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Pakistan Studies

Final PresentationSubmitted by: Amna Razzaq, Sheran Malik

and Rabeka Farrukh

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Issues In The Utilization Of Natural

Resources In Pakistan

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Pakistan A region blessed compassionately

by nature with a plentitude of

natural resources.

British Prime Minister Benjamin

Disraeli’s denoted United India as

‘the brightest jewel in Her Majesty’s Crown’.

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According to a Survey

• Pakistan has the second largest salt mine,

• Second largest coal reservoirs,

• Fifth largest gold mines,

• Seventh largest copper mines,

• Twelfth largest rice producer and

• Seventh country of the world with nuclear


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Some Important Natural Resources Of Pakistan

1. CoalFound in Thar, Chama Lang, Quetta and other sites.

Thar reserves - 850 Trillion Cubic Feet.

Enough coal is present in Thar area for Power Generation for next

100 years.

80% - Produced by government.

20% - Produced by private sector.

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2. Natural Gas

• Production is at a high level.

• Estimated reserves are 885.3 billion cubic

meters (as of January 2009)

• The Sui gas field is the biggest natural gas

field in the Pakistan.

• Major users of natural gas areas are

Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan,

Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

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3. Copper & Gold

• Pakistan has fifth largest copper and

gold reserves in the world.

• Other partially untapped resources of

rock salts, Gypsum, lime stone, iron,

marble, and silica sand in large


• The 'Reko Dik Copper-gold project' is

expected to produce 0.3 million tons of

copper annually through indigenous

physical and human capabilities.

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4. Wind and Solar Energy

• Unused lifelines of Pakistan.

• 1046 km long coastal line gives potential

of 40000 MW of electricity.

• Vast lands of Baluchistan can be utilized

for solar electricity generation.

• 50 to 100 MW of photovoltaics is

expected to be installed in 2013, and at

least 300 MW in 2014.

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Issues In The Utilization Of Natural Resources

Political instability:

Poor management of natural resources.

Military interference and rivalry among political stakeholders.

Understaffing of Regional Directorates:

Insufficient Employees.

Only one mine inspector is available.

Only one Assistant Director of License to look after the licenses

issues in the whole region.

Lack of interest of the foreign investors:

Lack of foreign investors

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Continued . . .

Lack of interest of the stakeholders in environmental issues:

Stakeholders are not interested.

Relevant departments do not take any action against violators.

Lack of technical know-how and proper data:

Data inconsistency

Lack of Expertise

Regional offices are not very reliable

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Solution & Conclusion

Pakistani leadership must focus on exploration of natural


National income and its growth.

Extensive geological survey is required to discover the resource


Planning and vision.

Effective strategy is essential to fully exploit the resources under


Need of technical education of people.

Pakistan is not poor but poor management of its natural

resources has made it so.

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