HOME financing Release Date: April 6, 2017

Letter of Intent due by: April 13, 2017 Deadline: April 18, 2017

Affordable Homeownership/Affordable Multi Family Rental

As a supplement to previous RFP’s by the City of Buffalo (“City”), and/or the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (“BURA”) for HOME Projects, is seeking proposals from experienced developers, through the federal HOME Investment Partnership Act to assist in the development of affordable housing projects in the City of Buffalo. The City of Buffalo and BURA will support projects that provide for an increase in the number of affordable housing units through new construction, conversion of non-residential space or renovations to vacant residential structures or rehabilitation of existing rental units in substandard condition. Projects that propose renovations to existing rental units whereby the cost of renovation is less than 60% of the proposed development budget, including acquisition and soft costs will not be considered for HOME funding

Through this program, activities have been undertaken to enhance ongoing neighborhood revitalization efforts. For the funding period covered by this application the City will assess proposals received that address the goals outlined in the City's Consolidated Plan.

All HOME Funding is provided in the form of a loan. Terms, conditions, repayment and repayment schedule must be addressed in any response to this request for proposals.

Applicants must be incorporated for-profit or non-profit entities to undertake affordable housing activities within the boundaries of the City of Buffalo.

To apply: Submit a two (2) page Letter of Interest. The letter must include: • The nature of the project-budget, number of units, income targets • Must have site control; site must have been acquired in accordance with the Uniform Acquisition and Relocation Act

Supplemental Documentation required for consideration: • Documentation of secured funding from all other sources • Proof that a funding gap exists • Environmental and planning, zoning clearances received • Proof that with the provision of gap financing from HOME construction can commence immediately

Deadline for submission of Letters of interest: Thursday, April 13, 2017, 4pm Submit completed proposals no later than 4:00pm Tuesday, April 18, 2017to: Nona Watson, Executive Director • [email protected] City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency 65 Niagara Square-Room 315 Buffalo, N.Y. 14202

Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency 315 City Hall, 65 Niagara Square Buffalo, New York 14202-3376 716-851-4236

Byron W. Brown, Chairman Brendan R. Mehaffy, Vice Chairman

2017 City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency Supplemental Request for Projects

Eligible for HOME gap Financing or full HOME financing

Release Date: April 6, 2017 Letter of Intent due by: April 13, 2017

Deadline: April 18, 2017

Affordable Homeownership/Affordable Multi Family Rental As a supplement to previous RFP’s by the City of Buffalo (“City”), and/or the Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (“BURA”) for HOME Projects, is seeking proposals from experienced developers, through the federal HOME Investment Partnership Act to assist in the development of affordable housing projects in the City of Buffalo. The City of Buffalo and BURA will support projects that provide for an increase in the number of affordable housing units through new construction, conversion of non-residential space or renovations to vacant residential structures or rehabilitation of existing rental units in substandard condition. Projects that propose renovations to existing rental units whereby the cost of renovation is less than 60% of the proposed development budget, including acquisition and soft costs will not be considered for HOME funding Through this program, activities have been undertaken to enhance ongoing neighborhood revitalization efforts. For the funding period covered by this application the City will assess proposals received that address the goals outlined in the City's Consolidated Plan. All HOME Funding is provided in the form of a loan. Terms, conditions, repayment and repayment schedule must be addressed in any response to this request for proposals. Applicants must be incorporated for-profit or non-profit entities to undertake affordable housing activities within the boundaries of the City of Buffalo. To apply: Submit a two (2) page Letter of Interest. The letter must include:

the nature of the project-budget, number of units, income targets must have site control; site must have been acquired in accordance with the Uniform

Acquisition and Relocation Act Supplemental Documentation required for consideration:

documentation of secured funding from all other sources proof that a funding gap exists environmental and planning, zoning clearances received proof that with the provision of gap financing from HOME construction can commence

immediately Deadline for submission of Letters of interest: Thursday, April 13, 2017, 4pm Submit completed proposals no later than 4:00pm Tuesday, April 18, 2017 to: Nona Watson, Executive Director [email protected] City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency 65 Niagara Square-Room 315 Buffalo, N.Y. 14202


The City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (BURA) is seeking submittals from qualified Community Based Organizations (CBO) to participate in the Community Partnerships Initiative (CPI) for the City of Buffalo. The overall goal of this initiative is to continue to build and sustain healthy and stable neighborhoods through the creation of affordable housing rehabilitation and homeowners opportunities and by addressing neighborhood qualify of life issues and concerns through programs implemented by the Community Based Organization network. Applicants must be incorporated for-profit or non-profit entities to undertake affordable housing activities within the boundaries of the City of Buffalo.

It is the policy of BURA, that all local Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE’s) be encouraged to submit proposals. BURA continues to ensure that all locally owned M/WBE’s are afforded the maximum opportunity to participate as Applicants or Sub-Applicants in the provision of goods and services for BURA. BURA encourages the award of at least thirty percent (30%) of the total dollar value of this project directly or indirectly to M/WBE’s.

Proposal Submission Deadline: April 13, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.

Request for Proposal submissions are due to:

Nona Watson, Executive DirectorCity of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency

65 Niagara Square Room-920 City Hall Buffalo, N.Y. 14202

RE: City of Buffalo Community Partnerships Initiative (CPI)

A full copy of the Request for Proposal can be picked up in 315 City Hall or 920 City Hall, 65 Niagara Square Buffalo NY 14202, the Central Library, 1 Lafayette Square, Buffalo NY 14203 and or .

Page 16: P H N Panorama News Buffalo - Panorama Hispano · 69 Delaware Ave., Suite 603 Buffalo, NY 14202 • DEFENSA CRIMINAL –

Iglesia en AccionPANORAMA HISPANO ׀ April/Abril 2017 ׀ BUFFALO • DUNKIRK • ROCHESTER • ERIEpg 16

Singing RocksBy Evelyn Albino

God is indeed omnipotent, but there are some things He can’t and won’t do. He refuses to force anyone to worship Him. Worship, like love, cannot be forced. It must be given freely or it is meaningless. On the day in which King Jesus rode into Jerusalem on His little mount, He must have found immense delight in the praises and hosannas that He received along His route. Surely there was faith to be found in Israel!

Some wouldn’t give it, though. “Some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, rebuke Your disciples [for shouting these Messianic praises].” Jesus replied, “I tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!” (LUKE 19:39-40 AMP) God will be worshiped. He can make stones sing if His angels run out of breath.

But He won’t make you. This Palm Sunday (April 9, 2017), give it up for our humble King, who willingly rode to His death so that He could give you and me life. Wave your palm branches, bend your knee, surrender your heart, and give Him the obedience, adoration, and service He deserves.

