Page 1: PAHAGA NEWS - Newsletter Ja… · October 2017 and the associ-ated increases in plot rents. More details on page 2. Sec-ondly,

Chairman’s Introduction.

Happy New Year to you all, I

hope everyone had an enjoyable

festive period & are ready for

the upcoming growing season.

The main aim of this Newslet-

ter is to inform you about the

new lease effective from 1

October 2017 and the associ-

ated increases in plot rents.

More details on page 2. Sec-

ondly, the new Tenancy Agree-

ment is now effective & each

plot holder at both sites will be

required to sign the new agree-

ment when paying allotment

fees in January for 2018.

Again, more details on page 2.

A hearty congratulations to

Trevor Robinson and the ten-

ants at Red Barn for winning

the Best Allotment award for

Fareham in Bloom 2017, I be-

lieve this is the fourth year in

a row, a great achievement.

Congratulations to all the indi-

vidual winners on both sites

whose plots won various

awards. Well done.

The shops at both sites contin-

ue to make a small profit which

allows us to maintain the Asso-

ciation Fees at the same level

for 2018. The goods stocked in

the shop are constantly under

review and the Trading Sec

along with the Shop Managers

strive to offer the best possi-

ble prices across a wide range

of fertilisers etc.

Lastly, I’d like to thank the

committee for all their hard

work & support throughout

2017. There are a few chal-

lenges ahead concerning new

responsibilities detailed in the

lease but nothing that a bit of

forethought and flexibility

won’t overcome. Thank you too,

to all our members and associ-

ate members and volunteers

for their cooperation and sup-

port in 2017.

The PAHAGA Annual General

Meeting will take place on

Wednesday 14 March 2018 at

the Portchester Community

School commencing at 7.30pm.

This is your opportunity to let

the committee know of any

concerns you might have and to

be part of the PAHAGA deci-

sion making process. Come

along and make a difference.

The meeting normally takes an

hour to and hour and a half and

you can meet fellow allotment

holders or gardeners for a

chat, exchange of ideas and at

the same time help in making

the PAHAGA a success.

For a variety of reasons, there

are a number of vacancies on

the committee. The vacancies



Assistant Plot Manager

(Roman Grove)

Gardeners Representative

(Red Barn)

Gardeners Representative

(Roman Grove)

If you feel that you have the

time, commitment and attrib-

utes to undertake these roles

please put your name forward

on the Proposal Boards sited in

each of the shops. You will

need a Proposer and a Second-

er and should you have any

questions regarding the vacan-

cies, please contact the

PAHAGA Chairman Mr Dixie

Dean on Plot 51 @ Roman Grove

(Weekends) or through the

PAHAGA website ‘Contact Us’


Happy New Year to all Members and Associate Members

PAHAGA 2018 Annual General Meeting


Hot Topics

Committee Vacancies

Annual General Meeting

New Lease

Rent Increases


General Meeting 1

New Lease &

Tenancy Agreement 2

Your Committee 3

Bonfire Night 3

Growing Tips 3

Vichyssoise Recipe 3

Growing Tips 4

Carrot & Parsnip Pie

Recipe 4

Polite and Not so

Polite Notices 4

Inside this issue:



The PAHAGA Website is at


Fees can be paid at the Trading Hut on both the Red Barn and Roman Grove sites. Fees must be

paid by 31 Jan 2018. There is an increase in rents to £4.50 per Rod (see Page 2). Association

Fees will remain at £3.

Suggestion Boxes are being sited in each of the shops for a trial period of 6

months to encourage suggestions from our members and Plot Holders for im-

provements to the site(s), ideas on stock items for the shops and any other

ways of improving the lot for Plot Holders and Members. Suggestions forms

will be available and must be completed legibly and signed; . All suggestions

must be polite, sensible. The Committee will review any suggestions at each

Committee meeting and the agreed result notified to the author of the sug-


Page 2: PAHAGA NEWS - Newsletter Ja… · October 2017 and the associ-ated increases in plot rents. More details on page 2. Sec-ondly,

New Lease, Rents & Associated Tenancy Agreement

Page 2 January 2018

The current lease with Fareham Borough Council (FBC) for

both the Red Barn and Roman Grove Allotment Sites ex-

pired officially in 2015. By mutual agreement with FBC it

was agreed to extend the old lease until a new one was com-

pleted and agreed.

