Page 1: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation

& Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

David mejia arango medical student

Page 2: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

Medical utility

In its deeper level, human beings. their intelligence,

technology, religion, philosophy, health and

sickness are the expression of the DNA code that rest in our sells, the compression of the

human being and also the pathogens that attack him, in their most fundamental level

gibes great perspectives of curing all human diseases

and defects. To the date a lot have been archived, however

the complexity of gen expression and regulation

steel drain from human hands and with in all its mythical possibilities.


Bibliogrphy: [http//] cheeked on February 9th of 2013, 16: 30. “Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation” [http//] cheeked on February 9th of 2013, 16: 45. “Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis”

Molecular biology David Mejia Arango –

medical student 3rd semester

Universidad Pontificia bilivariana

Proffesor: Lina Marìa Martìnez Sanchèz February 11/2013

Page 3: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis


Genetic transcription is the process in which a RNA molecule is

synthesized from the genetic information contained in a single strand o DNA (directed from 3‘ to

5‘). The RNA sequence in complementary to the one in the DNA so it contains just the same information. From the multiple

kinds of RNA, the RNAm is the one which in the end will pass its

information to the new developed protein, however the other kids of

RNA are also vital to the transcription process and their deficiencies have the power to affect the result of the genetic


It have been recently described that the process of genetic

transcription in which the RNAm is created also gives as a result a long

non coding sequence of RNA (lncRNAs), studies show this new

RNA may have determining effects in the control of organogenesis in

the intrauterine period.

the lncRNAs its an active contra part to RNAm:

since long time scientist thought the transcribing mechanism for the DNA attached to a specific spot called promoters and moved in a single direction with the objective of codifying RNAm, recently is know that the lncRNAs is also created at the same time from the contrary DNA strand (5‘ to 3‘) but despite its importance in gen transcription and genesis of diseases the have been very little studied. Since the up and down regulation of genes is implicated in the pathogenesis of many deceases including cancer, the lncRNAs is very likely to be also implanted.

Opinión : I think the discovering of a whole new line of factors implicated in the expression of the genome is a gigantic step toward de understanding of the mechanism that traduce genotype in phenotype.

lncRNAs have can control the gestation of mayor


In a revolutionary experiment scientist deactivated a gen from a lncRNAs causing disruption in the development of the heart to deadly labels for animal embryos with the addition of damage to the ventral body wall making it apparent that lncRNAs are themselves capable o regulating the development o tissues and organogenesis. The science now hope to locate more lncRNAs genes implicated in organogenesis.

Opinion: I think this experiment is a clear show of the new world that is opining for genetic science because the studies of the epigenetic importance of lncRNAs.

Page 4: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis


Genetic transcription is the process in which a RNA molecule is

synthesized from the genetic information contained in a single strand o DNA (directed from 3‘ to

5‘). The RNA sequence in complementary to the one in the DNA so it contains just the same information. From the multiple

kinds of RNA, the RNAm is the one which in the end will pass its

information to the new developed protein, however the other kids of

RNA are also vital to the transcription process and their deficiencies have the power to affect the result of the genetic


It have been recently described that the process of genetic

transcription in which the RNAm is created also gives as a result a long

non coding sequence of RNA (lncRNAs), studies show this new

RNA may have determining effects in the control of organogenesis in

the intrauterine period.

Genetic transcription is the process in which the genetic code is encrypted in the form of RNAm with the ending development of its decoding to produce proteins.

In this process there is an extra factor the lncRNAs which role is just being studied.

An important significance of lncRNAs has been experimentally probed in studies with animal embryos during the gestation.

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since long time scientist thought the transcribing mechanism for the DNA attached to a specific spot called promoters and moved in a single direction with the objective of codifying RNAm, recently is know that the lncRNAs is also created at the same time from the contrary DNA strand (5‘ to 3‘) but despite its importance in gen transcription and genesis of diseases the have been very little studied. Since the up and down regulation of genes is implicated in the pathogenesis of many deceases including cancer, the lncRNAs is very likely to be also implanted.