The popeEl Papa pide perdón por papel de la Iglesia en genocidio en RuandaEl Papa Francisco imploró el "perdón de Dios" por los horrores cometidos por la Iglesia en el genocidio en Ruanda en 1994 durante un encuentro este lunes en el Vaticano con el presidente ruandés Paul Kagame."Imploro el perdón de Dios por los pecados y faltas de la Iglesia y de sus miembros, entre ellos sacerdotes, religiosos y religiosas, que cedieron al odio y a la violencia, traicionando su misión evangélica", manifestó el Papa al referirse al genocidio en Ruanda que hace 23 años dejó unos 800 mil muertos.El Papa, que se reunió por unos 20 minutos a puerta cerrada con el presidente de Ruanda, había ofrecido en el 2014 el apoyo de la Iglesia católica a la reconciliación en Ruanda en ocasión de los 20 años de genocidio.La masacre de casi un tercio de la población de Ruanda, la mayoría perteneciente a la minoría tutsi, fue perpetrada por la mayoría hutu en la total indiferencia del resto del mundo.

Ante el mandatario africano, el Papa volvió a recordar, como lo había hecho en 2014, a las víctimas."Manifiesto el profundo dolor, de la Santa Sede y de toda la Iglesia, por el genocidio contra los tutsi y expreso solidaridad a las víctimas y a todos los que padecieron por esos trágicos eventos", reiteró, según la nota divulgada por el Vaticano.Francisco recordó también el gesto de Juan Pablo II durante el jubileo del año 2000 cuando por primera vez pidió perdón por los horrores cometidos por los miembros de la Iglesia en ese país africano.La Iglesia Católica fue acusada en varias ocasiones de apoyar el régimen extremista hutu y de haber participado en las matanzas perpetradas en menos de 100 días. Varios sacerdotes y monjas fueron juzgados por su participación en el genocidio, en particular por el Tribunal Penal Internacional para Ruanda (TPIR).El 21 de noviembre pasado, la iglesia católica de Ruanda, en una carta firmada por los nueve obispos del país, pidió de nuevo perdón a nombre de todos los católicos que participaron en el genocidio.Con ese "humilde gesto de reconocimiento de las faltas cometidas", el Papa argentino desea "contribuir a una 'purificación de la memoria' y promover con esperanza y renovada confianza un futuro de paz", sostiene el comunicado.

La difícil reconciliaciónEl religioso más importante de la Iglesia que fue juzgado por genocidio fue el difunto obispo Augustin Misago, quien fue absuelto y liberado de la prisión en junio de 2000.Durante las conmemoraciones por el 20º aniversario en abril de 2014, Kagame acusó a la Iglesia católica de haber "participado plenamente" en la difusión de la ideología colonial que generó la división entre hutus y tutsis y que llevó al genocidio.El gobierno ruandés considera que el pedido de perdón local no es suficiente de cara a los crímenes cometidos.La ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de Ruanda, Louise Mushikiwabo, quien acompañó a Kagame al Vaticano, recalcó a la prensa que la reunión se celebró en "un espíritu de apertura y respeto mutuo".Igualmente resaltó el papel actual de la iglesia al "facilitar" los esfuerzos para ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a los victimarios arrepentidos a vivir y trabajar unos al lado de otros, dijo.

La ministra advirtió que aún hay personas en la Iglesia que protegen a los autores del genocidio."Hoy en día, la negación y la trivialización del genocidio continúan floreciendo en ciertos grupos dentro de la iglesia y varios sospechosos de genocidio han sido protegidos de la justicia dentro de las instituciones católicas", aseguró.Alrededor de la mitad de los ruandeses son católicos actualmente, la otra mitad recurrió tras el genocidio a las iglesias pentecostales.

Cuáles son las religiones del mundoDesde siempre, las creencias religiosas han constituido parte importante de la vida de la gente; en ocasiones, hasta han llegado a gobernarla completamente, y en otros, han sido el causal de grandes conflictos.

Los pueblos y sus religionesEn la antigüedad, algunos pueblos eran monoteístas y otros politeístas. Los egipcios llegaron a creer en 2.000 dioses.Actualmente, gran cantidad de religiones se conocen por todo el mundo, cada una con su propio conjunto de creencias y valores.Hoy, nos referimos a las religiones que acaparan un importante porcentaje de personas que pueblan el mundo.

El budismoEs la religión de 300 millones de personas del sureste de Asia; está basada en las enseñanzas del príncipe Sidhartha Gautama, el Buda; éste vivió en el noreste de la India (563 al 483 a. de C).

Buda, al ver el sufrimiento de la gente, se entristecía profundamente; empezó a meditar largamente sobre lo que es el sufrimiento, y llegó a la conclusión de que el mismo era causado por el deseo y por apegos personales demasiados fuertes. Para liberarnos del dolor, debemos deshacernos del deseo y alcanzar un estado de paz llamado nirvana siguiendo el sendero óctuplo; este último significa conocimiento perfecto, las metas perfectas, el lenguaje, el actuar, el esfuerzo, la forma de vida, el pensamiento y la meditación.

Una creencia propia de los budistas es que: después de la muerte, todos renacemos en un cuerpo nuevo.

Pero el desarrollo de nuestras vidas depende de nuestro karma, es decir, de la forma como nos comportamos en la vida presente y en las anteriores.

El islamismoUna de las religiones más grandes del mundo es el islamismo. Cuenta con más de 1.200 millones de creyentes aproximadamente. Fue fundada en el siglo VII, en Arabia, por el profeta Mahoma. Los musulmanes creen que fue el último y más grande de los profetas enviados por Dios (Alá, en árabe).

La palabra islam significa sumisión, y los musulmanes creen que deben basar sus vidas en los cinco pilares que aparecen en el Corán, que es el libro santo de los islamistas.

Esos pilares son:* la profesión de fe.* la oración.* el pago de un impuesto para el bienestar social.* el ayuno* el peregrinaje a la ciudad santa de La Meca, en Arabia.

El hinduismoEsta es una de las religiones más antiguas del mundo. Fue fundada hace más de 5.000 años. También es una de las más complejas. Los hindúes adoran a muchos dioses diferentes, pero todos creen en el dharma, que es la forma correcta de vivir.

Como los budistas, los hindúes creen también que todos tenemos vidas pasadas. Afirman que: si nuestra vida fue buena, nacemos de nuevo en un estado más bueno, elevado, si fue mala, nacemos como animales.

Si practicamos el dharma alcanzaremos el estado perfecto de Moksha, así nunca será necesario volver a nacer.

El judaísmoLos judíos fueron los primeros en creer en un solo Dios al que llamaron Jehová, hace más de 5.000 años.Dios hizo un pacto con Abraham, (un antepasado de ellos) según el cual, él sería su Dios y ellos serían su pueblo si obedecían a 613 leyes y difundían su palabra.Más tarde, Dios rescató de la esclavitud a los judíos e hizo conocer sus leyes a Moisés, líder de este pueblo.Las leyes estaban escritas en el libro Santo o Torá, en donde se encontraban las reglas que servirían de guía a los judíos en todos los aspectos de la oración y la vida.Los judíos esperaban y esperan ansiosos la llegada del Mesías (el ungido por Dios), quien creen ellos, traerá una era de paz y seguridad.