A new lease has now been drawn up and was signed by the

PAHAGA Trustees in October 2017. A copy of the new

lease is available in the shops at Red Barn and Roman Grove

for members to peruse. A lot of effort has been put in be-

hind the scenes to negotiate the content of the lease but

the following notes highlight some of the detail.

a. General. The lease and its content are, in the

main, the same for all allotment sites across the borough.

Previously there have been variations of the lease across

the numerous sites which made it very difficult to man-

age and in some cases difficult to enforce.

b. Rents. There is a significant increase in rents per

rod phased in over a three year period. In the first year

(1 Jan 18 -31 Dec 18) rents will increase to £4.50 per

rod, the second year (1 Jan 19 - 31 Dec 19) they will in-

crease to £5.75 per rod and in year three (1 Jan 20 - 31

Dec 20) increased to £7.50 per rod. Thereafter the

rents will be increased in line with the relevant Price

Index (PI) used to apply increases on other government


c. Maintenance. Why the increase and why so much?

As we are all aware, money from central government is

being cut back and local services are suffering as a re-

sult of this. The reduction in funds requires that availa-

ble funds have to be prioritised according to the needs

of the borough. Rightly so. This places the allotment

sites down the priority list. However, maintenance of

the sites has to carry on and has to be paid for. We, the

PAHAGA, will be responsible for a lot more of the

maintenance and upkeep of the sites and not be reliant

totally on funding from FBC. The increase in rents will

be used to fund any improvements, repairs or mainte-

nance on both sites. To be clear, whilst the Allotment

Fees you pay actually belongs to FBC, the money is man-

aged by the PAHAGA Committee in conjunction with FBC.

d. Utilities. We will also be completely responsible

for all of the utility bills (Water and electricity) for

both sites.

e. Contingency. As always, it is good housekeeping to

maintain a contingency fund in case of emergencies. The

PAHAGA Committee will be discussing the amount to be

retained for any unforeseen circumstance. Please be

assured that this money will not be allowed to grow to a

huge amount and will be there purely as a contingency.

Having said all of the above, if there was to be a catas-

trophe (eg. either shop burned down), we will still be able

to approach FBC for some help. We will also be able to

access FBC contractors to carry out any work or mainte-

nance. This will be cheaper and we (the Committee) will

not have to worry about drawing up contracts etc.

f. Duration. The new lease will last 15 years from the

date of signing but will be reviewed by FBC and all allot-

ment sites at a period to be agreed (possibly 2 yearly).

g. Tenancy Agreement. The new lease also requires a

new Tenancy Agreement which has now been finalised

and agreed with FBC. The new agreement completely

replaces previous agreements which became outdated.

For this reason every tenant (no exceptions) of Red

Barn and Roman Grove will be required to sign the new

Tenancy Agreement in January 2018 when paying rents/

fess for 2018. Major differences in the new Tenancy

Agreement are;

(1) Bonfires. No bonfires are to be lit on the site

from 1 June until 31 August (inclusive). This is to

conform to local byelaws where account is taken of

the nuisance caused by bonfires when local resi-

dents are enjoying their gardens, BBQs etc.

(2) Sheds & Greenhouses. The sizes of sheds and

greenhouses have been laid down for each of our

sites. At Red Barn, sheds 1.8 x 1.2 metres (6’x4’),

Greenhouse 2.4 x 1.8 metres (8’x6’); Roman Grove,

Sheds & Greenhouses 2.5 x 2 metres. Sheds &

greenhouses already in place will be exempted from

the rule, However, all new sheds and greenhouses

will be subjected to the rules.

(3) Rectification Notice. A Rectification Notice

can be served on tenants who consistently break

the rules or do not conform to the requirements of

the Tenancy Agreement and thus the lease. In sim-

ple terms, tenants will be given a 28 day period to

conform and to discuss any difficulties they may

have. If after the 28 day period the tenant still

fails to comply, they may be served a Notice to

Quit and will be given a further 28 days to hand

back the plot. Para 20 of the agreement provides

much more detail.

