Page 1: PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMANS REPORT J - Stoke … tree surgeons with their advice. Sometimes this has been unpopular with


The parish council has nnet approxinnately every five weeks throughout the year with good attendance by all members. Attendance by members of the public to the meetings has been limited depending on the controversy of subjects to be discussed.

As usual highway matters have been high on our agenda although with limited success this year.

With regard to speeding we are in the process of obtaining a VAS machine that will tell drivers their speed as they drive through the village. We are still needing volunteers to assist with the working of this.

Street lighting at Chapel street is still awaiting an extra light to make people aware of the danger of parked cars in this area in darkness.

Pot holes are a problem all over the country this year with the cold winter. The road to Kedington from Blacksmith Hill is now virtually impassable with a normal car but signs are up warning of road closures for repairs, as yet no work has started. The main roads through the village are better but standing water due to blocked culverts are always being reported but no progress on these as yet.

The footpath in front of Layer Cottage is being reviewed by Highways as passage for pedestrians is being forbidden by a resident despite it having been used for the last 300 years. Children from the school and local residents are being put in danger as they have to cross on a dangerous corner to get to the local shop.

The proposed telephone mast at Blacksmith Hill has yet to progress despite having obtained permission.

The parish council has been offered a bus shelter to be paid for by a past resident and is now looking at design for this at a site near the telephone box .

Maintenance of areas around the village have been carried out by volunteers for which the parish council is very grateful. Major tree work cutting unsafe or dangerous bows has been carried out by professional tree surgeons with their advice. Sometimes this has been unpopular with some members of the parish but the Parish Council has an obligation to keep the general area safe.

The control of moles in the bowls and tennis club area caused some controversy but the parish council felt this was a problem for the village hall committee and the two clubs to solve as they are on council land.

Dog fouling in public areas has been a problem and many complaints have been received. The council has obtained a new dog bin and signs warning owners of their obligation to clear up any mess and put it in the bin. A number of dog bags can be seen all over the village hanging in the hedges, this is also unacceptable.

Recently sheep have been chased by dogs and it is important to remember dogs should be kept under close control on footpaths and not allowed to stray into crops or worry animals.

Page 2: PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMANS REPORT J - Stoke … tree surgeons with their advice. Sometimes this has been unpopular with

Village records were found advertised on ebay for sale in Norfolk and the council took steps to reclaim them as they were legally our property. These are now in our hands and being sorted for historical purposes.

The council has had many planning issues to consider during the year and small developments have come before us and request for tree removals in conservation areas. In all cases consideration has to be given to how this will affect the character of the village and the need for additional housing in appropriate areas.

A new lease for the playing field has had to be drawn up this year. This has been a major expense to the council as professional fees come to over £6000.00 but this Is a necessary asset for the village.

During the year District Councillor Jeremy Farthing stood down and Mary Evans our County Councillor took over the post. We are very fortunate to have her in both posts as she has conscientiously carried her duties and helped us in many ways. Our thanks to her for this.

Thanks also to Chris Turner our clerk for all his work.