El cristianismoEsta es la religión más grande del mundo, con más de 1.500 millones de seguidores sobre la Tierra. Los cristianos creen que el Mesías fue Jesucristo, un judío que vivió en Tierra Santa (Israel) hace más de 2000 años.

Ellos creen que era el Hijo de Dios. Cuando fue crucificado por sus enemigos hasta conseguir su muerte, resucitó de entre los muertos para reunirse en el cielo con su padre.

Los cristianos dicen que Cristo murió para pagar por nuestros pecados.

Después de su muerte, sus Apóstoles y demás seguidores difundieron sus enseñanzas por él mundo entero.

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Salud Horoscopo

Aries: Hoy es un buen día para respirar hondo, botar todo lo malo y renovarte espiritualmente.Tauro: Vas por buen camino, continúa así. No te dejes influenciar por gente malintencionada.Géminis: Ten en cuenta que esa persona te hizo daño. Descansa y reflexiona sobre lo que has vivido.Cáncer: Aprovecha tu tiempo libre para conversar más con tus familiares. Guarda dinero para el futuro.Leo: Una persona especial te hará una propuesta que te permitirá ver nuevos horizontes. Sonríe.Virgo: Tienes dotes de liderazgo y eso te ayuda a destacar en el trabajo. Sueñas con alguien especial.Libra: Domina tus ansias de gastar, de lo contrario verás alterado tu presupuesto. Te sientes mejor de ánimo.Escorpio: Evita las discusiones con tu pareja. Toma un impulso y decídete a alcanzar lo que deseas.Sagitario: Después de la tormenta, llega la calma. Una noticia alentadora viene del extranjero. Suerte.Capricornio: No te sorprendas con esas noticias, eso ya se veía venir. Deja atrás malos pensamientos.Acuario: Necesitas un tiempo para ti, para reordenar tus ideas. Expresa tus emociones.Piscis: No te cierres en una sola idea y escucha la opinión de otras personas. Evita gastos innecesarios.

Traveling Toward Better Health: Roswell Park and Jericho Road Partner to Increase Cancer ScreeningsMary Reid, MSPH, PhDDirector of Cancer Screening and SurvivorshipRoswell Park Cancer Institute

Whether you are moving across the city or to another part of the world, accessing quality health care can be challenging when relocating to a new place. That’s why Roswell Park Cancer Institute has a unique partnership with Jericho Road Community Health Center. While the overall missions of the two organizations may differ, they have one goal in common: to provide culturally sensitive medical care to those who are not native to the area and to members of the underserved communities of Buffalo.

Jericho Road provides medical services to those with limited access to healthcare, including families living in poverty, immigrants and refugees, and is designated as a Federally Qualified Health Center. Roswell Park focuses on the prevention, treatment and cure of cancer and has been designated a comprehensive cancer center by the National Cancer Institute. Working together, Jericho Road and Roswell Park have created a healthcare team to provide information about cancer prevention and offer colorectal cancer screening.

From the very beginning, the team recognized potential barriers to colon cancer screening and developed practices to overcome those obstacles. Staff from both organizations collaborated to streamline patient referrals and helped to write teaching materials in several different languages.Roswell Park took on the cost and responsibility of finding interpreters for several different languages, providing taxi transportation to and from appointments and streamlining pharmacy needs.

Roswell Park also added a health education specialist, Carly Nichols, to work as a liaison between Roswell Park and Jericho Road. “This program helps patients who have limited knowledge and understanding of cancer screenings and who may find it challenging to find their way through the health care system,” she says. “Patients are brought to Roswell Park and other locations based on their preferences. Our goal is to get people screened, wherever it’s most convenient for them.”

“Jericho Road is happy to collaborate with Roswell Park on this initiative,” says Myron Glick, MD, Founder of Jericho Road Community Health Center. “Patients at Jericho Road who may need special assistance with language, health information and transportation, and who have cultural differences, are better served with this effort. The program allows us to further expand our services and provide more integrated, comprehensive care to our patients.”March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month — a good time for everyone to talk with their primary care provider about colorectal cancer screening. Screening is recommended for people over the age of 50, but should begin at an earlier age for anyone who has a history of polyps or a family history of the disease. The risk for colon cancer can be reduced when people make healthy lifestyle choices, such as avoiding tobacco products, limiting alcohol intake, eating a high-fiber diet, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly. Roswell Park and Jericho Road began their partnership by offering a culturally sensitive effort to screen for colon cancer among the medically underserved communities in Buffalo. The organizations hope to expand their programs to include breast cancer screening for women and other cancer screening services. They are working tirelessly to remove barriers, create more efficient programs and develop working relationships with community organizations to increase cancer screening.

For more information about this program, call 716-881-6191, x460.

Norway The Happiest Place In EarthOSLO, Norway (AP) -- If you want to pursue happiness, grab a winter coat.A new report shows Norway is the happiest country on Earth, Americans are getting sadder, and it takes more than just money to be happy.What makes Norway and other northern European countries top the happiness list has a lot to do with a sense of community and broad social welfare support, according to experts and cheerful Norwegians, including one whose job it is to make people laugh."The answer to why Norwegians are happy - it's a bit boring - it's well functioning institutions," explained Norwegian comedian Harald Eia. "The schools, health care, police, all the bureaucracy treat people with respect and that trickles down and makes us happy, makes us trust each other, makes us feel a part of the whole community. So it's very boring: bureaucrats are the secret to our happiness."Norway vaulted to the top slot in the World Happiness Report despite lower prices for oil, a key part of its economy. In the U.S., happiness has been declining for the past decade even as the nation has become richer.The United States was 14th in the latest ranking, down from No. 13 last year, and over the years Americans steadily have been rating themselves less happy."It's the human things that matter. If the riches make it harder to have frequent and trustworthy relationships between people, is it worth it?" asked John Helliwell, the lead author of the report and an economist at the University of British Columbia in Canada (ranked No. 7). "The material can stand in the way of the human."