If you have any questions or observations on the new lease

please speak to your Site Manager or any of the committee.

You can also make a comment on the PAHAGA Website through the 'Contact Us' tab.

We are about to enter into a new era on both the Red Barn

and Roman Grove sites where you as members and we as the

committee can make a difference. The PAHAGA Committee,

particularly the managers have an excellent relationship

with FBC which I as Chairman and as a Trustee will continue

to nurture so that we, the PAHAGA get the most out of the

lease etc.

Page 3: PAHAGA NEWS - Newsletter Ja… · October 2017 and the associ-ated increases in plot rents. More details on page 2. Sec-ondly,

Chairman: Robert (Dixie) Dean MBE

Vice Chairman: Richard Stone

General Secretary: Steve Thomas

Treasurer: Julia Jennings

Trading Secretary: Anne Garley

Allotment Manager Red Barn: Trevor Robinson

Allotment Manager Roman Grove Dave Watson

Trading Hut Manager Roman Grove Julia Jennings

Trading Hut Manager Red Barn: Trevor Robinson


Robert (Dixie) Dean MBE, John Cass

Your Committee

Grapevines can be pruned once they are dormant;

major pruning at other times can lead to sever bleed-

ing, which will weaken the vine and may kill it. This

year’s side shoots should be hard pruned to one or

two buds. Carefully rubbing off the old, loose bark of

indoor vines can help deter overwintering pests.

Start winter pruning established, freestanding apple

and pear trees but not cordons, espaliers, pyramids

or fans, which should be left until Summer.

Page 3 January 2018

Trevor Robinson and Keith Lancaster along with an army of

helpers organised a Bonfire Night on Sunday 5 Nov 2017 in aid

of charity.. The event was attended by well over 150 people

and raised the princely sum of just over £171. Well done to

Trevor and Keith and thank you to all the supporters for their

donations.. A total of £248.59, including that from the collec-

tion tins in the shops, has been raised for the MacMillan Can-

cer Support ( The money has now been

passed to MacMillan.

Well Done

Young broad bean plants, winter lettuce and garlic can still

be planted out now. Beans and lettuce will probably need

cloche or fleece protection from frost cold weather and


Plant shallots and garlic in mild areas that have well-

drained soil. Garlic cloves can also be planted in mild areas

where the soil is less free draining

Now is a good time to get ahead and prepare new aspara-

gus beds for planting in the Spring. They will need plenty

of organic matter and grit wherever drainage is a problem.

December: Top Veg Jobs

December: Top Fruit Jobs


1Kg (2lb 4oz) leeks

50g (1 3/4oz) butter

1 onion, chopped

1 litre (1 3/4 pints) vegetable stock

Pinch of grated nutmeg

750g (1lb 10oz) old potatoes, diced

600ml (1 pint) milk

300ml (1/2 pint) single cream

150ml (1/4 pint) double cream

Salt and white pepper

2 tbsp snipped chives to garnish

Slice of the green tops of the leeks and set them aside for use in another recipe. Thinly slice the white parts of the leeks.

Melt the butter in a large, heavy-based saucepan. Add the leeks and onion and cook over a moderate heat for 5 minutes or until

softened but not coloured

Add the stock, nutmeg and potatoes and season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, partially cover

the pan and simmer for 25 minutes. Pour in the milk and simmer for 5-8 minutes. Leave to cool slightly.

Put the soup in a food processor or blender and blend, in batches if necessary, until smooth, then rub it through a sieve into a

bowl. Add the single cream, stir well and cover closely.

