
Request for Qualifications Architectural and Planning Services Highwall Properties, LLC

Purpose This request for qualifications (RFQ) is to identify a professional design consultant to assume the role of lead designer and architect of record on the project team for the Highwall Development project presently in the planning phase for an approximately 60-acre site in Mingo County, WV, on King Coal Highway (Rt. 52) (37°38'30.00"N, 82° 4'35.00"W).

Client Background and Project History Coalfield Development believes in developing the potential of Appalachian places and people as they experience challenging moments of economic transition by unlocking people’s creative power to transform perceived problems. Coalfield Development is a 501c(3) non-profit working throughout the region as a leader in the building of a new economy during the wake of the coal industry’s rapid decline. We have created more than 850 on-the-job training positions, more than 850 professional certification opportunities, redeveloped more than 190,000 square feet of dilapidated property, and work across the areas of real estate development, construction, creative placekeeping, woodworking, agriculture, and artisan trades – industries based on local assets and having real viability in the Appalachian region.

As a community-based real estate developer, Coalfield has undertaken a number of complex projects throughout southern West Virginia. The organization has deep expertise and knowledge in executing development projects that act to catalyze positive change in the communities we serve. These projects

range from creating or preserving affordable housing, to mixed use facilities with varied commercial, light industrial, artisan and community programming.

Coalfield Development, with coordination and support from the Mingo County Redevelopment Authority has secured development rights to parcels of land approximately 12 miles east of Williamson, WV. On February 8, 2018 a co-design workshop was held in the Mingo County Redevelopment Authority’s conference room and facilitated by the Seattle-based Land Art Generator, a nonprofit arts organization that works at the intersection of renewable energy and public art. The outcomes document from that first workshop can be found in the additional resources section of this document. One of the stated objectives of the first workshop was to explore ways the site can support a healing mission for Southern West Virginia with an eye to a thriving future. Aspects of the development program identified included a community pavilion, a wellness center, short-term stay accommodations, trails, and small scale sustainable agriculture. The workshop consensus was around paying homage to West Virginia’s history while demonstrating how Mingo County can advance standards of sustainable development by incorporating a net-zero carbon energy strategy and creative onsite renewable energy design. The property is well-situated to take advantage of key assets, which will help support a project approach that will include hospitality, recreation, and eco-tourism:

● The terrain and surrounding natural environment ○ Event venue with stunning views across West Virginia’s unique topography ○ Restorative tourism

● Proximity to the Hatfield-McCoy trail system ○ Accessibility to a wide range of outdoors activities ○ Onsite wellness center and nature trails provide families with a range of activities

● Reclamation of former mining site ○ Providing new opportunities for employment ○ Stimulating economic development

Requested Scope of Services Coalfield Development is seeking the professional services of an architectural consultant with planning experience to take over the facilitation of community engagement and to assist with pre-development planning over the next six months. In the longer term—once a more detailed development plan is established—the architectural consultant will be expected to present a proposal for full-service design, engineering, and construction administration services through various phases of the development. Presently the project is in pre-development planning. The immediate task is to arrive at a development strategy and planning concept that is financially viable and that is rooted in stakeholder engagement. The development seeks to build on the excitement that has been expressed by the community around creating a new place that can increase tourism from outside the region, support regional economic development, and that can serve in some way as an emblem of West Virginia’s forward-thinking 21st century economy.

The project is expected to proceed in the stages outlined below. Current Scope: Pre-development Funding is established to support the following pre-development work:

● Review the history of the pre-development planning process and make recommendations ● Visit the project site with representatives of Coalfield Development and Mingo County ● 2nd community design workshop with regional stakeholders via Zoom ● Coordination and planning meetings as required with authorities having jurisdiction ● Concept design update document based on outcomes of workshop ● Updated development plan and schedule including

○ Site analysis ○ Site program informed by desktop market research and business model for the site ○ Diagrammatic site plan ○ Phased development strategy options, encompassing the site analysis, site program and

corresponding funding opportunities ● Meetings with Coalfield Development and Mingo County representatives to plan next steps

The contract term for the current scope of work is expected to be between 6 months and one year. Coalfield Development reserves the right to negotiate future scopes of work with contract terms of up to five years through the next stages of development. The successful applicant will be asked to submit a proposal for the current scope of work upon Future Scope: Planning Concept, Design Development, Contract Documents, and Construction Funding yet to be established

Expected Deliverables The selected consultant will be expected to help facilitate a 2nd community design workshop in coordination with the Land Art Generator to be held via Zoom video conferencing. Following the workshop, the consultant will deliver a planning report document that takes into account the ideas and feedback provided in the workshop and sets forward the plan and schedule for the next stages of development. The planning report document shall be produced in such a way that it can be used to communicate the project to prospective investors, funding agencies, and foundations, as well as to garner additional support from the general public and local leadership. The planning report shall include:

● Record of the meeting notes and ideas ● Preliminary site program ● Conceptual master plan with phasing recommendations ● Illustrative perspective ● Development precedents ● Conceptual cost estimate of development and long term revenue opportunities ● Program and spatial planning and massing diagrams for key buildings

Requirements of Consultant The selected consultant will have a portfolio of constructed projects in West Virginia that includes master planning, multi-family residential, commercial, community facilities, and mixed-use development. The selected consultant will have a strategic understanding of the review and approval process for Mingo County projects, familiarity with the authorities having jurisdiction, and a track record of successful implementation. Staff membership in good standing with the American Institute of Architects, American Society of Landscape Architects, LEED accredited professionals on staff, and familiarity with sustainable design and facilities management standards such as the Living Building Challenge are considered fundamental. The selected consultant should be well versed in integrated project delivery models and have wide ranging experience with various types of construction contracts. Additional qualifications may include experience consulting on innovative development strategies, passive, site-driven and integrated systems design, and experience with the design of sustainable, regenerative, and productive landscapes for triple bottom line business models. Landscape architecture, civil engineering, and landscape ecology will be key components of the next stage in development planning. Respondents should have landscape architect(s) and civil engineers on staff or identify the landscape architecture and civil engineering firm(s) with which they intend to consult from the beginning of the design process. Coalfield development is seeking to ensure a high quality level of professional services delivered in a cost-effective and timely manner from the successful applicant.

Instructions for how to respond to this RFQ Please send your qualification package to the attention of Nick Guertin, Interim Director of Revitalize Appalachia Coalfield Development by email to [email protected] by close of business on April 16, 2021. Your response should include the following:

● Cover letter with contact information, an introduction to your practice, your preliminary thoughts and ideas related to project-specific communication, collaboration, and coordination strategies and tools, and additional information related to your methodology and approach.

● Bios for key personnel likely to be assigned to the project. Identify the key contact for the project and all personnel who will be assigned to work on this project, including a description of their abilities, qualifications, and experience. Include resumes for all key individuals.

● Portfolio of relevant past projects. Provide brief descriptions of three (3) projects dealing with conceptual site planning and design, or similar topics prepared by or under the direction of your firm. Include in your description the project client, relative scope of services performed, and final deliverables produced. Please also include a list of references for these projects.

● Detailed company profile including differentiating qualities, design philosophy, approach to sustainable design, statement regarding equity and inclusion in hiring, professional ethics, etc. Please include information related to qualified MBE, WBE, and Appalachian Owned Business.

● List of three references with contact information (past clients) There is no limitation on the number of pages. Please use letter-size paper and portrait orientation. Combine all documents into one PDF.

Process and Timeline March 22nd , 2021: RFQ posted on and shared with consultants April 5th - Questions due from responding consultants to [email protected] by 5:00PM. Responses to questions will be distributed no later than April 12th. April 16th, 2021: RFQ responses due to [email protected] by 5:00PM April 26th, 2021: Selection announcement Late April, 2021: Initial meeting with selected consultant to review first scope of work Early May: Proposal due for first scope of work June 14, 2021: 2nd community co-design workshop August, 2021: Delivery of planning report document Evaluation shall be made by Coalfield Development staff in coordination with Land Art Generator and Mingo County Redevelopment Authority and shall take into consideration the following criteria:

● 40 pts: Firm’s general qualifications and experience ● 20 pts: Proposed approach and methodology with a focus on sustainable design ● 30 pts: Past performance and references ● 10 pts: Equity and inclusion: Evaluation of the approach and methodology, and firm profile

(MBE, WBE, and Appalachian Owned Business) This RFQ is a solicitation for a statement of qualifications and is not a contract or an offer to contract. This request for qualifications does not obligate Coalfield Development to award a contract or pay any costs incurred by the proposer in the preparation and submittal of a statement of qualifications. Coalfield Development reserves the right to withdraw this solicitation at any time for any reason; remove any scope component for any reason and to issue such clarifications, modifications and/or amendments as deemed appropriate. Coalfield Development reserves the right to negotiate terms and conditions including scope, staffing levels, and fees with the highest ranked responder. If agreement cannot be reached with the highest ranked responder, Coalfield Development reserves the right to negotiate with the next highest ranked responder and so on until agreement is reached.

Responding to this Request for Proposal does not create a contractual relationship. No obligation on the part of the Coalfield Development as the RFQ-issuing agency or on behalf of the responding entity is created by the response. Coalfield reserves the right to establish further

criteria, to waive any informalities in submissions, to reject any or all proposals and to re-issue an RFQ/RFP and to negotiate with successful respondents. Coalfield reserves the right to request additional information from all or a single respondent.

RFQ Questions and Clarifications To ensure consistent response and to ensure consistent and correct information to all interested parties, potential respondents must submit all questions and requests for clarification via email to Nick Guertin at [email protected] No questions will be accepted after 5:00 PM on 04/05/2020.

Additional Resources Highwall property survey documents Outcomes document from 1st community design workshop