Studying happiness may seem frivolous, but serious academics have long been calling for more testing about people's emotional well-being, especially in the United States. In 2013, the National Academy of Sciences issued a report recommending that federal statistics and surveys, which normally deal with income, spending, health and housing, include a few extra questions on happiness because it would lead to better policy that affects people's lives.Norway moved from No. 4 to the top spot in the report's rankings, which combine economic, health and polling data compiled by economists that are averaged over three years from 2014 to 2016. Norway edged past previous champ Denmark, which fell to second. Iceland, Switzerland and Finland round out the top 5."I think it's the work-life balance. So, we have a big safety net, so we get free education, free health care, so it's really good," said 29-year-old Marin Maal in Oslo. "And we're close to nature."Still, you have to have money to be happy, and it is no coincidence that Norway is one of the richest nations in the world. It's also why most of the bottom countries are in desperate poverty. But at a certain point extra money doesn't buy extra happiness, Helliwell and others said.Central African Republic fell to last on the happiness list, and is joined at the bottom by Burundi, Tanzania, Syria and Rwanda.The report ranks 155 countries. The economists have been ranking countries since 2012, but the data used goes back further so the economists can judge trends.The rankings are based on gross domestic product per person, healthy life expectancy with four factors from global surveys. In those surveys, people give scores from 1 to 10 on how much social support they feel they have if something goes wrong, their freedom to make their own life choices, their sense of how corrupt their society is and how generous they are.While most countries were either getting happier or at least treading water, America's happiness score dropped 5 percent over the past decade. Venezuela and the Central African Republic slipped the most over the past decade. Nicaragua and Latvia increased the most.Study co-author and economist Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University said in a phone interview from Oslo that the sense of community, so strong in Norway, is deteriorating in the United States."We're becoming more and more mean spirited. And our government is becoming more and more corrupt. And inequality is rising," Sachs said, citing research and analysis he conducted on America's declining happiness for the report. "It's a long-term trend and conditions are getting worse."University of Maryland's Carol Graham, who wasn't a study author but did review some chapters, said the report mimics what she sees in the American rural areas, where her research shows poor whites have a deeper lack of hope, which she connects to rises in addictions to painkillers and suicide among that group."There is deep misery in the heartland," Graham, author of the book "The Pursuit of Happiness," wrote in an email."Why can't Americans who are the brightest people in the world do the same thing as we do to make the happiest people?" Eia asked. "I don't get it."Borenstein reported from Washington, D.C. Matti Huuhtanen contributed from Helsinki, Finland.

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BusinessCalifornia Retailer Sues Ivanka Trump’s Company A California-based fashion retailer filed a class-action lawsuit against Ivanka Trump's brand accusing it of having a trump card that gives it an unfair advantage among competitors — her father.Modern Appealing Clothing claims the First Daughter's company, Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, is profiting off her political connections, citing President Trump and her husband Jared, according to SFGate.The San Francisco-based fashion boutique points to the recent sales boost Trump's brand got after the President slammed Nordstrom on Twitter for dropping his daughter's brand. Shortly after, Kellyanne Conway, who serves as a counselor to the President, told people to "go buy Ivanka stuff" during a Fox News interview. Ivanka's company sales had a 346% spike between January and February when compared with the same time period last year despite getting dumped by Nordstrom and other retailers like Neiman Marcus, Sears, and Kmart, according to CourthouseNews.The class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of women's clothing retailers throughout California seeks unspecified damages as well as a restraining order against her brand from selling clothes in California.

Compañía de moda de California demanda a la compañía de Ivanka TrumpUna compañía de moda con sede en California presentó una demanda colectiva contra la marca de Ivanka Trump acusándola de tener un acceso de triunfo que le da una ventaja injusta entre los competidores, al cual se refiere a su padre Donald Trump

Modern Appealing Clothing afirma que la compañía Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, está aprovechando sus conexiones políticas, citando al presidente Trump y su esposo Jared, de acuerdo con SFGate.

La tienda de moda de San Francisco señala el reciente aumento de ventas que la marca Trump obtuvo luego de que el presidente acusara a Nordstrom en Twitter por dejar de vender la marca de su hija. Poco después, Kellyanne Conway, que sirve como consejera del Presidente, le dijo a la gente que "vaya a comprar cosas de Ivanka" durante una entrevista de Fox News. Las ventas de la compañía de Ivanka tuvieron un aumento de 346% entre enero y febrero, comparado con el mismo período del año pasado, a pesar de ser descontinuadas por Nordstrom y otros minoristas como Neiman Marcus, Sears y Kmart, según CourthouseNews.La demanda colectiva presentada en nombre de los minoristas de ropa para mujeres en California busca daños no especificados, así como una orden de restricción contra su marca de vender ropa en California.

Puerto Rico rechaza recortes a universidad públicaSAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Roselló, rechazó el lunes 20 de marzo de 2017, la exigencia de la junta federal de control de que reducir en 450 millones de dólares el presupuesto de la universidad pública más grande de la isla.En protesta contra los recortes propuestos, al menos 10 funcionarios universitarios de alto rango presentaron sus renuncias, en medio de las advertencias de que esa medida podría afectar la calidad de la educación y derivar en el despido de profesores a los que ya se les han negado periodos sabáticos y aumentos salariales.Roselló dijo en una carta dirigida a la junta de control que la Universidad de Puerto Rico no puede tener recortes adicionales porque su presupuesto ya fue reducido en 348 millones de dólares los últimos dos años.El gobernador propuso que los recortes presupuestarios a la universidad sean reducidos a 241 millones de dólares y se apliquen en 2021."Tener acceso a la educación superior es un elemento crucial para fomentar el desarrollo económico y social", escribió.Roselló informó que él podría generar más ingresos para la universidad si las agencias de gobierno contratan profesores que capaciten a maestros y otros empleados de gobierno.El secretario de Asuntos Públicos, Ramón Rosario, dijo el lunes en conferencia de prensa que los municipios ya tienen contratos con compañías privadas que proveen ese servicio, así que no sería una carga financiera extra para ellas.El sistema de la universidad tiene un total de 11 planteles con más de 50.000 estudiantes.La junta que supervisa las finanzas de la isla no hizo de momento declaraciones sobre la carta de Roselló.Los recortes propuestos han sido punto de fricción mientras Puerto Rico busca reestructurar su deuda pública de unos 70.000 millones de dólares en medio de una crisis económica que ha durado una década.La junta aprobó en fecha reciente un plan fiscal a 10 años que prevé recortes multimillonarios y alzas en algunos servicios con la finalidad de que contribuyan a estabilizar la economía de la isla, que es territorio de Estados Unidos.

Brexit explained: What's next on the UK's road out of the EULONDON (AP) -- The British government announced last month that it will formally begin its exit from the European Union on March 29. Prime Minister Theresa May will invoke Article 50 of the key EU treaty, the official start of the two-year divorce process.Then comes the hard part - the arguments, the lawyers, the squabbles over money.Here's a look at the main issues and what happens next:WHAT IS THE EU AND WHY IS BRITAIN LEAVING?The EU is a bloc of 28 nations sharing relatively open borders, a single market in goods and services and - for 19 nations - a single currency, the euro.Britain joined in 1973, but has long been a somewhat reluctant member, with a large contingent of euro skeptic politicians and journalists regularly railing against regulations imposed by EU headquarters in Brussels.Former Prime Minister David Cameron offered voters a referendum on EU membership, and in June they voted by 52-48 percent to leave.HOW DOES BRITAIN FILE FOR DIVORCE?The British government will invoke Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty, which says a member state may "notify the European Council of its intention" to leave the bloc.The Department for Exiting the European Union says notification will come in a letter from May to European Council President Donald Tusk. May will also announce the news in Parliament.

