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Friday 5th July saw 146 new and excited year 6 students come to Cranbourne for Induction Day and the start of their journey with us at Cranbourne. The day provided the opportunity for students to meet with their tutor and tutor group, whom they will grow with over their time at CBEC. The students also took part in lessons (particular favourites included Design & Technology and Science) and gained stamps, just like they will when they start in September. Throughout the day the tutors and tutor groups were supported by year 10 ambassadors who were amazing. They helped to make the year 6 students welcome as well as supporting the tutors. One of the highlights of the day came towards the end when we had a whole year group photo

(shown above). This is a memory that will stay with me along with, perhaps, their leavers assembly in five years time! Parents and carers of our new students were invited to attend a parents meeting on Wednesday 10th July. This was another well attended event, providing information to parents about key aspects of life at CBEC. Thank you to all who were involved with this event and helped to make it happen. As the new year 7 Progress Manager I am excited about the challenges that lay ahead, working with parents, tutors and most importantly the students to help them have a successful and enjoyable time at CBEC. I look forward to learning more about all of the students in September.

Mr Duffy

July 12th 2013: Page 2: Swimming Gala ~ Page 3: Year 10 Performance ~ Page 4: MFL Competition

Message from Mrs Elkins

Dear Parents,

With the busy week we have just had welcoming our new Year 7 students with their parents to CBEC, it seems impossible that it was only two weeks ago that we had our Leavers’ Ball for the class of 2013. This was a fantastic event which staff and students alike enjoyed and it marked the end of an era for another year group. We wish them every success in the next stage of their education or training.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our Monitor Day last Friday, particularly those of you who were able to fill in our parental questionnaires. Receiving your responses has been very helpful. We really value your support and the opportunity to discuss your son/daughter’s progress with you. We look forward to being able to give you some feedback from the questionnaires in the Autumn Term.

Yours sincerely

Betty Elkins, Headteacher

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LION KING TRIP CBEC students recently travelled to London to see the musical theatre production of The Lion King. Mrs Affleck-Cruise, teacher of Drama, said “I thought it was wonderful that students could enjoy the show with staff and their families. It felt like a whole community trip and it would be great if more trips like this could be organised in the future.” After the trip, several of the students were asked to give their opinions on the show: “It was really good, the way the elephant and the giraffes were built. The set design was really good, the costumes were amazing. The dancing was pretty good.” - Rosie, Year 8 “It was good when they came down the aisles at the beginning. The lion face on Simba was good.” - Molly, Year 8 “It was fantastic and moving.” - Tori, Year 7 “It was really good with all the puppets.” - Megan, Year 7 ”It was an amazing experience.” - Ellie, Year 7 “It was stunning.” - Olly, Year 7

SWIMMING GALA CBEC’s annual swimming gala took place on Monday 8th July. Throughout the duration of the day, each year group participated, with boys and girls each competing in one length of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, the 100m and the freestyle relay. All points from the swimming gala have been added up and will be combined with those from the field events and The Day of Sport. Watch this space for the overall results!

MASTER CLASSES Gifted and Talented students have had the opportunity to work as helpers in a series of master classes, held at CBEC for feeder school pupils in years 4 and 5. In recent weeks, classes in a series of subjects have been held, including Art, Science, Maths, PE, History and Drama. The G&T students got involved by supervising the younger students and demonstrating how to carry out the different activities. Miss Conroy, the Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator at Cranbourne, said “It was great to see our students work so well with the younger pupils. Being a student helper is a great way for them to improve their leadership and communication skills and it was clear to see that they all enjoyed the experience.” The feeder schools that visited Cranbourne were Kings Furlong, Manor Field, St John’s, Oakley and Chalk Ridge.

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Can you work out where in the school grounds this photograph was taken?

The answer is below, along with the answer for the

last ‘Where in CBEC?’ photo that was featured in the May 24th issue of CCU


YEAR 10 DRAMA PERFORMANCE Year 10 students have recently performed extracts from The Woman in Black and Dark Cinderella for students, staff and parents. The evening was received very well by the audience and the performers did an excellent job. Comments from the audience included: “The staging was brilliant”, “They really created dramatic tension in the place” and “My favourite bit was the knocking on the door.” When the students were asked what they thought of the evening, they said: “It was a good experience.” “It was a lot of pressure, but it worked out well in the end. It felt like a great achievement

when we’d finished.” “It taught us not to leave anything until the last minute.” “When put on the spot, we found we could improvise and ad lib better than we ever thought

we could.”


Queen Mary’s College have recently brought their performing arts road show in for Drama and Music students at KS4. It was inspirational, with an ex-CBEC student delivering a monologue followed by a comic dance. It was fantastic to see the standard of performance she is now attaining so well done to Amy! There were other monologues, songs and dances performed and the road show was finished off with some of the musical theatre students presenting a song and dance from Bombay Dreams and ‘Pharaoh's song’ from Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

This issue: first floor science corridor, C block May 24th issue: F block lockers, next to IT stairwell

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Well done to Cranbourne’s MFL students who have recently been taking part in the Language Perfect World Championships.

The competition takes place online and gives students the opportunity to not only show off their skills in French and Spanish, but also in other languages that they may also be learning. All students did very well but a particular mention should be made to Erin Kirk, who came top of the school and achieved the Gold Certificate after placing in the top 2% globally.

Very well done to you all!


On the weekend of Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June, year 10 Duke of Edinburgh students set off on their final expedition. The assessed weekend saw the students walking 20 miles across the New Forest and we are pleased to announce that all the students passed their expedition section of the award.

Many thanks to Mr Duffy, Miss Mercer and Mrs Absalom for taking the students on the expedition.

Contact CBEC

Cranbourne Business and Enterprise College

Wessex Close Basingstoke RG21 3NP

01256 868600

[email protected]

Catch Up Calendar What’s on in the weeks ahead!

July 2013 Wednesday 17th: Years 7 and

8 Rewards Evening Thursday 18th: Years 9 and

10 Rewards Evening Friday 19th: Day of Sport Tuesday 23rd: LAST DAY OF

TERM. Students finish at 12.45pm

August 2013 Thursday 22nd: GCSE

Exam Results Day September 2013 Tuesday 3rd: Autumn term

starts - Year 7s ONLY, from 10.30am

Wednesday 4th: Autumn term starts - all students

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter! @CBECinfo

More detailed versions of the above stories, complete with photographs and quotes from students, can be found in this term’s issue of News @ Cranbourne - out soon!