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Page 1: Pakistan Economy Eras

Era’s In Pakistan Economy

Iqra Akram

Page 2: Pakistan Economy Eras

Laying foundations (1947-58)

Newly independent nation, with little industry, few services and no manufacture.

Decade of management and planning economic policy and planning witnessed the

attempts of a bureaucracy to keep Pakistan on its feet

State sector as the private sector was still in embryo

Windfall gain made by the mercantile class during and after the Korean War (1952)

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The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

The 1960s stands out as the decade with best performance, it was Ayub Khan’s era

Growth rates in 1960s were very high in all sectors (Agriculture, GDP, Manufacturing, Commodity producing sector, service sector). Growth in excess of 20% per annum

Capitalist economy , and private sector play significant role

Controversial decade for the type of economic policy pursued

Income inequality 5 million people fell below the poverty line.

Exchange rate was overvalued

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Economic growth in Ayub Khan Era

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The bad luck years: 1971-77:

It was the era of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Economic policy were more illiberal , it was

the major cause for a huge downward trend in growth Deindustrialization Privatization Inflation Partition of EAST PAKISTAN

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The Second Military Government: 1977-88

Zia Ul Haq’s era, is often regarded as a period of great purge and growth of state-sponsored religious traditionalism

General Zia-ul-Haq's long eleven-year-rule era features the country's first Technocracy (experts in technology) and had no politicians from any parties in his government.

He then introduced strict Islamic law in 1978

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The Second Military Government: 1977-88

Trend of liberalize the economy was escalated consciously in the Zia’s period, the Soviet invasion of Afghan and the excessive involvement in PAK’S by the USA, that increase growth

Middle East and aid from abroad helped launch PAK’S second economic revolution( 1st was Green revolution)

General Zia’s martial rule inflicted deep-rooted damage of Pakistani society

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Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

Democracy returned again in 1988 after the general elections which were held after the death of General Zia-ul-Haq

Peoples Party back into the power politics. This period, lasting until 1999

Introduced the parliamentary system and two-party democracy

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Third Democratic Era(1988–1999)

Pakistan was ruled by elected civilian governments, alternately headed by Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif.

“Today, we have settled a score and have carried out six successful nuclear tests"

(Prime minister Nawaz Sharif announcing the tests on May 30, 1998)

Under Nawaz Sharif's leadership, Pakistan became the seventh nuclear power country, the first country in the Muslim world, as well as a declared nuclear-weapon state.

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Third Military Era (1999–2007)

12 October, 1999 General Pervez Musharraf took control of the country and impose Martial law

The Musharraf’s rule prove to be a growing period of economy , where every sector of economy was growing

Musharraf economic policies keep the economy to grow for a short time period

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Economic Indicator Of Failure: 2000-2003

Illiterate adults 57% Illiterate female adults 72% Population below poverty line 34% Without access of health services 45% Without access of safe water 12% Without access to sanitation 39% Malnourished children 38%

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Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

In 2008 parliamentary elections, Asif Ali Zardari of the Peoples Party was elected President of Pakistan.

After the elections, the Peoples Party - with its Yousaf Raza Gillani as the Prime minister 

Pakistan's external debts are $ 56 Billion as of June, 2010It was $ 38.86 Billion at end-March, 2007

Economic growth was 7% in 2006-07 and it is 4% in 2009-10

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Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

Following endless procrastination of Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani in probing corruption charges as ordered by the judiciary.

Raja Pervaiz Ashraf of People's Party took oath as the 17th Prime Minister of Pakistan on 22 June 2012

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Summary Of Growth In Different Ruler Era’s