That sets a clock ticking: Article 50 says that two years from the moment of notification, "the Treaties shall cease to apply" and Britain will no longer be an EU member.WHOSE MOVE IS IT NOW?The timing of Article 50 was up to Britain. What happens next is up to the EU.European Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas said that the EU is "ready to begin negotiations."Tusk has said that that once EU officials get Britain's notification, they will respond within 48 hours, offering draft negotiating guidelines for the 27 remaining member states to consider. Leaders of the 27 nations will then meet in April or May to finalize their negotiating platform.U.K. Brexit Secretary David Davis has said "the first meeting, bluntly, will be about how we do this? How many meetings, you know, who's going to meet, who's going to come."Substantial talks may have to wait until after France's two-round April-May election for a new president. Another hiccup could be Germany's September election, which will determine whether Chancellor Angela Merkel gets another term.WHO CONDUCTS THE NEGOTIATIONS?On the British side, Davis will take the lead, reporting to May. Britain's ambassador to the EU, Tim Barrow, will also play a major role, and the Foreign Office will talk to individual member states to try to get them on its side.On the EU side, it's complicated. As Britain's Institute for Government recently pointed out, "the U.K. is negotiating with 27 member states, not a unified bloc."French diplomat Michel Barnier is the chief negotiator for the European Commission, the bloc's executive arm. He'll receive direction from the Council, which represents the leaders of the member states.The European Parliament also wants a say, and will have to approve the final deal between Britain and the bloc.WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE?Britain's vote to leave the EU has meant uncertainty for 3 million EU citizens living in the U.K., and 1 million Britons who reside in the 27 other nations of the bloc. Both sides agree that giving such citizens a guarantee that they will be able to stay where they are and is a top priority.WHAT WILL BE THE MAIN CONFLICTS?The first major battle is likely to be about money. The EU says Britain must pay a hefty divorce bill of up to 60 billion euros ($64 billion), to cover EU staff pensions and other expenses the U.K. has committed to. Britain hasn't ruled out a payment, but is sure to quibble over the size of the tab.There's also likely to be friction over Britain's desire to maintain free trade in goods and services with the bloc, without accepting the EU's core principle of free movement of workers. Britain has said it will impose limits on immigration, and so will have to leave the EU's single market and customs union. That makes some barriers to trade seem inevitable.WHEN WILL IT BE OVER?Under the terms of Article 50, Britain will cease to be an EU member in March 2019.But EU negotiators warn it could take two years just to settle the divorce terms; agreeing on a new relationship for the U.K. and the EU could take years longer. If the rest of the EU agrees, the two-year negotiating period can be extended, leaving Britain in the EU for a while longer. Or, the two sides could agree on a transitional period.There's also a chance Britain could walk away early without a deal if it thinks the talks are going nowhere.

Se explica el divorcio de Gran Bretaña de la comunidad EuropeaLONDRES - El gobierno británico anunció que comenzará formalmente su salida de la Unión Europea el 29 de marzo. El primer ministro Theresa May invocará el artículo 50 del tratado clave de la UE, el inicio oficial del proceso de divorcio de dos años.Luego viene la parte difícil - los argumentos, los abogados, las disputas sobre el dinero.He aquí un vistazo a los principales temas y lo que sucede a continuación:¿QUÉ ES LA UE Y por qué es dejando a Gran Bretaña?La UE es un bloque de 28 naciones que comparten fronteras relativamente abiertas, un mercado único de bienes y servicios y - para 19 naciones - una moneda única, el euro.Gran Bretaña se unió en 1973, pero ha sido durante mucho tiempo un miembro un poco reticente, con un gran contingente de políticos y periodistas regularmente barandilla contra las regulaciones impuestas por la sede de la UE en Bruselas.El ex primer ministro David Cameron ofreció a los votantes un referéndum sobre la adhesión a la UE, y en junio votaron por 52-48 por ciento para salir¿CÓMO SE PRESENTA EL DIVORCIO EN GRAN BRETAÑA?El Gobierno británico invocará el artículo 50 del Tratado de Lisboa, que establece que un Estado miembro puede "notificar al Consejo Europeo su intención" de abandonar el bloque. El Departamento para la salida de la Unión Europea dice que la notificación vendrá en una carta de mayo al presidente del Consejo Europeo Donald Tusk. Puede que el también daría a conocer la noticia en el Parlamento. Eso pone un reloj marcando: El artículo 50 dice que dos años desde el momento de la notificación, "los Tratados dejarán de aplicarse" y Gran Bretaña ya no será un miembro de la UE.¿DE QUIÉN ES EL MOVIMIENTO?El calendario del artículo 50 corresponde a Gran Bretaña. Lo que sucede a continuación corresponde a la UE.El portavoz de la Comisión Europea, Margaritis Schinas, dijo que la UE está "lista para iniciar las negociaciones".Tusk ha dicho que una vez que los funcionarios de la UE reciban la notificación de Gran Bretaña, responderán dentro de 48 horas, ofreciendo un borrador de directrices de negociación para los 27 estados miembros restantes a considerar. Los líderes de las 27 naciones se reunirán en abril o mayo para finalizar su plataforma de negociación.El secretario del Reino Unido, David Davis, ha dicho que "la primera reunión, sin rodeos, será acerca de cómo hacemos esto, cuántas reuniones, ya sabes, quién va a reunirse, quién va a venir".Las conversaciones sustanciales pueden tener que esperar hasta después de las elecciones de dos rondas de abril-mayo de Francia para un nuevo presidente. Otro contratiempo podría ser la elección de Alemania en septiembre, que determinará si la canciller Ángela Merkel recibe otro mandato.

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Pelicans' Cousins: He and Davis can 'wreak havoc' togetherBY BRETT MARTELAP SPORTS WRITER

METAIRIE, La. (AP) -- DeMarcus Cousins says his prayers have been answered - just not quite they he expected.

The New Orleans Pelicans' newest All-Star maintained on Wednesday that he liked Sacramento and initially wasn't happy about being traded Sunday night, but added he'd become frustrated with the lack of another elite talent on the Kings' roster.

"I would go home, just stressed out, pulling my hair out, you know, praying, praying, praying: Just send me some help."Cousins is the one who wound up being sent away, but to a team where he joins fellow 6-foot-11 All-Star Anthony Davis."Our games complement one another and being together I think is going to make both of our jobs easier," Cousins said shortly before his first Pelicans practice. "We can wreak havoc on this league. Will it happen overnight? Probably not, but our potential is scary."

Davis and Cousins debut as Pelicans teammates Thursday night at home against Houston.

Davis is averaging 27.7 points, 11.9 rebounds and 2.5 blocks per game this season and is coming off his fourth straight All-Star game. On Sunday night, he scored an All-Star game record 52 points and was named MVP.

Cousins is averaging 27.8 points and 10.6 rebounds this season and can become a free agent in 2018 unless the Pelicans can sign him to an extension commensurate to All-Star pay.Cousins said he's not prepared to discuss his contract situation now, but stressed, "I'm all in. I'll make the best of this opportunity and see what the future holds."

Without using the term "Big Three," general manager Dell Demps insinuated that he sees Davis, Cousins and point guard Jure Holiday - a former Eastern Conference All-Star - in such a light."We just felt that those three guys, putting them together, it's exciting just to think about the possibilities," Demps said.

