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Qu es una composicin en ingls? / What is an English composition?Is the right way to write a text in English as you want to give your information may include the following :Tenemos identificar las partes de una composicin:1.Introduccin (Opening sentence)You can start with a paragraph as an introduction in which you talk about your personal experience, introducing the item you are going to try.

2.Cuerpo (The body)Establish your own opinion clearly and shows facts, figures and examples to support your point of view.In a new paragraph, discusses the advantages as you see them. Do not forget to use connectors. To compare and contrast two things used: Both (of them), On the one hand, On the other hand, In spite of (the fact that), In comparison with, On the contraryIn another paragraph you can talk about the disadvantages or drawbacks.The following words and expressions can be useful for showing you your opinion: Personally, I think... Fortunately/unfortunately, Obviously, In my opinion, I believe , I agree/disagree (with/that), It seems to me, From my point of view, As far as I'm concerned, To be honest, I am in favour of, I am for, I am against, The way I see it.3.Conclusin (Concluding sentence)Finally, write a brief conclusion summarizing what you said. You can tell if you think there are more advantages than disadvantages. You can also offer a solution or warn of the consequences if the necessary measures are not taken to address the problem. To state the conclusion you can use:In conclusion, Finally, In summary, To sum up, In short, Therefore, Thus.For ideas are connected to clearly and logically should:

Repeat the key names throughout the newsroom.

Use pronouns to refer to the key names.

-Write sentences in logical order and using connectors such as:First, Second, Then, Later, Next, Since then, Finally.The connectors are very important to connect ideas: Moreover, Whereas, For instance, Furthermore, such as, Although, However, In contrast.

Identificar los tipos de composiciones 1-ReviewIt is a criticism or opinion on anything, object, service, destination, idea.

Qu estructura debe tener una review?a) 1er parrfo: IntroductionA paragraph with a few lines show where the product / products and your main ideas and opinions.b) 2ndo prrafo: Summary Develop your main arguments, and summarize the features.c) 3er Prrafo: CritiqueMake criticism if with your pros and cons, and adds contrasting examples to validate your opinions sources. One tip is to first add the points to the opposite view are going to give, that is, if you will give a negative opinion, first talk about the good points and then kill the bad guys. And vice versa.d) 4to Prrafo: Conclusion and ReferencesDevelops the conclusion on your opinion, gives a clear view. Add recommendations and a differential point that makes highlight their opinion...

2-LetterWriting which is addressed to another person, company or administration or ask where you tell something.There are 2 types of letter, formal and informal. What structure should have a formal letter?a)1er prrafo: In it we will include the presentation and purpose of the letter.b)2ndo prrafo: In it we develop the main content of our formal letter.c)3er prrafo: We will include the dismissal and what we expect the recipient of this letter.

What structure should have an informal letter?a) 1er prrafo: We will include the presentation and the reason for our letter (to hear from somebody, pick on a journey, apologizing about something...)b) 2ndo prrafo: We split up into two or three paragraphs mini-theme development we want to try.c) 3er prrafo: We say goodbye, we give thanks and ask response.

3-EssayPersonal opinion on a particular topic where you can give arguments for and against and finalizas with a conclusion.What structure should have a trial ?a) 1er prrafo: Introduce the topic and give you our opinion as to whether we agree or not.b) 2ndo prrafo: It gives a reason to support and strengthen your opinionc) 3er prrafo: Add another reason.d) 4rto prrafo: Resume your ideas and repeat your opinion with words.

4-StoryIs to tell a story with characters and where events occur with a final surprise, it can be tragic, funny...What structure should have a story?a) 1er prrafo: We present an introduction the story and its characters.b) 2ndo prrafo: We wrote the story itself, in various paragraphs where events develop. Things that happen, the relationship between the characters...c) 3er prrafo: In the last paragraph we present the outcome of the story, just as we have explained in the knot.

5-ArticleDocument that give to know something specific and give your opinion, always thinking of writing the reader, provided convince.What structure should have an item?a) Titleb) 1er prrafo: Introduction related to the title, you have to make the reader interested, you can use a question. For example, if the title is "China wall" might say, "Can you imagine traveling kilometers and kilometers of breathtaking views?"c) 2ndo prrafo: In a few paragraphs you can develop your article, give reasons why it is worth going to the wall, I also tried to interest the reader further, mainly by creating enthusiasm and curiosity to know more about it.d) 3er prrafo: Encourage the reader to learn even more and giving my personal opinion on the subject.

6-ReportIt is to detail the different aspects of a project or study on a specific topic. Depending on the case, you may have a problem and present solutions.What structure should have a report?a) Title b) 1er prrafo:An introduction which express the purpose of the report.c) 2ndo prrafo: Various sections which will detail clearly and logically the information form.d) 3er prrafo: A summary of everything explained is made and solutions and recommendations are presented according to the report.