Opinión : I think the discovering of a whole new line of factors implicated in the expression of the genome is a gigantic step toward de understanding of the mechanism that traduce genotype in phenotype.

the lncRNAs its an active contra part to RNAm: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light

On Gene Organization and Regulation

Alla A. Sigova, Alan C. Mullen, Benoit Molinie, Sumeet Gupta, David A. Orlando, Matthew G. Guenther, Albert E. Almada, Charles Lin, Phillip A. Sharp, Cosmas C. Giallourakis, and Richard A. Young. Divergent transcription of long noncoding RNA/mRNA gene pairs in embryonic stem cells. PNAS, 2013 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1221904110

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•Humans have 20.000 genes dedicated to transcribing proteins

•When a mRNAs gen is activated a lncRNAs have to be activated ass well

•Therefore all codes are transcribed in pairs. The transcription of about 65% of lncRNAs originates at active promoters associated with these mRNAs' genes.

•lncRNA and mRNA are transcribed in opposite directions

Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation

Page 7: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

Opinión: I think the discovering of a whole new line of factors implicated in the expression of the genome is a gigantic step

toward de understanding of the mechanism that traduce genotype in phenotype and approaches to developing

treatments for genetic deceases and cancer.

Page 8: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

lncRNAs have can control the gestation of mayor


In a revolutionary experiment scientist deactivated a gen from a lncRNAs causing disruption in the development of the heart to deadly labels for animal embryos with the addition of damage to the ventral body wall making it apparent that lncRNAs are themselves capable o regulating the development o tissues and organogenesis. The science now hope to locate more lncRNAs genes implicated in organogenesis.

Opinion: I think this experiment is a clear show of the new world that is opining for genetic science because the studies of the epigenetic importance of lncRNAs.

Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

Phillip Grote, Lars Wittler, David Hendrix, Frederic Koch, Sandra Währisch, Arica

Beisaw, Karol Macura, Gaby Bläss, Manolis Kellis, Martin Werber, Bernhard G.

Herrmann. The Tissue-Specific lncRNA Fendrr Is an Essential Regulator of Heart

and Body Wall Development in the Mouse. Developmental Cell, 2013; 24 (2): 206 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2012.12.012

Page 9: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

•RNA chains consisting of more than 300 nucleotides and having not protein transcription capacities are denominated long non codifying RNA.

•They are known to interact with isotones, modifying protein complexes and changing gene expression by influencing the level of their activity.

•They have the capacity of aggregate methyl groups to histones by what they can activate specific genes, this changes predicate during the cellular division giving as a result the proliferation of gene expression changes.

Page 10: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

•Investigation indicates lncRNAs may be indispensable for embryonic development; the discovery was made after the experimentation with the lncRNA gene Fendrr which repression caused deformation to the heart and ventral wall tissue in mouse embryos, causing the dead.

•The deformation appeared several days after de gene was deactivated, that delay is explained for its effect in the regulating role of lncRNA, after their control on the expression of important transcription factors was gone, the gene expression of all the descendant cells was chaotic.

Page 11: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

In its deeper level, human beings. their intelligence,

technology, religion, philosophy, health and

sickness are the expression of the DNA code that rest in our sells, the compression of the

human being and also the pathogens that attack him, in their most fundamental level

gibes great perspectives of curing all human diseases

and defects. To the date a lot have been archived, however

the complexity of gen expression and regulation

steel drain from human hands and with in all its mythical possibilities.

Medical utility

Medical utility: the discovery of lncRNA regulation on transcription

open a whole new understanding of the way genetics works, this

understanding will led to more developments genetic therapy.

Page 12: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

In its deeper level, human beings. their intelligence,

technology, religion, philosophy, health and

sickness are the expression of the DNA code that rest in our sells, the compression of the

human being and also the pathogens that attack him, in their most fundamental level

gibes great perspectives of curing all human diseases

and defects. To the date a lot have been archived, however

the complexity of gen expression and regulation

steel drain from human hands and with in all its mythical possibilities.

Medical utility

The developments in the compression of genetic expression will lead to

progress in the treatment and prevention of genetic based deceases.

Page 13: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

Bibliographie : [http//] cheeked on February 9th of 2013, 16: 30. “Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation” [http//] cheeked on February 9th of 2013, 16: 45. “Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis”

Page 14: Paired Genes in Stem Cells Shed New Light On Gene Organization and Regulation &   Epigenetic Control of Cardiogenesis

''How do you know so much about everything?'' was asked of a very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was ''By never being afraid or ashamed to ask questions as to anything of which I was ignorant.