Holiday has been averaging 16.3 points and 7.5 assists this season, his first healthy campaign since being acquired in 2013 trade.The key with Cousins is how he manages his on-court disposition. Asked to describe how intense of a competitor he is, Cousins grinned and said, "about 17 technicals worth," as he referred to his league-leading technical foul total, which has already resulted in a suspension.

In describing how he and Davis would complement one another, Cousins said, "You've got a little fire; you've got a little ice," with the obvious insinuation that Cousins represented the "fire."

Demps laughed and added, "I couldn't have said it better myself."Still, Cousins said he was not averse to trying harder to reign in his emotions - a little."Being in the position I'm in right now, I'm going to have to turn it down a little bit, to find that balance," Cousins said. "I have to remain myself. That's the way I play. That's what makes me the player that I am, but I do have to find that fine line."

The Pelicans' can't afford any suspensions. The deal, which also brought New Orleans Omri Casspi in exchange Tryeke Evans, Buddy Hield, Langston Galloway and first- and second-round this summer, need to pay immediate dividends. The Pelicans are 2½ games out of the final Western Conference playoff spot with 25 games left.

"I'm extremely, extremely excited about the possibilities," Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry said. "It does take time. We're going to try to make it work quickly. That may not be the case but we don't have a whole lot of margin of error right now." Lakers shake-up: Magic is in charge after GM Kupchak firedWith the Los Angeles Lakers mired in the worst years in franchise history, owner Jeanie Buss has turned to Magic Johnson to lead them back to championship contention.

And she removed her own brother from his job to do it.Jeanie Buss fired general manager Mitch Kupchak on Tuesday and put Johnson in charge of basketball operations. Jim Buss also was dismissed as the Lakers' executive vice president of basketball operations in a major shake-up of the struggling team's front office.

Jim Buss retains his ownership stake in the team, but Jeanie Buss has final say under the structure set up by their late father, Jerry Buss. She used it to chart a new course for the 16-time NBA champion franchise, which has the NBA's third-worst record at 19-39.The Lakers are almost certain to miss the playoffs for a team-record fourth straight season, and they posted the worst record in team history during each of the previous three years."It was such a hard to decision to make, that I probably waited too long," Jeanie Buss said in an interview on Spectrum SportsNet, the Lakers' television network. "For that, I apologize to Laker fans. Now, with clarity and direction, and after talking with Earvin, a change was needed."

Just 19 days after Johnson returned to the Lakers in an executive role, Jeanie Buss decided the Hall of Fame point guard will be the Lakers' decision-maker in basketball operations despite no experience as a personnel executive. Johnson is the Lakers' new president of basketball operations, reporting directly to Jeanie Buss, and it appears that Johnson is moving quickly to surround himself with a team to help his transition.

According to a person with knowledge of the situation, prominent agent Rob Pelinka has begun informing his clients that he plans to leave Landmark Sports Agency to become the

Lakers GM. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the Lakers have not commented on the front office search."The status quo wasn't acceptable," Jeanie Buss said. "It wasn't Lakers basketball. It wasn't what this organization stands for."

Johnson said he will put aside his numerous business obligations and his role with the Los Angeles Dodgers, in which he holds an ownership stake, to concentrate on his work with the Lakers. The charismatic former superstar spent the morning fielding calls from general managers and preparing for the trade deadline in two days.

"I'm coming back to an organization that I love," Johnson said. "The timing is right. It was time to put aside my businesses and focus on the Lakers' business."

Johnson has no time to waste. The Lakers are expected to be sellers at Thursday's trade deadline, and Johnson acknowledged teams are very interested in high-scoring guard Lou Williams, who could fetch at least a first-round draft pick - something the Lakers might not have this year, thanks to years of win-now trades by Kupchak and Jim Buss during the Kobe Bryant era.

Johnson also acknowledged the Lakers were involved in trade discussions for All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins, who went from Sacramento to New Orleans. Los Angeles has plummeted out of contention after an encouraging 10-10 start under Luke Walton, but the rookie coach got a strong vote of confidence from Jeanie Buss and Johnson, who said he "loves" Walton as a coach and an example of the Lakers' championship culture.Kupchak is a former Lakers center who had been employed by the franchise in some capacity since August 1981. He had been the Lakers' GM since 2000, studying under Jerry West and eventually succeeding him.

"I would like to thank the Buss family for 36 incredible years," Kupchak said in a statement given to The Associated Press. "In particular, I would like to acknowledge Dr. Buss who brought me here as a player in 1981. I also want to thank every Laker player, coach and staff member with whom I have worked and who supported me through the good times and the very few not so good times."

Kupchak had been in the Lakers' front office for 30 years, including the last 17 as general manager - the longest current stretch running a front office in the NBA.

"I'm most disappointed that I won't have the opportunity to continue to work with Luke and watch this young and talented team grow and eventually win in the Laker tradition," said Kupchak, who concluded by sending his best wishes to Johnson and the organization going forward.

Jim Buss had been in the Lakers' front office for 19 years, including 12 in charge of basketball operations alongside Kupchak. The former horse trainer was widely seen as a dilettante when he moved into a job in the family business, but he worked to deserve the responsibility of making basketball decisions in recent years.

Yet the Lakers have steadily declined from the heights of back-to-back championships in 2009 and 2010. They haven't made the playoffs since 2013, and they've won only 84 of their past 386 games since then.

After an extraordinary trade for Pau Gasol propelled the Lakers to three straight NBA Finals appearances, Kupchak and Jim Buss made a series of high-profile personnel moves that didn't pan out.In 2012, they made a pricey trade for Dwight Howard, who fled the franchise after one year, and another deal for Steve Nash, who barely played thanks to back woes. The Lakers are still feeling the effects of that deal, which will cost them their first-round pick this summer if it isn't in the top three.

The Lakers finished 17-65 last season, a franchise low in the last year of Bryant's two-decade run with the franchise.Pelinka is in line to become the latest player agent to move into an NBA front office, following a similar path as Bob Myers in Golden State and Arn Tellem in Detroit, among others. For years Pelinka has been a league power broker, representing Bryant, James Harden, Eric Gordon and other high-profile players. His addition could also pave the way for Bryant to return to the organization in some capacity.

In order to join the Lakers, Pelinka would have to divest himself from his current clients. Those players could either be represented by another certified agent at his firm or look outside Landmark for representation.Johnson's return earlier this month made Jim Buss' departure seem quite likely, particularly given Jim Buss' vow several years ago to leave the franchise if they weren't in contention for a Western Conference title by this year or next.

But Jeanie Buss still picked a dramatic way to break up the family business structure.

Johnson has been a successful businessman and investor since his playing career ended, owning pieces of the Lakers, the Dodgers, the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks and MLS expansion franchise LAFC. He dropped his ceremonial title as a Lakers vice president last June after his frequent public criticisms of Jim Buss and former coaches. He also sold his ownership stake in 2010.

The Lakers' recent ineptitude didn't hurt their place as Los Angeles' most beloved sports franchise and a worldwide brand, and they finally have a talented young core with D'Angelo Russell, Julius Randle, Brandon Ingram and Jordan Clarkson. But they haven't been able to translate that potential into wins despite playing an exciting style under Walton.The Lakers also parted ways with longtime top public relations executive John Black.