Chill the soup in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Just before serving, swirl in the double cream, then taste and adjust the

seasoning if necessary. Serve the soup in chilled bowls, garnishing each portion with a generous sprinkling of snipped chives

Recipe for Vichyssoise Serves 6: Takes 1 hour plus chilling

If you have an article or any

suggestions for the Newsletter please

forward to the editor Dixie Dean

E-mail: [email protected]

Or through the PAHAGA Website

Page 4: PAHAGA NEWS - Newsletter Ja… · October 2017 and the associ-ated increases in plot rents. More details on page 2. Sec-ondly,


375g (13oz) shortcrust pastry

375g(13oz) puff pastry

1egg, beaten


4tbsp olive oil

500g (1lb 2oz) button mushrooms, quartered

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tbsp chopped thyme

250g (9oz) carrots, chopped

250g (9oz) parsnips, chopped

150ml (1/4 pint) red wine

500ml (18fl oz) passata (pureed tomatoes)

Salt and pepper

To prepare the filling, heat half the oil in a flameproof casserole and fry the mushrooms with a little salt and pepper for 4-4

minutes until golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the remaining oil to the pan and fry the onion, garlic and thyme

for 5 minutes. Add the carrots and parsnips to the pan and fry for a further 5 minutes until softened and lightly golden

Pour the wine into the pan and boil rapidly for 3 minutes, then stir in the passata, mushrooms, salt and pepper. Bring to the boil,

cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove the lid and cook for a further 20 minutes or until the vegetable are tender and the sauce

is really thick. Set aside to cool completely.

Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/gas mark 7. Cut the shortcrust pastry into 6 equal pieces and roll them out on a lightly floured

surface. Use the pastry to line 6 individual pie dishes, each 12cm (5in) across. Divide the puff pastry into 6 and roll each piece out

thinly so that each piece is slightly larger than the dishes.

Fill the pies with the cooled vegetable stew. Brush around the rim of the pastry with beaten egg and top with the puff pastry,

pressing the edges together to seal. Trim off the excess pastry with a sharp knife and cut a small slit in the centre of each pie.

Brush the tops with beaten egg and bake for 25 minutes until golden. Serve hot.

Page 4 January 2018

Mini Carrot & Parsnip Pie Recipe Serves 6: Takes 2 hours

Start drawing up your plans for this year’s vegetable

cropping and order seeds and other planting material (or

better still buy from the allotment trading huts: Onion

sets and seed potatoes will be delivered late January/

early February)

Radishes, mustard, cress, winter lettuce and other salads

can be sown in growing bags in a glasshouse or on a win-


Make a trench where you are going to grow peas and

beans, leeks and celery and fill it with kitchen vegetable

waste, torn up newspaper, cardboard, compost and any-

thing similar. This will help hold moisture in the Summer

and so produce bumper crops.

January: Top Veg Jobs

January is a great month to plant just about any new fruit. Al-

ways check rootstocks and pollination groups before ordering

fruit trees. If the planting site isn’t ready when plant arrive,

heel in bare-root ones in the ground, covering the roots with

soil. Leave containerised ones in a sheltered position and water

the compost when needed to prevent drying out.

Currants and gooseberries can be pruned now. Start by thinning

out very old, very thin and diseased growth

For blackcurrants, cut back up to one third to a half of all the

older branches to their base to give plenty of room for young,

vigorous growth

Prune red and white currants and gooseberries by cutting back

main branches by half to three quarters and sideshoots on

these branches to one to three buds from their base.

January: Top Fruit Jobs


It has been noted that some Plot Holders are dumping weeds, debris

and other items on the site boundary on the bottom track at Roman

Grove. This is not acceptable and is to cease forthwith, This area is

about to be cleared by FBC and the tree line cut back to clear the

track. Anyone caught dumping anything in the verge or anywhere else

on the site will be served a notice to quit and lose their plot. Weeds

etc. are to be composted, burned or taken to the tip. Any items suit-

able for re-use by other Plot Holders (tools, water butts, etc.) may

be left at the tool shed with permission of the Site Manager.


We have had a series of complaints via FBC regarding the

barrier at the Red Barn site. Please if you are last out en-

sure you shut the barrier at the end of each day. The same

goes for gates at each site. The gates must be closed after

each entry and exit to /from the sites. Roman Grove has

experienced scrap merchants entering the site without per-

mission who have had to be asked to leave. If you see anyone

acting suspiciously on any of the sites inform the Site Manag-

er or in the absence of the manager, please confront them

and then politely ask them to leave and inform the manager