Composicin descriptiva:A descriptive writing in English is that text that is focused on describing, detailing processes, things or events. In this type of writing adjectives that specify and point out each plug is used. For example, if you're going to describe a person is necessary to describe his personality and his physical (of course all depends on the approach or the requirements of writing) and you can do so using adjectives to specify colors, textures, shapes, emotions and personalities.An example of a descriptive writing in English:My sister Maria is the best!Maria is my youngest sister and she is so beautiful! She is tall and slim. Her hair is like mine. It is long, brown and very curly. She has blue, big eyes. Also, she is fair-skinned and freckly. She is really pretty.Her personality is very moody. One day she is very happy and the next day sad. However, she is very friendly. She has a lot of friends in her school. She loves to cook and to listen to music. She always listens to classical music. She would like to become a dancer one day. I love her!As you can see, in this text Also they connectors as however and were used to add more information. Also he described the color of her eyes and her hair in addition to its length and shape. Two different paragraphs, one for physical and one for the personality is structured. In addition, specific details were given to argue the main ideas of the text. IDENTIFICAR ADJETIVO CALIFICATIVOS In short words, the adjective is the word that accompanies the noun (names of things), in order to qualify or express features characteristic of a noun. English language adjectives are usually in front of nouns, for example:TheredbookEl libro rojo

I am agooddoctorYo soy un buen doctor

Adjectives - AppearanceAppearance adjectives allow expressing the shape, appearance or image they give us certain nouns, such as:El futbolista Messi no juega para un equipo desordenadoThe player soccer Messi is not playing for a messy teamAppearanceAparienciaExamples/ Ejemplos

















neat(nit)limpio, ordenado



poor(por)pobreThis article is dedicatedto mybeautifulwifeEste artculo est dedicado a mi linda esposaIn the theaterI sawanuglyspectacleEn el teatro vi un espectculo feo

Our childrenneed aclean environmentNuestros hijos necesitan un ambiente limpioI'm tired of clean thosedirtyfloorsEstoy cansado de limpiar estos pisos sucios

Take each dose withafullglass of waterTome cada dosis con un vaso lleno de agua

Myempty roomis not attractive togirlsMi dormitorio vaco no es atractivo para chicas

There isnosimpleblueprint for what will workNo hay una formula simple para el xitoThe teachergave usa complextaskLa maestra nos dio una tarea complejaI don't wantto study adifficultprofessionYo no quiero estudiar una difcil profesinAlmost everyone wantseasymoneyCasi todo el mundo quiere tener dinero fcilChileis asafecountryto investChile es un pas seguro para invertirIntheAndesthere aredangerousvolcanoesEn los Andes hay volcanes peligrososAstrongstorm threatensthe CaribbeanUna fuerte tormenta amenaza el CaribeAweakteambeat RealMadridUn dbil equipo derrot al Real MadridThosetwobuildingshave thesamestructureAquellos dos edificios tienen la misma estructuraThere aredifferentways tobe a millionaireHay diferentes formas de ser millonarioThis house has aneatdesignEsta casa tiene un diseo ordenadoThe contractwas atmy messy deskEl contrato estaba en mi escritorio desordenadoColombiaisarichcountry intourismColombia es un pas rico en turismoA poor childis motivated tobe richUn nio pobre est motivado a ser rico

Adjectives - Negative PersonalityNegative adjectives of personality help us express the negative perception of the identity or character of some nouns, such as:No esfcil de venderalimentos a las personasimpacientesIt is not easy to sell food to impatient peopl

NegativePersonalityPersonalidad NegativaExamples/ Ejemplos


















careless(krles)negligenteDishonestcompaniesoperating in our countryEmpresas deshonestas actan en nuestro pasApessimisticgroupprotestat City HallUn grupo pesimista protesta en la AlcaldaIndifference is a sign of amiserlyheartLa indeferencia es una seal de un corazn avaroThe coward people becomes braveLa gente cobarde se vuelve valienteThis companyhasselfishinterestsEsta empresa tiene intereses egostasTheimpatientwarrior had never lost a fightEl guerrero impaciente nunca haba perdidoCollege is notforlazypeopleLa Universidad no es para personas haraganesThisgreedygirltriesto love meEsa chica codiciosa trata de enamorarmeResentful people protest over new lawsPersonas resentidas protestan por las leyesAnenviousmankilled John LennonUn hombre envidioso mat a John LennonHe is indeedajealousloveEl es en realidad un amante celosoHispossessivebehavior choking meSu comportamiento posesivo me asfixiaShe loves aconceitedmanElla ama a un hombre engredoAnarrogantHollywood starvisits mycityUna arrogante estrella de cine visita mi ciudadSometimes I can't stand to myfussycatA veces no soporto a mi gato quisquillosoManygulliblepeople trusts the promisesMucha gente ingenua confia en las promesasMystubbornmule refuses to workMi terca mula ya no quiere trabajarI'm sick ofnegligentemployeesEstoy harto de los empleados negligentes