The Lakers return from the All-Star break on Friday at Oklahoma City. They face San Antonio at Staples Center on Sunday.

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Editorial/LettersChina, clave para solucionar el problema de Corea del Norte¿Qué más queda por hacer con Corea del Norte? Ya todo se hizo, incluyendo fuertes sanciones económicas por parte de la ONU. Sin embargo, Kim Jong-un, líder supremo de los norcoreanos, no se da por vencido. Quiere convertirse en una potencia mundial a través de las bombas nucleares.Hagamos un recuento de lo que aconteció desde la década de 1990 en relación a la belicosidad de Corea del Norte. En agosto de 1998 lanzó un misil (Taepondong-1) que cruzó el horizonte de la isla japonés Honshu, viajando 1.380 kilómetros. Este incidente produjo conmoción y preocupación en la población nipona por violar su espacio nacional y por el riesgo que implicaba una Corea de Norte con capacidad de lanzar cohetes de larga distancia.En julio de 2006, los norcoreanos lanzaron otro misil de un potencial de 6.700 kilómetros de alcance. Luego en octubre del mismo año, hicieron explotar por primera vez una bomba nuclear. En octubre de 2009 nuevamente lanzaron un misil de prueba. También lo hicieron en abril y diciembre de 2012; en enero de 2013 hicieron detonar una bomba nuclear miniatura que tiene un alcance de radiación de 6 a 7 kilotones, suficiente como para destruir toda el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles.Recientemente, Kim Jong-un ordenó el lanzamiento de un misil balístico de mediano a largo alcance como protesta a la acción colectiva de Estados Unidos y Corea del Sur contra su país y una supuesta invasión a su territorio.Como en otras oportunidades, el Secretario General de la ONU probablemente entablará conversaciones con otros líderes mundiales para disuadir al gobierno de Corea del Norte a desistir su ansiedad por la adquisición de armas nucleares.Por otra parte, los partidarios de la tendencia realista, incluyendo altos mandos militares de la Administración Trump, insistirán en un tipo de estrategia que vaya más allá de las sanciones económicas. Nada de lo anterior prosperará en un futuro inmediato. Una opción bélica, como la que propondrían los realistas clásicos no es el camino a seguir. Corea del Norte ya tiene capacidad nuclear. Un ataque contra este país crearía un caos inmediato, alterando el orden regional y seguramente provocando una respuesta contra Corea del Sur y Japón, vecinos y enemigos históricos de la otra Corea.Lo mejor es apelar a los dirigentes chinos a que se unan a la comunidad mundial a promover medidas extremas –excluyendo la guerra— para que Corea del Norte finalmente abandone su postura bellicosa.

China es un actor primordial, es aliado de Corea del Norte y tiene que ser incluido en la resolución de este conflicto.

Discurso plagado de incoherencias políticasEs muy difícil apostarse al frente de la televisión y atender el mensaje de uno de los presidentes más pedantes y ofensivos de la historia del país.El discurso de Trump fue calibrado cuidadosamente para dejar de ofender a una población cansada de sus incoherencias. No fue suficiente tanta palabrería. Se notó el maquillaje de más de un centímetro de grosor que sus escritores pusieron a cada una de sus palabras para no exasperar el sentimiento de los demócratas y los millones de detractores que no están de acuerdo con su radicalismoPara empezar, el discurso de ayer estuvo marcado por simbolismos que uno no puede hacer a un lado a la hora del análisis político.En frente del pódium, las cámaras de televisión mostraron la figura voluminosa de Trump. Por detrás, a su mano derecha, se divisó la imagen del vicepresidente Mike Pence. Y a su flanco izquierdo, Paul Ryan, jefe máximo de la Cámara de Representantes, hizo notar su acostumbrada mueca sarcástica.Qué diferencia tan marcada con lo que ocurrió hace ocho años. En el primer discurso de Barack Obama en frente del Congreso, todos fuimos testigos de un maravilloso cambio social en la vida política del país. Fue una imagen del cambio, especialmente de la diversidad étnica que goza la población estadounidense.En frente estaba la figura de un presidente afroamericano (Barack Obama), por detrás un vicepresidente anglosajón (Joe Biden) y una mujer jefe de la Cámara de Representantes (Nacy Pelosi).En un poco más de una hora de discurso, Trump trató, en lo posible, apaciguar los 40 días de políticas extremistas de su administración.La primera parte estuvo enmarcada dentro de un contexto económico que hizo énfasis su experiencia como negociante. A pesar de que no tuvo nada que ver con los resultados positivos de la Bolsa de Valores de New York, Trump, como es natural de su personalidad mitómana, se adjudicó todos los méritos del caso.Asimismo, dijo estar trabajando en función de la unión de toda la población estadounidense. En este sentido, según él, sus mandatos presidenciales están conjuntados para darle seguridad al país, ofrecer garantías a las transacciones económicas y evitar otros atentados terroristas. Nunca, en ningún instante, reconoció que sus políticas contra el terrorismo son altamente ofensivas e inconstitucionales. La Corte Federal de Apelaciones así lo determinó recientemente.Nuevamente, sin importarle las repercusiones sociales al interior de las familias latinas, Trump justificó sus políticas de deportación y la construcción de una muralla a lo largo de la frontera con México.Así, Trump trató de ser hábil con la palabra, pero nuevamente mostró su esencia radical.

Humberto Caspa, Ph.D., es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move. E-mail: [email protected]

Los Tres Cuentos De TrumpDonald Trump se ha inventado tres cuentos para criminalizar, criticar y rechazar a los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos.Pero esos cuentos están llenos de mentiras. El problema es que después de repetirlos tantas veces, muchos estadounidenses ya se los creyeron. Vamos a destruir, uno por uno, los tres cuentos y mentiras de Trump. 1) Primer cuento: Los inmigrantes indocumentados son criminales. Ese es el principal cuento de Trump. Cuando lanzó su campaña presidencial en junio del 2015, Trump acusó a los inmigrantes mexicanos de “traer drogas, traer el crimen y ser violadores”. Y en su primer discurso ante el Congreso, otra vez, describió a los inmigrantes como “miembros de pandillas, traficantes de drogas y criminales”. Todo eso es falso. El 97 por ciento de los indocumentados es gente buena. ¿De dónde saqué esa cifra?

De un estudio del Migration Policy Institute que asegura que menos del tres por ciento de los indocumentados han cometido un crimen serio (o felony en inglés). De hecho, los estadounidenses cometen el doble de crímenes graves -6 por ciento- que los indocumentados. Un dato más. A más inmigrantes indocumentados, menos crimen. La población indocumentada se triplicó de 3.5 millones en 1990 a 11.2 millones en el 2013. Bueno, en ese mismo período los crímenes violentos en Estados Unidos bajaron 48 por ciento, según el FBI. Trump insiste en presentar a los inmigrantes como “bad hombres”. Pero es una mentira. No le crean. 2) Segundo cuento: Los inmigrantes le cuestan mucho a Estados Unidos. Eso dice Trump pero es falso también. Esta es una simple cuestión de sumas y restas. Sí, efectivamente, los inmigrantes reciben algunos servicios sociales y educación pública gratuita para sus hijos hasta preparatoria (o highschool). Eso cuesta mucho. Pero los inmigrantes también aportan mucho. Los inmigrantes pagan impuestos y crean trabajos. Además, la gran ironía es que los indocumentados contribuyen por ley a un fondo de retiro (social security) y a un programa médico (medicare) que nunca podrán usar debido a que no están legalmente en el país. Al final de cuentas los inmigrantes contribuyen más de dos mil millones de dólares al año a la economía de Estados Unidos, según la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (o 54 mil millones de dólares en casi dos décadas). Trump culpa a los inmigrantes de ser una carga para el país. No es cierto. Contribuyen mucho más de lo que toman. 3) Tercer cuento: Los inmigrantes le quitan el trabajos a los estadounidenses. Trump ha querido culpar a los inmigrantes de los problemas económicos que sufren los trabajadores estadounidenses. Pero está equivocado. Los inmigrantes casi nunca compiten por los mismos trabajos que quieren o tienen los estadounidenses. Hacen, sobre todo, los trabajos que nadie más quiere hacer en la agricultura y en el sector de servicios. Reto a cualquier estadounidense a que tome el durísimo trabajo que hacen los indocumentados en los campos de cultivo de Florida o California, o en los restaurantes de Nueva York y Chicago, o en los hoteles de cualquier parte del país. Además, sus salarios suelen ser de los más bajos y tienen muy pocas protecciones laborales. Los inmigrantes complementan el trabajo de los estadounidenses, no son una competencia directa para ellos. No, los inmigrantes no le están robando los trabajos a los estadounidenses. Al contrario, les ayudan. Por años ha flotado la idea de que hay que convocar a un día sin inmigrantes. Nunca se ha concretado. Pero Estados Unidos se paralizaría. Donald Trump, hay que reconocerlo, es una persona que miente mucho. Mintió durante años al decir que Barack Obama no había nacido en Estados Unidos. Luego volvió a mentir al asegurar que hasta tres millones de indocumentados habían votado en la pasada elección (y que por eso perdió el voto popular). Y hace poco, sin tener ninguna prueba o evidencia, escribió en Twitter que el presidente Obama había ordenado que los espiaran durante la campaña presidencial. Todo eso es falso. Y también lo son sus cuentos sobre los inmigrantes. No señor Trump, los inmigrantes no son criminales, ni son una carga económica para Estados Unidos, ni le quitan los trabajos a los estadounidenses. Esos son puros cuentos. A ver quién se los cree. Por Jorge Ramos Avalos.

La Prensa No Es El EnemigoNo soy enemigo de Donald Trump. Pero tampoco quiero ser su amigo. Les cuento por qué.Soy un inmigrante y soy un periodista. Esas dos cosas me definen y marcan mi trabajo. Por eso, cuando Trump lanzó su campaña presidencial en junio del 2015 y le llamó criminales y violadores a los inmigrantes mexicanos, yo sabía que él estaba equivocado y había que denunciarlo. Trump criminalizó a los inmigrantes durante la campaña y lo sigue haciendo en la Casa Blanca. Si uno escucha sus discursos -como el que dio al congreso la semana pasada- uno pudiera creer que todos los inmigrantes son “miembros de pandillas, narcotraficantes o criminales”. Esa palabra usó. Pero eso es falso. De hecho, los estadounidenses cometen, en promedio, más crímenes que los inmigrantes y terminan con más frecuencia en la cárcel, según un estudio del American Immigration Council. Hay muchos más good hombres que “bad hombres” entre los inmigrantes de Estados Unidos. También es mentira que los inmigrantes le quiten los trabajos a los estadounidenses y que sean una carga para la economía de Estados Unidos, como lo sugiere Trump. Los inmigrantes aportan mucho más de lo que toman en servicios públicos; unos 54 mil millones de dólares de ganancia neta desde 1994 al 2013 de acuerdo con la Academia Nacional de las Ciencias. Trump, que tanto se queja de las noticias falsas, es el rey del fake news por sus frecuentes mentiras sobre los indocumentados. Ante las falsedades que dice Trump ¿qué debemos hacer como reporteros?Primero, estamos obligados a informar sobre la realidad como es, no como quisiéramos que fuera. Pero nuestro trabajo debe ir mucho más allá de la simple recolección de datos. No somos grabadoras. (Bueno, ya nadie usa grabadoras. Me rehúso, entonces, a ser un celular que simplemente graba lo que otros dicen.) Nuestra principal función social como periodistas es cuestionar a los que tienen el poder. Y cuando alguien como Trump hace comentarios racistas y antiinmigrantes es preciso tomar una postura y denunciarlo. Pero es imposible denunciar a políticos como Trump si estamos metidos en la cama con ellos. Tiene que haber una clara distancia entre el periodista y el político. Trump aparentemente cree que solo los periodistas que simpatizan con él o que son sus amiguitos pueden cubrir con imparcialidad su presidencia. Se vuelve a equivocar. Los periodistas independientes nunca quieren ser amigos de los presidentes. Hay una palabra que define perfectamente nuestra función periodística: contrapoder. Debemos siempre estar del otro lado del poder, independientemente de si un Demócrata o un Republicano está en la Casa Blanca. El principal estratega de Trump, Steve Bannon, dijo hace poco que la prensa es “el partido de oposición”. Y Trump fue aún más lejos cuando dijo en un tuit que los medios de comunicación “no eran enemigos de él sino del pueblo estadounidense.” Trump tiene la piel muy delgada y no le gusta que lo critiquen. Pero no entiende que la labor de la prensa es, precisamente, hacerlo responsable de sus palabras y acciones. Debido a sus comentarios racistas, sexistas, xenófobos y en contra de los musulmanes, mucha gente no respeta a Trump. Trump es, por lo tanto, un presidente que busca desesperadamente validación y respeto. El respeto se gana no lo da ningún puesto. Si Trump ataca a la prensa y a la primera enmienda de la constitución, no me importa que me vea como su enemigo. (Yo, mientras tanto, seguiré defendiendo la libertad de prensa.) Si Trump ataca el sistema democrático y a los jueces, me tiene sin cuidado si cree que soy el enemigo. (Es falso que tres millones de indocumentados hayan votado en la pasada elección, como dijo el ahora presidente.) Y si Trump insiste en culpar falsamente a los inmigrantes y a los extranjeros de los principales problemas económicos y de seguridad nacional, me vale si me identifica como el enemigo. Ese es su problema. Yo solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo. No señor Trump, no soy enemigo de usted ni de su gobierno. Pero, la verdad, tampoco quiero ser su amigo. Posdata. Esta columna está basada en mi discurso durante la ceremonia de los premios Goldsmith en la universidad de Harvard. Por Jorge Ramos Avalos.

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